I am an ABR Board-certified Diagnostic Imaging Medical Physicist with the Clinical Imaging Physics Group (CIPG) with the Duke University Health System. In May 2013, I transitioned from a resident to a staff radiation physicist. Within the Group my clinical responsibilities include MRI, radiography units at Duke Primary Care Clinics, and our radiation dose monitoring program. Prior to this staff position with CIPG, I began a three-year residency with CIPG in April, 2011, which included rotations through nine clinical and technical modules: radiography, mammography, fluoroscopy, computed tomography, radiation safety, information technologies, nuclear medicine, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging, as well as a research component. During each module, competencies are demonstrated through written portfolios, oral examinations in each area, and through formal review by the module's mentor. The Residency Program recently received accreditation by CAMPEP.
Last updated: May 26, 2016