TRAGICOMEDIA DE CALISTO Y MELEBEA [La Celestina]Traducción de Patricia Suárez y Miguel Garci-Gomez | ||
Acto ISumario: Entrando CALISTO una huerta empos de un falcon suyo, hallo alli a MELIBEA, de cuyo amor preso, comenzole de hablar; de la cual rigurosamente despedido, fue para su casa muy angustiado. Hablo con un criado suyo llamado SEMPRONIO, el cual, despues de muchas razones, le enderezo a una vieja llamada Celestina, en cuya casa tenia el mismo criado una enamorada llamada ELICIA, la cual, viniendo SEMPRONIO a casa de CELESTINA con el negocio de su amo, tenia a otro consigo llamado CRITO, al qual escondieron. Entretanto que SEMPRONIO estaba negociando con CELESTINA, CALISTO estaba razonando con otro criado suyo, por nombre PARMENO; el qual razonamiento dura hasta que llega SEMPRONIO y CELESTINA a casa de CALISTO. PARMENO fue conocido de CELESTINA, la cual mucho le dice de los hechos y conocimiento de su madre, induciendole a amor y concordia de SEMPRONIO. |
Act IArgument: Calisto entered into a garden in search of its falcon, and met there with Melibea, with whose love being caught, he began to talk to her: by whom being sharply dismissed, he goes home, being much grieved: he talked with one his servant named Sempronio, who, after much discussion, advises him to entertain an old woman, named Celestina, in whose house his servant kept a sweetheart called Elicia: who, when Sempronio arrived to Celestina′s house about his master′s business, had another man in her company, called Crito, whom they hid out of sight. In the interim that Sempronio was negotiating with Celestina, Calisto talks with another one of his servants, named Parmeno, and their discourse continues until Sempronio and Celestina arrive at Calisto′s house. Parmeno was known by Celestina, who tells him of the good acquaintance she had with his mother, and the many matters that had passed between them; inducing him in the end to love and concord with Sempronio. | |
CALISTO. __ En esto veo, Melibea, la grandeza de Dios. | Cal. __ In this, Melibea, I see the greatness of God. | |
MELIBEA. __ ¿En qué, Calisto? | Mel. __ In what, Calisto? | |
CAL. __ En dar poder a natura que de tan perfeta hermosura te dotasse y facer a mi inmérito. Tanta merced que verte alcançasse, y en tan conueniente lugar, que mi secreto dolor manifestarte pudiesse. Sin dubda encomparablemente es mayor tal galardón, que el seruicio, sacrificio, deuoción y obras pías, que por este lugar alcançar tengo yo a Dios offrescido, ni otro poder mi voluntad humana puede conplir. ?Quién vido en esta vida cuerpo glorificado de ningún hombre, como agora el mío? | Cal. __ In giving the power to nature to bestow on you such perfect beauty and in turn, being to me, unthorthy, so merciful that I could reach you, and in such a convenient place, where I could manifest you my secret pain. Without a doubt this reward is incomparably greater than the service, sacrifice, devotion, and charity works that I have been offering God so that I could reach this place and no other power could fulfill my human desire. Who in his lifetime has seen a man′s body glorified like mine is right now? | |
Por cierto los gloriosos sanctos, que se deleytan en la visión diuina, no gozan más que yo agora en el acatamiento tuyo. | It is certain, that the glorious saints, who delight themselves in the divine vision, do not have more joy than me now in your contemplation. | |
Mas ¡O triste! Que en esto diferimos: que ellos puramente se glorifican sin temor de caer de tal bienauenturança y yo misto me alegro con recelo del esquiuo tormento, que tu absencia me ha de causar. | Oh but sadly! That in this we differ: that they glorify themselves purely, without fear of falling from such a happy state, while I, mixed, rejoice with distrust and fearful of the torment that your absence will cause me. | |
MELIB. __ ¿Por grand premio tienes esto, Calisto? | Mel. __ So you think this is some great prize, Calisto? | |
CAL. __ Téngolo por tanto en verdad que, si Dios me diesse en el cielo la silla sobre sus sanctos, no lo ternía por tanta felicidad. | Cal. __ I hold it in such esteem indeed, that if God would give me a seat in heaven above his saints, it would not make me as happy. | |
MELIB. __ Pues avn más ygual galardón te daré yo, si perseueras. | Mel. __ Then there is more, an equal reward I will give you if you persevere. | |
CAL. __ ¡O bienauenturadas orejas mias, que indignamente tan gran palabra haueys oydo! | Cal. __ Oh my fortunate ears, that indignantly have heard such a great word! | |
MELIB. __ Mas desauenturadas de que me acabes de oyr. Porque la paga será tan fiera, qual la meresce tu loco atreuimiento y el intento de tus palabras, Calisto. | Mel. __ Rather unfortunate after you finish hearing what I have to say. Because the price you pay will be as fierce as the one the audacity and intent of your words deserve, Calisto. | |
Ha seydo de ingenio de tal hombre como tú, hauer de salir para se perder en la virtud de tal muger como yo. !Vete! ¡Vete de ay, torpe! Que no puede mi paciencia tollerar que aya subido en coraçón humano comigo el ylícito amor comunicar su deleyte. | It has been typical of a persona like you to come out only to find perdition in the virtue of a woman like me. Leave! Leave from here you wicked! For my patience cannot tolerate that it could have sneaked up into a human heart the idea of an illicit love transmiting me any delight. | |
CAL. __ Yré como aquél contra quien solamente la aduersa fortuna pone su estudio con odio cruel. | Cal. __ I will go like one against whom alone the adverse fortune focus its attention with cruel hatred. | |
CAL. __ ¡Sempronio, Sempronio, Sempronio! ¿Dónde está este maldito? | Sempronio, Sempronio, Sempronio! Where is this damned boy? | |
SEMP. __ Estoy aquí señor, curando destos cauallos. | Sem. __ I am here, sir, grooming your horses. | |
CAL. __ Pues, ¿cómo sales de la sala? | Cal__Well how is it that you are coming from the lounge? | |
SEMP. __ Abatióse el girifalte y vínele endereçar en el alcándara. | Sem. __ The hawk went down and I came to put him back on the perch. | |
CAL. __ ¡Assí los diablos te ganen! ¡Assí por infortunio arrebatado perezcas o perpetuo intollerable tormento consigas, el qual en grado incomparable a la penosa y desastrada muerte, que espero, traspassa ! ¡Anda, anda, maluado! Abre la cámara y endereça la cama. | Cal. __ Let the devils take you! I wish you would perish in a violent calamity or incur a perpetually intolerable torment, the kind that is in degree incomparable to the painful and disastrous death that I await, Move, move, scoundrel! Open the bedchamber and straighten up the bed. | |
SEMP. __ Señor, luego hecho es. | Sem. __ Sir, it will be done in a moment. | |
CAL. __ Cierra la ventana y dexa la tiniebla acompañar al triste y al desdichado la ceguedad. Mis pensamientos tristes no son dignos de luz. !O bienauenturada muerte aquella, que desseada a los afligidos viene! | Cal. __ Shut the window and let darness accompany the sad and bildness the unlucky one. My sad thoughts are not worthy of light. Oh blessed death that, when desired, comes to those who are in sorrow! | |
¡O si viniéssedes agora, Eras y Crato, médicos ! ¿Sentiríades mi mal? ¡O piedad de silencio, inspira en el Plebérico coraçón, porque sin esperança de salud no embíe el espíritu perdido con el desastrado Píramo y de la desdichada Tisbe! | Oh if only you Heras and Cratus, doctors, were here! Would you feel my pain? Oh pious silence, inspire in this plebeian heart so that, without hope of healing, it does not send his lost soul along with the infelicitous Piramus and the unfortunate Thisbe. | |
SEMP. __ ¿Qué cosa es? | Sem. __ What are you talking about? | |
CAL. __ ¡Vete de ay! No me fables; sinó, quiçá ante del tiempo de mi rabiosa muerte, mis manos causarán tu arrebatado fin. | Cal. __ Get away from here! Do not talk to me. Otherwise, perhaps before the time comes for my rabid death, my hands will cause your violent end. | |
SEMP. __ Yré, pues solo quieres padecer tu mal. | Sem. __ I will go, since you want to suffer your own pain alone. | |
CAL. __ ¡Ve con el diablo! | Cal. __ Go with the devil! | |
SEMP. __ No creo, según pienso, yr comigo el que contigo queda. !O desuentura! ¡O súbito mal! ¿Quál fue tan contrario acontescimiento, que assí tan presto robó el alegría deste hombre y, lo que peor es, junto con ella el seso? ¿Dexarle he solo o entraré allá? | Sem. __ I do not think it will go with me if he stays here with you. Oh misfortune! Oh sudden evil! What could have been the unfavorable occurrence that so quickly robbed the happiness from this man and, worst of all, his senses as well? Should I leave him alone or should I go back in? | |
Si le dexo, matarse ha; si entro allá, matarme ha. Quédese; no me curo. Más vale que muera aquél, a quien es enojosa la vida, que no yo, que huelgo con ella. | If I leave him, he will kill himself; if I go in there, he will kill me. Stay; nothing is in my best interest. It is best if he dies, he is irritated by life, unlike me, and I am pleased with it. | |
Avnque por al no desseasse viuir, sino por ver mi Elicia, me deuría guardar de peligros. Pero, si se mata sin otro testigo, yo quedo obligado a dar cuenta de su vida. Quiero entrar. Mas, puesto que entre, no quiere consolación ni consejo. | Even if for nothing else I would wish to live but to see my Elicia, it behooves me to save myself from dangers. Except, if he kills himself without any other witness, I would be obligated to take the blame for his deed. I want to enter. But, even if I go in, he does not want consolation or advice. | |
Asaz es señal mortal no querer sanar. Con todo, quiérole dexar vn poco desbraue, madure: que oydo he dezir que es peligro abrir o apremiar las postemas duras, porque más se enconan. | It is a clearly mortal sign not to want to get well. All in all, I want to leave him alone for a little so that he can relax, mature: I have heard it is dangerous to open or squeeze a hard cyst, because it will only get more inflamed. | |
Esté vn poco. Dexemos llorar al que dolor tiene. Que las lágrimas y sospiros mucho desenconan el coraçón dolorido. Y avn, si delante me tiene, más comigo se encenderá. Que el sol más arde donde puede reuerberar. La vista, a quien objeto no se antepone, cansa. Y quando aquél es cerca, agúzase. Por esso quiérome sofrir vn poco. | Let him stay a while. Let him cry about the pain he has. Because tears and sighs help to relieve a grieving heart. And more, if he has me in front of him, the more infuriated he will be with me. Because the sun burns most where it can reflect. For sight when it has nothing to rest on, tires. And when something is near, sharpens. Because of that I want to stand by a little longer. | |
Si entretanto se matare, muera. Quiçá con algo me quedaré que otro no lo sabe, con que mude el pelo malo. Avnque malo es esperar salud en muerte agena. Y quiçá me engaña el diablo. Y si muere, matarme han y yrán allá la soga y el calderón. Por otra parte dizen los sabios que es grande descanso a los affligidos tener con quien puedan sus cuytas llorar y que la llaga interior más empece. Pues en estos estremos, en que estoy perplexo, lo más sano es entrar y sofrirle y consolarle. Porque, si possible es sanar sin arte ni aparejo, más ligero es guarescer por arte y por cura. | If in the meantime he kills himself, let him die. Maybe I will take something and nobody else knows, in order to better my lot. Although it is bad to expect health in someone else′s death. And maybe the devil is tricking me. And if he dies, I will be killed, for the cauldron follows the rope. On the other hand the wise men say that it is a great peace to the afflicted to have someone to cry to; and the internal wounds are more harmful. Well, in these extremes in wich I find myself so perplexed, the safer thing is to enter, suffer and console him. Because, if is is possible to heal without skills or equipment, it is faster to do it with skills and remedies. | |
CAL. __ Sempronio. | Cal. __ Sempronio. | |
SEMP. __ Señor. | Sem. __ Sir. | |
CAL. __ Dame acá el laúd. | Cal. __ Bring me the lute. | |
SEMP. __ Señor, vesle aquí. | Sem. __ Sir, here it is. | |
CAL. __ ¿Qual dolor puede ser tal, que se yguale con mi mal? | Cal. __ What pain can exist, that can equal my sickness? | |
SEMP. __ Destemplado está esse laúd. | Sem. __ The lute is out of tune. | |
CAL. __ ¿Cómo templará el destemplado? ¿Cómo sentirá el armonía aquél, que consigo está tan discorde? ¿Aquél en quien la voluntad a la razón no obedece? | Cal. __ How can the one out of tune, tune? How could the one in such a discord inside feel harmony? He whose will does not obey reason? | |
¿Quien tiene dentro del pecho aguijones, paz, guerra, tregua, amor, enemistad, injurias, pecados, sospechas, todo a vna causa? Pero tañe y canta la más triste canción, que sepas. | Who within his chest has needles, peace, war, truces, love, enemies, injuries, sins, suspicion; all from one cause. But play and sing the saddest song you know. | |
SEMP. __ Mira Nero de Tarpeya a Roma cómo se ardía: gritos dan niños y viejos y él de nada se dolía. | Sem. __ Nero from Tarpeia watched how Rome burns: the children and the elderly scream and nothing pained him. | |
CAL. __ Mayor es mi fuego y menor la piedad de quien agora digo. | Cal. __ Greater is my fire and less is the pity of whom I speak of now. | |
SEMP. __ No me engaño yo, que loco está este mi amo. | Sem. __ I do not deceive myself, my master is crazy. | |
CAL. __ ¿Qué estás murmurando, Sempronio? | Cal. __ What are you muttering, Sempronio? | |
SEMP. __ No digo nada. | Sem. __ I am not saying anything. | |
CAL. __ Di lo que dizes, no temas. | Cal. __ Say what you were saying, do not be scared. | |
SEMP. __ Digo que ¿Cómo puede ser mayor el fuego, que atormenta vn viuo, que el que quemó tal cibdad y tanta multitud de gente? | Sem. __ I said that how can a fire, that torments a man, be greater than the one that burned down a city and so many people? | |
CAL. __ ¿Cómo? Yo te lo diré. Mayor es la llama que dura ochenta años, que la que en vn día passa, y mayor la que mata vn anima, que la que quema cient mill cuerpos. | Cal. __ How? I will tell you. Greater is the fire that lasts eighty years, than the one that passes in one day and greater the one that kills one soul, than the one that kills a hundred thousand people. | |
Como de la aparencia y la existencia, como de lo viuo a lo pintado, como de la sombra a lo real, tanta diferencia ay del fuego, que dizes, al que me quema. Por cierto, si el del purgatorio es tal, más querría que mi spíritu fuesse con los de los brutos (;) animales, que por medio de aquel yr a la gloria de los sanctos. | Like from the appearance to the existence, like from life to a painting, like from shade to reality such is the difference from the fire you mention, to the one that is burning me. It is certain, if purgatory is like this, I would prefer that my spirit go with the irrational, animals, than, through the glory of the saints. | |
SEMP. __ ¡Algo es lo que digo! ¡A más ha de yr este hecho! No basta loco, sino ereje. | Sem. __ Just like I said! This is going much further. And especially after hearing this! Besides being mad, he is a heretic. | |
CAL. __ ¿No te digo que fables alto, quando fablares? ¿Qué dizes? | Cal. __ Did I not tell you to speak loudly when you speak? What are you saying? | |
SEMP. __ Digo que nunca Dios quiera tal; que es especie de heregía lo que agora dixiste. | Sem. __ I said that God would never want this; this species of heresy that you just said. | |
CAL. __ ¿Por qué? | Cal. __ Why? | |
SEMP. __ Porque lo que dizes contradize la cristiana religión. | Sem. __ Because what you say contradicts the christian religion. | |
CAL. __ ¿Qué a mi? | Cal. __ Why should I care? | |
SEMP. __ ¿Tú no eres cristiano? | Sem. __ Are you not a Christian? | |
CAL. __ ¿Yo? Melibeo só y a Melibea adoro y en Melibea creo y a Melibea amo. | Cal. __ Me? Melibean I am and Melibea I adore and in Melibea I believe and it is Melibea I love. | |
SEMP. __ Tú te lo dirás. Como Melibea es grande, no cabe en el coraçón de mi amo, que por la boca le sale a borbollones. No es más menester. Bien sé de qué pie coxqueas. Yo te sanaré. | Sem. __ You say it yourself. Since Melibea is great, she does not fit in the heart of my master, because she bubbles out of his mouth. It is no more than a duty. I know well of which foot you are lame on. I will cure you. | |
CAL. __ Increyble cosa prometes. | Cal. __ You promise an incredible thing. | |
SEMP. __ Antes fácil. Que el comienço de la salud es conoscer hombre la dolencia del enfermo. | Sem. __ On the contrary, it is easy. That the beginning of health is to know the ailment of the sick. | |
CAL. __ ¿Quál consejo puede regir lo que en si no tiene orden ni consejo? | Cal. __ How can advice be given about something that has no order or advice? | |
SEMP. __ ¡Ha! ¡Ha! ¡Ha! ¿Esto es el fuego de Calisto? ¿Estas son sus congoxas? ¡Como si solamente el amor contra él asestara sus tiros! ¡O soberano Dios, quán altos son tus misterios! ¡Quánta premia pusiste en el amor, que es necessaria turbación en el amante! | Sem. __ Ha! Ha! Ha! Is this the fire of Calisto? Are these his troubles? As if love only shoots its arrows at you! Oh sovereign God, how lofty are your mysteries! What a great price you put on love that creates such necessary tribulations on the lover! | |
Su límite posiste por marauilla. Paresce al amante que atrás queda. Todos passan, todos rompen, pungidos y esgarrochados como ligeros toros. Sin freno saltan por las barreras. Mandaste al hombre por la muger dexar el padre y la madre; agora no no sólo aquello, mas a ti y a tu ley desamparan, como agora Calisto. Del qual no me marauillo, pues los sabios, los santos, los profetas por él te oluidaron. | You set bounderies very rarely . To the lover it seems that he falls behind. They all pass, they all break like light bulls. Without brakes they leap over the barriers. You sent the man to get the woman and because of that, he leaves the father and the mother. Now it is not only them they forsake but also you and your law, like Calisto now. Although he does not surprise me because the men, saints and prophets all forgot you for love. | |
CAL. __ Sempronio. | Cal. __ Sempronio. | |
SEMP. __ Señor. | Sem. __ Sir. | |
CAL. __ No me dexes. | Cal. __ Do not leave me. | |
SEMP. __ De otro temple está esta gayta. | Sem. __ On a different pitch is this bagpipe. | |
CAL. __ ¿Qué te paresce de mi mal? | Cal. __ What do you think of my illness? | |
SEMP. __ Que amas a Melibea. | Sem. __ That you love Melibea. | |
CAL. __ ¿Y no otra cosa? | Cal. __ And nothing else? | |
SEMP. __ Harto mal es tener la voluntad en vn solo lugar catiua. | Sem. __ It is bad enough to have your will captive in one only place. | |
CAL. __ Poco sabes de firmeza. | Cal. __ You know little of firmness. | |
SEMP. __ La perseuerancia en el mal no es constancia; mas dureza o pertinacia la llaman en mi tierra. Vosotros los filósofos de Cupido llamalda como quisierdes. | Sem. __ Perseverence in the wrong thing is not loyalty; they call it stubborness or pertinence where I am from. You, the philosophers of Cupid may call it what you wish. | |
CAL. __ Torpe cosa es mentir el que enseña a otro, pues que tú te precias de loar a tu amiga Elicia. | Cal. __ It is foolish for the teacher to lie, because you are interested in praising your friend Elicia. | |
SEMP. __ Haz tú lo que bien digo y no lo que mal hago. | Sem. __ Do as I say not as I do. | |
CAL. __ ¿Qué me reprobas? | Cal. __ Why do you reprimand me? | |
SEMP. __ Que sometes la dignidad del hombre a la imperfección de la flaca muger. | Sem. __ Because you submit the dignity of man to the imperfection of that weak woman. | |
CAL. __ ¿Muger? ¡O grossero ! ¡Dios, Dios! | Cal. __ Woman? Oh vulgar one! God, God! | |
SEMP. __ ¿Y assí lo crees? ¿O burlas? | Sem. __ Do you really believe it to be so? Or are you joking? | |
CAL. __ ¿Que burlo? Por Dios la creo, por Dios la confiesso y no creo que ay otro soberano en el cielo; avnque entre nosotros mora. | Cal. __ Me, joking? By God I believe her, by God I confess her, and I do not believe their is another sovereign in heaven; although she lives among us. | |
SEMP. __ ¡Ha! ¡ha! ¡ha! ¿Oystes qué blasfemia? ¿Vistes qué ceguedad? | Sem. __ Ha! Ha! Ha! Did you hear that blasphemy? Did you see that blindness? | |
CAL. __ ¿De qué te ríes? | Cal. __ What are you laughing about? | |
SEMP. __ Ríome, que no pensaua que hauía peor inuención de pecado que en Sodoma. | Sem. __ I am laughing, because I did not think there was a worse sin than the one invented in Sodom. | |
CAL. __ ¿Cómo? | Cal. __ What? | |
SEMP. __ Porque aquéllos procuraron abominable vso con los ángeles no conocidos y tú con el que confiessas ser Dios. | Sem. __ Because those tried to solicit abominations with angels in disguise and you do it with one you confess to be God. | |
CAL. __ ¡Maldito seas! Que fecho me has reyr, lo que no pensé ogaño. | Cal. __ Cursed be you! Because you have made me laugh, which I did not think was possible. | |
SEMP. __ ¿Pues qué? ¿Toda tu vida auías de llorar? | Sem. __ Then what? Are you going to spend your whole life crying? | |
CAL. __ Sí. | Cal. __ Yes. | |
SEMP. __ ¿Por qué? | Sem. __ Why? | |
CAL. __ Porque amo a aquélla, ante quien tan indigno me hallo, que no la espero alcançar. | Cal. __ Because I love the one before whom I feel so unwhorthy that I have no hope to reach her, even though she made me feel unworthy, as if I have no hope to win her. | |
SEMP. __ ¡O pusilánimo! ¡O fideputa! ¡Qué Nembrot, qué magno Alexandre, los quales no sólo del señorío del mundo, mas del cielo se juzgaron ser dignos! | Sem. __ Oh coward! Oh son of a bitch! What a Nimrod, what an Alexander the Great, the ones who thought of themselves worthy not only of the whole world but also of heaven! | |
CAL. __ No te oy bien esso que dixiste. Torna, dilo, no procedas. | Cal. __ I did not hear well what you said. Go ahead; say it, before you go any further. | |
SEMP. __ Dixe que tú, que tienes más coraçón que Nembrot ni Alexandre, desesperas de alcançar vna muger, | Sem. __ I said that you, who has a bigger heart than Nimrod and Alexander the Great should not despair about winning a woman, | |
muchas de las quales en grandes estados constituydas se sometieron a los pechos y resollos de viles azemileros y otras a Brutos animales. ?No has leydo de Pasifé con el toro, de Minerua con el can? | many of the like of high status have submitted themselves to the embraces and breaths of vile and other brutish animals. Have you not read about Pasiphae and the bull, of Minerva and Vulcan? | |
CAL. __ No lo creo; hablillas son. | Cal. __ I do not believe them, they are old wive′s tales. | |
SEMP. __ Lo de tu abuela con el ximio. ?Hablilla fué? Testigo es el cuchillo de tu abuelo. | Sem. __ That of your grandmother and the ape, was that an old wive′s tale? Your grandfather′s knife is a witness. | |
CAL. __ ¡Maldito sea este necio! ¡Y qué porradas dize! | Cal. __ Curse this dummy! And the nonsense he talks about! | |
SEMP. __ ¿Escocióte? Lee los ystoriales, estudia los filósofos, mira los poetas. Llenos están los libros de sus viles y malos exemplos y de las caydas que leuaron los que en algo, como tú, las reputaron. Oye a Salomón do dize que las mugeres y el vino hazen a los hombres renegar. Conséjate con Séneca y verás en qué las tiene. | Sem. __ This bothers you? Read the histories, study the philosophers examine the poets. Those books are full of their vile and cruel examples and of the falls sustained by those like yourself who held them in high repute. Listen to Solomon who says that women and wine make men renege. Consult with Seneca and see what he thinks of them. | |
Escucha al Aristóteles, mira a Bernardo. Gentiles, judíos, cristianos y moros, todos en esta concordia están. Pero lo dicho y lo que dellas dixere no te contezca error de tomarlo en común. Que muchas houo y ay sanctas y virtuosas y notables, cuya resplandesciente corona quita el general vituperio. Pero destas otras, ¿Quién te contaría sus mentiras, sus tráfagos, sus cambios, su liuiandad, sus lagrimillas, sus alteraciones, sus osadías? | Listen to Aristotle, examine St. Bernard. Gentiles, Jews, Christians and Moores, all of them are in agreement. But do not be mistaken and think that all women are the same because of what is said. Because many are saintly and virtuous and notable, whose shining crowns remove them from their general disgrace. But of the others, who will tell you about their lies, their plots, their fickleness, their tears, their emotions, and their affronts? | |
Que todo lo que piensan, Osan sin deliberar. ?Sus disimulaciones, su lengua, su engaño, su oluido, su desamor, su ingratitud, su inconstancia, su testimoniar, su negar, su reboluer, su presunción, su vanagloria, su abatimiento, su locura, su desdén, su soberuia, su subjeción, su parlería, su golosina, su luxuria y suziedad, su miedo, su atreuemiento, sus hechizerías, sus embaymientos, sus escarnios, su deslenguamiento, su desvergwença, su alcahuetería? Considera, ¡Qué sesito está debaxo de aquellas grandes y delgadas tocas ! | For everything that they think, they dare to do without deliberation. Their dissimulations, their toungue, their deceit, their forgetfulness, their indifference, their ingratitude, their inconsistencies, their testimonies, their refusals, their presumptions, their agitation, their vanity, their omissions, their craziness, their disdain, their pride, their subjections, their gossip, their fancies, their luxuries and their sluttiness, their fear, their boldness, their spells, their stubborness, their jeering, their cheatings, their shamelessness and their obscenities. Condider this; what a little brain is beneath those grand and fine veils! What thoughts are under those gorgets, under those long and authoritative gowns | |
¡Qué pensamientos so aquellas gorgueras, so aquel fausto, so aquellas largas y autorizantes ropas! ¡Qué imperfición, qué aluañares debaxo de templos pintados! Por ellas es dicho: arma del diablo, | What imperfection, what sewers flow under those artificial temples! It is said of them : weapons of the devil, | |
cabeça de pecado, destruyción de parayso. ?No has rezado en la festiuidad de Sant Juan, do dize: las mugeres y el vino hazen los hombres renegar; do dize: Esta es la muger, antigua malicia que a Adán echó de los deleytes de parayso; ésta el linaje humano metió en el infierno; a ésta menospreció Helías propheta &c? | Heads of sin, destructors of paradise. Have you not prayed during the festival of Saint John, where it says: women and wine make men renege. Where it says; this is woman, ancient malice that sent Adam from the delights of paradise; she put the ancient lineage in hell; she was scorned by the prophet Elijah and so on? | |
CAL. __ Di pues, esse Adán, esse Salomón, esse Dauid, esse Aristóteles. Esse Vergilio, essos que dizes, ¿Cómo se sometieron a ellas? ¿Soy más que ellos? | Cal. __ These that you talk of; Adam, Solomon, David, Aristotle and Virgil you said. Did they all submit themselves to those women? Am I better than them? | |
SEMP. __ A los que las vencieron querría que remedasses, que no a los que dellas fueron vencidos. Huye de sus engaños. ?Sabes qué facen? Cosa, que es difícil entenderlas. No tienen modo, no razón, no intención. Por rigor comiençan el ofrescimiento, que de sí quieren hazer. A los que meten por los agujeros denuestan en la calle. | Sem. __ I want you to emulate those who conquered them, not those who were conquered. Run from their deceits. Do you know what they do? The thing is that they are difficult to understand. They do not have a method, no reason, no intention. They offer themselves because of custom and it is what they really want. Those who they bring in through the holes they denounce in the streets. | |
Combidan, despiden, llaman, niegan, señalan amor, pronuncian enemiga, ensáñanse presto, apacíguanse luego. Quieren que adeuinen lo que quieren. !O qué plaga! ¡O qué enojo! ¡O qué fastío es conferir con ellas, más de aquel breue tiempo, que son aparejadas a deleyte! | They entice, dismiss, call, deny, signal love, pronounce enemies, get into a quick temper, and become peaceful later. They want you to divine what they want. Oh what a plague! Oh what an annoyance! Oh what a bother to discuss things with them, except during that short period of time, when they are in the mood for delight! | |
CAL. __ ¡Ve! Mientra más me dizes y más inconuenientes me pones, más la quiero. No sé que es es. | Cal. __ See! The more you tell me and the more warnings you bring in, the more I love her. I do not know what it is. | |
SEMP. __ No es este juyzio para moços, según veo, que no se saben a razón someter, no se saben administrar. Miserable cosa es pensar ser maestro el que nunca fue discípulo. | Sem. __ I see, this is no advice for young men, they do know how to submit themselves to reason, and they do not know how to manage themselves. It is a miserable thing to think you are a teacher when you have never been a student. | |
CAL. __ ¿Y tú qué sabes? ¿Quién te mostró esto? | Cal. __ And what do you know? Who taught you this? | |
SEMP. __ ¿Quién? Ellas. Que, desque se descubren, assí pierden la vergüença , que todo esto y avn más a los hombres manifiestan. Ponte pues en la medida de honrra, piensa ser más digno de lo que te reputas. Que cierto, peor estremo es dexarse hombre caer de su merescimiento, que ponerse en más alto lugar que deue. | Sem. __ Who? They. That when they are discovered, they lose their shame. All this and even more they manifest to men. Put youself on a scale that measures honor, and then think that you are even more honorable than what is your reputation. This is certain, a worse result is for a man to let fall out of his prestige, than to put himself on an undeserved pedestal. | |
CAL. __ Pues, ¿quién yo para esso? | Cal. __ Well then, who am I? | |
SEMP. __ ¿Quién? Lo primero eres hombre y de claro ingenio. Y más, a quien la natura dotó de los mejores bienes que tuuo, conuiene a saber, fermosura, gracia, grandeza de miembros, fuerça, ligereza. Y allende desto, fortuna medianamente partió contigo lo suyo en tal quantidad, que los bienes, que tienes de dentro, con los de fuera resplandescen. | Sem. __ Who? The first thing is that you are a man with a sharp mind. And more, one who nature gave his best goods; That is to say: good looks, grace, large limbs, strength and agility. And furthermore, fortune has generously given you yours in such a large amount, that the goods, that you have inside, shine brightly along with what you have outside. | |
Porque sin los bienes de fuera, de los quales la fortuna es señora, a ninguno acaece en esta vida ser bienauenturado. Y más, a constelación de todos eres amado. | Because without the goods on the outside, of which you are very fortunate, sir, there is no man in this lifetime that can be happy. Furthermore, everyone seems fated to love you. | |
CAL. __ Pero no de Melibea. Y en todo lo que me as gloriado, Sempronio, sin proporción ni comparación se auentaja Melibea. Mira la nobleza y antigüedad de su linaje, el grandíssimo patrimonio, el excelentíssimo ingenio, las resplandescientes virtudes, la altitud y enefable gracia, | Cal. __ But Melibea. And in everything that you have praised me, Sempronio, without neither proportion nor comparison Melibea has the advantage. Look at her nobility and the ancientness of her lineage, her great patrimony, her excellent ingenuity, her shining virtues, her altitude and indescribable grace, | |
la soberana hermosura, de la qual te ruego me dexes hablar vn poco, porque aya algún refrigerio. Y lo que te dixere será de lo descubierto; que, si de lo occulto yo hablarte supiera, no nos fuera necessario altercar tan miserablemente estas razones. | Her sovereign beauty, of which I beg that you let me talk of for a little bit, because it will give me some relief. And what I tell you is about what has been discovered; that, if I knew about the things that are hidden, it would not be necessary for us to argue so miserably these reasonings. | |
SEMP. __ ¡Qué mentiras y qué locuras dirá agora este cautiuo de mi amo! | Sem. __ What lies and what craziness will my captive master tell me now? | |
CAL. __ ¿Cómo es eso? | Cal. __ What′s that? | |
SEMP. __ Dixe que digas, que muy gran plazer hauré de lo oyr. !Assí te medre Dios, como me será agradable esse sermón! | Sem. __ Say what you want, that it gives me great pleasure to hear it. And if this sermon is peasant for me, may God reward you! | |
CAL. __ ¿Qué? | Cal. __ What? | |
SEMP. __ Que ¡Assí me medre Dios, como me será gracioso de oyr! | Sem. __ That, this will be pleasant for me to hear, God will reward you! | |
CAL. __ Pues porque ayas plazer, yo lo figuraré por partes mucho por estenso. | Cal. __ Then because it will please you, I will make some parts much more extensive. | |
SEMP. __ ¡Duelos tenemos¡ esto es tras lo que yo andaua. De passarse haurá ya esta importunidad. | Sem. __ Sorrow we have! This is more that I wanted to get. But this misopportunity will pass eventually. | |
CAL. __ Comienço por los cabellos. ?Vees tú las madexas del oro delgado, que hilan en Arabia? Más lindos son y no resplandescen menos. Su longura hasta el postrero assiento de sus pies; después crinados y atados con la delgada cuerda, como ella se los pone, no ha más menester para conuertir los hombres en piedras. | Cal. __ I will begin with her hairs. Do you see the fine gold thread that they spin in Arabia? More beautiful are hers and they do not shine less. They are so long they reach the soles of her feet; and when her hair is parted and tied up with a fine ribbon, like the way she does it, it is but no difficulty to convert men into stones. | |
SEMP. __ ¡Mas en asnos! | Sem. __ More into asses! | |
CAL. __ ¿Qué dizes? | Cal. __ What did you say? | |
SEMP. __ Dixe que essos tales no serían cerdas de asno. | Sem. __ I said that the likes of those would not be asses′ hairs. | |
CAL. __ ¡Veed qué torpe y qué comparación! | Cal. __ See how dumb and what a comparison! | |
SEMP. __ ¿Tú cuerdo? | Sem. __ Are you sane? | |
CAL. __ Los ojos verdes, rasgados; las pestañas luengas; las cejas delgadas y alçadas; la nariz mediana; la boca pequeña; | Cal. __ Her eyes are green; her eyelashes long; her eyebrows thin and arched; her nose of medium size; her lips small; | |
los dientes menudos y blancos; los labrios colorados y grosezuelos; el torno del rostro poco más luengo que redondo; | her teeth tiny and white; her lips red and plump; the shape of her face more long than round: | |
el pecho alto; la redondez y forma de las pequeñas tetas, ¿Quién te la podría figurar? ¡Que se despereza el hombre quando las mira ! La tez lisa, lustrosa; el cuero suyo escurece la nieue; la color mezclada, qual ella la escogió para sí. | her chest high; the roundness and form of her small breasts, who could represent them to you? How a man gets aroused when he looks at her! Her skin smooth, lustrous; the skin she has would make the snow look dark; her color blended, as if she had chosen it for herself. | |
SEMP. __ ¡En sus treze está este necio! | Sem. __ This is a recalcitrant fool! | |
CAL. __ Las manos pequeñas en mediana manera, de dulce carne acompañadas; los dedos luengos; las vñas en ellos largas y coloradas, que parescen rubíes entre perlas. | Cal. __ Her hands small in an average manner, accompanied by sweet flesh; her fingers round; her nails long and painted, they look like rubies within pearls. | |
Aquella proporción, que veer yo no pude, no sin duda por el bulto de fuera juzgo incomparablemente ser mejor, que la que Paris juzgó entre las tres Deesas. | The proportion of those other parts which I could not see, undoubtedly (judging things unseen, by the seen) must be incomparably far better than that what the three goddesses possessed which Paris had to judge. | |
SEMP. __ ¿Has dicho? | Sem. __ Are you done? | |
CAL. __ Quan breuemente pude. | Cal. __ As briefly as I could. | |
SEMP. __ Puesto que sea todo esso verdad, por ser tú hombre eres más digno. | Sem. __ Suppose all you said is true, because you are a man you are more worthy. | |
CAL. __ ¿En qué? | Cal. __ In what? | |
SEMP. __ En que ella es imperfecta, por el qual defeto desea y apetece a ti y a otro menor que tú. ?No as leydo el filósofo do dize: assí como la materia apetece a la forma, así la muger al varón? | Sem. __ In that she is imperfect, and because of that defect she desires and fancies you and another less worthy than you. Have you not read the philosophy that says that the matter desires the form, like the woman the man? | |
CAL. __ ¡O triste, y quándo veré yo esso entre mí y Melibea! | Cal. __ Oh sadness, and when will I see this between me and Melibea! | |
SEMP. __ Possible es. Y avnque la aborrezcas, cuanto agora la amas, podrá ser alcançándola y viéndola con otros ojos, libres del engaño en que agora estás. | Sem. __ It is possible. And although one day you may detest her, now that you love her, you may be reaching her and seeing her with different eyes, free of the deceit that you are now in. | |
CAL. __ ¿Con qué ojos? | Cal. __ With what eyes? | |
SEMP. __ Con ojos claros. | Sem. __ With clear eyes. | |
CAL. __ Y agora, ¿Con qué la veo? | Cal. __ And now, with what do I see her? | |
SEMP. __ Con ojos de alinde, con que lo poco parece mucho y lo pequeño grande. Y porque no te desesperes, yo quiero tomar esta empresa de complir tu desseo. | Sem. __ With eyes of augmenting mirrors that marvel, by which the little looks like a lot and the small looks big. And so that you do not despair, I want to take upon the task of realizing your desire. | |
CAL. __ ¡O! ¡Dios te dé lo que desseas! ¡Qué glorioso me es oyrte; avnque no espero que lo has de hazer! | Cal. __ Oh! May God give you what you desire! How glorious it is to hear you; although I do not expect that you will be able to do what you say! | |
SEMP. __ Antes lo haré cierto. | Sem. __ As soon as possible I will make it true. | |
CAL. __ Dios te consuele. El jubón de brocado, que ayer vestí, Sempronio, vistétele tú. | Cal. __ May God bless you. The brocaded jacket, which I wore yesterday, Sempronio, you wear it. | |
SEMP. __ Prospérete Dios por este y por muchos más, que me darás. De la burla yo me lleuo lo mejor. Con todo, si destos aguijones me da, traérgela he hasta la cama. !Bueno ando¡ Házelo esto, que me dio mi amo; que, sin merced, impossible es obrarse bien ninguna cosa. | Sem. __ May you prosper by God for this and for much more that you will give me. I will make the most of this joke. All in all, if he gives me these baits, I will bring her to his bed. I am doing well! Because of this that my master gave me. Without benefits, it is impossible to do anything well. | |
CAL. __ No seas agora negligente. | Cal. __ Do not be negligent now. | |
SEMP. __ No lo seas tú, que impossible es fazer sieruo diligente el amo perezoso. | Sem. __ You neither, because it is impossible that a servant be diligent for a lazy master. | |
CAL. __ ¿Cómo has pensado de fazer esta piedad? | Cal. __ How have you thought to accomplish this pious act? | |
SEMP. __ Yo te lo diré. Días ha grandes que conosco en fin desta vezindad vna vieja barbuda, que se dize Celestina, hechicera, astuta, sagaz en quantas maldades ay. | Sem. __ I will tell you. It has been a long time since I have known an old bearded woman in this neighborhood; she calls herself Celestina, a sorceress, shrewd, clever in how ever many wicked things there are. | |
Entiendo que passan de cinco mill virgos los que se han hecho y deshecho por su autoridad en esta cibdad. A las duras peñas promouerá y prouocará a luxuria, si quiere. | I have understood that there are more than five thousand hymens that have been done and undone on account of her authority in this city. She can move the hardest rocks and provoke them to luxury if she wants. | |
CAL. __ ¿Podríala yo fablar? | Cal. __ Could I speak with her? | |
SEMP. __ Yo te la traeré hasta acá. Por esso, aparéjate, seyle gracioso, seyle franco. Estudia, mientra vo yo, de le dezir tu pena tan bien como ella te dará el remedio. | Sem. __ I will bring her here. Because of that: appear, be gracious and frank. While I am gone practice well your grief so that she will be able to give the rightful remedy. | |
CAL. __ ¿Y tardas? | Cal. __ what are you waiting for? | |
SEMP. __ Ya voy. Quede Dios contigo. | Sem. __ I go now. May God be with you. | |
CAL. __ Y contigo vaya. | Cal. __ And with you too. | |
¡O todopoderoso, perdurable Dios! Tú, que guías los perdidos y los reyes orientales por el estrella precedente a Belén truxiste y en su patria los reduxiste, humilmente te ruego que guíes a mi Sempronio, en manera que conuierta mi pena y tristeza en gozo y yo indigno merezca venir en el deseado fin. | Oh all powerful, everlasting God! You, who guides the lost and brought to Bethlehem the Kings of Orient by following the star. I humbly plead that you may guide my Sempronio, in a manner that will convert my grief and sadness into joy and that my unworthy self may realize my desired end. | |
CELESTINA. __ ¡Albricias! ¡Albricias! Elicia. !Sempronio! ¡Sempronio! | Cel. __ Good news! Good news! Elicia. Sempronio! Sempronio! | |
ELICIA. __ ¡Ce! ¡Ce! ¡Ce! | Eli. __ Sh! Sh! Sh! | |
CEL. __ ¿Por qué? | Cel. __ Why? | |
ELIC. __ Porque está aquí Crito. | Eli. __ Becuase Crito is here. | |
CEL. __ ¡Mételo en la camarilla de las escobas! ¡ Presto ! Dile que viene tu primo y mi familiar. | Cel. __ Put him in the he brooms closet! Quickly! Tell him your cousin, a friend of mine, is coming. | |
ELIC. __ Crito, retráete ay. Mi primo viene. !Perdida soy! | Eli. __ Crito, come here. My cousin is coming. I am lost! | |
CRITO. __ Plázeme. No te congoxes. | Cri. __ I will please you. Do not worry. | |
SEMP. __ ¡Madre bendita! ¡Qué desseo traygo! ¡Gracias a Dios, que te me dexó ver! | Sem. __ Holy mother! What desire I bring! Thanks to God that he let me see you! | |
141. CEL. __ ¡Fijo mio! ¡Rey mio! Turbado me has. No te puedo fablar. Torna y dame otro abraço. ?Y tres días podiste estar sin vernos? ¡ Elicia! ¡Elicia! ¡Cátale aquí! | Cel. __ My son! My king! You have stirred me up! I cannot speak to you! Come and give me another hug. And how could you go three days without us seeing each other? Elicia! Elicia! Look who is here! | |
ELIC. __ ¿A quién, madre? | Eli. __ Who, mother? | |
CEL. __ A Sempronio. | Cel. __ Sempronio, daughter. | |
ELIC. __ ¡Ay triste ! ¡Qué saltos me da el coraçón ! ¿Y qué es dél? | Eli. __ Oh melancholy! How my heart leaps! And what is of him? | |
CEL. __ Vesle aquí, vesle. Yo me le abraçaré; que no tú. | Cel. __ Look here, look. I will hug him; not you. | |
ELIC. __ ¡Ay ! ¡ Maldito seas, traydor ! Postema y landre te mate y a manos de tus enemigos mueras y por crímenes dignos de cruel muerte en poder de rigurosa justicia te veas. !Ay, ay! | Eli. __ Oh! You are cursed, traitor! May postules and sores kill you and may you die at the hands of your enemies for crimes worthy of a cruel death. May you receive a severe justice! Oh, oh! | |
SEMP. __ ¡Hy! ¡hy! ¡ Hy! ¿Qué has, mi Elicia? ¿De qué te congoxas? | Sem. __ Hey! Hey! Hey! What is it my Elicia? What is troubling you? | |
ELIC. __ Tres días ha que no me ves. !Nunca Dios te vea, nunca Dios te consuele ni visite! ¡Guay de la triste, que en ti tiene su esperança y el fin de todo su bien! | Eli. __ You have not seen me in three days. May God never see you, may God never console you or visit you. Mock the sad one, that in you she has her hope and the purpose for all of her happiness! | |
SEMP. __ ¡Calla, señora mia ! ¿Tú piensas que la distancia del lugar es poderosa de apartar el entrañable amor, el fuego, que está en mi coraçón? Do yo vo, comigo vas, comigo estás. No te aflijas ni me atormentes más de lo que yo he padecido. Mas di, ¿Qué passos suenan arriba? | Sem. __ Be quiet, my lady! Do you think that the distance of places is strong enough to separate the intimate love, the fire that is in my heart? Wherever I go, you come, you are with me. Do not worry or torment youself more than what I have made you endure. Tell me, whose footsteps I hear coming from upstairs? | |
ELIC. __ ¿Quién? Vn mi enamorado. | Eli. __ Who? One of my sweethearts. | |
SEMP. __ Pues créolo. | Sem. __ I do believe it. | |
ELIC. __ ¡Alahé! Verdad es. Sube allá y verle has. | Eli. __ I swear! It is true. Go upstairs and you will see him. | |
SEMP. __ Voy. | Sem. __ I am going. | |
CEL. __ ¡Anda acá! Dexa essa loca, que ella es liuiana y, turbada de tu absencia, sácasla agora de seso. Dirá mill locuras. Ven y fablemos. No dexemos passar el tiempo en balde. | Cel. __ Come here! Leave this crazy girl alone; for she is frivolous and disturbed by your absence, you have taken her out of her wits. She will say a thousand crazy things. Come and we will talk. Do not let us pass the time in vain. | |
SEMP. __ ¿Pues, Quién está arriba? | Sem. __ Then, who is upstairs? | |
CEL. __ ¿Quiéreslo saber? | Cel. __ Do you want to know? | |
SEMP. __ Quiero. | Sem. __ Yes, I do. | |
CEL. __ Vna moça, que me encomendó vn frayle. | Cel. __ A girl, which was recommended to me by a friar. | |
SEMP. __ ¿Qué frayle? | Sem. __ What friar? | |
CEL. __ No lo procures. | Cel. __ Do not try to find out. | |
SEMP. __ Por mi vida, madre, ¿qué frayle? | Sem. __ For the love of me, mother, what friar? | |
CEL. __ ¿Porfías? El ministro el gordo. | Cel. __ If you insist? The fat minister. | |
SEMP. __ ¡O desauenturada y qué carga espera! | Sem. __ Oh poor girl and what a burden she must bear! | |
CEL. __ Todo lo leuamos. Pocas mataduras as tú visto en la barriga. | Cel. __ We all must bear it. You have seen few saddle burns. | |
SEMP. __ Mataduras no; mas petreras sí. | Sem. __ Burns from the saddle not, but from the belts, yes. | |
CEL. __ ¡ Ay burlador! | Cel. __ Oh joker! | |
SEMP. __ Dexa, si soy burlador; muéstramela. | Sem. __ Never mind, I am a joker; show her to me. | |
ELIC. __ ¡ Ha don maluado! Verla quieres? ¡Los ojos se te salten! que no basta a ti vna ni otra. !Anda! véela y dexa a mi para siempre. | Eli. __ Ha wicked fellow! You want to see her? Your eyes are jumping out of you! One girl is not enough for you. Go ahead! See her and leave me forever. | |
SEMP. __ ¡ Calla, Dios mio ! ¿Y enójaste? Que ni la quiero ver a ella ni a muger nascida. A mi madre quiero fablar y quédate adiós. | Sem. __ Be quiet, my God! Why are you angered? I do not want to see her nor any other born woman. I want to speak to my mother and say goodbye to you. | |
ELIC. __ ¡Anda, anda! ¡Vete, desconoscido y está otros tres años, que no me bueluas a ver! | Eli. __ Go, go! Go away, stranger and stay another three years, do not return to see me! | |
SEMP. __ Madre mia, bien ternás confiança y creerás que no te burlo. Toma el manto y vamos, que por el camino sabrás lo que, si aquí me tardasse en dezirte impediría tu prouecho y el mio. | Sem. __ My mother, you must trust me and believe that I do not deceive you. Take the cloak and let us go; that on the way you will know all. For if I delay here in telling you it would prevent your profit and mine. | |
CEL. __ Vamos. Elicia, quédate adiós, cierra la puerta. !Adiós paredes! | Cel. __ Let us go. Elicia, goodbye; close the door. Goodbye walls! | |
SEMP. __ ¡ O madre mia! Todas cosas dexadas aparte, solamente sey atenta y ymagina en lo que te dixere y no derrames tu pensamiento en muchas partes. Que quien junto en diuersos lugares le pone, en ninguno le tiene; sino por caso determina lo cierto. Y quiero que sepas de mí lo que no has oydo y es que jamás pude, después que mi fe contigo puse, desear bien de que no te cupiesse parte. | Sem. __ Oh my mother! Leave all other things aside, only be attentive and think of what I will tell you and do not let your thoughts wander in too many places. For he that is everywhere is nowhere; and can only by chance determine the truth. And I want you to know from me what you have not heard and it is because I never could, after I put my faith in you, desire goods that I could not share with you. | |
CEL. __ Parta Dios, hijo, de lo suyo contigo, que no sin causa lo hará, siquiera porque has piedad desta pecadora de vieja. Pero di, no te detengas. Que la amistad, que entre ti y mí se affirma, no ha menester preámbulos ni correlarios ni aparejos para ganar voluntad. Abreuia y ven al fecho, que vanamente se dize por muchas palabras lo que por pocas se puede entender. | Cel. __ Cel. __ May God share, son, his goods with you, which he would not do without cause, if only because you have taken pity upon this sinning old woman. But say it, do not delay yourself. The friendship, that between you and me has affirmed itself, needs no preambles nor cirumlocutions no preparations to win affection. Be brief and get to the point, because it is fruitless to say in too many words what can be understood with fewer. | |
SEMP. __ Assí es. Calisto arde en amores de Melibea. De ti y de mí tiene necessidad. Pues juntos nos ha menester, juntos nos aprouechemos. Que conoscer el tiempo y vsar el hombre de la oportunidad hace los hombres prósperos. | Sem. __ Sem. __ It is true. Calisto burns in love with Melibea. He is in need of me and you. Because he needs us together, together we must take advantage. For good timing and sizing the opportunity make man prosper. | |
CEL. __ Bien has dicho, al cabo estoy. Basta para mí mescer el ojo. Digo que me alegro destas nuevas, como los cirujanos de los descalabrados. Y como aquéllos dañan en los principios las llagas y encarecen el prometimiento de la salud, assí entiendo yo facer a Calisto. Alargarle he la certenidad del remedio, porque, como dizen, el esperança luenga aflige el coraçón y, quanto él la perdiere, tanto gela promete. !Bien me entiendes! | Cel. __ You have said it well; I catch your drift. The wink of an eye is enough for me. I say that I am glad of this news, as surgeons are of broken heads. And like those who in the beginning damage the wounds to make more expensive the promise of health, so do I intend to do to Calisto. Prolonging the certainty of a cure, because as they say, delayed hope afflicts the heart and the closer he is to losing it the more he seems to expect it. You understand. | |
177. SEMP. __ Callemos, que a la puerta estamos y, como dizen, las paredes han oydos. | Sem. __ Quiet; we are at the door, and like they say, the walls have ears. | |
178. CEL. __ Llama. | Cel. __ Knock. | |
179. SEMP. __ Tha, tha, tha. | Sem. __ Tha, tha, tha. | |
180. CAL. __ Pármeno. | Cal. __ Parmeno. | |
181. PARM. __ Señor. | Par. __ Sir. | |
182. CAL. __ ¿No oyes, maldito sordo? | Cal. __ Can you not hear, damned deaf one? | |
183. PARM. __ ¿Qué es, señor? | Par. __ What is it, sir? | |
184. CAL. __ A la puerta llaman; corre. | Cal. __ Someone is knocking on the door; hurry. | |
185. PARM. __ ¿Quién es? | Par. __ Who is there? | |
186. SEMP. __ Abre a mí y a esta dueña. | Sem. __ Open for me and this lady. | |
187. PARM. __ Señor, Sempronio y vna puta vieja alcoholada dauan aquellas porradas. | Par. __ Sir, Sempronio and an old whore with a lot of makeup are knocking. | |
188. CAL. __ Calla, calla, maluado, que es mi tía. Corre, corre, abre. Siempre lo vi, que por huyr hombre de vn peligro, cae en otro mayor. Por encubrir yo este fecho de Pármeno, a quien amor o fidelidad o temor pusieran freno, cay en indignación desta, que no tiene menor poderío en mi vida que Dios. | Cal. __ Quiet, quiet, damned one, that it is my aunt. Hurry, hurry, open. I always saw it, that when a man runs from danger he falls into a worse one. By trying to conceal this matter from Parmeno, to whom love or fidelity or fear has put their restraint, I have fallen into the displeasure of this woman, who has no less power over my life than God. | |
189. PARM. __ ¿Por qué, señor, te matas? ¿Por qué, señor, te congoxas? ¿Y tú piensas que es vituperio en las orejas desta el nombre que la llamé? No Lo creas; que assí se glorifica en le oyr, como tú, quando dizen: ¡Diestro cauallero es Calisto! y demás desto, es nombrada y por tal título conocida. Si entre cient mugeres va y alguno dize: ¡Puta vieja!, sin ningún empacho luego buelue la cabeça y responde con alegre cara. En los conbites, en las fiestas, en las bodas, en las cofadrías, en los mortuorios, en todos los ayuntamientos de gentes, con ella passan tiempo. Si passa por los perros, aquello suena su ladrido; si está cerca las aues, otra cosa no cantan; si cerca los ganados, balando lo pregonan; si cerca las bestias, rebuznando dizen: ¡Puta vieja! las ranas de los charcos otra cosa no suelen mentar. Si va entre los herreros, aquello dizen sus martillos. Carpinteros y armeros, herradores, caldereros, arcadores, todo oficio de instrument:o forma en el ayre su nombre. Cántanla los carpinteros, péynanla los peynadores, texedores. Ladradores en las huertas, en las aradas, en las viñas, en las segadas con ella passan el afán cotidiano. Al perder en los tableros, luego suenan sus loores. Todas cosas, que son hazen, a do quiera que ella está, el tal nombre representan. ¡O qué comedor de hueuos asados era su marido! ¿Qué quieres más, sino, si una piedra toca con otra, luego suena ¡Puta vieja! | Par. __ Why, sir, are you killing yourself? Why, sir, are you worried? Do you think that it is an insult in the ears of this woman the name that I called her? Do not believe it; that she glories as much in what she hears as you do when they say: Calisto is a true gentleman! Besides that, she is named and known by such a title. If she among obe hundred women and someone says: ′Old whore!′, without any embarrassment she will turn her head and respond with a cheerful look. In the banquets, parties, weddings, feasts, brotherhoods, funerals, in all the people′s gatherings, with her they pass the time. If she passes by the dogs, they bark her name; if she is near the birds that are the only thing they sing about; if she is near a flock of sheep, bleating they proclaim it; if she is near the beasts, bellowin they say: Old whore! The frogs in the puddles croak no other thing: If she goes among the blacksmiths, that is what their hammers says. Carpinters and armourers, blacksmiths, tinkers, fullers, every trade′s instrument: forms the same name in the air. The carpenters sing it, ahe is combed by hairdressers and weavers. Farmers in the field, at the plough, at the vineyard, in the harvests make her the subject of their day to day discourse. When the gamblers loose at the table they sing her praise. Eveything that is in this world, wherever she is, calls her by this name. Oh what an eater of roasted eggs was her husband! What more do you want, except, if a stone touches another one, immediately it sounds, Old whore! | |
CAL. __ Y tú ¿Cómo lo sabes y la conosces? | Cal. __ And you, how do you know that and know her? | |
PARM. __ Saberlo has. Días grandes son passados que mi madre, muger
pobre, moraua en su vezindad, la qual rogada por esta Celestina, me dio a ella por
siruiente; avnque ella no me conoçe, por lo poco que la seruí y por la mudança, que la
edad ha hecho. CAL. __ ¿De qué la seruías? |
Par. __ I will tell you. A great many days have passed since my mother, poor woman, lived
in her neighborhood, who being begged by this Celestina, gave me to her as a servant;
although she does not know me, because of the little time I served her and because of the
changes age has made in me. Cal. __ How did you serve her? | |
PARM. __ Señor, yua a la plaça y trayale de comer y acompañáuala; suplía en aquellos menesteres, que mi tierna fuerça bastaua. Pero de aquel poco tiempo que la seruí, recogía la nueua memoria lo que la vejez no ha podido quitar. Tiene esta buena dueña al cabo de la ciudad, allá cerca de las tenerías, en la cuesta del río, vna casa apartada, medio cayda, poco compuesta y menos abastada. Ella tenía seys oficios, conuiene sauer: labrandera, perfumera, maestra de fazer afeytes y de fazer virgos, alcahueta y vn poquito hechizera. Era el primer oficio cobertura de los otros, so color del qual muchas moças destas siruientes entrauan en su casa a labrarse y a labrar camisas y gorgueras y otras muchas cosas. Ninguna venía sin torrezno, trigo, harina o jarro de vino y de las otras prouisiones, que podían a sus amas furtar : Y avn otros furtillos de más qualidad allí se encubrían. Asaz era amiga de estudiantes y despenseros y moços de abades. | Par. __ Sir, I would go to the market and bring her food and accompany her; I would supply her wants for those duties that my slender strength was able to perform. But of that little time that I served her, I gathered a fresh memory, one that age has not been able to take away. This good woman has at the very end of the city, there close to the tannery, beside the river, an isolated house, half of it falling down, poorly made up and worse furnished. She had six jobs, it is convenient to know: seamstress, perfume maker, master of making faces up and repair hymens, matchmaker and a little bit of a witch. Her primary job was a cover for the rest, under which many young girls of these ordinary servants entered her house to work and to sew shirts and gorgets and many other things. None of them came without bacon, wheat, flour or jar of wine and some other provision of the like, which they could steal from their mistresses. And even some thefts of a greater quality were covered up there. She was a great friend of students and stewards and of abbots. | |
A estos vendía ella aquella sangre innocente de las cuytadillas, la qual ligeramente auenturauan en esfuerço de la restitución que ella les prometía. Subió su fecho a más: que por medio de aquéllas comunicaua con las más encerradas, hasta traer a execución su propósito. Y aquéstas en tiempo onesto, como estaciones, processiones de noche, missas del gallo, missas del alua y otras secretas deuociones. Muchas encubiertas vi entrar en su casa. Tras ellas hombres descalços, contritos y reboçados, desatacados, que entrauan allí a llorar sus pecados. ! Qué tráfagos, si piensas, traya¡ Hazíase física de niños, tomaua estambre de vnas casas, dáualo a filar en otras, por achaque de entrar en todas. Las vnas: ¡Madre acá! las otras: ¡Madre acullá!; ¡Cata la vieja!; ¡Ya viene el ama!: de todos muy conocida. Con todos estos afanes, nunca passaua sin missa ni bísperas ni dexaua monesterios de frayles ni de monjas. | To these she would sell that innocent blood of those miserable souls, who would easily adventure relying on the restitution that she would promise them. She went even further: that through these girls she would communicate to the most guarded young women, until she executed her business. And these she would deal with during honest times, like the stations of the cross, processions of the night, midnight masses, early masses and others secret devotions. I saw many covered women enter her house. Behind them came men, barefoot, contrite and disguised, unbuttoned, that would enter there to weep for their sins. What businesses, if you think, she brought! She made herself a physician for children; she would take flax from some houses and give it to spin in others so that she would have a chance to enter in all of them. Some would say: Mother come here! The others; Mother go there! Look at the old woman! The mistress is coming! She was well-known by all. Even with all these interests, she would never miss neither mass nor vesper nor did she neglect the monasteries or cloisters for monks and nuns. | |
Esto porque allí fazía ella sus aleluyas y conciertos. Y en su casa fazía perfumes,
falsaua estoraques, menjuy, animes, á ámbar, algalia, poluillos, almizcles, mosquetes.
Tenía vna cámara llena de alambiques, de redomillas, de barrilejos de barro, de vidrio,
de arambre, de estaño, hechos de mill faziones. Hazía solimán, afeyte cozido,
argentadas, bujelladas, cerillas, llanillas, vnturillas, lustres, luzentores, clarimientes,
alualinos y otras aguas de rostro, de rasuras de gamones, de cortezas de spantalobos, de
taraguntia, de hieles, de agra, de mosto, destiladas y açucaradas. Adelgazaua los cueros
con çumos de limones, con turuino, con tuétano de corço y de garça, y otras confaciones.
