Ticker Symbol: LCI
Trading Unit: 40,000 lbs. of choice grade live cattle
Price Quote: $ per hundred pounds
Min Price Fluct: .025 $10.00/tick
Daily Price Limit: $1.50 per hundred pounds $600.00/contract
Contract Months: Feb, April, Jun, August, October, December.
Trading Hours: 9:05 am to 1:00 pm (Chicago Time):
Last day: 9:05 a.m - 12:00 pm
Last Day of Trading: The business day immediately preceding the last five business days of the contract month, unless there are three or fewer delivery contracts remaining, in which case trading will terminate on the business day preceding the final four delivery days of the contract month.
Delivery System: Certificate of Delivery
Delivery Days': Any business day of the contract month, except that delivery may not be made on the day a holiday, nor prior to the fourth business day following the expiration of live cattle options of the contract month.