
Configuration options are stored in a file named etmtk.cfg which, by default, belongs to the folder .etm in your home directory. When this file is edited in etm (Shift Ctrl-P), your changes become effective as soon as they are saved — you do not need to restart etm. These options are listed below with illustrative entries and brief descriptions.

Template expansions

The following template expansions can be used in alert_displaycmd, alert_template, alert_voicecmd, email_template, sms_message and sms_subject below.

  • !summary!

the item’s summary (this will be used as the subject of email and message alerts)

  • !start_date!

the starting date of the event

  • !start_time!

the starting time of the event

  • !time_span!

the time span of the event (see below)

  • !alert_time!

the time the alert is triggered

  • !time_left!

the time remaining until the event starts

  • !when!

the time remaining until the event starts as a sentence (see below)

  • !next!

how long before the starting time the next alert will be triggered

  • !next_alert!

how long before the starting time the next alert will be triggered as a sentence (see below)

  • !d!

the item’s @d (description)

  • !l!

the item’s @l (location)

The value of !next! for some illustrative cases:

  • The current alert is the last

    !next!: None

    !next_alert!: ‘This is the last alert.’

  • The next alert is at the start time

    !next!: ‘at the start time’

    !next_alert!: ‘The next alert is at the start time.’

  • The next alert is 5 minutes before the start time:

    !next!: ‘5 minutes before the start time’

    !next_alert!: ‘The next alert is 5 minutes before the start time.’

The value of !time_span! depends on the starting and ending datetimes. Here are some examples:

  • if the start and end datetimes are the same (zero extent): 10am Wed, Aug 4

  • else if the times are different but the dates are the same: 10am - 2pm Wed, Aug 4

  • else if the dates are different: 10am Wed, Aug 4 - 9am Thu, Aug 5

  • additionally, the year is appended if a date falls outside the current year:

    10am - 2pm Thu, Jan 3 2013
    10am Mon, Dec 31 - 2pm Thu, Jan 3 2013

Here are values of !time_left! and !when! for some illustrative periods:

  • 2d3h15m

    time_left : '2 days 3 hours 15 minutes'
    when      : '2 days 3 hours 15 minutes from now'
  • 20m

    time_left : '20 minutes'
    when      : '20 minutes from now'
  • 0m

    time_left : ''
    when      : 'now'

Note that ‘now’, ‘from now’, ‘days’, ‘day’, ‘hours’ and so forth are determined by the translation file in use.



action_interval: 1

Every action_interval minutes, execute action_timercmd when the timer is running and action_pausecmd when the timer is paused. Choose zero to disable executing these commands.


action_keys: "k"

When klone is used to create an action timer, copy the values of the @-keys in this string from the item to the timer. With the default, “k”, klone will copy the item’s @k entry, if there is one, in addition to the summary when creating the action. Replacing “k”, with “c” would cause klone to copy the item’s @c entry in addition to the summary. With “ck”, both the @c and @k entries would be copied. Any key that is valid for an action can be used.

E.g., when

- my task @c my context @k my keyword @t my tag

is selected, then the default would create a timer with the name my task @k my keyword.


    default: 1.0
    mu1: 1.5
    mu2: 2.0

Possible markup rates to use for @x expenses in actions. An arbitrary number of rates can be entered using whatever labels you like. These labels can then be used in actions in the @w field so that, e.g.,

... @x 25.80 @w mu1 ...

in an action would give this expansion in an action template:

!expense! = 25.80
!charge! = 38.70


action_minutes: 6

Round action times up to the nearest action_minutes in action custom view. Possible choices are 1, 6, 12, 15, 30 and 60. With 1, no rounding is done and times are reported as integer minutes. Otherwise, the prescribed rounding is done and times are reported as floating point hours.


    default: 30.0
    br1: 45.0
    br2: 60.0

Possible billing rates to use for @e times in actions. An arbitrary number of rates can be entered using whatever labels you like. These labels can then be used in the @v field in actions so that, e.g., with action_minutes: 6 then:

... @e 75m @v br1 ...

in an action would give these expansions in an action template:

!hours! = 1.3
!value! = 58.50

If the label default is used, the corresponding rate will be used when @v is not specified in an action.