Sacaua agua para oler, de rosas, de azahar, de jasmín, de trébol, de madreselua y
clauellinas, mosquetas y almizcladas, poluorizadas, con vino. Hazía lexías para enrubiar,
de sarmientos, de carrasca, de centeno, de marrubios, con salitre, con alumbrey
millifolia y otras diuersas cosas. Y los vntos y mantecas, que tenia, es hasto de dezir: de vaca, de osso, de cauallos y decamellos, de culebra y de conejo, de vallena, de garça y dealcarauán y de gamo y de gato montés y de texón, de harda, deherizo, de nutria. Aparejos para baños, esto es vna marauilla, delas yeruas y rayzes, que tenía en el techo de su casa colgadas:manzanilla y romero, maluauiscos, culantrillo, coronillas, flor desauco y de mostaza, espliego y laurel blanco, tortarosa ygramonilla, flor saltuaje y higueruela, pico de oro y hoja tinta. | This is because it was in those places where she would carry though her devotions and her dealings. And in her house she would make perfumes, false storax, benzoin, myrrh, anim, amber, civet, powders, musk and musk-rose. She had a room full of flasks, little vials, pots of clay, glass, tin, all made in different fashions. She made sublimate, boiled oils, face-paint, lipstick, lotion, mercury, boiled confections to clarify the skin, waters to make the face glisten, cittibush or trifolium, some of tarragon, some of centaury, some of sour grapes, some of the juice or new wine taken from the press, first distilled and then sweetened with sugar. She suppled and refined the skin with lemon rinds, turpentine, marrow of dear and herons, and other medicinal preparations. She distilled perfumes with roses, orange-blossoms, jasmine, clover, honeysuckle, carnation and reseda powdered with wine. She made dyes to blonden the hair out of vine-shoots, bog-oak, rye, and horehound, mixed with saltpetre, alum, yarrow, and various other ingredients. The oils and the butters which she used, it is disgusting to tell you: of kine, bears, horses, camels, snakes, conies, whales, herons, bitters, bucks, cats of the mountains, badgers, squirrels, hedgehogs and others. For her bath preparations, this was a marvel, with all the herbs and roots, which she had hanging in the roog of her house: as chamomile, rosemary, marsh-mallows, maidenhair, bluebottle, flowers of elder and of mustard, spike and white laurel, buds of roses, rosecakes, gramonilla, wild-savory, green figs, picodorae, and folia-tinct. | |
Los azeytes que sacaua para el rostro no es cosa de creer: de estoraque y de jazmín, de limón, de pepitas, de violetas, de menjuy, de alfócigos, de piñones, de granillo, de açofeyfas, de neguilla, de altramuzes, de aruejas y de carillas y de yerua paxarera. Y vn poquillo de bálsamo tenía ella en vna redomilla, que guardaua para aquel rascuño, que tiene por las narizes. Esto de los virgos, vnos facía de bexiga y otros curaua de punto. Tenía en vn tabladillo, en vna caxuela pintada, vnas agujas delgadas de pellejeros y hilos de seda encerados y colgadas allí rayzes de hojaplasma y fuste sanguino, cebolla albarrana y cepacauallo. Hazía con esto marauillas: que, quando vino por aquí el embaxador francés, tres vezes vendió por virgen vna criada, que tenía. | The oils she would get for the face, it is incredible to recount, of storax and of jasmine, of lemons, apple-kernels, violets, benivy, fisticnuts, pine apple kernels, grape-stones, jojoba, axenuz or melanthion, lupines, pease, carilla, and paxarera. And a small quantity of balsamum she had in a little vial, which she used to rub the sore she had on her nose. For the mending of hymens, some she would make out of bladders and others she would cure with stitches. She had in a little cabinet, in a painted box, some thin needles from glovemakers and silk threads coated with wax. She had there hanging roots of folia-plasme, fuste-sanguinio, squill or sea-onion and ground thistle. With these she worked wonders; that, when the French ambassador went through there, she sold one of the maids she had there times as a virgin. | |
CAL. __ ¡ Así pudiera ciento! | Cal. __ She could have done a hundred like that! | |
PARM. __ ¡Sí, santo Dios! Y remediaua por caridad muchas huérfanas y cerradas, que se encomendauan a ella. Y en otro apartado tenía para remediar amores y para se querer bien. Tenía huessos de coraçón de cieruo, lengua de bíuora, cabeças de codornizes, sesos de asno, tela de cauallo, mantillo de niño, haua morisca, guija marina, soga de ahorcado, flor de yedra, espina de erizo, pie de texó, granos de helecho, la piedra del nido del á águila y otras mill cosas. Venían a ella muchos hombres y mugeres y a vnos demandaua el pan do mordían; a otros, de su ropa; a otros, de sus cabellos; a otros, pintaua en la palma letras con açafrán; a otros, con bermellón; a otros, daua vnos coraçones de cera, llenos de agujas quebradas y otras cosas en barro y en plomo hechas, muy espantables al ver. Pintaua figuras, dezía palabras en tierra. ?Quién te podrá dezir lo que esta vieja fazía? Y todo era burla y mentira. | Par. __ Yes, saintly Lord! And out of charity she would cure many orphans and locked up girls that would commend themselves to her. And in antother spare room she had to cure romances and to know how to love well. She had deer bones, viper′s toungue, quail heads, donkey brains, horse skin, baby′s caul, Moorish beans, seaman′s guide, hangman′s rope, ivy flower, hedgehog thorn, badger′s foot, fern-seed, the stone of an eagle′s nest, and a thousand other things. Many men and women would go to her and to some she would demand a piece of their bitten bread; to others, of their clothes; to others, of their hairs; to others, she would paint letters on their palms with saffron; to others, with vermillion; to others, she would give hearts made out of wax full of broken needles and others things made in clay and lead, really dreadful. She would paint figures and speak to the earth. Who could tell you what this old woman was doing? And everything was a trick and a lie. | |
CAL. __ Bien está, Pármeno. Déxalo para más oportunidad. Asaz soy de ti auisado. Téngotelo en gracia No nos detengamos, que la necessidad desecha la tardança. Oye. Aquélla viene rogada. Espera más que deue. Vamos, no se indigne. Yo temo y el temor reduze la memoria y a la prouidencia despierta. !Sus! Vamos, proueamos. Pero ruégote, Pármeno, la embidia de Sempronio, que en esto me sirue y complaze no ponga impedimiento en el remedio de mi vida. Que, si para él houo jubón, para ti no faltará sayo. Ni pienses que tengo en menos tu consejo y auiso, que su trabajo y obra: como lo espiritual sepa yo que precede a lo corporal y que, puesto que las bestias corporalmente trabajen más que los hombres, por esso son pensadas y curadas; pero no amigas dellos. En la tal diferencia seras comigo en respeto de Sempronio. Y so secreto sello, pospuesto el dominio, por tal amigo a ti me concedo. | Cal. __ That is enough, Parmeno. Leave it for when there is a better opportunity. I thank you for it. Let us not be detained, because necessity undoes tardiness. Listen. That old woman was begged to come here. She waits more than she deserves. Let′s go, let′s not make her mad. But I plead to you, Parmeno, concerning the jealousy you have of Sempronio; in this he serves me and pleases me, do not let it impede the remedy of my life. If for him there was a doublet, you would not be lacking a coat. Do not even think that I value your advice and counsel less than his work and labor: I know that the spiritual precedes the corporal; beasts work more corporally than men and while they are tended and looked, they are never man′s friends. The same difference do I make between you and Sempronio. And under the private seal of a secret, putting aside my dominion over you, I concede my friendship to you. | |
PARM. __ Quéxome, señor, de la dubda de mi fidelidad y seruicio, por los prometimientos y amonestaciones tuyas. ?Quándo me viste, señor, embidiar o por ningún interesse ni resabio tu prouecho estorcer? | Par. __ It grieves me, sir, that you doubt my fidelity and sevice, as proven by your promises and warnings. When have you seen me, sir, hinder your welfare because of any envy or agenda or dislike? | |
CAL. __ No te escandalizes. Que sin dubda tus costumbres y gentil criança en mis ojos ante todos los que me siruen están. Mas como en caso tan árduo, do todo mi bien y vida pende, es necessario proueer, proueo a los contescimientos. Como quiera que creo que tus buenas costumbres sobre buen natural florescen, como el buen natural sea principio del artificio. Y no más; sino vamos a ver la salud. | Cal. __ Do not be offended. Without a doubt, in my eyes, your qualities and gentle upbringing put you before all those that serve me. But in such an arduous case, upon which all of my welfare and life depends, it is necessary to use foresight; I forsee all the things that may happen. However I may believe that your good qualities flourish from your natural goodness, since natural goodess is the foundation of manners. And no more; let′s go meet my healer. | |
CEL. __ Pasos oygo. Acá descienden. Haz, Sempronio, que no lo oyes. Escucha y déxame hablar lo que a ti y a mí me conuiene. | Cel. __ I hear footsteps. They are coming downstairs. Pretend, Sempronio, that yyou do not hear it. Listen and let me speak to you about what is in yours and my interest. | |
SEMP. __ Habla. | Sem. __ Speak. | |
CEL. __ No me congoxes ni me importunes, que sobrecargar el cuydado es aguijar al animal congoxoso. Assí sientes la pena de tu amo Calisto, que parece que tú eres él y él tú y que los tormentos son en vn mismo subjecto. Pues cree que yo no vine acá por dexar este pleyto indeciso o morir en la demanda. | Cel. __ Do not trouble nor inconvenience me, that to overcharge the anguished is to spur a sick animal. You feel the pain of your master Calisto, it seems that you are him and he is you and that the torments of you both are in one subject. Then either believe that I did not come here to leave this controversy undecided or die in the demand. | |
CAL. __ Pármeno, detente. !Ce! Escucha que hablan éstos. Veamos en qué viuimos. !O notable muger! ¡O bienes mundanos, indignos de ser poseydos de tan alto coraçón! ¡O fiel y verdadero Sempronio! ¿Has visto, mi Pármeno? ¿Oyste? ¿Tengo razón? ¿Qué me dizes, rincón de mi secreto y consejo y alma mia? | Cal. __ Parmeno, hold it. Shush! Listen to what they are saying. Let us see where we live. Oh notable woman! O worldly goods, unworthy of being possessed by so high a heart! Oh loyal and true Sempronio! Have you seen, my Parmen? Did you hear? Am I not right? What do you say, keeper of my secret and counselor and friend of mine? | |
PARM. __ Protestando mi innocencia en la primera sospecha y cumpliendo con la fidelidad, porque te me concediste, hablaré. Oyeme y el afecto no te ensorde ni la esperança del deleyte te ciegue. Tiémplate y no te apresures: que muchos con codicia de dar en el fiel, yerran el blanco. Avnque soy moço, cosas he visto asaz y el seso y la vista de las muchas cosas demuestran la experiencia. De verte o de oyrte descender por la escalera, parlan lo que éstos fingidamente han dicho, en cuyas falsas palabras pones el fin de tu deseo. | Par. __ Protesting my innoncence from your first suspicion and complying with my fidelity, since you allowed me, I will speak. Listen to me and do not let your affection deafen you nor your delight blind you. Have patience and do not hurry yourself: that many lust so much to hit the bull′s eye that they miss the target. Although I am a boy, I have seen many things and the observation and sight of many things proves experience. From seeing and hearing you come down the stairs, they chatter cunningly and in their false words you place the end of your desire. | |
SEMP. __ Celestina, ruynmente suena lo que Pármeno dize. | Sem. __ Celestina, Parmeno′s tone sounds ruinous. | |
CEL. __ Calla, que para la mi santiguada do vino el asno verná el albarda. Déxame tú a Pármeno, que yo te le haré vno de nos, y de lo que houiéremos, démosle parte: que los bienes, si no son conmunicados, no son bienes. Ganemos todos, partamos todos, holguemos todos. Yo te le traeré manso y benigno a picar el pan en el puño y seremos dos a dos y, como dizen, tres al mohino. | Cel. __ Be quiet, because by this sign of the cross, where the donkey goes, there goes the saddle. Leave Parmeno to me, I will make him one of us, and of what we gain we will give him a share: because goods, if they are not shared, are not goods. We will all win, share and be happy. I will bring him to you docile and benign to pick the bread from my fist and we will be two and two, and, like they say, three against the patsy. | |
CAL. __ Sempronio | Cal. __ Sempronio. | |
SEMP. __ Señor. | Sem. __ Sir. | |
CAL. __ ¿Qué hazes, llaue de mi vida? Abre. !O Pármeno! Ya la veo: ¡Sano soy, viuo só! ¿Miras qué reuerenda persona, qué acatamiento? Por la mayor parte, por la philosomía es conocida la virtud interior ¡O vejez virtuosa! ¡O virtud enuejecida! ¡O gloriosa esperança de mi desseado fin! ¡O fin de mi deleytosa esperança ! ¡O salud de mi passión, reparo de mi tormento, regeneración mia, viuificación de mi vida, resurreción de mi muerte¡ Deseo llegar a ti, cobdicio besar essas manos llenas de remedio. La indignidad de mi persona lo embarga. Dende aquí adoro la tierra que huellas y en reuerencia tuya beso. | Cal. __ What are you doing, key to my life? Open. Oh Parmeno! Now I see her: I am healthy, I am alive! See what a reverend person, what a presence? For the most part, interior virtue is known through physiognomy. Oh virtuous age! Oh aged virtue! Oh glorious hope of my desired end! Oh end to my delightful hope! Oh salvation of my passion, repair of my torment, regeneration mine, vivification of my life, resurrection of my death! I desire to get near to you; I crave to kiss those hands full of remedy. The idignity of my person impedes me. From here I adore the ground where you leave your footprints and in reverence of thee I kiss it. | |
CEL. __ Sempronio, ¡De aquéllas viuo yo! ¡Los huessos, que yo roy, piensa este necio de tu amo de darme a comer¡ Pues al le sueño. Al freyr lo verá. Dile que cierre la boca y comience abrir la bolsa: que de las obras dudo, quanto más de las palabras. Xo que te estriego, asna coxa. Más hauías de madrugar. | Cel. __ Sempronio, I cannot live off those words! Those bones, that I chew, does this fool, your master, think to feed me! For something different I am dreaming of. When he goes to fry he will see. Tell him to shut his mouth and begin by opening his purse; that I doubt his deeds and much more his mouth. I will scour you, limping donkey. You will have to wake up earlier than me. | |
PARM. __ ¡ Guay de orejas, que tal oyen! Perdido es quien tras perdido anda. ¡O Calisto deauenturado, abatido, ciego! ¡Y en tierra está adorando a la más antigua y puta tierra, que fregaron sus espaldas en todos los burdeles! Deshecho es, vencido es, caydo es: no es capaz de ninguna redención ni consejo ni esfuerço. | Par. __ Woe to my ears, what they hear! Lost is he who follows a lost one. O unfortunate Calisto, desjected and blind. And in in the ground you see him adoring the oldest and most whorish dirt, for they scrubbed her back in all the whorehouses! He is undone, beaten, he is fallen: he is not capable of any redemption or counsel or courage. | |
CAL. __ ¿Qué dezía la madre? Parésceme que pensaua que le ofrescía palabras por escusar galardón. | Cal. __ What was my mother saying? It appears to me that she thought I was offereing words in order to excuse my reward. | |
SEMP. __ Assí lo sentí. | Sem. __ That is what I thought. | |
CAL. __ Pues ven comigo: trae las llaues, que yo sanaré su duda. | Cal. __ Then come with me: bring the key that I will cure her doubt. | |
SEMP. __ Bien farás y luego vamos. Que no se deue dexar crescer la yerua entre los panes ni la sospecha en los coraçones de los amigos; sino alimpiarla luego con el escardilla de las buenas obras. | Sem. __ You will do well and let us go at once. The weeds should not be allowed to grow in de midst of cereal nor suspicion in the hearts of friends; except to weed it out later with the hoe of good deeds. | |
CAL. __ Astuto hablas. Vamos y no tardemos. | Cal. __ You speak astutely. Let′s go and not waste time. | |
CEL. __ Plázeme, Pármeno, que hauemos auido oportunidad para que conozcas el amor mio contigo y la parte que en mí immérito tienes. Y digo immérito, por lo que te he oydo dezir, de que no hago caso. Porque virtud nos amonesta sufrir las tentaciones y no dar mal por mal; y especial, quando somos tentados por moços y no bien instrutos en lo mundano, en que con necia lealtad pierdan a sí y a sus amos, como agora tú a Calisto. Bien te oy y no pienses que el oyr con los otros exteriores sesos mi vejez aya perdido. Que no sólo lo que veo, oyo y conozco; mas avn lo intrínseco con los intellectuales ojos penetro. | Cel. __ It pleases me, Parmeno that we have been given an opportunity so that you could know the love I have for you and the interest that undeservingly you have in me. And I say undeserving, from what I have heard you say, which I will ignore. For virtue teaches us to suffer temptations and not give evil for evil; and especially when we are tempted by boys not well instructed in worldly matters, who out of stubborn loyalty lose themselves and their masters, like you now with Calisto. I heard you well and do not think that my hearing along with my other outer senses have been lost with age. Not only can I see, hear and understand; but I can penetrate your most inward secrets with my mind′s eye. | |
Has de saber, Pármeno, que Calisto anda de amor quexoso. Y no lo juzgues por eso por flaco, que el amor imperuio todas las cosas vence. Y sabe, si no sabes, que dos conclusiones son verdaderas. La primera, que es forçoso el hombre amar a la muger y la muger al hombre. La segunda, que el que verdaderamente ama es necessario que se turbe con la dulçura del soberano deleyte, que por el hazedor de las cosas fue puesto, porque el linaje de los hombres perpetuase, sin lo qual perescería. Y no sólo en la humana especie; mas en los pesces, en las bestias, en las aues, en las reptilias y en lo vegetatiuo algunas plantas han este respeto, si sin interposición de otra cosa en poca distancia de tierra están puestas, en que ay determinación de heruolarios y agricultores, ser machos y hembras. ?Qué dirás a esto, Pármeno? ¡Neciuelo, loquito, angelico, perlica, simplezico! ¿Lobitos en tal gestico? Llegate aca, putico, que no sabes nada del mundo ni de sus deleytes. ¿Mas rauia mala me mate, si te llego a mi, avnque vieja? Que la voz tienes ronca, las barbas te apuntan, Mal sosegadilla deues tener la punta de la barriga. | You should know, Parmeno, that Calisto is love-sick. And do not judge him to be weak because of it; for unresistable love conquers all. And know, if you do not know, that two consequences are certain. First, a man must love a woman and a woman must love a man. Second, it is necessary that he who truly loves be troubled with the sweetness of a sovereign delight, which was put there by the mker of all things, so that the lineage of mankind must be perpetuated, without which man would perish. And not only the human species but also fish, beasts, birds, reptiles and even in some plants since without the interposition of another thing planted not too far away. Gardeners and agriculturalists have determined that plants are male and female, too. What do you say to this, Parmeno? Pretty little fool, little crazy, little angel, little pearl and little simpleton! Little wolves have your scowl? Come here you little rogue. That you know nothing of the world or of its delights. May a horrible rabies kill me, if I have you come any closer to me, although I am old! Your voice is hoarse, you have the shadow of a beard, and I bet the tip of your belly does not leave you in peace. | |
PARM. __ ¡ Como cola de alacrán! | Par. __ Like the tail of a scorpion! | |
CEL. __ Y avn peor: que la otra muerde sin hinchar y la tuya hincha por nueue meses. | Cel. __ And worse: the other bites without swelling and your swells for nine months. | |
PARM. __ ¡ Hy! ¡hy! ¡hy! | Par. __ Ha! Ha! Ha! | |
CEL. __ ¿Ríeste, landrezilla, fijo? | Cel. __ What are you laughing at, you pimple? | |
PARM. __ Calla, madre, no me culpes ni me tengas, avnque moço, por insipiente. Amo a Calisto, porque le deuo fidelidad, por criança, por beneficios, por ser dél honrrado y bientratado, que es la mayor cadena, que el amor del seruidor al seruicio del señor prende, quanto lo contrario aparta. Véole perdido y no ay cosa peor que yr tras desseo sin esperança de buen fin y especial, pensando remediar su hecho tan árduo y difícil con vanos consejos y necias razones de aquel bruto Sempronio, que es pensar sacar aradores a pala y açadón. No lo puedo sufrir. ! Dígolo y lloro! | Par. __ Be quiet, mother, do not blame and do not take me, although a boy, for a fool. I love Calisto, because I owe him fidelity because of the breeding and benefits he has given me and because he has honored and treated me well. This is the strongest chain that linkes the love the servant to his master′s service; and the opposite separates. I see him lost and there is nothing worse than to follow desire without the hope of a happy ending and especially, thinking to remedy such an arduous and difficult pursuit with vain advice and foolish reasoning from that stupid Sempronio,which is like wanting to take out lice with a shovel and hoe. It is more than I can bear. I say it and I cry! | |
CEL. __ ¿Pármeno, tú no vees que es necedad o simpleza llorar por lo que con llorar no se puede remediar? | Cel. __ Parmeno, do you not see that it is foolhardy or simplicity to cry for that with which crying cannot be remedied? | |
PARM. __ Por esso lloro. Que, si con llorar fuesse possible traer a mi amo el remedio, tan grande sería el plazer de la tal esperança, que de gozo no podría llorar; pero assí, perdida ya toda la esperança, pierdo el alegría y lloro. | Par. __ That is why I cry. Because, if with crying it would be possible to remedy my master, so great would be the pleasure of that hope, that with joy I would not be able to cry; but like this, having lost all hope, I lose my joy and cry. | |
CEL. __ Llorarás sin prouecho por lo que llorando estoruar no podrás ni sanarlo presumas. ?A otros no ha contecido esto, Pármeno? | Cel. __ You are crying in vain because by crying you cannot presume to prevent it, nor to cure it. Has the same thing not happened to others, Parmeno? | |
PARM. __ Si; pero a mi amo no le querría doliente. | Par. __ Yes; but I did not want to see my master hurting. | |
CEL. __ No lo es; mas avnque fuesse doliente, podría sanar. | Cel. __ He is not; and even if he were hurting, he can be cured. | |
PARM. __ No curo de lo que dizes, porque en los bienes mejor es el acto que la potencia y en los males mejor la potencia que el acto. Assí que mejor es ser sano que poderlo ser, y mejor es poder ser doliente que ser enfermo por acto y, por tanto, es mejor tener la potencia en el mal que el acto. | Par. __ I am not convinced by what you say, with regard to good, its existence is better than its possibility, and to evil, its possibility is better than its existence. So it is better to be cured than to be able to be cured, and it is better to be able to be hurting than to be sick for a fact and, therefore, it is better to have the potential for evil than the enactment. | |
CEL. __ ¡O maluado! ¡Cómo, que no se te entiende! ¿Tú no sientes su enfermedad? ¿Qué has dicho hasta agora? ¿De qué te quexas? Pues burla o di por verdad lo falso y cree lo que quisieres: que él es enfermo por acto y el poder ser sano es en mano desta flaca vieja. | Cel. __ Oh cursed one! Do you think I do not understand you! Do you not feel his sickness! What have you said until now? Why are you complaining? So joke around or say as true the false and believe what you wish: he is sick and the power to be cured is in the hands of this weak old woman. | |
PARM. __ ¡ Más, desta flaca puta vieja! | Par. __ You mean, this weak old whore! | |
CEL. __ ¡ Putos días biuas, vellaquillo! Y ¡Cómo te atreues. . . ! | Cel. __ May you live whorish days, young villain! And! How dare you…! | |
PARM. __ ¡Como te conozco. . . ! | Par. __ Because I know you…! | |
CEL. __ ¿Quién eres tú? | Cel. __ Who are you? | |
PARM. __ ¿Quién? Pármeno, hijo de Alberto tu compadre, que estuue contigo vn mes, que te me dio mi madre, quando morauas a la cuesta del río, cerca de las tenerías. | Par. __ Who? Parmeno, the son of your good friend Alberto. I was with you one month, given to you by my mother, when you were living by the river bank near the tanneries. | |
CEL. __ ¡ Jesú, Jesú, Jesú! ¿Y tú eres Pármeno, hijo de la Claudina? | Cel. __ Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! And you are Parmeno, Claudina′s son? | |
PARM. __ ¡ Alahé, yo ! | Par. __ That is me! | |
CEL. __ ¡ Pues fuego malo te queme, que tan puta vieja era tu madre como yo! ¿Por qué me persigues, Pármeno? ¡El es, él es, por los sanctos de Dios! Allégate a mi, ven acá, que mill açotes y puñadas te di en este mundo y otros tantos besos. Acuérdaste, quando dormías a mis pies, loquito? | Cel. __ Well may an evil fire burn you, you′re your mother was as old a whore as I am! Why do you persecute me, Parmeno? It is he; it is he, by the Saint′s of God! Come closer to me, come here; a thousand whippings and punches I have given you in this life and as many kisses. Do you remember when you used to sleep at my feet, crazy boy? | |
PARM. __ Si, en buena fe. Y algunas vezes, avnque era niño, me subías a la cabeçera y me apretauas contigo y, porque olías a vieja, me fuya de ti. | Par. __ Yes, in good faith. And sometimes, even though I was a boy, you would bring me to your pillow and squeeze me to you and, because you smelled like an old woman, I would flee from you. | |
CEL. __ ¡Mala landre te mate! ¡Y cómo lo dize el desuergonçado! Dexadas burlas y pasatiempos, oye agora, mi fijo, y escucha. Que, avnque a vn fin soy llamada, a otro só venida y maguera que contigo me aya fecho de nueuas, tú eres la causa. Mijo, bien sabes cómo tu madre, que Dios aya, te me dio viuiendo tu padre. El qual, como de mí te fueste, con otra ansia no murió, sino con la incertedumbre de tu vida y persona. Por la qual absencia algunos años de su vejez sufrió angustiosa y cuydosa vida. Y al tiempo que della passó, embió por mi y en su secreto te me encargó y me dixo sin otro testigo, sino aquél que es testigo de todas las obras y pensamientos y los coraçones y entrañas escudriña, al qual puso entre él y mí, que te buscasse y allegasse y abrigasse y, quando de complida edad fueses, tal que en tu viuir supiesses tener manera y forma, te descubriesse adonde dexó encerrada tal copia de oro y plata, que basta más que la renta de tu amo Calisto. E porque gelo prometí e con mi promessa lleuó descanso e la fe es de guardar, más que a los viuos, a los muertos, que no pueden hazer por sí, en pesquisa e seguimiento tuyo yo he gastado asaz tiempo e quantías , hasta agora, que ha plazido aquel, que todos los cuydados tiene e remedia las justas peticiones e las piadosas obras endereça, que te hallase aquí, donde solos ha tres días que sé que moras. Sin duda dolor he sentido, porque has por tantas partes vagado, e peregrinado, que ni has hauido prouecho ni ganado debdo ni amistad. | Cel. __ May you die of a malignant tumor! And how you say it without shame! Leaving the jokes and pastimes behind, listen now, my son, and pay attention. For, although I have been called here for a purpose, I have come for another and although I pretended not to recognize you, you are the reason I am here. My son, you know well how your mother, God rest her soul, gave you to me while your father was still living. Since you ran from me, the last few years of his old age he suffered an anguished and carefule life. And at the time that your mother died, he called for me and in secret he entrusted me with you and he told me without any other witnessm except He who is the witness of all of the works and thoughts and the hearts and innermost thoughts, whom he alone put in between him and me, that I was to search for you and raise you and treat you as my own and when you were of age, when you knew how to live in good manner and form, I would tell you where he left locked up such stores of gold and silver, which would be more than all the revenues of your master Calisto. And because I promised him and with my promise he died in peace, and because the promise made to the deas is greater than one made to the living, since the dead cannot do anything for themselves. In searching and following you I have lost time a lot of time and money, until now, that it pleased He, that bears all our burdens and remedies the just petiticions and directs our pious acts, that I found you here, where I have known you live for only three days. Without doubt I have felt pain, because you have wandered through many places, and traveled, that you have neither made gain nor profit nor friendship. | |
Que, como Séneca nos dize, los peregrinos tienen muchas posadas y pocas amistades, porque en breue tiempo con ninguno no pueden firmar amistad. Y el que está en muchos cabos, está en ninguno. Ni puede aprouechar el manjar a los cuerpos, que en comiendo se lança, ni ay cosa que más la sanidad impida, que la diuersidad y mudança y variación de los manjares. Y nunca la llaga viene a cicatrizar, en la qual muchas melezinas se tientan. Ni conualesce la planta, que muchas vezes es traspuesta. Ni ay cosa tan prouechosa, que en llegando aproueche. Por tanto, mi hijo, dexa los ímpetus de la juventud y tórnate con la doctrina de tus mayores a la razón. Reposa en alguna parte. ¿Y dónde mejor, que en mi voluntad, en mi ánimo, en mi consejo, a quien tus padres te remetieron? y yo, assí como verdadera madre tuya, te digo, so las malediciones, que tus padres te pusieron, si me fuesses inobediente, que por el presente sufras y siruas a este tu amo, que procuraste, hasta en ello hauer otro consejo mio. Pero no con necia lealtad, proponiendo firmeza sobre lo mouible, como son estos señores deste tiempo. E tú gana amigos, que es cosa durable. Ten con ellos constancia. No viuas en flores . Dexa los vanos prometimientos de los señores, los cuales deshechan la substancia de sus siruientes con huecos e vanos prometimientos. Como la sanguijuela saca la sangre, desagradescen, injurian, oluidan seruicios, niegan galardón. | For, as Seneca tells us, the travelers have many stops and few friends, because in so short a time nobody can make a friendship. And he who is everywhere, is nowhere. Food cannot benefit the body if when eaten it is thrown up. And there is nothing that impedes health more than the diversity and changing and variation of foods. And the wound will never heal if it is treated with many ointments. Nether does a plant convalesce if it is transplanted many times. Nor is there anything so profitable that brings profit on arrival. Therefore, my son, leave your youthful follies and turn to reason with the doctrine of your elders. Rest yourself in some place. And where better, than in my goodwill, in my spirit, in my counsel, to whom your parents recommended to you? And I, like your true mother, will tell you, upon these curses that your parents put on you, should you to disobey me, that for the present may you tolerate and serve your master, which you chose, until you heard another advice from me. But not with foolish loyalty, proposing firmness upon the mobile, like these master are nowadays. You make friends, because that is a lasting thing. Have constancy with them. Do not live in a dream. Leave the vain pomises of the masters, the kind that waste away the substance of their servants with empty and idle promises. Like the leech sucks the blood, they are ungrateful, harmful, forgetful, and they refuse rewards. | |
¡Guay de quien en palacio enuejece! Como se escriue de la probática piscina, que de ciento que entrauan, sanaua vno. Estos señores deste tiempo más aman a sí, que a los suyos. Y no yerran. Los suyos ygualmente lo deuen hazer. Perdidas son las mercedes, las magnificencias, los actos nobles. Cada vno destos catiua y mezquinamente procuran su interesse con los suyos. Pues aquéllos no deuen menos hazer, como sean en facultades menores, sino viuir a su ley. Dígolo, fijo Pármeno, porque este tu amo, como dizen, me parece rompenecios: de todos se quiere seruir sin merced. Mira bien, créeme. En su casa cobra amigos, que es el mayor precio mundano. Que con él no pienses tener amistad, como por la diferencia de los estados o condiciones pocas vezes contezca. Caso es ofrecido, como sabes, en que todos medremos y tú por el presente te remedies. Que lo al, que te he dicho, guardado te está a su tiempo. E mucho te aprouecharás siendo amigo de Sempronio. | Pity on the one who grows old in a place! As was written in the pool of Bethseba, that of a hundred who entered, one whould be cured. The masters of today love themselves more than there servants. And they do not err. Your people should do the same. Favors, magnificence and noble acts are lost. Each one of them captivates and wretchedly procures their own interests with their servants. But they should do no less, since they have of little importance, except to live accoring to their laws. I tell you, son, Parmeno, since this master of yours appears to be, as they say, a slave driver and he wants to be served by all without compensation. Look closely, believe me. Make friends in your house, which is the greatest worldly pleasyre. Because with him, do not think that you will be able to have a friendship, there is such a difference between the states or conditions as between you two. Opportunity has been offered, like you know, in which we can all profit and you for the present will remedy yourself. As for that which I told you of, that can wait until it is time. It will benefit you much to be Sempronio′s friend. | |
PARM. __ Celestina, todo tremo en oyrte. No sé qué haga, perplexo estó. Por vna parte téngote por madre; por otra a Calisto por amo. Riqueza desseo; pero quien torpemente sube a lo alto, más ayna cae que subió. No quería bienes malganados. | Par. __ Celestina, hearing you makes me tremble. I do not know what to do, I am perplexed. One one side I have you for my mother, on the other, Calisto as my master. I desire riches; but he who rises to high places wrongfully, falls faster than he climbed. I do not want wrongfully earned riches. | |
CEL. __ Yo si. A tuerto o a derecho, nuestra casa hasta el techo. | Cel. __ I do. By wrong or right, our house full to the roof with riches. | |
PARM. __ Pues yo con ellos no viuiría contento y tengo por onesta cosa la pobreza alegre. Y avn más te digo, que no los que poco tienen son pobres; mas los que mucho dessean. Y por esto, avnque más digas, no te creo en esta parte. Querría passar la vida sin embidia, los yermos y aspereza sin temor, el sueño sin sobresalto, las injurias con respuesta, las fuerças sin denuesto, las premias con resistencia. | Par. __ Well I would not live contently with them and I think that happy poverty is and honest thing. And I tell you more that those who have few thingd are not as poor as those which desire much. And because of this, although you may say more, I do not believe you in this part. I wanted to go through my life without jealousy, thorugh the wastelands and wildernesses without fear, and dreams free of nightmares, through injuries with response, through aggressions without offense, and coercions without thout resistance. | |
CEL. __ ¡O hijo! Bien dizen que la prudencia no puede ser sino en los viejos y tú mucho eres moço. | Cel. __ Oh son! It is truthfully said that prudence cannot exist except in the old and you ase still a young boy. | |
PARM. __ Mucho segura es la mansa pobreza. | Par. __ Meek poverty is very safe. | |
CEL. __ Mas di, como mayor, que la fortuna ayuda a los osados. Y demás desto, ¿Quién es, que tenga bienes en la república, que escoja viuir sin amigos? Pues, loado Dios, bienes tienes. ?Y no sabes que has menester amigos para los conseruar? y no pienses que tu priuança con este señor te haze seguro; que quanto mayor es la fortuna, tanto es menos segura. Y por tanto, en los infortunios el remedio es a los amigos. ?Y a dónde puedes ganar mejor este debdo, que donde las tres maneras de amistad concurren, conuiene a saber, por bien y prouecho y deleyte? Por bien: mira la voluntad de Sempronio conforme a la tuya y la gran similitud, que tú y él en la virtud teneys. Por prouecho: en la mano está, si soys concordes. Por deleyte: semejable es, como seays en edad dispuestos para todo linaje de plazer, en que más los moços que los viejos se juntan, assí como para jugar, para vestir, para burlar, para comer e beuer, para negociar amores, juntos de compañía. !O si quisiesses, Pármeno, qué vida gozaríamos! Sempronio ama a Elicia, prima de Areusa. | Cel. __ Tell me, as I am older, that fortune helps the adventurous. And besides this, who is, that has riches in the republic, who choses to live without friends? Well, praised be God, you have riches. And do you not know you need to make friends to conserve it? And do not think that your position with this man makes you secure; because the greater the fortune, the less secure it is. And therefore, during misfortune the remedy is to go to your friends. And where can you best get near this that you deserve, than the three ways that friendship concur, that is, for goodness, profit and pleasure? For goodness: look at the how the goodwill of Sempronio conforms to yours and the great similarity, that you and him have in virtue. For profit, it is in my hand, if you two agree. For pleasure: it is similar, since you are in the age that is well-disposed to all types of pleasure, that bring more young boys together than old men, as is the case with playing, dressing, joking, eating and drinking, having love affairs, together with company. If you wanted, Parmeno, what a life we would enjoy! Semponio loves Elicia, Areusa′s cousin. | |
PARM. __ ¿De Areusa? | Par. __ To Areusa? | |
CEL. __ De Areusa. | Cel. __ To Areusa. | |
PARM. __ ¿De Areusa, hija de Eliso? | Par. __ To Areusa, Eliso′s daughter? | |
CEL. __ De Areusa, hija de Eliso. | Cel. __ To Areusa, Eliso′s daughter. | |
PARM. __ ¿Cierto? | Par. __ Are you sure? | |
CEL. __ Cierto. | Cel. __ I am sure. | |
PARM. __ Marauillosa cosa es. | Par. __ That is a marvelous thing. | |
CEL. __ ¿Pero bien te paresce? | Cel. __ Then does it please you? | |
PARM. __ No cosa mejor. | Par. __ There is nothing better. | |
CEL. __ Pues tu buena dicha quiere, aquí está quien te la dará. | Cel. __ Well you are in luck, here is the one who will give her to you. | |
PARM. __ Mi fe, madre, no creo a nadie. | Par. __ My faith, nother, I do not believe anybody. | |
CEL. __ Estremo es creer a todos y yerro no creer a ninguno. | Cel. __ It is extreme to believe everybody and an error to believe nobody. | |
PARM. __ Digo que te creo; pero no me atreuo: déxame. | Par. __ I said I believe you; but I do not dare: leave me alone. | |
CEL. __ ¡O mezquino! De enfermo coraçón es no poder sufrir el bien. Da Dios hauas a quien no tiene quixadas. !O simple! ¡Dirás que a donde ay mayor entendimiento ay menor fortuna y donde más discreción allí es menor la fortuna! Dichos son. | Cel. __ Oh poor wretch! It is a sick heart that cannot suffer the good. God gives nuts to those with no teeth. Oh simpleton! I suppose you think where there is wisdom there is fortune, and the wiser you are the less you depend on good fortune! They are sayings. | |
PARM. __ ¡Celestina! Oydo he a mis mayores que vn exemplo de luxuria o auaricia mucho malhaze y que con aquéllos deue hombre conuersar, que le fagan mejor y aquéllos dexar, a quien él mejores piensa hazer. Y Sempronio, en su enxemplo, no me hará mejor ni yo a él sanaré su vicio. Y puesto que yo a lo que dizes me incline, sólo yo querría saberlo: porque a lo menos por el exemplo fuese oculto el pecado. Y, si hombre vencido del deleyte va contra la virtud, no se atreua a la honestad. | Par. __ Celestina! I have heard my elders say that one example of luxury or greed causes much harm and that man should talk to those that will make him better and leave those that he thinks he can improve. And Sempronio, by his example, will not make me better and I will not cure his vice. And as I am inclined to do as you say, only I would want to know about it: because at least by example my sins would be concealed. And, if man is conquered by pleasure and goes against virtue, he does not dare to be honest. | |
CEL. __ Sin prudencia hablas, que de ninguna cosa es alegre possessión sin compañía. No te retrayas ni amargues, que la natura huye lo triste y apetece lo delectable. El deleyte es con los amigos en las cosas sensuales y especial en recontar las cosas de amores y comunicarlas: esto hize, esto otro me dixo, tal donayre passamos, de tal manera la tomé, assí la besé, assí me mordió, assí la abracé, assí se allegó. !O qué fabla! ¡O qué gracia! ¡O qué juegos! ¡O qué besos! Vamos allá, boluamos acá, ande la música, pintemos los motes, cantemos canciones, inuenciones, justemos, qué cimera sacaremos o qué letra. Ya va a la missa, mañana saldrá, rondemos su calle, mira su carta, vamos de noche, tenme el escala, aguarda a la puerta. ?Cómo te fue? Cata el cornudo: sola la dexa. Dale otra buelta, tornemos allá. E para esto, Pármeno, ¿ay deleyte sin compañía? Alahé, alahé: la que las sabe las tañe . Este es el deleyte; que lo al, mejor lo fazen los asnos en el prado. | Cel. __ You speak without prudence, because there is can be no joy in possessing anything if you have no company. Do not draw back or become bitter, because nature flees sadness and desires the delectable. Delight is with friends in the sensual things and especially in recounting and communicating things of love: this is what I did, this is what I was told, we spent a charming time together, this is how I took her, this is how I kissed her, this is how she bit me, this is how I embraced her, this is how she received me. Oh what talk! Oh how funny! Oh what games! Oh what kisses! Let us go there, let us return here, let us have some music, let us write phrases, let us sing songs, let us make inventions, let us joust, what crest should come up with or what legend? Now she goes to mass, tomorrow she will go out, let us walk on her street, look at her letter, let us go out at night, hold the ladder for me, and guard the door. How did it go? See the cukold: he leaves her alone. Let us go around once more, let us return. And for this, Parmeno, is their any delight withought company? I swear, I swear: those who know it play it. This is the delight; as for the other, the donkeys in the field can do it better. | |
PARM. __ No querría, madre, me combidasses a consejo con amonestación de deleyte, como hizieron los que, caresciendo de razonable fundamiento, opinando hizieron sectas embueltas en dulce veneno para captar y tomar las voluntades de los flacos y con poluos de sabroso afeto cegaron los ojos de la razón. | Par. __ I did not want, mother, for you to convey to me this advice persuading me with pleasure, like those who are lacking in a reasonable foundation, chose to make heresies wrapped in sweet venom in order to capture and take the wills of the weak and with powders of sweet affection blinded the eyes of reason. | |
CEL. __ ¿Qué es razón, loco? ¿Qué es afeto, asnillo? La discreción, que no tienes, lo determina y de la discreción mayor es la prudencia y la prudencia no puede ser sin esperimiento y la esperiencia no puede ser más que en los viejos y los ancianos somos llamados padres y los buenos padres bien aconsejan a sus hijos y especial yo a ti, cuya vida y honrra más que la mía deseo. ?Y quándo me pagarás tú esto? Nunca, pues a los padres y a los maestros no puede ser hecho seruicio ygualmente. | Cel. __ What is reason, fool? What is affection, you ass? Discretion, which you do not have, determines it and the greates discretion is prudence and prudence cannot exist without experience and experience cannot be found except in the elderly and the elderly are called parents and the good parents give good advice to their children and especially me to you, whose life and honor I desire more than my own. And when will you repay me for this? Never, because parents and teachers will never be given an equal compemsation. | |
PARM. __ Todo me recelo, madre, de recebir dudoso consejo. | Par. __ I am distrustful, mother, of receiving doubtful advice. | |
CEL. __ ¿No quieres? Pues dezirte he lo que dize el sabio: Al varón, que con dura ceruiz al que le castiga menosprecia, arrebatado quebrantamiento le verná y sanidad ninguna le consiguirá. Y assí, Pármeno, me despido de ti y deste negocio. | Cel. __ You do not want it? Well, I will tell you what the wise man says: To the man, with the thick skull who scorns the person who chastises him, shall violently come to destruction and will receive no cure. And so, Parmeno, I will reid myself of you and of this business. | |
PARM. __ Ensañada está mi madre: duda tengo en su consejo. Yerro es no creer y culpa creerlo todo. Mas humano es confiar, mayormente en ésta que interesse promete, a do prouecho nos puede allende de amor conseguir. Oydo he que deue hombre a sus mayores creer. Esta ¿Qué me aconseja? Paz con Sempronio. La paz no se deue negar: que bienauenturados son los pacíficos, que fijos de Dios serán llamados. Amor no se deue rehuyr. Caridad a los hermanos, interesse pocos le apartan. Pues quiérola complazer y oyr. Madre, no se deue ensañar el maestro de la ignorancia del discípulo, sino raras vezes por la sciencia, que es de su natural comunicable y en pocos lugares se podría infundir. Por eso perdóname, háblame, que no sólo quiero oyrte y creerte; mas en singular merced recibir tu consejo. E no me lo agradescas, pues el loor e las gracias de la ación, más al dante, que no al recibiente se deuen dar. Por esso, manda, que a tu mandado mi consentimiento se humilia. | Par. __ My mother is angered: I am doubtful of her advice. It is an error to not believe and it is wrong to believe it all. It is more human to trust, especially in her who promises not only a profit but love as well. I have heard that man should listen to his elders. What does she want me to do? Make peace with Sempronio. Peace should not be denied: because blessed are the peaceful, because they shall be called the children of God. Love should not be rejected. Charity for our brothers; few interests can separate them. Well I want to please and hear her. Mother, the teacher should not be offended by his student′s ignorance, except on rare occasions because of science, for while by nature knowledge can be communicated to all it is instilled in few places. Because of that forgive me, talk to me, that I not only want to hear you and belive you; but as a singular mercy I want to receive your advice. And do not thank me, because the praise and the thanks of the action should be attributed to the giver and not the receiver. Because of that, tell me what to do, because my consent humbles itself at your command. | |
CEL. __ De los hombres es errar y bestial es la porfía. Por ende gózome, Pármeno, que ayas limpiado las turbias telas de tus ojos y respondido al reconoscimiento, discreción y engenio sotil de tu padre, cuya persona, agora representada en mi memoria, enternece los ojos piadosos, por do tan abundantes lágrimas vees derramar. Algunas vezes duros propósitos, como tú, defendía; pero luego tornaua a lo cierto. En Dios y en mi ánima, que en veer agora lo que has porfiado y cómo a la verdad eres reduzido, no paresce sino que viuo le tengo delante. !O qué persona! ¡O qué hartura! ¡O qué cara tan venerable¡ Pero callemos, que se acerca Calisto y tu nueuo amigo Sempronio, con quien tu conformidad para mas oportunidad dexo. Que dos en vn coraçón viuiendo son más poderosos de hazer e de entender. | Cel. __ To err is human but stubbornness is bestial. It pleases me, Parmeno that you have cleaned out the cobwebs from your eyes and responded to wisdom, discretion and sharp wit of your father, whose person, now represented in my memory, softens my tearful eyes, from which you can see such an abundant amount of tears pouring out. Sometimes he would defend difficult propositions, like you; but later he would acknowledge the truth. I swear in God and on my soul, that in seeing now how you have persisted and then reduced yourself to the truth, it seems as if though I have your father here in front of me. Oh what a person! Oh what wholeness! Oh what a venerable face! But we should be quiet, because Calisto and your new friend Sempronio are coming, with who you must reconcile during a more fitting opportunity. For two living in one heart are more powerful in action and understanding. | |
CALISTO. __ Dubda traygo, madre, según mis infortunios, de hallarte viua. Pero más es marauilla, según el deseo, de cómo llego viuo. Recibe la dádiua pobre de aquél, que con ella la vida te ofrece. | Cal. __ I did bring doubt, mother, considering my misfortunes, of finding you alive. But it is more of a marvel, considering my desire, that I am alive here before you. Take this gift from the one, who offers you his whole life with it. | |
CEL. __ Como en el oro muy fino labrado por la mano del sotil artífice la obra sobrepuja a la materia, así se auentaja a tu magnífico dar la gracia y forma de tu dulce liberalidad. Y sin duda la presta dádiua su efeto ha doblado, porque la que tarda, el prometimiento muestra negar y arrepentirse del don prometido. | Cel. __ As when the hand of a master artificer labors over the finest gold, the final work surpasses the material: so does the magnificent and gracious manner of your generosity surpass the act of giving. And without a doubt the promptness of your gift has doubled its effect, because tardiness indicates reluctance and repentance of the promised gift. | |
PARMENO. __ ¿Qué le dio, Sempronio? | Par. __ What did Sempronio give you? | |
SEMP. __ Cient monedas en oro. | Sem. __ A hundred gold coins. | |
PARM. __ ¡Hy! ¡hy! ¡hy! | PAR. __ Ha! Ha! ha! | |
SEMP. __ ¿Habló contigo la madre? | Sem. __ Did my mother talk to you? | |
PARM. __ Calla, que sí. | Par. __ Quiet, she has. | |
SEMP. __ ¿Pues cómo estamos? | Sem. __ Well, then how are we? | |
PARM. __ Como quisieres; avnque estoy espantado. | Par. __ However you would like; although I am scared. | |
SEMP. __ Pues calla, que yo te haré espantar dos tanto. | Sem. __ Then be quiet, because I will make you twice as scared. | |
PARM. __ ¡ O Dios! No ay pestilencia más eficaz, que el enemigo de casa para empecer. | Par. __ Oh God! There is no plague more effective, than the enemy of his house. | |
CALISTO. __ Ve agora, madre, y consuela tu casa y después ven y consuela la mía, y luego. | Cal. __ Go now, mother, and console your house and then later come back to console mine, quickly. | |
CEL. __ Quede Dios contigo. | Cel. __ May God be with you. | |
CAL. __ Y él te me guarde. |
Cal. __ And may he protect you.
| |
Acto IISumario: Partida CELESTINA de CALISTO para su casa, queda CALISTO hablando con SEMPRONIO, criado suyo, al cual, como quien en alguna esperenza puesto esta, todo aguijar le parece tardanza. Envia de si a SEMPRONIO a solicitar a CELESTINA para el concebido negocio. Quedan entretanto CALISTO y PARMENO juntos razonando. |
Act IIArgument: After Celestina leaves to go back to her home, Calisto stays talking with Sempronio, his servant, who like one who has been given some good hope, thinks all speed is too slow. He sends off Sempronio to solicit Celestina for a quicker dispatch of his conceived business. In the meantime, Calisto and Parmeno stay and reason together. | |
1. CAL. __ Hermanos mios, cient monedas di a la madre ¿Fize bien? | CAL. __ My brothers, I gave one hundred coins to the mother. Did I do well? | |
2. SEMP. __ ¡Hay¡Si fiziste bien¡ Allende de remediar tu vida, ganaste muy gran honrra. ¿Y para qué es la fortuna fauorable y próspera sino para seruir a la honrra, que es el mayor de los mundanos bienes? Que esto es premio y galardón de la virtud. Y por esso la damos a Dios, porque no tenemos mayor cosa que le dar. | Sem. __ Oh! Yes, you did well! Besides remedying your life, you gained great honor. And what reason is there for favorable fortune and prosperity if it is not to serve honor, which is the greatest of all worldly goods? Honor is the prize and recompense of virtue. And because of this, we give it to God because we do not have anything greater to give him. | |
La mayor parte de la qual consiste en la liberalidad y franqueza. A ésta los duros tesoros comunicables la escurecen y pierden y la magnificencia y liberalidad la ganan y subliman. ¿Qué aprouecha tener lo que se niega aprouechar? Sin dubda te digo que mejor es el vso de las riquezas, que la possesión dellas. ¡O qué glorioso es el dar¡ ¡O qué miserable es el recebir¡ quanto es mejor el acto que la possesión, tanto es más noble el dante que el recibiente. | The greatest part of which consists of liberality and frankness. And this is obscured and lost by the hard communicable treasures, whereas magnificence and liberality win it and extol it. What benefit is there of keeping that which cannot be benefited from? Without a doubt I tell you that it is better to use wealth than to possess it. Oh how glorious it is to give! Oh how miserable it is to receive! How much more noble is the giver than the receiver. | |
Entre los elementos, el fuego, por ser más actiuo, es más noble y en las esperas puesto en más noble lugar. Y dizen algunos que la nobleza es vna alabanza, que prouiene de los merecimientos y antigüedad de los padres; yo digo que la agena luz nunca te hará claro, si la propia no tienes. Y por tanto, no te estimes en la claridad de tu padre, que tan magnífico fue; sino en la tuya. y assí se gana la honrra, que es el mayor bien de los que son fuera de hombre. De lo qual no el malo, mas el bueno, como tú , es digno que tenga perfeta virtud. Y avn te digo que la virtud perfecta no pone que sea fecha con digno honor. Por ende goza de hauer seydo assí magnífico y liberal. Y de mi consejo, tórnate a la cámara y reposa, pues que tu negocio en tales manos está depositado. De donde ten por cierto, pues el comienço lleuó bueno, el fin será muy mejor. Y vamos luego, porque sobre este negocio quiero hablar contigo más largo. | Among all the elements, fire, because it is the most active, is the most noble and it is placed in the noblest sphere. And some say that nobleness is a high quality, which comes from the merit and the antiquity of the ancestors; I say that the distant light will never make you bright if you do not have your own. Therefore, do not esteem yourself in the brightness of your father, who was so magnificent, but in your own. That is how you win your honor, which is the greatest outward good of man. Besides, I tell you, that perfect virtue cannot be attained without worthy honor. Therefore, delight in having been so magnificent and liberal. Having given you my advice, return to your room and rest, for your business in such hands is placed. You can be certain that since the beginning has been so good, the end will be much better. And let us go now because I want to talk more with you about this business. | |
3. CAL. __ Sempronio, no me parece buen consejo quedar yo acompañado y que vaya sola aquélla, que busca el remedio de mi mal; mejor será que vayas con ella y la aquexes, pues sabes que de su diligencia pende mi salud, de su tardança mi pena, de su oluido mi desesperança. Sabido eres, fiel te siento, por buen criado te tengo. Faz de manera que en sólo verte ella a ti, juzgue la pena, que a mí queda y fuego, que me atormenta. Cuyo ardor me causó no poder mostrarle la tercia parte desta mi secreta enfermedad, segú n tiene mi lengua y sentido ocupados y consumidos. Tú , como hombre libre de tal passión hablarla has a rienda suelta. | Cal. __ Sempronio, I do not think it is a good idea for me to stay here accompanied and that she, who seeks the remedy to my sickness, should go alone. It would be better if you go with her and hasten her, since you know that my health depends upon her diligence and my grief on her neglect. You are wise, I feel you to be faithful and I have you to be a good servant. Handle the matter so that by only seeing you she may judge the grief that I feel and the fire that torments me; whose ardor caused me to not be able to show her the third part of my secret sickness as it has occupied and consumed my tongue and my senses. You, as a man free from such a passion, must speak to her with free reins. | |
4. SEMP. __ Señor, querría yr por complir tu mandado; querría quedar por aliuiar tu cuydado. Tu temor me aquexa; tu soledad me detiene. Quiero tomar consejo con la ovediencia, que es yr y dar priessa a la vieja. ?Mas cómo yré? Que, en viéndote solo, dizes desuaríos de hombre sin seso, sospirando, gimiendo, maltrobando, holgando con lo escuro, deseando soledad, buscando nueuos modos de pensatiuo tormento. Donde, si perseueras, o de muerto o loco no podrás escapar, si siempre no te acompaña quien te allegue plazeres, diga donayres, tanga cançiones alegres, cante romances, cuente ystorias, pinte motes, finja cuentos, juegue a naypes, arme mates, finalmente que sepa buscar todo género de dulce passatiempo para no dexar trasponer tu pensamiento en aquellos crueles desuíos, que rescebiste de aquella señora en el primer trance de tus amores. | Sem. __ Sir, I would want to fulfill your command; I would want to stay and alleviate your care. Your fear worries me; your loneliness detains me. I want to take you counsel with obedience, which is to go and press the old woman. But how will I go? For if I leave you alone, you will speak gibber, like a man who is out of his mind; sighing, whining, singing badly, enjoying in darkness, desiring solitude and finding new types of thoughtful torment. Where, if you persevere, you will not escape death or madness, unless you are always accompanied by good company who will bring you pleasures, tell jokes, make happy songs, sing romances, tell tales, give nicknames, make up stories, play cards, jest and finally, know how to invent every genre of sweet pastime so that your thoughts will not wander to those cruel detours, which you received from that lady in the first trance of your love. | |
5. CAL. __ ¿Cómo? , simple. ¿No sabes que aliuia la pena llorar la causa? ¿Quanto es dulce a los tristes quexar su passión? ¿Quanto descanso traen consigo los quebrantados sospiros? ¿ Quánto relieuan y disminuyen los lagrimosos gemidos el dolor? Quantos escriuieron consuelos no dizen otra cosa. | Cal. __ How, fool? Do you not know that pain is alleviated by crying about its cause? How sweet it is for the sorrowful to complain about their passion? What ease the broken sighs bring to them? How much the tearful whines relieve and diminish the pain? Those who have written about consolation say no other thing. | |
6. SEMP. __ Lee más adelante, buelue la hoja: fallarás que dizen que fiar en lo temporal y buscar materia de tristeza, que es ygual género de locura. | T>Sem. __ Read a little further, turn the page: you will find that they say; to trust in the temporal and to seek the matter of sorrow is the same kind of craziness. | |
Y aquel Macías, ydolo de los amantes del oluido porque le oluidaua, se quexava. En el contemplar está la pena de amor, en el oluidar el descanso. Huye de tirar cozes al aguijón. Finge alegría y consuelo y serlo ha. Que muchas vezes la opinión trae las cosas donde quiere, no para que mude la verdad; pero para moderar nuestro sentido y regir nuestro juyzio. | And Macias, the idol of the lovers, complained of forgetfulness because it has forgotten him. The punishment of love is the contemplation of it; in forgetting it there is repose. Do not kick a prick. Pretend to be happy and consoled, and you will be it. Because many times opinion brings things to where it wants, not so it can mute the truth, but so it can moderate our sense and govern our judgment. | |
7. CAL. __ Sempronio amigo, pues tanto sientes mi soledad, llama a Pármeno y quedará comigo y de aquí adelante sey, como sueles, leal, que en el seruicio del criado está el galardón del señor. | Cal. __ Sempronio, my friend, since you feel my solitude so greatly, call Parmeno and he will stay with me and from know on be, like you have been, faithful, because in the service of the servant is the reward of the master. | |
8. PARM. __ Aquí estoy, señor. | Par. __ I am here, sir. | |
9. CAL. __ Yo no, pues no te veya. No te partas della, Sempronio, ni me oluides a mí y ve con Dios. | Cal. __ I do not think so, for I cannot see you. Do not leave her side, Sempronio, do not forget me and go with God. | |
10. CAL. __ Tú, Pármeno, ¿Qué te parece de lo que oy ha pasado? Mi pena es grande, Melibea alta, Celestina sabia y buena maestra destos negocios. No podemos errar. Tú me la has aprouado con toda tu enemistad. Yo te creo. Que tanta es la fuerça de la verdad, que las lenguas de los enemigos trae a sí. Assí que, pues ella es tal, más quiero dar a ésta cient monedas, que a otra cinco. | Cal. __ You, Parmeno. What do you think about what has happened today? My pain is great, Melibea is lofty, Celestina is wise and a grand master of these affairs. We cannot err. You have approved of her with all of your enmity. I believe you. For so great is the force of truth, that it commands the tongues of our enemies. So then, even though she is such, I would rather give to her these one hundred crowns, than another five. | |
11. PARM. __ ¿Ya lloras? ¡Duelos tenemos ! ¡En casa se haurán de ayunar estas franquezas¡ | Par. __ Now you cry? Sorrow we have! At home we will have to fast because of this largesse! | |
12. CAL. __ Pues pido tu parecer, seyme agradable, Pármeno. No abaxes la cabeça al responder. Mas como la embidia es triste, la tristeza sin lengua, puede más contigo su voluntad, que mi temor. ¿Qué dixiste, enojoso? | Cal. __ Since I ask for your opinion, be agreeable, Parmeno. Do not hang your head when you respond. Just as envy is sad, and sadness without a tongue, your own will can do more to you than the fear of me. What did you say, angry fellow? | |
13. PARM. __ Digo, señor, que yrían mejor empleadas tus franquezas en presentes y seruicios a Melibea, que no dar dineros aquélla, que yo me conozco y, lo que peor es, fazerte su catiuo. | Par. __ I said, sir, that your frankness would be better employed on presents and services for Melibea, than to give money to that woman, for I know her well enough and, what is worst, she wants to make you her slave. | |
14. CAL. __ ¿Cómo, loco, su catiuo? | Cal. __ How, fool, her slave? | |
15. PARM. __ Porque a quien dizes el secreto, das tu libertad. | Par. __ Because to whom you tell your secret, you give your liberty. | |
16. CAL. __ Algo dize el necio; pero quiero que sepas que, quando ay mucha distancia del que ruega al rogado o por grauedad de obediencia o por señorío de estado o esquiuidad de género, como entre ésta mi señora y mí, es necessario intercessor o medianero, que suba de mano en mano mi mensaje hasta los oydos de aquélla a quien yo segunda vez hablar tengo por impossible. Y pues que así es, dime si lo fecho aprueuas. | Cal. __ The fool speaks up; but I want you to know that, when there is too far a distance between the beggar and the begged either out of the gravity of obedience or because of the grandness of the estate or nobleness of nature, as there is between my lady and me, it is necessary to have an intercessor or mediator, who will lift hand by hand my message until they arrive to the ears of the one, whom to speak with a second time is impossible for me. And since it is such, tell me if you approve of what I have done. | |
17. PARM. __ ¡Apruéuelo el diablo¡ | Par. __ May the devil approve of it! | |
18. CAL. __ ¿Qué dizes? | Cal. __ What did you say? | |
19. PARM. __ Digo, señor, que nunca yerro vino desacompañado y que vn inconueniente es causa y puerta de muchos. | Par. __ I said, sir, that no error ever went unaccompanied and that one inconvenience is the cause and the door to many. | |
20. CAL. __ El dicho yo le aprueuo; el propósito no entiendo. | Cal. __ I approve of the saying; but I do not understand the purpose. | |
21. PARM. __ Señor, porque perderse el otro día el neblí fue causa de tu entrada en la huerta de Melibea a le buscar, la entrada causa de la ver y hablar, la habla engendró amor, el amor parió tu pena, la pena causará perder tu cuerpo y alma y hazienda. Y lo que más dello siento es venir a manos de aquella trotaconuentos, después de tres vezes emplumada. | Par. __ Sir, the loss of your hawk the other day was the cause of your entering into the garden of Melibea to find it; entering caused you to see her and talk to her, the talk engendered love, love delivered your pain, and your pain will cause you to lose your body, soul and estate. And what grieves me the most is for you to come into the hands of that go-between after she has been covered with feathers more than three times. | |
22. CAL. __ ¡Assí, Pármeno, di más deso, que me agrada¡ Pues mejor me parece, cuanto quanto más la desalabas. Cumpla comigo y empl menla la quarta. Desentido eres, sin pena hablas: no te duele donde a mi, Pármeno | Cal. __ Really, Parmeno, tell me more of that, since it pleases me! Well, the more you blame her, the better I like her. Let her comply with me and let them implume her a fourth time. You are smart, you speak without sorrow: you do not have the hurt where I do, Parmeno. | |
23. PARM. __ Señor, más quiero que ayrado me reprehendas, porque te do enojo, que arrepentido me condenes, porque no te di consejo, pues perdiste el nombre de libre, quando cautiuaste tu voluntad. | Par. __ Sir, I prefer that you would angrily reprimand me because I make you angry, than, aftrer you feel sorry, you condemn me because I did not give you advice; for you cannot call yourself free, when you hold your will captive. | |
24. CAL. __ ¡Palos querrá este vellaco¡ Di, malcriado, ¿Por qué dizes mal de lo que yo adoro? y t ¿Qué sabes de honrra? Dime ¿Qué es amor? ¿En qué consiste buena criança, que te me vendes por discreto? ¿No sabes que el primer escalón de locura es creerse ser sciente? Si t sintiesses mi dolor, con otra agua rociarías aquella ardiente llaga, que la cruel frecha de Cupido me ha causado. | Cal. __ This villain wants to be beaten up! Tell me, ill-bred, why do you speak ill of what I adore? And you, what do you know about honor? Tell me, what is love? What does good rearing consist of, since you sell yourself to me as discreet? Do you not know that the first step to insanity is to think you are wise? If you felt my pain, with another water you would sprinkle that burning flame, which the cruel arrow of Cupid has caused me. | |
Quanto remedio Sempronio acarrea con sus pies, tanto apartas t con tu lengua, con tus vanas palabras. Fingiéndote fiel, eres un terrón de lisonja, bote de malicias, el mismo mesón y aposentamiento de la embidia. Que por disfamar la vieja, a tuerto o a derecho, pones en mis amores desconfiança. Pues sabe que esta mi pena y flutuoso dolor no se rige por razón, no quiere auisos, carece de consejo y, si alguno se le diere, tal que no aparte ni desgozne lo que sin las entrañas no podrá despegarse. Sempronio temió su yda y tu quedada. Yo quíselo todo y assí me padezco su absencia y tu presencia. Valiera más solo , que malacompañado. | What remedy Sempronio brings me with his feet, the same you put aside with your tongue and your vain words. Feigning loyalty, you are a clod of flattery, a box of malice, the very inn and house of envy. That to discredit the old woman, by right or wrong means, you put distrust in my affections. Well, know that this is my sorrow, and overflowing pain is not ruled by reason, does not want advice, and lacks counsel and if someone were to give it some, it would not apart nor remove what could not be detached without detaching the entrails. Sempronio feared his departure and your staying. I wanted it all and because of that I endure his absence and your presence. It would be worth more to be alone than with bad company. | |
25. PARM. __ Señor, flaca es la fidelidad, que temor de pena la conuierte en lisonja, mayormente con señor, a quien dolor o afición priua y tiene ageno de su natural juyzio. Quitarse ha el velo de la ceguedad, passarán estos momentáneos fuegos: conoscerás mis agras palabras ser mejores para matar este fuerte cancre, que las blandas de Sempronio, que lo atizan tu fuego, abiuan tu amor, encienden tu llama, añaden astillas, que tenga que gastar fasta ponerte en la sepultura. | Par. __ Sir, weak is fidelity, which fear of punishment converts into flattery, especially with a master, to whom pain or affliction deprives and keeps you away from your natural judgment. This veil of madness will be removed, these momentary fires will pass and you will recognize that my sharp words are better for killing this strong canker, which the soothing words of Sempronio, which feed and stir your fire, liven your love, kindle your flame and add the chips, which would need to be used up, until they put you in your grave. | |
26. CAL. __ ¡Calla, calla, perdido¡ Estó yo penado y t filosofando. No te espero más. Saquen vn cauallo. Límpienle mucho. Aprieten bien la cincha, por si passare por casa de mi señora y mi Dios. | Cal. __ Quiet, quiet, lost one! I am anguished and you philosophize. I will not wait any longer. Have them bring out a horse; Clean him greatly. Tighten well the cinch, for I wish to pass by the house of my lady and my God. | |
27. PARM. __ ¡Moços¡? No ay moço en casa? Yo me lo hauré de hazer, que a peor vernemos desta vez que ser moços de espuelas. ¡Andar¡, passe¡ Mal me quieren mis comadres, etc. ¿Rehinchays, don cauallo? ¿No basta vn celoso en casa? . . . ?O barruntás a Melibea? | Par. __ Servants! Are there no servants in the house? I will have to do it myself this time, for it would be worse to see ourselves being the spur boys. Go! Pass! My midwives do not wish me well, etc. Are you neighing, Don Horse? Is one zealous person in the house not enough?. .. Or do you foresee for Melibea? | |
28. CAL. __ ¡Viene esse cauallo? ¿ Qué hazes, Pármeno? | Cal. __ Is that horse coming? What are you doing, Parmeno? | |
29. PARM. __ Señor, vesle aquí, que no está Sosia en casa. | Par. __ Sir, here he is, for Sosia is not in the house. | |
30. CAL. __ Pues ten esse estribo, abre más essa puerta. Y si viniere Sempronio con aquella señora, di que esperen, que presto será mi buelta. | Cal. __ Then hold that stirrup and open that door more. And if Sempronio were to come with that lady, tell them to wait, for my return will be quick. | |
31. PARM. __ ¡Más, nunca sea¡! Allá yrás con el diablo¡ A estos locos dezildes lo que les cumple; no os podrán ver. Por mi ánima, que si agora le diessen vna lançada en el calcañar, que saliessen más sesos que de la cabeça¡ Pues anda, que a mi cargo ¡Que Celestina y Sempronio te espulguen¡. | Par. __ May it never be! Go with the devil! Tell these crazies what they deserve; they could not stand your presence. By my soul, that if now they were to cut his heel with a lance, more brains will come out than from his head. Then go, by my charge. Let Celestina and Sempronio delouse you! | |
¡O desdichado de mí¡ Por ser leal padezco mal. Otros se ganan por malos; yo me pierdo por bueno. ¡El mundo es tal¡ Quiero yrme al hilo de la gente, pues a los traydores llaman discretos, a los fieles nescios. Si creyera Celestina con sus seys dozenas de años a cuestas, no me maltratara Calisto. Mas esto me porná escarmiento de aquí adelante con él. Que si dixiere comamos, yo también; si quisiere derrocar la casa, aprouarlo; si quemar su hazienda, yr por fuego. | O unfortunate that I am! By being faithful I suffer evil. Others win by evil; I lose myself for good. The world is such! I want to go along with the people, for the traitors are called discreet and the loyal, fools. If I believed Celestina with her six dozen years on her back, Calisto would not mistreat me. But this will be a warning for me that from now on I will do as he says. That if he says let us eat, I will too; if he wants to knock down the house, I will approve it; if he wants to burn his property, I will go get the fire. | |
¡Destruya, rompa, quiebre, dañe, dé a alcahuetas lo suyo, que mi parte me cabrá, pues dizen: a río buelto ganancia de pescadores. ¡Nunca más perro a molino! |
Destroy, smash, break, damage, give what is yours to the matchmakers, for my part
will fit me, for they say: in muddled rivers there are the earnings for the fishermen.
| |
Acto IIISumario: SEMPRONIO vase a casa de CELESTINA, a la cual reprende por la MELIBEA. En fin sobreviene ELICIA. Vase CELESTINA a casa de PLEBERIO. Queda SEMPRONIO y ELICIA en casa. |
Act IIIArgument: SEMPRONIO goes to Celestina′s house. He reprimands her for her slowness. They consult the course they will take in Calisto′s business concerning MELIBEA. At last Elicia comes; Celestina goes to PLEBERIO’S house. In the meantime Sempronio remains in the house with ELICIA. | |
1. SEMP. __ ¡Qué espacio lleua la barvuda¡ ¡Menos sosiego trayan sus pies a la venida¡ A dineros pagados, braços quebrados. ¡Ce¡Señora Celestina: poco as aguijado. | Sem.__ Look how slowly the bearded woman goes. Her feet were less peaceful when she first came. When money is paid, arms are broken. Hey! Mistress Celestina: you have hardly progressed. | |
2. CEL. __ ¿A qué vienes, hijo? | Cel.__ What did you come for, son? | |
3. SEMP. __ Este nuestro enfermo no sabe qué pedir. De sus manos no se contenta. No se le cueze el pan. Teme tu negligencia. Maldize su auaricia y cortedad, porque te dio tan poco dinero. | Sem.__ Our sick patient does not know what to ask for. He finds no pleasure in manual occupation. His bread does not bake soon enough. He fears your negligence. He curses his avarice and shortness, because he gave you such little money. | |
4. CEL. __ No es cosa más propia del que ama que la impaciencia. Toda tardança les es tormento. Ninguna dilación les agrada. En vn momento querrían poner en efeto sus cogitaciones. Antes las querrían ver concluydas, que empeçadas. Mayormente estos nouicios amantes, que contra cualquiera señuelo buelan sin deliberación, sin pensar el daño, que el ceuo de su desseo trae mezclado en su exercicio y negociación para sus personas y siruientes. | Cel.__ There is nothing more characteristic of a lover than impatience fitting to a lover. Every tardiness is a torment for them. No delay pleases them. They want their imaginations to be fulfilled in a moment. They want to see them concluded before they are begun. Mainly it is these novice lovers, who fly into any lure without deliberation and without thinking of the damage, which the bait of their desire brings along, mixed with their exercises and negotiations, to themselves and their servants. | |
5. SEMP. __ ¿Qué dizes de siruientes? ¿Paresce por tu razón que nos puede venir a nosotros daño deste negocio y quemarnos con las centellas que resultan deste fuego de Calisto? ¡Aun al diablo daría yo sus amores! Al primer desconcierto, que vea en este negocio, no como más su pan. Más vale perder lo seruido, que la vida por cobrallo. El tiempo me dirá qué faga. Que primero, que cayga del todo, dará señal, como casa, que se acuesta. Si te pareçe, madre, guardemos nuestras personas de peligro. Fágase lo que se hiziere. Si la ouiere ogaño; si no, a otro: si no, nunca. Que no ay cosa tan difícile de çofrir en sus principios, que el tiempo no la ablande y faga comportable. | Sem.__ What did you say of servants? By your reasoning, it appears that this business could bring harm to us and that we could be burned by the sparks that result from the fire of Calisto? I would rather give his love to the devil! Upon the first disorder that I see in this business, I will no longer eat of his bread. It is worth more to me to lose my pay for services rendered, than to lose my life to get paid. Time will tell me what I should do. Because first, before he falls completely, he will signal like a house that is leaning. If it seems alright to you, mother, let us guard our persons from danger. Let happen whatever should happen. It may happen this year; if not, next or never. For there is nothing more difficult than the suffering that comes at the outset, because with time it will soften and become more comfortable. | |
Ninguna llaga tanto se sintió, que por luengo tiempo no afloxase su tormento, ni plazer tan alegre fue, que no le amengüe su antigüedad. El mal y el bien, la prosperidad y aduersidad, la gloria y pena, todo pierde con el tiempo la fuerça de su acelerado principio. Pues los casos de admiración y venidos con gran desseo, tan presto como passados, oluidados. Cada día vemos nouedades y las oymos y las passamos y dexamos atrás. Diminúyelas el tiempo, házelas contingibles. | And there was never a wound so painful that after a long time did not loosen its torment, or a pleasure so delightful that it did not diminish as it got older. Evil and good, prosperity and adversity, glory and grief, with time, all of them lose the force of their accelerated beginning. For in matters of admiration and things that are greatly desired, as quickly as they pass, they are forgotten. Everyday we see new things and we hear them and we pass them by and leave them behind. Time diminishes them and makes them accidental. | |
¿Qué tanto te marauillarías si dixesen: la tierra tembló o otra semejante cosa, que no oluidases luego? Assí como: elado está el río, el ciego vee ya, muerto es tu padre, vn rayo cayó, ganada es Granada, el Rey entra oy, el turco es vencido, eclipse ay mañana, la puente es lleuada, aquél es ya obispo, a Pedro robaron, Ynés se ahorcó. ?Qué me dirás, sino que a tres días passados o a la segunda vista, no ay quien dello se marauille? | How much would you wonder if they said: there was an earthquake or another similar thing that you would not later forget? Such as: the river is frozen, the blind man sees now, your father is dead, a lightning bolt struck, Granada is taken, the King enters today, the Turk is conquered, tomorrow there is an eclipse, the bridge has been carried away, so and so became a bishop, Pedro was robbed, Inez hung herself. What would you tell me if three days later or upon a second glance, there is nobody who would wonder about it? | |
todo es assí, todo passa desta manera, todo se oluida, todo queda atrás. Pues assí será este amor de mi amo: quanto más fuere andando, tanto más disminuyendo. `Que la costumbre luenga amansa los dolores, afloxa y deshaze los deleytes, demengua las marauillas. Procuremos prouecho, mientra pendiere la contienda. Y si a pie enxuto le pudiéremos remediar, lo mejor mejor es; y sinó, poco a poco le soldaremos el reproche o menosprecio de Melibea contra él. Donde no, más vale que pene el amo, que no que peligre el moço. | Everything is like that, everything happens in this way, everything is forgotten, everything stays behind. Such is the love of my master: the longer it goes on, the more it will diminish. For the long-established customs tame the pains, weakens and undoes the delights, lessens the wonders. Let us seek profit, while the plea is pending. And, if without wetting our feet, we can remedy him, the better it will be; and if not, little by little we will solder up the reproach and scorn of Melibea against him. If not, it is better that the master suffer than his servant be put in danger. | |
6. CEL. __ Bien as dicho. Contigo estoy, agradado me has. No podemos errar. Pero todavía, hijo, es necessario que el buen procurador ponga de su casa algún trabajo, algunas fingidas razones, algunos sofísticos actos: yr y venir a juyzio, avnque reciba malas palabras del juez. Siquiera por los presentes, que lo vieren; no digan que se gana holgando el salario. Y assí verná cada vno a él con su pleyto y a Celestina con sus amores. | Cel.__ You have spoken well. I am with you and you have pleased me. We cannot err. But still, son, it is necessary that the good proctor put some work of his own, some invented reasons, and some sophisticated acts: come and go to judgment, although he may receive harsh words from the judge. Even if only for those present so that they could see him; so they cannot say he makes his salary by fooling around. And so everyone will go to him with their case and to Celestina with their loves. | |
7. SEMP. __ Haz a tu voluntad, que no será éste el primer negocio, que has tomado a cargo. | Sem.__ Do it at your will, that this is not the first business that you have taken responsibility for. | |
8. CEL. __ ¿El primero, hijo? Pocas vírgines, a Dios gracias, has tú visto en esta cibdad, que hayan abierto tienda a vender, de quien yo no aya sido corredora de su primer hilado. En nasciendo la mochacha, la hago escriuir en mi registro, para saber quántas se me salen de la red. ¿Qué pensauas?? Auíame de mantener del viento? ¿Heredé otra herencia?? tengo otra casa o viña? ¿Conócesme otra hazienda, más deste oficio? ¿De qué como y beuo? ¿De qué visto y calço? En esta cibdad nascida, en ella criada, manteniendo honrra, como todo el mundo sabe ¿Conoscida pues, no soy? Quien no supiere mi nombre y mi casa tenle por estranjero. | Cel.__ The first, son? Few virgins, thank God, have you seen in this city, that have opened shop to sell, of whom I have not been the agent of their first thread. When a girl is born, I write her down in my registry, in order to know how many will escape from my net. What were you thinking? Should I maintain myself with the wind? Di I inherit another inheritance? Have I another house or vineyard? Do I know of any other fortune, other than this business? From what do I eat and drink? What do I wear and put on my feet? I was born in this city, raised in it, and maintained my honor; as everyone in the world knows. Am I not known? Take for a stranger he who does not know my name and my home. | |
9. SEMP. __ Dime madre, ¿Qué passaste con mi compañero Pármeno, quando subí con Calisto por el dinero? | Sem.__ Tell me mother, what heppened between you and my companion Parmeno, when I went up with Calisto for the money? | |
10. CEL. __ Díxele el sueño y la soltura, y cómo ganaría más con nuestra compañía, que con las lisonjas que dize a su amo; cómo viuiría siempre pobre y baldonado, si no mudaua el consejo; que no se hiziesse sancto a tal perra vieja como yo; acordéle quién era su madre, porque no menospreciase mi oficio; porque queriendo de mí dezir mal, tropeçasse primero en ella. | Cel.__ I told him the dream and the interpretation and how he would win more with our company than with the flatteries to his master ; how he would live always poor and in disgrace if he did not change his counsel; that he should not make himself a saint to such an old dog like me; I reminded him of who his mother was, so that he would not scorn my business; because by wanting to speak ill of me, he would have to stumble first upon her. | |
11. SEMP. __ ¿Tantos días ha que le conosces, madre? | Sem.__ Have you known him for a long time, mother? | |
12. CEL. __ Aquí está Celestina, que le vido nascer y le ayudó a criar. Su madre y yo, vña y carne. Della aprendí todo lo mejor que sé de mi oficio. Juntas comíamos, juntas dormíamos, juntas auíamos nuestros solazes, nuestros plazeres, nuestros consejos y conciertos. En casa y fuera, como dos hermanas. Nunca blanca gané en que no touiesse su meytad. Pero no viuía yo engañada, si mi fortuna quisiera que ella me durara. | Cel.__ This Celestina here, saw him born and helped raise him. His mother and me, nail and flesh. From her I learned all the best that I know of my business. Together we ate, together we slept, together we had our recreations, our pleasures, our counsels and agreements. At home and abroad, like two sisters. I never won a penny of which she did not have her half. But I did not live deceived, if only my fortune would have allowed her to last longer. | |
¡O muerte, muerte! ¡A quántos priuas de agradable compañía¡ ¡A quántos desconsuela tu enojosa visitación¡ Por vno, que comes con tiempo, cortas mil en agraz. Que siendo ella viua, no fueran estos mis passos desacompañados. ¡Buen siglo aya, que leal amiga y buena compañera me fue! Que jamás me dexó hazer cosa en mi cabo, estando ella presente. Si yo traya el pan, ella la carne. Si yo ponía la mesa, ella los manteles. No loca, no fantástica ni presumptuosa, como las de agora En mi anima, descubierta se yua hasta el cabo de la ciudad con su jarro en la mano, que en todo el camino no oya peor de: señora Claudina. | Oh death, death! How many do you deprive of agreeable company! How many do you distress with your troublesome visitation! For each one that you eat on time, you cut a thousand that are still green. If she were alive, these steps would not be taken without her company. May she have a good destiny; she was such a loyal friend and good companion! She never let me do anything by myself if she was present. If I brought the bread, she would bring the meat. If I set the table, she would lay out the tablecloth. Not crazy, not fantastical not presumptuous, like the women of today. By my soul, she would go uncovered to the end of the city with her jar in hand, and the whole way she would not hear worse than: mistress Claudina. | |
Y aosadas que otra conoscía peor el vino y qualquier mercaduría. Quando pensaua que no era llegada, era de buelta. Allí la combidauan, según el amor todos le tenían. Que jamás boluía sin ocho o diez gostaduras, vn açumbre en el jarro y otro en el cuerpo. Ansí le fiauan dos o tres arrobas en vezes, como sobre vna taça de plata. Su palabra era prenda de oro en quantos bodegones auía. | And for sure all others were less knowledgeable of wine and any merchandise. When I thought that she had not returned yet, she was back . They would all invite her, according to the love they all had for her. She never returned without eight or ten gustations, one pint in the jar and another in her body. Like that they whould let her have on credit two or three pints at a time, as if it was on a silver cup. Her word was as good as gold in all the taverns in town. | |
Si yuamos por la calle, donde quiera que ouiessemos sed, entráuamos en la primera tauerna y luego mandaua echar medio açumbre para mojar la boca. Mas a mi cargo que no le quitaron la toca por ello, sino quanto la rayauan en su taja, y andar adelante. Si tal fuesse agora su hijo, a mi cargo que tu amo quedasse sin pluma y nosotros sin quexa. Pero yo lo haré de mi fierro, si viuo; yo le contaré en el número de los mios. | If we would walk through the street, wherever we were thirsty, we would enter in the first tavern and immediately pour ourselves a quart of wine to moisten our lips. But in truth, they would not take off our veils, but they will make a mark in her cane and continue on our way. If such were now her son, I swear your master would have left and we would be without a complaint. But, if I live, I will make him of my metal; I will count him among mine. | |
13. SEMP. __ ¿Cómo has pensado hazerlo, que es un traydor? | Sem.__ How have you thought of doing it, being traitor? | |
14. CEL. __ A esse tal dos aleuosos. Haréle auer a Areusa. Será de los nuestros. Darnos ha lugar a tender las redes sin embaraço por aquellas doblas de Calisto. | Cel.__ To such a traitor, two perfidious. I will have him see Areusa. He will be ours. It will give us time to pitch the nets for without a problem for Calisto’s coins. | |
15. SEMP. __ ¿Pues crees que podrás alcançar algo de Melibea? ¿Ay algún buen ramo? | Sem.__ Do you think you will be able to get something out of Melibea? Is there any good token? | |
16. CEL. __ No ay çurujano, que a la primera cura juzgue la herida. Lo que yo al presente veo te diré. Melibea es hermosa, Calisto loco y franco. Ni a él penará gastar ni a mi andar. ¡Bulla moneda y dure el pleyto lo que durare¡ todo lo puede el dinero: las peñas quebranta, los ríos passa en seco. No ay lugar tan alto, que vn asno cargado de oro no le suba. Su desatino y ardor basta para perder a si y ganar a nosotros. | Cel.__ There is not a surgeon, who at the first cure judges the wound. I will tell you what I see at the present. Melibea is beautiful, Calisto is crazy and frank. He will not mind spending nor will I mind moving around. Let his money stir and let the controversy last as long as it can! Money can do anything: split rocks and cross rivers with dry feet. There is no place so tall, that a donkey loaded with gold cannot climb. His foolishness and ardor is enough for him to lose himself and for ourselves to profit. | |
Esto he sentido, esto he calado, esto sé dél y della, esto es lo que nos ha de aprouechar. A casa voy de Pleberio. Quédate Adiós. Que, avnque esté braua Melibea, no es ésta, si a Dios ha plazido, la primera a quien yo he hecho perder el cacarear. Cozquillosicas son todas; mas, después que vna vez consienten la silla en el enués del lomo, nunca querrían folgar. Por ellas queda el campo. Muertas sí; cansadas no. Si de noche caminan, nunca querrían que amaneciesse: | This I have felt, this I have gathered, this I know of him and her, this is what we have to take advantage of. I am going to Pleberio’s house. Goodbye. For, although Melibea is angered this is not, if it pleases God, the first whom I have made lose her cackle. They are all ticklish; and after they have consented to the chair on the back of the loins, they will never want to stop. Conquest depends on them. Dead yes; tired no. If they walk during the night, they will never want it to be dawn: | |
maldizen los gallos porque anuncian el día y el relox porque da tan apriessa. Requieren las cabrillas y el norte, haziéndose estrelleras. Ya quando veen salir el luzero del alua, quiéreseles salir el alma: su claridad les escuresce el coraçón. Camino es, hijo, que nunca me harté de andar. Nunca me vi cansada. Y avn assí, vieja como soy, sabe Dios mi buen desseo. ¡Quanto más éstas que hieruen sin fuego¡ | They curse the roosters because they announce the day and the clock because it goes too quickly. They make themselves astrologers, looking at the Pleiades and the North star. And when they see the morning star come out, their souls want to come pop out; its brightness darkens treir harts. It is a path, son, I will never gert tired of walking. I never see myself getting tired. And besides that, old as I am, God knows my good intention. And so much more these who boil without fire! | |
Catíuanse del primer abraço, ruegan a quien rogó, penan por el penado, házense sieruas de quien eran señoras, dexan el mando y son mandadas, rompen paredes, abren ventanas, fingen enfermedades, a los cherriadores quicios de las puertas hazen con azeytes vsar su oficio sin ruydo. No te sabré dezir lo mucho que obra en ellas aquel dulçor, que les queda de los primeros besos de quien aman. Son enemigas del medio; contino están posadas en los estremos. | They are captivated by the first embrace, they entreat themselves to whom they were entreated, they suffer for the suffering, those who were mistresses become servants, they stop giving orders to receive them, they break walls, open windows, fake illness, they put oil on the hinges of the door so they do not creak. I cannot tell you how much they work on that sweetness, which stays with them since the first kisses of whom they love. They are enemies of the middle; they always set themselves on extremes. | |
17. SEMP. __ No te entiendo essos términos, madre. | Sem.__ I do not understands those owrds, mother. | |
18. CEL. __ Digo que la muger o ama mucho aquél de quien es requerida o le tiene grande odio. Assí que, si al querer, despiden, no pueden tener las riendas al desamor. Y con esto, que sé cierto, voy más consolada a casa de Melibea, que si en la mano la touiesse. | Cel.__ I say that the woman either much loves he who loves her or has a great hatred for him. So that, if they dismiss love, they cannot control the reins of their dislike. And with this, which I know for sure, I go more comforted to Melibea’s house, than if I would have her in my hand. | |
Porque sé que, avnque al presente la ruegue, al fin me ha de rogar; avnque al principio me amenaze, al cabo me ha de halagar. Aquí lleuo vn poco de hilado en esta mi faltriquera, con otros aparejos, que comigo siempre traygo, para tener causa de entrar, donde mucho no soy conocida, la primera vez: assí como gorgueras, garuines, franjas, rodeos, tenazuelas, alcohol, aluayalde y solimán, hasta agujas y alfileres. | For I know that, although at the present I will beg her, in the end she will beg me; although at the beginning she will threaten me, at last she will show affection to me. Here in this pocket I have a little bit of yarn, among other trinkets, which I always carry with me, so that I have a reason to enter in a place, where I am not well known, for the first time: such as gorgets, coifs, fringes, rolls, ribbons, alcohol, ceruse and sublimate, I even have needles and pins. | |
Que tal ay, que tal quiere. Porque donde me tomare la boz, me halle apercebida para les echar ceuo o requerir de la primera vista. | There is something for evey desire. For wherever I am called, I should be ready to cast the bait or make a solicitation a first sight. | |
19. SEMP. __ Madre, mira bien lo que hazes. Porque, cuando el principio se yerra, no puede seguirse buen fin. Piensa en su padre, que es noble y esforçado, su madre celosa y braua, tú la misma sospecha. Melibea es vnica a ellos: faltándoles ella, fáltales todo el bien. En pensallo tiemblo, no vayas por lana y vengas sin pluma. | Sem.__ Mother, look well at what you are doing. Because, when the beginning goes astray, there cannot follow a happy ending. Think of her father, who is noble and courageous; her mother who is jealous and angry, and you, suspicion personified. Melibea is their only child: if they lose her, they loose all that is good. In thinking of it I tremble. Do not go to get wool and come back without plumes. | |
20. CEL. __ ¿Sin pluma, fijo? | Cel.__ Without plumes, son? | |
21. SEMP. __ O emplumada, madre, que es peor. | Sem.__ Or implumed, mother, which is worse. | |
22. CEL. __ ¡Alahé, en malora a ti he yo menester para compañero¡ ¡Avn si quisieses auisar a Celestina en su oficio¡ Pues quando tú nasciste ya comía yo pan con corteza. ¡Para adalid eres bueno, cargado de agüeros y recelo! | Cel.__ Oh please, it was the wrong time for me to need you to be my companion. You even want to advise Celestina of her own business! For when you were born I was already eating bread with a crust. You will make a good leader, full of omens and distrust! | |
SEMP. __ No te marauilles, madre, de mi temor, pues es común condición humana que lo que mucho se dessea jamás se piensa ver concluydo. Mayormente que en este caso temo tu pena y mía. Desseo prouecho: querría que este negocio houiesse buen fin. No porque saliesse mi amo de pena, mas por salir yo de lazeria. Y assí miro más inconuenientes con mi poca esperiencia, que no tú como maestra vieja. ELICIA. __ ¡Santiguarme quiero, Sempronio! ¡ quiero hazer vna raya en el agua! ¿Qué nouedad es esta, venir oy acá dos vezes? | Sem.__ Do not be surprised, mother, by my fear, for it is a common human condition when something is very much desired and it is thought it will not occur. Mainly in this case I fear your grief and mine. I desire profit: I would want this business to have a happy ending. Not so that my master will be rid of his pain, but so that I can get out of my poverty. That is why I focus more on the inconveniences, because of my lack of experience, than you as an old master. Eli.__ I want cross myself , Sempronio! I want to make a line in the water! What novelty is this, coming here twice in one day? | |
25. CEL. __ Calla, boua, déxale, que otro pensamiento traemos en que más nos va. Dime, ¿Está desocupada la casa?? Fuese la moça que esperaua al ministro? | Cel.__ Be quiet, fool, leave him, for we are thinking other thoughts that befit us more. Is the house empty? Did the girl who was waiting for the minister leave? | |
26. ELIC. __ Y avn después vino otra y se fue. | Eli.__ Yes and another that came after her has left too. | |
27. CEL. __ Sí, que no en balde? | Cel.__ Yes, and not in vain? | |
28. ELIC. __ No, en buena fe, ni Dios lo quiera. Que avnque vino tarde, más vale a quien Dios ayuda, etc. | Eli.__ No, in good faith, God forbid. For even though he came late, it is worth more when God is on one’s side, etc. | |
29. CEL. __ Pues sube presto al sobrado alto de la solana y baxa acá el bote del azeyte serpentino, que hallarás colgado del pedaço de la soga, que traxe del campo la otra noche, quando llouía y hazía escuro. Y abre el arca de los lizos y hazia la mano derecha hallarás vn papel escrito con sangre de morciégalo, debaxo de aquel ala de drago, a que sacamos ayer las vñas. Mira, no derrames el agua de Mayo, que me traxeron a confecionar. | Cel.__ Then go quickly to the high attic of the veranda and bring down a bottle of snake oil, which you will find hanging on a piece of rope, which I brought from the field the other night when it was raining and getting dark. Open the chest of heddles and on the right hand side you will find a paper that has been written on with bat’s blood, under the dragon wing, we declawed yesterday. Look, do not spill that may dew, which was brought to me for confections. | |
30. ELIC. __ Madre, no está donde dizes; jamás te acuerdas cosa que guardas. | Eli.__ Mother, it is not where you say it is; you never remember where you keep your things. | |
31. CEL. __ No me castigues, por Dios, a mi vejez; no me maltrates, Elicia. No infinjas, porque está aquí Sempronio, ni te ensoberuezcas, que más me quiere a mí por consejera, que a ti por amiga, avnque tú le ames mucho. Entra en la cámara de los vngüentos y en la pelleja del gato negro, donde te mandé meter los ojos de la loba, le fallarás. Y baxa la sangre del cabrón y vnas poquitas de las baruas, que tú le cortaste. | Cel.__ Do not punish me, by God, at my age; do not mistreat me, Elicia. Do not make things up, because Sempronio is here, nor be proud of it, for he loves me more as his counselor, than you as a girlfriend, although you may love him much. Enter into the room of the ointments and in the hide of the black cat, where I told you to put the eyes of the she-wolf, you will find it, bring down the blood of the he-goat and a little bit of his beard, which you cut off yourself. | |
32. ELIC. __ Toma, madre, veslo aquí; yo me subo y Sempronio arriba. | Eli.__ Here, mother, see it here; I will go up with Sempronio. | |
33. CEL. __ Conjúrote, triste Plutón, señor de la profundidad infernal, emperador de la Corte dañada, capitán soberuio de los condenados ángeles, señor de los sulfúreos fuegos, que los heruientes étnicos montes manan, | Cel.__ I conjure you, sad Pluto, lord of the deep inferno, emperor of the damaged court, proud captain of the condemned angels, master of the sulfurous flames, which flow from the boiling hills of Etna, | |
gouernador y veedor de los tormentos y atormentadores de las pecadoras ánimas, regidor de las tres furias, Tessífone, Megera y Aleto, administrador de todas las cosas negras del reyno de Stigie y Dite, con todas sus lagunas y sombras infernales, y litigioso caos, mantenedor de las bolantes harpías, con toda la otra compañía de espantables y pauorosas ydras; yo, Celestina, tu más conocida cliéntula, te conjuro por la virtud y fuerça destas vermejas letras; por la sangre de aquella noturna aue con que están escriptas; por la grauedad de aquestos nombres y signos, que en este papel se contienen; por la áspera ponçoña de las bíuoras, de que este azeyte fue hecho, con el qual vnto este hilado: vengas sin tardança obedescer mi voluntad y en ello te embueluas y con ello estés sin vn momento te partir, hasta que Melibea con aparejada oportunidad que aya, lo compre y con ello de tal manera quede enredada que, quanto más lo mirare, tanto más su coraçón se ablande a conceder mi petición, y se le abras y lastimes de crudo y fuerte amor de Calisto, | Governor and supervisor of the torments and tormentors of the sinful souls, ruler of the three furies, Tisiphone, Megaera, and Alecto; administrator of all things black under the reign of Styx and Dis, with all their lakes and infernal shades and litigious chaos, maintainer of the flying Harpies, and all the other company of frighting and terrifying Hydras; I Celestina, your best known client, conjure you by the virtue and forces of these vermillion letters; by the blood of that nocturnal bird with which they are written; by the gravity of these names and signs contained in it; by the bitter poison of the vipers, from which this oil was made and with which I anoint this piece of yarn: come without delay to obey my will and envelop yourself in it and with it stay without parting for a moment, until Melibea, by a contrived coincidence, buys it and by some manner becomes entangled in it, and the more she looks at it, the more her heart will soften and concede to my petition, and you will open and injure it with a crude and strong love for Calisto, | |
tanto que, despedida toda honestidad, se descubra a mí y me galardone mis passos y mensaje. Y esto hecho, pide y demanda de mí a tu voluntad. Si no lo hazes con presto mouimiento, ternásme por capital enemiga; heriré con luz tus cárceles tristes y escuras ; acusaré cruelmente tus continuas mentiras; apremiaré con mis ásperas palabras tu horrible nombre. Y otra y otra vez te conjuro. Y assí confiando en mi mucho poder, me parto para allá con mi hilado, donde creo te lleuo ya embuelto. |
So much that, dismissing all honesty, she will discover herself to me and will reward
me for my steps and messages. And after this is done, ask and demand of me your
will. If you do not do it quickly enough, you will have me as a capital enemy; I will
injure your sad and dark dungeons with light; I will cruelly accuse your continuous
lies; I will compel with bitter words your horrible name. I conjure you again and
again. And now, with confidence in my great power, I will go there now with my yarn
where I think I have you wrapped up.
