goranson "at" duke "dot" edu
Qumran-Related History: Jannaeus, Absalom, and Judah the Essene
My paper on the history of Alexander Jannaeus as the Qumran- and Essene-view "Wicked Priest" and Judah the Essene as the "Teacher of Righteousness" ( 3 August 2005 [revised 12 January 2006]; 34 pages), "Jannaeus, His Brother Absalom, and Judah the Essene"
"7 vs. 8: The Battle Over the Holy Day at Dura-Europos"
"Others and Intra-Jewish Polemic as Reflected in Qumran Texts"
Qumran archaeology review BASOR 347 (2007)
"Celsus of Pergamum: Locating a Critic of Early Christianity," Ch. 30 in The Archaeology of Difference: Gender, Ethnicity, Class and the "Other" in Antiquity: Studies in Honor of Eric M. Meyers (AASOR 60/61, 2007) p>
The Joseph of Tiberias Episode in Epiphanius: Studies in Jewish and Chistian Relations (1990)
"Joseph of Tiberias Revisited: Orthodoxies and Heresies in fourth-Century Galilee" (1999)
"The Exclusion of Ephraim in Rev. 7: 4-8 and Essene Polemic Against Pharisees"
"The Text of Revelation 22:14" NTS 43 (1997)
"Further Reflections on the Copper Scroll" (2002)
Comments on Companion to DSS.pdf
"Comments on Companion to the Dead Sea Scrolls"