Three Month Eurodeutschmark
(Euromark) Interest Rate Future
Unit of Trading: DM 1,000,000
Delivery Months: March, June, September, December
Delivery Day: First business day after the Last Trading Day
Last Trading Day: 11.00 London time Two business days prior to third Wednesday of delivery month
Quotation: 100.00 minus rate of interest
Min. Price Fluct.: 0.01
Tick size & value: DM 25
Trading Hours: 08.00 - 16.10 London time
APT* Trading: 16.29 - 17.59 London time
(APT is Automated Pit Trading - LIFFE's electronic trading system.)
Contract Standard: Cash settlement based on the Exchange Delivery Settlement Price.
Settlement Price: Based on the British Banker's Association Interest Settlement Rate (BBAISR) for three month Eurodeutschmark deposits at 1 1.00 on the Last Trading Day. The settlement price will be 100 00 minus the BBAISR (rounded accordingly).