| |
Acto IVSumario CELESTINA, andando por el camino, habla consigo misma hasta llegar a la puerta de PLEBERIO, donde hallo a LUCRECIA, criada de PLEBERIO. Ponese con ella en razones. Sentidas por ALISA, madre de MELIBEA, y sabido que es CELESTINA, hacela entrar en casa. Viene un mensajero a llamar a ALISA. Vase. Queda CELESTINA en casa con MELIBEA y le descubre la causa de su venida. |
Act IVArgument: Celestina, going on her way, talks to herself until she comes to Pleberio′s door where she meets with Lucrecia, one of Pleberio′s maidservants. She talks with her and she is overheard by Alisa, Melibea′s mother, and after finding out that it is Celestina, Alisa has her enter the house. A messenger comes to get Alisa and she leaves. In the meantime, Celestina is left alone with Melibea and she tells her the reason for her visit. | |
CEL. __ Agora, que voy sola, quiero mirar bien lo que Sempronio ha temido deste mi camino. Porque aquellas cosas, que bien no son pensadas, avnque algunas vezes ayan buen fin, comúnmente crían dessuariados efetos. Assí que la mucha especulación nunca carece de buen fruto. Que, avnque yo he dissimulado con él, podría ser que, si me sintiessen en estos passos de parte de Melibea, que no pagasse con pena, que menor fuesse que la vida, o muy amenguada quedasse, quando matar no me quisiessen, manteándome o açotándome cruelmente. Pues amargas cient monedas serían estas. !Ay cuytada de mí! ¡En qué lazo me he metido! ¡Que por me mostrar solícita y esforçada pongo mi persona al tablero! ¿Qué faré, cuytada, mezquina de mí, que ni el salir afuera es prouechoso ni la perseuerancia carece de peligro? ¿Pues yré o tornarme he? ¡O dubdosa y dura perplejidad! ¡No sé quál escoja por más sano! | Cel.__ Now that I am alone, I want to consider the fears Sempronio has about the path I am going to take. Because while sometimes things work out well when they that are not thought out, it is more than likely that doing do will create grievous errors. Excessive cautions are not lacking in rewards. For while I have hidden it from him, it is possible that it could cost me my life if those on Melibea′s side found out my intent; or if they did not want to kill me, I would end up badly because they would toss me in a blanket or whip me cruelly. Then these would be some bitter one hundred coins. Oh what a wretch I am! In what a noose I have gotten into! I have put my life on the line in order to prove that I am solicitous and diligent! What will I do, wretched me, for getting out of this is not profitable yet perservering does not lack danger? Well, should I go or should I turn around? Oh doubtful and difficult perplexity! I do not know which one is the sounder choice! | |
¡En el osar, manifiesto peligro; en la couardía, denostada pérdida! ¿A donde yrá el buey que no are? Cada camino descubre sus dañosos y hondos barrancos. Si con el furto soy tomada, nunca de muerta o encoroçada falto, a bien librar. Si no voy, ¿qué dirá Sempronio? Que todas estas eran mis fuerças, saber y esfuerço, ardid y ofrecinmento, astucia y solicitud. Y su amo Calisto ¿qué dirá? ¿Qué hará? ¿Qué pensará; sino que ay nueuo engaño en mis pisadas y que yo he descubierto la celada, por hauer más prouecho desta otra parte, como sofística preuaricadora? O si no se le ofrece pensamiento tan odioso, dará bozes como loco. Diráme en mi cara denuestos rabiosos. Proporná mill inconuenientes, que mi deliberación presta le puso, diziendo: Tú, puta vieja, ¿Por qué acrescentaste mis pasiones con tus promessas? Alcahueta falsa, para todo el mundo tienes pies, para mí lengua; para todos obra, para mi palabra; para todos remedio, para mí pena; para todos esfuerço, para mí te faltó; para todos luz, para mí tiniebla. Pues, vieja traydora, ¿por qué te me ofreciste? | In daring there is a clear danger; in cowardliness, disgraceful loss! Where would the ox go that will not plough? Every path uncovers its own dangerous and deep ravines. If I am caught with the stolen goods I will not be short of being killed or at least exposed. If I do not go what will Sempronio say? That these are all my powers; knowledge and scheming, promises and tricks, astuteness and cunning. And his master Calisto, what will he say? What will he do? What will he think? That there is deceit in my steps and that like a sophistic traitor I have revealed the plot because there is more profit on the other side? Or if he does not come up with such a hateful thought, he will rant and rave like a madman. He will rabidly denounce me to my face. He will raised a thousand allegations that my diligent planning brought about. He will say: You old whore, why did you increase my passions with your promises? False matchmaker, you have feet for everyone else, but for me, just toungue; for everyone else you have results, for me just promisses; for everyone else remedies, for me torture; for everyone else the efforts that were lacking for me; for everyone else you were light, for me darkness. So, old traitor, why did you offer yourself to me? | |
Que tu ofrecimiento me puso esperança; la esperança dilató mi muerte, sostuuo mi viuir, púsome título de hombre alegre. Pues no hauiendo efeto, ni tú carecerás de pena ni yo de triste desesperación. !Pues triste yo! ¡Mal acá, mal acullá: pena en ambas partes! Quando a los estremos falta el medio, arrimarse el hombre al más sano, es discreción. Más quiero offender a Pleberio, que enojar a Calisto. Yr quiero. Que mayor es la vergüença de quedar por couarde, que la pena, cumpliendo como osada lo que prometí, pues jamás al esfuerço desayudó la fortuna. Ya veo su puerta. En mayores afrentas me he visto. !Esfuerça, esfuerça, Celestina! ¡No desmayes! Que nunca faltan rogadores para mitigar las penas. Todos los agüeros se adereçan fauorables o yo no sé nada desta arte. Quatro hombres, que he topado, a los tres llaman juanes y los dos son cornudos. La primera palabra, que oy por la calle, fue de achaque de amores. Nunca he tropeçado como otras vezes. Las piedras parece que se apartan y me fazen lugar que passe. Ni me estoruan las haldas ni siento cansancio en andar. Todos me saludan. Ni perro me ha ladrado ni aue negra he visto, tordo ni cueruo ni otras noturnas. E lo mejor de todo es que veo a Lucrecia a la puerta de Melibea. Prima es de Elicia: no me será contraria. | For your promise gave me hope; that hope delayed my death, sustained my life, and made me a happy man. Since there was no result, you will not lack punishment nor I sad desperation. Then woe is me! Ill over here, ill over there: punishment for both of us! When the extremes lack a mean, it is better to get close to the healthiest man. I prefer to offend Pleberio than anger Calisto. I want to go. For the shame of being a coward is worse than the punishment that will result from not keeping my promise, for fortune always helps effort. I see her door already. I have seen myself in greater dangers. Courage, courage, Celestina! Do not faint! For there always lawyers who will mitigate the punishments. All of the omens are in my favor if I know anything about that art. I have run into four men and three of them are named John and two are cuckolds. The first word that I heard on the street was about love. I did not stumble as I walked, as I have other times. It seems as if the rocks separate themselves and make way for me as I pass. My skirts are not bothering me and I do not feel tired from walking. Everyone is greeting me. No dog has barked at me nor have I seen a black bird, a thrush, a crow, or any other nocturnal bird. And the best of all is that I see Lucrecia at Melibea′s door. She is Elicia′s cousin: she will not go against me. | |
LUCR. __ ¿Quién es esta vieja, que viene haldeando? | Luc.__ Who is this old woman who comes in such a hurry? | |
CEL. __ Paz sea en esta casa. | Cel.__ May there be peace in this house. | |
LUCR. __ Celestina, madre, seas bienvenida. ?Qual Dios te traxo por estos barrios no acostumbrados? | Luc.__ Celestina, mother, welcome. This is unusual, who in Heavesn brought you to this neighborhood? | |
CEL. __ Hija, mi amor, desseo de todos vosotros, traerte encomiendas de Elicia y avn ver a tus señoras, vieja y moça. Que después que me mudé al otro barrio, no han sido de mí visitadas. | Cel.__ Daughter, my love, the desire to see all of you, to bring you regards from Elicia and also to see your mistresses, young and old. For I have not visited here since I moved to the other neighborhood. | |
LUCR. __ ¿A eso sólo saliste de tu casa? Marauíllome de ti, que no es essa tu costumbre ni sueles dar passo sin prouecho. | Luc.__ Is that the only reason why you left your house? I wonder about that, for it is not your custom to take any steps without some profit. | |
CEL. __ ¿Más prouecho quieres, boua, que complir hombre sus desseos? Y también como a las viejas nunca nos fallecen necessidades, mayormente a mí, que tengo que mantener hijas agenas, ando a vender vn poco de hilado. | Cel.__ What greater profit do you want, fool, than to fulfill the desires of men? And also since old women are always in need, especially I who, taking care of someone else′s daughters, go from here to there to sell a little bit of yarn. | |
LUCR. __ ¡Algo es lo que yo digo! En mi seso estoy, que nunca metes aguja sin sacar reja. Pero mi señora la vieja vrdió vna tela: tiene necessidad dello y tú de venderlo. Entra y espera aquí, que no os desauenirés. | Luc.__ I told you! I do have my wits about me, for you never insert a needle without making sure you get a profit. But actually, my mistress the old woman is weaving a piece of fabric: she needs to buy what you have and you need to sell it. Come in and wait here, for you will do some business. | |
ALISA. __ ¿Con quién hablas, Lucrecia? | Ali.__ Who are you talking to, Lucrecia? | |
LUCR. __ Señora, con aquella vieja de la cuchillada, que solía viuir en las tenerías, a la cuesta del río. | Luc.__ Mistress, to the old woman with the knif scar, the one who used to live in the tannery, down by the river. | |
ALI. __ Agora la conozco menos. Si tú me das a entender lo incógnito por lo menos conocido, es coger agua en cesto. | Ali.__ I know less about her now than before. Trying to make me understand the unknown by something less unknown is like collecting water in a basket. | |
LUCR. __ ¡Jesú, señora! Más conoscida es esta vieja que la ruda. No sé cómo no tienes memoria de la que empicotaron por hechizera, que vendía las moças a los abades y descasaua mill casados. | Luc.__ Jesus, mistress! This woman is better known than malassass. I do not know how you cannot remember the one that was put in the stocks because she was a sorceress. The one who sold young girls to the abbots and ruined a thousand marriages. | |
ALI. __ ¿Qué oficio tiene? Quiçá por aquí la conoceré mejor. | Ali.__ What is her trade? Maybe I will know her better by that. | |
LUCR. __ Señora, perfuma tocas, haze solimán y otros treynta officios. Conoce mucho en yeruas, cura niños y avn algunos la llaman la vieja lapidaria. | Luc.__ Mistress, she is a perfumer, she makes sublimates and has another thirty trades. She knows much about herbs, she cures children and some even call her the old jewelry seller. | |
ALI. __ Todo esso dicho no me la da a conocer; dime su nombre, si le sabes. | Ali.__ After all that you have said I still do not know her; tell me her name, if you know it. | |
LUCR. __ ¿Si le sé, señora? No ay niño ni viejo en toda la cibdad, que no lo sepa: ¿Hauíale yo de ignorar? | Luc.__ If I know it, mistress? There is no child or person of age in the whole city who does not know it. How could I not? | |
ALI. __ ¿Pues por qué no le dizes? | Ali.__ Well why do you not say it? | |
LUCR. __ ¡He vergüença! | Luc.__ I am embarrassed. | |
ALI. __ Anda, boua, dile. No me indignes con tu tardança. | Ali.__ Go, fool, say it. Do not anger me with your delay. | |
LUCR. __ Celestina, hablando con reuerencia, es su nombre. | Luc.__ Celestina, I beg your pardon, is her name, | |
ALI. __ ¡Hy! ¡hy! ¡hy! ¡mala landre te mate, si de risa puedo estar, viendo el desamor que deues de tener a essa vieja, que su nombre has vergüença nombrar! Ya me voy recordando della. !Vna buena pieça! No me digas más. Algo me verná a pedir. Di que suba. | Ali.__ Ha! Ha! Ha! May the devil take you if I can stop laughing from seeing the dislike that you must have for that old woman since you are embarrassed to say her name! Now I remember her! She is a fine piece! Tell me no more. She must have something to ask of me. Tell her to come up. | |
LUCR. __ Sube, tía. | Luc.__ Come up, aunt. | |
CEL. __ Señora buena, la gracia de Dios sea contigo y con la noble hija. Mis passiones y enfermedades han impedido mi visitar tu casa, como era razón; mas Dios conoce mis limpias entrañas, mi verdadero amor, que la distancia de las moradas no despega el querer de los coraçones. Assí que lo que mucho desseé, la necessidad me lo ha hecho complir. Con mis fortunas aduersas otras, me sobreuino mengua de dinero. No supe mejor remedio que vender vn poco de hilado, que para vnas toquillas tenía allegado. Supe de tu criada que tenías dello necessidad. Avnque pobre y no de la merced de Dios, veslo aquí, si dello y de mí te quieres seruir. | Cel.__ My good mistress, may the grace of God be with you and with your noble daughter. My troubles and illnesses have not allowed me to visit your home, as I should have; but God knows how clean my entrails are, how pure my love is and how the distances between homes does not diminish the love between hearts. So finally necessity has made me do what I have desired for so long. Along with my other adverse fortunes, it so happens that my money has dwindled. I did not know what other remedy to take other than to sell a little bit of yarn, which I had saved to make some headscarves. I learned from your servant that you were in need of them. Although I am poor, even though not of God"s mercy, here it is, if you have any need of it and of me. | |
ALI. __ Vezina honrrada, tu razón y ofrecimiento me mueuen a compassión y tanto, que quisiera cierto más hallarme en tiempo de poder complir tu falta, que menguar tu tela. Lo dicho te agradezco. Si el hilado es tal, serte ha bien pagado. | Ali.__ Honored neighbor, your thoughtfulness and offering move me to so much compassion, that I want to know how I could fulfill your needs, rather than diminish your yarn. I am greatful for your offer. If the yarn is as you say, you will be well paid for it. | |
CEL. __ ¿Tal señora? Tal sea mi vida y mi vejez y la de quien parte quisiere de mi jura. Delgado como el pelo de la cabeça, ygual, rezio como cuerdas de vihuela, blanco como el copo de la nieue, hilado todo por estos pulgares, aspado y adreçado. Veslo aquí en madexitas. Tres monedas me dauan ayer por la onça, assí goze desta alma pecadora. | Cel.__ As I say, mistress? By my life and old age and by whoever else would want to join me in my oath; it is as fine as the hair on your head, as strong as the cords on a violin, as white as a snowflake and it has been spun, reeled and wound up by these very fingers. See it here in skeins. Yesterday they gave me three coins for an ounce, may I enjoy my sinning soul. | |
ALI. __ Hija Melibea, quédese esta muger honrrada contigo, que ya me parece que es tarde para yr a visitar a mi hermana, su muger de Cremes, que desde ayer no la he visto, y también que viene su paje a llamarme, que se le arrezió desde vn rato acá el mal. | Ali.__ Daughter Melibea, keep this honored woman with you, for it seems that it is time for me to go and visit my sister, the wife of Chremes, because I have not seen her since yesterday. Also, her page has come to get me, because her illness has gotten worse in the past few hours. | |
CEL. __ Por aquí anda el diablo aparejando oportunidad, arreziando el mal a la otra. !Ea! ¡Buen amigo, ¡ tener rezio! Agora es mi tiempo o nunca. No la dexes, lléuamela de aquí a quien digo. | Cel.__ The devil is around here preparing an opportunity by making that other woman sicker. Go on! Good friend, hold it tight! It is now or never. Do not let her stay, take her away from here. | |
ALI. __ ¿Qué dizes, amiga? | Ali.__ What did you say, friend? | |
CEL. __ Señora, que maldito sea el diablo y mi pecado, porque en tal tiempo houo de crescer el mal de tu hermana, que no haurá para nuestro negocio oportunidad. ¿Y qué mal es el suyo? | Cel.__ Mistress, I cursed the devil and my sinfulness, because your sister has become sicker now and we will not have an opportunity to do our business. And, what is her sickness? | |
ALI. __ Dolor de costado y tal que, según del moço supe que quedaua, temo no sea mortal. Ruega tú, vezina, por amor mio, en tus deuociones por su salud a Dios. | Ali.__ She has a pain in her side which is so great that, according to what the page tells me, I fear it may be fatal. Pray to God, my neighbor, by my love, for her health. | |
CEL. __ Yo te prometo, señora, en yendo de aquí, me vaya por essos monesterios, donde tengo frayles deuotos mios, y les dé el mismo cargo, que tú me das. Y demás desto, ante que me desayune, dé quatro bueltas a mis cuentas. | Cel.__ I promise you, mistress, that when I leave here I will go to the monastery, where I have devoted monks of mine, and I will tell them to do what you have just told me. And additionally, before I have breakfast, I will say the rosary four times. | |
ALI. __ Pues, Melibea, contenta a la vezina en todo lo que razón fuere darle por el hilado. Y tú, madre, perdóname, que otro día se verná en que más nos veamos. | Ali.__ So, Melibea, please our neighbor by paying her a reasonable price for her yarn. And you, mother, pardon me, for another day will come when we will be able to see more of each other. | |
CEL. __ Señora, el perdón sobraría donde el yerro falta. De Dios seas perdonada, que buena compañía me queda. Dios la dexe gozar su noble juuentud y florida mocedad, que es el tiempo en que más plazeres y mayores deleytes se alcançarán. Que, a la mi fe, la vejez no es sino mesón de enfermedades, posada de pensamientos, amiga de renzillas, congoxa continua, llaga incurable, manzilla de lo passado, pena de lo presente, cuydado triste de lo porvenir, vezina de la muerte, choça sin rama, que se llueue por cada parte, cayado de mimbre, que con poca carga se doblega. | Cel.__ Mistress, pardon is not needed when no error has been committed. May God spare you, for I stay with good company. May God let you delight in your noble flourishing youth, for it is the time in which the most pleasures and delights will be within reach. For, by my faith, old age is nothing more than a home for sickness, a dwelling for worries, a friend of bickering, a continuous grief, an incurable sore, a shame of the past, a grievance of the present, a wretched care for the future, a neighbor of death, an ill-thatched hut that rain falls through, and a stick of willow that bends with a litle weight. | |
MELIB. __ ¿Por qué dizes, madre, tanto mal de lo que todo el mundo con tan eficacia gozar y ver dessean? | Mel.__ Why do you speak, mother, so badly of what every living soul so earnestly wants enjoy and see? | |
CEL. __ Dessean harto mal para sí, dessean harto trabajo. Dessean llegar allá, porque llegando viuen y el viuir es dulce y viuiendo enuejescen. Assí que el niño dessea ser moço y el moço viejo y el viejo, más; avnque con dolor. Todo por viuir. Porque como dizen, biua la gallina con su pepita. Pero ¿Quién te podría contar, señora, sus daños, sus inconvenientes, sus fatigas, sus cuydados, sus enfermedades, su frío, su calor, su descontentamiento, su renzilla, su pesadumbre, aquel arrugar de cara, aquel mudar de cabellos su primera y fresca color, aquel poco oyr, aquel debilitado ver, puestos los ojos a la sombra, aquel hundimiento de boca, aquel caer de dientes, aquel carecer de fuerça, aquel flaco andar, aquel espacioso comer? Pues ¡Ay, ay! ¡Señora!, si lo dicho viene acompañado de pobreza, allí verás callar todos los otros trabajos, quando sobra la gana y falta la prouisión; ¡Que jamás sentí peor ahíto, que de hambre! | Cel.__ They desire their own pain and and grief. They desire to get there, because by getting there they live and living is sweet but by living they age. Just like the boy wants to be a young man and the young man wants to be an old man and the old man wants to be older; even though he may be in pain. All for the sake of living. Because, as they say, let the hen live with her pip. But who could tell you, mistress, of its problems, its inconveniences, its weariness, its care, its sickness, its cold, its heat, its discontentment, its bickering, its grief, the wrinkles on the face, the changing of the original bright hair color, the hardness of hearing, the debilitated eyes, sunken into shade, the sinking of the jaws, the falling out of teeth, the lack of strength, the weakness of the legs and the slowness of eating? But, Oh! Oh! Mistress! When all I have told you is accompanied by poverty! All the other sorrows are silent because the need surpasses the lack of provisions. I never knew a habit worse than hunger! | |
MELIB. __ Bien conozco que dize cada uno de la feria, segund le va en ella: assí que otra canción cantarán los ricos. | Mel.__ I know well what everyone talks about the fair according to how it went. I think that the the rich sing another song. | |
CEL. __ Señora, hija, a cada cabo ay tres leguas de mal quebranto. A los ricos se les va la bienaventurança, la gloria y descanso por otros alvañares de asechanças, que no se parescen, ladrillados por encima con lisonjas. Aquél es rico que está bien con Dios. Más segura cosa es ser menospreciado que temido. Mejor sueño duerme el pobre, que no el que tiene de guardar con solicitud lo que con trabajo ganó y con dolor ha de dexar. Mi amigo no será simulado y el del rico sí. Yo soy querida por mi persona; el rico por su hazienda. Nunca oye verdad, todos le hablan lisonjas a sabor de su paladar, todos le han enbidia. Apenas hallarás vn rico, que no confiese que le sería mejor estar en mediano estado o en honesta pobreza. Las riquezas no hazen rico, mas ocupado; no hazen señor, mas mayordomo. Más son los posseydos de las riquezas que no los que las posseen. A muchos traxo la muerte, a todos quita el plazer y a las buenas costumbres ningunas cosa es más contraria. ¿ No oyste dezir: dormieron su sueño los varones de las riquezas e ninguna cosa hallaron en sus manos ? Cada rico tiene vna dozena de hijos e nietos, que no rezan otra oración, no otra petición; sino rogar a Dios que le saque de en medio dellos; no veen la hora que tener a él so la tierra e lo suyo entre sus manos e darle a poca costa su morada para siempre. | Cel.__ Mistress, daughter, a every end there remain three leagues of great sorrow. Happiness, glory and rest escape the rich through the gutters of deceptions, which are not apparent, being covered by the bricks of flattery. He is rich who is blessed by God. It is safer to be despised than to be feared. The poor sleep better than the ones who have to carefully guard all that they have gained with work, which they would be pained to leave behind. My friends will not flatter me but a rich man′s will. I am loved because of who I am; the rich man for his wealth. He never hears the truth because everyone tells him what he wants to hear. All of them envy him. You will hardly find a rich man who does not confess that he would be better off if he had an average estate or honest poverty. Riches do not make you rich, but only busier; they do not make you a master, but a butler. More are possessed by their riches than possess their riches. It has brought many to their deaths, it takes away pleasure from all, and nothing is more contrary to an honest life. Have you not heard it said: men have dreampt of riches only to wake up and find nothing in their hands? Every rich man has a dozen sons and nephews that do not pray any other prayer; except to beg God to take him away from them; they cannot wait until he is beneath the earth and his riches in their hands, and give him his everlasting dwelling for a small price. | |
MELIB. __ Madre, pues que assí es, gran pena ternás por la edad que perdiste. ¿Querrías boluer a la primera? | Mel.__ Mother, if that is so, you must grieve for for the years you have lost. Would you want to return to the beginning? | |
__ Loco es, señora, el caminante que, enojado del trabajo del día, quisiesse boluer comienço la jornada para tornar otra vez aquel lugar. Que todas aquellas cosas, cuya possessión no es agradable, más vale poseellas, que esperallas. Porque más cerca está el fin de ellas, quanto más andado del comienço. No ay cosa más dulce ni graciosa al muy cansado que el mesón. Assí que, avnque la moçedad sea alegre, el verdadero viejo no la dessea. Porque el que de razón y seso carece, quasi otra cosa no ama, sino lo que perdió. | Cel.__ Crazy is, mistress, the traveler who, annoyed by the day′s work, would want to return to the beginning of the journey only to return to the place he just came from. For it is better to have had disagreeable times than to wait for them to come. Because the closer you are to their end, the farther you are from their starting line. There is nothing sweeter or more pleasing to a tired wanderer, than an inn. So while the young may be happy, those who are truly old do not desire youth. Because only he who lacks his senses and reason loves almost nothing but what he lost. | |
MELIB. __ Siquiera por viuir más, es bueno dessear lo que digo. | Mel.__ If only to live longer it good to desire whzat I have said. | |
CEL. __ Tan presto, señora, se va el cordero como el carnero. Ninguno es tan viejo, que no pueda viuir vn año ni tan moço, que oy no pudiesse morir. Assí que en esto poca avantaja nos leuays. | Cel.__ The lamb is slaughtered as quickly as the ram, mistress. Neither of them is so old that they could not live another year nor so young that today they could not die. So the youth have little advantage over us. | |
MELIB. __ Espantada me tienes con lo que has hablado. Indicio me dan tus razones que te aya visto otro tiempo. ¿Dime, madre, eres tú Celestina, la que solía morar a las tenerías, cabe el río? | Mel.__ What you have said has scared me. The way you speak makes me think that I have seen you before. Tell me, mother, are you Celestina, the one who used to live in the tanneries near the river? | |
CEL. __ Hasta que Dios quiera. | Cel.__ For as long as God wants. | |
MELIB. __ Vieja te has parado. Bien dizen que los días no se van en balde. Assí goze de mí, no te conociera, sino por essa señaleja de la cara. Figúraseme que eras hermosa. Otra pareces, muy mudada estás. | Mel.__ You have become an old woman. It is true that time does not pass in vain. Trust me; I would not have recognized you if it had not been for that scar on your face. I think that once you must have been beautiful. You look different, you have changed a lot. | |
LUCR. __ ¡Hy! ¡Hy! ¡Hy! ¡Mudada está el diablo! ¡Hermosa era con aquel su Dios os salue, que trauiessa la media cara! | Luc.__ Ha! Ha! Ha! The devil has changed! Beautiful she was indeed with that "godspeed" written across her face! | |
MELIB. __ ¿Qué hablas, loca? ¿Qué es lo que dizes? ¿De qué te ríes? | Mel.__ What are you saying, fool? What is it that you say? What are you laughing at? | |
LUCR. __ De cómo no conocías a la madre en tan poco tiempo en la filosomía de la cara. | Luc.__ Of how you did not recognize the woman, after such a short time, by the scar on her face. | |
MELIB. __ No es tan poco tiempo dos años; y más que la tiene arrugada. | Mel.__ Two years is not such a short time; besides, her face is wrinkled. | |
CEL. __ Señora, ten tú el tiempo que no ande; terné yo mi forma, que no se mude. ¿No has leydo que dizen: verná el día que en el espejo no te conozcas? Pero también yo encanecí temprano y parezco de doblada edad. Que assí goze desta alma pecadora y tú desse cuerpo gracioso, que de quatro hijas, que parió mi madre, yo fui la menor. Mira cómo no soy vieja, como me juzgan. | Cel.__ Mistress, if you could make time stop running, I would have it so that my form would never change. Have you not read about the day that will come when you do not recognize yourself in the mirror? But also my hair went gray early on, so I look twice my age. May I enjoy my sinful soul just as you do of your gracious body. I was the youngest of my mother′s four daughters. I am not as old as you think I am. | |
MELIB. __ Celestina, amiga, yo he holgado mucho en verte y conocerte. También hasme dado plazer con tus razones. Toma tu dinero y vete con Dios, que me paresce que no deues hauer comido. | Mel.__ Celestina, friend, I have enjoyed seeing you and getting to know you. Also your speech has given me much pleasure. Take your money and go with God for it seems you have not eaten yet. | |
CEL. __ ¡O angélica ymagen! ¡O perla preciosa, y cómo te lo dizes¡ Gozo me toma en verte fablar. ¿Y no sabes que por la diuina boca fué dicho contra aquel infernal tentador, que no de solo pan viuiremos? Pues assí es, que no el solo comer mantiene. Mayormente a mí, que me suelo estar vno y dos días negociando encomiendas agenas ayuna, saluo hazer por los buenos, morir por ellos. Esto tuue siempre, querer más trabajar siruiendo a otros, que holgar contentando a mí. Pues, si tú me das licencia, diréte la necessitada causa de mi venida, que es otra que la que fasta agora as oydo y tal, que todos perderíamos en me tornar en balde sin que la sepas. | Cel.__ Oh angelic image! Oh precious pearl, and how you say it! What you say pleases me. And do you remember what the divine mouth said to the infernal temptor; that we do not only live on bread? For that is true; one does not only maintain themself by eating. Especially me, for I am usually negotiating other people′s businesses for one or two days without a bite, only to die for the good ones, and to die for them. I have always done this; I work more serving others than live contenting myself. So, if you will allow me, I will tell you the real reason for my visit, because it is different from the one you thought it was, and all of us would be sorry if I vainly returned without you knowing it. | |
MELIB. __ Di, madre, todas tus necessidades, que, si yo las pudiere remediar, de muy buen grado lo haré por el passado conoscimiento y vezindad, que pone obligación a los buenos. | Mel.__ Tell me, mother, everything that you need, because if I can satisfy them, I would willingly do so because of our old acquaintance and neighborhood, which obligates good people. | |
CEL. __ ¿Mías, señora? Antes agenas, como tengo dicho; que las mías de mi puerta adentro me las passo, sin que las sienta la tierra, comiendo quando puedo, beuiendo quando lo tengo. Que con mi pobreza jamás me faltó, a Dios gracias, vna blanca para pan y vn quarto para vino, después que embiudé; que antes no tenía yo cuydado de lo buscar, que sobrado estaua vn cuero en mi casa y vno lleno y otro vazío. Jamás me acosté sin comer vna tostada en vino y dos dozenas de soruos, por amor de la madre, tras cada sopa. Agora, como todo cuelga de mí, en vn jarrillo malpegado me lo traen, que no cabe dos açumbres. Seys vezes al día tengo de salir por mi pecado, con mis canas a cuestas, a le henchir a la tauerna. Mas no muera yo muerte, hasta que me vea con vn cuero o tinagica de mis puertas adentro. Que en mi ánima no ay otra prouisión, que como dizen: pan y vino anda camino, que no moço garrido. Assí que donde no ay varón, todo todo bien fallesce: con mal está el huso, quando la barua no anda de suso . Ha venido esto, señora, por lo que dezía de las agenas necessidades e no mías. | Cel.__ My needs mistress? First the needs of others, for as I told you; I leave mine at my door, and nobody knows about them; I eat when I can and drink what I have. For even with all my poverty I have never been lacking, thank God, a penny or a quarter for wine after I became a widow; before that I never worried about it it since there was always a couple of wineskins, one that was full and another that was empty. I never went to bed without eating a piece of toast steeped in wine and two dozen sips, by the love of my uterus, after every soup. Now that everything depends on me, they bring it to me in a poor little jar which hardly holds a gallon. Because of my sins I have to go to the tavern to fill it up six times a day, with my gray hairs upon my shoulder. May I not die before I see another wineskin or cask in my house. By my soul, there is no better provision. Like they say: bread and wine will take you farther down the road than a handsome lad. So, where there is no man, everything good vanishes: when the beard is not around, the spindle does not run. But this speech, mistress, comes from what I was saying about how other people′s necessities come before mine. | |
MELIB. __ Pide lo que querrás, sea para quien fuere. | Mel.__ Ask me whatever you want, be it for whomever. | |
CEL. __ ¡Donzella graciosa y de alto linaje! Tu suaue fabla y alegre gesto, junto con el aparejo de liberalidad, que muestras con esta pobre vieja, me dan osadía a te lo dezir. Yo dexo vn enfermo a la muerte, que con sola una palabra de tu noble boca salida, que le lleue metida en mi seno, tiene por fe que sanará, según la mucha deuoción tiene en tu gentileza. | Cel.__ My gracious lady of high lineage! Your kind words and cheerful face, together with the liberal generosity you show this poor old woman, allow me to dare to say this. I left a sick man at his death, and if only one word were to come from your noble mouth, which I would bring to him in my busom, he believes he will heal, accordingly with the great devotion he has for your gentility. | |
MELIB. __ Vieja honrrada, no te entiendo, si más no declaras tu demanda. Por vna parte me alteras y prouocas a enojo; por otra me mueues compasión. No te sabría boluer respuesta conueniente, según lo poco que he sentido de tu habla. Que yo soy dichosa, si de mi palabra ay necessidad para salud de algún cristiano. Porque hazer beneficio es semejar a Dios, y el que le da le recibe, quando a persona digna dél le hace. Y demás desto, dizen que el que puede sanar al que padece, no lo faziendo, le mata. Assí que no cesses tu petición por empacho ni temor. | Mel.__ Honorable old woman, I cannot understand you unless you clarify your demand. On the one hand, you upset me and provoke my anger and on the other, you move me to compassion. I do not know how to respond with a convenient answer because of the little I have understood of what you have said. I would be fortunate if a word from my mouth was the only thing necessary to save the life of a Christian. Because to do good is to imitate God and giving it is receiving, when is in favor of a person worthy of it. Additionally, they say that if one has the ability to cure the sick and does not do it, is a murderer. So then, do not conceal your full petition because of your bashfulness or fear. | |
CEL. __ El temor perdí mirando, señora, tu beldad. Que no puedo creer que en balde pintasse Dios vnos gestos más perfetos que otros, más dotados de gracias, más hermosas faciones; sino para fazerlos almazén de virtudes, de misericordia, de compassión, ministros de sus mercedes y dádiuas, como a ti. Y pues como todos seamos humanos, nascidos para morir, sea cierto que no se puede dezir nacido el que para sí nasció. Porque sería semejante a los brutos animales, en los quales avn ay algunos piadosos, como se dize del vnicornio, que se humilla a qualquiera donzella. El perro con todo su ímpetu y braueza, quando viene a morder, si se echan en el suelo, no haze mal: esto de piedad. ¿Pues las aues? Ninguna cosa el gallo come, que no participe y llame las gallinas a comer dello. El pelicano rompe el pecho por dar a sus hijos a comer de sus entrañas. Las cigüeñas mantienen otro tanto tiempo a sus padres viejos en el nido, quanto ellos le dieron ceuo siendo pollitos. Pues tal conoscimiento dio la natura a los animales y aues? ¿Por qué los hombres hauemos de ser mas crueles? ¿Por qué no daremos parte de nuestras gracias e personas a los próximos, mayormente, quando están embueltos en secretas enfermedades e tales que, donde está la melezina, salió la causa de la enfermedad? | Cel.__ I lost my fear when I saw your beauty, mistress. For I cannot believe than God would paint a face more perfect than others, with more grace and with prettier features, unless it was to make them a storehouse of virtues, mercy, compassion and a minister of His blessings and gifts, as He did for you. Besides, since all of us are human and are born to die, it is certain that one cannot be truly born if he were born only for himself. Because then they would be similar to the brutish beasts, although some are pious. For example, it is said that the unicorn will kneel before any young lady. The dog with all its impetus and fierceness will not bite you if you throw yourself to the ground: this is piety. And as for the birds? The rooster does not eat anything unless he has called the hens to share the food with him. The pelican will tear his chest open in order to let his children eat his entrails. Storks maintain their old parents in the nest for as long as they themselves were there when they were chicks. Nature gave such knowledge to the animals and birds so why would mankind be crueler? Why should we not give a part of our graciousness and person to our neighbors, especially when they have a strange sickness and the only medicine that can cure them is the same thing that caused their infirmity? | |
MELIB. __ Por Dios, sin más dilatar, me digas quién es esse doliente, que de mal tan perplexo se siente, que su passión y remedio salen de vna misma fuente. | Mel.__ By God, without any more delay, tell me who is this hurting man who is sick from an illness so perplexing that his passion and his remedy flow from the same fountain. | |
CEL. __ Bien ternás, señora, noticia en esta cibdad de vn cauallero mancebo, gentil hombre de clara sangre, que llaman Calisto. | Cel.__ You may have heard, mistress, news in this city of a young gentleman of good blood whom they call Calisto. | |
MELIB. __ ¡Ya, ya, ya! Buena vieja no me digas más, no pases adelante. ¿Esse es el doliente por quien has fecho tantas premissas en tu demanda? ¿Por quién has venido a buscar la muerte para ti? ¿Por quién has dado tan dañosos passos, desuergonçada barvuda? ¿Qué siente esse perdido, que con tanta passión vienes? De locura será su mal. ¿Qué te parece? ¡Si me fallaras sin sospecha desse loco, con qué palabras me entrauas! No se dize en vano que el más empezible miembro del mal hombre o muger es la lengua. !Quemada seas, alcahueta falsa, hechizera, enemiga de onestad, causadora de secretos yerros! ¡Jesú, Jesú¡ !Quítamela, Lucrecia, de delante, que me fino, que no me ha dexado gota de sangre en el cuerpo! Bien se lo mereçe esto y más, quien a estas tales da oydos. Por cierto, si no mirasse a mi honestidad y por no publicar su osadía desse atreuido, yo te fiziera, maluada, que tu razón y vida acabaran en vn tiempo. | Mel.__ Enough, enough, enough! Good old woman, do not tell me anymore, do not continue. Is this the suffering one for whom you have made so many prefaces to in your demands? For whom you have gone looking for your death? For whom you have made such dangerous steps, you shameless bearded woman? How much pain can that lost man be in that you would come with such passion? Insanity is his ailment. What would you think if I had no suspicion of that fool and your deceitful words! It is true that the most evil member in a man or a woman is the toungue. May you be burned, false matchmaker, sorceress, enemy of honest words, and provoker of secret sins! Jesus, Jesus! Take her away from me, Lucrecia, before I die, for there is not a drop of blood left in my body! Whoever lend ears for the likes of her deserves this and much more. It is certain that if it were not for my honor and my unwillingness to make public the daringness of taht imprudent fellow, I would act, evil one, so that your reason and life would end at once. | |
CEL. __ ¡En hora mala acá vine, si me falta mi conjuro! ¡Ea pues: bien sé a quién digo.! Ce, hermano, que se va todo a perder! | Cel.__ What a desaster, to come here if my conjuration has fails! I know well whom I can speaking to! Come, brother, because everything is going to go to waste! | |
MELIB. __ ¿Avn hablas entre dientes delante mí, para acrecentar mi enojo y doblar tu pena? ¿Querrías condenar mi onestidad por dar vida a vn loco? ¿Dexar a mi triste por alegrar a él y lleuar tú el prouecho de mi perdición, el galardón de mi yerro? ¿Perder y destruyr la casa y la honrra de mi padre por ganar la de vna vieja maldita como tú? ¿Piensas que no tengo sentidas tus pisadas y entendido tu dañado mensaje? Pues yo te certifico que las albricias, que de aquí saques, no sean sino estoruarte de más ofender a Dios, dando fin a tus días. Respóndeme, traydora, ¿Cómo osaste tanto fazer? | Mel.__ Do you whisper in front of me so that you can make me angrier and increase your punishment? Do you want to condemn my honor so that you can give life to a madman? Leave me sad to make him happy, so that you can take the profit of my perdition and the prize of my error? Lose and destroy the house and the honor of my father for the gain of a wicked old woman like you? Do you think that I cannot see what you are trying to do and understand your damned message? Well I assure you that the joy you will take from here will be no other than to prevent you from ever offending God again by putting an end to your days. Respond, traitor, how did you dare to do this? | |
63. CEL. __ Tu temor, señora, tiene ocupada mi desculpa. Mi inocencia me da osadía, tu presencia me turba en verla yrada y lo que más siento y me pena es recibir enojo sin razón ninguna. Por Dios, señora, que me dexes concluyr mi dicho, que ni él quedará culpado ni yo condenada. Y verás cómo es todo más seruicio de Dios, que passos deshonestos; más para dar salud al enfermo, que para dañar la fama al médico. Si pensara, señora, que tan de ligero hauías de conjecturar de lo passado nocibles sospechas, no bastara tu licencia para me dar osadía a hablar en cosa, que a Calisto ni a otro hombre tocasse. | Cel.__ My fear, mistress, does not allow me to explain myself to you. My innocence made me bold, your angry presence disturbs me now and what troubles me and grieves me the most is that I receive your ire for no reason. By God, mistress, let me finish what I was saying for he will neither remain guilty nor I condemned. And you will see how everything has been in service to God rather than dishonest steps; more to give health to the sick than to damage the fame of the doctor. Had I thought, mistress, that you would so easily conjecture these noxious suspicions from what happend, the permission would not have been enough for me to dare to speak to you of anything concerning Calisto or any other man. | |
MELIB. __ ¡Jesú! No oyga yo mentar más esse loco, saltaparedes, fantasma de noche, luengo como cigüeña, figura de paramento malpintado; sinó, aquí me caeré muerta. !Este es el que el otro día me vido y començó a desuariar comigo en razones, haziendo mucho del galán! Dirásle, buena vieja, que, si pensó que ya era todo suyo y quedaua por él el campo, porque holgué más de consentir sus necedades, que castigar su yerro, quise más dexarle por loco, que publicar su grande atreuimiento. Pues auísale que se aparte deste propósito y serle ha sano; sinó, podrá ser que no aya comprado tan cara habla en su vida. Pues sabe que no es vencido, sino el que se cree serlo, y yo quedé bien segura y él vfano. De los locos es estimar a todos los otros de su calidad. Y tú tórnate con su mesma razón; que respuesta de mí otra no haurás ni la esperes. Que por demás es ruego a quien no puede hauer misericordia. Y dá gracias a Dios, pues tan libre vas desta vas desta feria. Bien me hauían dicho quien tu eras e auisado de tus propriedades, avnque agora no te conocía. | Mel.__ Jesus! Let me hear no more mention of this madman, that wall-climber, that night phantom, that long-legged stork, that ill-painted mural figure, or I will drop dead right here. This is the same one that saw me the other day and began to speak to me deliriously, acting as if though he was gallant! Tell him, good old woman, that, if he thought that everything was already his and that he was the master of the field, because I was pleased to consent to his nonsense rather than punish his error: it was only because I preferred to leave him for a fool to making public his boldness; tell him to forget his proposition for hs own good, or he may find that he has never paid so dearly for a conversation in his life. For know that falure is only in the mind of a person, he is defeated n, and that I maintain my safety and he his pride. Crazy people think that everyone else is just like them. And you, return with this same reason; because there will ne no other response from me and do not await one. It is a waste of time to expect mercy from one who will not give it. And thank God that you leave this contest unharmed. They were right in telling me who you were and advising me against your tricks, although I did not recognize you until now. | |
CEL. __ ¡Más fuerte estaua Troya y avn otras más brauas he yo amansado! ninguna tempestad mucho dura. | Cel.__ Troy was stronger; yet I have tamed angrier ones than this! No storm lasts for too long. | |
MELIB. __ ¿Qué dizes, enemiga? Fabla, que te pueda oyr. ?Tienes desculpa alguna para satisfazer mi enojo y escusar tu yerro y osadía? | Mel.__ What do you say, enemy? Speak up so that I can hear you. Do you have an excuse that can satisfy my anger and clear yourself of your error and daringness? | |
CEL. __ Mientras viuiere tu yra, más dañará mi descargo. Que estás muy rigurosa y no me marauillo: que la sangre nueua poca calor ha menester para heruir. | Cel.__ As long as your anger continues, the angrier my excuse will make you. You are very harsh and I am not surprised: for new blood needs little heat in order to boil. | |
MELIB. __ ¿Poca calor? ¿Poco lo puedes llamar, pues quedaste tú viua y yo quexosa sobre tan gran atreuimiento? ¿Qué palabra podías tú querer para esse tal hombre, que a mí bien me estuuiesse? Responde, pues dizes que no has concluydo: ¡Quiçá pagarás lo passado! | Mel.__ Little heat? You could call it little because you are still alive and I am now just complaining about your great boldness. What words could I say to such a man that would be good for me too? Respond, for you said that you were not finished: maybe you will pay for what you have done! | |
CEL. __ Vna oración, señora, que le dixeron que sabías de sancta Polonia para el dolor de las muelas. Assí mismo tu cordón, que es fama que ha tocado todas las reliquias, que ay en Roma y Jerusalem. Aquel cauallero, que dixe, pena y muere dellas. Esta fué mi venida. Pero, pues en mi dicha estaua tu ayrada respuesta, padézcase él su dolor, en pago de buscar tan desdichada mensajera. Que, pues en tu mucha virtud me faltó piedad, también me faltará agua, si a la mar me embiara. Pero ya sabes que el deleyte de la vengança dura un momento y el de la misericordia para siempre. | Cel.__ A prayer, mistress, that he said you knew, of Saint Appollonia that would cure a toothache. Also, a girdle of yours which is known to have touched all of the relics that exist in Rome and Jerusalem. The gentleman I speak of suffers and dies becuase of it. That is why I came. But because by my luck I received your angered response, he will endure his pain as a repayment for finding such an unfortunate messenger. For since I fail him in findg pity in you great virtue, I will also fail in findind water if sent for it in the ocean. But you already know that the delight of vengeance lasts a moment and that of mercy lasts forever. | |
MELIB. __ Si esso querías, ¿por qué luego no me lo espresaste? ¿Por qué me lo dixiste en tan pocas palabras? | Mel.__ If that is what you wanted, why did you not express it to me sooner? Why did you not tell me in so many words? | |
CEL. __ Señora, porque mi limpio motiuo me hizo creer que, avnque en menos lo propusiera, no se hauía de sospechar mal. Que, si faltó el deuido preámbulo, fué porque la verdad no es necessario abundar de muchas colores. Compassión de su dolor, confiança de tu magnificencia ahogaron en mi boca al principio la espresión de la causa. Y pues conosces, señora, que el dolor turba, la turbación desmanda y altera la lengua, la qual hauía de estar siempre atada con el seso, ¡Por Dios¡Que no me culpes. Y si el otro yerro ha fecho, no redunde en mi daño, pues no tengo otra culpa, sino ser mensajera del culpado. No quiebre la soga por lo más delgado. No seas la telaraña, que no muestra su fuerça sino contra los flacos animales. No paguen justos por peccadores. Imita la diuina justicia, que dixo: El ánima que pecare, aquella misma muera; a la humana, que jamás condena al padre por el delicto del hijo ni al hijo por el del padre. Ni es, señora, razón que su atreuimiento acarree mi perdición. Avnque, según su merecimiento, no ternía en mucho que fuese él el delinquente e yo la condemnada. Que no es otro mi oficio, sino seruir a los semejantes: desto biuo e desto me arreo. Nunca fue mi voluntad enojar a vnos por agradar a otros, avnque ayan dicho a tu merced en mí absencia otra cosa. Al fin, señora, a la firme verdad el viento del vulgo, no la empece. Vna sola soy en este limpio trato. En toda la ciudad pocos tengo descontentos. Con todos cumplo, los que algo me mandan, como si touiesse veynte pies e otras tantas manos. | Cel.__ Mistress, because my innocent motive made me think that, although I should have proposed it with other words, you would suspect no evil. For, if the necessary preamble was lacking, it was because it was not necessary to burden the truth with much rhetoric colors. At the beginning, compassion for his pain and confidence in your magnificence, made me forget to express my intentions. And you know mistress, that pain disturbs, and disturbance disorders and alters the toungue which should always be tied to the brain. By God! Do not blame me. And if he has made a mistake, do not be angry with me, because my only fault is being the messenger of the accused. Let the chain not break in the eakest link. Do not be the spiderweb that only proves its strength to the weakest animals. Do not let the righteous ones pay for the sinners. Imitate the Divine Justice, who said: The soul that sins that shall die. The law of humanity would never condemn the father for the crimes of his son, or the son for those of the father. Nor is there, mistress, a reason for why my boldness should accrue my perdition. Although, according to his social rank, it would not be unheard of because even if he was the criminal I would be the one that would be condemned. For my business is none other than to serve my neighbors: from this I live and continue on. It was never my will to anger some to please others, although in my absence you might have been told otherwise. Finally, mistress, the wind of the common people cannot destroy the honest truth. I am the only one that has been fair in this dealing. In the whole city there are few who are discontent with me. I comply with all those who request something from me, as if I had twenty hands and legs. | |
MEL. __ No me marauillo, que vn solo maestro de vicios dizen que basta para corromper vn gran pueblo. Por cierto, tantos y tales loores me han dicho de tus falsas mañas, que no sé si crea que pedías oración. | Mel.__ I do not wonder why they say that one master of vices is enough to corrupt a whole city. It is certain, that I have been told such tales of your trickery that I do not know if I should believe you were only asking for a prayer. | |
CEL. __ Nunca yo la reze y si la rezare no sea oyda, si otra cosa de mí se saque, avnque mill tormentos me diessen. | Cel.__ If that is true then I will never pray again, and if I do may my prayers never be heard. Nothing else will be taken out of me even if I am given a thousand lashings. | |
MELIB. __ Mi passada alteración me impide a reyr de tu desculpa. Que bien sé que ni juramento ni tormento te torcerá a dezir verdad, que no es en tu mano. | Mel.__ My previous anger does not allow me to laugh at your excuse. For I well know that neither oath nor lashing will make you tell the truth, for it is out of your hands. | |
CEL. __ Eres mi señora. Téngote de callar, hete yo de seruir, hasme tú de mandar. Tu mala palabra será víspera de vna saya. | Cel.__ You are my mistress. Befor you I must stay silent, you I must serve, you must give me your orders. Just a small word from you will get me a new skirt. | |
MELIB. __ Bien la has merescido. | Mel.__ Well, you have deserved it. | |
CEL. __ Si no la he ganado con la lengua, no la he perdido con la intención. | Cel.__ If I have not earned it with my toungue I did not lose it because of my intentions. | |
MELIB. __ Tanto afirmas tu ignorancia, que me hazes creer lo que puede ser. Quiero pues en tu dubdosa desculpa tener la sentencia en peso y no disponer de tu demanda al sabor de ligera interpretación. No tengas en mucho ni te marauilles de mi passado sentimiento, porque concurrieron dos cosas en tu habla, que qualquiera dellas era bastante para me sacar de seso: nombrarme esse tu cauallero, que comigo se atreuió a hablar, y también pedirme palabra sin más causa, que no se podía sospechar sino daño para mi honrra. Pero pues todo viene de buena parte, de lo passado aya perdón. Que en alguna manera es aliuiado mi coraçón, viendo que es obra pía y santa sanar los passionados y enfermos. | Mel.__ You insist on your ignorance so much that you make me believe that it could be true. So, I will suspend the sentence for your doubtful excuse and I will not dispose your demand to the taste of light interpretation. Do not think much of it nor wonder of my past sentiment, because two things happened in your speech and either one of them is enough to make me lose my mind: first, naming your gentleman, who dared to speak with me and also, by asking me to promise something without any reason, and I could only suspect it was to damage my honor. But since everything was for a good cause, the past can be forgiven. In some way this has relieved my heart since I now see that it is a pious and saintly act to cure the suffering and the sick. | |
CEL. __ ¡Y tal enfermo, señora! Por Dios, si bien le conosciesses, no le juzgasses por el que has dicho y mostrado con tu yra. En Dios y en mi alma, no tiene hiel; gracias, dos mill: en franqueza, Alexandre; en esfuerço, Etor; gesto, de vn rey; gracioso, alegre; jamás reyna en él tristeza. De noble sangre, como sabes. Gran justador, pues verlo armado, vn Sant George. Fuerça y esfuerço, no tuuo Ercules tanta. La presencia y faciones, dispusición, desemboltura, otra lengua hauía menester para las contar. Todo junto semeja ángel del cielo. Por fe tengo que no era tan hermoso aquel gentil Narciso, que se enamoró de su propia figura, quando se vido en las aguas de la fuente. Agora, señora, tiénele derribado vna sola muela que jamás cessa de quexar. | Cel.__ And so sick, mistress! By God, if you knew him well you would not judge him to be like the one you have said and shown your anger towards. By God and my soul he has no evil. He has a thousand charms; he is as liberal as Alexander, as strong as Hector, he has the presence of a king, he is gracious and happy and he is never sad. He is of noble blood, as you know. He is a great jouster and in his armour he looks like Saint George. Hercules did not have as much strength and courage. Another language would be needed so that I could express his presence, grace, disposition and agility. All together he resembles an angel from heaven. By my faith not even Narcissus, who fell in love with his own image when he saw his reflection in the water, was as beautiful as he is. Now, mistress, a single tooth has knocked him down and he cannot stop complaining. | |
MELIB. __ ¿Y qué tanto tiempo ha? | Mel.__ And how long has it been? | |
CEL. __ Podrá ser, señora, de veynte y tres años: que aquí está Celestina, que le vido nascer y le tomó a los pies de su madre. | Cel.__ It could be, mistress, that he is twenty three years old: for here is Celestina who saw him born and took him from the feet of his mother. | |
MELIB. __ Ni te pregunto esso ni tengo necessidad de saber su edad; sino qué tanto ha que tiene el mal. | Mel.__ I did not ask you nor do I need to know his age. I asked how long he has been sick. | |
CEL. __ Señora, ocho días. Que parece que ha vn año en su flaqueza. Y el mayor remedio que tiene es tomar vna vihuela y tañe tantas canciones y tan lastimeras, que no creo que fueron otras las que compuso aquel Emperador y gran músico Adriano, de la partida del ánima, por sofrir sin desmayo la ya vezina muerte. Que avnque yo sé poco de música, parece que faze aquella vihuela fablar. Pues, si acaso canta, de mejor gana se paran las aues a le oyr, que no aquel antico, de quien se dize que mouía los árboles y piedras con su canto. Siendo este nascido no alabaran a Orfeo. Mirá, señora, si vna pobre vieja, como yo, si se fallará dichosa en dar la vida a quien tales gracias tiene. Ninguna muger le vee, que no alabe a Dios, que assí le pintó. Pues, si le habla acaso, no es más señora de sí, de lo que él ordena. Y pues tanta razón tengo, juzgá, señora, por bueno mi propósito, mis passos saludables y vazíos de sospecha. | Cel.__ Eight days, mistress. But he is so weak it seems a year. And the only relief he has is to take up his lute and play songs that are sadder than the ones the emperor and grand musician Hadrian on the departure of the soul, so that he would endure without fainting his imminent death. For although I know little of music, it seems that he can make the lute speak. And if by chance he sings, the birds stop to listen with pleasure instead of listening to that Antiocus [for Amphion] who is said to move the trees and rocks with his song. If he had been born back then, Orpheus would not have received any praise. Look, mistress, at how a poor old woman like me could find herself lucky enough to be able to give life to the one so talented. No woman sees him that does not thank God for creating him. And, if by chance he speaks to one of them, she is no longer her own mistress, but is at his command. And so, I have all this reason for you to judge, mistress, that my purpose is good and my path is charitable and free from suspicion. | |
MELIB. __ ¡O quánto me pesa con la falta de mi paciencia! Porque siendo él ignorante y tú ynocente, haués padescido las alteraciones de mi ayrada lengua. Pero la mucha razón me relieua de culpa, la qual tu habla sospechosa causó. En pago de tu buen sofrimiento, quiero complir tu demanda y darte luego mi cordón. Yporque para escriuir la oración no haurá tiempo sin que venga mi madre, si esto no bastare, ven mañana por ella muy secretamente. | Mel.__ Oh how my impatience causes me trouble! Because he has been ignorant and you have been innocent, you have endured the ire of my angry toungue. But such reasoning relieve me of guilt, which was caused by your suspicious words,. As a repayment for your suffering I want to fulfill your demand and immediately give you my girdle. And because there is not enough time to write the prayer before my mother returns, if this is not enough, tomorrow, come for it secretly. | |
LUCR. __ ¡Ya, ya, perdida es mi ama! ¿Secretamente quiere que venga Celestina? ¡Fraude ay! ¡Más le querrá dar, que lo dicho! | Luc.__ Now, now, my mistress is lost! She wants Celestina to come secretly? There is fraud! I wonder if she wants to give her more than what she has said! | |
MELIB. __ ¿Qué dizes, Lucrecia? | Mel.__ What are you saying, Lucrecia? | |
LUCR. __ Señora, que baste lo dicho; que es tarde. | Luc.__ Mistress that you have said enough; for it is late. | |
MELIB. __ Pues, madre, no le des parte de lo que passó a esse cauallero, porque no me tenga por cruel o arrebatada o deshonesta. | Mel.__ Well, mother, do not tell this gentleman what has happened, or he may think that I am cruel or hasty or dishonest. | |
LUCR. __ No miento yo; qué mal va este fecho! | Luc.__ I am not mistaken; this business is going badly! | |
CEL. __ Mucho me marauillo, señora Melibea, de la dubda que tienes de mi secreto. No temas, que todo lo sé sofrir y encubrir. Que bien veo que tu mucha sospecha echó, como suele, mis razones a la más triste parte. Yo voy con tu cordón tan alegre, que se me figura que está diziéndole allá su coraçón la merced, que nos hiziste y que lo tengo de hallar aliuiado. | Cel.__ I am surprised, mistress Melibea, about the doubt you have that I will keep a secret. Have no fear, for I know how to be patient and conceal anything. For your great suspicion caused you, as is natural, to interpret what I said in the worst way. I will happily go with your girdle, and I can imagine that his heart is already telling him of your mercy and I am sure he is already starting to feel better. | |
MELIB. __ Más haré por tu doliente, si menester fuere, en pago de lo sofrido. | Mel.__ I will do more for your sick patient, if it is necessary, as a payment for your patience. | |
CEL. __ Más será menester y más harás y avnque no se te agradezca. | Cel.__ We shall need more and you will do more even if it does not please you. | |
MELIB. __ ¿Qué dizes, madre, de agradescer? | Mel.__ What are you saying, mother, about pleasing? | |
CEL. __ Digo, señora, que todos lo agradescemos y seruirémos y todos quedamos obligados. Que la paga más cierta es, quando más la tienen de complir. | Cel.__ I said mistress that we are all pleased and we will serve you and are much obliged. For a great obligation makes payment more certain. | |
LUCR. __ ¡Trastrócame essas palabras! | Luc.__ Turn those words around! | |
CEL. __ ¡Hija Lucrecia! ¡Ce! Yrás a casa y darte he vna lexía, con que pares essos cavellos más que el oro. No lo digas a tu señora. Y avn darte he vnos poluos para quitarte esse olor de la boca, que te huele vn poco, que en el reyno no lo sabe fazer otra sino yo y no ay cosa que peor en la muger parezca. | Cel.__ Daughter Lucrecia! Quiet! When you come home I will give you a rinse that will make your hair brighter than gold. Do not tell your mistress. And I will also give you some powders to remove you mouth breath odor, which smells a little bit; in the kingdom nobody can make them better than me and there is nothing that comes acroos worse than that in a woman. | |
LUCR. __¡O! Dios te dé buena vejez, que más necessidad tenía de todo esso que de comer. | Luc.__ Oh may God give you a good old age, for I needed those things more than I needed to eat. | |
CEL. __ ¿Pues, porqué murmuras contra mí, loquilla? Calla, que no sabes si me aurás menester en cosa de más importancia. No prouoques a yra a tu señora, más de lo que ella ha estado. Déxame yr en paz. | Cel.__ Well then, why do you murmur against me silly girl? Be quiet for you do not know if you will need me for something more important. Do not provoke the anger of your mistress more than it already has been. Let me go in peace. | |
MELIB. __ ¿Qué le dizes, madre? | Mel.__ What are you telling her, mother? | |
CEL. __ Señora acá nos entendemos. | Cel.__ Mistress it is something between us. | |
MELIB. __ Dímelo que me enojo quando yo presente se habla cosa de que no aya parte. | Mel.__ Tell me because I get angry when people speak about something in my presence of which I am not a part of. | |
CEL. __ Señora, que te acuerde la oración, para que la mandes escriuir y que aprenda de mí a tener mesura en el tiempo de tu yra, en la qual yo vsé lo que se dize: que del ayrado es de apartar por poco tiempo, del enemigo por mucho. Pues tú, señora, tenías yra con lo que sospechaste de mis palabras, no enemistad. Porque, avnque fueran las que tú pensauas, en sí no eran malas: que cada día hay hombres penados por mugeres y mugeres por hombres, y esto obra la natura y la natura ordenóla Dios y Dios no hizo cosa mala. Y assí quedaua mi demanda, como quiera que fuesse, en sí loable, pues de tal tronco procede, y yo libre de pena. Más razones destas te diría, si no porque la prolixidad es enojosa al que oye y dañosa al que habla. | Cel.__ Mistress, I told her to remember your prayer so that you could order it to be written down and also, that she could learn from me to have patience in times when you are angered; according to the proverb that says: get away from the angry for a little while and the enemy forever. For you, mistress, had anger, not enmity, because of what you suspected from my words. Because even if they had been what you thought, they themselves were not bad: for every day men are tormented for women and women for men, and this is the order of nature and nature is ordered by God and God does not make anything that is bad. And like that my demand was, however it was interpreted, in itself commendable because it proeceeded from nature and thus I am free from guilt. I could give you more reasons than these, if prolixity was not so annoying to the listener and damaging to the speaker. | |
MELIB. __ En todo has tenido buen tiento, assí en el poco hablar en mi enojo, como con el mucho sofrir. | Mel.__ You have had good tact for everything, by saying little when I was angry as well as by having much patience. | |
CEL. __ Señora, sofrite con temor, porque te ayraste con razón. Porque con la yra morando poder, no es sino rayo. Y por esto passé tu rigurosa habla hasta que tu almazén houiesse gastado. | Cel.__ Mistress, I endured you with fear, because you were angered with reason. Because when anger gains power it is a bolt of lightning. And because of this I let you continue speaking until your heat was spent. | |
MELIB. __ En cargo te es esse cauallero. | Mel.__ This gentleman owes you. | |
CEL. __ Señora, más merece. Y si algo con mi ruego para él he alcançado, con la tardança lo he dañado. Yo me parto para él, si licencia me das. | Cel.__ Mistress, he deserves more still. And while my request has obtained something for him, he has been harmed by my tardiness. If you give me license, I will go to him. | |
MELIB. __ Mientra más ayna la houieras pedido, más de grado la houieras recabdado. Ve con Dios, que ni tu menssaje me ha traydo prouecho ni tu yda me puede venir daño. |
Mel.__ If you had asked me sooner you would have received it. Go with God, for your message did not benefit me and your leaving cannot bring me harm.
| |
Acto VSumario: Despedida Celestina de Melibea, va por la calle hablando consigo misma entre dientes. Llegada a su casa, halló a Sempronio que le aguardaba. Ambos van hablando hasta llegar a casa de Calisto y, vistos por Pármeno, cuéntalo a Calisto su amo, el cual le mandó abrir la puerta. |
Act VArgument: CELESTINA, having left Melibea, trudges along the street muttering to herself. When she gets home she finds Sempronio, who had stayed, expecting her return. They both talk together, until they come to Calisto′s house. When Parmeno sees them, he tells his master, who told him open the door. | |
CEL. __ ¡O rigurosos trances! ¡O cruda osadía! ¡O gran sufrimiento! ¡Y qué tan cercana estuue de la muerte, si mi mucha astucia no rigera con el tiempo las velas de la petición¡ ¡O amenazas de donzella braua! ¡O ayrada doncella! ¡O diablo a quien yo conjuré! ¿Cómo compliste tu palabra en todo lo que te pedí? En cargo te soy. Assí amansaste la cruel hembra con tu poder y diste tan oportuno lugar a mi habla quanto quise, con la absencia de su madre. !O vieja Celestina! ¿Vas alegre? Sábete que la meytad está hecha, quando tienen buen principio las cosas. !O serpentino azeyte! ¡O blanco filado! ¡Cómo os aparejastes todos en mi favor! ¡O! ¡Yo rompiera todos mis atamientos hechos y por fazer ni creyera en yeruas ni piedras ni en palabras! Pues alégrate, vieja, que más sacarás deste pleyto, que de quinze virgos, que renouaras. !O malditas haldas, prolixas y largas, cómo me estoruays de llegar adonde han de reposar mis nueuas! ¡O buena fortuna, cómo ayudas a los osados , e a los tímidos eres contraria! Nunca huyendo huye la muerte al couarde . !O quantas erraran en lo que yo he acertado! ¿Qué fizieran en tan fuerte estrecho estas nueuas maestras de mi oficio, sino responder algo a Melibea, por donde se perdiera quanto yo con buen callar he ganado? Por esto dizen quien las sabe las tañe e que es más cierto -médico el esperimentado que el letrado e la esperiencia e escarmiento haze los hombres arteros e la vieja, como yo, que alce sus haldas al passar del vado , como maestra. !Ay cordón, cordón! Yo te faré traer por fuerça, si viuo, a la que no quiso darme su buena habla de grado. | Cel.__ Oh difficult moment! Oh risky daringness! Oh great suffering! And how close I would have been to death, if my great astuteness had not shifted the sails of my petition in time! Oh the threats of such a courageous lady! Oh the angry damsel! Oh the devil that I conjured! How were you able to keep your word in everything that I asked of you? I am indebted to you. You subdued the cruel female with your power and as I wanted you gave me a most opportune moment to speak, when her mother was away. Oh old Celestina! Are you happy? You know that you are half done when things go so well in the beginning. Oh snake oil! Oh white thread! How you all are cooperating in my favor! Oh! I would have broken all the enchantments I have made and have yet to make and I would stop believing in herbs or gems or spells. Be happy old woman, for you will get more out of this than from remaking fifteen hymens. Oh cursed skirts, hindering and long, how you obstruct me from getting to where my news should go! Oh good fortune, how you help the daring and are contrary to the timid! The coward never escapes death by running away. Oh how many have failed to do what I have just done! What would the new teachers of my profession have done in such predicament, except to respond by saying something to Melibea, by which they would have lost what I have won by being silent? This is why they say, he who knows how to play, plays, and the best doctor is the one who is experienced and not the most learned; for skill comes from experience and caution and it makes the men artists and the old woman, like me, a master at holding up her skirt when she is crossing the river. Oh girdle, girdle! If I live, I will make you bring bring me by force the one who give me her good word by her own will. | |
SEMP. __ O yo no veo bien o aquélla es Celestina. !Válala el diablo, haldear que trae! Parlando viene entre dientes. | Sem.__ Either I do not see well or that is Celestina. She is running like the devil! She is muttering to herself under her breath. | |
CEL. __ ¿De qué te santiguas, Sempronio? Creo que en verme. | Cel.__ Why are you crossing yourself? I believe you do it because you see me. | |
SEMP. __ Yo te lo diré. La raleza de las cosas es madre de la admiración; la admiración concebida en los ojos deciende al ánimo por ellos; el ánimo es forçado descubrillo por estas esteriores señales. ?Quién jamás te vido por la calle, abaxada la cabeça, puestos los ojos en el suelo, y no mirar a ninguno como agora? ¿Quién te vido hablar entre dientes por las calles y venir aguijando, como quien va a ganar beneficio? Cata que todo esto nouedad es para se marauillar quien te conoce. Pero esto dexado, dime, por Dios, con qué vienes. Dime si tenemos hijo o hija. Que desde que dio la vna te espero aquí y no he sentido mejor señal que tu tardança. | Sem.__ I will tell you why. The rareness of things bring forth admiration; the admiration that is conceived by the eyes descends to the soul; and then the soul reveals itself by outward signs. Who has ever seen you in the street as you are now, with your head down and your eyes on the floor, not looking at anyone? Who has seen you muttering under your breath and coming in such haste, like someone who is going to win a prize? All this strangeness would make anyone who knows you wonder. But leaving this aside, tell me, by God, with what do you come? Is it a boy or a girl? For I have been waiting for you here since the clock struck one and I felt your tardiness was a good sign. | |
CEL. __ Mijo, essa regla de bouos no es siempre cierta, que otra hora me pudiera más tardar y dexar allá las narizes; y otras dos, narizes y lengua: y assí que, mientras más tardasse, más caro me costasse. | Cel.__ My son, that rule is for fools and is not always certain, for if I had been late another hour I might have left my nose over there; and another two hours, my nose and my tongue: and so then, the later I was, the more it would have cost me. | |
SEMP. __ Por amor mio, madre, no passes de aquí sin me lo contar. | Sem.__ By my love, mother, do not leave without telling me what has happened. | |
CEL. __ Sempronio amigo, ni yo me podría parar ni el lugar es aparejado. Vente comigo. Delante Calisto oyrás marauillas. Que será desflorar mi embaxada comunicándola con muchos. De mi boca quiero que sepa lo que se ha hecho. Que, avnque ayas de hauer alguna partizilla quiero yo todas las gracias del trabajo. | Cel.__ Sempronio my friend, I cannot stop nor is this a good place. Come with me. You will hear marvelous things when I tell them to Calisto. For my message would be ruined if I told too many. I want you to know what I have done from my own mouth. For, although you will have a small part of it, I want all the thanks for the work. | |
SEMP. __ ¿Partezilla, Celestina? Mal me parece eso que dizes. | Sem.__ A small part, Celestina? I do not like what you say. | |
CEL. __ Calla, loquillo, que parte o partezilla, quanto tú quisieres te daré. Todo lo mio es tuyo. Gozémonos y aprouechémonos, que sobre el partir nunca reñiremos. Y también sabes tú quánta más necessidad tienen los viejos que los moços, mayormente tú que vas a mesa puesta. |
Cel.__ Be quiet, fool, a part or a small part, I will give you whatever you want.
