Trading Unit: Job Lots - 20 tons (One) Board Lots - 100 tons (Five)
Delivery Grades: #1 Canadat at par or #2 Canada at $13/ton discount.
Tick Size: Price fluctuation units are $.10/ton. Job Lots $2/tick, Board Lots $10/tick
Daily Price Limit: $10/ton
Contract Months: March, May, July, October and December
Trading Hours: 9:30 a.m. - 1: 15 p.m. Central time
Ticker Symbol: RS
Delivery Point: Vancouver
Alternate Delivery Pt.: Edmonton, Calgary, Lethbridge, Saskatoon, Moose Jaw, and Winnipeg permitted unti 8th business day before the end of the contract month.
Expanded Limits: If two of the three nearest contract months close limit up or down, the daily limit for that commodity shall expand to 150% of normal for the next three succesive business days. If two of the three nearest contract months close limit up or down on the third day of that period , the limit shall remain at 150% of normal for another three day period. The daily limit will return to normal if no limit move occurs in two of the three nearest contract on the third day of any such three day period.