Plantae>Coniferophyta>Pinopsida>Pinales>Pinaceae>Pinus elliottii Engelmann var. elliottii
This large pine, native from southern South Carolina to Florida to Louisiana, is commonly planted in North Carolina and sometimes escapes from cultivation. It is similar to the native Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda), but generally only has 2-3 needles per bundle (versus 3-4 for Loblolly) and the cones have slender prickles. The needles are long, intermediate between those of Loblolly and Longleaf. All photos: Bodie Island Lighthouse, Dare Co., NC 11/11/06. | |
This seedling is an escapee. | |
The glossy chestnut-brown cones are not as prickly as those of Loblolly Pine. | |
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Bark detail. |
More information:
Smithsonian Marine Station
US Forest Service Silvics Manual
Virginia Tech Dendrology
Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines of North Carolina
cwcook@duke.eduAll photographs and text ©2011 by Will Cook unless otherwise indicated