What is mine is yours. We will delight and take advantage of it, because when we
| |
SEMP. __ Otras cosas he menester más de comer. | Sem.__ Other things I need more than eating. | |
CEL. __ ¿Qué, hijo? ¡Una dozena de agujetas y vn torce para el bonete y vn arco para andarte de casa en casa tirando a páxaros y aojando páxaras a las ventanas! Mochachas digo, bouo, de las que no saben bolar, que bien me entiendes Que no ay mejor alcahuete para ellas que vn arco, que se puede entrar cada vno hecho moxtrenco, como dizen: en achaque de trama etc. !Mas ay, Sempronio, de quien tiene de mantener honrra y se va haziendo vieja como yo! | Cel.__ What, son? A dozen laces and a band for your hat and a bow and arrow to go from house to house shooting at birds and mesmerizing lady birds at the windows! Girls I mean, fool, that do not know how to fly, for you understand me well. For there is no better procurer for them than a bow, for anyone can go inside playng drifter, as they say excuse my asking, etc. `What a pity, Sempronio, of those who need to maintain honor and like me are getting old! | |
*** SEMP. __ ¡O lisonjera vieja! ¡O vieja llena de mal! ¡O cobdiciosa y auarienta garganta! También quiere a mi engañar como a mi amo, por ser rica. ¡Pues mala medra tiene! ¡No le arriendo la ganancia! Que quien con modo torpe sube en lo alto, más presto cae, que sube. !O qué mala cosa es de conocer el hombre! Bien dizen que ninguna mercaduría ni animal es tan difícil! ¡Mala vieja, falsa, es ésta! ¡El diablo me metió con ella! Más seguro me fuera huyr desta venenosa bíuora, que tomalla. Mía fue la culpa. Pero gane harto, que por bien o mal no negará la promessa. | Sem.__ Oh treacherous old woman! Oh old woman full of evil! O what a covetous and greedy throat! She wants to trick me like she tricked my master so that she can be rich. She will be sorry! I will not bet on her gains! I For he who climbs up high in a clumsy manner, falls quicker than they climbed. Oh how hard is to get to know humans! It is rightly said that no no object or animal is more difficult! This one is an evil and false old woman! The devil introduced me to her! It would be safer for me to escape from this venomous viper, than to take her. It was my fault. But let her gain a lot for, whether she likes it or not, she will not renege her promise. | |
CEL. __ ¿Qué dizes, Sempronio? ¿Con quién hablas? ¿Viénesme royendo las haldas? ¿Por qué no aguijas? | Cel.__ What are you saying, Sempronio? Who are you talking to? Are you gnawing at my skirts? Why do you not hurry? | |
SEMP. __ Lo que vengo diziendo, madre mia, es que no me marauillo que seas mudable, que sigues el camino de las muchas. Dicho me auías que diferirías este negocio. Agora vas sin seso por dezir a Calisto quanto passa. ?No sabes que aquello es en algo tenido, que es por tiempo desseado, y que cada día que él penasse era doblarnos el prouecho? | Sem.__ What I have been saying, mother of mine is that I am not surprised you have changed your mind, for you follow the footsteps of many other women. You had told me that you would drag this business out. Now you are mindlessly running to tell Calisto what has happened. Do you not know that the highest esteem is placed on that which is desired for a long time, and that every day that he is in pain our profits are doubled? | |
CEL. __ El propósito muda el sabio; el nescio perseuera. A nueuo negocio, nueuo consejo se requiere. No pensé yo, hijo Sempronio, que assí me respondiera mi buena fortuna. De los discretos mensajeros es hazer lo que el tiempo quiere. Assí que la qualidad de lo fecho no puede encubrir tiempo dissimulado. Y más que yo sé que tu amo, según lo que dél sentí, es liberal y algo antojadizo. Mas dará en vn día de buenas nueuas, que en ciento, que ande penado y yo yendo y viniendo. Que los acelerados y súpitos plazeres crían alteración, la mucha alteración estorua el deliberar. Pues ¿en qué podrá parar el bien, sino en bien y el alto mensaje, sino en luengas albricias? Calla, bouo, dexa fazer a tu vieja. | Cel.__ The wise man changes his purpose; the fool perseveres. A new business requires a new counsel. I did not think, son Sempronio that my good fortune would respond to me like this. Discreet messengers do what is demanded within the time agreed upon. The quality of the results should not be tinted by the pretended time . Further more, I know that your master, and I can feel it, is liberal and a little bit capricious. He will give more in one day of good news than he will for a hundred of suffering and I my coming and going. For the accelerated and quick pleasures create confusion, and too much confusion hinders deliberation. So, what could goodness bring except good? And good news, but immediate reward? Quiet, dummy, and let your old woman work it out. | |
SEMP. __ Pues dime lo que passó con aquella gentil donzella. Dime alguna palabra de su boca. Que, por Dios, assí peno por sabella, como mi amo penaría. | Sem.__ Then tell me what happened with that noble lady. Tell me something she said. For, by God, I pain to know as much as my master. | |
CEL. __ ¡Calla, loco! Altérasete la complesión. Ya lo veo en ti, que querrías más estar al sabor, que al olor deste negocio. Andemos presto, que estará loco tu amo con mi mucha tardança. | Cel.__ Quiet, madman! You are altering your complexion. I already see in you that you would prefer to have a taste of this business than a smell. Let us hurry, for you master will be mad that we are so late. | |
SEMP. __ Y avn sin ella se lo está. | Sem.__ And even without her he is mad. | |
PARM. __ ¡Señor, señor! | Par.__ Master, master! | |
CAL. __ ¿Qué quieres, loco? | Cal.__ What do you want fool? | |
PARM: __ A Sempronio y a Celestina veo venir cerca de casa, haziendo paradillas de rato en rato y, quando están quedos, hazen rayas en el suelo con el espada. No sé que sea. CAL. __ ¡O desuariado, negligente! Veslos venir: ¿No puedes decir corriendo a abrir la puerta? ¡O alto Dios! ¡O soberana deydad! ¿Con qué vienen? ¿Qué nueuas traen? Qué tan grande ha sido su tardança, que ya más esperaua su venida, que el fin de mi remedio. !O mis tristes oydos! Aparejaos a lo que os viniere, que en su boca de Celestina está agora aposentado el aliuio o pena de mi coraçón. ¡O! ¡Si en sueño se pasasse este poco tiempo, hasta ver el principio y fin de su habla! Agora tengo por cierto que es más penoso al delinquente esperar la cruda y capital sentencia, que el acto de la ya sabida muerte. !O espacioso Pármeno, manos de muerto! Quita ya essa enojosa aldaua: entrará essa honrrada dueña, en cuya lengua está mi vida. | Par.__ I see Sempronio and Celestina getting close to the house; they are stopping from time to time and when they are still, they make lines in the ground with a sword. I do not know what it could be. Cal.__ Oh careless fool! You see them coming and you cannot tell me you are running to open the door? Oh supreme God! Oh sovereign deity! What do they have? What news do they bring? Why are they so late, for I have awaited their arrival more than I await my cure. Oh my sad ears! Prepare yourselves for what is to come, for now, lodged in the mouth of Celestina, is the relief or pain of my heart. Oh! If only I could pass this short time in sleep, until the beginning and end of her speech! Now I know for certain that it is more painful for the criminal to await his cruel and capital sentence than the death he knows is coming. Oh sluggish Parmeno, with hands like a dead man! Take off that irritating bolt so that this honorable woman, who has my life in her tongue, can enter. | |
CEL. __ ¿Oyes, Sempronio? De otro temple anda nuestro amo. Bien difieren estas razones a las que oymos a Pármeno y a él la primera venida. De mal en bien me parece que va. No ay palabra de las que dize, que no vale a la vieja Celestina más que vna saya. | Cel.__ Do you hear, Sempronio? Our master has changed his mood. These words are much different than the ones we heard from him and Parmeno on our first visit. It seems to me that things are going from bad to good. There is no word that he can say, that will not be worth more than a skirt to old Celestina. | |
SEMP. __ Pues mira que entrando hagas que no ves a Calisto y hables algo bueno. | Sem.__ When you come in, make it seem as if you have not seen Calisto and say something good. | |
CEL. __ Calla, Sempronio, que avnque aya auenturado mi vida, más merece Calisto y su ruego y tuyo y más mercedes espero yo dél. |
Cel.__ Quiet, Sempronio, for although I have risked my life, Calisto and his pleadings and yours deserve more. I expect more benefts from him.
| |
Acto VISumrio: Entrada CELESTINA en casa de CALISTO con grande aficion y desseo, CALISTO le pregunta de lo que le ha acontescido con MELIBEA. Mientras ellos estan hablando, PARMENO, oyendo fablar a CELESTINA de su parte contra SEMPRONIO, a cada razon le pone un mote reprendiendolo SEMPRONIO. En fin la vieja CELESTINA le descubre todo lo negociado y un cordon de MELIBEA. Y despedida de CALISTO, vase para su casa y con ella PARMENO. |
Act VIArgument: CELESTINA enters Calisto′s house. Calisto, with great affection and earnestness, demands her to tell him what happened between her and Melibea. While they continue talking together, Parmeno, hearing Celestina speak aside towards Sempronio, at every word he makes a crack, for which he is reprehended by Sempronio. In the end, old Celestina tells Calisto the whole business, and shows him the girdle she brought from Melibea. And so, taking her leave of Calisto, she goes to her own house, taking Parmeno along with her. | |
CAL. __ ¿Qué dizes, señora y madre mia? | Cal.__ What do you say, mistress and mother of mine? | |
CEL. __ ¡O mi señor Calisto! ¿Y aquí estás? ¡O mi nueuo amador de la muy hermosa Melibea y con mucha razón! ¿Con qué pagarás a la vieja, que oy ha puesto su vida al tablero por tu seruicio? ¿Quál muger jamás se vido en tan estrecha afrenta como yo, que en tornallo a pensar se me menguan y vazían todas las venas de mi cuerpo, de sangre? Mi vida diera por menor precio, que agora daría este manto raydo y viejo. | Cel.__ Oh my master Calisto! You are here? Oh my new lover of the very beautiful Melibea, and with much reason! With what will you pay the old woman, who today has put her life on the line in order to serve you? What woman has ever seen herself in such an opressing disdain as I did? When I think of it all, the veins in my body shrink and run out of blood. I would have given my life for less than the price that I would now give for this old and tattered mantle. | |
PARM. __ Tú dirás lo tuyo: entre col y col lechuga. Sobido has vn escalón; más adelante te espero a la saya. Todo para ti y no nada de que puedas dar parte. Pelechar quiere la vieja. Tú me sacarás a mí verdadero y a mi amo loco. No le pierdas palabra, Sempronio, y verás cómo no quiere pedir dinero, porque es diuisible. | Par.__ You will say what you want for yourself: between cabbage and cabbage, a lettuce. You have climbed one step; further up I will be waiting for your requesting a skirt. Everything is for you and none of it can be shared. The old woman wants new feathers. You will prove me right and my master mad. Do not miss her words, Sempronio, and you will see how she does not want to ask for money because it can be divided. | |
SEMP. __ Calla, hombre desesperado, que te matará Calisto si te oye. | Sem.__ Quiet, desperate man, because Calisto will kill you if he hears you. | |
CAL. __ Madre mia, abreuia tu razón o toma esta espada y mátame. | Cal.__ Mother, abbreviate your discourse or take this sword and kill me. | |
PARM. __ Temblando está el diablo como azogado: no se puede tener en sus pies, su lengua le querría prestar para que fablasse presto, no es mucha su vida, luto hauremos de medrar destos amores. | Par.__ This devil is quivering as poisoned with mercury.: He cannot stand on his own legs and he would give her his tongue if it would make her speak quicker. His life will not last much longer. All we will get out of this affair is mourning. | |
CEL. __ ¿Espada, señor, o qué? ¡Espada mala mate a tus enemigos y a quien mal te quiere¡ que yo la vida te quiero dar con buena esperança, que traygo de aquella, que tú más amas. | Cel.__ Sword, master, or what? Let the bad sword kill your enemies and those who wish you harm. For I want to give you back your life, with the good hope that I bring to you from she whom you love best. | |
CAL. __ ¿Buena esperança, señora? | Cal.__ Good hope, mother? | |
CEL. __ Buena se puede dezir, pues queda abierta puerta para mi tornada y antes me recibirá a mí con esta saya rota, que a otro con seda y brocado. | Cel.__ It can be called good, for the door is open for my return and she will receive me, with this torn skirt, before she receives another wearing silk and brocade. | |
PARM. __ Sempronio, cóseme esta boca, que no lo puedo sofrir. ¡Encaxado ha la saya! | Par.__ Sempronio, sew my mouth up, for I cannot bear this. She has brought up the skirt again! | |
SEMP. __ ¿Callarás, por Dios, o te echaré dende con el diablo? Que si anda rodeando su vestido, haze bien, pues tiene dello necessidad. Que el abad de do canta de allí viste. | Sem.__ Will you be quiet, by God, or I will send you off wih the devil? For if she continues to talk about about her clothes, she does well, because she has need of it. For the abbot clothes himself by singing. | |
PARM. __ Y avn viste como canta. Y esta puta vieja querría en vn día por tres pasos desechar todo el pelo malo, quanto en cincuenta años no ha podido medrar. | Par.__ And he dresses like he sings. And in just one day this old whore wants, in three steps, to cast off all her bad hair when she has not been able to make a profit in fifty years. | |
SEMP. __ ¿Todo esso es lo que te castigó y el conoscimiento que os teníades y lo que te crió? | Sem.__ Is this how you repay her for all she has taught you and for the acquaintance that you have with her and for how she raised you? | |
PARM. __ Bien sofriré más que pida y pele; pero no todo para su prouecho. | Par.__ I can tolerate the fact that she can pick and pluck; but not when everything is for her own benefit. | |
SEMP. __ No tiene otra tacha sino ser cobdiciosa; pero déxala, varde sus paredes, que después vardará las nuestras o en mal punto nos conoció. | Sem.__ She does not have any other flaw except for being covetous. But leave her alone and let her thatch her walls because later she will thatch ours or she will be sorry that she ever met us. | |
CAL. __ Dime, por Dios, señora, ¿Qué fazía? ¿Cómo entraste? ¿Qué tenía vestido? ¿A qué parte de casa estaua? ¿Qué cara te mostró al principio? | Cal.__ Tell me mother, by God, what was she doing? How did you get in? What was she wearing? What part of the house was she in? What look did she give you at the beginning? | |
CEL. __ Aquella cara, señor, que suelen los brauos toros mostrar contra los que lançan las agudas frechas en el coso, la que los monteses puercos contra los sabuesos, que mucho los aquexan. | Cel.__ That look, master, which the angry bulls tend to show toward those who cast sharp darts at them in the bullring. Like the ones that the wild boars show to the hounds who much bear down on them. | |
CAL. __ ¿Y a essas llamas señales de salud? Pues ¿Quáles serán mortales? No por cierto la misma muerte: que aquélla aliuio sería en tal caso deste mi tormento, que es mayor y duele más. | Cal.__ And are those what you call signs of good hope? Then what would be the fatal ones? It is certain that death could not be so deadly: for in such a case it would alleviate my torment, which is great and more hurtful. | |
SEMP. __ ¿Estos son los fuegos pasados de mi amo? ¿Qué es esto? ¿No ternía este hombre sofrimiento para oyr lo que siempre ha deseado? | Sem.__ Are these the former flames of my master? What is this? Did this man not have the patience to hear what he has desired for so long? | |
PARM. __ ¡Y que calle yo, Sempronio! Pues, si nuestro amo te oye, tan bien te castigará a ti como a mí. | Par.__ And I was supposed to be quiet, Sempronio! Well, if our master were to hear you he would punish you just as well as me. | |
SEMP. __ ¡O mal fuego te abrase! Que tú fablas en daño de todos y yo a ninguno ofendo. !O! ¡Intolerable pestilencia y mortal te consuma, rixoso, embidioso, maldito! ¿Toda ésta es la amistad, que con Celestina y comigo hauías concertado? ¡Vete de aquí a la mala ventura! | Sem.__ Oh may you be consumed by an evil fire! For you speak to injure everybody and I do not offend anyone. Oh may an inolerable and fatal pestilence consume you, you beligerent and damned fool! Is this the friendship that you concerted to me and Celsetina? Get out of here and may you go with bad fortune! | |
CAL. __ Si no quieres, reyna y señora mia, que desespere y vaya mi ánima condenada a perpetua pena, oyendo essas cosas, certifícame breuemente si houo buen fin tu demanda gloriosa y la cruda y rigurosa muestra de aquel gesto angélico y matador; pues todo esso más es señal de odio, que de amor. | Cal.__ If you do not want, queen and mistress of mine, for me to despair and for my soul to be condemened to perpetual pain from hearing these things, briefly certify to me if their was a happy ending to your glorious demand and if the cruel and harsh look of that angelic and killing face changed; for the things you have said have been more signs of hatred than of love. | |
CEL. __ La mayor gloria, que al secreto oficio de la abeja se da, a la qual los discretos deuen imitar, es que todas las cosas por ella tocadas conuierte en mejor de lo que son. Desta manera me he hauido con las çahareñas razones y esquiuas de Melibea. Todo su rigor traygo conuertido en miel, su yra en mansedumbre, su aceleramiento en sosiego. ?Pues, a qué piensas que yua allá la vieja Celestina, a quien tú, demás de su merecimiento, magníficamente galardonaste, sino ablandar su saña, sofrir su acidente, a ser escudo de tu absencia, a recebir en mi manto los golpes, los desuíos, los menosprecios, en viendo que de alguno eran amadas? Las quales, avnque están abrasadas y encendidas de viuos fuegos de amor, por su honestidad muestran vn frío esterior vn sosegado vulto, vn aplazible desuío, vn constante ánimo y casto propósito, vnas palabras agras, que la propia lengua se marauilla del gran sofrimiento suyo, que la fazen forçosamente confessar el contrario de lo que sienten. Assí que para que tú descanses y tengas reposo, mientra te contare por estenso el processo de mi habla e la causa que tuue para entrar, sabe que el fin de su razón e habla fue muy bueno. | Cel.__ The greatest glory, which should be imitated by the discrete, is given to the secret occupation of the bee. It is that everything that he touches he converts into something better than it originally was. In this same manner I have done with Melibea′s coy and evasive words. I have converted all of her harshness into honey, her ire into mildness and her fury into peace. Well, why do you think old Celestina (to whom you gave a maginificent reward which was more than she deserved) went over there? It was to soothe her fury, to suffer her bad temper, to be a shield in your absence, to receive her blows in my mantle, the degradations and the scorn, which come from knowing that they are loved. These women are such, that even if they are burned and lit by the lively flames of love, because of their honor they portray an icy exterior, a calm expression, a placid unconcern , a constant spirit, a chaste intent, and sour words which make their own tongues marvel. They forcefully confess the contrary of what they feel. Now, so that you can rest and have repose while I extensively relate the process of my conversation and the excuse I gave, know that at the end her discourse and words were very good. | |
CAL. __ Agora, señora, que me has dado seguro, para que ose esperar todos los rigores de la respuesta, di quanto mandares y como quisieres; que yo estaré atento. Ya me reposa el coraçón, ya descansa mi pensamiento, ya reciben las venas y recobran su perdida sangre, ya he perdido temor, ya tengo alegría. Subamos, si mandas, arriba. En mi cámara me dirás por estenso lo que aquí he sabido en suma. | Cal.__ Now, mother, since you have assured me, so that I can boldly await all the severities of her response, tell me however much you want and however you would like to. I will be attentive. My heart is already in repose, my thoughts are already resting and my veins are already receiving and recuperating the blood they had lost. I have already lost my fear and I am already happy. Let us, if it is alright with you, go upstairs. In my room you can tell me exstensively of what right here I know the summary. | |
CEL. __ Subamos, señor. | Cel.__ Let us go up, sir. | |
PARM. __ ¡O sancta María! ¡Y qué rodeos busca este loco por huyr de nosotros, para poder llorar a su plazer con Celestina de gozo y por descubrirle mill secretos de su liuiano y desuariado apetito, por preguntar y responder seys vezes cada cosa, sin que esté presente quien le pueda dezir que es prolixo! Pues mándote yo, desatinado, que tras ti vamos. | Par.__ Oh saint Mary! And what detours this fool seeks so that he can escape from us. So that at his pleasure he can weep for joy with Celestina and uncover to her the thousand secrets of his frivolous and delirious apetite. So that he can ask everything and be answered six times, without having anyone present to tell him how unduly tedious he is! Well, go fool, for we will be behind you. | |
CAL. __ Mira, señora, qué fablar trae Pármeno, cómo se viene santiguando de oyr lo que has hecho con tu gran diligencia. Espantado está por mi fe, señora Celestina. Otra vez se santigua. Sube, sube, sube y asiéntate, señora, que de rodillas quiero escuchar tu suaue respuesta. Dime luego la causa de tu entrada, qué fue. | Cal.__ Look, mother, how Parmeno is talking and how he has been crossing himself after hearing about what you have done by your great diligence. He is frightened, believe me, mother Celestina. He is crossing himself again. Come up, come up, come up and sit down, mother, for I want to hear your sweet response while I am on my knees. Tell me now the cause for your entering the house. | |
CEL. __ Vender vn poco de hilado, con que tengo caçadas más de treynta de su estado, si a Dios ha plazido, en este mundo y algunas mayores. | Cel.__ To sell a little bit of thread. I have used it over thirty times to hunt down women like her, and if it has pleased God, some that were greater. | |
CAL. __ Esso será de cuerpo, madre; pero no de gentileza, no de estado, no de gracia y discreción, no de linaje, no de presunción con merecimiento, no en virtud, no en habla. | Cal.__ That may be of their body, mother; but not of status, not of grace and discretion, not of lineage, not of deserving merit, not of virtue and not of speech. | |
PARM. __ Ya escurre eslauones el perdido. Ya se desconciertan sus badajadas. Nunca da menos de doze; siempre está hecho relox de mediodía. Cuenta, cuenta, Sempronio, que estás desbauando oyéndole a él locuras y a ella mentiras. | Par.__ Now the lost soul is pouring out gibberish. He sounds like disconcerting gongs. It never strikes less than twelve times; he is like a clock at noon. Tell, tell, Sempronio, what are you thinking about after hearing his madness and her lies? | |
SEMP. __ ¡Maldeziente venenoso! ¿Por qué cierras las orejas a lo que todos los del mundo las aguzan, hecho serpiente, que huye la boz del encantador? Que sólo por ser de amores estas razones, avnque mentiras, las hauías de escuchar con gana. | Sem.__ Venomous villain! Why do you cover your ears when everyone else in the world sharpens them? You have become a snake who runs from the voice of the charmer. You should willingly listen to her, even if they are lies, if only because she speaks about love. | |
CEL. __ Oye, señor Calisto, y verás tu dicha y mi solicitud qué obraron. Que en començando yo a vender y poner en precio mi hilado, fué su madre de Melibea llamada para que fuesse a visitar vna hermana suya enferma. Y como le fuesse necessario absentarse, dexó en su lugar a Melibea. | Cel.__ Listen, Sir Calisto, and you will see what came from your luck and my request. For when I had begun to sell and put a price on my thread, Melibea′s mother was called to go and visit her sick sister. And because it was necessary for her to leave, in her place, she left Melibea. | |
CAL. __ ¡O gozo sin par! ¡O singular oportunidad! ¡O oportuno tiempo! ¡O quién estuuiera allí debaxo de tu manto, escuchando qué hablaría sola aquélla en quien Dios tan estremadas gracias puso! | Cal.__ Oh uncomparable delight! Oh singular opportunity! Oh opportune moment! Oh, if only I had been underneath your mantle, listening only to what she, whom God gave such plentiful graces, had to say. | |
CEL. __ ¿Debaxo de mi manto, dizes? ¡Ay mezquina! Que fueras visto por treynta agujeros que tiene, si Dios no le mejora. | Cel.__ Underneath my mantle, you say? Oh poor soul! You would have been seen through the thirty holes that it has, unless God fixes them. | |
PARM. __ Sálgome fuera, Sempronio. Ya no digo nada; escúchatelo tú todo. Si este perdido de mi amo no midiesse con el pensamiento quantos pasos ay de aquí a casa de Melibea y contemplasse en su gesto y considerasse cómo estaría haviniendo el hilado, todo el sentido puesto y ocupado en ella, él vería que mis consejos le eran más saludables, que estos engaños de Celestina. | Par.__ I will leave, Sempronio. I will say nothing; you listen to everything. If only my lost master did not measure with his thoughts how many steps there could be between here and the house of Melibea. And if he was not cotemplating her gesture and considering how she was baragaining for the thread. If he did not have all his senses occupied with her, he would see that my counsel would be much better for him, than these tricks of Celestina. | |
CAL. __ ¿Qué es esto, moços? Estó yo escuchando atento, que me va la vida; ¿Vosotros susurrays, como soleys, por fazerme mala obra y enojo? Por mi amor, que calleys: morirés según su buena diligencia. Di, señora, ¿Qué fiziste, quando te viste sola? | Cal.__ What is this, servants? I am listening attentively to that which is worth my life. Are you whispering like that in order to bother me in my business and provoke my anger? By my love, be quiet and die with delight according to her good diligence. Tell me, mother, what did you do when you saw her alone? | |
CEL. __ Recebí, señor, tanta alteración de plazer, que qualquiera que me viera, me lo conociera en el rostro. | Cel.__ I received, sir, such an alteration of pleasure that if someone had seen me, they would not have recognized my face. | |
CAL. __ Agora la rescibo yo: quánto más quien ante sí contemplaua tal ymagen. Enmudecerías con la nouedad incogitada. | Cal.__ Now I am receiving it: and how much greater it must have been to contemplate such an image standing before you. Such an unexpected development must have made you unable to speak. | |
CEL. __ Antes me dio más osadía a hablar lo que quise verme sola con ella. Abrí mis entrañas. Díxele mi embaxada: cómo penauas tanto por vna palabra, de su boca salyda en fauor tuyo, para sanar un gran dolor. Y como ella estuuiesse suspensa, mirándome, espantada del nueuo mensaje, escuchando fasta ver quién podía ser el que assí por necessidad de su palabra penaua o a quién pudiesse sanar su lengua, en nombrando tu nombre, atajó mis palabras, dióse en la frente vna grand palmada, como quien cosa de grande espanto houiesse oydo, diziendo que cessasse mi habla y me quitasse delante, si no quería hazer a sus seruidores verdugos de mi postremería, agrauando mi osadía, llamándome hechizera, alcahueta, vieja falsa, barbuda malhechora y otros muchos inominiosos nombres, con cuyos títulos asombran a los niños , de cuna. E empós desto mill amortescimientos e desmayos, mill milagros e espantos, turbado el sentido, bulliendo fuertemente los miembros todos a vna parte e a otra, herida de aquella dorada frecha, que del sonido de tu nombre le tocó, retorciendo el cuerpo, las manos enclauijadas, como quien se despereza, que parecía que las despedaçaua, mirando con los ojos a todas partes, acoceando con los pies el suelo duro. E yo a todo esto arrinconada, encogida, callando, muy gozosa con su ferocidad. Mientra más vasqueaua, más yo me alegraua, porque más cerca estaua el rendirse e su cayda. Pero entre tanto que gastaua aquel espumajoso almazén su yra, yo no dexaua mis pensamientos estar vagos ni ociosos, de manera que toue tiempo para saluar lo dicho. | Cel.__ Rather, I became more daring to speak what was on my mind when I saw myself alone with her. I opened up my entrails. I told her what my embassage was: how you were suffering so greatly for just one word from her mouth in your favor which would cure a great pain. And she was in suspense, looking at me, frightened by this new message, listening so that she could find out who it was that pained for her word or could be cured by her tongue. When I said your name, she interrupted my speech and gave herself a slap on the forehead as if she had heard something that was very appalling. She told me to cease speaking and to get out of her sight, unless I wanted her servants to be my executioners. She exaggerated my boldness; she called me a sorceress, a bawd, a false old woman, a bearded evil-doer and other very ignominious names which have been used to scare children from their cribs. After a thousand atrocities and swoonings, a thousand gestures and terrors, after disturbing her senses and intensely throwing her limbs around from one way to the other; wounded by that golden arrow which struck her when she heard the sound of your voice, after wringing her body, clenching her hands like someone who is stretching, rolling her eyes to every side and treading loudly on the hard floor. And during all this I was standing still in the corner, fearful and quiet yet delighting in her ferociousness. The more that she raged, the happier I became because the closer she was to her surrender and fall. But while she was foaming in rage, I did not let my thoughts become lazy and idle. Because of that I had the time to save the situation. | |
CAL. __ Esso me di, señora madre. Que yo he buelto en mi juyzio mientra te escucho y no he fallado desculpa que buena fuesse ni conuiniente, con que lo dicho se cubriesse ni colorasse, sin quedar terrible sospecha de tu demanda. Porque conozca tu mucho saber, que en todo me pareces más que muger: que como su respuesta tú pronosticaste, proueyste con tiempo tu réplica. ?Qué más hazía aquella Tusca Adeleta, cuya fama siendo tú viua, se perdiera? La qual tres días ante de su fin prenunció la muerte de su viejo marido y de dos fijos que tenía. Ya creo lo que dizes, que el género flaco de las hembras es más apto para las prestas cautelas, que el de los varones. | Cal.__ That is what you told me, dear mother. But I have searched my mind while I have been listening to you and I have not come up with any excuse that would either be good or convenient, which would cover or color what had been said, that would not make your demand seem incredibly suspect. Yet I know your great wisdom, for in everything you seem to be more than a woman: you predicted her response and were able to forsee, with time, your reply. What more could that Tuscan Adeleta have done, whose fame is lost because you are alive? The one who pronounced the death of her husband and three children three days before her own demise. I now believe what you say, because while women may be the weaker gender, they are more capable of quick cunning than men. | |
CEL. __ ¿Qué, señor? Dixe que tu pena era mal de muelas y que la palabra, que della quería, era vna oración, que ella sabía, muy deuota, para ellas. | Cel.__ What, sir? I told her that your pain was a toothache and that the word that I wanted from her was a very devoted prayer for them which she knew. | |
CAL. __ ¡O marauillosa astucia! ¡O singular muger en su oficio! ¡O cautelosa hembra! ¡O melezina presta! ¡O discreta en mensajes¡ ¿Qual humano seso bastara a pensar tan alta manera de remedio? De cierto creo, si nuestra edad alcançara aquellos passados Eneas y Dido, no trabajara tanto Venus para atraer a su fijo el amor de Elisa, haziendo tomar a Cupido Ascánica forma, para la engañar; antes por euitar prolixidad, pusiera a ti por medianera. Agora doy por bienempleada mi muerte, puesta en tales manos, y creeré que, si mi desseo no houiere efeto, qual querría, que no se pudo obrar más, según natura, en mi salud. ¿Qué os parece, moços? ¿Qué más se pudiera pensar? ¿Ay tal muger nascida en el mundo? | Cal.__ Oh marvelous astuteness! Oh singular woman of her business! Oh cunning female! Oh quick remedy! Oh woman of discreet messages! What human mind could have been able to reach such a high means of help? I certainly believe that if we lived during the days of Aeneas and Dido, Venus would not have worked so hard to attract the love of Elisa for her son by making Cupid take the form of Ascanius in order to trick her. In order to avoid uneccesary delay I would have made you the mediator. Now that I am in your hands I will die happy and if my desire does not take the effect that I wanted, I know that nothing more, according to nature, could have been done to cure me. What do you think, boys? What more could have been thought of? Is there such a woman that has ever been born in this world? | |
CEL. __ Señor, no atajes mis razones; déxame dezir, que se va haziendo noche. Ya sabes que quien malhaze aborrece la claridad y, yendo a mi casa, podré hauer algún malencuentro. | Cel.__ Sir, do not interrupt my speech; let me finish for it is almost night. You already know that he who does evil abhors the daylight and on the way to my house there may be some danger. | |
CAL. __ ¿Qué, qué? Sí, que hachas y pajes ay, que te acompañen. | Cal.__ What, what? Yes, for there are torches and pages that can accompany you. | |
PARM. __¡ Sí, sí, porque no fuercen a la niña! Tú yrás con ella, Sempronio, que ha temor de los grillos, que cantan con lo escuro. | Par.__ Yes, yes, so they do not ravish the young girl! You will go with her, Sempronio, for she is scared of the crickets who sing in the dark. | |
CAL. __ ¿Dizes algo, hijo Pármeno? | Cal.__ Did you say something, son Parmeno? | |
PARM. __ Señor, que yo y Sempronio será bueno que la acompañemos hasta su casa, que haze mucho escuro. | Par.__ Sir, that it would be good if Sempronio and I accompanied her to her house, for it is very dark. | |
CAL. __ Bien dicho es. Después será. Procede en tu habla y dime qué más passaste. ?Qué respondió a la demanda de la oración? | Cal.__ That is well said. You will do it later. Continue with your discourse and tell me what else happened. How did she respond to your demand for the prayer? | |
CEL. __ Que la daría de su grado. | Cel.__ That she would give it willingly. | |
AL. __ ¿De su grado? ¡O Dios mio, qué alto don! | Cal.__ Willingly? Oh God of mine, what a marvelous gift! | |
CEL. __ Pues más le pedí. | Cel.__ Well, I asked her for more. | |
CAL. __ ¿Qué, mi vieja honrrada? | Cal.__ What, my honest old woman? | |
CEL. __ Vn cordón, que ella trae contino ceñido, diziendo que era prouechoso para tu mal, porque hauía tocado muchas reliquias. | Cel.__ A girdle, which she always wears, saying that it would be good for your pain because it had touched so many relics. | |
CAL. __ ¿Pues qué dixo? | Cal.__ What did she say? | |
CEL. __ ¡Dame albricias! Decírtelo he. | Cel.__ Give me rewards! And I will tell you. | |
CAL. __ ¡O¡Por Dios, toma toda esta casa y quanto en ella ay y dímelo o pide lo que querrás. | Cal.__ Oh by God! Take this house and everything that is in it and tell me. Or ask me what it is that you want. | |
CEL. __ Por vn manto, que tú des a la vieja, te dará en tus manos el mesmo, que en su cuerpo ella traya. | Cel.__ For a mantle that you would give to this old woman I will give you in your hands the same thing that she wears on her body. | |
CAL. __ ¿Qué dizes de manto? Y saya y quanto yo tengo. | Cal.__ What are you saying about a mantle? And a skirt and whatever else I have. | |
CEL. __ Manto he menester y éste terné yo en harto. No te alargues más. No pongas sospechosa duda en mi pedir. Que dicen que ofrescer mucho al que poco pide es especie de negar. | Cel.__ I am in need of a mantle and I have had enough of the one I have on now. Do not extend anymore. Do not be suspicious or doubtful of what I ask for. For they say that to offer too much to who has too little is a kind of denial | |
CAL. __ ¡Corre! Pármeno, llama a mi sastre y corte luego vn manto y vna saya de aquel contray, que se sacó para frisado. | Cal.__ Run! Parmeno, call my tailor and tell him to immediately cut a mantle and a skirt of that fine cloth which was taken out to be worked on for cottoning. | |
PARM. __ ¡Assí, assí! A la vieja todo, porque venga cargada de mentiras como abeja y a mí que me arrastren. Tras esto anda ella oy todo el día con sus rodeos. | Par.__ Like so, like so! Everything for the old woman because she comes like the bee, full of lies. As for me, let them drag me along. This is what she has been after the whole day with her cirumlocutions. | |
CAL. __ ¡De qué gana va el diablo! No ay cierto tan malseruido hombre como yo, manteniendo moços adeuinos, reçongadores, enemigos de mi bien. ?Qué vas, vellaco, rezando? Embidioso, ¿Qué dizes, que no te entiendo? Ve donde te mando presto y no me enojes, que harto basta mi pena para acabar: que también haurá para ti sayo en aquella pieça. | Cal.__ Look how unwillingly the devil goes! There is certainly no other man whos is more poorly served than I. I maintain young men who are fortune tellers, complainers and enemies of my well- being. What are you whispering for, villain? Jealous fool, what are you saying, for I do not understand you? Go where I order you to go and do not anger me, for my pain suffices to kill me. Their will also be enough of that cloth so that you can have a jacket. | |
PARM. __ No digo, señor, otra cosa, sino que es tarde para que venga el sastre. | Par.__ I did not say anything else, Sir, except that it was too late for the tailor to come. | |
CAL. __ ¿No digo yo que adeuinas? Pues quédese para mañana. Y tú, señora, por amor mio te sufras, que no se pierde lo que se dilata. Y mándame mostrar aquel sancto cordón, que tales miembros fué digno de ceñir. !Gozarán mis ojos con todos los otros sentidos, pues juntos han sido apasionados! ¡Gozará mi lastimado coraçón, aquél que nunca recibió momento de plazer, después que aquella señora conoció! todos los sentidos le llegaron, todos acorrieron a él con sus esportillas de trabajo. Cada vno le lastimó quanto más pudo: los ojos en vella, los oydos en oylla, las manos en tocalla. | Cal.__ Did I not tell you not to conjecture anymore? Well, leave it until tomorrow. And as for you, mother, you endure it for my love, for what is delayed is not lost. And let me see that saintly girdle which was lucky enough to be worn by such a body. My eyes will delight, together with the rest of my senses, because they have all been affected with passion! My wounded heart will delight for it has not received a moment of pleasure since it first met that lady! All of my senses ran and hastened to my heart with their baskets of trouble. Every single one wounded it as much as it could: the eyes in seeing her, the ears in hearing her and the hands in touching her. | |
CEL. __ ¿Que la has tocado dizes? Mucho me espantas. | Cel.__ You say you have touched her? You shock me greatly. | |
CAL. __ Entre sueños, digo. | Cal.__ In dreams, I mean. | |
CEL. __ ¿En sueños? | Cel.__ In dreams? | |
CAL. __ En sueños la veo tantas noches, que temo me acontezca como a Alcibíades o a Sócrates, que el uno soñó que se veya embuelto en el manto de su amiga y otro día matáronle, y no houo quien le alçasse de la calle ni cubriesse, sino ella con su manto; el otro vía que le llamavan por nombre y murió dende a tres días; pero en vida o en muerte, alegre me sería vestir su vestidura. | Cal.__ So many nights I see her in my dreams, that I fear the same thing will happen to me which happened to Alciabiades and Socrates. For the first one dreampt that he saw himself wrapped in the mantle of his mistress and the next day he was murdered. Then there was nobody to remove him from the street or cover him except for her, with her mantle. The other one had his name called out and three days later he died. But dead or alive, I would rejoice to wear any of her clothes. | |
CEL. __ Asaz tienes pena, pues, quando los otros reposan en sus camas, preparas tú el trabajo para sofrir otro día. Esfuérçate, señor, que no hizo Dios a quien desamparasse. Dá espacio a tu desseo. Toma este cordón, que, si yo no me muero, yo te daré a su ama. | Cel.__ You have suffered a lot, because when the others are resting in their beds, you are preparing for another day of suffering. Become courageous, sir, for God did not make anyone so that he could forsake him. Give your desire some time. Take this girdle, for unless I die, I will give you its owner. | |
CAL. __ ¡O nueuo huésped! ¡O bienauenturado cordón, que tanto poder y merescimiento touiste de ceñir aquel cuerpo, que yo no soy digno de seruir¡ ¡O ñudos de mi pasión, vosotros enlazastes mis desseos¡ ¡Dezíme si os hallastes presentes en la desconsolada respuesta de aquélla a quien vosotros seruís y yo adoro y, por más que trabajo noches y días, no me vale ni aprouecha! | Cal.__ Oh new guest! Oh fortunate girdle, which had so much power and merit in binding that body, which I am not worthy enough to serve! O knots of my passion, you interlace my desires! Tell me if you were present during the grievous response of she whom you served and whom I adore and, no matter how much I labor day and night it is worthless ad unrewarding. | |
CEL. __ Refrán viejo es: quien menos procura, alcança más bien. Pero yo te haré procurando conseguir lo que siendo negligente no haurías. Consuélate, señor, que en vna hora no se ganó çamora; pero no por esso desconfiaron los combatientes. | Cel.__ It is an old proverb: he who seeks least, gets the most. But I will seek, by my trying hard, that you get what your neglicence could not achieve. Console yourself, sir, because the warriors did not despair when Zamora was not conquered in an hour. | |
CAL. __ ¡O desdichado¡Que las cibdades están con piedras cercadas y a piedras, piedras las vencen; pero esta mi señora tiene el coraçón de azero. No ay metal, que con él pueda; no ay tiro, que le melle. Pues poned escalas en su muro: vnos ojos tiene con que echa saetas, vna lengua de reproches y desuíos, el asiento tiene en parte, que media legua no le pueden poner cerco. | Cal.__ Oh unhappy one! The cities are walled in with stone, and stones are conquered by stones. But my lady has a heart of steel. There is no metal that can prevail against it; there is no shot that can dent it. Place ladders on her wall: her eyes would throw darts, and her tongue would reproach and insult. She is sitting on a place that cannot be besieged with a half a league circle. | |
CEL. __ ¡Calla, señor! Que el buen atreuimiento de vn solo hombre ganó a Troya. No desconfíes, que vna muger puede ganar otra. Poco has tratado mi casa: no sabes bien lo que yo puedo. | Cel.__ Quiet, sir! Because the boldness of one single man conquered Troy. Do not be distrustful, because one single woman can win another. You know little of my house: you have no idea what I am capable of. | |
CAL. __ Quanto dixeres, señora, te quiero creer, pues tal joya como esta me truxiste. !O mi gloria y ceñidero de aquella angélica cintura! Yo te veo y no lo creo. !O cordón, cordón! ¿Fuísteme tú enemigo? Dilo cierto. Si lo fuiste, yo te perdono, que de los buenos es propio las culpas perdonar. No lo creo: que, si fueras contrario, no vinieras tan presto a mi poder, saluo si vienes a desculparte. Conjúrote me respondas, por la virtud del gran poder, que aquella señora sobre mí tiene. | Cal.__ Whatever you say, mother, I want to believe you especially since you brought me a jewel such as this. Oh my glory and binder of that angelic waist! I see you and I do not believe it. Oh girdle, girdle! Were you also my enemy? Tell me the truth. If you were, I forgive you, for it is proper of good people to forgive. I do not believe it: for, if you had been against me, you would not have come so quickly into my possession, unless you came to beg my forgiveness. I conjure you to respond to me, by the virtue of the great power which that lady has over me. | |
CEL. __ Cessa ya, señor, ese deuanear, que a mí tienes cansada de escucharte y al cordón, roto de tratarlo. | Cel.__ Please stop, sir, this nonsense, because I am exhausted from listening to you and the girdle is worn out from your handling it. | |
CAL. __ ¡O mezquino de mí¡ Que asaz bien me fuera del cielo otorgado, que de mis braços fueras fecho y texido, no de seda como eres, porque ellos gozaran cada día de rodear y ceñir con deuida reuerencia aquellos miembros, que tú, sin sentir ni gozar de la gloria, siempre tienes abraçados. !O qué secretos haurás visto de aquella excelente ymagen! | Cal.__ Oh wretched is me! It would have been better if the heavens had granted that you had been made and woven out of my own arms and not out of the silk. Because they would have delighted each day from encircling and binding, with due reverence, those members which you, without ever having felt the delight or the glory, have always embraced. Oh what secrets you must have seen of that excellent image! | |
CEL. __ Mas verás tú y con más sentido, si no lo pierdes fablando lo que fablas. | Cel.__ You would see more and with better senses, if you did not waste so much time talking as you do. | |
CAL. __ Calla, señora, que él y yo nos entendemos. !O mis ojos! Acordaos cómo fuistes causa y puerta, por donde fué mi coraçón llagado, y que aquél es visto fazer daño, que da la causa. Acordaos que soys debdores de la salud. Remirá la melezina, que os viene hasta casa. | Cal.__ Quiet, mother, for he and I understand each other. Oh my eyes! They remember how you were part of the cause and the door through which my heart was wounded, and that you have seen the hurt which was its cause. Remember that you are the debtor to my welfare. Look at the medicine that has come to our house. | |
SEMP. __ Señor, por holgar con el cordón, no querrás gozar de Melibea. | Sem.__ Sir, you are probably so happy with the girdle, you may not need to delight of Melibea. | |
CAL. __ ¡Qué loco, desuariado, atajasolazes! ¿Cómo es esso? | Cal.__ What fool, crazy, disturber of delight! How is it so? | |
SEMP. __ Que mucho fablando matas a ti y a los que te oyen. Y assí que perderás la vida o el seso. Qualquiera que falte, basta para quedarte ascuras. Abreuia tus razones: darás lugar a las de Celestina. | Sem.__ For by talking so much you kill yourself and those who are listening to you. And so you either lose your life or your wits. Whichever one is missing suffices to be in the dark. Abbreviate your discourse and listen to those of Celestina. | |
CAL. __ ¿Enójote, madre, con mi luenga razón o está borracho este moço? | Cal.__ Are you annoyed, mother, by my lengthy reasoning or is this fellow drunk? | |
CEL. __ Avnque no lo esté, deues, señor, cessar tu razón, dar fin a tus luengas querellas, tratar al cordón como cordón, porque sepas fazer diferencia de fabla, quando con Melibea te veas: no haga tu lengua yguales la persona y el vestido. | Cel.__ Although he is not, you should, sir, finish your discourse, put an end to your long complaints, and treat the girdle like a girdle. For you should learn how to make a difference with your words when you see Melibea: you should not speak the same to a piece of clothing as you would a person. | |
CAL. __ ¡O mi señora, mi madre, mi consoladora! Déjame gozar con este mensajero de mi gloria. !O lengua mia! ¿Por qué te impides en otras razones, dexando de adorar presente la excellencia de quien por ventura jamás verás en tu poder? ¡O mis manos! ¡Con qué atreuimiento, con quán poco acatamiento teneys y tratays la triaca de mi llaga! Ya no podrán empecer las yeruas, que aquel crudo caxquillo traya embueltas en su aguda punta. Seguro soy, pues quien dio la herida la cura. !O tú, señora, alegría de las viejas mugeres, gozo de las moças, descanso de los fatigados como yo! No me fagas más penado con tu temor, que faze mi vergüença. Suelta la rienda a mi contemplación, déxame salir por las calles con esta joya, porque los que me vieren, sepan que no ay más bienandante hombre que yo. | Cal.__ O my lady, my mother, my consoler! Let me delight with this messenger of my glory. Oh my tongue! Why are you prevented from other discourses, not letting me presently adore the excellence of whom, unless by chance, you will never see in your power? Oh my hands! With what boldness and little esteem you try to touch the cure for my wound? Now the poisons that are within that cruel sharp arrow cannot harm me. I am sure that she who gave me my wound will also gave me my medicine. Oh you, Celestina, the pride of all the old women, the delight of all the young girls and the relief to all those who are fatigued, like me! Do not make me suffer more your fear, than does my shame. Loosen the reins that you have over my contemplation and let me go out on the streets with this jewel, so that those who see me will know that there is no other man as happy as myself. | |
SEMP. __ No afistoles tu llaga cargándola de más desseo. No es, señor, el solo cordón del que pende tu remedio. | Sem.__ Do not inflame your wound by weighing it down with more desire. It is not, sir, the girdle alone on which your remedy depends. | |
CAL. __ Bien lo conozco; pero no tengo sofrimiento para me abstener de adorar tan alta empresa. | Cal.__ I know that; but I do not have the power to abstain from adoring so great a token. | |
CEL. __ ¿Empresa? Aquélla es empresa, que de grado es dada; pero ya sabes que lo hizo por amor de Dios, para guarecer tus muelas, no por el tuyo, para cerrar tus llagas. Pero si yo viuo, ella boluerá la hoja. | Cel.__ Gift? A token is given willingly; but you already know that she did it for the love of God, in order to ease your toothaches. Not for your love, but to close your wounds. But if I live, she will turn her leaf. | |
CAL. __ ¿Y la oración? | Cal.__ And the prayer? | |
CEL. __ No se me dio por agora. | Cel.__ She has not given it to me yet. | |
CAL. __ ¿Qué fué la causa? | Cal.__ What was the reason for that? | |
CEL. __ La breuedad del tiempo; pero quedó que si tu pena no afloxase, que tornasse mañana por ella. | Cel.__ The lack of time. But she promised that if your pain did not diminish, that I could return for it tomrrow. | |
CAL. __ ¿Afloxar? Entonce afloxará mi pena, quando su crueldad. | Cal.__ Diminish? My pain will diminish when her cruelty does. | |
CEL. __ Asaz, señor, basta lo dicho y fecho. Obligada queda, segund lo que mostró, a todo lo que para esta enfermedad yo quisiere pedir, según su poder. Mirá, señor, si esto basta para la primera vista. Yo me voy. Cumple, señor, que si salieres mañana, lleues reboçado vn paño, porque si della fueres visto, no acuse de falsa mi petición. | Cel.__ Enough, sir, what has been said and done is sufficient. She obligated herself, according to her demonstration, to everything within her power that I would want to ask for your sickness. Let me know, sir, if this is not enough for the first visit. I am leaving. If you go out tomorrow, sir, remember to wear a bandage around your mouth. Then if she sees you, she will not be able to accuse me of a false petition. | |
CAL. __ Y avn cuatro por tu seruicio. Pero dime, pardiós, ¿Passó más? Que muero por oyr palabras de aquella dulce boca. ?Cómo fueste tan osada, que, sin la conocer, te mostraste tan familiar en tu entrada y demanda? | Cal.__ And to serve you, I will use four. But tell me, by God, did anything else happen? For I die to hear the words that came from that sweet mouth. How is it that you were so daring, that, without even knowing her, you made yourself so familiar in your entrance and demand? | |
CEL. __ ¿Sin la conoscer? Quatro años fueron mis vezinas. Tractaua con ellas, hablaua y reya de día y de noche. Mejor me conosce su madre, que a sus mismas manos; avnque Melibea se ha fecho grande, muger discreta, gentil. | Cel.__ Whithout knowing her? They were my neighbors for four years. I dealt with, talked with and laughed with them day and night. Her mother knows me better than she knows her own hands; although Melibea has since grown up, discreetly and graciously. | |
PARM. __ Ea, mira, Sempronio, que te digo al oydo. | Par.__ Attention, Sempronio, I whisper in your ear. | |
SEMP. __ Dime, ¿Qué dizes? | Sem.__ Tell me, what is it? | |
PARM. __ Aquel atento escuchar de Celestina da materia de alargar en su razón a nuestro amo. Llégate a ella, dale del pie, hagámosle de señas que no espere más; sino que se vaya. Que no hay tan loco hombre nacido, que solo mucho habla. | Par.__ Look at how Celestina attentively listens and gives our master a reason to lengthen his discourse. Go to her, tap her on the foot and make some signs for her to wait no longer and leave. For there is no man alive who is as crazy as the one that talks to himself. | |
CAL. __ ¿Gentil dizes, señora, que es Melibea? Paresce que lo dizes burlando. ?Ay nascida su par en el mundo? ¿Crió Dios otro mejor cuerpo? ¿Puédense pintar tales faciones, dechado de hermosura? Si oy fuera viua Elena, por quien tanta muerte houo de griegos y troyanos, o la hermosa Pulicena, todas obedescerían a esta señora por quien yo peno. Si ella se hallara presente en aquel debate de la mançana con las tres diosas, nunca sobrenombre de discordia le pusieran. Porque sin contrariar ninguna, todas concedieran y vivieran conformes en que la lleuara Melibea. Assí que se llamara mançana de concordia. Pues quantas oy son nascidas, que della tengan noticia, se maldizen, querellan a Dios, porque no se acordó dellas, quando a esta mi señora hizo. Consumen sus vidas, comen sus carnes con embidia, danles siempre crudos martirios, pensando con artificio ygualar con la perfición, que sin trabajo dotó a ella natura. Dellas, pelan sus cejas con tenazicas e pegones e a cordelejos; dellas, buscan las doradas yeruas, rayzes, ramas e flores para hazer lexías, con que sus cabellos semejassen a los della, las caras martillando, enuistiéndolas en diuersos matizes con vngüentos e vnturas, aguas fuertes, posturas blancas e coloradas, que por evitar prolixidad no las cuento. Pues la que todo esto falló fecho, mirá si merece de vn triste hombre como yo ser seruida. | Cal.__ Did you say, mother, that Melibea was gracious? It appears that you say it mockingly. Is their anyone born that is her equal? Did God create a better body? Could her features even be painted, since she is such a paragon of beauty? If Helen, for whom so many Greeks and Trojans died, were alive today; or the beautiful Polixena, they would all be submissive to this lady for whom I suffer. If she had been present during the debate with the three goddesses over the apple, its nickname would never have been the apple of discord. Because without any contradiction, all of them would have conceded and agreed that Melibea should have had it. Then it would have been called the apple of concord. For how many women are born today that know her, who curse themselves and complain to God for not remembering them when he made my lady. Cruel torments consume their lives, eat their flesh with jealousy and constantly compel them to try to equal artificially the perfection which was so easily doted upon her by nature. Of these, some pluck their eyebrows with tweezers and waxes and creams; others look for the golden herbs, roots, sprigs and flowers to bleach their hair so that it will resemble the color of hers, pounding their their faces, coating them with different colors, ointments, acids, and black and white cosmetics and in order to avoid prolixity.I will not list them all. And after all this, how could she deserve to be served by a man as sad as me? | |
CEL. __ Bien te entiendo, Sempronio. Déxale, que él caerá de su asno. Ya acaba. | Cel.__ I understand you well, Sempronio. Leave him, for he will fall from his donkey. This will finish soon. | |
CAL. __ En la que toda la natura se remiró por la fazer perfeta. Que las gracias, que en todas repartió, las juntó en ella. Allí hizieron alarde quanto más acabadas pudieron allegarse, porque conociessen los que la viessen, quánta era la grandeza de su pintor. Solo vn poco de agua clara con vn ebúrneo peyne basta para exceder a las nacidas en gentileza. Estas son sus armas. Con estas mata y vence, con estas me catiuó, con estas me tiene ligado y puesto en dura cadena. | Cal.__ All of nature took the care to make her perfect. All of the graces that are usually distributed among all women, were put together for her. In her they put together in the most perfect way so that all who saw her would recognize the greatness of her painter. Just a little bit of fountain water and an ebony comb is all that she needs to exceed in beauty all the others. These are her weapons. With these she kills and conquers, with these she captivated me, with these she has me bound and held with strong chains. | |
CEL. __ Calla y no te fatigues. Que más aguda es la lima, que yo tengo, que fuerte essa cadena, que te atormenta. Yo la cortaré con ella, porque tú quedes suelto. Por ende, dame licencia, que es muy tarde, y déxame lleuar el cordón, porque tengo dél necessidad. | Cel.__ Be quiet and do not fatigue yourself. For the file that I have is sharper than the chain which torments you. I will cut through it so that you can be free. Therefore, give me the license to leave, for it is very late, and let me take the girdle because I have need of it. | |
CAL. __ ¡O desconsolado de mí! La fortuna aduersa me sigue junta. Que contigo o con el cordón o con entramos quisiera yo estar acompañado esta noche luenga y escura. Pero, pues no ay bien complido en esta penosa vida, venga entera la soledad. !Moços¡, ¡Moços! | Cal.__ Oh dejected am I! Adverse fortune follows me closely. For I would wish to be accompanied on this long and dark night by you or by the girdle or by both. But, since complete good never comes in this arduous life, let solitude come in its entirety. Boys! Boys! | |
PARM. __ Señor. | Par.__ Sir. | |
CAL. __ Acompaña a esta señora hasta su casa y vaya con ella tanto plazer y alegría, quanta comigo queda tristeza y soledad. | Cal.__ Accompany this woman to her house and let such happiness and pleasure go with her as I stay with sadness and solitude. | |
CEL. __ Quede, señor, Dios contigo. Mañana será mi buelta, donde mi manto y la respuesta vernán a vn punto; pues oy no huvo tiempo. Y súfrete, señor, y piensa en otras cosas. | Cel.__ May God be with you, sir. I will return tomorrow, where my mantle and her response will meet together; for today there was not enough time. Be patient, sir, and think of other things. | |
>CAL. __ Esso no, que es eregía oluidar aquella por quien la vida me aplaze. |
Cal.__ I cannot do that, for it would be heresy to forget the one who makes my life a joy.