Note that etm accumulates group totals from the time and value of individual actions. Thus

... @e 75m @v br1 ...
... @e 60m @v br2 ...

would aggregate to

!hours!  = 2.3     (= 1.3 + 1)
!value! = 118.50   (= 1.3 * 45.0 + 1 * 60.0)


action_template: '!hours!h) !label! (!count!)'

Used for action type custom view. With the above settings for action_minutes and action_template, a custom view might appear as follows:

27.5h) Client 1 (3)
    4.9h) Project A (1)
    15h) Project B (1)
    7.6h) Project C (1)
24.2h) Client 2 (3)
    3.1h) Project D (1)
    21.1h) Project E (2)
        5.1h) Category a (1)
        16h) Category b (1)
4.2h) Client 3 (1)
8.7h) Client 4 (2)
    2.1h) Project F (1)
    6.6h) Project G (1)

Available template expansions for action_template include:

  • !label!: the item or group label.
  • !count!: the number of children represented in the reported item or group.
  • !minutes!: the total time from @e entries in minutes rounded up using the setting for action_minutes.
  • !hours!: if action_minutes = 1, the time in hours and minutes. Otherwise, the time in floating point hours.
  • !value!: the billing value of the rounded total time. Requires an action entry such as @v br1 and a setting for action_rates.
  • !expense!: the total expense from @x entries.
  • !charge!: the billing value of the total expense. Requires an action entry such as @w mu1 and a setting for action_markups.
  • !total!: the sum of !value! and !charge!.

Note: when aggregating amounts in action type custom view, billing and markup rates are applied first to times and expenses for individual actions and the resulting amounts are then aggregated. Similarly, when times are rounded up, the rounding is done for individual actions and the results are then aggregated.


    paused: 'play ~/.etm/sounds/timer_paused.wav'
    running: 'play ~/.etm/sounds/timer_running.wav'

The command running is executed every action_interval minutes whenever the action timer is running and paused every minute when the action timer is paused.


agenda_days: 2
agenda_colors: 2
agenda_indent: 2
agenda_omit: [ac, fn, ns]
agenda_width1: 43
agenda_width2: 17

Sets the number of days to display in agenda view and other parameters affecting the display in the CLI. The colors setting only affects output to current_html. Items in agenda_omit will not be displayed in the agenda day list. Possible choices include:

  • ac: actions
  • by: begin by warnings
  • fn: finished tasks
  • ns: notes (dated)
  • oc: occasions


alert_default: [m]

The alert or list of alerts to be used when an alert is specified for an item but the type is not given. Possible values for the list include:

  • d: display (requires alert_displaycmd)
  • m: message (using alert_template)
  • s: sound (requires alert_soundcmd)
  • v: voice (requires alert_voicecmd)


alert_displaycmd: growlnotify -t !summary! -m '!time_span!'

The command to be executed when d is included in an alert. Possible template expansions are discussed at the beginning of this tab.


alert_soundcmd: 'play ~/.etm/sounds/etm_alert.wav'

The command to execute when s is included in an alert. Possible template expansions are discussed at the beginning of this tab.


alert_template: '!time_span!\n!l!\n\n!d!'

The template to use for the body of m (message) alerts. See the discussion of template expansions at the beginning of this tab for other possible expansion items.


alert_voicecmd: say -v 'Alex' '!summary! begins !when!.'

The command to be executed when v is included in an alert. Possible expansions are are discussed at the beginning of this tab.


alert_wakecmd: ~/bin/SleepDisplay -w

If given, this command will be issued to “wake up the display” before executing alert_displaycmd.


ampm: true

Use ampm times if true and twenty-four hour times if false. E.g., 2:30pm (true) or 14:30 (false).


completions_width: 36

The width in characters of the auto completions popup window.


