Ticker Symbol: PB
Trading Unit': 40,000 lbs. USDA-inspected 12-14, 14-16 pound or 16-18 pound (at a 21/2c discount) Pork Bellies
Price Quote: $ per hundred pounds (or cents/pound)
Min Price Fluct: $.025 $10.00/tick
Daily Price Limit: $2.00 $800.00/contract
Contract Months: Feb, Mar, May, Jul, Aug
Trading Hours: 9:10 am-1:00 pm (Chicago Time)
Last day: 9:10 am-12:00 pm
Last Day of Trading: The business day immediately preceding the last 5 business days of the contract month.
Delivery Days: Any business day of the contract month.
Delivery Points: The CME Clearing House or a current list of approved warehouses.