| |
Acto VIISumario: CELESTINA habla con PARMENO, induziendole a concordia y amistad de SEMPRONIO. Trahele PARMENO a memoria la promessa que le fiziera de le hazer haver a AREUSA, quel mucho amava. Vanse a la casa de AREUSA. Queda ai la noche PARMENO. CELESTINA va para su casa; llama a la puerta. Elicia le viene abrir increpandole su tardana. |
Act VIIArgument: Celestina talks with Parmeno, and asks him to become friends with Sempronio. Parmeno reminds her of how she promised to give him Areusa, whoM he is very much in love with. They go to Areusa′s house and Parmeno stays the night. Celestina goes to her own house and knocks on the door; Elicia opens it for her, and reprimands her for taking so long. | |
CEL. __ Pármeno hijo, después de las passadas razones, no he hauido oportuno tiempo para te dezir y mostrar el mucho amor, que te tengo y asimismo cómo de mi boca todo el mundo ha oydo hasta agora en absencia bien de ti. La razón no es menester repetirla, porque yo te tenía por hijo, a lo menos quasi adotiuo y assí que imitavas a natural; y tú dasme el pago en mi presencia, paresciéndote mal quanto digo, susurrando y murmurando contra mí en presencia de Calisto. Bien pensaua yo que, después que concediste en mi buen consejo, que no hauías de tornarte atrás. Todavía me parece que te quedan reliquias vanas, hablando por antojo, más que por razón. Desechas el prouecho por contentar la lengua. Oyeme, si no me has oydo, y mira que soy vieja y el buen consejo mora en los viejos y de los mancebos es propio el deleyte. Bien creo que de tu yerro sola la edad tiene culpa. Espero en Dios que serás mejor para mí de aquí adelante, e mudarás el ruyn propósito con la tierna edad. Que, como disen, múdanse costumbres con la mudança del cabello e variación; digo, hijo, cresciendo e viendo cosas nueuas cada día. Porque la mocedad en solo lo presente se impide e ocupa a mirar; mas la madura edad no dexa presente ni passado ni por venir. | Cel.__ Parmeno, son, there has not been an opportune moment, since the last time we spoke, for me to show you and tell you the great love I have for you. Everybody only hears good things come from my mouth when I speak about you. It is only natural and there is no reason to explain why, for I have always thought of you as my own son, or at the very least, my adopted son. Now, you have repayed me by contradicting me in my presence, and by murmuring things against me in front of Calisto. I thought that you would not have turned on me after you had conceded to my good counsel. It seems that you are confused because you speak idly and without reason. You reject profit in order to please your tongue. Listen to me, if you have not been, and see that I am an old woman; good counsel resides in the elderly, while it is fitting for the youth to follow pleasure. I very much believe that your errors can be blamed on your young age. I hope, by God, that from here on out you will be better to me and that your ruinious intentions will change along with your tender age. For as they say, habits change along with the change and variation of the hair color as well as by growing and seeing new things everyday. Because youth is occupied only with the present, while maturity does not let the present, past or future pass by. | |
Si tú touieras memoria, hijo Pármeno, del pasado amor, que te tuue, la primera posada, que tomaste venido nueuamente en esta cibdad, auía de ser la mía. Pero los moços curays poco de los viejos. Regisvos a sabor de paladar. Nunca pensays que teneys ni haveys de tener necessidad dellos. Nunca pensays en enfermedades. Nunca pensays que os puede faltar esta florezilla de juuentud. Pues mira, amigo, que para tales necessidades, como éstas, buen acorro es vna vieja conoscida, amiga, madre y más que madre, buen mesón para descansar sano, buen hospital para sanar enfermo, buena bolsa para necessidad, buena arca para guardar dinero en prosperidad, buen fuego de inuierno rodeado de asadores, buena sombra de verano, buena tauerna para comer y beuer. ?Qué dirás, loquillo, a todo esto? Bien sé que estás confuso por lo que oy has hablado. Pues no quiero más de ti. Que Dios no pide más del pecador, de arrepentirse e emendarse. Mira a Sempronio. Yo le fize hombre, de Dios en ayuso . Querría que fuesedes como hermanos, porque, estando bien con él, con tu amo e con todo el mundo lo estarías. Mira que es bienquisto, diligente, palanciano , buen seruidor, gracioso. Quiere tu amistad. Crecería vuestro prouecho, dandoos el vno al otro la mano ni aun havría más privados con vuestro amo, que vosotros. E pues sabe que es menester que ames, si quieres ser amado, que no se tornan truchas , etc., ni te lo deue Sempronio de fuero, simpleza es no querer amar e esperar de ser amado, locura es pagar el amistad con odio. | If you could only remember, son Parmeno, the love I used to have for you, the first house you would have visited when you came to this city would have been mine. But the youth care little about the elderly. You govern yourself according to the taste of your own palate. You never think that you have or will have any need for us. You never think of sickness. You never think that you will lose your flowering youth. Well, now look here friend, for when you do have need you will want to be able to run to a well known old woman, friend, mother and more than a mother. She will have a good inn for you to rest in when you are healthy, a good hospital to cure you when you are sick, a good purse for when you are in need, a good chest to store money during times of prosperity, a good fire surrounded by meats during the winter, a good shade in the summer, and a good tavern for eating and drinking. What do you have to say about all this, foolish boy? I know very well that you are confused about the things you have said today. Well, I do not want anything more to do with you. For God does not ask the sinner to repent and mend his ways. Look at Sempronio. With God′s help, I made him a man. I wanted for both of you to be like brothers, because by being in good standing with him, you would also be in good standing with your master and with everyone else in the world. Look at how he is loved, how he is diligent, how he is courtly, and how he is a good and gracious servant. He wants your friendship. It would be to your advantage if you were his friend. Nobody else would be more favored by your master than the two of you. Know that you must love in order to be loved, for trout do not return so you can catch them, etc. Sempronio does not owe you this privilege. It is foolish to not want to love and expect to be loved; it is crazy to repay friendship with hatred. | |
PARM. __ Madre, para contigo digo que mi segundo yerro te confiesso y, con perdón de lo passado, quiero que ordenes lo por venir. Pero con Sempronio me paresce que es impossible sostenerse mi amistad. El es desuariado, yo malsufrido: conciértame essos amigos. | Par.__ Mother, I will tell you that I confess to my second error. I ask forgiveness for what happened, and I want you to tell me what to do in the future. But I feel that it is impossible to sustain any friendship with Sempronio. He is has an angry temper and I am impatient: how could we be friends? | |
CEL. __ Pues no era essa tu condición. | Cel.__ Well, it was not always this way. | |
PARM. __ A la mi fe, mientra más fué creciendo, más la primera paciencia me oluidaua. No soy el que solía y assimismo Sempronio no ay ni tiene en que me aproueche. | Par.__ It is true that the older I get the less patient I became. I am not who I used to be and neither is Sempronio. And he does not have anything that will benefit me. | |
CEL. __ El cierto amigo en la cosa incierta se conosce, en las aduersidades se prueua. Entonces se allega y con más desseo visita la casa, que la fortuna próspera desamparó. ?Qué te diré, fijo, de las virtudes del buen amigo? No ay cosa más amada ni más rara. Ninguna carga rehusa. Vosotros soys yguales. La paridad de las costumbres y la semejança de los coraçones es la que más la sostiene. Cata, hijo, que, si algo tienes, guardado se te está. Sabe tú ganar más, que aquello ganado lo fallaste. Buen siglo aya aquel padre, que lo trabajó. No se te puede dar hasta que viuas más reposado y vengas en edad complida. | Cel.__ A true friend is known during uncertain times and is proven during adversity. That is when he will get closer to you and when he will visit your house with a greater desire. What else can I tell you, son, about the virtues of a good friend? There is nothing rarer or more loved. He will not refuse you anything. You two are the same. You have the same customs and the same hearts and that is what most sustains a friendship. See here, son, if you have something you should keep it. You may know how to win more but you already have won something. Your father was blessed, but he worked for it. You will not be given anything until you come of age and live a more settled life. | |
PARM. __ ¿A qué llamas reposado, tía? | Par.__ What do you call settled, aunt? | |
CEL. __ Hijo, a viuir por ti, a no andar por casas agenas, lo qual siempre andarás, mientra no te supieres aprouechar de tu seruicio. Que de lástima, que houe de verte roto, pedí oy manto, como viste, a Calisto. No por mi manto; pero porque, estando el sastre en casa y tú delante sin sayo, te le diesse. Assí que, no por mi prouecho, como yo sentí que dixiste; más por el tuyo. Que si espera; al ordinario galardón destos galanes, es tal, que lo que en diez años sacarás atarás en la manga. Goza tu mocedad, el buen día, la buena noche, el buen comer o beuer. Quando pudieres hauerlo, no lo dexes. Piérdase lo que se perdiere. No llores tú la fazienda, que tu amo heredó, que esto te lleuarás deste mundo, pues no le tenemos más de por nuestra vida. !O hijo mio Pármeno¡Que bien te puedo dezir fijo, pues tanto tiempo te crié. Toma mi consejo, pues sale con limpio deseo de verte en alguna honrra. !O quan dichosa me hallaría en que tú e Sempronio estuuiesedes muy conformes, muy amigos, hermanos en todo, viéndoos venir a mi pobre casa a holgar, a verme e avn a desenojaros con sendas mochachas! | Cel.__ Son, when you are independent and do not live in the houses of others, which you will always be doing as long as you do not know how to profit from your services. It pities me to see you looking so tattered, so today I asked Calisto for a mantle, as you saw. The mantle was not for me, but for you since the tailor was in the house and you were in front of me without one. So then it was not for my own profit, as I heard you say, but for yours. For if you wait for the ordinary wages that these boys get, ten years will have passed and you still would not have earned enough to pay for a sleeve. Enjoy your youth, the good days, the good nights and the good food and drink. When you have the chance do not lose it. What is lost will be lost. Do not envy for the wealth that was inherited by your master, for that will shorten your time on earth and our lives are the only things we have. Oh my son, Parmeno! And I have the right to call you my son because I raised you for so long. Take my advice, for it comes from a pure desire to see you with honor. Oh how lucky I would be if you and Sempronio would be in agreement, good friends and brothers in everything. If you two would come to rest and see me in my poor house and even delight with the girls! | |
PARM. __ ¿Mochachas, madre mia? | Par.__ Girls, mother mine? | |
CEL. __ ¡Alahé! Mochachas, digo; que viejas, harto me soy yo. Qual se la tiene Sempronio y avn sin hauer tanta razón ni tenerle tanta afición como a ti. Que de las entrañas me sale quanto te digo. | Cel.__ Yes! Girls, I say; because I am too much of an old lady. Sempronio hs one and he does not even have as much reason to have one or do I have as much affection toward him as I do for you. For I speak from the heart when I tell you this. | |
PARM. __ Señora, ¿No viues engañada? | Par.__ Mother, are you sure? | |
CEL. __ Y avnque lo viua, no me pena mucho, que también lo hago por amor de Dios y por verte solo en tierra agena y más por aquellos huessos de quien te me encomendó. Que tú serás hombre y vernás en buen conocimiento y verdadero y dirás: la vieja Celestina bien me consejaua. | Cel.__ And if I was not, it would not bother me the least, for I also do it for the love of God and because I see you alone in this strange land and mostly because of the bones of that person who entrusted me to you. For you will become a man and you will come into good and true knowledge and you will say: that old Celestina used to give me good advice. | |
PARM. __ Y avn agora lo siento; avnque soy moço. Que, avnque oy veyas que aquello dezía, no era porque me pareciesse mal lo que tú fazías; pero porque veya que le consejaua yo lo cierto y me daua malas gracias. Pero de aquí delante demos tras él. Faz de las tuyas, que yo callaré. Que ya tropecé en no te creer cerca deste negocio con él. | Par.__ I know that to be true now, even though I am a young man. For, although you heard today what I was saying, it was not because I thought what you were doing was wrong, but because he gave me such little thanks when I advised him of the truth. But from now on let us all continue together. Do what you have to do and I will be quiet. For I have already stumbled once by not believing you in this business concerning him. | |
CEL. __ Cerca deste y de otros tropeçarás y caerás, mientra no tomares mis consejos, que son de amiga verdadera. | Cel.__ You will stumble and fall upon this one and others for as long as you do not heed my counsel, which comes from a true friend. | |
PARM. __ Agora doy por bienempleado el tiempo, que siendo niño te seruí, pues tanto fruto trae para la mayor edad. Y rogaré a Dios por el ánima de mi padre, que tal tutriz me dexó y de mi madre, que tal muger me encomendó. | Par.__ I am grateful for the time I spent serving you when I was a boy, since it is bearing so much fruit for me now. And I pray to God for the soul of my father, for leaving me such a good guide, and also for my mother′s, who entrusted me with such a woman. | |
CEL. __ No me la nombres, fijo, por Dios, que se me hinchen los ojos de agua. ?Y tuue yo en este mundo otra tal amiga? ¿Otra tal compañera? ¿Tal aliuiadora de mis trabajos y fatigas? ¿Quién suplía mis faltas? Quién sabía mis secretos? ¿Quién descubría mi coraçón? ¿Quién era todo mi bien y descanso, sino tu madre, más que mi hermana y comadre? ¡O qué graciosa era¡ ¡O qué desembuelta, limpia, varonil! Tan sin pena ni temor se andaua a media noche de cimenterio en cimenterio, buscando aparejos para nuestro oficio, como de día. Ni dexava christianos ni moros ni judíos, cuyos enterramientos no visitaua. De día los acechaua, de noche los desterraua. Assí se holgaua cola la noche escura, como tú con el día claro; dezía que aquella era capa de pecadores . ?Pues maña no tenía con todas las otras gracias? Una cosa te diré, porque veas qué madre perdiste; avnque era para callar. Pero contigo todo passa. Siete dientes quitó a vn ahorcadocon vnas tenazicas de pelacejas , mientra yo le descalcé los çapatos. Pues entrava en vn cercomejor que yo e con más esfuerço; avnque yo tenía farto buena fama, más que agora, que por mis pecados todo se oluidó con su muerte. ?Qué más quieres, sino que los mesmos diablos la hauían miedo? Atemorizados e espantados los tenía con las crudas bozes, que les daua . Assí era ella dellos conoscida, como tú en tu casa. Tumbando venían vnos sobre otros a su llamado. No le osauan dezir mentira , según la fuerça con que los apremiaua. Después que la perdí, jamás les oy verdad. | Cel.__ Do not say her name, son, by God, for my eyes are swelling up with tears. Oh did I ever have such a friend in this world? Such a companion? Such an alleviator of my troubles and fatigues? Who else supplied my wants? Who else knew my secrets? Who else could uncover my heart? Who was all my happiness and my peace, but your mother? She was more than a sister and a comrade! Oh how gracious she was! Oh how open, clean, and courageous! Without shame or fear she would go out in the middle of the night as if it were day, from cementary to cementary, searching for the things we needed for our trade. She visited the graves of Christians, Moors, and Jews alike. By day she would look for them and by night she would dig them up. She was as happy in the dark night as you are on a clear day. She would say it was like a cloak for sinners. And was she skilled in her many other graces? I will tell you one thing, so that you can see what a mother you lost, although it is a secret. But with you it does not matter. She took out seven teeth with some tweezers for plucking hair, from a man who had been hung, while I was taking off his shoes. She was better than me at entering the magic circle even though I tried very hard. Although I was not lacking in fame, I have more now, because all of my sins were forgotten when she died. What more could you want, except that even the devils feared her? She scared and frightened them with her cruel spells. She was well- known to all of them just like you are in your own house. They would come when she called them, tumbling over one another. Because of the great force she held over them, they never dared to tell her a lie. After I lost her, they never tell the truth. | |
PARM. __ No la medre Dios más a esta vieja, que ella me da plazer con estos loores de sus palabras. | Par.__ May God damn this old woman; she is trying to gain my favor with all these praises. | |
CEL. __ ¿Qué dizes, mi honrrado Pármeno, mi hijo y más que hijo? | Cel.__ What are you saying, my honorable Parmeno, my son and more? | |
PARM. __ Digo que ¿ Cómo tenía esa ventaja mi madre, pues las palabras que ella y tú dezíades eran todas vnas? | Par.__ I said, how did my mother have this advantage, if the words she spoke were the same as yours? | |
CEL. __ ¿Cómo? ¿y deso te marauillas? No sabes que dize el refrán que mucho va de Pedro a Pedro? Aquella gracia de mi comadre no la alcançábamos todas. ?No has visto en los oficios vnos buenos y otros mejores? assí era tu madre, que Dios aya, la prima de nuestro oficio y por tal era de todo el mundo conocida y querida, assí de caualleros como clérigos, casados, viejos, moços y niños. ?Pues moças y donzellas? Assí rogauan a Dios por su vida, como de sus mismos padres. Con todos tenía quehazer, con todos fablaua. Si salíamos por la calle, quantos topáuamos eran sus ahijados. Que fue su principal oficio partera diez y seys años. Así que, avnque tu no sabías sus secretos, por la tierna edad que auías, agora es razón que los sepas, pues ella es finada e tú hombre. | Cel.__ How can you wonder about that? Do you not know the Proverb that says there is a great difference between Peter and Peter? The grace that my comrade had cannot be achieved by all. Have you not seen in businesses, that some are good and others are better? That is how your mother was, may God keep her. She was the first of our business and she was known and loved by everyone; by gentleman and clergy alike, by married couples, by the elderly, by young men and boys. And as for the young women and ladies? They would pray to God for her life in the same way they would for their own parents. If we were to go out on the street, everyone we ran into was her godson. It was her principal profession for sixteen years. So, while you may not have known her secrets because of your previous young age, now it is time, since she is gone and since you are a man. | |
PARM. __ Dime, señora, cuando la justicia te mandó prender, estando yo en tu casa, ¿Teníades mucho conocimiento? | Par.__ Tell me, mother, when the officers were sent to apprehend you, and I was in your house, did you know each other well? | |
CEL. __ ¿Si teníamos me dizes? ¡Como por burla¡ Juntas lo hizimos, juntas nos sintieron, juntas nos prendieron y acusaron, juntas nos dieron la pena essa vez, que creo que fue la primera. Pero muy pequeño eras tú. Yo me espanto cómo te acuerdas, que es la cosa, que más oluidada está en la cibdad. Cosas son que pasan por el mundo. Cada día verás quien peque y pague, si sales a esse mercado. | Cel.__ If we knew each other, you ask? What a joke! Together we did it, together they caught us, and together they apprehended and accused us. Together they sentenced us that time, which I think was the first. But you were very little. I am amazed at how you remembered, for it is one of the most forgotten things in this city. These things happen in this world. Everyday, if you go out into that marketplace, you will see how people sin and pay. | |
PARM. __ Verdad es; pero del pecado lo peor es la perseuerancia. Que assí como el primer mouimiento no es en mano del hombre, assí el primer yerro; donde dizen que quien yerra y se enmienda, etc. | Par.__ It is true; but the worst is persevering in sin. The first movement, just like the first error, is out of man′s hands. That is why they speak about he who errs and amends himself etc. | |
CEL. __ Lastimásteme, don loquillo. A las verdades nos andamos. Pues espera, que yo te tocaré donde te duela. | Cel.__ You have offended me, sir little fool. So we are going for the truth. Well then wait, for I will touch you where it hurts. | |
PARM. __ ¿Qué dizes, madre? | Par.__ What did you say, mother? | |
25. CEL. __ Hijo, digo que, sin aquélla, prendieron quatro veces a tu madre, que Dios aya, sola. y avn la vna la leuantaron que era bruxa, porque la hallaron de noche con vnas candelillas, cogiendo tierra de vna encruzijada, y la touieron medio día en vna escalera en la plaça, pues vno como rocadero pintado en la cabeça. Pero cosas son que passan. Algo han de sofrir los hombres en este triste mundo para sustentar sus vidas y honrras. Y mira en qué poco lo tuuo con su buen seso, que ni por esso dexó dende en adelante de vsar mejor su oficio. Esto ha venido por lo que dezías del perseuerar en lo que vna vez se yerra. En todo tenía gracia. Que en Dios y en mi conciencia, avn en aquella escalera estaua e parecía que a todos los debaxo no tenía en vna blanca, según su meneo e presencia. Assí que los que algo son como ella e saben e valen, son los que más presto yerran. Verás quien fue Virgilio e qué tanto supo ; mas ya haurás oydo cómo estouo en vn cesto colgado de vna torre, mirándole toda Roma. Pero por eso no dejó de ser honrrado ni perdió el nombre de Virgilio. | Cel.__ Son, I said that, without including the instance I told you of, your mother had been apprehended on her own at least four times, God save her. And even once they accused her of being a sorceress, because they found her at night, with some candles, gathering up dirt at a cross. They had her for half a day on the scaffold with her crime written on her head. But these things happen. Men have to suffer in this sad world in order to sustain their lives and their honor. And see how little it bothered her good mind, for she did not leave her business and she made the best of it from then on out. This has come from what you said about perservering in sin after erring once. She was gracious in everything. For by God and by my conscience, according to her behavior and presence, when she was on that scaffold it did not look as if she cared a bit about those that were beneath her. Consider what a man Virgil was and how much he knew. You may have heard about how he was hung from a tower in a basket with all of Rome looking up at him. But he did not let that dishonor him nor did he lose the name of Virgil. | |
PARM. __ Verdad es lo que dizes; pero esso no fue por justicia. | Par.__ It is true what you say; but that was not because of justice. | |
CEL. __ ¡Calla, bouo¡Poco sabes de achaque de yglesia y quánto es mejor por mano de justicia, que de otra manera. Sabíalo mejor el cura, que Dios aya, que, viniéndole a consolar, dixo que la sancta Escriptura tenía que bienauenturados eran los que padescían persecución por la justicia, que aquéllos posseerían el reyno de los cielos. Mira si es mucho passar algo en este mundo por gozar de la gloria del otro. Y más que, según todos dezían, a tuerto y sin razón y con falsos testigos y rezios tormentos la hizieron aquella vez confessar lo que no era. Pero con su buen esfuerço. Y como el coraçón abezado a sofrir haze las cosas más leues de lo que son, todo lo tuuo en nada. Que mill vezes le oya dezir: si me quebré el pie, fue por mi bien, porque soy más conoscida que antes. Assí que todo esto pasó tu buena madre acá, deuemos creer que le dará Dios buen pago allá, si es verdad lo que nuestro cura nos dixo e con esto me consuelo. Pues seme tú, como ella, amigo verdadero e trabaja por ser bueno, pues tienes a quien parezcas. Que lo que tu padre te dexó a buen seguro lo tienes. | Cel.__ Be quiet, fool! You know little about the subject of the church and which way is better for the hand of justice. The priest knew best, God save him, who upon coming to console her, spoke of the saintly scriptures which said that the lucky ones were those who endured persecution in the name of justice and it was they who would possess the kingdom of heaven. See if it is too much to suffer in this world in order to enjoy the glory of the other. And especially since, according to what everyone says, they made her confess to something that was not true through crookedness, without reason, with false witnesses and with cruel torments. But with great spirit and a heart that was accustomed to suffering, she made matters less than what they were and acted as if nothing had happened. For I heard her say a thousand times: if my foot were to break, it was for my own good because now I am better known than before. So then, since all of this happened here to your good mother, if our priest told us the truth, we should believe that God repaid her well. With this I console myself. So, you should be like her, a true friend and one who works to be good, for you have me as a good example to follow. As for what your father left you; it is guarded safely. | |
PARM. __ Bien lo creo, madre; pero querría saber qué tanto es. | Par.__ I very much believe you, mother; but I would like to know what it is. | |
CEL. __ No puede ser agora; verná tiempo, como te dixe, para que lo sepas y oyas. | Cel.__ It cannot tell you now. The time will come, like I told you, for you to know it and hear it. | |
PARM. __ Agora dexemos los muertos y las herencias; que si poco me dexaron, poco hallaré; hablemos en los presentes negocios, que nos va más que en traer los passados a la memoria. Bien se te acordará, no ha mucho que me prometiste me harías hauer a Areusa, quando en mi casa te dixe cómo moría por sus amores. | Par.__ Now let us leave the dead and the inheritances; for if they left me little, little I will get. Let us talk about our present business, for it is worth more to us than bringing up the memories of the past. You will remember it well, for it has not been long since you promised Areusa to me. It was when I told you in my house how I was dying for her love. | |
CEL. __ Si te lo prometí, no lo he oluidado ni creas que he perdido con los años la memoria. Que más de tres xaques he rescebido de mí sobre ello en tu absencia. Ya creo que estará bien madura. Vamos de camino por casa, que no se podrá escapar de mate. Que esto es lo menos, que yo por ti tengo de hazer. | Cel.__ I did promise it to you. I have not forgotten and do not think that I have lost my memory along with the years. For I have approached her over three times concerning you in your absence. I think that she is quite ready now. Let us walk to the house, so she will not be able to escape the checkmate. For this is the least of what I will do for you. | |
PARM. __ Yo ya desconfiaua de la poder alcançar, porque jamás podía acabar con ella que me esperasse a poder dezir vna palabra. Y como dizen, mala señal es de amor huyr y boluer la cara. Sentía en mí gran desfuzia desto. | Par.__ I did not believe that I would be able to have her. She never lets me speak so I can never finish anything with her. And as they say, it is a bad sign to run and turn your face away from love. I felt within myself a great despair because of this. | |
CEL. __ No tengo en mucho tu desconfiança, no me conosciendo ni sabiendo, como agora, que tienes tan de tu mano la maestra destas labores. Pues agora verás quánto por mi causa vales, quánto con las tales puedo, quánto sé en casos de amor. Anda passo. ?Ves aquí su puerta? Entremos quedo, no nos sientan sus vezinas. Atiende y espera debaxo de desta escalera. Sobiré yo a uer qué se podrá fazer sobre lo hablado y por ventura haremos más que tú ni yo traemos pensado. | Cel.__ I do not think much of your distress, because I was a stranger to you and you did not know, like you do now, that you had such a master of these arts at your very hands. Well, now you will see how much you will get from me, how much I can do about such things, and how much I know about the circumstances of love. Let us go on. Do you see the door here? Enter quietly so that her neighbors do not hear us. Pay attention and wait underneath this staircase. I will go up and see what can be done about what we have spoken of. If we are lucky we will get more than either you or I ever dreamed of. | |
AREUSA. __ ¿ Quién anda ay? ¿Quién sube a tal hora en mi cámara? | Are.__ Who goes there? Who is coming up to my room at such an hour? | |
CEL. __ Quien no te quiere mal, cierto; quien nunca da passo, que no piense en tu prouecho; quien tiene más memoria de ti, que de sí mesma: vna enamorada tuya, avnque vieja. | Cel.__ It is certainly one who wishes you no ill, one who never makes a step without thinking of your benefit and one who has more memories of you than yourself. One who is in love with you even though she is an old woman. | |
AREU. __ ¡Válala el diablo a esta vieja, con qué viene como huestantigua a tal hora¡ tía, señora, ¿ Qué buena venida es ésta tan grande? Ya me desnudaua para acostar. | Are.__ The devil is with this old woman, who comes like a ghost at such an hour! Aunt, mother, what good visit is as great as this? I was already undressing so that I could go to bed. | |
CEL. __ ¿Con las gallinas, hija? Así se hará la hazienda. ! Andar¡, ¡Passe¡Otro es el que ha de llorar las necessidades, que no tú. Yerua pasce quien lo cumple. Tal vida quienquiera se la quería. | Cel.__ With the hens, daughter? That is how you will make your living. Come on! Move! There is another who is lamenting his needs, and it is not you. Herbs come to those who gather them. Anyone would want such a life. | |
AREU. __ ¡Jesú! Quiérome tornar a vestir, que he frío. | Are.__ Jesus! Let me return and get dressed for it is cold. | |
CEL. __ No harás, por mi vida; sino éntrate en la cama, que desde allí hablaremos. | Cel.__ You will not get dressed, by my life; get into your bed and we will talk with you there. | |
AREU. __ Assí goze de mí, pues que lo he bien menester, que me siento mala oy todo el día. Assí que necessidad, más que vicio, me fizo tomar con tiempo las sáuanas por faldetas. | Are.__ It would be my pleasure, for I have needed to, since I have felt sick all day. So it has been necessity, not vice which has made me take up my sheets this early, instead of my petticoats. | |
CEL. __ Pues no estés asentada; acuéstate y métete debaxo de la ropa, que paresce serena. | Cel.__ Then do not sit; lie down and get underneath your clothes, so that you look serene. | |
AREU. __ Bien me lo dizes, señora tía. | Are.__ What you say sounds good to me, dear aunt. | |
CEL. __ ¡Ay cómo huele toda la ropa en bulléndote¡ ¡Aosadas, que está todo a punto¡ Siempre me pagué de tus cosas y hechos, de tu limpieza y atauío. ¡ Fresca que estás¡¡ Bendígate Dios! ¡Qué sáuanas y colcha¡¡Qué almohadas¡ ¡Y qué blancura¡Tal sea mi vejez, quál todo me parece perla de oro. Verás si te quiere bien quien te visita a tales horas. Déxame mirarte toda, a mi voluntad, que me huelgo. | Cel.__ Oh how sweetly your clothes smell when you turn! I assure you that everything is in order! I have always been fond of your things and doings and of your cleanliness and tidiness. You are so fresh! May God bless you! What sheets and what a quilt! What pillows! And what whiteness! My age is such that everything appears to be a pearl of gold. See who it is that loves you so much to visit you at such hours. Let me look at all of you, as I please, for I am delighted. | |
AREU. __ ¡Passo, madre, no llegues a mí, que me fazes coxquillas y prouócasme a reyr y la risa acreciéntame el dolor. | Are.__ No, mother, do not touch me because it tickles and makes me laugh and laughing accentuates the pain. | |
CEL. __ ¿Qué dolor, mis amores? ¿Búrlaste, por mi vida, comigo? | Cel.__ What pain, my love? Are you joking with me, by my life? | |
AREU. __ Mal gozo vea de mí, si burlo; sino que ha quatro horas, que muero de la madre, que la tengo sobida en los pechos, que me quiere sacar deste mundo. Que no soy tan vieja como piensas. | Are.__ May evil come to me if I am. Except that it has been four hours and I have almost dies because of my cramps; the pain has been rising to my breasts and I think it wants to kill me. I am not as old as you think. | |
CEL. __ Pues dame lugar, tentaré. Que avn algo sé yo deste mal por mi pecado, que cada vna se tiene o ha tenido su madre y sus çoçobras della. | Cel.__ Well give me some space, I will feel you. For I know a little bit about this evil because of my sin, for everyone has or has had cramps and all of the anxieties that they bring. | |
AREU. __ Más arriba la siento, sobre el estómago. | Are.__ I feel it higher up, over my stomach. | |
CEL. __ ¡Bendígate Dios y señor Sant Miguel, ángel¡ ¿Y qué gorda y fresca estás¡¡Qué pechos y qué gentileza¡ Por hermosa te tenía hasta agora, viendo lo que todos podían ver; pero agora te digo que no ay en la cibdad tres cuerpos tales como el tuyo, en quanto yo conozco. No paresce que hayas quinze años. !O quien fuera hombre y tanta parte alcançara de ti para gozar tal vista¡ Por Dios, pecado ganas en no dar parte destas gracias a todos lo que bien te quieren. Que no te las dio Dios para que pasasen en balde por la frescor de tu juventud debaxo de seys dobles de paño y lienço. Cata que no seas auarienta de lo que poco te costó. No atesores tu gentileza. Pues es de su natura tan comunicable como el dinero. No seas el perro del ortolano . E pues tú no puedes de ti propia gozar, goze quien puede. Que no creas que en balde fueste criada. Que, cuando nasce ella, nasce él e, quando él, ella. Ninguna cosa ay criada al mundo superflua ni que con acordada razón no proueyesse della natura. Mira que es pecado fatigar e dar pena a los hombres, podiéndolos remediar. | Cel.__ May God and Saint Michael bless you, angel! How plump and fresh you are! What breasts and what grace! Until now I always knew you were beautiful, since I could see what everyone else could see; but now I can say that I cannot even think of three other bodies in this city like yours. You do not look a day over fifteen. Oh who would be the man who is lucky enough to reach you and delight in such a sight! By God, it is a sin that you do not give a part of your graces to all those that are in love with you. For God did not give them to you so that the freshness of your youth could go in vain underneath six layers of wool and linen. Take care that you should not be so covetous of what has cost you so little. Do not hoard up your charms. For it is within their nature to be as communicable as money. Do not be the dog in the manger. Since you cannot take any pleasure in yourself, let others take pleasure in you. Do not think that you were raised in vain. For when a woman is born, a man is born too, and a woman was made for a man. Nothing in this world has ever created superfluously, without nature having made it for some reason. It is a sin to torment and make men suffer when you can easily remedy them. | |
AREU. __ Alábame agora, madre, y no me quiere ninguno. Dame algún remedio para mi mal y no estés burlando de mí. | Are.__ You are just trying to make me feel better now mother, for nobody loves me. Give me a cure for my sickness and do not make fun of me. | |
CEL. __ Deste tan común dolor todas somos, ¡Mal pecado¡, maestras. Lo que he visto a muchas fazer y lo que a mí siempre aprouecha, te diré. Porque como las calidades de las personas son diuersas, assí las melezinas hazen diuersas sus operaciones y diferentes. Todo olor fuerte es bueno, assí como poleo, ruda, axiensos, humo de plumas de perdiz, de romero, de moxquete, de encienso. Recebido con mucha diligencia, aprouecha y afloxa el dolor y buelue poco a poco la madre a su lugar. Pero otra cosa hallaua yo siempre mejor que todas y ésta no te quiero dezir, pues tan santa te me hazes. | Cel.__ This pain is common and we are all its unfortunate masters. I will tell you what I have seen many do and what usually works for me. But people have different characteristics just as medicines have diverse functions. All strong smells are good, such as; pennyroyal, rue, wormwood, the smoke of partridge feathers, of rosemary, of musk or incense. When they are diligently inhaled they benefit and weaken the pain, and little by little the cramp goes away. But there is another thing that I always find to work the best of all and this one I do not want to tell you since you are so saintly. | |
AREU. __ ¿Qué, por mi vida, madre? Vesme penada ¿Y encúbresme la salud? | Are.__ What mother, by my life? You see me in pain and you hide me from my health? | |
CEL. __ ¡Anda, que bien me atiendes, no te hagas boua! | Cel.__ Come on; you understand me well! Do not play the fool! | |
AREU. __ ¡Ya!¡Ya! Mala landre me mate, si te entendía. ?Pero qué quieres que haga? sabes que se partió ayer aquel mi amigo con su capitán a la guerra. ¿Hauía de fazerle ruyndad? | Are.__ Yes! Yes! May I be damned if I understand you. But what do you want me to do? You know that my friend left for war yesterday with his captain. Do I need to wrong him? | |
CEL. __ ¡Verás y qué daño y qué gran ruyndad! | Cel.__ There would be nodamage or great wrongdoing! | |
AREU. __ Por cierto, sí sería. Que me da todo lo que he menester, tiéneme honrrada, fauoréceme y trátame como si fuesse su señora. | Are.__ It certainly would be. For he gives me everything that I need, he honors me, favors me and treats me as if though I were his lady. | |
CEL. __ Pero avnque todo esso sea, mientra no parieres, nunca te faltará este mal y dolor que agora, de lo qual él deue ser causa. Y si no crees en dolor, cree en color, y verás lo que viene de su sola compañía. | Cel.__ That may all be true, but until you give birth, you will never be rid of the sickness and the pain that you have now, of which he is probably the cause of. And if you do not believe in pain, believe in something else, and you will see what you get from keeping such solitary company. | |
AREU. __ No es sino mi mala dicha. Maldición mala, que mis padres me echaron. ?Qué, no está ya por prouar todo esso? Pero dexemos esso, que es tarde y dime a qué fue tu buena venida. | Are.__ It is nothing but bad luck. An evil curse that my parents put on me. But is the time to prove all that? Let us leave this, for it is late, and tell me why you came to visit. | |
CEL. __ Ya sabes lo que de Pármeno te oue dicho. Quéxasseme que avn verle no le quieres. No sé porqué, sino porque sabes que le quiero yo bien y le tengo por hijo. Pues por cierto, de otra manera miro yo tus cosas, que hasta tus vezinas me parescen bien y se me alegra el coraçón cada vez que las veo, porque sé que hablan contigo. | Cel.__ You already know what I have told you about Parmeno. He complains to me that you do not want to see him. I do not know why, unless it is because you know I love him and think of him as my son. But is is certain, that I care for you in a different way, for I even care for your neighbors. My heart becomes overjoyed whenever I see them because I know that they keep you company. | |
AREU. __ ¿No viues, tía señora, engañada? | Are.__ Are you sure about that, aunt? | |
CEL. __ No lo sé. A las obras creo; que las palabras, de balde las venden dondequiera. Pero el amor nunca se paga sino con puro amor y a las obras con obras. Ya sabes el debdo, que ay entre ti y Elicia, la cual tiene Sempronio en mi casa. Pármeno y él son compañeros, siruen a este señor, que tú conoces y por quien tanto fauor podrás tener. No niegues lo que tan poco fazer te cuesta. Vosotras, parientas; ellos, compañeros: mira cómo viene mejor medido, que lo queremos. Aquí viene comigo. Verás si quieres que suba. | Cel.__ I do not know. I believe in deeds and not in words, because those are sold everywhere. But love is never paid for, except by pure love, just as deeds are by deeds. You already know the bond that there is between you and Elicia, who Sempronio keeps in my house. Parmeno and he are companions because they serve this gentleman that you know of and who you may have much favor for. Do not deny what can cost you so little. You two are relatives, they are companions: see how well everything fits, just as we want it to. He is here wih me. See if you want him to come up. | |
AREU. __ ¡Amarga de mí, si nos ha oydo! | Are.__ I will be angry if he has heard us! | |
CEL. __ No, que abaxo queda. Quiérole hazer subir. Resciba tanta gracia, que le conozcas y hables y muestres buena cara. Y si tal te paresciere, goze él de ti y tu dél. Que, avnque él gane mucho, tú no pierdes nada. | Cel.__ No, because he stayed downstairs. I will tell him to come up. Receive him with much grace, notice him, talk to him, and be friendly. And if it seems fitting, let him delight of you and you of him. For, although he will win much, you will not lose anything. | |
AREU. __ Bien tengo, señora, conoscimiento cómo todas tus razones, éstas y las passadas, se endereçan en mi prouecho; pero ¿ Cómo quieres que haga tal cosa, que tengo a quien dar cuenta, como has oydo y, si soy sentida, matarme ha? Tengo vezinas embidiosas. Luego lo dirán. Assí que, avnque no haya más mal de perderle, será más que ganaré en agradar al que me mandas. | Are.__ I understand, mother, that what you are trying to do now and before is for my own good; but how do you want me to do such a thing when I have someone to whom I must be held accountable to, as you have heard, and if I am found out, I will be killed? I have jealous neighbors. They would tell him immediately. So that while there would be nothing worse than losing him, it is more than I would gain if I pleased the one you entreated to me. | |
CEL. __ Eso, que temes, yo lo provey primero, que muy passo entramos. | Cel.__ I have aready taken care of your worries because we entered very quietly. | |
AREU. __ No lo digo por esta noche, sino por otras muchas. | Are.__ I did not say it just because of tonight, but also for the many others that will come. | |
CEL. __ ¿Cómo? ¿Y dessas eres? ¿Dessa manera te tratas? Nunca tú harás casa con sobrado. Absente le has miedo; ¿Qué harías, si estouiesse en la cibdad? En dicha me cabe, que jamás cesso de dar consejo a los bouos y todavía ay quien yerre; pero no me marauillo, que es grande el mundo y pocos los esperimentados. !Ay! ¡Ay! Hija, si viesses el saber de tu prima y qué tanto le ha aprouechado mi criança y consejos y qué gran maestra está. Y avn ¡Que no se halla ella mal con mis castigos! Que vno en la cama y otro en la puerta y otro, que sospira por ella en su casa, se precia de tener. Y con todos cumple y a todos muestra buena cara y todos piensan que son muy queridos e cada vno piensa que no ay otro e que él solo es priuado e él solo es el que le da lo que ha menester. ¿E tú piensas que con dos, que tengas, que las tablas de la cama lo han de descobrir? ¿De vna sola gotera te mantienes? ¡No te sobrarán muchos manjares! ¡No quiero arrendar tus excamochos ! Nunca vno me agradó, nunca en vno puse toda mi afición . Más pueden dos e más quatro e más dan e más tienen e más ay en qué escoger. No ay cosa más perdida, hija, que el mur, que no sabe sino vn horado . Si aquel le tapan, no haurá donde se esconda del gato. Quien no tiene sino vn ojo, ¡mira a quanto peligro anda! Vna alma sola ni canta ni llora ; vn solo acto no haze hábito ; | Cel.__ What? Are you one of those? Is that how you hold yourself? You will never have a big enough house. You fear him in his absence; what would you do if he was in the city? It has been my own bad luck, because I never stop giving advice to fools and there is always someone who makes a mistake. But that does not make me wonder, for the world is very big and there are few in it that are experienced. Oh! Oh! Daughter, if you only knew the great wisdom that your cousin has and how much she has benefited from my raising her and from my counsel. And what a master she is now. She does not even get upset when I punish her! For she prizes herself on having one in the bed and another at the door and another who sighs for her in his house. And she pleases all of them and to all of them is friendly and all of them think that they are very much loved and that he is her favorite and that he is the only one that gives her what she needs. And you are afraid of being found out by the wooden slats on your bed with only two men? Do you think you can sustain yourself with just one drop? You will never have enough food! I do not want to pay the rent for your scraps! I have never been pleased or put all my affection in just one. Two can do more and four even more because the more you have, the more they give you and the more there is to choose from. There is nothing worse, daughter, than a mouse who knows of only one hole. If it is covered, the mouse will have nowhere to hide from the cat. Do you see the danger that a one-eyed person has! One single soul does not sing or cry; one single act does not make a habit; | |
un frayle solo pocas veces lo encontrarás por la calle; vna perdiz sola por marauilla buela mayormente en verano; vn manjar solo continuo presta hastío; vna golondrina no haze verano; vn testigo solo no es entera fe; quien sola vna ropa tiene, presto la enuegece. ?Qué quieres, hija, deste número de vno? Más inconuenientes te diré dél, que años tengo a cuestas. Ten siquiera dos, que es compañía loable y tal qual es éste: como tienes dos orejas, dos pies y dos manos, dos sáuanas en la cama; como dos camisas para remudar. Y si más quieres, mejor te yrá, que mientra más moros, más ganancia; que honrra sin prouecho, no es sino como anillo en el dedo. Y pues entrambos no caben en vn saco, acoge la ganancia. Sube, hijo Pármeno. | one single monk will never be seen on the street; it is a miracle if you were ever to see one single partridge in the sky, especially during the summer; one meal that never varies makes you sick; one swallow does not make it summer; one witness is not enough for justice; one piece of clothing quickly gets worn out. What do you want, daughter, from the number one? It will give you more inconveniences than I have years on my back. Have at least two, for it is better company and besides, you have two ears, two hands and feet, two sheets on the bed and two shirts to change into. And the more you want, the better it will be; for the more Moors there are, the more booty there is. For honor without profit is nothing but a ring on your finger. And even though they both do not fit in one sack, welcome the profit. Come up son, Parmeno. | |
AREU. __ ¡No suba! ¡Landre me mate! que me fino de empacho, que no le conozco. Siempre houe vergüença dél. | Are.__ Do not let him come up! May I be damned! I am embarrassed since I do not know him. I have always felt shy around him. | |
CEL. __ Aquí estoy yo que te la quitaré y cobriré y hablaré por entramos: que otro tan empachado es él. | Cel.__ I am here and I will take it away from you and I will cover you up and speak for you both: for he is just as embarrassed. | |
PARM. __ Señora, Dios salue tu graciosa presencia. | Par.__ Gentlewoman may God save your gracious soul. | |
AREU. __ Gentilhombre, buena sea tu venida. | Are.__ Gentle sir, I welcome you. | |
CEL. __ Llégate acá, asno. ?Adónde te vas allá assentar al rincón? No seas empachado, que al hombre vergonçoso el diablo le traxo a palacio. Oydme entrambos lo que digo. Ya sabes tú, Pármeno amigo, lo que te prometí, y tú, hija mia, lo que te tengo rogado. Dexada aparte la dificultad con que me lo has concedido, pocas razones son necessarias, porque el tiempo no lo padece. El ha siempre viuido penado por ti. Pues viendo su pena, sé que no le querrás matar y avn conozco que él te paresce tal, que no será malo para quedarse acá esta noche en casa. | Cel.__ Come here you ass. Why are you going over there to go sit in the corner? Do not be bashful, for the devil brings the shy man to the palace. Listen to what I told you when we came in. You already know what I promised you, friend Parmeno, and you, my daughter, what I have asked of you. Forget the difficulties you just gave me, for because there is little time, few reasons are necessary. From seeing his pain, I know that you do not want to kill him and I know that he is of your liking as well. It will not be so bad if he stays the night with you in this house. | |
AREU. __ Por mi vida, madre, que tal no se haga; ¡Jesú! No me lo mandes. | Are.__ By my life, mother, do not let such a thing happen. Jesus! Do not make me to do this. | |
PARM. __ Madre mia, por amor de Dios, que no salga yo de aquí sin buen concierto. Que me ha muerto de amores su vista. Ofréscele quanto mi padre te dejó para mí. Dile que le daré quanto tengo. !Ea! Díselo, que me parece que no me quiere mirar. | Par.__ Mother mine, by the love of God, do not let me leave here without an agreement. For seeing her has made me die of love. Offer her what my father left you for me. Tell her that I will give her whatever I have. Go on! Tell her, for it seems that she does not want to look at me. | |
AREU. __ ¿Qué te dize esse señor a la oreja? ¿Piensa que tengo de fazer nada de lo que pides? | Are.__ What is that man whispering in your ear? Does he think that I have to do everything that you tell me to do? | |
CEL. __ No dize, hija, sino que se huelga mucho con tu amistad, porque eres persona tan honrrada y en quien qualquier beneficio cabrá bien. Y assimismo que, pues que esto por mi intercessión se hace, que él me promete de aquí adelante ser muy amigo de Sempronio y venir en todo lo que quisiere contra su amo en un negocio, que traemos entre manos. ¿Es verdad, Pármeno? ¿Prométeslo assí como digo? | Cel.__ He does not say anything, daughter, except that he is delighted with your friendship, because you are such an honorable person and because of that, you deserve every benefit. In such a like manner, since this is happening because of my intercession, he promised me that from here on out he will be a good friend to Sempronio and that he will comply with whatever I want him to do against his master in a business that we are in. Is that true, Parmeno? Do you promise to do what I have said? | |
PARM. __ Sí prometo, sin dubda. | Par.__ Yes, I promise without a doubt. | |
CEL. __ ¡Ha, don ruyn, palabra te tengo, a buen tiempo te así! Llégate acá, negligente, vergonçoso, que quiero ver para quánto eres, ante que me vaya. Retóçala en esta cama. | Cel.__ Ha, despicable sir, I have your word! I got you at a good time. Come here, neglectful and bashful boy, for I want to know what you are worth before I leave. Play with her in the bed. | |
AREU. __ No será él tan descortés, que entre en lo vedado sin licencia. | Are.__ He will not be so rude so as to enter into what is forbidden and without my license. | |
CEL. __ ¿En cortesías y licencias estás? No espero más aquí yo, fiadora que tú amanezcas sin dolor y él sin color. Mas como es vn putillo, gallillo, barbiponiente, entiendo que en tres noches no se le demude la cresta. Destos me mandauan a mí comer en mi tiempo los médicos de mi tierra, quando tenía mejores dientes. | Cel.__ So you are about politeness and licenses? I will not wait here any longer; I guarantee that you will wake up without pain and him without color. Especially since he is a little whore, a little cockerel with a sprouting beard. I understand that in three nights your crest will still not be altered. The doctors of my land used to order me to eat of his kind when my teeth were stronger. | |
AREU. __ Ay, señor mio, no me trates de tal manera; ten mesura por cortesía; mira las canas de aquella vieja honrrada, que están presentes; quítate allá que no soy de aquéllas que piensas; no soy de las que públicamente están a vender sus cuerpos por dinero. Assí goze de mí, de casa me salga, si fasta que Celestina mi tía sea yda a mi ropa tocas. | Are.__ Oh, my sir, do not treat me in such a way; have modesty for the sake of courtesy. Look at the gray hairs that are on that honorable old woman; go away, for I am not one of those girls that you think I am. I am not one of those who publicly sells her body for money. I promise that I will leave my house, as soon as my aunt Celestina leaves, if you as so much touch my clothing. | |
CEL. __ Qué es eso, Areusa? ¿Qué son estas estrañezas y esquiuedad, estas nouedades y retraymiento? Paresce, hija, que no sé yo qué cosa es esto, que nunca vi estar vn hombre con vna muger juntos y que jamás passé por ello ni gozé de lo que gozas y que no sé lo que passan y lo que dizen y hazen. ! Guay de quien tal oye como yo! Pues auísote, de tanto, que fuy errada como tú y tuue amigos; pero nunca el viejo ni la vieja echaua de mi lado ni su consejo en público ni en mis secretos. Para la muerte que a Dios deuo, más quisiera vna gran bofetada en mitad de mi cara. Paresce que ayer nascí, según tu encubrimiento. Por hazer a ti honesta,me hazes a mí necia e vergonçosa e de poco secreto e sin esperiencia o me amenguas en mi officio por alçar a ti en el tuyo. Pues de cossario a cossario no se pierden sino los barriles. Más te alabo yo detrás, que tú te estimas delante.. | Cel.__ What is this, Areusa? What is this strangeness and coyness, these novelties and this politeness? It appears, daughter, that you think I do not know what this is, that I have never seen a man and a woman together and that I have never experienced it or that I have never enjoyed what you are enjoying and that I do not know what happens and what is said and what is done. Alas, no ones knows as much as me! Well, I will tell you this much, for while I made mistakes and had my friends, I never dismissed the old man or woman from my side nor did I dismiss their advice in public or in private. By the death which I owe to God, I would rather be smacked on the side of my face. According to your prudishness, anyone would have thought that I had been born yesterday. In order to make yourself look honest, you make me look foolish, shameful, of little secrecy and without experience. Either that or you are diminishing me in my business so that you can become better in yours. The only thing lost between pirates and pirates are the barrels. I praise you more behind your back than you even think of yourself. | |
AREU. __ Madre, si erré aya perdón y llégate más acá y él haga lo que quisiere. Que más quiero tener a ti contenta, que no a mí; antes me quebraré vn ojo que enojarte. | Are.__ Mother, if I made a mistake forgive me and come closer and let him do what he wishes. For I would rather you be happy than myself; I would rather lose one eye before I upset you. | |
CEL. __ No tengo ya enojo; pero dígotelo para adelante. Quedaos adios, que voyme solo porque me hazés dentera con vuestro besar y retoçar. Que avn el sabor en las enzías me quedó: no le perdí con las muelas. | Cel.__ I am no longer upset; but from now on I will not tell you again. Goodnight, for I will leave you alone because you make me envious with all of your kissing and touching. For the taste of it is still in my gums for I did not lose it when I lost my teeth. | |
AREU. __ Dios vaya contigo. | Are.__ May God be with you. | |
PARM. __ Madre, ¿Mandas que te acompañe? | Par.__ Mother, do you want me to accompany you? | |
CEL. __ Sería quitar a vn sancto para poner en otro. Acompáñeos Dios; que yo vieja soy, que no he temor que me fuercen en la calle. | Cel.__ That would be like taking a saint down only to put another one up. God will accompany me, for I am an old woman and I do not fear being assaulted in the streets. | |
ELIC. __ El perro ladra. ?Si viene este diablo de vieja? | Eli.__The dog barks. Is that the devilish old woman? | |
CEL. __ Tha, tha, tha | Cel.__ Tha, tha, tha. | |
ELIC. __ ¿Quién es? ¿Quién llama? | Eli.__Who is it? Who is calling? | |
CEL. __ Báxame abrir, fija. | Cel.__ Come down and open up, daughter. | |
ELIC. __ ¿Estas son tus venidas? Andar de noche es tu plazer. ?Por qué lo hazes? ¿Qué larga estada fue ésta, madre? Nunca sales para boluer a casa. Por costumbre lo tienes. Cumpliendo con vno, dexas ciento descontentos. Que has sido oy buscada del padre de la desposada, que leuaste el día de pasqua al racionero; que la quiere casar de aquí a tres días y es menester que la remedies, pues que se lo prometiste, para que no sienta su marido la falta de la virginidad. | Eli.__Is this a time to come in? You love being out at night. Why do you do it? Why have you been away from home for such a long time, mother? You never go out to return home. You do it out of habit. When you serve one, you leave another hundred discontented. Today the father of the engaged girl was looking for you; the one you took to the Prebendary on Easter Sunday. He wants her to marry within three days and he needs you to remedy her, so that her husband will not know that she is not a virgin. | |
CEL. __ No me acuerdo, hija, por quién dizes. | Cel.__ I do not remember who you are talking about, daughter. | |
ELIC. __ ¿Cómo no te acuerdas? Desacordada eres, cierto. !O cómo caduca la memoria! Pues, por cierto, tu me dixiste, quando la leuauas, que la auías renouado siete vezes. | Eli.__How can you not remember? You are forgetful, it is certain. Oh how memory diminishes with age! Well, I am sure of it because you told me when you took her that you had renovated her seven times before. | |
CEL. __ No te marauilles, hija, que quien en muchas partes derrama su memoria, en ninguna la puede tener. Pero, dime si tornará. | Cel.__ Do not be surpried, daughter, because when you scatter your memory in various places, it is difficult to recover it in just one. But, tell me, is he going to return? | |
ELIC. __ ¡Mirá si tornará! Tiénete dada vna manilla de oro en prendas de tu trabajo. ?Y no hauía de venir? | Eli.__Will he return! He has given you a bracelet of gold as a payment for your work. How could he not? | |
CEL. __ ¿La de la manilla es? Ya sé por quién dizes. ?Por qué tú no tomauas el aparejo y començauas a hazer algo? Pues en aquellas tales te hauías de abezar y prouar, de quantas vezes me lo as visto fazer. Si no, ay te estarás toda tu vida, fecha bestia sin oficio ni renta. Y quando seas de mi edad, llorarás la folgura de agora. Que la mocedad ociosa acarrea la vejez arrepentida y trabajosa. Hazíalo yo mejor, quando tu abuela, que Dios aya, me mostraua este oficio: que a cabo de vn año, sabía más que ella. | Cel.__ The one with the bracelet? Now I know who you are talking about. Why did you not start preparing or begin to do something? You should begin to practice and try out the things you have seen me do so many times. If not you will be a beast all your life, without a business or income. And when you get to be my age you will mourn the laziness you have now. For the lazy youth turns into a repenant and troublesome old age. I was better than you because when your grandmother, may God save her, showed me this business, by the end of the year I knew more than she did. | |
ELIC. __ No me marauillo, que muchas vezes, como dizen, al maestro sobrepuja el buen discípulo. Y no va esto, sino en la gana con que se aprende. Ninguna sciencia es bienempleada en el que no le tiene afición. Yo le tengo a este oficio odio; tú mueres tras ello. | Eli.__I do not wonder, for as they say, it is common for the good disciple to surpass his master. This happens because of the desire to learn. No science can be well employed if there is no fondness for it. I have hatred for this business; you would die for it. | |
CEL. __ Tú te lo dirás todo. Pobre vejez quieres. ?Piensas que nunca has de salir de mi lado? | Cel.__ You can tell yourself whatever you like. You want a poor old age. Do you think that you will never leave my side? | |
ELIC. __ Por Dios, dexemos enojo y al tiempo el consejo. Ayamos mucho plazer. Mientra oy touiéremos de comer, no pensemos en mañana. También se muere el que mucho allega como el que pobremente veue y el doctor como el pastor y el papa como el sacristán y el señor como el sieruo y el de alto linaje como el baxo y tú con tu oficio como yo sin ninguno. No hauemos de viuir para siempre. Gozemos y holguémonos, que la vejez pocos la veen y de los que la veen ninguno murió de hambre. | Eli.__By God, let us leave anger and your counsel for the time being. Let us take pleasure. While we have food to eat today, let us not think of tommorrow. He who gathers much, dies just like the one who lives poorly, and so does the doctor and the pastor and the pope and the sexton and the master like the servant and he who is of high lineage like he who is lower and you with your business just as I without it. We will not live forever. Let us delight and please ourselves, because few get to see old age and none of those who do have ever died of hunger. | |
No quiero en este mundo, sino día y victo y parte en parayso. Avnque los ricos tienen mejor aparejo para ganar la gloria, que quien poco tiene. No ay ninguno contento, no ay quien diga: harto tengo; no ay ninguno, que no trocasse mi plazer por sus dineros. Dejemos cuidados ajenos y acostémonos, que es hora. Que más me engordará un buen sueñ sin temor, que canto tesoro hay en Venecia. |
I do not want anything in this world except for daily food and drink and a part in paradise. Although the rich may
be better prepared to win the glory than those who have little. There is nobody who is content, there is nobody who
says: I have enough; there is nobody who would exchange my pleasure for their riches. Let us leave far away cities
and go to bed, for it is time. For I will be fatter from a good nights sleep, without fear, than with all the treasures
of Venice.
| |
Acto VIIISumario: La mañana viene. Despierta PARMENO. Despedido de AREUSA, va para casa de CALISTO, su señor. Fallo a la puerta a SEMPRONIO. Conciertan su amistad. Van juntos a la camara de CALISTO. Hallanle hablando consigo mismo. Levantado, va a la yglesia. |
Act VIIIArgument: The morning comes; Parmeno departs and takes his leave of Areusa and goes to his master Calisto. He finds Sempronio at the door. They enter into friendship and go together to Calisto′s chamber. They find him talking with himself; who upon rising, goes to church. | |
PARM. __ ¿Amanesce o qué es esto, que tanta claridad está en esta cámara? | Par.__ Is it morning or what? Because there is so much light in this room. | |
AREU. __ ¿Qué amanecer? Duerme señor, que avn agora nos acostamos. No he yo pegado bien los ojos ¿Ya hauía de ser de día? Abre, por Dios, essa ventana de tu cabecera y verlo has. | Are.__ What do you mean morning? Sleep, sir, because we just went to bed. I have not even closed my eyes yet. How could it already be morning? By God, open that window by the headboard and you will see. | |
PARM. __ En mi seso estó yo, señora, que es de día claro, en ver entrar luz entre las puertas. !O traydor de mí! ¡En qué gran falta he caydo con mi amo! De mucha pena soy digno. !O tarde que es! | Par.__ I do have my wits about me, my lady, for it is broad daylight. I saw light coming through the cracks in the door. Oh what a bad servant I am! I am going to fall into fault with my master! I deserve to be greatly punished. Oh, it is so late! | |
AREU. __ ¿Tarde? | Are.__ Late? | |
PARM. __ Y muy tarde. | Par.__ And very late. | |
AREU. __ Pues así goze de mi alma, no se ha quitado el mal de la madre. No sé cómo pueda ser. | Are.__ For the life of my soul, my uterus is still bothering me. I do not understand why. | |
PARM. __ ¿Pues qué quieres, mi vida? | Par.__ Well then, what do you want, my love? | |
AREU. __ Que hablemos en mi mal. | Are.__ That we discuss my pain. | |
PARM. __ Señora mia, si lo hablado no basta, lo que más es necessario me perdona, porque es ya mediodía. Si voy más tarde, no seré bien recebido de mi amo. Yo verné mañana y quantas vezes después mandares. Que por esso hizo Dios vn día tras otro, porque lo que el vno no bastasse, se cumpliesse en otro. Y avn porque más nos veamos, reciba de ti esta gracia, que te vayas oy a las doze del día a comer con nosotros a su casa de Celestina. | Par.__ My lady, If what we have discussed is not enough, it is necessary that you forgive me because it is almost noon. I will not be well received by my master if I wait any longer. I will come tomorrow and as many times after as you ask of me. That is why God made one day after the other, because if everything cannot be done in one, you can finish it in the next. And thus we could see more of each other, I will ask you to do me the favor of coming to eat with us at twelve this afternoon at Celestina′s house. | |
AREU. __ Que me plaze, de buen grado. Ve con Dios, junta tras ti la puerta. | Are.__ That would very much please me. Go with God. I will close the door behind you. | |
PARM. __ Adiós te quedes. !O plazer singular! ¡O singular alegría! ¿Quál hombre es ni ha sido más bienauenturado que yo? ¿Quál más dichoso y bienandante? ¡Que vn tan excelente don sea por mí posseido y quán presto pedido tan presto alcançado! Por cierto, si las trayciones desta vieja con mi coraçón yo pudiesse sofrir, de rodillas hauía de andar a la complazer. ¿Con qué pagaré yo esto? ¡O alto Dios! ¿A quién contaría yo este gozo? ¿A quién descubriría tan gran secreto? ¿A quién daré parte de mi gloria? Bien me dezía la vieja que de ninguna prosperidad es buena la posesión sin compañía. El plazer no comunicado no es plazer. ¿Quién sentiría esta mi dicha, como yo la siento? A Sempronio veo a la puerta de casa. Mucho ha madrugado. Trabajo tengo con mi amo, si es salido fuera. | Par.__ May God be with you. Oh singular pleasure! Oh singular joy! What man is or has ever been as blessed as me? Who has ever been more fortunate and serendipitous? That I could possess such an excellent gift and that I could receive it so quickly after asking for it! If my heart could endure the betrayals of this old woman, I would certainly kneel down and do anything to please her. With what will I pay for this? Oh heavenly God! Who can I tell about this joy? To whom will I give a part of my glory? The old woman was right when she told me that no prosperity is joyful to possess unless it is shared. Uncommunicated pleasure is no longer a pleasure. Who can feel my happiness as I feel it? I see Sempronio at the door to the house. He has risen very early. I will be in trouble with my master if he has already come out. | |
SEMP. __ Pármeno hermano, si yo supiesse aquella tierra, donde se gana el sueldo dormiendo, mucho haría por yr allá, que no daría ventaja a ninguno: tanto ganaría como otro qualquiera. ¿Y cómo, holgazán descuydado, fueste para no tornar? No sé qué crea de tu tardança, sino que te quedaste a escallentar la vieja esta noche o a rascarle los pies, como quando chiquito. | Sem.__ Brother Parmeno, if I knew of a land where you could make a living by sleeping, I would do anything to get there. I would not give anyone an advantage: I would make as much as anyone else. And why, careless slacker, did you go and not return? I do not know what else to think of your tardiness, except that you stayed last night to keep the old woman warm or to scratch her feet, like you did when you were little. | |
PARM. __ ¡O Sempronio, amigo y más que hermano! Por Dios, no corrompas mi plazer, no mezcles tu yra con mi sofrimiento, no rebueluas tu descontentamiento con mi descanso, no agües con tan turbia agua el claro liquor del pensamiento, que traygo, no enturuies con tus embidiosos castigos y odiosas reprehensiones mi plazer. Recíbeme con alegría y contarte he marauillas de mi buena andança passada. | Par.__ Oh Sempronio, my friend and more than a brother! By God, do not spoil my pleasure, do not mix your ire with my patience, do not stir up your discontentment with my repose, do not water down the clear liquor of my thoughts with such cloudy water, and do not sour my pleasure with your envious punishments and hateful reprehensions. Receive me with happiness and I will tell you about the marvels of my past good fortune. | |
SEMP. __ Dilo, dilo. ¿Es algo de Melibea? ¿Hasla visto? | Sem.__ Say it, say it. Is it something about Melibea? Have you seen her? | |
PARM. __ ¿Qué de Melibea? Es de otra, que yo más quiero y avn tal que, si no estoy engañado, puede viuir con ella en gracia y hermosura. Sí, que no se encerró el mundo y todas sus gracias en ella. | Par.__ What about Melibea? It is about another one that I love more. Unless I am mistaken, she can compte with her in grace and beauty. Oh yes, all of the graces in the entire world are not locked up within her. | |
SEMP. __ ¿Qué es esto, desuariado? Reyrme quería, sino que no puedo. ¿Ya todos amamos? El mundo se va a perder. Calisto a Melibea, yo a Elicia, tú de embidia has buscado con quién perder esse poco de seso que tienes. | Sem.__ What are you saying, you lunatic? I wanted to laugh, but I cannot. Now are all of us in love? The world is going to be lost. Calisto with Melibea, I with Elicia, and you being jealous, have found someone for whom to lose the little brain you have. | |
PARM. __ ¿Luego locura es amar y yo soy loco y sin seso? Pues si la locura fuesse dolores, en cada casa auría bozes. | Par.__ Now, now, is it that love is madness, that am I insane and without a brain? Well, if madness were pain, there would be screamings in every house. | |
SEMP. __Según tu opinión, sí es. Que yo te he oydo dar consejos vanos a Calisto y contradezir a Celestina en quanto habla y, por impedir mi prouecho y el suyo, huelgas de no gozar tu parte. Pues a las manos me has venido, donde te podré dañar y lo haré. | Sem.__ That was certainly your opinion. For I have heard you give advice to Calisto, and you have contradicted Celestina whenever she has spoken, and in order to impede my profit and yours, you have pleased yourself by not doing your part. Well, you have given me this opportunity that I could use against you and I will. | |
PARM. __ No es, Sempronio, verdadera fuerça ni poderío dañar y empecer; mas aprouechar y guarecer y muy mayor, quererlo hazer. Yo siempre te tuue por hermano. No se cumpla, por Dios, en ti lo que se dize, que pequeña causa desparte conformes amigos. Muy mal me tratas. No sé donde nazca este rencor. No me indignes, Sempronio, con tan lastimeras razones. Cata que es muy rara la paciencia que agudo baldón no penetre y traspasse. | Par.__ It is not, Sempronio, true strength or power to hurt and injure others. It is better to be helpful and protect, and better yet to desire to do so. I have always thought of you as a brother. By God, I hope it is not true the saing that little things can cause a rift between good friends. You are treating me very badly. I do not know where this rancor is coming from. Do not anger me, Sempronio, with such hurtful words. Rare is the patience which cannot be penetrated and pierced by insults. | |
SEMP. __ No digo mal en esto; sino que se eche otra sardina para el moço de cauallos, pues tú tienes amiga. | Sem.__ I will say nothing more except let us give another sardine to the stable boy, since you now have a girlfriend. | |
PARM. __ Estás enojado. Quiérote sofrir, avnque más mal me trates, pues dizen que ninguna humana passión es perpetua ni durable. | Par.__ You are angry. I will endure you, even though you may treat me even worse, for they say that there is no human passion that lasts or endures forever. | |
SEMP. __ Más maltratas tú a Calisto, aconsejando a él lo que para ti huyes, diziendo que se aparte de amar a Melibea, hecho tablilla de mesón, que para sí no tiene abrigo y dale a todos. !O Pármeno¡ Agora podrás ver quán fácile cosa es reprehender vida agena y quán duro guardar cada qual la suya. No digas más, pues tú eres testigo. Y de aquí adelante verémos cómo te has, pues ya tienes tu escudilla como cada qual. Si tú mi amigo fueras, en la necessidad, que de ti tuue, me hauías de fauorecer y ayudar a Celestina en mi prouecho; que no fincar vn clauo de malicia a cada palabra. Sabe que, como la hez de la tauerna despide a los borrachos, así la aduersidad o necessidad al fingido amigo: luego se descubre el falso metal, dorado por encima. | Sem.__ You treat Calisto even worse by advising him to do the things that you refuse, like telling him to stop loving Melibea. You are like the sign of an inn; it offers shelter to all but stays outside in the cold. Oh Parmeno! Now you will be able to see how easy it is to find fault in other people′s the lifes and how hard it is guard your own. Do not say anymore, for you are your own witness. And from here on out we will see how you do because now you have part in this, just like everybody else. If you were my friend, you would have helped me when I needed you and you would have aided Celestina for my benefit, instead of driving the nail of malice into every word. Just the dregs in the tavern send the drunks away, so adversity or necessity sends away the false friend: the false metal is quickly discovered, is gilded only on the surface. | |
PARM. __ Oydo lo hauía dezir y por esperiencia lo veo, nunca venir plazer sin contraria çoçobra en esta triste vida. A los alegres, serenos y claros soles, nublados escuros y pluuias vemos suceder; a los solazes y plazeres, dolores y muertes los ocupan; a las risas y deleytes, llantos y lloros y passiones mortales los siguen; finalmente, a mucho descanso y sosiego, mucho pesar y tristeza. ¿Quién pudiera tan alegre venir, como yo agora? ¿Quién tan triste recebimiento padescer? ¿Quién verse, como yo me vi, con tanta gloria, alcançada con mi querida Areusa? ¿Quién caer della, siendo tan maltratado tan presto, como yo de ti? Que no me has dado lugar a poderte dezir quánto soy tuyo, quánto te he de fauorecer en todo, quánto soy arepiso de lo passado, quántos consejos y castigos buenos he recebido de Celestina en tu fauor y prouecho y de todos. Como, pues, este juego de nuestro amo y Melibea está entre las manos, podemos agora medrar o nunca. | Par.__ I have heard it said and I have seen it through experience: in this sad life, pleasure never comes without a contrary sorrow. We see dark clouds and rain succeed the happy, serene and clear sunshine; solace and pleasure are replaced by pain and death; laughter and delight are followed by mourning, tears and mortal passions; and finally, much rest and relaxation by much regret and sadness. Who could live as happy as me right now? Who could endure such a sorrowful greeting? Who could see himself, as I saw myself, in such a glorious state as the one I attained with my beloved Areusa? Who could fall from it, by being so quickly mistreated as you mistreated me? For you have not even given me a moment so that I could tell you how much I am yours, how much I favor you in everything, how much I am repentant for the past, and how much good advice and corrections I have received from Celestina in your favor and profit and that of all of us. And now, since this game between our master and Melibea is in our hand, we make some gain now or never. | |
SEMP. __ Bien me agradan tus palabras, si tales touiesses las obras, a las quales espero para auerte de creer. Pero, por Dios, me digas qué es esso que dixiste de Areusa. !Paresce que conozcas tú a Areusa, su prima de Elicia! | Sem.__ Your words please me very much, but so that I can believe you, I expect your actions to follow. But, by God, tell me what it was you said about Areusa. It appears to me that you know Areusa, Elicia′s cousin! | |
PARM. __ ¿Pues qué es todo el plazer que traygo, sino hauerla alcançado? | Par.__ Well, what else caused this bliss but to have reached her? | |
SEMP. __ ¡Cómo se lo dice el bouo! ¡De risa no puede hablar! ¿A qué llamas hauerla alcançado? ¿Estaua a alguna ventana o qué es esso? | Sem.__ What is the fool saying! I am laughing so much I cannot speak! What do you mean by " to have reached her"? Was she at a window or what? | |
PARM. __ A ponerla en duda si queda preñada o no. | Par.__ I left her in doubt as to whether she was pregnant or not. | |
SEMP. __ Espantado me tienes. Mucho puede el continuo trabajo; vna continua gotera horaca vna piedra. | Sem.__ You have shocked me. You can accomplish much by persistence; a continual drip can drill a hole in a rock. | |
PARM. __ Verás qué tan continuo, que ayer lo pensé: ya la tengo por mía. | Par.__ See how continuous; I thought about her only yesterday and today she is already mine. | |
SEMP. __ ¡La vieja anda por ay! | Sem.__ The old woman had something to do with it! | |
PARM. __ ¿En qué lo vees? | Par.__ In what did you notice it? | |
SEMP. __ Que ella me hauía dicho que te quería mucho y que te la haría hauer. Dichoso fuiste: no hiziste sino llegar y recabdar. Por esto dizen, más vale a quien Dios ayuda, que quien mucho madruga. Pero tal padrino touiste. | Sem.__ Because she had told me that she loved you very much and that she would make Areusa yours. You were lucky: all you did was appear and get what you wanted. This is why they say being helped by God is worth more than waking up early. You had the right godfather. | |
PARM. __ Di madrina, que es más cierto. Así que, quien a buen árbol se arrima. . . Tarde fuy; pero temprano recabdé. !O hermano¡? Qué te contaría de sus gracias de aquella muger, de su habla y hermosura de cuerpo? Pero quede para más oportunidad. | Par.__ You mean godmother; that is more correct. And you know, he who looks for shelter under a good tree… I was late; but I got my pay early. Oh brother! Who could tell you about the graces of that woman, about her speech and about the beauty of her body? But we will leave that for another time. | |
SEMP. __ ¿Puede ser sino prima de Elicia? No me dirás tanto, quanto estotra no tenga más. Todo te creo. Pero ¿Qué te cuesta? ¿Hásle dado algo? | Sem.__ She is none other than Elicia′s cousin. You cannot tell me of anything than the other does not have and better yet. I believe everything you say. But, how much did she cost? Have you given her anything? | |
PARM. __ No, cierto. Mas, avnque houiera, era bienempleado: de todo bien es capaz. En tanto son las tales tenidas, quanto caras son compradas; tanto valen, quanto cuestan. Nunca mucho costó poco, sino a mí esta señora. A comer la combidé para casa de Celestina y, si te plaze, vamos todos allá. | Par.__ Nothing indeed. And, even if I had, it would have been well-deserved: she is capable of everything that is good. The more those women cost, the higher their esteem; they cost as much as they are worth. Never has so much cost me so little, as did my lady. I invited her to eat at Celestina′s house and if it pleases you, let us all go there together. | |
SEMP. __ ¿Quién, hermano? | Sem.__ Who, brother? | |
PARM. __ Tú y ella y allá está la vieja y Elicia. Aueremos plazer. | Par.__ You, her, the old woman, and Elicia. We will have a good time. | |
SEMP. __ ¡O Dios! y cómo me has alegrado. Franco eres, nunca te faltaré. Como te tengo por hombre, como creo que Dios te ha de hazer bien, Todo el enojo, que de tus passadas fablas tenía, se me ha tornado en amor. No dudo ya tu confederación con nosotros ser la que deue. Abraçarte quiero. Seamos como hermanos, ¡Vaya el diablo para ruyn! sea lo passado questión de Sant Juan y assí paz para todo el año. Que las yras de los amigos siempre suelen ser reintegración del amor. Comamos y holguemos, que nuestro amo ayunará por todos. | Sem.__ By God! How happy you have made me. You are generous and I shall never fail you. In my eyes, you are a man, and I think that God will be good to you. All of the anger I had because of the things you said have turned into love. I do not doubt your alliance with us is but what it should be. I want to hug you. Let us be like brothers, and let the devil go to hell! May the past be like quarrels of Saint John and thus, let there be peace for the rest of the year. For the anger between friends usually turns into the revival of love. Let us eat and rest, for our master will fast for all of us. | |
PARM. __ ¿Y qué haze el desesperado? | Par.__ And what is the desperet doing? | |
SEMP. __ Allí está tendido en el estrado cabo la cama, donde le dexaste anoche. Que ni ha dormido ni está despierto. Si allá entro, ronca; si me salgo, canta o deuanea. No le tomo tiento, si con aquello pena o descansa. | Sem.__ He is over there lying on the floor next to the bed, where you left him last night. He has neither slept nor is he awake. If I go in there, he snores, if I leave, he sings or talks nonsense. I cannot tell if he is suffering or resting. | |
PARM. __ ¿Qué dizes? ¿Y nunca me ha llamado ni ha tenido memoria de mí? | Par.__ What are you saying? And has he never called for or had any memory of me? | |
SEMP. __ No se acuerda de sí, ¿Acordarse ha de ti? | Sem.__ He cannot remember himself, how could he remember you? | |
PARM. __ Avn hasta en esto me ha corrido buen tiempo. Pues assí es, mientra recuerda, quiero embiar la comida, que la adrecen. | Par.__ Even in this I have been lucky. Bing this the case, before he regains his memory, I want to send the food so that they start cooking. | |
SEMP. __ ¿Qué has pensado embiar, para que aquellas loquillas te tengan por hombre complido, biencriado y franco? | Sem.__ What are you going to send, so that those pretty silly ones will think that you are a noble, well bred, and generous man? | |
PARM. __ En casa llena presto se adereça cena. De lo que ay en la despensa basta para no caer en falta. Pan blanco, vino de Monuiedro, vn pernil de toçino. Y más, seys pares de pollos, que traxeron estotro día los renteros de nuestro amo. Que si los pidiere, haréle creer que los ha comido. Y las tórtolas, que mandó para oy guardar diré que hedían. Tú serás testigo. Ternemos manera cómo a él no haga mal lo que dellas comiere y nuestra mesa esté como es razón. Y allá hablaremos largamente en su daño y nuestro prouecho con la vieja cerca destos amores. | Par.__ A dinner is quickly provided for in a plentiful house. There is enough in the pantry so that we will not be lacking. White bread, wine from Monviedro, a leg of pork and also six pairs of chickens that our master′s tenant farmers brought us the other day. And if he asks for them I wll make him think that he has already eaten them. And as for the turtledoves he sent for today; tell him that they were spoiled. You will be my witness. We will make it so that he will not get sick from eating it and so that our table will be set as it should. And there we will speak with the old woman for a long time about his injury, our profits, and our loves. | |
SEMP. __ ¡Más, dolores! Que por fe tengo que de muerto o loco no escapa desta vez. Pues que assí es, despacha, subamos a ver qué faze. | Sem.__ More like our sorrows! For by my faith, I believe that this time he will not escape death or insanity. Since it is so, get everything ready your business and let us go up to see what he is doing. | |
CAL. __ En gran peligro me veo:
En mi muerte no ay tardança, Pues que me pide el deseo Lo que me niega esperança. |
Cal. __ I see myself in grave danger:
No point in delaying my death, For what my desire asks for Tends to negate any hope. | |
PARM. __ Escucha, escucha, Sempronio. Trobando está nuestro amo. | Par.__ Listen, listen, Sempronio. Our master has become a troubadour. | |
SEMP. __ ¡O hideputa, el trobador! El gran Antipater Sidonio, el gran poeta Ouidio, los quales de improuiso se les venían las razones metrificadas a la boca. !Sí, sí, desos es! ¡Trobará el diablo! está deuaneando entre sueños. | Sem.__ Oh the son of a bitch, the troubadour! The great Antipater Sidonius and the great poet Ovid; who, improvising, metered poetry would come from their mouths. Yes, yes, he is one of those! The devil is a troubadour! He is raving in his sleep. | |
CAL. __ Coraçón, bien se te emplea;
Que penes y viuas triste, Pues tan presto te venciste Del amor de Melibea. |
Heart, you got your just deserts,
That you should suffer and live in sadness, For so quickly you were conquered By the love of Melibea. | |
PARM. __ ¿No digo yo que troba? | Par.__ Did I not tell you that he making up poetry? | |
CAL. __ ¿Quién fabla en la sala? ¡Moços! | Cal.__ Who is speaking in the hall? Servants! | |
PARM. __ Señor. | Par.__ Sir. | |
CAL. __ ¿Es muy noche? ¿Es hora de acostar? | Cal.__ Is it night? Is it time to go to bed? | |
PARM. __ ¡Más ya es, señor, tarde para leuantar! | Par. __ Rather, sir, it is too late to get up! | |
CAL. __ ¿Qué dizes, loco? ¿Toda la noche es passada? | Cal.__ What did you say fool? You mean the night has passed? | |
PARM. __ Y avn harta parte del día. | Par.__ And a good part of the day as well. | |
CAL. __ Di, Sempronio, miente este desuariado que me haze creer que es de día? | Cal.__ Tell me, Sempronio, is this mad boy lying, trying to make me believe that it is daytime? | |
SEMP. __ Oluida, señor, vn poco a Melibea y verás la claridad. Que con la mucha, que en su gesto contemplas, no puedes ver de encandelado, como perdiz con la calderuela. | Sem.__ Sir, if you forget Melibea for a little bit, you will be able to see the clarity. For you have been thinking about her face so much that you cannot see, just like a partridge is blinded by the fashing of light. | |
CAL. __ Agora lo creo, que tañen a missa. Daca mis ropas, yré a la Madalena. Rogaré a Dios aderece a Celestina y ponga en coraçón a Melibea mi remedio o dé fin en breue a mis tristes días. | Cal.__ Now I believe you, since the bells are ringing for mass. Get my clothes out, for I am going to the Magdalene. I will beg God to either prepare Celestina and give my heart its remedy, or put a quick end to my sad days. | |
SEMP. __ No te fatigues tanto, no lo quieras todo en vna hora. Que no es de discretos desear con grande eficacia lo que se puede tristemente acabar. Si tú pides que se concluya en vn día lo que en vn año sería harto, no es mucha tu vida. | Sem.__ Do not exhaust yourself so much. Do not desire everything to happen at once. For if you desire something too soon, it could end up badly. If you ask to fish uin one day what to finish in one year would be quick enough, then your life is not much. | |
CAL. __ ¿Quieres dezir que soy como el moço del escudero gallego? | Cal.__ Are you saying that I am like that servant the Galician squire had? | |
SEMP. __ No mande Dios que tal cosa yo diga, que eres mi señor. Y demás desto, sé que, como me galardonas el buen consejo, me castigarías lo malhablado. Verdad es que nunca es ygual la alabança del seruicio o buena habla, que la reprehensión y pena de lo malhecho o hablado. | Sem.__ God did not order for me to say such a thing, for you are my master. And besides this I know that since you reward my good advice, you would punish my foul-mouth. The truth is that the praise for service or good speech is never equal to the reprehension and punishment for the ill-done or spoken. | |
CAL. __ No sé quién te abezó tanta filosofía, Sempronio. | Cal.__ I do not know who taught you so much philosophy, Sempronio. | |
SEMP. __ Señor, no es todo blanco aquello que de negro no tiene semejança, ni es todo oro lo que amarillo reluze. Tus acelerados deseos, no medidos por razón, hazen parecer claros mis consejos. Quisieras tú ayer que te traxeran a la primera habla amanojada y embuelta en su cordón a Melibea, como si houieras embiado por otra qualquiera mercaduría a la plaça, en que no houiera más trabajo de llegar y pagalla. Da, señor, aliuio al coraçón, que en poco espacio de tiempo no cabe gran bienauenturança. Vn solo golpe no derriba vn roble. Apercíbete con sofrimiento, porque la providencia es cosa loable y el apercibimiento resiste el fuerte combate. | Sem.__ Sir, is not white whatever does not look black, nor is gold everithyng that looks yellow . Your rush desires, not measured by reason, make my advice appear clearer. Yesterday, at the first word, you would have wished that Melibea had been handcuffed and tied up in her girdle as if you had been sending for some merchandise at the market, so that the only effort would have been to get there and pay for her. Sir, relieve your heart for no great fortune can come out of such a short time. One single blow does not knock down an oak tree. Prepare yourself for suffering, because prudence is a praiseworthy thing and awareness can help withstand a difficult battle. | |
CAL. __ Bien has dicho, si la qualidad de mi mal lo consintiesse. | Cal.__ You have spoken well, if only the quality of my disease would allow it. | |
SEMP. __ ¿Para qué, señor, es el seso, si la voluntad priua a la razón? | Sem.__ What is the purpose of the brain, sir, if the will deprives of reason? | |
CAL. __ ¡O loco, loco! Dize el sano al doliente: Dios te dé salud. No quiero consejo ni esperarte más razones, que más aviuas y enciendes las flamas, que me consumen. Yo me voy solo a missa y no tornaré a casa que me llameys, pidiéndome las albricias de mi gozo con la buena venida de Celestina. Ni comeré hasta entonce; avnque primero sean los cauallos de Febo apacentados en aquellos verdes prados, que suelen, quando han dado fin a su jornada. | Cal.__ Oh fool, fool! The healthy one tells the sick: May God give you health. I do not want any more advice nor wait for further reasoning that will only enliven and ignite the flames which consume me. I will go to mass alone and I will not return home until you with call me with congratulations for my happiness with the good news from Celestina. Until then, I will not eat, even if the horses of Phoebus are already grazing in the green pastures where they usually go when they have finished their journey. | |
SEMP. __ Dexa, señor, essos rodeos, dexa essas poesías, que no es habla conueniente la que a todos no es común, la que todos no participan, la que pocos entienden. Di: avnque se ponga el sol, y sabrán todos lo que dizes. Y come alguna conserua, con que tanto espacio de tiempo te sostengas. | Sem.__ Sir, leave those circumlocutions and poems, for it is not a convenient way to speak because it is uncommon to everyone. Say: even though the sun has set, and we will all know what you mean. And eat some preserves, so that it will sustain yourself during such a long interval of time. | |
CAL. __ Sempronio mi fiel criado, mi buen consejero, mi leal seruidor, sea como a ti te paresce. Porque cierto tengo, según tu limpieça de seruicio, quieres tanto mi vida como la tuya. | Cal.__ Sempronio my faithful servant, my good advisor and my loyal server, may it be as you wish. For I am certain, because of the unselfishness of your service, that you care for my life as much as for your own. | |
SEMP. __ ¿Créeslo tú, Pármeno? Bien sé que no lo jurarías. Acuérdate, si fueres por conserua, apañes vn bote para aquella gentezilla, que nos va más y a buen entendedor. . . En la bragueta cabrá. | Sem.__ Do believe that, Parmeno? I know that you would not swear to it. Remember, when you go get the preserves, to pick up a jar for the others, who are more important to us, if you know what I mean…It will fit inside your fly. | |
CAL. __ ¿Qué dizes, Sempronio? | Cal.__ What did you say, Sempronio? | |
SEMP. __ Dixe señor a Pármeno que fuesse por vna tajada de diacitrón. | Sem.__ Sir, I told Parmeno to go and get some lemon preserves. | |
PARM. __ Héla aquí, señor. | Par.__ Here it is, sir. | |
CAL. __ Daca. | Cal.__ Give it to me. | |
SEMP. __ Verás qué engullir haze el diablo. Entero lo que quería tragar por más apriesa hazer. | Sem.__ Look at how the devil gulps it down. He would swallow it whole if he could, so that he would be done faster. | |
CAL. __ El alma me ha tornado. Quedaos con Dios, hijos. Esperad la vieja y yd por buenas albricias. | Cal.__ My spirit has returned to me. Stay with God, sons. Wait for the old woman and bring good news. | |
PARM. __ ¡Allá yrás con el diablo, tú y malos años! ¡Y en tal hora comiesses el diacitrón, como Apuleyo el veneno, que le conuertió en asno! |
Par.__ Go with the devil, you and your cursed years! And in such an hour you
ate the preserves, just like Apuleius ate the poison that converted him into a donkey!