- [dag, true, personal/dag]
- [erp, false, personal/erp]
- [shared, true, shared]

These are (label, default, path relative to datadir) tuples to be interpreted as separate calendars. Those for which default is true will be displayed as default calendars. E.g., with the datadir below, dag would be a default calendar and would correspond to the absolute path /Users/dag/.etm/data/personal/dag. With this setting, the calendar selection dialog would appear as follows:

When non-default calendars are selected, busy times in the “week view” will appear in one color for events from default calendars and in another color for events from non-default calendars.

Only data files that belong to one of the calendar directories or their subdirectories will be accessible within etm.


    - completions: []
    - reports:     []
    - users:       []

Each of the three list brackets can contain one or more comma separated absolute file paths. Additionally, paths corresponding to active calendars in the datadir directory are searched for files named completions.cfg, reports.cfg and users.cfg and these are processed in addition to the ones from cfg_files.

Note. Windows users should place each absolute path in quotes and escape backslashes, i.e., use \\ anywhere \ appears in a path.

  • Completions

    Each line in a completions file provides a possible completion when using the editor. E.g. with these completions

    @c computer
    @c home
    @c errands
    @c office
    @c phone
    @z US/Eastern
    @z US/Central
    @z US/Mountain
    @z US/Pacific

    entering, for example, “@c” in the editor and pressing Ctrl-Space, would popup a list of possible completions. Choosing the one you want and pressing Return would insert it and close the popup.

    Up and down arrow keys change the selection and either Tab or Return inserts the selection.

  • Reports

    Each line in a reports file provides a possible reports specification. These are available when using the CLI m command and in the GUI custom view. See Custom view for details.

  • Users

    User files contain user (contact) information in a free form, text database. Each entry begins with a unique key for the person and is followed by detail lines each of which begins with a minus sign and contains some detail about the person that you want to record. Any detail line containing a colon should be quoted, e.g.,

    - Brown, Joe
    - 'home: 123 456-7890'
    - 'birthday: 1978-12-14'
    - Charles, Debbie
    - 'cell: 456 789-0123'
    - 'spouse: Rebecca'

    Keys from this file are added to auto-completions so that if you type, say, @u jb and press Ctrl-Space, then @u jbrown would be offered for completion.

    If an item with the entry @u jbrown is selected in the GUI, you can press “u” to see a popup with the details:

    Brown, Joe
    home: 123 456-7890
    birthday: 1978-12-14

countdown timer

countdown_command: ''
countdown_minutes: 10

If countdown_command is given, it will be executed when the timer expires; otherwise a beep will be sounded. The default number of minutes for a countdown is given by countdown_minutes. When a timer is active, the time that the timer will expire is displayed in the status bar using the format -H:M:S(am/pm). When a countdown and a snooze timer are both active, the one that will expire first is displayed in the status bar.

current files

current_htmlfile:  ''
current_textfile:  ''
current_icsfolder:  ''
current_indent:    3
current_opts:      ''
current_width1:    40
current_width2:    17

If absolute file paths are entered for current_textfile and/or current_htmlfile, then these files will be created and automatically updated by etm as as plain text or html files, respectively. If current_opts is given then the file will contain a report using these options; otherwise the file will contain an agenda. Indent and widths are taken from these setting with other settings, including color, from report or agenda, respectively.

If an absolute path is entered for current_icsfolder, then ics files corresponding to the entries in calendars will be created in this folder and updated as necessary. If there are no entries in calendars, then a single file, all.ics, will be created in this folder and updated as necessary.

