page_title = t("Watermarks"); $view->content = new View("admin_watermarks.html"); if ($name) { $view->content->name = module::get_var("watermark", "name"); $view->content->url = url::file("var/modules/watermark/$name"); $view->content->width = module::get_var("watermark", "width"); $view->content->height = module::get_var("watermark", "height"); $view->content->position = module::get_var("watermark", "position"); } print $view; } public function form_edit() { print watermark::get_edit_form(); } public function edit() { access::verify_csrf(); $form = watermark::get_edit_form(); if ($form->validate()) { module::set_var("watermark", "position", $form->edit_watermark->position->value); module::set_var("watermark", "transparency", $form->edit_watermark->transparency->value); $this->_update_graphics_rules(); log::success("watermark", t("Watermark changed")); message::success(t("Watermark changed")); json::reply( array("result" => "success", "location" => url::site("admin/watermarks"))); } else { json::reply(array("result" => "error", "html" => (string)$form)); } } public function form_delete() { print watermark::get_delete_form(); } public function delete() { access::verify_csrf(); $form = watermark::get_delete_form(); if ($form->validate()) { if ($name = module::get_var("watermark", "name")) { @unlink(VARPATH . "modules/watermark/$name"); module::clear_var("watermark", "name"); module::clear_var("watermark", "width"); module::clear_var("watermark", "height"); module::clear_var("watermark", "mime_type"); module::clear_var("watermark", "position"); $this->_update_graphics_rules(); log::success("watermark", t("Watermark deleted")); message::success(t("Watermark deleted")); } json::reply(array("result" => "success", "location" => url::site("admin/watermarks"))); } else { json::reply(array("result" => "error", "html" => (string)$form)); } } public function form_add() { print watermark::get_add_form(); } public function add() { access::verify_csrf(); $form = watermark::get_add_form(); if ($form->validate()) { $file = $_POST["file"]; $pathinfo = pathinfo($file); // Forge prefixes files with "uploadfile-xxxxxxx" for uniqueness $name = preg_replace("/uploadfile-[^-]+-(.*)/", '$1', $pathinfo["basename"]); if (!($image_info = getimagesize($file)) || !in_array($image_info[2], array(IMAGETYPE_GIF, IMAGETYPE_JPEG, IMAGETYPE_PNG))) { message::error(t("Unable to identify this image file")); @unlink($file); return; } rename($file, VARPATH . "modules/watermark/$name"); module::set_var("watermark", "name", $name); module::set_var("watermark", "width", $image_info[0]); module::set_var("watermark", "height", $image_info[1]); module::set_var("watermark", "mime_type", $image_info["mime"]); module::set_var("watermark", "position", $form->add_watermark->position->value); module::set_var("watermark", "transparency", $form->add_watermark->transparency->value); $this->_update_graphics_rules(); @unlink($file); message::success(t("Watermark saved")); log::success("watermark", t("Watermark saved")); json::reply(array("result" => "success", "location" => url::site("admin/watermarks"))); } else { // rawurlencode the results because the JS code that uploads the file buffers it in an // iframe which entitizes the HTML and makes it difficult for the JS to process. If we url // encode it now, it passes through cleanly. See ticket #797. json::reply(array("result" => "error", "html" => rawurlencode((string)$form))); } // Override the application/json mime type. The dialog based HTML uploader uses an iframe to // buffer the reply, and on some browsers (Firefox 3.6) it does not know what to do with the // JSON that it gets back so it puts up a dialog asking the user what to do with it. So force // the encoding type back to HTML for the iframe. // See: header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=" . Kohana::CHARSET); } private function _update_graphics_rules() { graphics::remove_rules("watermark"); if ($name = module::get_var("watermark", "name")) { foreach (array("thumb", "resize") as $target) { graphics::add_rule( "watermark", $target, "gallery_graphics::composite", array("file" => VARPATH . "modules/watermark/$name", "width" => module::get_var("watermark", "width"), "height" => module::get_var("watermark", "height"), "position" => module::get_var("watermark", "position"), "transparency" => 101 - module::get_var("watermark", "transparency")), 1000); } } } }