| |
Acto IXSumario: SEMPRONIO y PARMENO van a casa de CELESTINA entre si hablando. Llegados alla, hallan a ELICIA Y AREUSA. Ponense a comer; entre comer riñe ELICIA con SEMPRONIO. Levantase de la mesa. Tornanla apaziguar. Estando ellos todos entre si razonando, viene LUCRECIA, criada de MELIBEA, llamar a CELESTINA que vaya a estar con MELIBEA. |
Act IXArgument:: Sempronio and Parmeno converse as they walk to Celestina′s house. When they get there they find Elicia and Areusa. While eating Elicia quarrels angry with Sempronio. She gets up from the table. They all calm her down. While they are all conversing Lucrecia, Melibea′s servant, calls upon Celestina so that she will go and be with Melibea. | |
SEM. __ Baxa, Pármeno, nuestras capas y espadas, si te parece que es hora que vamos a comer. | Sem.__ Bring down, Parmeno, our cloaks and swords, if you please, for it is time for us to go eat. | |
PAR. __ Vamos presto. Ya creo que se quexarán de nuestra tardança. No por essa calle, sino por estotra, porque nos entremos por la yglesia y veremos si ouiere acabado Celestina sus deuociones: lleuarla hemos de camino. | Par.__ Let us go at once. I think that they will already be complaining about our tardiness. Not through that street, but through this other one because we can go into the church and see if Celestina has finished her prayers so that we can take her with us. | |
SEM. __ A donosa hora ha de estar rezando. | Sem.__What a fine time it is for her to be praying. | |
PAR. __ No se puede dezir sin tiempo fecho lo que en todo tiempo se puede fazer. | Par.__You can never say it is the wrong time to do something which can be done at all times. | |
SEM. __ Verdad es; pero mal conoces a Celestina; quando ella tiene que hazer, no se acuerda de Dios ni cura de santidades; quando ay que roer en casa, sanos están los santos; quando va a la yglesia con sus cuentas en la mano, no sobra el comer en casa. | Sem.__That is true; but you do not know Celestina very well. When she has a job to do she forgets God and does not cre abou worchiping. When there is food to eat at home, the saints are left alone. It is when there is nothing to eat that she goes to the church with her beads in her hand. | |
Avnque ella te crió, mejor conozco yo sus propriedades que tú. Lo que en sus cuentas reza es los virgos que tiene a cargo y quántos enamorados ay en la cibdad y quántas moças tiene encomendadas y qué despenseros le dan ración y quál lo mejor y cómo les llaman por nombre, porque quando los encontrare no hable como estraña y qué canónigo es más moço y franco. Quando menea los labios es fengir mentiras, ordenar cautelas para hauer dinero: por aquí le entraré, esto me responderá, estotro replicaré. Assí viue ésta, que nosotros mucho honrramos. | And although she raised you, I know her better. What she prays for with her beads is is hymens that she is responsible for and for how many lovers there are in the city, and for how many young girls she has in her books, and what stewards supply her with rations, and which ones give her the best and what are their names, so that when she meets them she will not speak like a stranger, and which canon is the youngest and most generous. When she moves her lips it is to lie and fabricate schemes to make money. This is where I will enter, this is what he will respond to me and this is what I will retort. This is how she, whom we honor so highly, lives. | |
PARM. __ Más que esso sé yo; sino, porque te enojaste estotro día, no quiero hablar; quando lo dixe a Calisto. | Par.__I know more than that; but, since you got so angry when I told it to Calisto, I do not want to speak about it anymore. | |
SEMP. __ Avnque lo sepamos para nuestro prouecho, no lo publiquemos para nuestro daño. Saberlo nuestro amo es echalla por quien es y no curar della. Dexándola, verná forçado otra, de cuyo trabajo no esperemos parte, como desta, que de grado o por fuerça nos dará de lo que le diere. | Sem.__While we may know about it for our own good, we should not publish it to all for our own detriment. If your master knew he would throw her out for what she is and will not care for her. And in leaving her, he would find another, whose work we would not benefit from as we do of this one, who by her own will or by force will give us part of what he gives her. | |
PARM. __ Bien has dicho. Calla, que está abierta la puerta. En casa está. Llama antes que entres, que por ventura están embueltas y no querrán ser assí vistas. | Par.__You have spoken well. Quiet, because the door is open. She is in the house. Call before you go in, just in case they are ungroomed and do not wish to be seen. | |
SEMP. __ Entra, no cures, que todos somos de casa. Ya ponen la mesa. | Sem.__ Enter, do not worry, for we are all a part of this house. They are already setting the table. | |
CEL. __ ¡O mis enamorados, mis perlas de oro! ¡Tal me venga el año, qual me parece vuestra venida! | Cel.__ Oh my lovers, my golden pearls! May the year be just as joyous as your visit! | |
PARM. __ ¡Qué palabras tiene la noble! Bien ves, hermano, estos halagos fengidos. | Par.__What words the old one uses! You can clearly see, brother, her false flatteries. | |
SEMP. __ Déxala, que deso viue. Que no sé quién diablos le mostró tanta ruyndad. | Sem.__Leave her alone, for she lives off that. But I do not know what devil taught her so much trickery. | |
PARM. __ La necessidad y pobreza, la hambre. Que no ay mejor maestra en el mundo, no ay mejor despertadora y aviuadora de ingenios. ?Quién mostró a las picaças y papagayos ymitar nuestra propia habla con sus harpadas lenguas, nuestro órgano y boz, sino ésta? | Par.__Necessity and poverty and hunger. For there is no better teacher in the world; there is no better awakener and invigorator of of the mind. What else could have taught the magpies and parrots to imitate with their sharp tongues our own speech, pitch and voice but hunger? | |
Cel.__ ¡Mochachas! ¡mochachas! ¡Bobas! Andad acá baxo, presto, que están aquí dos hombres, que me quieren forçar. | Cel.__ Girls! Girls! Fools! Come down, quickly, for there are two men here who want to ravish me. | |
ELIC. __ ¡Más nunca acá vinieran! ¡Y mucho combidar con tiempo! Que ha tres horas que está aquí mi prima. Este perezoso de Sempronio haurá sido causa de la tardança, que no ha ojos por do verme. | Eli.__I wish they never arrived! And it was too much to invite them with plenty of time! My cousin has already been here for three hours. This lazy Sempronio must have been the cause for their tardiness; he does not even want to look at me. | |
SEMP. __ Calla, mi señora, mi vida, mis amores. Que quien a otro sirue, no es libre; assí que sujeción me relieua de culpa. No ayamos enojo, assentémonos a comer. | Sem.__ Quiet, my lady, my life, my love. For he who serves another is never his own man. Mobligations relieve me of any fault. Let us not be angry, let us all sit down to eat. | |
ELIC. __ ¡Assí! ¡Para assentar a comer, muy diligente! ¡A mesa puesta con tus manos lauadas y poca vergüenza! | Eli.__ Very well! You are very diligent when it is time to sit down and eat! You sit yourself at a set table with clean hands and little shame! | |
SEMP. __ Después reñiremos; comamos agora. Assiéntate, madre Celestina, tú primero. | Sem.__ Let us leave the quarrels for later and eat now. Sit down, mother Celestina, you first. | |
CEL. __ Assentaos vosotros, mis hijos, que harto lugar ay para todos, a Dios gracias: tanto nos diessen del parayso, quando allá vamos. Poneos en orden, cada vno cabe la suya; yo, que estoy sola, porné cabo mí este jarro y taça, | Cel.__Let us all sit, my children, because there is a place for everyone, thanks be to God: may we have just as much in paradise when we get there. Get in order, everyone sit near his girl; me, since I am alone, will sit down by this jar and cup. | |
que no es más mi vida de quanto con ello hablo. Después que me fuy faziendo vieja, no sé mejor oficio a la mesa, que escanciar. Porque quien la miel trata, siempre se le pega dello. Pues de noche en inuierno no ay tal escallentador de cama. Que con dos jarrillos destos, que beua, quando me quiero acostar, no siento frío en toda la noche. Desto aforro todos mis vestidos, quando viene la nauidad; esto me callenta la sangre; | For by life is but my use of them. As got older I learned there was no better job at the table than to pour the wine. Because he who handles the honey always has it stuck to him. On a winter night there is no better bed warmer. Because when I drink two little jars like this before I go to bed I will not feel cold for the rest of the night. This is how I line all my dresses when Christmas comes; this is what warms my blood; | |
esto me sostiene continuo en vn ser; esto me faze andar siempre alegre; esto me para fresca; desto vea yo sobrado en casa, que nunca temeré el mal año. Que vn cortezón de pan ratonado me basta para tres días. Esto quita la tristeza del coraçón, más que el oro ni el coral; esto da esfuerço al moço y al viejo fuerça, pone color al descolorido, coraje al couarde, al floxo diligencia, conforta los celebros, saca el frío del estómago, quita el hedor del anélito, haze potentes los fríos, haze suffrir los afanes de las labranças, a los cansados segadores haze sudar toda agua mala, sana el romadizo y las muelas, | this is what keeps me together; this is what always makes me happy; this is what keeps me fresh; as long as I keep enough of this in my house I will never fear a bad year. With it, one crust of mouse nibbled bread is enough for three days. This takes the sadness out of my heart, more than gold or coral; this invigorates the young man and it gives the old man strength; it gives the coward courage, the weak diligence; it comforts the brain, it takes away stomach chills and bad breath; it makes the impotent virile, it helps the tired to endure their work; it helps the weak harvesters sweat off their sickness, it cures colds the toothache; | |
sostiénese sin heder en la mar, lo qual no haze el agua. Más propriedades te diría dello, que todos teneys cabellos. Assí que no sé quién no se goze en mentarlo. No tiene sino una tacha, que lo bueno vale caro y lo malo haze daño. Assí que con lo que sana el hígado enferma la bolsa. Pero todavía con mi fatiga busco lo mejor, para esso poco que beuo. Vna sola dozena de vezes a cada comida. No me harán passar de allí, saluo si no soy combidada como agora. | it sustains itself out at sea without spoiling, which is something water cannot do. I can give you more of its qualities than you have hairs on your head. There is nobody that does not delight in hearing it mentioned. I have but one complain: that the very good one is expensive while the bad one makes one sick. So then, what cures the liver harms the wallet. I always look for the best even though I am old and drink very little. Just a dozen cups at every meal. I never drink more than that unless I am feasting as I am now. | |
Parm.__ Madre, pues tres vezes dizen que es bueno y honesto todos los que escriuieron. | Par.__Mother, all that have written on the subject say that three cups is a good and honest amount. | |
Cel.__ Hijos, estará corrupta la letra, por treze tres. | Cel.__Sons, the letter has been corrupted, for they put three instead of thirteen. | |
SEMP. __ Tía señora, a todos nos sabe bien. !Comiendo y hablando! Porque después no haurá tiempo para entender en los amores deste perdido de nuestro amo y de aquella graciosa y gentil Melibea. | Sem.__Aunt, it is fine with all of us. Eat and talk! Because later we will not have enough time to discuss the loves of our lost master and of that gracious and elegant Melibea. | |
ELIC. __ ¡Apártateme allá, dessabrido, enojoso! ¡Mal prouecho te haga lo que comes!, | Eli.__Get out of here, you dummy, irritating boy! May your food make you as sick as you have just made me! | |
tal comida me has dado. Por mi alma, reuesar quiero quanto tengo en el cuerpo, de asco de oyrte llamar aquella gentil. !Mirad quién gentil! ¡Jesú, Jesú! ¡Y qué hastio y enojo es ver tu poca vergüenza! ¿A quién, gentil? ¡Mal me haga Dios, si ella lo es ni tiene parte dello!; sino que ay ojos, que de lagaña se agradan. Santiguarme quiero de tu necedad y poco conocimiento. !O quién estouiesse de gana para disputar contigo su hermosura y gentileza! ¿Gentil es Melibea? | I swear, I want to throw up everything I have in my body because of the disgust I have from hearing you call her elegant. Look at how elegant! Jesus, Jesus! And how vexing and angering it is to see you behave so shamelessly! So, she is gracious, you say? May God damn me, if she is or is even partly gracious! Some people haqve their eyes full of sleep. I want to cross myself because of your nonsense and lack of intelligence. Oh who would have the desire to argue with you about her beauty and graciousness! Is Melibea gracious, gracious? | |
Entonce lo es, entonce acertarán, quando andan a pares los diez mandamientos, aquella hermosura por vna moneda se compra de la tienda. Por cierto, que conozco yo en la calle donde ella viue quatro donzellas, en quien Dios mas repartió su gracia que no en Melibea. | If she is, it will be ascertained when the Ten Commandments walk down the street in pairs and when her beauty can be bought at any store for a penny. I know for certain that on the street where she lives, there are four maidens who God gave more grace that He gave to Melibea. | |
Que si algo tiene de hermosura, es por buenos atauíos, que trae. Poneldos a vn palo, también direys que es gentil. Por mi vida, que no lo digo por alabarme; mas creo que soy tan hermosa como vuestra Melibea. | And if she has any trace of beauty it is because of the fine clothes she wears. If you were to put them on a stick you would also say that it was elegant. By my life, and I do not say it in my own praises; but I think that I am as pretty than your Melibea. | |
AREU. __ Pues no la has tu visto como yo, hermana mia. Dios me lo demande, si en ayunas la topasses, si aquel día pudieses comer de asco. | Are.__And you have not seen her as I have, my sister. May God be my witness, but if you were to meet her on an empty stomach, you would not be able to eat for the rest of the day because of your disgust. | |
Todo el año se está encerrada con mudas de mill suziedades. Por vna vez que aya de salir donde pueda ser vista, enuiste su cara con hiel y miel, con vnas tostadas y higos passados y con otras cosas, que por reuerencia de la mesa dexo de dezir. Las riquezas las hazen a estas hermosas y ser alabadas; que no las gracias de su cuerpo. | All year she is inside her house with a change of filthy clothes. The one day that she goes out where she can be seen, she dresses her face with bile and honey, with some toast and rotten figs and other things, that out of reverence of the dinner table I will not speak of. Richness is what makes these women beautiful and adored; and not the grace of their bodies | |
Que assí goze de mí, vnas tetas tiene, para ser donzella, como si tres vezes houiesse parido: no parecen sino dos grandes calabaças. El vientre no se le he visto; pero juzgando por lo otro, creo que le tiene tan floxo, como vieja de cincuenta años. No sé qué se ha visto Calisto, porque dexa de amar otras, que más ligeramente podría hauer y con quién más él holgasse sino que el gusto dañado muchas vezes juzga por dulce lo amargo. | And while she may delight of me, she has these breasts, for being a virgin, that look as if though she had given birth three times: they look like two big gourds. I have not seen her belly but I believe that it as loose as a fifty year old woman. I do not know what Calisto has seen in her that would make him forsake the love of so many others that he could have obtained much more easily and who he would have enjoyed more. Unless he is like a damaged tongue that repeatedly mistakes what is sweet to be sour. | |
SEMP. __ Hermana, paréceme aquí que cada bohonero alaba sus agujas, que el contrario desso se suena por la cibdad. | Sem.__Sister, it seems to me that each peddler praises his own wares, for quite the contrary is being said throughout the city. | |
26. AREU. __ Ninguna cosa es más lexos de verdad que la vulgar opinión. Nunca alegre viuirás si por voluntad de muchos te riges. Porque éstas son conclusiones verdaderas, que qualquier cosa que el vulgo piensa, es vanidad; lo que fabla, falsedad; lo que reprueua es bondad; lo que aprueua, maldad. | Are.__There is nothing further from the truth than the common opinion. You will never live happily if you govern yourself by the will of others. These are the truthful conclusions, and whatever the common person thinks is worthless, whatever they say is a lie, whatever they disapprove of is good and whatever they approve of is bad. | |
y pues este es su más cierto vso y costumbre, no juzgues la bondad y hermosura de Melibea por esso ser la que afirmas. | And since this is how common opinion works, do not judge the goodness and beauty of Melibea to be what have heard. | |
SEMP. __ Señora, el vulgo parlero no perdona las tachas de sus señores y así yo creo que, si alguna touiesse Melibea, ya sería descubierta de los que con ella más que con nosotros tratan. Y avnque lo que dizes concediesse, Calisto es cauallero, Melibea fijadalgo: | Sem.__Mistress, common chatter does not forgive the faults of its masters and so I think that if Melibea did have any, it would have already been discovered by those with whom she interacts with more than us. And while what you say may be true, Calisto is a gentleman and Melibea is the daughter of noble parents: | |
assí que los nacidos por linaje escogido búscanse vnos a otros. Por ende no es de marauillar que ame antes a ésta que a otra. | those that are born into the chosen lineage find one another. Because of that it is no wonder that he loves her before anyone else. | |
AREU. __ Ruin sea quien por ruin se tiene. Las obras hazen linaje, que al fin todos somos hijos de Adán y Eua. Procure de ser cada vno bueno por sí y no vaya buscar en la nobleza de sus passados la virtud. | Are.__ Is ignoble who considers himself to be. Actions make lineage, for in the end we are all children of Adam and Eve. Everyone should try to be good on their own and they should not search for their virtue in the nobility of their ancestors. | |
CEL. __ Hijos, por mi vida que cessen essas razones de enojo. Y tú, Elicia, que te tornes a la mesa y dexes essos enojos. | Cel.__Children, by my love stop these argument:s. And you, Elicia, come back to the table and do not be angry anymore. | |
ELIC. __ Con tal que mala pro me hiziesse, con tal que rebentasse en comiéndolo. ?Hauía yo de comer con esse maluado, que en mi cara me ha porfiado que es más gentil su andrajo de Melibea, que yo? | Eli.__Doing so would harm me, since I would throw up whatever I ate. Why should I have to eat with that villain, who has insisted to my face that this trashy Melibea is prettier than I am? | |
SEMP. __ Calla, mi vida, que tú la comparaste. Toda comparación es odiosa: tú tienes la culpa y no yo. | Sem.__Quiet, my love, for you are the one who compared her to yourself. All comparison is hateful; it is your fault and not mine. | |
AREU. __ Ven, hermana, a comer. No hagas agora esse plazer a estos locos porfiados; si no, leuantarme he yo de la mesa. | Are.__Come, sister, to eat. Do not let these persistent fools amuse themselves at your expense; if not, I will get up myself. | |
ELIC. __ Necessidad de complazerte me haze contentar a esse enemigo mio y vsar de virtud con todos. | Eli.__The need to pleae you compels me to keep my enemy content and be good-natured to all. | |
SEMP. __ ¡He! ¡he! ¡he! | Sem.__Ha! Ha! Ha! | |
ELIC. __ ¿De qué te ríes? ¡De mal cancre sea comida essa boca desgraciada, enojosa! | Eli.__What are you laughing at? May a canhcer eat away at that disgraceful mouth, you wretch! | |
CEL. __ No le respondas, hijo; si no, nunca acabaremos. Entendamos en lo que faze a nuestro caso. Dezidme, ¿Como quedó Calisto? ¿Cómo lo dexastes? ¿Cómo os pudistes entramos descabullir dél? | Cel.__Do not respond to her, son; if you do we will never finish. Let us decide on what to do next in our business. Tell me, how was Calisto? How did you leave him? How were both of you able to slip away from him? | |
PARM. __ Allá fue a la maldición, echando fuego, desesperado, perdido, medio loco, a missa a la Magdalena, a rogar a Dios que te dé gracia, que puedas bien roer los huessos destos pollos y protestando no boluer a casa hasta oyr que eres venida con Melibea en tu arremango. Tu saya y manto y avn mi sayo, cierto está; lo otro vaya y venga. El quándo lo dará no lo sé. | Par.__He left like a damned one to the mass of the Magdalene; he was spitting fire, in despair, lost and half crazy. He went to pray to God to give you the strength to gnaw on the bones of these chickens. He protested that he would not return home until he heard that you had arrived with Melibea rolled up in your sleeve. Your skirt and cloak and even my cloak are certain; the rest I am not so sure about. I do not know when he will give it to us. | |
CEL. __ Sea quando fuere. Buenas son mangas passada la pasqua. Todo aquello alegra que con poco trabajo se gana, mayormente viniendo de parte donde tan poca mella haze, de hombre tan rico, que con los saluados de su casa podría yo salir de lazeria, según lo mucho le sobra. No les duele a los tales lo que gastan y según la causa por que lo dan; no sienten con el embeuecimiento del amor, no les pena, no veen, no oyen. | Cel.__Be it when it may. Be long sleeves welcome even after Easter. Everything is pleasing when it is earned by little work, especially when it comes from where it hardly makes a dent; from a man so rich that just with the scraps of his home I would never have to beg again because of how much would still be left over. It does not hurt those like him to spend and especially when they want to; they do not feel because of the passion of their love, it does not pain them, they do not see and they do not hear. | |
Lo qual yo juzgo por otros, que he conocido menos apassionados y metidos en este fuego de amor, que a Calisto veo. Que ni comen ni beuen, ni ríen ni lloran, ni duermen ni velan, ni hablan ni callan, ni penan ni descansan, ni están contentos ni se quexan, según la perplexidad de aquella dulce y fiera llaga de sus coraçones; y si alguna cosa destas la natural necessidad les fuerça a hazer están en el acto tan oluidados, que comiendo se oluida la mano de lleuar la vianda a la boca. | I make this judgment based others I have known less passionate than Calisto, cosumed by this fire of love. They do not eat nor drink, neither laugh nor cry, neither sleep nor wake, neither talk nor be quiet, neither pain nor rest, neither happy nor complaining, because of the perplexity of that sweet and fiery wound in their hearts. And if natural necessity forces them to do one of those things they are so forgetful that when they eat they do not remember to bring the meat to their mouth with their hand. | |
Pues si con ellos hablan, jamás conueniente respuesta bueluen. Allí tienen los cuerpos; con sus amigas los coraçones y sentidos. Mucha fuerça tiene el amor: no sólo la tierra, mas avn las mares traspassa, según su poder; ygual mando tiene en todo género de hombres. Todas las dificultades quiebra. Ansiosa cosa es, temerosa y solicita. Todas las cosas mira en derredor. Assí que, si vosotros buenos enamorados haués sido, juzgarés yo dezir verdad. | Then, if you talk to them, they will never respond to you appropriately. They have their bodies there; but their hearts and senses are with their lady friends. Love has much force; because of its power it does not only reach over the earth, but also over the seas. It holds the same control over all men. It surpasses every difficulty. It is anxious, fearful and cautious. It sees everything around it. So, if you have ever truly been in love, you would judge what I say to be true. | |
SEMP. __ Señora, en todo concedo con tu razón, que aquí está quien me causó algún tiempo andar fecho otro Calisto, perdido el sentido, cansado el cuerpo, la cabeça vana, los días mal dormiendo, las noches todas velando, dando alboradas, haziendo momos, saltando paredes, poniendo cada día la vida al tablero, esperando toros, corriendo cauallos, tirando barra, echando lança, cansando amigos, quebrando espadas, | Sem.__Mother, I concede all reason to you, for here before us is she who caused me to be once like another Calisto; senseless, my body tired, my mind idle, sleeping poorly during the day, spending the nights awake, playing the fool, making faces, climbing walls, putting every day his life in the line, facing bulls, running horses, throwing the bar , tossing the javelin, tiring my friends, breaking swords, | |
haziendo escalas, vistiendo armas y otros mill actos de enamorado, haziendo coplas, pintando motes, sacando inuenciones. Pero todo lo doy por bienempleado, pues tal joya gané. | making ladders, putting on armor and another thousand things lovers do, like making poetry, painting and inventing things. But everything was worth it because I won a jewel. | |
ELIC. __ ¡Mucho piensas que me tienes ganada! Pues hágote cierto que no has tú buelto la cabeça, quando está en casa otro que más quiero, más gracioso que tú y avn que no anda buscando cómo me dar enojo. A cabo de vn año, que me vienes a uer, tarde y con mal. | Eli.__You may think you have won me! Make yourself certain that the second you turn your head, there is someone else in the house whom I love more, who is more gracious than you and who does not go searching for ways to annoy me. It has been a year, since you last came to see me. You come to see me a year late and with a bad actitude. | |
CEL. __ Hijo, déxala dezir, que deuanea. Mientra más desso la oyeres, más se confirma en su amor; todo es porque haués aquí alabado a Melibea. No sabe en otra cosa, que os lo pagar, sino en dezir esso y creo que no vee la hora de hauer comido para lo que yo me sé. | Cel.__Son, let her continue, for she is talking nonsense. The more she speaks that way, the more she confirms her love. All this because right here you praised Melibea. She does not know any other way with which to repay you except in saying that and I think she cannot wait to finish eatingto do what I well know. | |
Pues esotra su prima yo me la conozco. Gozá vuestras frescas mocedades, que quien tiempo tiene y mejor le espera, tiempo viene que se arrepiente. Como yo hago agora por algunas horas que dexé perder, quando moça, quando me preciauan, quando me querían. Que ya, ¡mal pecado!, caducado he, nadie no me quiere. !Que sabe Dios mi buen desseo! Besaos y abraçaos, que a mí no me queda otra cosa sino gozarme de vello. Mientra a la mesa estays, de la cinta arriba todo se perdona. | And I know well this cousin of hers. Enjoy the freshness of your youth, for he who has time and waits for a better one, time will come tofeel sorry. That is what I do now for the hours that I allowed to be lost when I was young, when I was esteemed, when I was loved. And now, damm it, I have wilted, nobody loves me. God knows my desire! Hug and kiss yourselves, for the only thing I have left to do is watch you. From the waist up, everything is allowed at the table. | |
quando seays aparte, no quiero poner tassa, pues que el rey no la pone. Que yo sé por las mochachas, que nunca de importunos os acusen y la vieja Celestina mascará de dentera con sus botas enzías las migajas de los manteles. Bendígaos Dios, ¡cómo lo reys y holgays, putillos, loquillos, trauiessos! ¡En esto auía de parar el nublado de las questioncillas, que aués tenido! ¡Mirá no derribés la mesa! | When you are away from me, I do not have any rules, because not even the king makes any. I know that you will never bother these girls and that the old Celestina will continue to chew the crumbs that are on the tablecloth with her toothless gums. May God bless you just as He does the kings and the lazy ones. You mischievous little perverts and fools! That is how your stormy little argument: should end! Careful you do not knock over the table! | |
ELIC. __ Madre, a la puerta llaman. !El solaz es derramado! | Eli.__Mother, someone is knocking at the door. The party is over! | |
CEL. __ Mira, hija, quién es: por ventura será quien lo acreciente y allegue. | Cel.__See, daughter, who it is; if we are lucky it is someone who can increase our peace and bring us more. | |
ELIC. __ O la boz me engaña o es mi prima Lucrecia. | Eli.__Either the voice deceives me or it is my cousin Lucrecia. | |
CEL. __ Abrela y entre ella y buenos años. Que avn a ella algo se le entiende desto que aquí hablamos; avnque su mucho encerramiento le impide el gozo de su mocedad. | Cel.__Open the door for her and let her in with good tidings. For she also knows a thing about this of which we speak; although being locked up inside so much impedes her ability to delight of her youth. | |
AREU. __ Assí goze de mí, que es verdad, que éstas, que siruen a señoras, ni gozan deleyte ni conocen los dulces premios de amor. Nunca tratan con parientes, con yguales a quien pueden hablar tú por tú, con quien digan: ¿qué cenaste? | Are.__I do delight, but you are right because these women who serve their ladies, neither enjoy delight nor know the sweet prizes of love. They never deal with their relatives or with equals who they can make small talk with and say: what did you have for dinner? | |
¿Estás preñada? ¿quántas gallinas crías? lléuame a merendar a tu casa; muéstrame tu enamorado; ¿quánto ha que no te vido? ¿cómo te va con él? ¿quién son tus vezinas? y otras cosas de ygualdad semejantes. | Are you pregnant? How many chickens do you have? Take me to have lunch at your house; show me your lover; How long has it been since I last saw you? How is it going with him? Who are your neighbors? And other things of a similar nature. | |
¡O tía, y qué duro nombre y que graue y soberuio es señora contino en la boca! Por esto me viuo sobre mí, desde que me sé conocer. Que jamás me precié de llamarme de otrie, sino mía. Mayormente destas señoras que agora se vsan. Gástase con ellas lo mejor del tiempo, y con una saya rota de las que ellas desechan pagan seruicio de diez años. Denostadas, maltratadas las traen, contino sojuzgadas, que hablar delante dellas no osan. | Oh aunt, and what a hard name and how troublesome and proud it is to have the word ′lady′ continuously in your mouth! This is why I live on my own, since the day I have come to understand myself. For I could never endure to say I am anyone else′s but my own. Especially with the ladies that we have nowadays. You waste with them the best part of your life, and they repay you after ten years with a torn skirt that they have cast aside. They insult and mistreat you so that you do not even dare to speak before them. | |
y quando veen cerca el tiempo de la obligación de casallas, leuántanles vn caramillo que se echan con el moço o con el hijo o pídenles celos del marido o que meten hombres en casa o que hurtó la taça o perdió el anillo; danles vn ciento de açotes y échanlas la puerta fuera, las haldas en la cabeça, diziendo: allá yrás, ladrona, puta, no destruyrás mi casa y honrra. | And when they see you are near the age to be married, they make up that you have been with the servant or their son or that you have had an affair with their husband or that you bring men into the house or that you stole the goblet or that you lost the ring; they give you a hundred lashings and then throw you out of the house with your skirts over your head, saying: get out thief, whore, you will not destroy my house or my honor. | |
Assí que esperan galardón, sacan baldón; esperan salir casadas, salen amenguadas; esperan vestidos y joyas de boda, salen desnudas y denostadas. Estos son sus premios, éstos son sus beneficios y pagos. | So, when ethey xpected a gift, they end up disgraced; they expect to end up married, but you leave belittled; they expect dresses and jewels, but instead they leave naked and insulted. These are their prizes; these are their benefits and payments. | |
Oblíganseles a dar marido, quítanles el vestido. La mejor honrra que en sus casas tienen, es andar hechas callejeras, de dueña en dueña, con sus mensajes a cuestas. | They are obligated to give their servants husbands, but instead they strip them of their clothes. The greatest honor these servants have in their homes is to go from street to street, from lady to lady, in charge of their messages. | |
Nunca oyen su nombre propio de la boca dellas; sino puta acá, puta acullá. ?A dó vas, tiñosa? ¿Qué heziste, vellaca? ¿Por qué comiste esto, golosa? ¿Cómo fregaste la sartén, puerca? ¿Por qué no limpiaste el manto, suzia? ¿Cómo dixiste esto, necia? ¿Quién perdió el plato, desaliñada? ¿Cómo faltó el paño de manos, ladrona? A tu rufián lo aurás dado. Ven acá, mala muger, la gallina hauada no paresce: pues búscala presto; si no, en la primera blanca de tu soldada la contaré. Y tras esto mill chapinazos y pellizcos, palos y açotes. | They never hear their own name from their ladies mouths; they only hear, whore come here, whore go there. Where are you going, filthy woman? What did you do, bad woman? Why did you eat that, you sweet-toothed onel? How did you wash the frying pan, you pig? Why did you not clean the cloak, you dirty girl? Why did you say this, dummy? What fool lost the plate? Why is the hand towel missing, you thief? You must have given it to your ruffian. Come here, bad woman, the speckled hen cannot be found: so go look for her quickly; if not I will take it out of your pay. And after this a thousand kicks and pinching, beatings and whippings. | |
No ay quien las sepa contentar, no quien pueda sofrillas. Su plazer es dar bozes, su gloria es reñir. De lo mejor fecho menos contentamiento muestran. Por esto, madre, he quesido más viuir en mi pequeña casa, esenta y señora, que no en sus ricos palacios sojuzgada y catiua. | There is nobody who knows how to please them, nobody can endure them. They enjoy shouting, and their glory is to scold. The better something is done the less contentment they show. Because of this, mother, I have decided to live in my small home, free and my own lady, instead of in their rich palaces subjugated and captive. | |
CEL. __ En tu seso has estado, bien sabes lo que hazes. Que los sabios dizen: que vale más vna migaja de pan con paz, que toda la casa llena de viandas con renzilla. Mas agora cesse esta razón, que entra Lucrecia. | Cel.__You are in your right mind, you know well what you do. For the wise say: a crumb of bread in peace is worth more than a whole house full of food with quarrels. Right now you should drop the subject, because Lucrecia is coming. | |
LUCR. __ Buena pro os haga, tía y la compañía. Dios bendiga tanta gente y tan honrrada. | Luc.__I hope you all enjoyed your meal. May God bless so many honorable people. | |
CEL. __ ¿Tánta, hija? ¿Por mucha has ésta? Bien parece que no me conosciste en mi prosperidad, oy ha veynte años. !Ay, quién me vido y quién me vee agora, no sé cómo no quiebra su coraçón de dolor! Yo vi, mi amor a esta mesa, donde agora están tus primas assentadas, nueue moças de tus días, que la mayor no passaua de deziocho años y ninguna hauía menor de quatorze. | Cel.__All these people, daughter? You think this is a lot? It appears you never knew me during the days of my prosperity, which was twenty years ago. Oh, who could have seen me and who could see me now, I do not know how their heart would not burst with sorrow! I would see, my love, in this very table, where your cousins are now sitting, nine young women about your age, for the oldest was no greater than eighteen and there was nobody younger than fourteen. | |
Mundo es, passe, ande su rueda, rodee sus alcaduzes, vnos llenos, otros vazíos. La ley es de fortuna que ninguna cosa en vn ser mucho tiempo permanesce: su orden es mudanças. No puedo dezir sin lágrimas la mucha honrra que entonces tenía; avnque por mis pecados y mala dicha poco a poco ha venido en diminución. Como declinauan mis días, assí se diminuya y menguaua mi prouecho. | But that is how the world goes, it spins on its own wheel, the buckets rise and fall, some full others empty. The law of fortune is that nothing will stay the same age for long: it is the order of change. I cannot speak without tears about much honor I used to have; because of my sins and bad luck, little by little it hs diminished. Justas my days decline, so my business. | |
Prouerbio es antiguo, que quanto al mundo es o crece o descrece. Todo tiene sus límites, todo tiene sus grados. Mi honrra llegó a la cumbre, según quien yo era: de necessidad es que desmengües y abaxe. Cerca ando de mi fin. En esto veo que me queda poca vida. Pero bien sé que sobí para decender, | It is an old proverb that says; everything in the world either grows or diminishes. Everything has its limits, everything has its degrees. My honor reached its peak, according to what I was: and now it is necessary that it should decline and decrease. I am close to my end. I know that I have little life left. But I know that I went up to come down, | |
florescí para secarme, gozé para entristecerme, nascí para biuir, biuí para crecer, crecí para enuejecer, enuejecí para morirme. Y pues esto antes de agora me consta, sofriré con menos pena mi mal; avnque del todo no pueda despedir el sentimiento, como sea de carne sentible formada. | I flourished only to wither, I delighted only to be sorrowful; I was born to live, I lived to grow, I grew to age, and I aged to die. And since I am aware of this, I will suffer my plight with less sorrow; although I cannot completely get rid of my sadness, since I am made of flesh and feelings. | |
LUCR. __ Trabajo tenías, madre, con tantas moças, que es ganado muy trabajoso de guardar. | Luc.__You had a great business, mother, with so many young girls, a herd very hard to guard. | |
CEL. __ ¿Trabajo, mi amor? Antes descanso y aliuio. Todas me obedescían, todas me honrrauan, de todas era acatada, ninguna salía de mi querer, lo que yo dezía era lo bueno, a cada qual daua su cobro. No escogían más de lo que yo les mandaua: coxo o tuerto o manco, aquél hauían por sano, que más dinero me daua. | Cel.__Hard, my love? It was more like a pleasure and a relief. All of them obeyed me; I was esteemed by them all and none of them ever angered me; whatever I said was good and to all I gave what they earned. They did not want more than what I gave them; wether lame, one-eyed or one-handed, to them he was healthy who gave me more money. | |
Mío era el prouecho, suyo el afán. Pues seruidores, ¿No tenía por su causa dellas? Caualleros viejos y moços, abades de todas dignidades, desde obispos hasta sacristanes. En entrando por la yglesia, vía derrocar bonetes en mi honor, como si yo fuera vna duquesa. El que menos auía que negociar comigo, por más ruyn se tenía. De media legua que me viessen, dexauan las horas. Vno a vno, dos a dos, venían a donde yo estaua a uer si mandaua algo, a preguntarme cada vno por la suya. Que hombre havía, que estando diziendo missa, en viéndome entrar, se turbaua, que no fazía ni dezía cosa a derechas. | I was there for the profit; they were there for the work. As for servants, because of them, why did I need any? Gentleman, old men and young boys, church men of all dignities, from bishops to sextons. When I would enter the church, hats would come off in my honor, as if I was a duchess. He who had the least business with me, felt more miserable. When they would see me half-a- league away they would stop what they were doing. One by one, two by two, they would come to me to see if I needed something, or they would ask me about their mistress. What men they were, for when they were praying in mass and would see me enter, all of a sudden they would get so flustered that they could not do or say anything correctly. | |
vnos me llamauan señora, otros tía, otros enamorada, otros vieja honrrada. Allí se concertauan sus venidas a mi casa, allí las ydas a la suya, allí se me ofrecían dineros, allí promesas, allí otras dádiuas, besando el cabo de mi manto y avn algunos en la cara, por me tener más contenta. Agora hame traydo la fortuna a tal estado, que me digas: buena pro hagan las çapatas. | Some would call me lady, others aunt, others lover, other honorable old woman. There in church they would arrange their visits to my house or when I should go to theirs. There they would offer me money and promises while others would give me gifts. Some would kiss the end of my cloak and others would even kiss my face, in order to please me more. But now fortune has brought me to such a place that people say to me: I hope your shoes do you good. | |
SEMP. __ Espantados nos tienes con tales cosas como nos cuentas de essa religiosa gente y benditas coronas. !Sí, que no serían todos! | Sem.__You are frightening us with such stories about those religious people and blessed nobility. Yes, as if all were like that! | |
CEL. __ No, hijo, ni Dios lo mande que yo tal cosa leuante. Que muchos viejos deuotos hauía con quien yo poco medraua y avn que no me podían ver; pero creo que de embidia de los otros que me hablauan. Como la clerezía era grande, hauía de todos: vnos muy castos, otros que tenían cargo de mantener a las de mi oficio. | Cel.__No, son, not even God would want me to say such a thing. For there are many devoted old men with whom I have had but small interactions with and even some that could not stand me; but I think it was beacasue envy of the others who did talk to me. The clergy is very large, and there are all types of people; some very chaste and others who would help maintaining those in my business. | |
Y avn todavía creo que no faltan; y embiauan sus escuderos y moços a que me acompañassen, y apenas era llegada a mi casa quando entrauan por mi puerta muchos pollos y gallinas, ansarones, anadones, perdizes, tórtolas, perniles de tocino, tortas de trigo, lechones. Cada qual, como lo recebía de aquellos diezmos de Dios, assí lo venían luego a registrar, para que comiese yo y aquellas sus deuotas. ¿Pues, vino? No me sobraua! De lo mejor que se beuía en la ciudad, venido de diuersas partes, de Monuiedro, de Luque, de Toro, de Madrigal, de Sant Martin y de otros muchos lugares, | And even now I believe that there are some of those. They used to send their squires and young men to accompany me, and I would hardly ever enter my house without seeing chickens and hens, geese, ducks, partridges, turtle-doves, legs of ham, wheat cakes and suckling pigs. Each one, as soon as they received their tithes from God, would come to register them for me, so that I and their devoted ones could eat. As for wine? Were we ever lacking! The best that there was to drink in the city, from all over: Monviedro, of Luque de Toro, from Madrigal, of San Martin and from many other places, | |
y tantos que, avnque tengo la diferencia de los gustos y sabor en la boca, no tengo la diuersidad de sus tierras en la memoria. Que harto es que vna vieja como yo, en oliendo qualquiera vino, diga de dónde es. Pues otros curas sin renta, no era ofrecido el bodigo, quando, en besando el filigrés la estola, era del primer boleo en mi casa. Espessos, como piedras a tablado, entrauan mochachos cargados de prouisiones por mi puerta. No sé cómo puedo viuir, cayendo de tal estado. | And so many thateven though I still remember the difference in their tastes and the bouquets inmy mouth, I cannot remember from where they all came from. It is too much for an old woman like me to be able to tell you where a wine is from by just smelling it. As for the other priests who had no income, they would bring me offerings from the altar, because as soon as the parishioners had kissed their robes, they would come and bring them immediately to my home. In great bunbers, as stones thrown to the wooden target, their boys would carry provisions to my door. I do not know how live now, having fallen from such a state. | |
AREU. __ Por Dios, pues somos venidas a hauer plazer, no llores, madre, ni te fatigues: que Dios lo remediará todo. | Are.__By God, since we have come here to have fun, do not cry, mother, nor tire yourself, for God fixes everything. | |
CEL. __ Harto tengo, hija, que llorar, acordándome de tan alegre tiempo y tal vida, como yo tenía, y quán seruida era de todo el mundo. Que jamás houo fruta nueua, de que yo primero no gozasse, que otros supiessen si era nascida. En mi casa se hauía de hallar, si para alguna preñada se buscasse. | Cel.__I have enough reason, daughter, to cry, remembering such a happy time and such a life that I had, and how I was served by everyone in the world. There was never a fresh fruit that I did not njoy first when others would not even know it was ripe yet. My house was the place to find it if a pregnant woman was looking for such a fruit. | |
SEMP. __ Madre, ningun prouecho trae la memoria del buen tiempo, si cobrar no se puede; antes tristeza. Como a ti agora, que nos has sacado el plazer de entre las manos. Alcese la mesa. Yrnos hemos a holgar y tú darás respuesta a essa donzella, que aquí es venida. | Sem._Mother, memories of good times bring only sadness since they cannot be retrieved. We are sad like you now, for you have taken the pleasure right out of our hands. Let us clear the table. We will go and rest and you will deal with this young lady who has come here. | |
CEL. __ Hija Lucrecia, dexadas estas razones, querría que me dixiesses a qué fue agora tu buena venida. | Cel.__Daughter Lucrecia, let us change the subject. I want you to tell me the reason for your good visit. | |
LUCR. __ Por cierto, ya se me hauía oluidado mi principal demanda y mensaje con la memoria de esse tan alegre tiempo como has contado y assí me estuuiera vn año sin comer, escuchándote y pensando en aquella vida buena, que aquellas moças gozarían, que me parece y semeja que estó yo agora en ella. | Luc.__Believe me, I have already forgotten my original demand and message because of the memories of good times that you were telling. Like this I could have gone a year without eating, listening to you and thinking about the good life that those young girls delighted in. I almost believe that I am there right now. | |
Mi venida, señora, es lo que tú sabrás: pedirte el ceñidero y, demás desto, te ruega mi señora sea de ti visitada y muy presto, porque se siente muy fatigada de desmayos y de dolor del coraçón. | But this, mistress, is the reason for my visit. I have come to ask you for the girdle and also, my lady begs you to visit her as quickly as you can, because she feels very fatigued from her fainting spells and the pain in her heart. | |
CEL. __ Hija, destos dolorcillos tales, más es el ruydo que las nuezes. Marauillada estoy sentirse del coraçón muger tan moça. | Cel.__Daughter, with such pains, the noise is greater than number of walnuts. It would be a wonder if such a young woman could feel pains in her heart. | |
LUCR. __ ¡Assí te arrastren, traydora! ¿Tú no sabes qué es? Haze la vieja falsa sus hechizos y vasse; después házese de nueuas. | Luc.__May they drag you through the streets traitor! Do you not know what it is? The false old woman casts her spells and leaves; then she pretends she does not know what is going on. | |
CEL. __ ¿Qué dizes, hija? | Cel.__What did you say, daughter? | |
LUCR. __ Madre, que vamos presto y me des el cordón. | Luc.__Mother, that we should go at once and that you should give me the girdle. | |
CEL. __ Vamos, que yo le lleuo. |
Cel. __ Let′s go; I got it..
| |
Acto XSumario: Mientra andan CELESTINA y LUCRECIA por camino, sta hablando MELIBEA consigo misma. Llegan a la puerta; entra LUCRECIA primero. Haze entrar a CELESTINA. MELIBEA, despues de muchas razones, descubre a CELESTINA arder en amor de CALISTO. Veen venir a ALISA, madre de MELIBEA. Despidense de en uno. Pregunta ALISA a MELIBEA de los negocios de CELESTINA. Defendiole su mucha conversacion. |
Act XArgument:: While Celestina and Lucrecia go on their way, Melibea talks to herself. When they get to the door, Lucrecia enters first and Celestina comes in after her. Melibea, after some exchange of words, opens her mind to Celestina, telling her how fervently she has fallen in love with Calisto. They spy Alisa, Melibea′s mother coming; they take their leave of each other. Alisa asks her daughter Melibea, what business she had with Celestina. She dissuades her from conversing with and keeping Celestina′s company. | |
MELIB. __¡O lastimada de mí! ¡O malproueyda doncella! ¿Y no me fuera mejor conceder su petición y demanda ayer a Celestina, quando de parte de aquel señor, cuya vista me catiuó, me fue rogado, y contentarle a él y sanar a mí, que no venir por fuerça a descobrir mi llaga, quando no me sea agradecido, quando ya, desconfiando de mi buena respuesta, aya puesto sus ojos en amor de otra? ¡Quánta más ventaja touiera mi prometimiento rogado, que mi ofrecimiento forzoso! ¡O mi fiel criada Lucrecia! ¿Qué dirás de mí? ¿Qué pensarás de mi seso, quando me veas publicar lo que a ti jamás he quesido descobrir? ¡Cómo te espantarás del rompimiento de mi honestidad y vergüença , que siempre como encerrada donzella acostumbré tener! No sé si aurás barruntado de dónde proceda mi dolor. !O, si ya veniesses con aquella medianera de mi salud! ¡O soberano Dios! A ti, que todos los atribulados llaman, los apassionados piden remedio, los llagados medicina; a ti, que los cielos, mar y tierra con los infernales centros obedecen; a ti, el qual todas las cosas a los hombres sojuzgaste, humilmente suplico des a mi herido coraçón sofrimiento e paciencia, con que mi terrible passión pueda dissimular. No se desdore aquella hoja de castidad, que tengo assentada sobre este amoroso desseo, publicando ser otro mi dolor, que no el que me atormenta. Pero, ¿cómo lo podré hazer, lastimándome tan cruelmente el ponçoñoso bocado, que la vista de su presencia de aquel cauallero me dio? ¡O género femíneo, encogido e frágile! ¿Por qué no fue también a las hembras concedido poder descobrir su congoxoso e ardiente amor, como a los varones? Que ni Calisto biuiera quexoso ni yo penada. | Mel.__Oh woe is me! Oh unfortunate damsel! Would it not have been better for me to concede to Celestina′s demand and petition yesterday, when it was begged of me on behalf of that gentleman, whose gaze captivated me; and to have contented him and cured myself, instead of being forced to discover my own pain when I am no longer wanted; when now, uncertain of any positive response from me, he may have put his eyes on another love? How much better would it have been to have offered a promise after being begged for it, than to now offer it forcefully? Oh my loyal servant Lucrecia! What must you say about me? What will you think about my sanity, when you see me publicizing that which I would never have wanted her to know? How you will be astonished by the rupture from my honest and modest self, since I have always been locked indoors like a lady should be? I do not know if you will have already guessed from where my pain comes from. Oh, if only you would come already with that mediator of my health! Oh sovereign God! All the afflicted call upon you, all the passionate ask for a remedy, the wounded for medicine; you, who subjugated all things to man, humbly I beg of you to give my wounded heart tolerance and patience, so that my terrible passion can be disguised. Do not let the leaf of my chastity be tarnished, for I have used it to cover up my amorous desire, and I have announced my pain to be something else, and not what it really is that torments me. But how will I be able to do it, having been injured by that poisonous morsel so cruelly, at the sight of that gentleman in front of me ? Oh feminine gender, weak and fragile! Why were women not allowed to uncover our harsh and fiery love, like men? For then Calisto would not be complaining and I would not be suffering. | |
LUCR. __ Tía, detente vn poquito cabo esta puerta. Entraré a uer con quién está hablando mi señora. Entra, entra, que consigo lo ha. | Luc.__Aunt, wait a little bit behind this door. I will enter to see who my lady is talking to. Come in; come in, for she is talking to herself. | |
MELIB. __ Lucrecia, echa essa antepuerta. !O vieja sabía y honrrada, tú seas bienvenida! ¿Qué te parece, cómo ha querido mi dicha y la fortuna ha rodeado que yo tuuiesse de tu saber necessidad, para que tan presto me houiesses de pagar en la misma moneda y beneficio que por ti me fue demandado para esse gentilhombre, que curauas con la virtud de mi cordón? | Mel.__Lucrecia, pull the door covering. Oh wise and honored old woman, you are so welcome here! Can you believe that luck has wanted and my fortune has wheeled about so, that I would be in need of your knowledge; that you would so quickly have me paying in the same currency and benefits that you had demanded of me for that gentleman, whom you were curing with the virtue of my girdle? | |
CEL. __ ¿Qué es, señora, tu mal, que assí muestra las señas de su tormento en las coloradas colores de tu gesto? | Cel.__What is your sickness, my lady, which shows its signs of torment in the color of your rosy cheeks? | |
MELIB. __ Madre mia, que comen este coraçón serpientes dentro de mi cuerpo. | Mel.__Mother mine, snakes within my body are gnawing at my heart. | |
CEL. __ Bien está. Assí lo quería yo. Tú me pagarás, doña loca, la sobra de tu yra. | Cel.__Good. That is how I wanted it to be. You will pay, crazy lady, for the surpluses of your anger. | |
MELIB. __ ¿Qué dizes? ¿Has sentido en verme alguna causa, donde mi mal proceda? | Mel.__What did you say? Have you been able to tell by looking at me, where my sickness is coming from? | |
CEL. __ No me as, señora, declarado la calidad del mal. ?Quieres que adeuine la causa? Lo que yo digo es que rescibo mucha pena de ver triste tu graciosa presencia. | Cel.__You have not told me, mistress, the character of your sickness. Do you want me to divine the cause? I can say that I am very sorry to see your gracious presence in such sadness. | |
MELIB. __ Vieja honrrada, alégramela tú, que grandes nueuas me han dado de tu saber. | Mel.__Honorable old woman, make me happy, for I have heard great things about your wisdom. | |
CEL. __ Señora, el sabidor solo es Dios; pero, como para salud y remedio de las enfermedades fueron repartidas las gracias en las gentes de hallar las melezinas, dellas por esperiencia, dellas por arte, dellas por natural instinto, alguna partezica alcançó a esta pobre vieja, de la qual al presente podrás ser seruida. | Cel.__Mistress, the only one who knows everything is God; but, since the graces of health and the remedy of sickness were distributed among the people who make medicines, some by experience, others for the art and others by natural instinct, a little bit is grasped by this poor old woman, who at the present may be able to serve you. | |
MELIB. __ ¡O qué gracioso y agradable me es oyrte! Saludable es al enfermo la alegre cara del que le visita. Parésceme que veo mi coraçón entre tus manos fecho pedaços. El qual, si tú quisiesses, con muy poco trabajo juntarías con la virtud de tu lengua: no de otra manera que, quando vio en sueños aquel grande Alexandre, rey de Macedonia, en la boca del dragón la saludable rayz con que sanó a su criado Tolomeo del bocado de la bíuora. Pues, por amor de Dios, te despojes para muy diligente entender en mi mal y me des algún remedio. | Mel.__Oh how gracious and agreeable it is to hear that! It is good for the sick person to see the happy face of the visitor. It appears to me that I see my heart broken into pieces in your hands, which, if you want, with very little effort you could put back together with the virtue of your tongue: in the same manner of Alexander, King of Macedon, who, in his dreams, in the mouth of the dragon, the root that could cure his servant Ptolemy from the bite of a viper. So, by the love of God, take of your cloak so that you can diligently understand my sickness and give me a remedy for it. | |
CEL. __ Gran parte de la salud es dessearla, por lo qual creo menos peligroso ser tu dolor. Pero para yo dar, mediante Dios, congrua y saludable melezina, es necessario saber de ti tres cosas. La primera, a qué parte de tu cuerpo más declina y aquexa el sentimiento. Otra, si es nueuamente por ti sentido, porque más presto se curan las tiernas enfermedades en sus principios, que quando han hecho curso en la perseueración de su oficio; mejor se doman los animales en su primera edad, que quando ya es su cuero endurecido, para venir mansos a la melena; mejor crescen las plantas, que tiernas y nueuas se trasponen, que las que frutificando ya se mudan; muy mejor se despide el nueuo pecado, que aquel que por costumbre antigua cometemos cada día. La tercera, si procede de algún cruel pensamiento, que asentó en aquel lugar. Y esto sabido, verás obrar mi cura. Por ende cumple que al médico como al confessor se hable toda verdad abiertamente. | Cel.__An important step to getting healthy is to desire it, and because of that I do not think that your sickness is very dangerous. But in order for me to give you, with God′s help, a congruous ad wholesome medicine, it is necessary for me to know three things about you. The first is which part of your body pains you and is the most weak. Second, is this a new feeling, because illness is cured more quickly when it has just begun, than when it has already taken its course and preserved itself; animals are tamed and yoked more easily when they are young, than when their skin has hardened; plants grow better when they are transplanted tender and new, than when they have already given the world fruit; it is easier to forgive a newly committed sin, than the one that is committed every day out of habit. The third is, does it proceeds from some cruel thought which has taken control of that area. And by knowing this, you will see me work on your cure. It will benefit you if you speak to the doctor as you do your confessor and say the honest truth. | |
MELIB. __ Amiga Celestina, muger bien sabia y maestra grande, mucho has abierto el camino por donde mi mal te pueda especificar. Por cierto, tú lo pides como muger bien esperta en curar tales enfermedades. Mi mal es de coraçón, la ysquierda teta es su aposentamiento, tiende sus rayos a todas partes. Lo segundo, es nueuamente nacido en mi cuerpo. Que no pensé jamás que podía dolor priuar el seso, como este haze. Túrbame la cara, quítame el comer, no puedo dormir, ningún género de risa querría ver. La causa o pensamiento, que es la final cosa por tí preguntada de mi mal, ésta no sabré dezir. Porque ni muerte de debdo ni pérdida de temporales bienes ni sobresalto de visión ni sueño desuariado ni otra cosa puedo sentir, que fuesse, saluo la alteración, que tú me causaste con la demanda, que sospeché de parte de aquel cauallero Calisto, quando me pediste la oración. | Mel.__My friend Celestina, wise women and great teacher, you have greatly instructed me on how to tell you about my sickness. Certainly you ask me like a woman who is an expert in curing such illnesses. My pain comes from my heart, it is on my left breast and it shoots out to all my parts. The second, it is newly born in my body. For I have never known that such a pain could take away my sanity like this one has done. It disturbs my face, takes away my appetite, I cannot sleep, and I do not want to smile at anything. The cause or thought, which is the last thing you asked about my sickness, I do not know how to say it. Because neither death nor debt nor the loss of temporal goods, nor the passion of a vision nor a delirious dream nor anything else can I think it to be, except an alteration which you caused me with your request, which I suspected to be on the behalf of that gentleman Calisto, when you asked me for a prayer. | |
CEL. __ ¿Cómo, señora, tan mal hombre es aquél? ¿Tan mal nombre es el suyo, que en sólo ser nombrado trae consigo ponçoña su sonido? No creas que sea essa la causa de tu sentimiento, antes otra que yo barrunto. Y pues que assí es, si tú licencia me das, yo, señora, te la diré. | Cel.__What, mistress, is he such a bad man? Does he have such a bad name, that you could be poisoned by the sound of his name? Do not think that this is the cause of your grief, bur rather another one I suspect. And being the way it is, if you would allow me, my lady, I will explain it to you. | |
MELIB. __ ¿Cómo, Celestina? ¿Qué es esse nueuo salario, que pides? ¿De licencia tienes tú necessidad para me dar la salud? ¿Qual físico jamás pidió tal seguro para curar al paciente? Di, di, que siempre la tienes de mí, tal que mi honrra no dañes con tus palabras. | Mel.__What Celestina? What is this new salary which you request? Do you need my permission to give me my health? What physician ever asked for such a security to cure the patient? Tell me; tell me, for you always have my permission, as long as you do not damage my honor with your words. | |
CEL. __ Véote, señora, por vna parte quexar el dolor, por otra temer la melezina. Tu temor me pone miedo, el miedo silencio, el silencio tregua entre tu llaga y mi melezina. Assí que será causa, que ni tu dolor cesse ni mi venida aproueche. | Cel.__I see in you, mistress, that on the one hand you complain of the pain and on the other you fear the medicine. Your fear scares me, my fear causes silence. Silence creates a check between your wound and my medicine. Thus, the cause will be that your pain will not end and my visit will not do any good. | |
MELIB. __ Quanto más dilatas la cura, tanto más me acrecientas y multiplicas la pena y passión. O tus melezinas son de poluos de infamia y licor de corrupción, conficionados con otro más crudo dolor, que el que de parte del paciente se siente, o no es ninguno tu saber. Porque si lo vno o lo otro no abastasse, qualquiera remedio otro darías sin temor, pues te pido le muestres, quedando libre mi honrra. | Mel.__The more you delay the cure, the more you increase and multiply my pain and passion. Either your medicines are powders of infamy and liquor of corruption, confected with another pain more cruel that will be felt by the patient, or you know nothing about what you do. For if it was not one of those reasons, you would have already given me some remedy since I have asked you to show it to me while preserving my honor. | |
CEL. __ Señora, no tengas por nueuo ser más fuerte de sofrir al herido la ardiente trementina y los ásperos puntos, que lastiman lo llagado y doblan la passión, que no la primera lisión, que dio sobre sano. Pues si tú quieres ser sana y que te descubra la punta de mi sotil aguja sin temor, haz para tus manos y pies vna ligadura de sosiego, para tus ojos vna cobertura de piedad, para tu lengua vn freno de silencio, para tus oydos vnos algodones de sofrimiento y paciencia, y verás obrar a la antigua maestra destas llagas. | Cel.__Mistress, do not think it is strange that it is harder for the wounded to suffer the stinging turpentine and the sharp stitches, which hurt the wound and double the passion, than it is to feel the wound when first inflicted upon the healthy body. For if you want to be cured and if you want to discover the point of my subtle needle without fear, you must bind your hands and feet with peace, cover your eyes with piety, put a brake of silence on your tongue, and put a cotton of endurance and patience in your ears. Then you will see the old teacher work on these wounds. | |
MELIB. __ ¡O cómo me muero con tu dilatar! Di, por Dios, lo que quisieres, haz lo que supieres, que no podrá ser tu remedio tan áspero que yguale con mi pena y tormento. Agora toque en mi honrra, agora dañe mi fama, agora lastime mi cuerpo, avnque sea romper mis carnes para sacar mi dolorido coraçón, te doy mi fe ser segura y, si siento aliuio, bien galardonada. | Mel.__Oh how I am dying because of your delays! Tell me, by God, what you want, do what you need to do, for your remedy can not be so bitter that it equals the pain and torment I already have. Though it may touch my honor, damage my reputation, though it may hurt my body, although it may have to break through my flesh in order to remove my pained heart, I give you my faith most certainly and if I feel relief, I will give you a great reward. | |
LUCR. __ El seso tiene perdido mi señora. Gran mal es este. Catiuádola ha esta hechizera. | Luc.__My lady has lost her mind. This is a great evil. This sorceress is captivating her. | |
CEL. __ Nunca me ha de faltar vn diablo acá y acullá: escapóme Dios de Pármeno, tópome con Lucrecia. | Cel.__I am never lacking one devil or another: God has let me escape Parmeno, and replaced him with Lucrecia. | |
MELIB. __ ¿Qué dizes, amada maestra? ¿Qué te fablaua esa moça? | Mel.__What did you say, loving teacher? What was my servant telling you? | |
CEL. __ No le oy nada. Pero diga lo que dixere, sabe que no ay cosa más contraria en las grandes curas delante los animosos çirujanos, que los flacos coraçones, los quales con su gran lástima, con sus dolorosas hablas, con sus sentibles meneos, ponen temor a enfermo, fazen que desconfíe de la salud y al médico enojan y turban y la turbación altera la mano, rige sin orden la aguja. Por donde se puede conocer claro, que es muy necessario para tu salud que no esté persona delante y assí que la deues mandar salir. Y tú, hija Lucrecia, perdona. | Cel.__I did not hear anything. But say what she will, know what there is nothing more contrary to great cures before the strong surgeons, than the weak of heart, the ones that with their great pity, their grieving words, with their sensitive trembling; for they scare the sick and they make them suspicious of a their cure and they annoy and bother the doctor. And being bothered alters the hand and does allow it to give order to the needle. You should know very well that it is very necessary for your health that there be nobody else present and because of that you should tell her to leave. And you, daughter, Lucrecia, pardon me. | |
MELIB. __ Salte fuera presto. | Mel.__Get out of here quickly. | |
LUCR. __ ¡Ya! ¡ya! ¡todo es perdido¡ Ya me salgo, señora. | Luc.__Now! Now! Everything is lost! I am leaving now, mistress. | |
CEL. __ También me da osadía tu gran pena, como ver que con tu sospecha has ya tragado alguna parte de mi cura; pero todavía es necessario traer más clara melezina y más saludable descanso de casa de aquel cauallero Calisto. | Cel.__Also, your great pain makes me daring, and I see because of your suspicion you have already swallowed a part of my cure; but it is necessary that we bring a clearer medicine and a more healthy relief from the house of that gentleman Calisto. | |
MELIB. __ Calla, por Dios, madre. No traygan de su casa cosa para mi prouecho ni le nombres aquí. | Mel.__Be quiet, by God, mother. Do not bring anything from his house for my benefit and do not say his name here. | |
CEL. __ Sufre, señora, con paciencia, que es el primer punto y principal. No se quiebre; si no, todo nuestro trabajo es perdido. Tu llaga es grande, tiene necessidad de áspera cura. Y lo duro con duro se ablanda más eficacemente. Y dizen los sabios que la cura del lastimero médico dexa mayor señal y que nunca peligro sin peligro se vence. Ten paciencia, que pocas vezes lo molesto sin molestia se cura. y vn clavo con otro se espele y vn dolor con otro. No concibas odio ni desamor ni consientas a tu lengua dezir mal de persona tan virtuosa como Calisto, que si conocido fuesse. . . | Cel.__Patience, mistress, with patience, for that is the first rule and principal. Do not break it; if not, all of our work is lost. Your wound is great and it is in need of a strong cure. The best way to soften something hard is with something harder. The wise men say that the cure of the pusillanimous doctor leaves the biggest scar and there is no danger that is not conquered by danger. Have patience, for it is a rare that pain is cured without pain. And one nail drives out another and one sorrow with another. Do not conceive hate nor dislike and do not allow your tongue to speak ill about a person as virtuous as Calisto, because if you only knew him… | |
MELIB. __ ¡O por Dios, que me matas! ¿Y no te tengo dicho que no me alabes esse hombre ni me le nombres en bueno ni en malo? | Mel.__Oh by God, you are killing me! Have I not told you not to praise that man nor say his name whether it be for good or bad? | |
CEL. __ Señora, este es otro y segundo punto, el qual si tú con tu mal sofrimiento no consientes, poco aprouechará mi venida, y si, como prometiste, lo sufres, tú quedarás sana y sin debda y Calisto sin quexa y pagado. Primero te auisé de mi cura y desta inuisible aguja, que sin llegar a ti, sientes en sólo mentarla en mi boca. | Cel.__Mistress, this is the other and second point, which is, if because of your lack of patience you do not consent, little good my visit will do; and if you endure it as you promised, you will end up cured and without debt and Calisto paid and without a complaint. First I let you know about my cure and about the invisible needle, which without even touching you yet, you feel it solely by the mention of it by my mouth. | |
MELIB. __ Tantas vezes me nombrarás esse tu cauallero, que ni mi promesa baste ni la fe, que te di, a sofrir tus dichos. ?De qué ha de quedar pagado? ¿Qué le deuo yo a él? ¿Qué le soy a cargo? ¿Qué ha hecho por mí? ¿Qué necessario es él aquí para el propósito de mi mal? Más agradable me sería que rasgases mis carnes y sacasses mi coraçón, que no traer essas palabras aquí. | Mel.__You say the name of this gentleman so many times, that neither my promise nor the faith that I gave you, can endure your words. What is it that needs to be paid? What do I owe him? How am I in his debt? What has he done for me? Why is he necessary for the cure of my sickness? It would be more pleasing to me if you would tear my flesh and rip out my heart, than you bringing those words to me here. | |
CEL. __ Sin te romper las vestiduras se lançó en tu pecho el amor: no rasgaré yo tus carnes para le curar. | Cel.__Without tearing your garments love was launched into your chest: I will not have to tear your flesh in order to cure you. | |
MELIB. __ ¿Cómo dizes que llaman a este mi dolor, que assí se ha enseñoreado en lo mejor de mi cuerpo? | Mel.__What did you it is called, the pain that has seized the best of my body? | |
CEL. __ Amor dulce. | Cel.__Sweet love. | |
MELIB. __ Esso me declara qué es, que en solo oyrlo me alegro. | Mel.__It must be what you say, because I am happy from just hearing it. | |
CEL. __ Es vn fuego escondido, vna agradable llaga, vn sabroso veneno, vna dulce amargura, vna delectable dolencia, vn alegre tormento, vna dulce y fiera herida, vna blanda muerte. | Cel.__It is a hidden fire, a pleasing wound, a delicious poison, a sweet bitterness, a delectable ailment, a happy torment, a sweet and fiery wound, and a gentle death. | |
MELIB. __ ¡Ay mezquina de mí! Que si verdad es tu relación, dubdosa será mi salud. Porque, según la contrariedad que essos nombres entre sí muestran, lo que al vno fuere prouechoso acarreará al otro más passión. | Mel.__Oh woe is me! For if your revelation is true, I am doubtful of my recovery. Because, according to the contrary nature of the words you said, what is profitable for one will bring the other more passion. | |
CEL. __ No desconfíe, señora, tu noble juuentud de salud. Que, quando el alto Dios da la llaga, tras ella embía el remedio. Mayormente que sé yo al mundo nascida vna flor que de todo esto te dé libre. | Cel.__Do not distrust, mistress, in the recovery of your noble youth. For, when God so high gives you a wound, behind it He sends a remedy. Especially since I know that there is a flower in this world that can free you from all this. | |
MELIB. __ ¿Cómo se llama? | Mel.__What is it called? | |
CEL. __ No te lo oso dezir. | Cel.__I do not dare to tell you. | |
MELIB. __ Di, no temas. | Mel.__Tell me, do not be sacred. | |
CEL. __ ¡Calisto! ¡O por Dios, señora Melibea! ¿Qué poco esfuerço es éste? ¿Qué descaescimiento? ¡O mezquina yo! ¡Alça la cabeça! ¡O malauenturada vieja! ¡En esto han de parar mis passos! Si muere, matarme han; avnque biua, seré sentida, que ya no podrá sofrirse de no publicar su mal y mi cura. Señora mia, Melibea, ángel mio, ¿Qué has sentido? ¿Qué es de tu habla graciosa? ¿Qué es de tu color alegre? Abre tus claros ojos. !Lucrecia! ¡Lucrecia! ¡entra presto acá!, verás amortescida a tu señora entre mis manos. Baxa presto por vn jarro de agua. | Cel.__Calisto! Oh by God mistress Melibea! What weakness is this? What fainting? Oh woe is me! Lift up your head! Oh unlucky old woman! Is this how my steps will end! If she dies, I will be killed; even if she lives, they will find me, for she will no longer be able to keep her sickness and my cure a secret. My lady, Melibea, my angel? What has happened? Where is your gracious speech? What happened to your happy color? Open up your clear eyes! Lucrecia! Lucrecia! Come quickly! You will see your mistress fainted in my arms. Quickly bring down a jar of water. | |
MELIB. __ Passo, passo, que yo me esforçaré. No escandalizes la casa. | Mel.__Softly, softly, let me try to get up. Do not alarm the house. | |
CEL. __ ¡O cuytada de mí! No te descaezcas, señora, háblame como sueles. | Cel.__Oh my! Do not sink down anymore, my lady, speak as you usually do. | |
MELIB. __ Y muy mejor. Calla, no me fatigues. | Mel.__And much better, quiet, do not tire me. | |
CEL. __ ¿Pues qué me mandas que faga, perla graciosa? ¿Qué ha sido este tu sentimiento? creo que se van quebrando mis puntos. | Cel.__Well what do you want me to do, my gracious pearl? What has caused such a sentiment? I think that my stitches are coming undone. | |
MELIB. __ Quebróse mi honestidad, quebróse mi empacho, afloxó mi mucha vergüença , y como muy naturales, como muy domésticos, no pudieron tan liuianamente despedirse de mi cara, que no lleuassen consigo su color por algún poco de espacio, mi fuerça, mi lengua y gran parte de mi sentido. !O! Pues ya, mi buena maestra, mi fiel secretaria, lo que tú tan abiertamente conoces, en vano trabajo por te lo encubrir. Muchos y muchos días son passados que esse noble cauallero me habló en amor. Tanto me fue entonces su habla enojosa, quanto, después que tú me le tornaste a nombrar, alegre. Cerrado han tus puntos mi llaga, venida soy en tu querer. En mi cordón le lleuaste embuelta la posesión de mi libertad. Su dolor de muelas era mi mayor tormento, su pena era la mayor mía. Alabo y loo tu buen sofrimiento, tu cuerda osadía, tu liberal trabajo, tus solícitos y fieles passos, tu agradable habla, tu buen saber, tu demasiada solicitud, tu prouechosa importunidad. Mucho te deue esse señor y más yo, que jamás pudieron mis reproches aflacar tu tu esfuerço e perseverar, confiando en tu mucha astucia. Antes, como fiel seruidora, quando más denostada, más diligente; quando más disfauor, más esfuerço; quando peor respuesta, mejor cara; quando yo más ayrada, tú más humilde. Pospuesto todo temor, has sacado de mi pecho lo que jamás a ti ni a otro pensé descobrir. | Mel.__My honesty and modesty have been broken and my bashfulness has diminished. They were so natural and so domestic to me that they were not able to easily leave my face without taking with them some of my color for a little bit of time, along with my strength, my tongue and a great part of my senses. Oh! Well now, my good teacher, my loyal secretary, what you so openly know would be in vain for me to try to cover up. Many and many days have passed since that noble gentleman spoke to me of love. Back then, his speech was as annoying as you saying his name is pleasing now. Your stitches have closed my wound; I have come into your love. You brought him my girdle and enclosed within it was the possession of my liberty. His toothache was my greatest torment; his pain was greater to me. I praise and commend your good patience, your sensible boldness, your liberal work, your solicitous and loyal steps, your agreeable speech, your great knowledge, your inexhaustible solicitude, your profitable importunity. That gentleman owes you much and I owe you more, for my reproaches could never weaken your efforts and I will continue to confide in your great astuteness. But, as a faithful servant, when I was most angry you were more diligent; when I was most disfavored, you had more effort; when I gave you the worst response, you put a better face; when I was most angry; you were more humble. Laying aside all my fear, you have taken from my heart what I never thought you or anyone else could ever discover. | |
CEL. __ Amiga y señora mia, no te marauilles, porque estos fines con efecto me dan osadía a sofrir los ásperos y escrupulosos desuíos de las encerradas donzellas como tú. Verdad es que ante que me determinasse, así por el camino, como en tu casa, estuue en grandes dubdas si te descobriría mi petición. Visto el gran poder de tu padre, temía; mirando la gentileza de Calisto, osaua; vista tu discreción, me recelaua; mirando tu virtud y humanidad, me esforçaua. En lo vno fablaua el miedo y en lo otro la seguridad. Y pues assí, señora, has quesido descubrir la gran merced, que nos has hecho, declara tu voluntad, echa tus secretos en mi regaço, pon en mis manos el concierto deste concierto. Yo daré forma cómo tu desseo y el de Calisto sean tan breue complidos. | Cel.__Friend and lady of mine, do not wonder so much, because these things you say have the effect of making me bold enough to endure the sharp and dangerous scolding of ladies that have been locked up just like you. It is true that before I determined what to do, when I was on my way to your house, I was very doubtful if I should tell you my petition. Seeing the great power of your father, I was fearful; but when I saw the nobleness of Calisto, I was daring; and then upon seeing your virtue and politeness, I was motivated. On the one hand I was scared and on the other I was safe. And you, mistress, have decided to show me great mercy by declaring your will, lay your secrets in my lap, and put in my hands the power to direct this concert. I will find a way for both your wishes and those of Calisto to be shortly fulfilled. | |
MELIB. __ ¡O mi Calisto y mi señor! ¡Mi dulce y suaue alegría! Si tu coraçón siente lo que agora el mio, marauillada estoy cómo la absencia te consiente viuir. !O mi madre y mi señora!, haz de manera cómo luego le pueda ver, si mi vida quieres. | Mel.__Oh my Calisto and my lord! My sweet and gentle happiness! If your heart could only feel what I now feel in mine, I wonder how my absence allows you to live. Oh my mother and my lady! If you value my life make it so I can see him soon. | |
CEL. __ Ver y hablar. | Cel.__See and speak to him. | |
MELIB. __ ¿Hablar? Es impossible. | Mel.__Speak? It is impossible. | |
CEL. __ Ninguna cosa a los hombres, que quieren hazerla, es impossible. | Cel.__Nothing is impossible for man when they want to do it. | |
MELIB. __ Dime cómo. | Mel.__Tell me how. | |
CEL. __ Yo lo tengo pensado, yo te lo diré: por entre las puertas de tu casa. | Cel.__I have thought about it and I will tell you: inside the doors of your house. | |
MELIB. __ ¿Quándo? | Mel.__When? | |
CEL. __ Esta noche. | Cel.__Tonight. | |
MELIB. __ Gloriosa me serás, si lo ordenas. Di a qué hora. | Mel.__You will be glorious for me if you do this. Tell me at what time? | |
CEL. __ A las doze. | Cel.__At twelve. | |
MELIB. __ Pues ve, mi señora, mi leal amiga, y fabla con aquel señor y que venga muy paso y de allí se dará concierto, según su voluntad, a la hora que has ordenado. | Mel.__Then go, my mistress, my loyal friend, and speak with that gentleman and tell him to come quietly and you can conduct it according to your will at the hour you have ordered. | |
CEL. __ Adiós, que viene hazia acá tu madre. | Cel.__Goodbye for your mother is coming. | |
MELIB. __ Amiga Lucrecia y mi leal criada y, fiel secretaria, ya has visto cómo no ha sido más en mi mano. Catiuóme el amor de aquel cauallero. Ruégote, por Dios, se cubra con secreto sello, porque yo goze de tan suaue amor. Tú serás de mí tenida en aquel lugar que merece tu fiel seruicio. | Mel.__Friend Lucrecia and my loyal servant and faithful secretary, you have already seen how it no longer lies in my hands. I have been captivated by the love of that gentleman. I beg you, by God, to seal this with a stamp of secrecy so that I may delight in such gentle love. I will put you in a place that is deserving of such loyal service. | |
62. LUCR. __ Señora, mucho antes de agora tengo sentida tu llaga y calado tu desseo. Hame fuertemente dolido tu perdición. Quanto más tú me querías encobrir y celar el fuego, que te quemaua, tanto más sus llamas se manifestauan en la color de tu cara, en el poco sossiego del coraçón, en el meneo de tus miembros, en comer sin gana, en el no dormir. Assí que contino te se cayan, como de entre las manos, señales muy claras de pena. Pero como en los tiempos que la voluntad reyna en los señores o desmedido apetito, cumple a los seruidores obedecer con diligencia corporal y no con artificiales consejos de lengua, sufría con pena, callaua con temor, encobría con fieldad; de manera que fuera mejor el áspero consejo que la blanda lisonja. Pero, pues ya no tiene tu merced otro medio, sino morir o amar, mucha razón es que se escoja por mejor aquello que en sí lo es. | Luc.__Mistress, long before now I have known of your wound and have kept it secret. I have been very hurt by your perdition. The more you tried to hide from me and cover the fire that was burning you, the more your flames would manifest themselves in the color of your face, in the restlessness of your heart, in the movements of your limbs, in your eating without desire and in your inability to sleep. So that, against your will, and as if by your own hands, you gave me signals that were clearly of pain. But when will and boundless appetite reigns within the mistress, the servants must obey with a bodily diligence and not with artificial advice from the tongue. They must suffer with pain, be silent with fear, and covered with fidelity; in such a manner that it is better to use bitter counsel than false flattery. But, since now your mercy has no other means, except to love or die, there is good reason to choose the one that is best. | |
ALI. __ ¿En qué andas acá, vezina, cada día? | Ali.__Why are you here everyday, neighbor? | |
CEL. __ Señora, faltó ayer vn poco de hilado al peso y vínelo a cumplir, porque di mi palabra y, traydo, voyme. Quede Dios contigo. | Cel.__Mistress, yesterday I was short of thread and I came back to bring it because I gave my word, and now that I have brought it I will go and may God be with you. | |
ALI. __ Y contigo vaya. Hija Melibea, ¿Qué quería la vieja? | Ali.__And with you too. Daughter Melibea, what did the old woman want? | |
MELIB. __ Venderme vn poquito de solimán. | Mel.__To sell me a little bit of mercury. | |
ALI. __ Esso creo yo más que lo que la vieja ruyn dixo. Pensó que recibiría yo pena dello y mintióme. Guarte, hija, della, que es gran traydora. Que el sotil ladrón siempre rodea las ricas moradas. Sabe ésta con sus trayciones, con sus falsas mercadurías, mudar los propósitos castos. Daña la fama. A tres vezes que entra en vna casa, engendra sospecha. | Ali.__I believe what you say more than what the old woman said. She thought that I would be angry with her and she lied to me. Be careful with her, daughter, for she is a great traitor. For the cunning thief always hangs around the rich houses. She knows that she can change chaste intentions with her tricks and false merchandises. She brings harm to honor. After coming into a house three times, she creates suspicion. | |
LUCR. __ Tarde acuerda nuestra ama. | Luc.__The mistress remembers, but it is too late. | |
ALI. __ Por amor mio, hija, que si acá tornare sin verla yo, que no ayas por bien su venida ni la recibas con plazer. Halle en ti onestidad en tu respuesta y jamás boluerá. Que la verdadera virtud más se teme que espada. | Ali.__By my love, daughter, if she returns without me seeing her, do not welcome her nor receive her with pleasure. Let her see in you honesty, and in your in your response and she will never come back. For the true virtue is more feared than the sword. | |
MELIB. __ ¿Dessas es? ¡Nunca más! Bien huelgo, señora, de ser auisada, por saber de quién me tengo de guardar. |
Mel.__Is that how she is? Never more! Thank you, mother, for warning me, for letting me know about whom I must guard myself from.