Hint: fans of geektool can use the shell command cat <current_textfile> to have the current agenda displayed on their desktops.


datadir: ~/.etm/data

All etm data files are in this directory.


dayfirst: false

If dayfirst is False, the MM-DD-YYYY format will have precedence over DD-MM-YYYY in an ambiguous date. See also yearfirst.


details_rows: 4

The number of rows to display in the bottom, details panel of the main window.


display_idletime: True

Show idle time in the status bar by default if True. Display can be toggled on and off in the File/Timer menu. Idle time is accumulated when there are are one or more active timers and none are running.


early_hour: 6

When scheduling an event or action with a starting time that begins before this hour, append the query “Is __ the starting time you intended?” to the confirmation. Use 0 to disable this warning altogether. The default, 6, will warn for starting times before 6am.


edit_cmd: ~/bin/vim !file! +!line!

This command is used in the command line version of etm to create and edit items. When the command is expanded, !file! will be replaced with the complete path of the file to be edited and !line! with the starting line number in the file. If the editor will open a new window, be sure to include the command to wait for the file to be closed before returning, e.g., with vim:

edit_cmd: ~/bin/gvim -f !file! +!line!

or with sublime text:

edit_cmd: ~/bin/subl -n -w !file!:!line!


email_template: 'Time: !time_span!
Locaton: !l!


Note that two newlines are required to get one empty line when the template is expanded. This template might expand as follows:

Time: 1pm - 2:30pm Wed, Aug 4
Location: Conference Room

<contents of @d>

See the discussion of template expansions at the beginning of this tab for other possible expansion items.


etmdir: ~/.etm

Absolute path to the directory for etmtk.cfg and other etm configuration files.


exportdir: ~/.etm

Absolute path to the directory for exported CSV files.


encoding: {file: utf-8, gui: utf-8, term: utf-8}

The encodings to be used for file IO, the GUI and terminal IO.


filechange_alert: 'play ~/.etm/sounds/etm_alert.wav'

The command to be executed when etm detects an external change in any of its data files. Leave this command empty to disable the notification.


fontsize_fixed: 0

Use this font size in the details panel, editor and reports. Use 0 to keep the system default.


fontsize_tree: 0

Use this font size in the gui treeviews. Use 0 to keep the system default.

Tip: Leave the font sizes set to 0 and run etm with logging level 2 to see the system default sizes.


    opening:  480  # 8*60 minutes after midnight = 8am
    closing: 1020  # 17*60 minutes after midnight = 5pm
    minimum:   30  # 30 minutes
    buffer:    15  # 15 minutes

Only display free periods between opening and closing that last at least minimum minutes and preserve at least buffer minutes between events. Note that each of these settings must be an interger number of minutes.

E.g., with the above settings and these busy periods:

Busy periods in Week 16: Apr 14 - 20, 2014
Mon 14: 10:30am-11:00am; 12:00pm-1:00pm; 5:00pm-6:00pm
Tue 15: 9:00am-10:00am
Wed 16: 8:30am-9:30am; 2:00pm-3:00pm; 5:00pm-6:00pm
Thu 17: 11:00am-12:00pm; 6:00pm-7:00pm; 7:00pm-9:00pm
Fri 18: 3:00pm-4:00pm; 5:00pm-6:00pm
Sat 19: 9:00am-10:30am; 7:30pm-10:00pm

This would be the corresponding list of free periods:

Free periods in Week 16: Apr 14 - 20, 2014
Mon 14: 8:00am-10:15am; 11:15am-11:45am; 1:15pm-4:45pm
Tue 15: 8:00am-8:45am; 10:15am-5:00pm
Wed 16: 9:45am-1:45pm; 3:15pm-4:45pm
Thu 17: 8:00am-10:45am; 12:15pm-5:00pm
Fri 18: 8:00am-2:45pm; 4:15pm-4:45pm
Sat 19: 8:00am-8:45am; 10:45am-5:00pm
Sun 20: 8:00am-5:00pm
Only periods of at least 30 minutes are displayed.

When displaying free times in week view you will be prompted for the shortest period to display using the setting for minimum as the default.

