David A Siegel
Departments of Political Science and Public Policy, Duke University
140 Science Drive, 293 Gross Hall
Durham, NC  27708


I study the theoretical determinants of collective action in contexts as diverse as political violence and terrorism, elections, and opinion and identity formation. My research has been published in journals such as the American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science, and Journal of Politics, as well as in a pair of books from Princeton University Press. Prior to coming to Duke, I was on faculty at Florida State University. Before that I got my Ph.D. from Stanford University's Graduate School of Business, and before that I studied physics.

You can find links to all my academic publications here and my CV here; I'm also on Google Scholar and ResearchGate. I sometimes blog about ideas drawn from my own and others' research for theHill.com and Political Violence @ a Glance; I also sometimes tweet (@DaveASiegel) and try generally to engage with the media. If you're interested in my blog posts or media appearances, you can find links here. If you are in the media and interested in talking about any of the topics I research, my contact information is at the top of the page (e-mail is best).

I typically teach classes on terrorism, institutions, game theory, and research methods. I also actively advise students. I've co-written a book on mathematics for social scientists and produced a full set of (free) video lectures, problem sessions, and problem sets to go along with the book. You can find links to the book and all video course material here. I co-organize a yearly Behavioral Models of Politics Conference intended to encourage communication among those exploring models of politics that bring in insights from the vast literature on individual behavior. You can check out past programs at their websites here, here, here, and here).


A Behavioral Theory of Elections