| |
Acto XISumario:Despedida CELESTINA de MELIBEA, va por la calle sola hablando. Vee a SEMPRONIO y PARMENO que van a la Madalena por su sentilde;or. SEMPRONIO habla con CALISTO. Sobreviene CELESTINA. Van a casa de CALISTO. Declarale CELESTINA su mensaje y negocio recaudado con MELIBEA. Mientra ellos en essas razones estan, PARMENO y SEMPRONIO entre si hablan. Despidese CELESTINA de CALISTO, va para su casa, llama a la puerta. ELICIA le viene a abrir. Cenan y vanse a dormir. |
Act XIArgument: After leaving Melibea, Celestina goes off on her own, mumbling and talking to herself as she walks down the street. She spies Sempronio and Parmeno, going into Saint Mary Magdalene′s to look for their master. Sempronio talks with Calisto; in the meantime Celestina comes in. They all go to Calisto′s house. Celestina delivers her message and the details about his meeting with Melibea. While Celestina and Calisto are talking, Sempronio and Parmeno also begin to talk amongst themselves. Celestina leaves Calisto and goes back to her home. She knocks on the door and Elicia opens it for her. The have dinner and go to bed. | |
CEL. __ ¡Ay Dios, si llegasse a mi casa con mi mucha alegría a cuestas! A Pármeno y a Sempronio veo yr a la Magdalena. Tras ellos me voy y, si ay no estouiere Calisto, passaremos a su casa a pedirle las albricias de su gran gozo. | Cel.__Oh God, I am so burdened with happiness I may not be able to get home! I see Parmeno and Sempronio going to the Magdalene. I will go after them and if Calisto is not there, we will go to his house and ask him to give the reward for his great delight. | |
SEMP. __ Señor, mira que tu estada es dar a todo el mundo que dezir. Por Dios, que huygas de ser traydo en lenguas, que al muy deuoto llaman ypócrita. ?Qué dirán sino que andas royendo los sanctos? Si passión tienes, súfrela en tu casa; no te sienta la tierra. No descubras tu pena a los estraños, pues está en manos el pandero que lo sabrá bien tañer. | Sem.__Sir, look at how your presence here is giving everyone something to gossip about. By God, you should not want people to talk about you because they will say that the devoted one is a hypocrite. What else could they say other than that you cannot leave the saints alone? If you feel passion, suffer it in your own home; do not let the world know. Do not show your pain to strangers, for it is already in the hands of an expert tambourine player. | |
CAL. __ ¿En qué manos? | Cal.__In whose hands? | |
SEMP. __ De Celestina. | Sem.__In Celestina′s. | |
CEL. __ ¿Qué nombrays a Celestina? ¿Qué dezís desta esclaua de Calisto? toda la calle del Arcidiano vengo a más andar tras vosotros por alcançaros y jamás he podido con mis luengas haldas. | Cel.__Why do you say the name Celestina? What are you saying about Calisto′s slave? I have been following you all along the street of Arcediano but because of my long skirts I have not been able to catch up to you. | |
CAL. __ ¡O joya del mundo, acorro de mis passiones, espejo de mi vista! El coraçón se me alegra en ver essa honrrada presencia, essa noble senetud. Dime, ¿Con qué vienes? ¿Qué nueuas traes, que te veo alegre y no sé en qué está mi vida? | Cal.__Oh joy of the world, alleviator of my passions, and mirror for my eyes! My heart is delighted to see your honored presence and your noble virtue. Tell me, what have you come with? What news do you bring? For I see that you are happy and I have no idea where my life stands. | |
CEL. __ En mi lengua. | Cel.__In my tongue. | |
CAL. __ ¿Qué dizes, gloria y descanso mio? Declárame más lo dicho. | Cal.__What do you mean, glory and comfort of mine? Explain what you have said. | |
CEL. __ Salgamos, señor, de la yglesia y de aquí a casa te contaré algo con que te alegres de verdad. | Cel.__Let us leave the church, sir, and on our way to your house I will tell you something that will really make you happy. | |
PARM. __ Buena viene la vieja, hermano: recabdado deue hauer. | Par.__The old woman looks pleased, brother: there must be good news. | |
SEMP. __ Escúchala. | Sem.__Listen to what she is saying. | |
CEL. __ Todo este día, señor, he trabajado en tu negocio y he dexado perder otros en que harto me yua. Muchos tengo quexosos por tenerte a ti contento. Más he dexado de ganar que piensas. Pero todo vaya en buena hora, pues tan buen recabdo traygo, que te traygo muchas buenas palabras de Melibea y la dexo a tu servicio. | Cel.__All day, sir, I have been working on your business and because of that I have lost other jobs that were going well for me. Many are complaining while I keep you happy. I have lost more money that you think. But everything is going well, for I have brought a good message; I bring you many pleasing words from Melibea and I leave her at your service. | |
CAL. __ ¿Qué es esto que oygo? | Cal.__What is this I hear? | |
CEL. __ Que es más tuya que de si misma; más está a tu mandato y querer que de su padre Pleberio. | Cel.__That she is more yours than her own; she is more at your command and service than of her own father Pleberio. | |
CAL. __ Habla cortés, madre, no digas tal cosa, que dirán estos moços que estás loca. Melibea es mi señora, Melibea es mi Dios, Melibea es mi vida; yo su catiuo, yo su sieruo. | Cal.__Speak in a courtly manner, mother, do not say such a thing, those boys will say that you are crazy. Melibea is my lady, Melibea is my God, Melibea is my life; I am her captive, I am her slave. | |
SEMP. __ Con tu desconfiança, señor, con tu poco preciarte, con tenerte en poco, hablas essas cosas con que atajas su razón. A todo el mundo turbas diziendo desconciertos. ?De qué te santiguas? Dale algo por su trabajo: harás mejor, que esso esperan essas palabras. | Sem.__You are interrupting her words, sir, by speaking of the distrust and the little value you have for yourself, you are saying things that disrupt her reasoning . You worry everyone by saying such disconcerting things. Why are crossing yourself? You will be better off if you give her something for her work, for that is what her words merit. | |
CAL. __ Bien has dicho. Madre mia, yo sé cierto que jamás ygualará tu trabajo y mi liuiano galardón. En lugar de manto y saya, porque no se dé parte a oficiales, toma esta cadenilla, ponla al cuello y procede en tu razón y mi alegría. | Cal.__You are right. My mother, I am certain that my small reward will never equal your efforts. Instead of a cloak and skirt, so that none of your profit will be shared with the tailor, take this little chain, put it around your neck and proceed with your discourse and with my happiness. | |
PARM. __ ¿Cadenilla la llama? ¿No lo oyes, Sempronio? No estima el gasto. Pues yo te certifico no diesse mi parte por medio marco de oro, por mal que la vieja lo reparta. | Par.__He calls that a little chain? Do you not hear him Sempronio? He does not know how much that is worth. I can assure you that I would not give away my share of it for less than a half a mark of gold, however poorly the old woman divides it. | |
SEMP. __ Oyrte ha nuestro amo, ternemos en él que amansar y en ti que sanar, según está inchado de tu mucho murmurar. Por mi amor, hermano, que oygas y calles, que por esso te dio Dios dos oydos y vna lengua sola. | Sem.__If our master hears you, we will have to pacify him and recover you; he is already very annoyed by your constant mumblings. By my love, brother, listen and be quiet, because that is why God gave you two ears and only one tongue. | |
PARM. __ ¡Oyrá el Diablo!Está colgado de la boca de la vieja, gordo y mudo y ciego, hecho personaje sin son, que, avnque le diésemos higas, diría que alçáuamos las manos a Dios, rogando por buen fin de sus amores. | Par.__As if the devil could hear me! He is hanging from the mouth of the old woman, deaf and dumb and blind, completely absorbed, for even if we were to give him the finger he would say that we were praying for his love′s happy ending. | |
SEMP. __ Calla, oye, escucha bien a Celestina. En mi alma, todo lo merece y más que le diese. Mucho dize. | Sem.__Be quiet, listen, listen closely to Celestina. By my soul, she deserves everything and more than she could be given. She is saying much. | |
CEL. __ Señor Calisto, para tan flaca vieja como yo, de mucha franqueza vsaste. Pero, como todo don o dádiua se juzgue grande o chica respecto del que lo da, no quiero traer a consequencia mi poca merecer; ante quien sobra en qualidad y en quantidad. Mas medirse ha con tu magnificencia, ante quien no es nada. En pago de la qual te restituyo tu salud, que yua perdida; tu coraçón, que te faltaua; tu seso, que se alteraua. Melibea pena por ti más que tú por ella, Melibea te ama y dessea ver, Melibea piensa más horas en tu persona que en la suya, Melibea se llama tuya y esto tiene por título de libertad y con esto amansa el fuego, que más que a ti la quema. | Cel.__Sir Calisto, you have been much too generous to such an old weak woman like me. But, since every gift and reward is judged to be great or small in respect to he who gives it, I do not want to discuss how I little I deserve something before one who surpasses me in both quality and quantity. I would rather measure it by your magnificence, before which nobody can compare. As a repayment I will restitute your health, which was lost; your heart, which was missing; your brain, which was in an altered state. Melibea pains for you more than you for her, Melibea loves you and wants to see you. Melibea thinks about you for more hours than you think of her, Melibea calls herself yours and she calls this freedom. And because of that title she is able to calm the flames that burn her more than they burn you. | |
CAL. __ ¿Moços, estó yo aquí? ¿moços, oygo yo esto? ¿moços, mirá si estoy despierto.? ¿Es de día o de noche? ¡O señor Dios, padre celestial! ¡Ruégote que esto no sea sueño! ¡Despierto, pues, estoy! Si burlas, señora, de mí por me pagar en palabras, no temas, di verdad, que para lo que tú de mí has recebido, más merecen tus passos. | Cal.__Servants, am I here? Servants, do I hear this? Servants, see if I am awake? Is it day or night? Oh God, celestial father! I beg to you that this may not be a dream! I am awake then! If you are playing a joke on me, mistress, by paying me with words, do not be scared; tell me the truth, for your efforts are worth more than what you have received from me. | |
CEL. __ Nunca el coraçón lastimado de deseo toma la buena nueua por cierta ni la mala por dudosa; pero, si burlo o si no, verlo has yendo esta noche, según el concierto dexo con ella, a su casa, en dando el relox doze, a la hablar por entre las puertas. De cuya boca sabrás más por entero mi solicitud y su desseo y el amor que te tiene y quién lo ha causado. | Cel.__The heart that is damaged with desire never thinks that good news is certain or that bad news is doubtful; but, whether I am joking or not, you will see for yourself tonight, according to the agreement I made with her, at her house when the clock strikes twelve you will speak to her at her door. From her own mouth you will better know my efforts, her desire, and the love that she has for you and who caused it. | |
CAL. __ Ya, ya, ¿Tal cosa espero? ¿Tal cosa es possible hauer de passar por mí? Muerto soy de aquí allá, no soy capaz de tanta gloria, no merecedor de tan gran merced, no digno de fablar con tal señora de su voluntad y grado. | Cal.__I see, I see. I await such a thing? Is it possible for such a thing to happen to me? I will be dead before then, I am not capable of so much glory, I do not deserve such great mercy, I am not worthy enough to speak to a lady who wants to speak to me of her own free will and request. | |
CEL. __ Siempre lo oy dezir, que es más difícile de sofrir la próspera fortuna que la aduersa: que la vna no tiene sosiego y la otra tiene consuelo. ?Cómo, señor Calisto, y no mirarías quién tú eres? ¿No mirarías el tiempo que has gastado en su seruicio? ¿No mirarías a quién has puesto entremedias? ¿Y asimismo que hasta agora siempre as estado dudoso de la alcançar y tenías sofrimiento? agora que te certifico el fin de tu penar ¿Quieres poner fin a tu vida? mira, mira que está Celestina de tu parte y que, avnque todo te faltasse lo que en vn enamorado se requiere, te vendería por el más acabado galán del mundo, que te haría llanas las peñas para andar, que te faría las más crescidas aguas corrientes pasar sin mojarte. Mal conoces a quien das tu dinero. | Cel.__I have always heard it said that it is more difficult to endure good fortune than adverse fortune: for the first one gives no peace and the other gives consolation. How, sir Calisto, do you not see who you are? Do you not see the time you have spent in her service? Do you not see who you have made your intermediary? And likewise up until now have you not been suffering and doubtful of reaching her? Now that I certify the end to your pain, you want to end your life? Look, look for Celestina is on your side and although you may be lacking in everything that is required in a lover, I could still sell you as the most distinguished gentleman in the whole world, I would make the mountains flat so that you could walk over them, I could have you pass through the strongest waterfalls without getting wet. You do not know very well whom you give your money to. | |
CAL. __ ¡Cata, señora! ¿Qué me dizes? ¿Que verná de su grado? | Cal.__Wait, mistress! What did you tell me? That she is coming of her own free will? | |
CEL. __ Y avn de rodillas. | Cel.__Yes, and on her knees. | |
SEMP. __ No sea ruydo hechizo, que nos quieran tomar a manos a todos. Cata, madre, que assí se suelen dar las çaracas en pan embueltas, porque no las sienta el gusto. | Sem.__May it not be cruel witchcraft that wants to take all of our hands. Careful, mother, for that is how they usually give the rat poison, wrapped up in bread, so they cannot taste it. | |
PARM. __ Nunca te oy dezir mejor cosa. Mucha sospecha me pone el presto conceder de aquella señora y venir tan ayna en todo su querer de Celestina, engañando nuestra voluntad con sus palabras dulces y prestas por hurtar por otra parte, como hazen los de Egypto quando el signo nos catan en la mano. Pues alahé, madre, con dulces palabras están muchas injurias vengadas. El manso boyzuelo con su blando cencerrar trae las perdizes a la red; el canto de la serena engaña los simples marineros con su dulçor. Assí ésta con su mansedumbre y concessión presta querrá tomar vna manada de nosotros a su saluo; purgará su innocencia con la honrra de Calisto y con nuestra muerte. Assí como corderica mansa que mama su madre y la ajena, ella con su segurar tomará la vengança de Calisto en todos nosotros, de manera que con la mucha gente que tiene, podrá caçar a padres y hijos en vna nidada y tú estarte rascando a tu fuego, diziendo: a saluo está el que repica. | Par.__I have never heard you say anything better. I am very suspicious of how quickly that lady conceded to come and do everything that Celestina wished. She may be tricking us with her sweet and speedy words in order to get somewhere else, like the gypsies do when they read your palms. Besides it is an old saying, mother, that treachery is often masked with sweet words. The cunning decoy brings the partridges to his net with gentle rustlings; the siren′s songs trick the simple sailors with its sweetness. That is how she is with her kindness and quick concessions. She may want to trap us all and save herself; purge her innocence with Calisto′s honor and with our death. Just like a gentle little lamb who sucks from his mother and the others; with her own safety assured she will take her vengeance out on Calisto and on all of us, in such a manner that with all of the people she has, at her disposal she will be able to catch all, parents and chicks in one nest while you were scratching yourself in front of the fire, saying: the one that rings the bell is saved. | |
CAL. __ ¡Callad, locos, vellacos, sospechosos! Parece que days a entender que los ángeles sepan hazer mal. Sí, que Melibea ángel dissimulado es, que viue entre nosotros. | Cal.__Shut up, fools, and suspicious villains! It seems as if though you think the angels can cause harm. Yes, and Melibea is an angel in disguise that lives among us. | |
SEMP. __ ¿Todauía te buelues a tus eregías? Escúchale, Pármeno. No te pene nada, que, si fuere trato doble, él lo pagará, que nosotros buenos pies tenemos. | Sem.__You still continue your heresies? Listen to him Parmeno. Do not feel sorry for him at all, for, if there are any double dealings, he will pay for it and we will be safe. | |
CEL. __ Señor, tú estás en lo cierto; vosotros cargados de sospechas vanas. Yo he hecho todo lo que a mí era a cargo. Alegre te dexo. Dios te libre y aderece. Pártome muy contenta. Si fuere menester para esto o para más, allí estoy muy aparejada a tu seruicio. | Cel.__Sir, your are right, they are full of unwarranted suspicions. I have done everything that I was in charge of. I leave you happy. May God free you and direct you. I leave very pleased. If you need me for this or something else, I will be there, very ready to be at your service. | |
PARM. __ ¡Hi!¡hi!¡hi! | Par.__Ha! Ha! Ha! | |
SEMP. __ ¿De qué te ríes, por tu vida, Pármeno? | Sem.__Why are you laughing Parmeno? | |
PARM. __ De la priessa que la vieja tiene por yrse. No vee la hora que hauer despegado la cadena de casa. No puede creer que la tenga en su poder ni que se la han dado de verdad. No se halla digna de tal don, tan poco como Calisto de Melibea. | Par.__Because of the haste that the old woman has to leave. She cannot wait until she has taken the chain out of this house. She cannot believe that she has it on her person or that it has really been given to her. She does not feel worthy of such gift, as little as Calisto feels worthy of Melibea. | |
SEMP. __ ¿Qué quieres que haga vna puta alcahueta, que sabe y entiende lo que nosotros nos callamos y suele hazer siete virgos por dos monedas, después de verse cargada de oro, sino ponerse en saluo con la possessión, con temor no se la tornen a tomar, después que ha complido de su parte aquello para que era menester? ¡Pues guárdese del diablo, que sobre el partir no le saquemos el alma! | Sem.__What else do you want a matchmaker whore to do, for she knows and understands what we keep secret, and she knows how to repair seven hymens and sell them for two pieces of silver, and after seeing herself draped in gold she cannot think of anything else but making her possession safe, because of the fear that she has that it will be taken away from her after she has already completed her part of the job? Well she should hide from the devil, for we might have to take her soul in order to get our share! | |
CAL. __ Dios vaya contigo, madre. Yo quiero dormir y reposar vn rato para satisfazer a las passadas noches y complir con la por venir. | Cal.__May God be with you, mother. I want to go sleep and rest for a while in order to satisfy the nights that have passed and the one that is to come. | |
CEL. __ Tha, tha. | Cel.__Knock, knock. | |
ELIC. __ ¿Quién llama? | Eli.__Who is there? | |
CEL. __ Abre, hija Elicia. | Cel.__Open up, daughter Elicia. | |
ELIC. __ ¿Cómo vienes tan tarde? No lo deues hazer, que eres vieja; tropeçarás donde caygas y mueras. | Eli.__Why have you come so late? You should not do that, for you are an old woman; you could trip and where you fall you could die. | |
CEL. __ No temo esso, que de día me auiso por donde venga de noche. Que jamás me subo por poyo ni calçada, sino por medio de la calle. Porque, como dizen: no da passo seguro quien corre por el muro y que aquél va más sano que anda por llano. Más quiero ensuziar mis zapatos con el lodo que ensangrentar las tocas y los cantos. Pero no te duele a ti en esse lugar. | Cel.__I do not fear that, for during the day I tell myself how I will return during the night. For I never go across a footway or bridge, and instead walk on the middle of the road. Because, as they say: there is no safe way for he who runs on the wall and he is most sound who walks on the flat ground. I prefer to dirty my shoes with mud than to bloody the stones and my head. But that is not what is bothering you now. | |
ELIC. __ ¿Pues qué me ha de doler? | Eli.__Then what is it that is bothering me? | |
CEL. __ Que se fue la compaqía que te dexé, y quedaste sola. | Cel.__That the company I left you with departed and you stayed by yourself. | |
ELIC. __ Son passadas quatro horas después ¿Y hauíaseme de acordar desso? | Eli.__That was four hours ago. Do you think that I even remember that? | |
CEL. __ Quanto más presto te dexaron, más con razón lo sentiste. Pero dexemos su yda y mi tardança. Entendamos en cenar y dormir. |
Cel.__The sooner they leave you, the more it bothers you, and with reason. But let us forget their departure and my tardiness. Let us have our dinner and go to bed.
| |
Actto XIISumrio:: Llegando medianoche, CALISTO, SEMPRONIO y PARMENO, armados, van para casa de MELIBEA. LUCRECIA y MELIBEA estan cabe la puerta, aguardando a CALISTO. Viene CALISTO. Hablale primero LUCRECIA. Llama a MELIBEA. Apartase LUCRECIA. Hablanse por entre las puertas MELIBEA y CALISTO. PARMENO y SEMPRONIO de su cabo departen. Oyen gentes por la calle. Apercibense para huyr. Despidese CALISTO de MELIBEA, dexando concertada la tornada para la noche siguiente. PLEBERIO, al son del ruydo que havia en la calle, despiertase. Llama a su muger, ALISA. Pregunta a MELIBEA quien da patadas en su camara. Responde MELIBEA a su padre, PLEBERIO, fingendo que tenia sed. CALISTO con sus criados va para su casa hablando. Echase a dormir. PARMENO y SEMPRONIO van a casa de CELESTINA. Demandan su parte de la ganancia. Dissimula CELESTINA. Vienen a rentilde;ir. Echanle mano a CELESTINA; matanla. Da bozes ELICIA. Viene la justicia y prendelos ambos. |
Act XIIArgument: At midnight Calisto, Sempronio, and Parmeno, well armed, go toward the house of Melibea. Lucrecia and Melibea stand at the door, watching for Calisto. Calisto comes; Lucrecia speaks to him first; then she calls Melibea. Lucrecia goes away; Melibea and Calisto talk together, the door being between them; Parmeno and Sempronio move a little way off. They hear some people coming along the street; they prepare themselves for flight. Calisto takes his leave of Melibea, after agreeing on returning the following night; Pleberio, awakened by the noise which he heard in the street calls to his wife Alisa; they ask Melibea who was walking up and down in her chamber. Melibea answers her father, pretending she was thirsty. Calisto, with his servants, goes to his house. When at home he lays down to sleep; Parmeno and Sempronio go to Celestina′s house and they demand their share of her reward; Celestina changes the matter, they lay their hands on Celestina, and murder her. Elicia cries out; the Justice comes to apprehend them. | |
CAL. __ ¿Moços, qué hora da el relox? | Cal. __Servants, what time is it? | |
SEMP. __ Las diez. | Sem. __Ten o′ clock. | |
CAL. __ ¡O cómo me descontenta el oluido en los moços! De mi mucho acuerdo en esta noche y tu descuydar y oluido se haría vna razonable memoria y cuydado. ?Cómo, desatinado, sabiendo quánto me va, Sempronio, en ser diez o onze, me respondías a tiento lo que más ayna se te vino a la boca? ¡O cuytado de mí! Si por caso me houiera dormido y colgara mi pregunta de la respuesta de Sempronio para hazerme de onze diez y assí de doze onze, saliera Melibea, yo no fuera ydo, tornárase: ¡De manera que ni mi mal ouiera fin ni mi desseo execución! No se dize en balde que mal ageno de pelo cuelga. | Cal. __Oh my servant′s carelessness disappoints me! My extreme concern about this night combined with your carelessness and forgetfulness should have sharpened my memory and made me more careful. How could you be so unwise as to respond to me by saying whatever comes first to your mouth, knowing how much it matters to me whether it is ten or eleven? Oh woe is me! If by chance I had fallen asleep, I would have had to depend on Sempronio and he would have told me it was ten when it was really eleven and eleven when it was really twelve; Melibea would have come out and upon seeing I had not come she would have turned around: So then my pain would never end and what I have waited for would never have occurred! It is true that people do not really care about the problems of others. | |
SEMP. __ Tanto yerro, señor, me parece, sabiendo preguntar, como ignorando responder. Mas este mi amo tiene gana de reñir y no sabe cómo. | Sem. __I think it is just as great a mistake, sir, to ask what you already know as it is to answer when you do not. I believe my master feels like scolding but he does not know how to go about it. | |
PARM. __ Mejor sería, señor, que se gastasse esta hora que queda en adereçar armas, que en buscar questiones. Ve, señor, bien aprecibido, serás bien combatido. | Par. __It would be better, sir, if we would spend the hour that is left putting on our armor, than asking questions. Go, sir, fully aware and you will fight a good battle. | |
CAL. __ Bien me dize este necio. No quiero en tal tiempo recebir enojo. No quiero pensar en lo que pudiera venir, sino en lo que fue; no en el daño que resultara de su negligencia, sino en el prouecho que verná de mi solicitud. Quiero dar espacio a la yra, que o se me quitará o se me ablandará. Descuelga, Pármeno mis coraças, y armaos vosotros y assí yremos a buen recaudo, porque como dizen: el hombre apercebido, medio combatido. | Cal. __The fool is right. I do not want to be angry right now. I do not want to wonder what could have been, but rather know what did happen; not worry about the harm that could come from his negligence, but in the benefit that can come from my diligence. I want to be far away from anger, it should either be completely eliminated or it should soothe itself. Take down my breastplate, Parmeno, and arm yourself. For as they say; a man fully aware fights a good battle. | |
PARM. __ Helas aquí, señor. | Par. __Here they are, sir. | |
CAL. __ Ayúdame aquí a vestirlas. mira tú, Sempronio, si parece alguno por la calle. | Cal. __Help me put them on. You look, Sempronio, and see if anyone is out on the street. | |
SEMP. __ Señor, ninguna gente parece y, avnque la houiesse, la mucha escuridad priuaría el viso y conoscimiento a los que nos encontrasen. | Sem. __Sir, I do not see anyone and even if there was, the darkness would impair the sight and ability of anyone who ran into us to recognize us. | |
CAL. __ Pues andemos por esta calle, avnque se rodee alguna cosa, porque más encubiertos vamos. Las doze da ya: buena hora es. | Cal. __Then let us go down this street, even though it is a roundabout way, because we will go more unnoticed. The clock strikes twelve: it is a good hour. | |
PARM. __ Cerca estamos. | Par. __We are near. | |
CAL. __ A buen tiempo llegamos. Párate tú, Pármeno, a uer si es venida aquella señora por entre las puertas. | Cal. __We arrived in good time. You go, Parmeno, and look through the door to see if that lady has come. | |
PARM. __ ¿Yo, señor? Nunca Dios mande que sea en dañar lo que no concerté; mejor será que tu presencia sea su primer encuentro, porque viéndome a mí no se turbe de ver que de tantos es sabido lo que tan ocultamente quería hazer y con tanto temor faze, o porque quiçá pensará que la burlaste. | Par. __Me, sir? God would never want for me to ruin what is not my business; it would be better if she encounters your presence first, because she may be disturbed to see me and know that so many others know about what she is so secretly doing and she may even be frightened or think that you mock her. | |
CAL. __ ¡O qué bien has dicho! La vida me has dado con tu sotil auiso, pues no era más menester para me lleuar muerto a casa, que boluerse ella por mi mala prouidencia. Yo me llego allá; quedaos vosotros en esse lugar. | Cal. __You are very right! You have given me my life with your good advice, for the only thing that could make you bring me home dead would be if she turned around because of my bad decisions. I will go; you two stay here. | |
PARM. __ ¿Qué te paresce, Sempronio, cómo el necio de nuestro amo pensaua tomarme por broquel, para el encuentro del primer peligro? ¿Qué sé yo quién está tras las puertas cerradas? ¿Qué sé yo si ay alguna trayción? ¿Qué sé yo si Melibea anda porque le pague nuestro amo su mucho atreuimiento desta manera? Y, avn no somos muy ciertos dezir verdad la vieja. No sepas fablar, Pármeno: ¡Sacarte han el alma, sin saber quién! No seas lisonjero, como tu amo quiere, y jamás llorarás duelos agenos. No tomes en lo que te cumple el consejo de Celestina y hallarte as ascuras. Andate ay con tus consejos y amonestaciones fieles: ¡Darte han de palos! No bueluas la hoja y quedarte has a buenas noches. Quiero hazer cuenta que hoy me nascí, pues de tal peligro me escapé. | Par. __What do you think, Sempronio, about our foolish master who thought he could use me as his shield when he encounterd his first danger? How do I know who is behind those closed doors? How do I know if there is some kind of treachery? How do I know if Melibea is doing this so that our master pays for his great boldness? And also, we cannot be too certain that everything the old woman says is true. Shut your mouth, Parmeno: They pull your soul and you will never know who did it! Do not be a flatterer as your master wants you to be and you will never find yourself crying for other men′s battles. Do not take Celestina′s advice when it benefits you and you will find yourself in the dark. Stick to her faithful warnings and admonitions or you will be beaten up! If you do not turn the page, you will stay in the dark. I will remember that I was born today for I escaped grave danger. | |
SEMP. __ Passo, passo, Pármeno. No saltes ni hagas esse bollicio de plazer, que darás causa que seas sentido. | Sem. __Quiet, quiet, Parmeno. Do not make such jubilant noise that will cause you to be heard. | |
PARM. __ Calla, hermano, que no me hallo de alegría. !Cómo le hize creer que por lo que a él cumplía dexaua de yr y era por mi seguridad! ¿Quién supiera assí rodear su prouecho, como yo? Muchas cosas me verás hazer, si estás de aquí adelante atento, que no las sientan todas personas, assí con Calisto como con quantos en este negocio suyo se entremetieren. Porque soy cierto que esta donzella ha de ser para él ceuo de anzuelo o carne de buytrera, que suelen pagar bien el escote los que a comerla vienen. | Par. __Quiet, brother, for I cannot contain my joy. For I made him think that it was better for him to go when it was really for my own safety! Who else knows how to make things go their way like me? You will see me do many things, if you are attentive from here on out, that other people will not notice, whether regarding Calisto or all those involved in his affairs. I am certain that this lady has been set out for him like bait on a hook or like the meat for the vultures, because those who eat it usually pay dearly for their food. | |
SEMP. __ Anda, no te penen a ti essas sospechas, avnque salgan verdaderas. Apercíbete: a la primera boz que oyeres, tomar calças de Villadiego. | Sem. __Come on, do not worry yourself because of suspicions, although they may be true. Prepare yourself: upon the first voice you hear, put on breeches from Villa-Diego. | |
PARM. __ Leydo has donde yo: en un coraçón estamos. Calças traygo y avn borzeguíes de essos ligeros que tú dizes, para mejor huyr que otro. Plázeme que me has, hermano, auisado de lo que yo no hiziera de vergüença de ti. Que nuestro amo, si es sentido, no temo que se escapará de manos desta gente de Pleberio, para podernos después demandar cómo lo hezimos y incusarnos el huyr. | Par. __You have read from the same book as I: we are of the same heart. I am wearing breeches and light leggings, like the one′s you speak of so that I can run away faster. You please me, brother, by telling me to do what I would not have done out of embarrassment. For if our master is caught, I fear that he may not escape from the hands of Pleberio′s men. Then he will not be able to ask us about our actions or accuse us of having fled. | |
SEMP. __ ¡O Pármeno amigo! ¡Quán alegre y prouechosa es la conformidad en los compañeros! Avnque por otra cosa no nos fuera buena Celestina, era harta la vtilidad que por su causa nos ha venido. | Sem. __Oh Parmeno, my friend! How delightful and what a blessing it is to agree with your companions! If nothing else good should come from Celestina, the benefit of our friendship should suffice. | |
PARM. __ Ninguno podrá negar lo que por sí se muestra. Manifiesto es que con vergüença el vno del otro, por no ser odiosamente acusado de couarde, esperáramos aquí la muerte con nuestro amo, no siendo más de él merecedor della. | Par. __Nobody can deny what is self-evident. With our mutual embarrassment we avoid being shamefully accused of cowardliness. It is obvious that we should not wait to die here with our master if neither of us deserves it besides him. | |
SEMP. __ Salido deue auer Melibea. Escucha, que hablan quedito. | Sem. __Melibea must have come out. Listen, they are whispering to each other. | |
PARM. __ ¡O cómo temo que no sea ella, sino alguno que finja su voz! | Par. __Oh how I fear that it is not her, but someone imitating her voice! | |
SEMP. __ Dios nos libre de traydores, no nos ayan tomado la calle por do tenemos de huyr; que de otra cosa no tengo temor. | Sem. __May God save us from traitors; may they not have taken over the street which we were going to use to escape; for that is the only thing I fear. | |
CAL. __ Este bullicio más de vna persona lo haze. Quiero hablar, sea quien fuere. ¡Ce, señora mia! | Cal. __The voices come from more than one person. I am going to speak anyway, be it who it may. Hello, my lady! | |
LUCR. __ La voz de Calisto es ésta. Quiero llegar. ?Quién habla? ¿Quién está fuera? | Luc. __That is Calisto′s voice. I will go see. Who speaks? Who is outside? | |
CAL. __ Aquél que viene a cumplir tu mandado. | Cal. __He who comes to carry out your command. | |
LUCR. __ ¿Por qué no llegas, señora? Llega sin temor acá, que aquel cauallero está aquí. | Luc. __Mistress, why don′t you come here? Come without fear, for the gentleman is here. | |
MELIB. __ ¡Loca, habla passo! Mira bien si es él | Mel. ___Speak quietly, crazy woman! Go see and make sure it is he. | |
LUCR. __ Allégate, señora, que sí es, que yo le conozco en la voz. | Luc. __Come closer, mistress, it is him for I recognize his voice. | |
CAL. __ Cierto soy burlado: no era Melibea la que me habló. !Bullicio oygo, perdido soy! Pues viua o muera, que no he de yr de aquí. | Cal. __I must be mocked: Melibea was not the one who spoke to me. I hear too many voices, I am lost! Well, I may live or die, for I am not moving from this spot. | |
32. MELIB. __ Vete, Lucrecia, acostar vn poco. !Ce, señor! ¿Cómo es tu nombre? ¿Quién es el que te mandó ay venir? | Mel. __Go and sleep for a bit, Lucrecia. Hello, sir! What is your name? Who is the one who told you to come here? | |
CAL. __ Es la que tiene merecimiento de mandar a todo el mundo, la que dignamente seruir yo no merezco. No tema tu merced de se descobrir a este catiuo de tu gentileza: que el dulce sonido de tu habla, que jamás de mis oydos se cae, me certifica ser tú mi señora Melibea. Yo soy tu sieruo Calisto. | Cal. __She who deserves to command the whole world, the one who I am not worthy enough to serve. Do not let your mercy be scared of showing yourself to this captive of your grace: for the sweet sound of your speech, which will never leave my ears, proves to me that you are my lady Melibea. I am your servant Calisto. | |
MELIB. __ La sobrada osadía de tus mensajes me ha forçado a hauerte de hablar, señor Calisto. Que hauiendo hauido de mí la passada respuesta a tus razones, no sé qué piensas más sacar de mi amor, de lo que entonces te mostré. Desuía estos vanos y locos pensamientos de ti, porque mi honrra y persona estén sin detrimento de mala sospecha seguras. A esto fue aquí mi venida, a dar concierto en tu despedida y mi reposo. No quieras poner mi fama en la balança de las lenguas maldezientes. | Mel. __The excessive boldness of your messages have forced me to speak with you, sir Calisto. For I already responded your wishes, I do not know what more you want to get from my love, other than what I have already given you. Change your vain and crazy thoughts, so that my honor and person can be without the detriment of your wicked suspicions. This is why I came here, to arrange for you to leave me and give me my rest. You do not want to put my reputation upon the mercy of ill-wishing tongues. | |
CAL. __ A los coraçones aparejados con apercibimiento rezio contra las aduersidades, ninguna puede venir que passe de claro en claro la fuerça de su muro. Pero el triste que, desarmado y sin proueer los engaños y celadas, se vino a meter por las puertas de tu seguridad, qualquiera cosa, que en contrario vea es razón que me atormente y passe rompiendo todos los almazenes en que la dulze nueua estaua aposentada. !O malauenturado Calisto! ¡O quán burlado has sido de tus siruientes! ¡O engañosa muger Celestina! ¡Dejárasme acabar de morir y no tornaras a viuificar mi esperança, para que tuuiese más que gastar el fuego que ya me aquexa! ¿Por qué falsaste la palabra desta mi señora? ¿Por qué has assí dado con tu lengua causa de mi desesperación? ¿A qué me mandaste aquí venir, para que me fuese mostrado el disfauor, el entredicho, la desconfiança, el odio, por la mesma boca desta que tiene las llaues de mi perdición y gloria? ¡O enemiga! ¿Y tú no me dixiste que esta mi señora me era fauorable? ¿No me dixiste que de su grado mandaua venir este su catiuo al presente lugar, no para me desterrar nueuamente de su presencia? | Cal. __Nothing can pass through the barrier made by hearts that are prepared with a strong resolution against adversity. But the sad ones like mine, which are disarmed and did not foresee any tricks or treachery, put themselves out for you; whatever that is contrary to my sweet news is a torment and it breaks my heart. Oh unlucky Calisto! Oh how you have been mocked by your servants! Oh deceitful woman Celestina! Let me die and do not try to revive my hope. Why did you have to fuel the fire that consumes me now? Why did you falsify the words of my lady? Why has your tongue given me a cause for desperation? Why did you tell me to come here, so that I could be shown disfavor, doubt, distrust, and hatred, all from the mouth of the one who has the keys both to my glory and to my perdition? Oh enemy! Did you not tell me that my lady favored me? Did you not tell me that from her own free will she commanded her captive to come to this present place, not so that she could banish me once again from her presence? | |
MELIB. __ Cesen, señor mio, tus verdaderas querellas: que ni mi coraçón basta para lo sufrir ni mis ojos para lo dissimular. Tú lloras de tristeza, juzgándome cruel; yo lloro de plazer, viéndote tan fiel. !O mi señor y mi bien todo! ¡Quánto más alegre me fuera poder ver tu haz, que oyr tu voz! Pero, pues no se puede al presente más fazer, toma la firma y sello de las razones que te embié escritas en la lengua de aquella solícita mensajera. Todo lo que te dixo confirmo, todo lo he por bueno. Limpia, señor, tus ojos, ordena de mí a tu voluntad. | Mel. __Cease, my sir, your genuine complaints: for my heart is not great enough to endure them nor my eyes to conceal themselves from you. You cry out of sadness, judging me to be cruel; I cry out of pleasure, seeing that you are so loyal. Oh my sir and all my good! How much happier I would be if I could see your face instead of just hearing your voice! But, since it cannot be done at the present, take my signature and the seal of the letter I sent to you written on the tongue of that solicitous messenger. I confirm everything that she told you, everything is fine. Wipe your eyes, sir, and order me to do your will. | |
CAL. __ ¡O señora mia, esperança de mi gloria, descanso y aliuio de mi pena, alegría de mi coraçón! ¿Qué lengua será bastante para te dar yguales gracias a la sobrada y incomparable merced que en este punto, de tanta congoxa para mí, me has quesido hazer en querer que vn tan flaco y indigno hombre pueda gozar de tu suauíssimo amor? Del qual, avnque muy desseoso, siempre me juzgaua indigno, mirando tu grandeza, considerando tu estado, remirando tu perfeción, contemplando tu gentileza, acatando mi poco merescer y tu alto merescimiento, tus estremadas gracias, tus loadas y manifiestas virtudes. Pues, ¡O alto Dios!, ¿Cómo te podré ser ingrato, que tan milagrosamente has obrado comigo tus singulares marauillas? ¡O quántos días antes de agora passados me fue venido este pensamiento a mi coraçón, y por impossible le rechaçaua de mi memoria, hasta que ya los rayos ylustrantes de tu muy claro gesto dieron luz en mis ojos, encendieron mi coraçón, despertaron mi lengua, estendieron mi merecer, acortaron mi couardía, destorcieron mi encogimiento, doblaron mis fuerças, desadormescieron mis pies e manos, finalmente, me dieron tal osadía, que me han traydo con su mucho poder a este sublimado estado en que agora me veo, oyendo de grado tu suaue voz. La qual, si ante de agora no conociese e no sintiesse tus saludables olores, no podría creer que careciessen de engaño tus palabras. Pero, como soy cierto de tu limpieza de sangre e fechos, me estoy remirando si soy yo Calisto, a quien tanto bien se le haze. | Cal. __ Oh my lady, hope for my glory, solace and relief of my pain, joy of my heart! No tongue is sufficient enough to give you equal thanks for this generous and incomparable mercy. At this point, and with my great sorrow, why you have decided to love such a weak and undeserving man and let him delight in your sweet love? Of which, while always desiring it, I have always considered myself to be undeserving, looking at your greatness, considering your state, beholding your perfection, contemplating your graciousness, comparing your great deservingness, merits and manifested virtues, to my little worth. Oh highest God! How could I have been so ungrateful to you, when you have so miraculously shown me your singular wonders? Oh how many days before this have these thoughts come to my heart, and since I thought they were impossible, I threw them out of my memory, until the lustrous rays of your countenance gave my eyes clarity, enlivened my heart, awakened my tongue, extended my deservingness, shortened my cowardliness, changed my shrunken self, doubled my forces, awakened my feet and hands and finally, gave me such boldness that they have brought me with their great power to this sublime state in which I see myself now, hearing the tone of your soft voice. Before now I never thought I could smell your wholesome smells, and I never would have believed that your words could be without deceit. But, since I am certain of the purity of your blood and actions, I cannot believe it is me, Calisto, who is being given so much good. | |
MELIB. __ Señor Calisto, tu mucho merecer, tus estremadas gracias, tu alto nascimiento han obrado que, después que de ti houe entera noticia, ningún momento de mi coraçón te partiesses. Y avnque muchos días he pugnado por lo dissimular, no he podido tanto que, en tornándome aquella muger tu dulce nombre a la memoria, no descubriesse mi desseo y viniesse a este lugar y tiempo, donde te suplico ordenes y dispongas de mi persona segund querrás. Las puertas impiden nuestro gozo, las quales yo maldigo y sus fuertes cerrojos y mis flacas fuerças, que ni tú estarías quexoso ni yo descontenta. | Mel. __Sir Calisto, your great deserving, your extreme graces, your high birth have made it so that ever since I noticed you, you have not parted from my heart for a moment and although I have tried for many days to conceal it, I have not been able to. So much so, that when that women made your sweet name return to my memory, I could no longer hide my desire and it came to this time and place where I beg of you to order me and utilize my person however you may wish. The doors impede our delight, I curse them, their strong locks and my weak strength, for then you would not be complaining and I would not be unhappy. | |
CAL. __ ¿Cómo, señora mia, y mandas que consienta a vn palo impedir nuestro gozo? Nunca yo pensé que, demás de tu voluntad, lo pudiera cosa estoruar. !O molestas y enojosas puertas! Ruego a Dios que tal huego os abrase, como a mí da guerra: que con la tercia parte seríades en vn punto quemadas. Pues, por Dios, señora mia, permite que llame a mis criados para que las quiebren. | Cal. __How, my lady, can you tell me to consent to letting a piece of wood impede our delight? I thought the only thing that could do that would be your own will. Oh bothersome and annoying doors! I beg to God that such a fire will burn you, as you give me torment: for only a third of that fire would be necessary to burn you down in one instant. Well then, by God, my lady, allow me to call my servants so that they can break them. | |
PARM. __ ¿No oyes, no oyes, Sempronio? A buscarnos quiere venir para que nos den mal año. No me agrada cosa esta venida. ¡En mal punto creo que se empeçaron estos amores! Yo no espero más aquí. | Par. __Do you not hear, do you not hear, Sempronio? He wants to get us and ruin our lives. This visit does not please me. I believe his loves began at the wrong time! I will not wait here any longer. | |
SEMP. __ Calla, calla, escucha, que ella no consiente que vamos allá. | Sem. __Quiet, quiet, listen, for she does not agree that we should go there. | |
MELIB. __ ¿Quieres, amor mio, perderme a mí y dañar mi fama? No sueltes las riendas a la voluntad. La esperança es cierta, el tiempo breue, quanto tú ordenares. Y pues tú sientes tu pena senzilla y yo la de entramos, tú solo dolor, yo el tuyo y el mio, conténtate con venir mañana a esta hora por las paredes de mi huerto. Que si agora quebrasses las crueles puertas, avnque al presente no fuéssemos sentidos, amanescería en casa de mi padre terrible sospecha de mi yerro. Y pues sabes que tanto mayor es el yerro quanto mayor es el que yerra, en vn punto será por la cibdad publicado. | Mel. __Do you want, my love, for me to lose and damage my reputation? Do not give free reins to your will. Our hope is certain and the time is short, for our next meeting is whenever you want. And besides, you feel just your sorrow, I feel yours and mine, you feel your pain, I feel yours and mine. Be content with coming tomorrow at this same time to the walls of my garden. For if you break these cruel doors now, although we may not be heard at the present, my father would awaken at home terribly suspicious about the error I have made. And you know, an error is as great as the one who commits it, and at some point it would be publicized all over the city. | |
SEMP. __ ¡Enoramala acá esta noche venimos! Aquí nos ha de amanescer, según el espacio que nuestro amo lo toma. Que, avnque más la dicha nos ayude, nos han en tanto tiempo de sentir de su casa o vezinos. | Sem. __Damned be the night we came here! It was a bad time to come here tonight! It is going to dawn on us on account of how long our master is taking. And, even if we have been lucky until now, at some point a neighbor or someone in the house will hear us. | |
PARM. __ Ya ha dos horas que te requiero que nos vamos, que no faltará vn achaque. | Par. __I have been telling you that we should leave for two hours, for we are waiting for trouble. | |
CAL. __ ¡O mi señora y mi bien todo! ¿Porqué llamas yerro aquello que por los sanctos de Dios me fue concedido? Rezando oy ante el altar de la Madalena, me vino con tu mensaje alegre aquella solícita muger. | Cal. __Oh my lady and all my goodness! Why do you call what has been conceded to me by God′s saints an error? I was praying today at Magdalene′s altar when that diligent woman came with your joyful message. | |
PARM. __ ¡Desuariar, Calisto, desuariar! Por fe tengo, hermano, que no es cristiano. Lo que la vieja traydora con sus pestíferos hechizos ha rodeado y fecho dize que los sanctos de Dios se lo han concedido y impetrado. Y con esta confiança quiere quebrar las puertas. Y no haurá dado el primer golpe, quando sea sentido y tomada por los criados de su padre, que duermen cerca. | Par. __He is raving mad, that Calisto, raving mad! I have it by my faith, brother, that he is not Christian. I have no idea what that treacherous old woman has done with her pestiferous spells. She has taken hold of him and made him say that the Saints of God have conceded and made this meeting possible for him. And with this kind of confidence he wants to break down the doors. He would not even have to knock on it once before he would be heard and taken by her father′s servants who are sleeping nearby. | |
SEMP. __ Ya no temas, Pármeno, que harto desuiados estamos. En sintiendo bullicio, el buen huyr nos ha de valer. Déxale hazer, que si mal hiziere, él lo pagará. | Sem. __Do not fear, Parmeno. For we are far enough from there. If we hear any noises, our best bet will be to run as fast as we can. Let him do what he wants, for if it goes wrong, he will pay. | |
PARM. __ Bien hablas, en mi coraçón estás. Assí se haga. Huygamos la muerte, que somos moços. Que no querer morir ni matar no es couardía, sino buen natural. Estos escuderos de Pleberio son locos: no desean tanto comer ni dormir como questiones y ruydos. Pues más locura sería esperar pelea con enemigo, que no ama tanto la vitoria y vencimiento, como la continua guerra y contienda. !O si me viesses, hermano, como estó, plazer haurías! A medio lado, abiertas las piernas, el pie ysquierdo adelante puesto en huyda, las faldas en la cinta, la adarga arrollada y so el sobaco, porque no me empache. !Que, por Dios, que creo corriesse como vn gamo, según el temor tengo de estar aquí! | Par. __You are right, we are of the same heart. That is how it will be done. We must flee our death for we are still too young. Not wanting to die or be killed is not cowardliness, but natural instinct. Pleberio′s squires are fools: they would rather quarrel and fight than eat or sleep. It is crazy to sit here and wait for a battle with an enemy, who loves continuous war and contention more than victory and conquest. Oh if you could only see, brother, how I am, you would laugh! I am on my side, my legs are open, my left foot forward ready to run, my skirt is under my belt, my shield is rolled up at my sleeve, so it will not be in my way. For, by God, I am so scared I think I could run like a deer! | |
SEMP. __ Mejor estó yo, que tengo liado el broquel y el espada con las correas, porque no se me caygan al correr, y el caxquete en la capilla. | Sem. __I am worse, for I have my sword and shield tied together so they will not fall when I run and I have my helmet in the hood of my cloak. | |
PARM. __ ¿Y las piedras, que trayas en ella? | Par. __And what about the stones you had in them? | |
SEMP. __ Todas las vertí por yr más liuiano. Que harto tengo que lleuar en estas coraças que me hiziste vestir por importunidad; que bien las rehusaua de traer, porque me parescían para huyr muy pesadas. !Escucha, escucha! ¿Oyes, Pármeno? ¡A malas andan! ¡Muertos somos! Bota presto, echa hazia casa de Celestina, no nos atajen por nuestra casa. | Sem. __I threw them all out so that I would be lighter. I have enough weight with the breastplate you made me wear from your importunate request; I would have been better off if I had left it, because it is too heavy if we want to escape. Listen, listen! Do you hear Parmeno? It is going poorly! We are dead! Let us go quickly, toward Celestina′s house, so they do not catch up to us at our own house. | |
PARM. __ Huye, huye, que corres poco. !O pecador de mí!, si nos han de alcançar, dexa broquel y todo. | Par. __Run, run, for you are too slow. Oh, sinning man! If they reach us I am leaving the breastplate and everything. | |
SEMP. __ ¿Si han muerto ya a nuestro amo? | Sem. __Have they already killed out master? | |
54. PARM. __ No sé, no me digas nada; corre y calla, que el menor cuydado mio es esse. | Par. __I do not know, do not say anything more to me; run and be quiet, for he is the least of my troubles. | |
SEMP. __ ¡Ce! ¡ce! ¡Pármeno! Torna, torna callando, que no es sino la gente del aguazil, que passaua haziendo estruendo por la otra calle. | Sem. __Sh! Sh! Parmeno! Turn around, turn around quietly, it is only the night watchmen who are passing through the other street. | |
PARM. __ Míralo bien. No te fíes en los ojos, que se antoja muchas veces vno por otro. No me auían dexado gota de sangre. Tragada tenía ya la muerte, que me parescía que me yuan dando en estas espaldas golpes. En mi vida me acuerdo hauer tan gran temor ni verme en tal afrenta, avnque he andado por casas agenas harto tiempo y en lugares de harto trabajo. Que nueue años seruí a los frayles de Guadalupe, que mill vezes nos apuñeávamos yo y otros. Pero nunca como esta vez houe miedo de morir. | Par. __Look closely. Do not trust your eyes, for sometimes they confuse one thing with another. I did not have one drop of blood left in my body. I was swallowing death, for I felt like they were already hitting me in the back. I do not remember ever being so scared in my life nor have I ever seen myself in such a situation, although I have served other men many times and have been in many difficult places. I was a servant for the friars of Guadalupe for nine years and I fist fought with others a thousand times. But never have I felt the fear of death like today. | |
SEMP. __ ¿Y yo no seruí al cura de Siant Michael y al mesonero de la plaça y a Mollejar, el ortelano? y también yo tenía mis questiones con los que tirauan piedras a los páxaros, que assentauan en vn álamo grande que tenía, porque dañauan la ortaliza. Pero guárdete Dios de verte con armas, que aquel es el verdadero temor. No en balde dizen: cargado de hierro y cargado de miedo. Buelue, buelue, que el aguazil es, cierto. | Sem. __And did I not serve the priest of Saint Michael′s and the innkeeper at the marketplace and Mollejas the gardener? And I would also have to fight the ones who would throw stones at the birds that would perch on the big poplar, because the stones would ruin the garden. But God help you if you are in arms, for that is true danger. It is not in vain when they say: loaded with iron and loaded with fear. Go back, go back, for it is the watchmen, I am certain. | |
MELIB. __ Señor Calisto, ¿Qué es esso que en la calle suena? Parescen vozes de gente que van en huyda. Por Dios, mírate, que estás a peligro. | Mel. __Sir Calisto, what are those noises coming from the street? It sounds like the voices of people who are running away. By God, go see, for you may be in danger. | |
CAL. __ Señora, no temas, que a buen seguro vengo. Los míos deuen ser, que son unos locos y desarman a quantos passan y huyríales alguno. | Cal. __Mistress, do not fear, for I am very safe. It must be my servants, for they are madmen and they will disarm and frighten anyone who passes by. | |
MELIB. __ ¿Son muchos los que traes? | Mel. __Did you bring many? | |
CAL. __ No, sino dos; pero, avnque sean seys sus contrarios, no recebirán mucha pena para les quitar las armas y hazerlos huyr, según su esfuerço. Escogidos son, señora, que no vengo a lumbre de pajas. Si no fuesse por lo que a tu honrra toca, pedaços harían estas puertas. Y si sentidos fuéssemos, a ti y a mí librarían de toda la gente de tu padre. | Cal. __No, just two; but there could be six against them it and it still would not be difficult for my servants to disarm and frighten them off because of their great strength. They are chosen, mistress, for I do not light my way with flames from straws. For if it was not for the fact that I might ruin your honor, they would turn this door into pieces. And if we were to be heard, they would free both you and me from your father′s men. | |
MELIB. __ ¡O por Dios, no se cometa tal cosa! Pero mucho plazer tengo que de tan fiel gente andas acompañado. Bienempleado es el pan que tan esforçados siruientes comen. Por mi amor, señor, pues tal gracia la natura les quiso dar, sean de ti bientratados y galardonados, porque en todo te guarden secreto. Y quando sus osadías y atreuimientos les corregieres, a bueltas del castigo mezcla fauor. Porque los ánimos esforçados no sean con encogimiento diminutos y yrritados en el osar a sus tiempos. | Mel. __Oh by God, do not let them do such a thing! But I am pleased that you are accompanied by such loyal men. Such loyal servants are worth the bread they eat. By my love, sir, if such a grace has been given to you by nature, make sure that they are well treated and rewarded by you, because they guard your every secret. And if you sternly correct their boldness and daring, they may return the favor. Because brave souls should not diminish or hinder their audacity, but be spurned and more daring as time passes. | |
PARM. __ ¡Ce! ¡ce! Señor, quítate presto dende, que viene mucha gente con hachas y serás visto y conoscido, que no hay donde te metas. | Par. __Hey! Hey! Sir, get away from there quickly, for many people are coming with torches and you will be seen and recognized for there is nowhere for you to hide. | |
CAL. __ ¡O mezquino yo y cómo es forçado, señora, partirme de ti! ¡Por cierto, temor de la muerte no obrara tanto como el de tu honrra! Pues que assí es, los ángeles queden con tu presencia. Mi venida será, como ordenaste, por el huerto. | Cal. __Oh how unlucky I am and how I have been forced, mistress, to part from you! It is certain, that the fear of death does not bother me as much as the fear of tarnishing your honor! Since it is so, may the angels be with you. I will return, as you ordered, to the garden. | |
MELIB. __ Assí sea y vaya Dios contigo. | Mel. __So be it and may God be with you. | |
PLEB. __ Señora muger, ¿Duermes? | Ple. __My wife, are you sleeping? | |
ALI. __ Señor, no. | Ali. __No, sir. | |
PLEB. __ ¿No oyes bullicio en el retraimiento de tu hija? | Ple. __Do you hear noises coming from your daughter′s room? | |
ALI. __ Sí oyo. !Melibea! ¡Melibea! | Ali. __Yes I do. Melibea! Melibea! | |
PLEB. __ No te oye; yo la llamaré más rezio. !Hija mia, Melibea! | Pel. __She does not hear you; I will call her a little louder. My daughter, Melibea! | |
MELIB. __ ¡Señor! | Mel. __Sir! | |
PLEB. __ ¿Quién da patadas y haze bullicio en tu cámara? | Ple. __Who is walking around and making so much noise in your bedroom? | |
MELIB. __ Señor, Lucrecia es, que salió por vn jarro de agua para mí, que hauía gran sed. | Mel. __Sir, it is Lucrecia, who went out for a jar of water, because I was very thirsty. | |
PLEB. __ Duerme, hija, que pensé que era otra cosa. | Ple. __Then go to sleep, daughter, because I thought it was something else. | |
LUCR. __ Poco estruendo los despertó. Con gran pauor hablauan. | Luc. __Little noise woke them. They spoke with great urgency. | |
MELIB. __ No ay tan manso animal que con amor o temor de sus hijos no asperece. Pues ¿Qué harían, si mi cierta salida supiessen? | Mel. __There is not even a gentle animal who does not appear when they feel fear for the children they love. Besides, what could they do if they knew I had gone out? | |
CAL. __ Cerrad essa puerta, hijos. Y tú, Pármeno, sube vna vela arriba. | Cal. __Close those doors, sons. And you, Parmeno, bring up a candle. | |
SEMP. __ Deues, señor, reposar y dormir esto que queda de aquí al día. | Sem. __You should rest, sir, and sleep for the little that there is left of today. | |
79. CAL. __ Plázeme, que bien lo he menester. ?Qué te parece, Pármeno, de la vieja, que tú me desalabauas? ¿Qué obra ha salido de sus manos? ¿Qué fuera hecha sin ella? | Cal. __That would please me and would do me well. What do you think, Parmeno, about the old woman you spoke badly about? Look at the work that has come from her hands. What would I have done without her? | |
PARM. __ Ni yo sentía tu gran pena ni conoscía la gentileza y merescimiento de Melibea, y assí no tengo culpa. Conoscía a Celestina y sus mañas. Auisáuate como a señor; pero ya me parece que es otra. Todas las ha mudado. | Par. __I did not understand your great pain nor the conscience, graciousness and deservingness of Melibea, and so I have no regret. I knew Celestina and her tricks. I was warning you as my master; but now I believe she is different. She has changed everything. | |
CAL. __ ¿Y cómo mudado? | Cal. __How has she changed? | |
PARM. __ Tanto que, si no lo ouiesse visto, no lo creería; mas assí viuas tú como es verdad. | Par. __So much sir, that if you had not seen her you would not believe it; but now you may live as it is. | |
CAL. __ ¿Pues aués oydo lo que con aquella mi señora he passado? ¿Qué hazíades? ¿Teníades temor? | Cal. __Well then, did you hear what I spoke about with my lady? What were you doing? Were you scared? | |
84. SEMP. __ ¿Temor, señor, o qué? Por cierto, todo el mundo no nos le hiziera tener. ¡Fallado auías los temerosos! Allí estouimos esperándote muy aparejados y nuestras armas muy a mano. | Sem. __Scared, sir, of what? It is certain that the whole world could not have scared us. You would not have found us afraid! We were very prepared while we waited for you, with our arms at hand. | |
CAL. __ ¿Aués dormido algún rato? | Cal. __Did you sleep for a little while? | |
SEMP. __ ¿Dormir, señor? ¡Dormilones son los moços¡Nunca me assenté ni avn junté por Dios los pies, mirando a todas partes para, en sintiendo porqué, saltar presto y hazer todo lo que mis fuerças me ayudaran. Pues Pármeno, que te parecía que no te seruía hasta aquí de buena gana, assí se holgó, quando vido los de las hachas, como lobo quando siente poluo de ganado, pensando poder quitárselas, hasta que vido que eran muchos. | Sem. __Sleep sir? Little boys are sleepy! I never did sit nor by God did I even cross my legs. I was looking all around, because if I had heard something I would have jumped up quickly and done everything that my strength would let me. For even Parmeno, whom you thought would not serve you of his own free will, was happy when he saw the torches, just like the wolf is when he sees the dust of a herd, as he thinks about how he can take them; until he saw that their were many. | |
CAL. __ No te marauilles, que procede de su natural ser osado y, avnque no fuesse por mí: hazíalo porque no pueden los tales venir contra su vso, que avnque muda el pelo la raposa, su natural no despoja. Por cierto yo dixe a mi señora Melibea lo que en vosotros ay y quán seguras tenía mis espaldas con vuestra ayuda y guarda. Fijos, en mucho cargo vos soy. Rogad a Dios por salud, que yo os galardonaré más complidamente vuestro buen seruicio. Yd con Dios a reposar. | Cal. __Do not be so amazed, for it is his natural instinct to be brave, and even if it had not been for me, he would have done it anyway because you cannot go against what is in your nature, for although the fox may change its hair it cannot change his instinct. Be certain I told my lady Melibea how you were and how safe I was as you guarded me. Sons, I owe you very much. I will pray to God for your health, and I will greatly reward your good service. Go and rest with God. | |
PARM. __ ¿Adónde yremos, Sempronio? ¿A la cama a dormir o a la cozina a almorzar? | Par. __Where will we go, Sempronio? To bed to sleep, or to the kitchen to eat? | |
SEMP. __ Ve tú donde quisieres; que, antes que venga el día, quiero yo yr a Celestina a cobrar mi parte de la cadena. Que es vna puta vieja. No le quiero dar tiempo en que fabrique alguna ruyndad con que nos escluya. | Sem. __Go wherever you want: for, before day breaks, I want to go to Celestina to take my share of the chain. For she is an old whore. I do not want to giver her time to fabricate some kind of trick so that she can exclude us. | |
PARM. __ Bien dizes. Oluidado lo auía. Vamos entramos y, si en esso se pone, espantémosla de manera que le pese. Que sobre dinero no ay amistad. | Par. __ You are right. I had forgotten about her. Let us go together, and if she tries something, we can scare her so that she thinks about it twice. Money and friendship are different things. | |
SEMP. __ ¡Ce! ¡ce ! Calla, que duerme cabo esta ventanilla. Tha, tha, señora Celestina, ábrenos. | Sem. __Sh! Sh! Quiet, for she sleeps by this little window. Knock, knock, mistress Celestina, open up for us. | |
CEL. __ ¿Quién llama? | Cel. __Who is there? | |
SEMP. __ Abre, que son tus hijos. | Sem. __Open, for it is your sons. | |
CEL. __ No tengo yo hijos que anden a tal hora. | Cel. __I do not have any sons who are out at such an hour. | |
SEMP. __ Abrenos a Pármeno y Sempronio, que nos venimos acá almorzar contigo. | Sem. __Open up for Parmeno and Sempronio, for we came over to eat with you. | |
CEL. __ ¡O locos trauiesos! Entrad, entrad. ?Cómo venís a tal hora, que ya amanesce? ¿Qué haués hecho? ¿Qué os ha passado? ¿Despidióse la esperança de Calisto o viue todavía con ella o cómo queda? | Cel. __Oh you naughty madmen! Come in, come in. How can you come at such an hour? Is it already dawn? What did you do? What happened to you? Have Calisto′s hopes been shattered or is he still with her or what? | |
SEMP. __ ¿Cómo, madre? Si por nosotros no fuera, ya andouiera su alma buscando posada para siempre. Que, si estimarse pudiesse a lo que de allí nos queda obligado, no sería su hazienda bastante a complir la debda, si verdad es lo que dizen, que la vida y persona es más digna y de más valor que otra cosa ninguna. | Sem. __What, mother? If it was not for us, his soul would be eternally seeking rest. For, if it was possible to calculate what is obligated to us for what we did, your home would not be enough to fulfill the debt. It is true what they say, a person′s life is worth more than anything else in the world. | |
CEL. __ ¡Jesú! ¿Que en tanta afrenta os haués visto? Cuéntamelo, por Dios. | Cel. __Jesus! How much danger have you seen? Tell me all, by God. | |
SEMP. __ Mira qué tanta, que por mi vida la sangre me hierue en el cuerpo en tornarlo a pensar. | Sem. __So much danger, than by my life, my blood boils within my body when I remember it. | |
CEL. __ Reposa, por Dios, y dímelo. | Cel. __Sit down, by God, and tell me. | |
PARM. __ Cosa larga le pides, según venimos alterados y cansados del enojo que hauemos hauido. Farías mejor aparejarnos a él y a mi de almorzar: quiçá nos amansaría algo la alteración que traemos. Que cierto te digo que no quería ya topar hombre que paz quisiesse. Mi gloria sería agora hallar en quién vengar la yra que no pude en los que nos la causaron, por su mucho huyr. | Par. __You are asking for something that will take too long, besides we are tired and anxious because of the trouble we just had. It would be better if you made something for us to eat: maybe it would soothe the anxiety we bring with us. I can certainly tell you that I would not want to run into a man who is seeking peace. Right now I want to find someone who I can take my revenge out on; for I was not able to let it out before, since those that caused our anger ran away so quickly. | |
CEL. __ ¡Landre me mate, si no me espanto en verte tan fiero! creo que burlas. Dímelo agora, Sempronio, tú, por mi vida: ¿Qué os ha passado? . | Cel. __May an evil canker kill me, for I am frightened from seeing you so angry! I think that you are joking: tell me now, Sempronio, by my life: What happened to you? | |
SEMP. __ Por Dios, sin seso vengo, desesperado; avnque para contigo por demás es no templar la yra y todo enojo y mostrar otro semblante que con los hombres. Jamás me mostré poder mucho con los que poco pueden. traygo, señora, todas las armas despedaçadas, el broquel sin aro, la espada como sierra, el caxquete abollado en la capilla. Que no tengo con qué salir vn passo con mi amo, quando menester me aya. Que quedó concertado de yr esta noche que viene a uerse por el huerto. ?Pues comprarlo de nueuo? No mando vn marauedí en que caya muerto. | Sem. __By God, I am out of my mind, I am desperate; although with you I must control my ire and all my anger and show a face that is different from the one I show with other men. I will never use my strength against the weak. I bring, mistress, all the broken arms, the shield without its iron ring, the sword all jagged, the helmet all dented. For I have nothing that I can go out in with my master, when I need to. They made arrangements to see each other in the garden tonight. How can I buy it all new? My life is not worth a dime. If I were do fall down dead, you would see I do not even have a farthing to my name. | |
CEL. __ Pídelo, hijo, a tu amo, pues en su seruicio se gastó y quebró. Pues sabes que es persona que luego lo cumplirá. Que no es de los que dizen: viue comigo y busca quien te mantenga. El es tan franco, que te dará para esso y para más. | Cel. __Ask for it, son, from your master, for it was in his service that your things were used and broken. For you know he is the type of person who would give you what you need. He is not the type who says: live with me and fend for yourself. He is so generous, that he will give you enough for what you need and more. | |
SEMP. __ ¡Ha! Trae también Pármeno perdidas las suyas. A este cuento, en armas se le yrá su hazienda. ?Cómo quieres que le sea tan importuno en pedirle más de lo que él de su propio grado haze, pues es arto? No digan por mí que dando vn palmo pido quatro. Diónos las cient monedas, diónos después la cadena. A tres tales aguijones no terná cera en el oydo. Caro le costaría este negocio. Contentémonos con lo razonable, no lo perdamos todo por querer más de la razón, que quien mucho abarca, poco suele apretar. | Sem. __Ha! Parmeno also lost his things. With all these expenses he will lose his home paying for new arms. How do you want us to be so inopportune as to ask him for more than what he makes, after all that he has done? Let them not say that when a hand is given to me, I demand it three times more. He gave us one hundred crowns, and then he gave us the chain. Three more like that and he will have no more wax left in his ear. This business will be very expensive for him. We should be satisfied with what is reasonable, lest we lose everything for going beyond reason, for one should not bite more than he can chew. | |
CEL. __ ¡Gracioso es el asno! Por mi vejez que, si sobre comer fuera, que dixera que hauíamos todos cargado demasiado. ?Estás en tu seso, Sempronio? ¿Qué tiene que hazer tu galardón con mi salario, tu soldada con mis mercedes? ¿Só yo obligada a soldar vuestras armas, a complir vuestras faltas? Osadas, que me maten, si no te has asido a vna palabrilla, que te dixe el otro día viniendo por la calle, que quanto yo tenía era tuyo y que, en quanto pudiesse con mis pocas fuerças, jamás te faltaría, y que, si Dios me diesse buena manderecha con tu amo, que tú no perderías nada. Pues ya sabes, Sempronio, que estos ofrescimientos, estas palabras de buen amor no obligan. No ha de ser oro quanto reluze; si no, más barato valdría. ?Dime, estoy en tu coraçón, Sempronio? verás si, avnque soy vieja, si acierto lo que tú puedes pensar. Tengo, hijo, en buena fe, más pesar que se me quiere salir esta alma de enojo. Di a esta loca de Elicia, como vine de tu casa, la cadenilla que traxe para que se holgase con ella y no se puede acordar | Cel. __The ass thinks he is funny! By my old age, if this had been said over dinner, I would have said that we had all drank too much. Are you in your right mind, Sempronio? What does your reward have to do with my salary, your pay with my mercies? Is it my duty to weld your arms and fulfill your losses? What boldness, and may you kill me, if it is because you remember a little word I told you the other day as I was walking down the street. I said what was mine was yours and that I would give you whatever I could manage with my weak strengths, and that nothing would ever be lacking for you, and that, if God were to give me a good hand with your master, you would not lose out. Well you know, Sempronio, these offerings, these words of good will, do not obligate. Not all that shines is gold; otherwise it would be cheaper. Tell me, are we in accordance? You will see that although I am an old woman, I know what you are thinking. I have, son, in good faith, much grief that wants to come out of my soul because I am so angered. I told this fool Elicia, after I left your house that the little chain was for her so that she could enjoy it and now she cannot remember what she did with it. | |
Siruamos todos, que a todos dará, según viere que lo merescen. Que si me ha dado algo, dos vezes he puesto por él mi vida al tablero. Más herramienta se me ha embotado en su seruicio que a vosotros, más materiales he gastado. Pues aués de pensar, hijos, que todo me cuesta dinero y avn mi saber que no lo he alcançado holgando. De lo qual fuera buen testigo su madre de Pármeno. Dios aya su alma. Esto trabajé yo; a vosotros se os deue essotro. Esto tengo yo por oficio y trabajo; vosotros por recreación y deleyte. Pues assí, no aués vosotros de auer ygual galardón de holgar que yo de penar. Pero avn con todo lo que he dicho, no os despidays, si mi cadena parece, de sendos pares de calças de grana, que es el ábito que mejor en los mancebos paresce. Y si no recebid la voluntad, que yo me callaré con mi pérdida. Y todo esto, de buen amor, porque holgastes que houiesse yo antes el prouecho destos passos que no otra. Y si no os contentardes, de vuestro daño farés. | We all serve, he who gives us, according to what he sees we deserve. For if I have been given something it is because I have put my life out on the line two times for him. I have ruined more tools in his service than in yours. I have wasted more materials. You should think, sons, that everything costs me money and even my knowledge has cost me because I did not earn it from lazing around. Parmeno′s mother would be a good witness to that. May God save her soul. I worked for this; you two are owed something else. I have this because of my work and efforts; you have yours because of your recreation and delight. So then, you should not get the same reward for lazing around that I get for suffering. But even with all that I have said, do not despair, if my chain appears, I will give you both a pair of scarlet breeches, which are very fashionable right now for young men. And if I do not find it, take my good word, and I will not mourn my loss. And all of this is out of my good love for you, because you were delighted that I, and no other, would profit from this endeavor; and if you are not satisfied, it will be your loss. | |
SEMP. __ No es esta la primera vez que yo he dicho quánto en los viejos reyna este vicio de cobdicia. Quando pobre, franca; quando rica, auarienta. Assí que aquiriendo cresce la cobdicia, y la pobreza cobdiciando, y ninguna cosa haze pobre al auariento sino la riqueza. !O Dios, y cómo cresce la necessidad con la abundancia! ¡Quién la oyó esta vieja dezir que me lleuasse yo todo el prouecho, si quisiesse, deste negocio, pensando que sería poco! agora, que lo vee crescido, no quiere dar nada, por complir el refrán de los niños, que dizen: de lo poco, poco; de lo mucho, nada. | Sem. __This is not the first time I have said that greed reigns in the elderly. When they are poor they are generous; when they are rich, greedy. So then, the more you get the more greedy you become, and poverty makes you covetous, and nothing makes the poor person more covetous than riches. Oh God, how need grows with abundance! How could this old woman say, that if I could, I would have taken all the benefits of this business, thinking that I had not received enough! Now, that she sees it is increased, she does not want to give anything, and to finish the refrain the children say: of the little, little; of a lot, nothing. | |
PARM. __ Déte lo que prometió o tomémosselo todo. Harto te dezía yo quién era esta vieja, si tú me creyeras. | Par. __Let her give us what she promised or we will take it all. I told you how this old woman was, but you did not believe me. | |
CEL. __ Si mucho enojo traés con vosotros o con vuestro amo o armas, no lo quebreys en mí. Que bien sé dónde nasce esto, bien sé y barrunto de qué pie coxqueays. No cierto de la necessidad que teneys de lo que pedís, ni avn por la mucha cobdicia que lo teneys, sino pensando que es he de tener toda vuestra vida atados y catiuos con Elicia y Areusa, sin quereros buscar otras, moueysme estas amenazas de dinero, poneysme estos temores de la partición. Pues callá, que quien éstas os supo acarrear, os dará otras diez agora, que ay más conoscimiento y más razón y más merecido de vuestra parte. Y si sé complir lo que prometo en este caso, dígalo Pármeno. Dilo, dilo, no ayas empacho de contar cómo nos passó quando a la otra dolía la madre. | Cel. __If you have brought anger with you because of your master or your arms, do not take it out on me. For I know very well where this comes from; I know very well of which foot you are lame. I am not certain that it is because of the necessity you have for what you ask for, nor even the greed that you have, but from thinking that I am going to have you captive all your lives to Elicia and Areusa, and not find you any others. So instead you threaten me about money, thinking that you will scare me into sharing more with you. Then quiet, for this one knows how to help you. I will give you another ten, for now there is more understanding, more reason, and more deservingness on your behalf. And I do know how to comply with what I promise in this case, right Parmeno? Tell it, tell it, do not be ashamed to tell us what happened when that other girl had cramps in her womb. | |
SEMP. __ Yo dígole que se vaya y abáxasse las bragas: no ando por lo que piensas. No entremetas burlas a nuestra demanda, que con esse galgo no tomarás, si yo puedo, más liebres. Déxate comigo de razones. A perro viejo no cuz cuz. Danos las dos partes por cuenta de quanto de Calisto has recebido, no quieras que se descubra quién tú eres. A los otros, a los otros, con essos halagos, vieja. | Sem. __I told her to go and she pulled down her pants: it is not what you think. Do not intercede our demand with your jokes, for with a greyhound you can hunt more hares. Lay your tricks aside with me. An old dog will not be fooled. Give us our two shares of what you received from Calisto, for you do not want him to discover who you really are. Those flatteries are for the others, old woman, for the others. | |
CEL. __ ¿Quién só yo, Sempronio? ¿Quitásteme de la putería? calla tu lengua, no amengües mis canas, que soy vna vieja qual Dios me hizo, no peor que todas. Viuo de mi oficio, como cada qual oficial del suyo, muy limpiamente. A quien no me quiere no le busco. De mi casa me vienen a sacar, en mi casa me ruegan. Si bien o mal viuo, Dios es el testigo de mi coraçón. Y no pienses con tu yra maltratarme, que justicia ay para todos: a todos es ygual. Tan bien seré oyda, avnque muger, como vosotros, muy peynados. Déxame en mi casa con mi fortuna. Y tú, Pármeno, no pienses que soy tu catiua por saber mis secretos y mi passada vida y los casos que nos acaescieron a mi y a la desdichada de tu madre. Y avn assí me trataua ella, quando Dios quería. | Cel. __Who I really am, Sempronio? Did you set me free from whoredom? Hold your tongue and do not dishonor my white hairs, for I am an old woman made by God, no worse than all the others. I live very honestly from my business, like any other employee. I do not look for those who do not want me. They come to get me from my house, and they beg of me in my house. If I live for good or bad, God is the witness to my heart. And do not think that you can mistreat me with your anger, for there is justice for all: it is the same for everyone. I will be heard just as well as you even if I am a woman and your hair is combed back. Leave me alone in my house and with my fortune. And as for you, Parmeno, do not think that I am your captive just because you know my secrets and my past life and all of the things that happened to me and your unlucky mother. For, when God wanted, she also used to treat me like this. | |
PARM. __ No me hinches las narizes con essas memorias; si no, embiarte he con nueuas a ella, donde mejor te puedas quexar. | Par. __Do not swell up my nose with these memories or I will send you to her with messages, and she will be better to complain to. | |
CEL. __ ¡Elicia! ¡Elicia! Leuántate dessa cama, daca mi manto presto, que por los sanctos de Dios para aquella justicia me vaya bramando como vna loca. ?Qué es esto? ¿Qué quieren dezir tales amenazas en mi casa? ¿Con una oueja mansa tenés vosotros manos y braueza? ¿Con vna gallina atada? ¿Con vna vieja de sesenta años? ¡Allá, allá, con los hombres como vosotros, contra los que ciñen espada, mostrá vuestras yras; no contra mi flaca rueca¡! Señal es de gran couardía acometer a los menores y a los que poco pueden. Las suzias moxcas nunca pican sino los bueyes magros y flacos; los guzques ladradores a los pobres peregrinos aquexan con mayor ímpetu. Si aquélla, que allí está en aquella cama, me ouiesse a mí creydo, jamás quedaría esta casa de noche sin varón ni dormiríemos a lumbre de pajas; pero por aguardarte, por serte fiel, padescemos esta soledad. Y como nos veys mugeres, hablays y pedís demasías. Lo qual, si hombre sintiéssedes en la posada, no haríades. Que como dizen: el duro aduersario entibia las yras y sañas. | Cel. __Elicia! Elicia! Get out of bed; get my cloak quickly, for by the saints of God, I am going to the law officers crying out like a madwoman. What is this? What do you mean by making such threats in my own home? You use your hands and anger against a gentle lamb? On a chicken that is tied up? With a sixty year old woman? Go, go, and show your ire to other men like yourselves, against the ones that hold a sword; not against those with a spinning wheel! It is a sign of great cowardliness to attack those that are younger or who have little power. The dirty flies only bite the thin and weak oxen; the barking mongrels only eagerly bite the poorest pilgrims. If only Elicia would have believed me, there never would have been a night in this house without a man nor would we be sleeping by the fire of straws; so, because we look to you, we suffer this solitude and since you see that we are only woman you speak and ask for too much. You are doing what you would not do if there were other men in this house. For as they say: the difficult adversary cools off ire and rage. | |
SEMP. __ ¡O vieja auarienta, garganta muerta de sed por dinero! ¿No serás contenta con la tercia parte de lo ganado? | Sem. __Oh greedy old woman, your throat is dry of thirst for money! Will you not be content with a third pat of the reward? | |
CEL. __ ¿Qué tercia parte? Vete con Dios de mi casa tú. Y essotro no dé vozes, no allegue la vezindad. No me hagays salir de seso. No querays que salgan a plaza las cosas de Calisto y vuestras. | Cel. __What third part? Go with God out of my house. And of that say no more, do not wake up my neighbors. Do not make me lose my wits. You do not want the things of Calisto and you to be made public. | |
SEMP. __ Dá bozes o gritos, que tú complirás lo que prometiste o complirán oy tus días. | Sem. __Yell or scream, for you will comply with what you promised or your days will come to an end. | |
ELIC. __ Mete, por Dios, el espada. Tenle. Pármeno, tenle, no la mate esse desuariado. | Eli. __Put away the sword, by God. Hold him. Parmeno, hold him, do not let this fool kill her. | |
CEL. __ ¡Justicia! ¡Justicia! ¡Señores vezinos! ¡Justicia! ¡Que me matan en mi casa estos rufianes! | Cel. __Justice! Justice! Neighbors! Justice! These ruffians are killing me in my house! | |
SEMP. __ ¿Rufianes o qué? Espera, doña hechizera, que yo te haré yr al infierno con cartas. | Sem. __Ruffians or what? Just wait, mistress sorceress, for I will make you go to hell with letters . | |
CEL. __ ¡Ay, que me ha muerto! ¡Ay, ay! ¡confessión, confessión! | Cel. __Oh, I am dying! Oh, Oh! Confession, confession! | |
PARM. __ Dale, dale, acábala, pues començaste. !Que nos sentirán! ¡Muera¡ ¡muera! De los enemigos los menos. | Par. __Go, go, finish her since you started. For they will hear us! Die! Die! The fewer enemies the better. | |
CEL. __ ¡Confessión! | Cel. __Confession! | |
ELIC. __ ¡O crueles enemigos neighs! ¡En mal poder os veays¡ ¡Y para quién touistes manos! ¡Muerta es mi madre y mi bien todo! | Eli. __Oh what cruel enemies! May the devil take you! And whom did you attack! My mother, all my good, is dead! | |
SEMP. __ ¡Huye!¡huye! Pármeno, que carga mucha gente. !Guarte!¡guarte! Que viene el alguazil. | Sem. __Run! Run! Parmeno, for many people are coming. Look! Look! The police are coming. | |
PARM. __ ¡O pecador de mí! Que no ay por do nos vamos, que está tomada la puerta. | Par. __Oh, sinner Parmeno what a sinner I am! For there is nowhere for us to go since the door is blocked. | |
SEMP. __ Saltemos destas ventanas. No muramos en poder de justicia. | Sem. __Let us jump out of these windows. We will not die in the hands of the Justice. | |
PARM. __ Salta, que tras ti voy. |
Par. __Jump; I will follow you.
