Leadership Development Notes


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Table of Contents

Leadership Development Notes

Table of Contents

1. PPS 146 Class Mission Statement

2. Leadership Questions

3. Summary: Leadership

3. Summary: Leadership (continued)

4. Summary: Personal Effectiveness

4. Summary: Personal Effectiveness (continued)

5. Summary: Interpersonal Effectiveness

6. Summary: Organizational Effectiveness

7. Leadership: A Sneak Preview

8. Ethics, Trust, Cooperation, and Leadership

8. Ethics, Trust, Cooperation, and Leadership (continued)

9. Leaders, Missions, and Values

10. Values: O’Toole’s Executive Compass

11. Philosophy and Beliefs

12. Personal Styles and Meyers-Briggs (MBTI)

12. MBTI (continued)

13. Personal Attributes

14. Judgement and Decision Making

15. Covey’s Seven Habits

16. Herb Allen and Bernie Marcus

16. Herb Allen and Bernie Marcus (continued)

17. Motivation

17. Motivation (continued)

18. Power and Empowerment

19. Influence Tactics

19. Influence Tactics (continued)

20. Groups and Teams

20. Groups and Teams (continued)

21. Communications

21. Communications (continued)

22. Negotiation and Managing Your Boss

22. Negotiation (continued)

23. Conflict Resolution

24. Diversity, Perception, and Attitudes

25. Organizational Mission, Values, and Culture

25. Organizational Culture and Climate (continued)

26. Organization Design and Structure

27. Organizational Development

28. Strategic Management

29. Change Management, Reengineering, and TQM

30. Leadership Definition

31. Leadership Research

31. Leadership Research (continued)

32. Leadership Schools, Theories, and Models

33. Leaders: Great Man and Trait Schools

34. Leaders: Behavioral (or Humanistic) School

35. Leadership: Situational and Contingency School

36. Charismatic Leadership

36. Charismatic Leadership (continued)

37. Transformational Leadership

37. Transformational Leadership (continued)

38. The Normative Decision Model (Vroom & Yetton)

38. The Normative Decision Model (continued)

39. Situational Leadership Theory (Hersey & Blanchard)

39. Situational Leadership Theory (continued)

40. LPC Contingency Theory (Fiedler, 1967, 1978)

40. LPC Contingency Theory (continued)

40. LPC Contingency Theory (continued)

41. Path-Goal Theory (House and Dessler)

42. Leader Substitutes & Cognitive Resources Theories

43. Vertical Dyad Linkage (LMX) Theory

44. Multiple Linkage Models

45. DePree’s Leadership Is an Art

46. Citizenship

46. Citizenship (continued)

47. Life-Long Learning and Development

48. Career Management

48. Career Management (continued)

Author: Tony Brown