
Fuzzy dates

When either a datetime or an time period is to be entered, special formats are used in etm. Examples include entering a starting datetime for an item using @s and jumping to a date using Ctrl-J.

Suppose, for example, that it is currently 8:30am on Friday, February 15, 2013. Then, fuzzy dates would expand into the values illustrated below.

mon 2p or mon 14h    2:00pm Monday, February 19
fri                  12:00am Friday, February 15
9a -1/1 or 9h -1/1   9:00am Tuesday, January 1
+2/15                12:00am Monday, April 15 2013
8p +7 or 20h +7      8:00pm Friday, February 22
-14                  8:30am Friday, February 1
now                  8:30am Friday, February 15

Note that expressions using + or - give datetimes relative to the current datetime.

12am is the default time when a time is not explicity entered. E.g., +2/15 in the examples above gives 12:00am on April 15.

To avoid ambiguity, always append either ‘a’, ‘p’ or ‘h’ when entering an hourly time, e.g., use 1p or 13h.

Time periods

Time periods are entered using the format WwDdHhMm where W, D, H and M are integers and w, d, h and m refer to weeks, days, hours and minutes respectively. For example:

2h30m                2 hours, 30 minutes
2w3d                 2 weeks, 3 days
45m                  45 minutes

As an example, if it is currently 8:50am on Friday February 15, 2013, then entering now + 2d4h30m into the date calculator would give 2013-02-17 1:20pm.

Tip. Need to schedule a reminder in 15 minutes? Use @s +15m.

Time zones

Dates and times are always stored in etm data files as times in the time zone given by the entry for @z. On the other hand, dates and times are always displayed in etm using the local time zone of the system.

For example, if it is currently 8:50am EST on Friday February 15, 2013, and an item is saved on a system in the US/Eastern time zone containing the entry

@s now @z Australia/Sydney

then the data file would contain

@s 2013-02-16 12:50am @z Australia/Sydney

but this item would be displayed as starting at 8:50am 2013-02-15 on the system in the US/Eastern time zone.

Tip. Need to determine the flight time when the departing timezone is different that the arriving timezone? The date calculator (shortcut Shift-D) will accept timezone information so that, e.g., entering the arrival time minus the departure time

4/20 6:15p US/Central - 4/20 4:50p Asia/Shanghai

into the calculator would give


as the flight time.

Anniversary substitutions

An anniversary substitution is an expression of the form !YYYY! that appears in an item summary. Consider, for example, the occassion

^ !2010! anniversary @s 2011-02-20 @r y

This would appear on Feb 20 of 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014, respectively, as 1st anniversary, 2nd anniversary, 3rd anniversary and 4th anniversary. The suffixes, st, nd and so forth, depend upon the translation file for the locale.


An expression of the form easter(yyyy) can be used as a date specification in @s entries and in the datetime calculator. E.g.

@s easter(2014) 4p

would expand to 2014-04-20 4pm. Similarly, in the date calculator

easter(2014) - 48d

(Rose Monday) would return 2014-03-03. In repeating items easter(yyyy) is replaced by &E, e.g.,

^ Easter Sunday @s 2010-01-01 @r y &E 0
^ Ash Wednesday @s 2010-01-01 @r y &E -46
^ Rose Monday @s 2010-01-01 @r y &E -48