3C-023 - Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame
West Front
3C-024 - Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame
West front, Royal Portals
3C-025 - Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame
West front, Central Portal, Right Side 4 figures
3C-026 - Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame
West front, Central Portal, Left Side 3 figures
3C-027 - Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame
West front, Central Portal, Right Side
Detail Rt. pair of figures, heads & upper torsos
3C-028 - Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame
West Front, Royal Portals: Left portal, Left side
Old Testament figures, detail drapery L. fig.
3C-029 - Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame
West Front, Royal Portals: Left portal, tympanum,
The Ascension of Christ
3C-030 - Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame
West Front, Royal Portals: Left portal, lintel,
Angels and Apostles
3C-031 - Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame
West Front, Royal Portals: Left portal, archivolts
left, Labours of the Months, Signs of Zodiac
3C-032 - Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame
West Front, Central Portal, Tympanum
Second Coming of Christ
3C-033 - Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame
West Front, Central Portal, archivlots left; detail
3C-034 - Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame
West facade, Right Portal, Tympanum
3C-035 - Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame
West facade, Right Portal, Lintel
The Navitity
3C-036 - Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame
West facade, Right Portal, archivolts left
inner order - angels; outer order - 7 liberal arts
3C-037 - Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame
West facade, Right Portal, archivolts right
3C-038 - Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame
West facade, Right Portal, archivolts right, det.
The Liberal Arts
3C-039 - Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame
West facade, Royal Portal, R door, L side: Aristotle