Tip: Need to tell someone when you’re free in a given week? Jump to that week in week view, press Ctrl-F, set the minimum period and then copy and paste the resulting list into an email.

iCalendar settings


If an item is not selected, pressing Shift-X in the gui will export the active calendars in iCalendar format to this file.

icscal_file: ~/.etm/etmcal.ics


If an item is selected, pressing Shift-X in the gui will export the selected item in iCalendar format to this file.

icsitem_file: ~/.etm/etmitem.ics


icssync_folder: ''

A relative path from etmdata to a folder. If given, files in this folder with the extension .txt and .ics will automatically kept concurrent using export to iCalendar and import from iCalendar. I.e., if the .txt file is more recent than than the .ics then the .txt file will be exported to the .ics file. On the other hand, if the .ics file is more recent then it will be imported to the .txt file. In either case, the contents of the file to be updated will be overwritten with the new content and the last acess/modified times for both will be set to the current time.

Note that the calendar application you use to modify the .ics file will impose restrictions on the subsequent content of the .txt file. E.g., if the .txt file has a note entry, then this note will be exported by etm as a VJOURNAL entry to the .ics file. But VJOURNAL entries are not be recognized by many (most) calendar apps. When importing this file to such an application, the note will be omitted and thus will be missing from the .ics file after the next export from the application. The note will then be missing from the .txt file as well after the next automatic update. Restricting the content to events should be safe with with any calendar application.

Additionally, if an absolute path is entered for current_icsfolder, then ics files corresponding to the entries in calendars will be created in this folder and updated as necessary. If there are no entries in calendars, then a single file, all.ics, will be created in this folder and updated as necessary.


ics_subscriptions: []

A list of (URL, path) tuples for automatic updates. The URL is a calendar subscription, e.g., for a Google Calendar subscription the entry might be something like:

    - ['', 'personal/dag/google.txt']

With this entry, pressing Shift-M in the gui would import the calendar from the URL, convert it from ics to etm format and then write the result to personal/google.txt in the etm data directory. Note that this data file should be regarded as read-only since any changes made to it will be lost with the next subscription update.


local_timezone: US/Eastern

This timezone will be used as the default when a value for @z is not given in an item.


message_last: 0

The number of seconds to display the message alert for an item before closing it when it is the last. With 0, the message dialog will be kept open indefinitely.


message_next: 0

The number of seconds to display the message alert for an item before closing it when it is not the last alert. With 0, the message dialog will be kept open indefinitely.


monthly: monthly

Relative path from datadir. With the settings above and for datadir the suggested location for saving new items in, say, October 2012, would be the file:


The directories monthly and 2012 and the file 10.txt would, if necessary, be created. The user could either accept this default or choose a different file.


outline_depth: 2

The default outline depth to use when opening keyword, note, path or tag view. Once any view is opened, use Ctrl-O to change the depth for that view.


prefix: "\n  "
prefix_uses: "rj+-tldm"

Apply prefix (whitespace only) to the @keys in prefix_uses when displaying and saving items. The default would cause the selected elements to begin on a newline and indented by two spaces. E.g.,

+ summary @s 2014-05-09 12am @z US/Eastern
  @m memo
  @j job 1 &f 20140510T1411;20140509T0000 &q 1
  @j job 2 &f 20140510T1412;20140509T0000 &q 2
  @j job 3 &q 3
  @d description


report_begin:           '1'
report_end:             '+1/1'
report_colors:          2
report_width1:          61
report_width2:          19

Report begin and end are fuzzy parsed dates specifying the default period for reports that group by dates. Each line in the file specified by report_specifications provides a possible specification for a report. E.g.

a MMM yyyy; k[0]; k[1:] -b -1/1 -e 1
a k, MMM yyyy -b -1/1 -e 1
c ddd MMM d yyyy
c f

In custom view these appear in the report specifications pop-up list. A specification from the list can be selected and, perhaps, modified or an entirely new specification can be entered. See Custom view for details. See also the agenda settings above.


retain_ids: false

If true, the unique ids that etm associates with items will be written to the data files and retained between sessions. If false, new ids will be generated for each session.

Retaining ids enables etm to avoid duplicates when importing and exporting iCalendar files.


show_finished: 1

Show this many of the most recent completions of repeated tasks or, if 0, show all completions.


smtp_id: dnlgrhm
smtp_pw: **********

Required settings for the smtp server to be used for email alerts.


sms_message: '!summary!'
sms_subject: '!time_span!'
sms_pw:  **********

Required settings for text messaging in alerts. Enter the 10-digit area code and number and mms extension for the mobile phone to receive the text message when no numbers are specified in the alert. The illustrated phone number is for Verizon. Here are the mms extensions for the major carriers:



snooze_command: ''
snooze_minutes: 10

If snooze_command is given, it will be executed when the timer expires; otherwise a beep will be sounded. The default number of minutes for a snooze is given by snooze_minutes. When a snooze timer is active, the time that the timer will expire is displayed in the status bar in the format +H:M:S(am/pm). When a countdown and a snooze timer are both active, the one that will expire first is displayed in the status bar.


style: default

The style to be used for Tk/Tcl widgets. Options for linux include clam, alt, default and classic. Options for OSX add aqua. Note that aqua does not support background colors for buttons and may not be suitable with darker background colors.


sundayfirst: false

The setting affects only the twelve month calendar display.


update_minutes: 15

Update current_html, current_text and the files in icssync_folder when the number of minutes past the hour modulo update_minutes is equal to zero. I.e. with the default, the update would occur on the hour and at 15, 30 and 45 minutes past the hour. Acceptable settings are integers between 1 and 59. Note that with a setting greater than or equal to 30, the update will occur only twice each hour.


  command: ''
  commit: ''
  dir: ''
  file: ''
  history: ''
  init: ''
  limit: ''

These settings are ignored unless the setting for vcs_system below is either git or mercurial.

Default values will be provided for these settings based on the choice of vcs_system below. Any of the settings that you define here will overrule the defaults.

Here, for example, are the default values of these settings for git under OS X:

    command: '/usr/bin/git --git-dir {repo} --work-dir {work}'
    commit: '/usr/bin/git --git-dir {repo} --work-dir {work} add */\*.txt
        && /usr/bin/git --git-dir {repo} --work-dir {work} commit -a -m "{mesg}"'
    dir: '.git'
    file: ''
    history: '/usr/bin/git -git-dir {repo} --work-dir {work} log
        --pretty=format:"- %ar: %an%n%w(70,0,4)%s" -U1  {numchanges}
    init: '/usr/bin/git init {work}; /usr/bin/git -git-dir {repo}
        --work-dir {work} add */\*.txt; /usr/bin/git-git-dir {repo}
            --work-dir {work} commit -a -m "{mesg}"'
    limit: '-n'

In these settings, {mesg} will be replaced with an internally generated commit message, {numchanges} with an expression that depends upon limit that determines how many changes to show and, when a file is selected, {file} with the corresponding path. If ~/.etm/data is your etm datadir, the {repo} would be replaced with ~/.etm/data/.git and {work} with ~/.etm/data.

Leave these settings empty to use the defaults.


vcs_system: ''

This setting must be either '' or git or mercurial.

If you specify either git or mercurial here (and have it installed on your system), then etm will automatically commit any changes you make to any of your data files. The history of these changes is available in the GUI with the show changes command (Ctrl-H) and you can, of course, use any git or mercurial commands in your terminal to, for example, restore a previous version of a file.


weeks_after: 52

In the day view, all non-repeating, dated items are shown. Additionally all repetitions of repeating items with a finite number of repetitions are shown. This includes ‘list-only’ repeating items and items with &u (until) or &t (total number of repetitions) entries. For repeating items with an infinite number of repetitions, those repetitions that occur within the first weeks_after weeks after the current week are displayed along with the first repetition after this interval. This assures that for infrequently repeating items such as voting for president, at least one repetition will be displayed.


yearfirst: true

If yearfirst is true, the YY-MM-DD format will have precedence over MM-DD-YY in an ambiguous date. See also dayfirst.