| |
Acto XIIISumario: Despertado CALISTO de dormir, sta hablando consigo mismo. Dende un poco sta llamando a TRISTAN y a otros sus criados. Torna dormir CALISTO. Ponese TRISTAN a la puerta. Viene SOSIA llorando. Preguntado de TRISTAN, SOSIA cuentale la muerte de SEMPRONIO y PARMENO. Van a dezyr las nuevas a CALISTO, el qual, sabiendo la verdad, haze grande lamentacion. |
Act XIIIArgument: Calisto awakens from his sleep, he talks a while with himself; afterwards he calls Tristan, and some of his other servants. By and by Calisto falls asleep again; Tristan goes down, and stands at the door. Sosia comes weeping to him; Tristan, demands the cause, Sosia tells him of the deaths of Sempronio and Parmeno; they tell Calisto about it, and upon finding out makes a great lamentation. | |
CAL. __ ¡O cómo he dormido tan a mi plazer, después de aquel açucarado rato, después de aquel angélico razonamiento gran reposo he tenido! El sossiego y descanso ¿Proceden de mi alegría o causó el trabajo corporal mi mucho dormir o la gloria y plazer del ánimo? Y no me marauillo que lo vno y lo otro se juntassen a cerrar los candados de mis ojos, pues trabajé con el cuerpo y persona y holgué con el espíritu y sentido la passada noche. | Cal.__Oh how peacefully I have slept, ever since that sweet moment and after that angelic conversation. I have had a great rest! Does my calm and restfulness proceed from my happiness or because my body worked so hard or because of the glory and pleasure of my soul? I would not be surprised if together they all worked to close and lock shut the lids of my eyes, since I worked with my body and person and then I rested with the spirit and senses of the past night. | |
Muy cierto es que la tristeza acarrea pensamiento y el mucho pensar impide el sueño, como a mi estos días es acaescido con la desconfiança, que tenía, de la mayor gloria, que ya poseo. !O señora y amor mio, Melibea! ¿Qué piensas agora? ¿Si duermes o estás despierta? ¿Si piensas en mí o en otro? ¿Si estás leuantada o acostada? ¡O dichoso y bienandante Calisto, si verdad es que no ha sido sueño lo pasado! | It is true that sadness increases thoughts and that too much thinking impedes the sleep, which was what happened to me these past days because of the distrust I had of getting my greatest glory, which I now possess. Oh my lady and love, Melibea! What are you thinking about now? Are you asleep or are you awake? Are you thinking of me or of another? Are you up or are you still lying down? Oh lucky and blessed Calisto, if it is true it has not been a dream! | |
¿Soqélo o no? ¿Fué fantaseado o passó en verdad? Pues no estuue solo; mis criados me acompañaron. Dos eran. Si ellos dizen que passó en verdad, creerlo he segund derecho. Quiero mandarlos llamar para más firmar mi gozo. !Tristanico! ¡moços! ¡Tristanico! Leuántate de ay. | But could it have been a dream? Was it a fantasy or did it really happen? Well I was not alone; my servants accompanied me. There were two of them. If they say that it did happen, then because of them I will know the truth. I want to get them so they can confirm my delight. Tristanico! Servants! Tristanico! Get up and come here. | |
TRIST. __ Señor, leuantado estoy. | Tri.__Sir, I am already up. | |
CAL. __ Corre, llámame a Sempronio y a Pármeno. | Cal.__Run and go get Sempronio and Parmeno. | |
TRIST. __ Ya voy, señor. | Tri.__Yes, sir. | |
CAL. __ Duerme y descansa, penado. Desde agora: Pues te ama tu señora De tu grado. Vence plazer al cuydado y no le vea, pues te ha fecho su priuado Melibea. | Cal.__Sleep and rest troubled man: From now on your lady loves you willingly. Pleasure has defeated care and you will be rejected no longer because Melibea has made you her favorite. | |
TRIST. __ Señor, no ay ningún moço en casa. | Tri.__Sir, there are no boys in the house. | |
CAL. __ Pues abre essas ventanas, verás qué hora es. | Cal.__Then open the windows and see what time it is. | |
TRIST. __ Señor, bien de día. | Tri.__Sir, it is already broad daylight. | |
CAL. __ Pues tórnalas a cerrar y déxame dormir hasta que sea hora de comer. | Cal.__Then close them again and let me sleep until it is time to eat. | |
TRIST. __ Quiero baxarme a la puerta, porque duerma mi amo sin que ninguno le impida y a quantos le buscaren se le negaré. !O qué grita suena en el Mercado! ¿Qué es esto? Alguna justicia se haze o madrugaron a correr toros. | Tri.__I want to go down to the door, so that my master can sleep without being bothered and I will not let anyone who calls see him. Oh what screaming is coming from the marketplace! What is this? Either there is an execution or they woke up early to run the bulls. | |
No sé qué me diga de tan grandes vozes como se dan. De allá viene Sosia, el moço de espuelas. El me dirá qué es esto. Desgreñado viene el vellaco. En alguna tauerna se deue hauer rebolcado. Y si mi amo le cae en el rastro, mandarle ha dar dos mil palos. Que, avnque es algo loco, la pena le hará cuerdo. Parece que viene llorando. ?Qué es esto, Sosia? ¿Porqué lloras? ¿De dó vienes? | I do not know what to make of the loud yells I hear. The stable boy Sosia is coming from there. He will tell me what is going on. The rascal is all disheveled. He must have gotten into a fight at some tavern. If my master finds out about that, he will beat him a thousand times. For, although he is a little bit crazy, the punishment will make him come to his senses. It looks like he is crying. What is this, Sosia? Why are you crying? Where did you come from? | |
SOS. __ ¡O malauenturado yo y qué pérdida tan grande! ¡O desonrra de la casa de mi amo! ¡O qué mal día amanesció éste! ¡O desdichados mancebos! | Sos.__Oh how unlucky I am and what a great loss! Oh what dishonor comes upon the house of my master! Oh what a bad day this has become! Oh unfortunate boys! | |
TRIST. __¿Qué es? ¿Qué has? ¿Porqué te matas? ¿Qué mal es éste? | Tri.__What is it? What happened? What are you killing yourself over? What bad thing has happened? | |
SOS. __ Sempronio y Pármeno. . . | Sos.__Sempronio and Parmeno! | |
TRIST. __ ¿Qué dizes, Sempronio y Pármeno? ¿Qué es esto, loco? Aclárate más, que me turbas. | Tri.__What did you say about Sempronio and Parmeno? What is going on, madman? Explain yourself further, for you are disturbing me. | |
SOS. __ Nuestros compañeros, nuestros hermanos. . . | Sos.__Our companions, our brothers…. | |
TRIST. __ O tú estás borracho o has perdido el seso o traes alguna mala nueua. ?No me dirás qué es esto, qué dices, destos moços? | Tri.__Either you are drunk or you have lost your mind or you bring bad news. Can you not tell me what has happened, and why do you speak of those young men? | |
SOS. __ Que quedan degollados en la plaça. | Sos.__They have been beheaded in the plaza. | |
TRIST. __ ¡O mala fortuna la nuestra, si es verdad! ¿Vístelos cierto o habláronte.? | Oh what misfortune we have, it is true! Did you see it yourself or did someone tell you about it? | |
SOS. __ Ya sin sentido yuan; pero el uno con harta difficultad, como me sintió que con lloro le miraua, hincó los ojos en mí, alçando las manos al cielo, quasi dando gracias a Dios y como preguntándome que sentía de su morir. | Sos.__They were without their senses; but one of them, with much difficulty, must have felt that I was watching him as I cried because he turned his eyes toward me, raised his hands up to the sky, as if he was giving thanks to God and asking if I was sorry for his death. | |
Y en señal de triste despedida abaxó su cabeça con lágrimas en los ojos, dando bien a entender que no me auía de ver más hasta el día del gran juyzio. | And as a signal of his sad departure, he put down his head with tears in his eyes, as if letting it be known that he would not see me again until Judgment Day. | |
TRIST. __ No sentiste bien; que sería preguntarte si estaua presente Calisto. Y pues tan claras señas traes deste cruel dolor, vamos presto con las tristes nueuas a nuestro amo. | Tri.__You did not understand him correctly; he meant to ask you if Calisto was present. And since you have been such a clear witness to this cruel suffering, let us quickly bring this sad news to our master. | |
SOS. __ ¡Señor! ¡Señor! | Sos.__Master! Master! | |
CAL. __ ¿Qué es esso, locos? ¿No os mandé que no me recordásedes? | Cal.__What is going on, you madmen? Did I not order you not to wake me up? | |
SOS. __ Recuerda y leuanta, que si tú no buelues por los tuyos, de cayda vamos. Sempronio y Pármeno quedan descabeçados en la plaça, como públicos malhechores, con pregones que manifestauan su delito. | Sos.__Come to your senses and get up, for if you do not go and get yours, we will all be lost. Sempronio and Parmeno have been beheaded in the plaza, as public enemies, and their crimes are being publicly proclaimed by the crier. | |
CAL. __ ¡O válasme Dios! ¿Y qué es esto que me dizes? No sé si te crea tan acelerada y triste nueua. ?Vístelos tú? | Cal.__Oh may God help me! What is this that you are telling me? I do not know if I believe such unexpected and sad news. Did you see it yourself? | |
SOS. __ Yo los vi. | Sos.__I saw them. | |
CAL. __ Cata, mira qué dizes, que esta noche han estado comigo. | Cal.__Careful, watch what you say, for they were with me this very night. | |
SOS. __ Pues madrugaron a morir. | Sos.__Then they got up early to die. | |
CAL. __ ¡O mis leales criados! ¡O mis grandes seruidores! ¡O mis fieles secretarios y consejeros! ¿Puede ser tal cosa verdad? | Cal.__Oh my loyal servants! Oh my great servers! Oh my faithful secretaries and counselors! Can such a thing be true? | |
¡O amenguado Calisto! Desonrrado quedas para toda tu vida. ?Qué será de ti, muertos tal par de criados? Dime, por Dios, Sosia, ¿Qué fue la causa? ¿Qué dezía el pregón? ¿Dónde los tomaron? ¿Qué justicia lo hizo? | Oh unfortunate Calisto! You will be dishonored for the rest of your life. What will become of you, with such a pair of servants dead? Tell me, by God, Sosia, what was the cause? What did the crier say? Where did they take them? What Justice did it? | |
SOS. __ Señor, la causa de su muerte publicaua el cruel verdugo a vozes, diziendo: Manda la justicia que mueran los violentos matadores. | Sos.__Sir, the cause of their death was announced out loud to all by the cruel executioner; he said: The Justice commands that these violent murderers be put to death. | |
CAL. __ ¿A quién mataron tan presto? ¿Qué puede ser esto? No ha quatro horas que de mí se despidieron. ?Cómo se llamaua el muerto? | Cal.__Who did they kill so quickly? What could have happened? It has not been four hours since they said goodbye to me. What was the name of the person that was killed? | |
SOS. __ Señor, vna muger, que se llamaua Celestina. | Sos.__Sir, it was a woman, whom they called Celestina. | |
CAL. __ ¿Qué me dizes? | Cal.__What did you tell me? | |
SOS. __ Esto que oyes. | Sos.__That which you heard. | |
CAL. __ Pues si esso es verdad, mátame tú a mí, yo te perdono: que más mal ay, que viste ni puedes pensar, si Celestina, la de la cuchillada, es la muerta. | Cal.__Well if that is true, you must kill me, I will forgive you: for there is more evil than could ever have been seen or thought of if Celestina, the one with the scar on her face, is dead. | |
SOS. __ Ella mesma es. De más de treynta estocadas la vi llagada, tendida en su casa llorándola vna su criada. | Sos.__It is her. I saw that she had over thirty wounds, and she was being tended in her house with her servant crying over her. | |
CAL. __ ¡O tristes moços! ¿Cómo yuan? ¿Viéronte? ¿Habláronte? | Cal.__Oh poor boys! How were they? Did they see you? Did they speak to you? | |
SOS. __ ¡O señor! Que, si los vieras, quebraras el coraçón de dolor. El vno lleuaua todos los sesos de la cabeça de fuera, sin ningún sentido; el otro quebrados entramos braços y la cara magullada. Todos llenos de sangre. | Sos.__Oh sir! If you had seen them, your heart would have broken in two. One of them had all his brains coming out of his head and had lost all of his senses; the other had both arms broken and his face was all black and blue and full of blood. | |
Que saltaron de vnas ventanas muy altas por huyr del aguazil. Y assí casi muertos les cortaron las cabeças, que creo que ya no sintieron nada. | For they jumped from a very high window in order to escape the police. And like that, half dead, they had their heads cut off. Because of that I do not think they felt anything. | |
CAL. __ Pues yo bien siento mi honrra. Pluguiera a Dios que fuera yo ellos y perdiera la vida y no la honrra, y no la esperança de conseguir mi començado propósito, que es lo que más en este caso desastrado siento! | Cal.__Well, I feel my honor. I wish to God that it had been me and not them. That I had lost my life, instead of my honor. Instead of losing the hope of achieving what I had already begun, which is what I feel the most grief for in this disastrous case! | |
O mi triste nombre y fama, cómo andas al tablero de boca en boca! ¡O mis secretos más secretos, quán públicos andarés por las plaças y mercados! ¿Qué será de mí? ¿Adónde yré? ¿Que salga allá? : a los muertos no puedo ya remediar. ?Que me esté aquí? : parescerá couardía. ?Qué consejo tomaré? Dime, Sosia, ¿Qué era la causa por que la mataron? | Oh my sad name and reputation, how you will go from table to table and from mouth to mouth! Oh all of my most secret secrets, how they will publicly go from the plazas to the marketplace! What will become of me? Where will I go? Should I go there? But there is no remedy for the dead. Should I stay? But then I will look like a coward. What should I do? Tell me, Sosia, what reason did they have to kill her? | |
SOS. __ Señor, aquella su criada, dando vozes, llorando su muerte, la publicaua a quantos la querían oyr, diziendo que porque no quiso partir con ellos vna cadena de oro que tú le diste. | Sos.__Sir, her maid was screaming, crying over her death, she would say to all who wanted to hear that it was because she did not want to share with them a gold chain that you had given her. | |
CAL. __ ¡O día de congoxa! ¡O fuerte tribulación! ¡Y en qué anda mi hazienda de mano en mano y mi nombre de lengua en lengua! Todo será público quanto con ella y con ellos hablaua, quanto de mí sabían, el negocio en que andauan. | Cal.__Oh wretched day! Oh great tribulation! And why are my goods going from hand to hand and my name from tongue to tongue! Everything that I told her and which she told others will be made public, they knew so much about me and about the business that I was in. | |
No osaré salir ante gentes. !O pecadores de mancebos, padecer por tan súpito desastre! ¡O mi gozo, cómo te vas diminuiendo! Prouerbio es antigo, que de muy alto grandes caydas se dan. Mucho hauía anoche alcançado; mucho tengo oy perdido. Rara es la bonança en el piélago. Yo estaua en título de alegre, si mi ventura quisiera tener quedos los ondosos vientos de mi perdición. | I do not dare to go before those people. Oh sinners, who died in such a sudden disaster! Oh my delight, how you are diminishing! There is an old proverb that says, the higher you go the harder you fall. I had achieved so much last night; and today I have lost so much. How rare is the calm at sea. I was calling myself happy. If only my luck would have wanted to quell the tempestuous winds of my perdition. | |
¡O fortuna, quánto y por quántas partes me has combatido! Pues, por más que sigas mi morada y seas contraria a mi persona, las aduersidades con ygual ánimo se han de sofrir y en ellas se prueua el coraçón rezio o flaco. No ay mejor toque para conoscer qué quilates de virtud o esfuerço tiene el hombre. Pues por más mal y daño que me venga, no dexaré de complir el mandado de aquélla por quien todo esto se ha causado. | Oh fortune, how much and in how many ways have you fought against me! The more that you follow me to my home and are contrary to my person; the more adversities you bring to me; it does not matter because the heart suffers equally, whether it is weak or strong. There is no better way to know whether a man has the qualities of virtue or endurance. Well, no matter what misfortune and pain may come to me, I will not fail to comply with the command of she who is the cause of all of this. | |
Que más me va en conseguir la ganancia de la gloria que espero, que en la pérdida de morir los que murieron. Ellos eran sobrados y esforzados: agora o en otro tiempo de pagar hauían. La vieja era mala y falsa, según parece que hazía trato con ellos, y assí que riñieron sobre la capa del justo. | It is in my best interest to go ahead and receive the benefits of the glory that I have awaited, than to receive the losses of those who died. They were proud and strong: sooner or later they would have had to pay. The old woman was evil and false, it appears that she made a deal with them, and they argued over who deserved the cloak. | |
Permissión fue diuina que assí acabasse en pago de muchos adulterios que por su intercessión o causa son cometidos. Quiero hazer adereçar a Sosia y a Tristanico. Yrán comigo este tan esperado camino. Lleuarán escalas, que son muy altas las paredes. | It was God who caused them to pay for the various adulteries that were committed by her cause or intercession. I want to instruct Sosia and Tristanico. They will go with me on this much awaited walk. They will carry the ladders, for those walls are very high. | |
Mañana haré que vengo de fuera, si pudiere vengar estas muertes; si no, pagaré mi inocencia con mi fingida absencia o me fingiré loco, por mejor gozar deste sabroso deleyte de mis amores, como hizo aquel gran capitán Vlixes por euitar la batalla troyana y holgar con Penélope su muger. |
Tomorrow I will pretend I have come from afar, and I will try to avenge their deaths;
if that does not work, I will prove my innocence with my alleged absence or I will
pretend to be insane, so that I may better enjoy the delicious delight of my loves, just
as the great Captain Ulysses did in order to avoid the Trojan War and rejoice with his wife Penelope.
| |
Acto XIVSumario: Esta MELIBEA muy affligida hablando con Lucrecia sobre la tardanccedil;a de CALISTO, el qual le avia hecho voto de venir en aquella noche a visitalla, lo qual cumplio; y con el vinieron SOSIA y TRIST N. Y despues que cumplio su voluntad, bolvieron todos a la posada, y CALISTO se retrae en su palacio y quexase por aver estado tan poca quantidad de tiempo con MELIBEA, y ruega a Febo que cierre sus rayos, para haver de restaurar su desseo. |
Act XIVArgument: Melibea is much afflicted; she talks with Lucrecia concerning Calisto′s tardiness, for he had promised that night to visit her. Finally he gets to the garden. And with him comes Sosia and Tristan; and after he accomplished all he desired, they return to get their rest. Calisto goes home to his Palace; and he begins to complain and lament about staying so little time with Melibea; he begs Phoebus, to turn off the beams of light, so that he might sooner be able to renew his desire. | |
MELIB. __ Mucho se tarda aquel cauallero que esperamos. ?Qué crees tú o sospechas de su estada, Lucrecia? | Mel.__The gentleman we are waiting for is taking very long. What do you think about this? Are you suspicious, Lucrecia? | |
LUCR. __ Señora, que tiene justo impedimiento y que no es en su mano venir más presto. | Luc.__Mistress, I think he has a reason for being late and that he has no control over getting here any faster. | |
MELIB. __ Los ángeles sean en su guarda, su persona esté sin peligro, que su tardanza no me es pena. Mas, cuytada, pienso muchas cosas que desde su casa acá le podrían acaecer. ?Quién sabe si él, con voluntad de venir a prometido plazo en la forma que los tres mancebos a las tales horas suelen andar, fue topado de los alguaziles noturnos y sin le conocer le han acometido, el qual por se defender los offendió o es dellos offendido? O si por caso los ladradores perros con sus crueles dientes que ninguna differencia saben hazer ni acatamiento de personas, le ayan mordido? ¿O si ha caydo en alguna calçada o hoyo, donde algún daño le viniesse? ¡Mas, o mezquina de mí! ? Qué son estos inconuenientes, que el concebido amor me pone delante y los atribulados ymaginamientos me acarrean? No plega a Dios que ninguna destas cosas sea, antes esté quanto le plazerá sin verme. Mas escucha, que passos suenan en la calle y avn parece que hablan destotra parte del huerto. | Mel.__May the angels keep him if he is in danger, for then I will not be bothered by his lateness. I am afraid, for there are many things that could have gone wrong on his way to my house from his. Who knows if he, as excited as he was, came in disguise like the young men do when they go out at this time, and was intercepted by the night guards, who without recognizing him tried to arrest him, and in trying to defend himself he made them angry or was made angry? Or maybe the barking dogs bit him with their cruel teeth, for they cannot tell the difference between people. Or maybe he fell in some sort of hole or pit and has hurt himself? And, oh what misery I would have! Why has this love that I have caused so many inconveniences and troubled thoughts? May God forbid that any of those things happened to him, for I would prefer that he had not come at all to see me. But listen, I hear footsteps on the street and it seems that there are people talking on the other side of the garden. | |
SOS. __ Arrima essa escalera, Tristán, que este es el mejor lugar, avnque alto. | Sos.__Put the ladder here, Tristan, for this is the best place although it is a bit higher. | |
TRIST. __ Sube, señor. Yo yré contigo, porque no sabemos quién está dentro. Hablando están. | Tri.__Get up, sir. I will go with you because we have no idea who could be inside. I hear people speaking. | |
CAL. __ Quedaos, locos, que yo entraré solo, que a mi señora oygo. | Cal.__Stay here, fools, I will go in alone, for it is my lady whom I hear. | |
MELIB. __ Es tu sierua, es tu catiua, es la que más tu vida que la suya estima. !O mi señor! No saltes de tan alto, que me moriré en verlo; baxa, baxa poco a poco por el escala; no vengas con tanta pressura. | Mel.__It is your servant, your captive, the one who values your life more than her own. Oh my sir! Do not jump from such a high place for I will die; come down, come down, little by little down the stairs, do not come so quickly. | |
CAL. __ ¡O angélica ymagen! ¡O preciosa perla, ante quien el mundo es feo! ¡O mi señora y mi gloria! En mis braços te tengo y no lo creo. Mora en mi persona tanta turbación de plazer, que me haze no sentir todo el gozo que poseo. | Cal.__Oh angelic image! Oh precious pearl that makes everything in the world look ugly in comparison! Oh my lady and my glory! I cannot believe that I have you in my arms. I have such a turbulence of pleasure in my body, that I can hardly feel all the joy that I possess. | |
MELIB. __ Señor mio, pues me fié en tus manos, pues quise complir tu voluntad, no sea de peor condición, por ser piadosa, que si fuera esquiua y sin misericordia; no quieras perderme por tan breue deleyte y en tan poco espacio. Que las malfechas cosas, después de cometidas, más presto se pueden reprehender que emendar. Goza de lo que yo gozo, que es ver y llegar a tu persona; no pidas ni tomes aquello que, tomado, no será en tu mano boluer. Guarte, señor, de dañar lo que con todos tesoros del mundo no se restaura. | Mel.__My sir, I put myself in your hands, I want to comply with your will, unless it is a worse condition to be devout, than to be coy and merciless; you do not want to lose me for a quick delight. For when things are poorly done, afterwards, they are sooner regretted than amended. Delight in my delight, which is to see and be in your presence; do not ask for or take that which once is taken cannot be given back. Be careful, sir, that you do not damage what could never be restored even by all the treasures in the world. | |
CAL. __ Señora, pues por conseguir esta merced toda mi vida he gastado, ¿Qué sería, quando me la diessen, desechalla? Ni tú, señora, me lo mandarás ni yo podría acabarlo comigo. No me pidas tal couardía. No es fazer tal cosa de ninguno, que hombre sea, mayormente amando como yo. Nadando por este fuego de tu desseo toda mi vida, ¿No quieres que me arrime al dulce puerto a descansar de mis passados trabajos? | Cal.__Mistress, I have lost all my life in trying to achieve your mercy. How could I refuse what I have been given? Not even you, my lady, could tell me to do that nor could I do it on my own accord. Do not ask me to do such a cowardly thing. It is impossible for anyone who in so much love as I, no matter who he is. I have been swimming through the fire of your desire all of my life. Do you not want me to finally get to that sweet dock so that I can rest after all my past toils? | |
MELIB. __ Por mi vida, que avnque hable tu lengua quanto quisiere, no obren las manos quanto pueden. Está quedo, señor mio. Bástete, pues ya soy tuya, gozar de lo esterior desto que es propio fruto de amadores; no me quieras robar el mayor don que la natura me ha dado. Cata que del buen pastor es propio tresquillar sus ouejas y ganado; pero no destruyrlo y estragarlo. | Mel.__By my life, while your tongue may say everything it wishes, do not let your hands do the same. That is where I stand, my sir. Suffice yourself with what you have, for I am already yours. Delight in what is on the exterior, for that is the proper fruit of love; you do not want to rob me of the greatest reward nature has given me. Think about how the good shepherd only sheers his sheep; he does not ruin and destroy them. | |
CAL. __ ¿Para qué, señora? ¿Para que no esté queda mi passión? ¿Para penar de nueuo? ¿Para tornar el juego de comienço? Perdona, señora, a mis desuergonçadas manos, que jamás pensaron de tocar tu ropa con su indignidad y poco merecer; agora gozan de llegar a tu gentil cuerpo y lindas y delicadas carnes. | Cal.__What do you mean, mistress? Why can there be no peace for my passion? So that I may suffer again? So that the game will begin again? Forgive me, my lady, for my shameless hands, for they never thought they would be able to touch your clothing because of their baseness and little worth; now they delight in reaching your gracious body and your beautiful and delicate flesh. | |
MELIB. __ Apártate allá, Lucrecia. | Mel.__Lucrecia, go over there. | |
CAL. __ ¿Por qué, mi señora? Bien me huelgo que estén semejantes testigos de mi gloria. | Cal.__Why, my lady? I am proud to have a witness to my glory. | |
MELIB. __ Yo no los quiero de mi yerro. Si pensara que tan desmesuradamente te auías de hauer comigo, no fiara mi persona de tu cruel conuersación. | Mel.__I do not want them to see my error. If I had known you would have treated me in such a daring way, I would never have trusted myself with your cruel conversation. | |
SOS. __ Tristán, bien oyes lo que passa. !En qué términos anda el negocio! | Sos.__Tristan, do you hear what is happening. To what an end this business is going! | |
TRIST. __ Oygo tanto, que juzgo a mi amo por el más bienauenturado hombre que nasció. Y por mi vida que, avnque soy mochacho, que diesse tan buena cuenta como mi amo. | Tri.__ I hear so much, that I judge my master to be the luckiest man that was ever born. And by my life, for although I am a young boy, I think I could give as good an account for myself as my master. | |
SOS. __ Para con tal joya quienquiera se ternía manos; pero con su pan se la coma, que bien caro le cuesta: dos moços entraron en la salsa destos amores. | Sos.__Who would not reach out their hand to touch such a jewel? But let him eat it along with his bread, for it has cost him dearly; two of his servants were used in the sauce to make this love. | |
TRIST. __ Ya los tiene oluidados. !Dexaos morir siruiendo a ruynes, hazed locuras en confiança de su defensión! Viuiendo con el Conde, que no matase al hombre, me daua mi madre por consejo. Veslos a ellos alegres y abraçados y sus seruidores con harta mengua degollados. | Tri.__He has already forgotten them. He let them die while they were serving him. They were crazy to think he would protect them! When I lived with the Count, my mother told me to never to kill another man. You see how they are now, happy and hugging, yet their servants have been disgracefully beheaded. | |
MELIB. __ ¡O mi vida y mi señor! ¿Cómo has quisido que pierda el nombre y corona de virgen por tan breue deleyte? ¡O pecadora de mi madre, si de tal cosa fuesses sabidora, cómo tomarías de grado tu muerte y me la darías a mí por fuerça! ¡Cómo serías cruel verdugo de tu propia sangre! ¡Cómo sería yo fin quexosa de tus días! ¡O mi padre honrrado, cómo he dañado tu fama y dado causa y lugar a quebrantar tu casa! ¡O traydora de mí, cómo no miré primero el gran yerro que seguía de tu entrada, el gran peligro que esperaua! | Mel.__Oh my life and sir! How could you want for me to lose the name and crown of my virginity for such a brief delight? Oh my poor mother, if she knew of this, she would willingly take her own life and mine by force! How you would be the cruel executioner of your own blood! How I would cause a sad end to your days! Oh my honorable father, how I have damaged your reputation and created a reason to ruin your home! Oh what a traitor am I, since I did not foresee the great error that would follow your coming here, the great danger that waits! | |
SOS. __ ¡Ante quisiera yo oyrte esos miraglos! Todas sabés essa oración después que no puede dexar de ser hecho. !Y el bouo de Calisto, que se lo escucha! | Sos.__I would have liked to hear those extravagant gestures earlier! You all say the same oration after what was done cannot be undone. And the foolish Calisto actually listens to it! | |
CAL. __ Ya quiere amanecer. ?Qué es esto? No me paresce que ha vna hora que estamos aquí, y da el relox las tres. | Cal.__It is almost daybreak. What is this? The clock strikes three, but I feel as if though it has not even been an hour. | |
MELIB. __ Señor, por Dios, pues ya todo queda por ti, pues ya soy tu dueña, pues ya no puedes negar mi amor, no me niegues tu vista de día, passando por mi puerta; de noche donde tú ordenares. Sea tu venida por este secreto lugar a la mesma ora, porque siempre te esperé apercebida del gozo con que quedo, esperando las venideras noches. Y por el presente te ve con Dios, que no serás visto, que haze muy escuro, ni yo en casa sentida, que avn no amanesce. | Mel.__Sir, by God, everything is now up to you, since you are my owner. You can no longer deny me my love, do not deny me the sight of you passing through my door; come at night whenever you want. May you come to this secret place at the same time, for I will be waiting for you here every night with hopeful joy. And for the present, may you go with God, for it is very dark and I have not been heard yet in my house, since it is not yet day. | |
CAL. __ Moços, poné el escala. | Cal.__Servants put up the ladder. | |
SOS. __ Señor, vesla aquí. Baxa. | Sos.__Sir, it is here. Come down. | |
MELIB. __ Lucrecia, vente acá, que estoy sola. Aquel señor mio es ydo. Comigo dexa su coraçón, consigo lleua el mío. ?Asnos oydo? | Mel.__Lucrecia, come here, for I am alone. My sir has left. He leaves his heart with me, and takes mine with him. Did you hear us? | |
LUCR. __ No, señora, dormiendo he estado. | Luc.__No, mistress, I was sleeping. | |
SOS. __ Tristán, deuemos yr muy callando, porque suelen leuantarse a esta hora los ricos, los cobdiciosos de temporales bienes, los deuotos de templos, monesterios y yglesias, los enamorados como nuestro amo, los trabajadores de los campos y labranças, y los pastores que en este tiempo traen las ouejas a estos apriscos a ordeñar, y podría ser que cogiessen de pasada alguna razón, por do toda su honrra y la de Melibea se turbasse. | Sos.__Tristan, we should be very quiet, because usually at this time those that wake up are the rich folk, the people who covet temporal goods, those that are devoted to the temples, monasteries and churches, the lovers like our master, the laborers and those who work in the fields, and the shepherds, for now is when they take out the sheep to the fold to milk them, and if by chance one of them were to pass by and hear us, all of his and Melibea′s honor could be stained. | |
TRIST. __ ¡O simple rascacauallos! ¡Dizes que callemos y nombras su nombre della¡ Bueno eres para adalid o para regir gente en tierra de moros de noche. Assí que, prohibiendo, permites; encubriendo, descubres; assegurando, offendes, callando, bozeas y pregonas; preguntando, respondes. Pues tan sotil y discreto eres, ¿No me dirás en qué mes cae Santa María de Agosto, porque sepamos si ay harta paja en casa que comas ogaño? | Tri.__Oh you simple horse-scratching fool! You say that we should be quiet yet you say her name out loud! You would make a good night-time leader for the people walking into the Moorish territory. For, by prohibiting, you permit; by hiding, you reveal; by defending, you offend; by being quiet, you speak and proclaim things out loud; by asking, you respond. For you are so subtle and discreet. Are you not going to tell me in what month Saint Mary of August falls? Then we will make sure that there is enough hay in the house for you to eat this year. | |
CAL. __ Mis cuydados y los de vosotros no son todos vnos. Entrad callando, no nos sientan en casa. Cerrad essa puerta y vamos a reposar, que yo me quiero sobir solo a mi cámara. Yo me desarmaré. Id vosotros a vuestras camas. !O mezquino yo¡Quánto me es agradable de mi natural la solicitud y silencio y escuridad. No sé si lo causa que me vino a la memoria la trayción que fize en me despartir de aquella señora que tanto amo, hasta que más fuera de día, o el dolor de mi deshonrra. | Cal.__My worries are different from yours. Enter quietly, so that they do not hear us in the house. Close that door and let us go rest, for I want to go to my room alone. I will take off my own arms. Go on to your beds. Oh woe is me! How agreeable and natural is the solitude, silence and darkness. I do not know if I feel this way because I am remembering the treachery I committed, by leaving before daylight that lady whom I love so much, or if it because of the pain of my dishonor. | |
¡ Ay, ay! Que esto es. Esta herida es la que siento agora que se ha resfriado. Agora que está elada la sangre, que ayer heruía; agora que veo la mengua de mi casa, la falta de mi seruicio, la perdición de mi patrimonio, la infamia que tiene mi persona de la muerte que de mis criados se ha seguido. ?Qué hize? ¿ En qué me detuue? ¿ Cómo me puedo soffrir, que no me mostré luego presente, como hombre injuriado, vengador, soberuio y acelerado de la manifiesta injusticia que me fue hecha? | Oh, oh! That is what it is. I feel my wound getting colder now. Now my blood is frozen, although yesterday it was boiling; it is because I see my house diminished, the perdition of my patrimony, the infamy that I now have because of the death of my servants. What have I done? What detained me? How can I suffer now, when I did not show earlier that I was injured man, vengeful, proud and quick to announce the injustice that was done to me? | |
¡O mísera suauidad desta breuísima vida¡ ¿Quién es de ti tan cobdicioso que no quiera más morir luego que gozar vn año de vida denostado y prorogarle con deshonrra, corrompiendo la buena fama de los passados? Mayormente que no ay hora cierta ni limitada ni avn vn solo momento. Deudores somos sin tiempo, contino estamos obligados a pagar luego. | Oh the miserable sweetness of this short life! Who could be so jealous of you that they would prefer to die now rather than delight of you for one more year, even if in disgrace; prolonging his dishonor, and corrupting the good reputation that he used to have? Especially, since time is never certain nor exact, not even a single moment. It never lets us pay our debt in the future; rather we are always obligated to pay for it at the present. | |
¿ Porqué no salí a inquirir siquiera la verdad de la secreta causa de mi manifiesta perdición! ¡O breue deleyte mundane! ¡Cómo duran poco y cuestan mucho tus dulçores¡ No se compra tan caro el arrepentir. !O triste yo! ¿Quándo se restaurará tan grande pérdida ? ¿ Qué haré? ¿ Qué consejo tomaré? ¿ A quién descobriré mi mengua? | Why did I not go out to inquire the truth about the secret cause of my obvious perdition! Oh short mundane delight! How little it lasts and how much your sweetness costs! Repentance is less costly. Oh how sad I am! When will this great loss be restored? What will I do? What advice will I take? Who will I share my disgrace with? | |
¿ Porqué lo celo a los otros mis seruidores y parientes? Tresquílanme en concejo y no lo saben en mi casa. Salir quiero; pero, si salgo para dezir que he estado presente, es tarde; si absente, es temprano. Y para proueer amigos y criados antiguos, parientes y allegados, es menester tiempo y para buscar armas y otros aparejos de vengança. | Why do I hide this from my other servants and family members? I am scourged in public, but nobody in my home knows about it. I want to go; but if I do and tell them that I have been here all along, it will be too late; if I say I have been absent, it is too early. It will take time to get the support of my friends, servants, relatives and close friends. I also need to look for arms and other means of vengeance. | |
¡O cruel juez! ¡Y qué mal pago me has dado del pan que de mi padre comiste! Yo pensaua que pudiera con tu fauor matar mill hombres sin temor de castigo, iniquo falsario, perseguidor de verdad, hombre de baxo suelo. Bien dirán de ti que te hizo alcalde mengua de hombres buenos. Miraras que tú y los que mataste, en seruir a mis passados y a mí, érades compañeros; mas, quando el vil está rico, no tiene pariente ni amigo. ? Quién pensara que tú me auías de destruyr? No ay, cierto, cosa más empecible, que el incogitado enemigo. ? Porqué quesiste que dixessen: del monte sale con que se arde y que crié cueruo que me sacasse el ojo? Tú eres público delinquente y mataste a los que son priuados. | Oh cruel judge! What a bad repayment you have given me for the bread you ate from my father! I thought that with your favor I could kill one thousand men without the fear of being punished; you are a foul cheat, a persecutor of the truth, a lowly man. They will say that you were made judge because they were lacking in good men. You should have taken into consideration that you and those you killed were companions in serving me and my ancestors; but when the despicable man gets rich, he has no relatives or friends. Who would have thought that you would destroy me? Certainly, there is nothing more damaging than the unsuspected enemy. The mountain grows the wood that burns it and I myself raised the crows that pull out my eyes. You are the public delinquent and you killed private ones. | |
Y pues sabe que menor delito es el priuado que el público, menor su vtilidad, según las leyes de Atenas disponen. Las quales no son escritos con sangre; antes muestran que es menor yerro no condenar los malhechores que punir los innocentes. !O quán peligroso es seguir justa causa delante injusto juez! Quanto más este excesso de mis criados, que no carescía de culpa. Pues mira, si mal has hecho, que ay sindicado en el cielo y en la tierra: assí que a Dios y al rey serás reo y a mí capital enemigo. ?Qué peccó el vno por lo que hizo el otro, que por sólo ser su compañero los mataste a entrambos? ¿Pero qué digo? ¿Con quién hablo? ¿Estoy en mi seso? | And you know that the most minor crime is the one that is private instead of public, for they have less vitality, according to the laws of Athens, although they were not written in blood; they show that it is less of a mistake to let criminals go unpunished, than it is to punish the innocent. Oh how dangerous it is to pursue a just cause before an unjust judge! How much more dangerous it must have been my servant′s trespasses that were not free from guilt. So see here; if I have done wrong, there is a court in heaven and on earth, so you will be convicted by God and the king and you will be my capital enemy. For how can one be responsible for something the other did? Did you kill them both because they were friends? But what am I saying? Who am I talking to? Am I in my right mind? | |
¿Qué es esto, Calisto? ¿Soñauas, duermes o velas? ¿Estás en pie o acostado? Cata que estás en tu cámara. ?No vees que el offendedor no está presente? ¿Con quién lo has? Torna en ti. Mira que nunca los absentes se hallaron justos. Oye entrambas partes para sentenciar. ?No vees que por executar la justicia no auía de mirar amistad ni deudo ni criança? ¿No miras que la ley tiene de ser ygual a todos? Mira que Rómulo, el primer cimentador de Roma, mató a su propio hermano, porque la ordenada ley traspassó. Mira a Torcato romano, cómo mató a su hijo porque excedió la tribunicia constitución. Otros muchos hizieron lo mesmo. Considera que, si aquí presente él estouiese, respondería que hazientes y consintientes merecen ygual pena; avnque a entrambos matasse por lo que el vno pecó. | What is this, Calisto? Were you dreaming, sleeping or are you awake? Are you standing up or lying down? Look, you are in your room. Do you not see that the offender is not present? Who are you talking to? Turn to yourself. Remember one that is absent, is not declared innocent. Listen to both sides before you make your sentence. Do you not see that in order to execute justice you must not take friendship, obligations, or relatives into account? Do you not see that the law is equal for all? Look at Romulus, the founding father of Rome; he killed his own brother because he broke the law. Look at the Roman, Torquatus; he killed his own son because he was accused of having exceeded the laws of the tribunes. Many others have done the same. If the judge were here right now he would say that the doer and the consenter deserve the same punishment; even if both must be killed for the sin of one. | |
Y que, si aceleró en su muerte, que era crimen notorio y no eran necessarias muchas prueuas y que fueron tomados en el acto del matar: que ya estaua el vno muerto de la cayda que dio. Y también se deue creer que aquella lloradera moça, que Celestina tenía en su casa, le dio rezia priessa con su triste llanto, y él, por no hazer bullicio, por no me disfamar, por no esperar a que la gente se leuantasse y oyessen el pregón, del qual gran infamia se me siguía, los mandó justiciar tan de mañana, pues era forçoso el verdugo y bozeador para la execución y su descargo. Lo qual todo, assí como creo es hecho, antes le quedo deudor y obligado para quanto biua, no como a criado de mi padre, pero como a verdadero hermano. | And if his death was accelerated, it was because it was a notorious crime and there was no need for anymore proof. Or, they may have been apprehended during the very act of murder; for one was already dead after falling out of the window. And also, it should be considered that the crying young girl, who Celestina had in her house, may have created more haste because of her sad lament. Also, the judge may not have wanted to make havoc out of it so as not to dishonor me, so that is why he did not wait for people to wake up and hear the crier, for that would have caused me enormous infamy. He commanded justice to be given to them in the morning, and because there was a requirement for a hangman and a crier for the execution, it was his duty (. And that is how I believe everything happened, so I am indebted and obligated to him for as long as I live, not as the servant of my father, but as my true brother. | |
Y puesto caso que assí no fuesse puesto caso que no echasse lo passado a la mejor parte, acuérdate, Calisto, del gran gozo passado. Acuérdate de tu señora y tu bien todo. Y pues tu vida no tienes en nada por su seruicio, no has de tener las muertes de otros, pues ningún dolor ygualará con el rescebido plazer. !O mi señora y mi vida! Que jamás pensé en absencia offenderte. Que paresce que tengo en poca estima la merced que me has hecho. No quiero pensar en enojo, no quiero tener ya con la tristeza amistad. !O bien sin comparación! ¡O insaciable contentment! ¿Y quándo pidiera yo más a Dios por premio de mis méritos, si algunos son en esta vida, de lo que alcançado tengo? ¿Por qué no estoy contento? Pues no es razón ser ingrato a quien tanto bien me ha dado. !Quiérolo conocer, no quiero con enojo perder mi seso, porque perdido no cayga de tan alta possessión! No quiero otra honrra ni otra gloria, no otras riquezas, no otro padre ni madre,no otros deudos ni parientes. De día estaré en mi cámara, de noche en aquel parayso dulce, en aquel alegre vergel, entre aquellas suaues plantas y fresca verdura. ! O noche de mi descanso, si fuesses ya tornada! | And if this is so, in case what happened was not handled in the best possible fashion, remember Calisto, the great delight that just occurred. Remember your lady and complete good. And since you place no value on your file in her service you should not place it in the other′s death, for no other value can equal the gained pleasure. (Oh my lady and my life! I never thought that I could offend you in your absence. For it seems as if I have little esteem for the great mercy you have shown me. I do not want to think of anger; I do not want mix love with sadness. Oh goodness without comparison! Oh insatiable contentment! How could I ask God for a reward to my merits, if there are merits in this life, beyond what I have obtained? Why am I unhappy? There is no reason to be so ungrateful to the one that has given me so much good. I want to experience it I do not want to lose my mind, because by losing it, I may fall off such precious possession. I do not want any other honor, glory or riches; I do not want any other father or mother, nor other relations or family. During the day I will stay in my chamber, at night in that secret paradise, in that happy garden, among those soothing plants and refreshing verdure. Oh, my restful night, if you would just return! | |
¡O luziente Febo, date priessa a tu acostumbrado camino! ¡O deleytosas estrellas, apareceos ante de la continua orden! ¡O espacioso relox, avn te vea yo arder en biuo fuego de amor! Que si tú esperasses lo que yo, quando des doze, jamás estarías arrendado a la voluntad del maestro que te compuso. Pues ¡vosotros, inuernales meses, que agora estays escondidos!: ¡viniéssedes con vuestras muy complidas noches a trocarlas por estos prolixos días! Ya me paresce hauer vn año que no he visto aquel suaue descanso, aquel deleytoso refrigerio de mis trabajos. | Oh shining Phoebus, quickly go along your way! Oh delightful stars, come out earlier than you should! Oh what a slow clock; I wish I could see you burn in the lively fire of love! For if you had to wait as I do, until it is twelve, you would never be submissive to the will of the master who made you. And you, winter months, now hidden, I wish you would come with your long nights to change them for these long days. It feels as if though it has been a year since I have seen that sweet repose; that delightful refreshment for my troubles. | |
¿ Pero qué es lo que demando? ¿Qué pido, loco, sin sufrimiento? Lo que jamás fue ni puede ser. No aprenden los cursos naturales a rodearse sin orden, que a todos es vn ygual curso, a todos vn mesmo espacio para muerte y vida, un limitado término a los secretos mouimientos del alto firmamento celestial de los planetas, y norte de los crescimientos y mengua de la menstrua luna. Todo se rige con vn freno ygual, todo se mueue con igual espuela: cielo, tierra, mar, fuego, viento, calor, frío. ?Qué me aprouecha a mí que dé doze horas el relox de hierro, si no las ha dado el del cielo? Pues, por mucho que madrugue, no amanesce más ayna. | But what is it that I demand? What am I, impatient fool, asking for? I can never be what I never was. The natural courses are not without their own order; everybody has the same space for life and death, a limit to the secret movements of the highest celestial firmament of the planets and of the North Star, of the crescent and decreasing moon every month. Everything is governed with the same rein, everything moves with the same spur: heaven, earth, sea, fire, wind, heat, cold. How do I benefit from the iron clock striking twelve if the same time has not arrived in heaven? For, no matter how early I get up, the daylight will not come any earlier. | |
Pero tú, dulce ymaginación, tú que puedes, me acorre. Trae a mi fantasía la presencia angélica de aquella ymagen luziente; buelue a mis oydos el suaue son de sus palabras, aquellos desuíos sin gana, aquel apártate allá, señor, no llegues a mí; aquel no seas descortés, que con sus rubicundos labrios vía sonar; aquel no quieras mi perdición, que de rato en rato proponía; aquellos amorosos abraços entre palabra y palabra, aquel soltarme y prenderme, aquel huyr y llegarse, | But, you my sweet imagination, you can help me. Bring to my fantasy the angelic presence of that bright image; return to my ears the soft sound of her words, her unwilling deflections, those hesitant movements that, move away sir, do not come close to me; that, do not be un-courtly which she would utter with those rubicund lips: that, do not cause my perdition that she would utter now and then; those lovely hugs between every word; that releasing and holding of me; that fleeing and approaching; | |
aquellos açucarados besos, aquella final salutación con que se me despidió. !Con quánta pena salió por su boca! ¡Con quántos desperezos! ¡Con quántas lágrimas, que parescían granos de aljófar, que sin sentir se le cayan de aquellos claros y esplandecientes ojos! | those sugary kisses, that final salutation when she said goodbye. How painfully it came from her mouth! How she extended her arms! With so many tears, which looked like little pearls, which would fall unnoticed from her clear and resplendent eyes! | |
SOS. __ Tristán, ¿qué te paresce de Calisto, qué dormir ha hecho? Que son ya las quatro de la tarde y no nos ha llamado ni ha comido. | Sos.__Tristan, what do you think Calisto is doing, do you think he is sleeping? For it is already four in the afternoon and he has not called us or eaten anything. | |
TRIST. __ Calla, que el dormir no quiere priessa. Demás desto, aquéxale por vna parte la tristeza de aquellos moços, por otra le alegra el muy gran plazer de lo que con su Melibea ha alcançado. Assí, que dos tan rezios contrarios verás que tal pararán vn flaco subjecto, donde estuuieren aposentados. | Tri.__Quiet, for sleep should not be hastened. Besides, on the one hand, he is vexed by the affliction for those boys, and on the other he is happy because of the pleasure has received from Melibea. So then, two such contrary passions create a very weak subject. | |
SOS. __ ¿Piénsaste tú que lo penan a él mucho los muertos? Si no le penasse más a aquélla que desde esta ventana veo yo yr por la calle, no lleuaría las tocas de tal color. | Sos.__Do you think he is suffering much for those who died? He could not be hurting more than the one I see from this window crossing the wearing a veil of such a color. | |
TRIST. __ ¿Quién es, hermano? | Tri.__Who is it brother? | |
SOS. __ Llégate acá y verla has antes que trasponga. Mira aquella lutosa que se limpia agora las lágrimas de los ojos. Aquélla es Elicia, criada de Celestina y amiga de Sempronio. Vna muy bonita moça; avnque queda agora perdida la pecadora, porque tenía a Celestina por madre y a Sempronio por el principal de sus amigos. | Sos.__Come here and look at her before she goes away. Look at the mourning woman how she is now cleaning the tears from her eyes. That is Elicia, the maid of Celestina and friend of Sempronio. She is a pretty girl, although now she is a lost sinner, because she had Celestina as a mother and Sempronio was her best friend. | |
Y aquella casa donde entra, allí mora vna hermosa muger, muy graciosa y fresca, enamorada, medio ramera; pero no se tiene por poco dichoso quien la alcança tener por amiga sin grande escote, y llámase Areusa. Por la cual sé yo que ouo el triste de Pármeno más de tres noches malas y avn que no le plaze a ella con su muerte. |
And in the house that she is entering lives a beautiful woman, very gracious and
youthful. She is in love and is almost a whore; but whoever has her as a friend, at
little cost, can consider himself very lucky. Her name is Areusa. I know for a fact that
she had made the poor Parmeno spend with her three bad nights , and also that she is not pleased at all with his death.
| |
Acto XVSumario:AREUSA dize palabras injuriosas a un rufian llamado CENTURIO, el qual se despide della por la venida de ELICIA, la qual cuenta a ARE SA las muertes que sobre los amores de CALISTO Y MELIBEA se avian ordenado, y conciertan ARE SA y ELICIA que CENTURIO aya de vengar las muertes de los tres en los dos enamorados. En fin, despidese ELICIA de ARE SA, no consintiendo en lo que le ruega, por no perder el buen tiempo que se dava, estando en su asueta casa. |
Act XVArgument: Areusa speaks injuriously to a rascal called Centurio, who leaves her when Elicia comes in. Elicia tells Areusa about the deaths that were caused because of the love of Calisto and Melibea. Areusa and Elica agree, and conclude together, that Centurio should revenge the death of the three, upon the two young lovers. After this, she would not lose her market at home in her accustomed lodging. | |
ELIC. __ ¿Qué bozear es este de mi prima? Si ha sabido las tristes nueuas que yo le traygo, no auré yo las albricias de dolor que por tal mensaje se ganan. Llore, llore, vierta lágrimas, pues no se hallan tales hombres a cada rincón. Plázeme que assí lo siente. | Eli.__Why is my cousin shouting so much? Maybe she has already heard the sad news that I have come to bring her; then I will not receive from her the hurrahs of pain the hurrahs of pain which result from hearing such news. Let her cry, let her cry bitter tears, for such men do not exist in every corner. I am relieved that she has so many feelings for them. | |
Messe aquellos cabellos como yo triste he fecho, sepa que es perder buena vida más trabajo que la misma muerte. !O quánto más la quiero que hasta aquí por el gran sentimiento que muestra! | Let her pull her hair just as I have done, because of my sadness; know that it is harder to lose somebody good in your life than it is to die your own death. Oh how I love her even more now, because of all the sentiment she is showing! | |
AREUSA. __ Vete de mi casa, rufián, vellaco, mentiroso, burlador, que me traes engañada, boua, con tus offertas vanas. Con tus ronces y halagos hasme robado quanto tengo. Yo te di, vellaco, sayo y capa, espada y broquel, camisas de dos en dos a las mill marauillas labradas, | Are.__Get out of my house you rascal, scoundrel, liar, you mock me and think you can trick me; you think that I am a fool, that I will fall for your worthless offers. With your praises and flatteries, you have robbed me of everything that I have. I have given you, a doublet and a cloak, a sword and a buckler, a pair of shirts and a thousand marvelous embroideries, | |
yo te di armas y cauallo, púsete con señor que no le merescías discalced; agora vna cosa que te pido que por mí fagas pónesme mill achaques. | I have given you arms and a horse, I put you with a master who is so great you do not deserve to even take off his shoes; and now, I ask you to do one thing for me and you give me a thousand excuses. | |
CENTURIO. __ Hermana mia, mándame tú matar con diez hombres por tu servicio y no que ande vna legua de camino a pie. | Cen.__My sister, I would rather you command me to kill ten men in your name than you ask me to walk a league by foot. | |
AREU. __ ¿Porqué jugaste tú el cauallo, tahur vellaco? Que si por mí no ouiesse sido, estarías tú ya ahorcado. Tres vezes te he librado de la justicia, quatro vezes desempeñado en los tableros. ? Porqué lo hago? ¿Porqué soy loca? ¿Porqué tengo fe con este couarde? ¿Porqué creo sus mentiras? ¿Porqué le consiento entrar por mis puertas? | Are.__Why did you gamble away your horse, you rascal? For if it had not been for me, you would have already been hanged. I have saved you three times from the police, and four times I have paid for your gambling debts. Why do I do it? Why am I so foolish? Because I have faith in this coward? Because I believe his lies? Because I allow him to come through my doors? | |
¿Qué tiene bueno? Los cabellos crespos, la cara acuchillada, dos vezes açotado, manco de la mano del espada, reynta mugeres en la putería. Salte luego de ay. No te vea yo más, no me hables ni digas que me conoces; | What is he good for? His hair is all curly, his face is scarred, he has been flogged twice, his sword hand is crippled, and he has thirty whores. Get out of here right now. I do not want to see you again; do not speak to me or say that you know me; | |
si no, por los huesos del padre que me hizo y de la madre que me parió, yo te haga dar mill palos en essas espaldas de molinero. Que ya sabes que tengo quien lo sepa hazer y, hecho, salirse con ello. | and if you do, I swear by the bones of the father that made me and the mother that gave birth to me, I will give you one thousand blows on that miller′s back. For you know that I have someone who knows what to do and, once done, get away with it. | |
CENT. __ ¡Loquear, bouilla! Pues si yo me ensaño, alguna llorará. Mas quiero yrme y çofrirte, que no sé quien entra, no nos oyan. | Cen.__The little fool, is speaking nonsense! But if I get angry at her she will cry. It is better if I endure this and leave, besides, somebody is coming in, and I do not want them to hear us. | |
ELIC. __ Quiero entrar, que no es son de buen llanto donde ay amenazas y denuestos. | Eli.__I want to come in, but it is not crying I heard, but rather threats and insults. | |
AREU. __ ¡Ay triste yo! ¿Eres tú, mi Elicia? ¡Jesú, Jesú! No lo puedo creer. ¿Qué es esto? ¿Quién te me cubrió de dolor? ¿Qué manto de tristeza es éste? Cata, que me espantas, hermana mia. Dime presto qué cosa es, que estoy sin tiento, ninguna gota de sangre has dexado en mi cuerpo. | Are.__Oh poor me! Is it you, my Elicia? Jesus, Jesus! I cannot believe it. What is this? Who covered you with pain? What cloak of sorrow is this? Really, you are frightening me, my sister. Quickly, tell me what it is, for I am very worried, there is not a drop of blood left in my body. | |
ELIC. __ ¡Gran dolor, gran pérdida! Poco es lo que muestro con lo que siento y encubro; más negro traygo el coraçón que el manto, las entrañas que las tocas. !Ay hermana, hermana, que no puedo fablar! No puedo de ronca sacar la boz del pecho. | Eli.__A great pain, a great loss! The feelings I show are nothing compared to what I am hiding inside; my heart is blacker than my cloak; my entrails are darker than my veil. Oh sister, sister, I cannot speak! I am so hoarse I cannot get my voice out of my chest. | |
9. AREU. __ ¡Ay triste! ¿Qué me tienes suspensa? Dímelo, no te messes, no te rascuñes ni maltrates. ?Es común de entrambos este mal? ¿Tócame a mí? | Are.__Oh what despair! Why do you hold me in so much suspense? Tell me, do not pull your hair, do not scratch or hurt yourself. Does this bad news affect both of us? Does it touch me? | |
ELIC. __ ¡Ay prima mia y mi amor! Sempronio y Pármeno ya no biuen, ya no son en el mundo. Sus ánimas ya están purgando su yerro. Ya son libres desta triste vida. | Eli.__Oh my cousin and my love! Sempronio and Parmeno are no longer alive in this world. Their souls are already paying for their sins. They are already free from this sad life. | |
AREU. __ ¿Qué me cuentas? No me lo digas. Calla por Dios, que me caeré muerta. | Are.__ What did you say? Do not tell me this. Quiet, by God, for I am going to fall down dead. | |
ELIC. __ Pues más mal ay que suena. Oye a la triste, que te contará más quexas. Celestina, aquélla que tú bien conosciste, aquélla que yo tenía por madre, aquélla que me regalaua, | Eli.__But it is worse than it sounds. Listen to the sad one, for she will tell you more miserable things. Celestina, the one you knew so well, the one I held to be my mother, the one who would help me, | |
aquélla que me encubría, aquélla con quien yo me honrraua entre mis yguales, aquélla por quien yo era conoscida en toda la ciudad y arrabales, ya está dando cuenta de sus obras. Mill cuchilladas le vi dar a mis ojos: en mi regaço me la mataron. | the one who would care for me, the one who made me feel honorable among my equals, the one who made me well known in the whole city and the suburbs; she is already giving an account of her deeds. I saw her get stabbed one thousand times before my very eyes: they killed her in my lap. | |
AREU. __ ¡O fuerte tribulación! ¡O dolorosas nueuas, dignas de mortal lloro! ¡O acelerados disasters! ¡O pérdida incurable! ¿Cómo ha rodeado atan presto la fortuna su rueda? ¿Quién los mató? ¿Cómo murieron? Que estoy enuelesada, sin tiento, como quien cosa impossible oye. No ha ocho días que los vide biuos y ya podemos dezir: perdónelos Dios. Cuéntame, amiga mia, cómo es acaescido tan cruel y desastrado caso. | Are.__Oh what a harsh tribulation! Oh what painful news, worthy of our tears! Oh what a quick disaster! Oh what an incurable loss! How quickly has fortune turned? Who killed her? How did they die? I am astounded; I am beside myself, from hearing something so outrageous. It has not been eight days since I saw them alive. Now we can say: God, forgive them. Tell me, my friend, how did something so cruel and disastrous happen? | |
ELIC. __ Tú lo sabrás. Ya oyste dezir, hermana, los amores de Calisto y la loca de Melibea. Bien verías cómo Celestina auía tomado el cargo, por intercessión de Sempronio, de ser medianera, pagándole su trabajo. La qual puso tanta diligencia y solicitud, que a la segunda açadonada sacó agua. | Eli.__You will know how. I am sure you have already heard, sister, about the love between Calisto and that crazy Melibea. You saw how Celestina had made it her business, through the intercession of Sempronio, to be the intermediary between them, and she was paid for her work. She was so diligent that she drew water at the second blow of the hoe. | |
Pues, como Calisto tan presto vido buen concierto en cosa que jamás lo esperaua, a bueltas de otras cosas dio a la desdichada de mi tía vna cadena de oro. Y como sea de tal calidad aquel metal, que mientra más beuemos dello más sed nos pone, con sacrílega hambre, quando se vido tan rica, alçóse con su ganancia y no quiso dar parte a Sempronio ni a Pármeno dello, lo qual auía quedado entre ellos que partiessen lo que Calisto diesse. | So when Calisto saw how quickly the work had been done, before he was expecting it, he gave the unlucky one a gold chain when she went to his house. And since the metal was of such a fine quality, for you know the more one drinks the more thirsty one becomes; she gained a sacrilegious hunger when she saw herself so rich; she took all the winnings for herself and did not want to share it with Sempronio and Parmeno, although they had agreed that they would divide between them whatever Calisto gave her. | |
Pues, como ellos viniessen cansados vna mañana de acompañar a su amo toda la noche, muy ayrados de no sé qué questiones que dizen que auían auido, pidieron su parte a Celestina de la cadena para remediarse. | So, they came home exhausted from having accompanied their master for the entire night. They were very angry about something that had happened to them, and they asked Celestina for their share of the chain as compensation so that they could remedy themselves. | |
Ella púsose en negarles la conuención y promesa y dezir que todo era suyo lo ganado, y avn descubriendo otras cosillas de secretos, que, como dizen: riñen las comadres, etc. Assí que ellos muy enojados, por vna parte los aquexaua la necessidad, que priua todo amor; por otra, el enojo grande y cansancio que trayan, que acarrea alteración; por otra, auían la fe quebrada de su mayor esperança. | She decided to deny their covenant and promise, and she told them that she had won everything for herself, and then went on to uncover some other secrets, and as they say, you know what happens when the gossipers quarrel, etc. So then, they became very angry, for they were motivated by necessity, which takes away all love; on the one hand they were angry and exhausted, and on the other, their expectations had been dashed. | |
No sabían qué hazer. Estuuieron gran rato en palabras. Al fin, viéndola tan cobdiciosa, perseuerando en su negar, echaron mano a sus espadas y diéronle mill cuchilladas. | They did not know what to do. They were discussing it for a long time. Finally, seeing that she was so greedy and continued to deny them, they took out their swords and cut her a thousand times. | |
AREU. __ ¡O desdichada muger! ¿Y en esto auía su vejez de fenescer? ¿Y dellos, qué me dizes? ¿En qué pararon? | Are.__Oh what an unlucky woman! And this was the way her life had to end! And as for them, what happened? How did they perish? | |
ELIC. __ Ellos, como ouieron hecho delicto, por huyr de la justicia, que acaso passaua por allí, saltaron de las ventanas y quasi muertos los prendieron y sin más dilación los degollaron. | Eli.__Since they had committed a crime, they tried to escape from the police who were coming, by jumping from the window. They were already half dead when they were arrested and without any further delay they were beheaded. | |
AREU. __ ¡O mi Pármeno y mi amor! ¡Y quánto dolor me pone su muerte! Pésame del grande amor que con el tan poco tiempo auía puesto, pues no me auía más de durar. | Are.__Oh my Parmeno and my love! How much pain his death has caused me! I am distraught because of the great love that I had for him, for so little time, since it could not last any longer. | |
Pero pues ya este mal recabdo es hecho, pues ya esta desdicha es acaescida, pues ya no se pueden por lágrimas comprar ni restaurar sus vidas, no te fatigues tú tanto, que cegarás llorando. Que creo que poca ventaja me lleuas en sentimiento y verás con quánta paciencia lo çuffro y passo. | Well you have already given me this bad news, and now that this unlucky thing has happened, we know that we cannot buy nor restore their lives with tears, so do not fatigue yourself so much, for your tears will blind you. For I think that there is little advantage in being too sentimental, so you will see with what patience I suffer and endure this. | |
ELIC. __ ¡Ay que rauio! ¡Ay mezquina, que salgo de seso! ¡Ay, que no hallo quién lo sienta como yo! No hay quien pierda lo que yo pierdo. | Eli.__Oh I am raving mad! Oh how miserable I am, for I am going out of my mind! Oh there is nobody who feels like I do! There is nobody who has lost what I have lost. | |
¡O quánto mejores y más honestas fueran mis lágrimas en passión ajena, que en la propia mía! ¿A dónde yré, que pierdo madre, manto y abrigo; pierdo amigo y tal que nunca faltaua de mi marido? ¡O Celestina sabia, honrrada y autorizada, quántas faltas me encobrías con tu buen saber! | Oh how much better and more honest my tears would be if they were for a passion other than my own! Where will I go, for I have lost my mother, my cloak and warmth; I have lost a friend and such that he could have been my husband? Oh Celestina, wise one, so honorable and resolute, how many of my faults did you cover up with your great knowledge! | |
Tú trabajauas, yo holgaua; tú salías fuera, yo estaua encerrada; tú rota, yo vestida; tú entrauas contino como abeja por casa, yo destruya, que otra cosa no sabía hazer. !O bien y gozo mundano, que mientra eres posseydo eres menospreciado y jamás te consientes conocer hasta que te per demos! | You would work while I lazed about; you would go out, while I stayed indoors; you were all ragged, while I was well dressed; you would come in and be busy like a bee all around the house, while I messed things up for I did not know any better. Oh good and mundane pleasure, for when you are possessed you are unappreciated, and we are never conscious of you until you are gone! | |
¡O Calisto y Melibea, causadores de tantas muertes! ¡Mal fin ayan vuestros amores, en mal sabor se conuiertan vuestros dulces plazeres! Tórnese lloro vuestra gloria, trabajo vuestro descanso. Las yeruas deleytosas, donde tomays los hurtados solazes, se conuiertan en culebras, los cantares se os tornen lloro, los sombrosos árboles del huerto se sequen con vuestra vista, sus flores olorosas se tornen de negra color. | Oh Calisto and Melibea, you are responsible for so many deaths! Your loves will have an unhappy ending; your sweet pleasures will turn sour! Let your glory be turned into sadness, your repose into trouble. May the pleasant herbs where you take furtive solace be turned into snakes, your songs be turned into wailing; the shady trees in the garden may they dry up with your sight; may your sweet smelling flowers turn black. | |
AREU. __ Calla, por Dios, hermana, pon silencio a tus quexas, ataja tus lágrimas, limpia tus ojos, torna sobre tu vida. Que quando vna puerta se cierra, otra suele abrir la fortuna, y este mal, avnque duro, se soldará. Y muchas cosas se pueden vengar que es impossible remediar y ésta tiene el remedio dudoso y la vengança en la mano. | Are.__Quiet, by God, sister, silence your complaints, put an end to your tears, clean your eyes and think about your own life. For when one door is closed, fortune usually opens another, and while things are bad, and difficult now, they will soon fix themselves. And many things, impossible to remedy, can be avenged, but this one is of dubious remedy and of a certain vengeance. | |
ELIC. __ ¿De quién se ha de auer enmienda, que la muerta y los matadores me han acarreado esta cuyta? No menos me fatiga la punición de los delinquentes que el yerro cometido. | Eli.__Who will fix it, for the one who is dead as well as her killers, are the ones who have created all this suffering for me? I am no less troubled by the punishment of the delinquents than the error that they committed. | |
¿Qué mandas que haga, que todo carga sobre mí? Pluguiera a Dios que fuera yo con ellos y no quedara para llorar a todos. Y de lo que más dolor siento es ver que por esso no dexa aquel vil de poco sentimiento de ver y visitar festejando cada noche a su estiércol de Melibea, y ella muy ufana en ver sangre vertida por su seruicio. | What do you want me to do, why does everything have to fall upon me? I wish to God that I was with them now so I would not have to stay here and cry for them all. And what hurts me the most is that after all this, that villain is not even sorry for what happened for he still goes every night to see and celebrate with that filthy Melibea. She must be very pleased to see so much bloodshed in her name. | |
AREU. __ Si esso es verdad, ¿de quién mejor se puede tomar vengança? De manera que quien lo comió, aquél lo escote. Déxame tú, que si yo les caygo en el rastro, quándo se veen y cómo, por dónde y a qué hora, no me ayas tú por hija de la pastellera vieja, que bien conosciste, si no hago que les amarguen los amores. Si pongo en ello a aquél con quien me viste que reññía quando entrauas, | Are.__If that is true, who can we take our revenge out on? Those who ate should pay. Leave it to me, for I will follow them and see when and how they meet, where and at what time. If I do not succeed in souring their loves, no longer consider me to be the daughter of that pastry selling old woman whom you knew so well. I will ask the one you saw me arguing with when you came in. | |
si no sea él peor verdugo para Calisto que Sempronio de Celestina. Pues, ¡qué gozo auría agora él en que le pusiesse yo en algo por mi seruicio, que se fue muy triste de verme que le traté mal! Y vería él los cielos abiertos en tornalle yo a hablar y mandar. Por ende, hermana, dime tú de quién pueda yo saber el negocio cómo passa, que yo le haré armar vn lazo con que Melibea llore quanto agora goza. | He will be a worse executioner to Calisto than Sempronio was to Celestina, And how happy he would be if I asked him to do something for me, because he was very sad that I treated him so poorly! He would think the heavens had opened up if I were to turn around and talk to him and ask him to do something. So then, sister, tell me from whom can I can find out about this business; for I will set a trap that will make Melibea cry as much as she is delighting now. | |
ELIC. __ Yo conozco, amiga, otro compañero de Pármeno, moço de cauallos, que se llama Sosia, que le acompaña cada noche. Quiero trabajar de se lo sacar todo el secreto y este será buen camino para lo que dizes. | Eli.__I know, my friend, another one of Parmeno′s companions, the groom of the stable, who is called Sosia; he accompanies Calisto every night. I will try to get all his secrets out of him and it will be a good beginning for our plan. | |
AREU. __ Más hazme este plazer, que me embíes acá esse Sosia. Yo le halagaré y diré mill lisonjas y offrescimientos hasta que no le dexe en el cuerpo de lo hecho y por hazer. Después a él y a su amo haré reuessar el plazer comido. | Are.__It would please me more if you would tell Sosia to come here. I will flatter him and tell him a thousand praises and give him such good offers that he will tell me everything he has left in his body. After, his master and him will have to throw up all of the pleasure they have eaten. | |
Y tú, Elicia, alma mia, no recibas pena. Passa a mi casa tu ropa y alhajas y vente a mi compaqía, que estarás muy sola y la tristeza es amiga de la soledad. Con nueuo amor oluidarás los viejos. Vn hijo que nasce restaura la falta de tres finados: con nueuo sucessor se pierde la alegre memoria y plazeres perdidos del passado. De vn pan que yo tenga, ternás tú la meytad. Más lástima tengo de tu fatiga que de los que te la ponen. | And you, Elicia, my soul, do not suffer. Bring your clothes and jewels to my house and be in my company, for you will be very alone and sadness is the friend of solitude. New love will make you forget the old ones. One child that is born restores the losses of three that died: a new successor helps you to forget the happy memories and lost pleasures of your past. If I have a piece of bread, you will have half. I feel sorrier for you, because of your sadness, than for the ones that have caused it. | |
Verdad sea, que cierto duele más la pérdida de lo que hombre tiene que da plazer la esperança de otro tal, avnque sea cierta. Pero ya lo hecho es sin remedio y los muertos irrecuperables. Y como dizen: mueran y biuamos. A los biuos me dexa a cargo, que yo te les daré tan amargo xarope a beuer, qual ellos a ti han dado. | It is true, indeed, that the hurt from one′s loss is greater than the pleasure from one′s hope no matter how certain. But now there is no way to fix the past and the dead cannot be brought back to life. And like they say: they die, and we live. Leave the ones that are alive to me, for I will give them a syrup that is as bitter as the one they have given you. | |
¡Ay prima, prima, cómo sé yo, quando me ensaño, reboluer estas tramas, avnque soy moça! Y de al me vengue Dios, que de Calisto Centurio me vengará. | Oh cousin, cousin, when I am angry I know how to make things go my way, even though I am young! May God grant my vengeance of other things, for Centurio will avenge me of Calisto. | |
ELIC. __ Cata que creo que, avnque llame el que mandas, no aurá effecto lo que quieres, porque la pena de los que murieron por descobrir el secreto porná silencio al biuo para guardarle. | Eli.__Careful, for I think that, while you may indeed call the one you will command, it may not have the effect that you intend, because the punishment that those who died received for uncovering their secret will silence the ones who are alive so that they keep it. | |
Lo que me dizes de mi venida a tu casa te agradesco mucho. Y Dios te ampare y alegre en tus necessidades, que bien muestras el parentesco y hermandad no seruir de viento, antes en las aduersidades aprouechar. Pero, avnque lo quiera hazer, por gozar de tu dulce compañqía, no podrá ser por el daño que me vernía. | What you have told me about coming to your house has pleased me very much. May God protect you and give you what you need, for you have proven that kindredness and fraternity is not a fleeting wind but rather a great benefit in adversity. But, although I want to do it, in order to delight of your sweet company, I will not be able to because of the pain it would cause me. | |
La causa no es necessario dezir, pues hablo con quien me entiende. Que allí, hermana, soy conoscida, allí estoy aparrochada. Jamás perderá aquella casa el nombre de Celestina, que Dios aya. Siempre acuden allí moças conoscidas y allegadas, medio parientas de las que ella crió. Allí hazen sus conciertos, de donde se me seguirá algún prouecho. Y también essos pocos amigos que me quedan, no me saben otra morada. Pues ya sabes quán duro es dexar lo vsado y que mudar costumbre es a par de muerte | I do not have to tell you the reason why, for I speak with one who understands me. For there, sister, I am known, and I am accustomed to being there. I never want that house to lose Celestina′s name, may God help me. The girls that are known to us and our close friends always go there; they are practically half related for she raised them. There is where they make their deals, which will make some profit for me still. And also, the few friends that remain do not know of any other home. So thus, you must understand how difficult it is for me to leave what I am used to and that changing habits is close to dying. | |
Y piedra mouediza que nunca moho la cobija. Allí quiero estar, siquiera porque el alquile de la casa, que está pagado por ogaño, no se vaya en balde. Assí que, avnque cada cosa no abastasse por sí, juntas aprouechan y ayudan. Ya me paresce que es hora de yrme. De lo dicho me lleuo el cargo. Dios quede contigo, que me voy. |
And also, a rolling stone never gathers any mold. That is where I want to be, if only
because the rent has already been paid for the next year; so it does not go in vain. So
then although not everything is enough by yourself, together we can benefit and help
each other. I believe it is time for me to go. I will take care of what we spoke about. May God be with you for I am leaving.
| |
Acto XVISumario: Pensando PLEBERIO y ALISA tener su hija MELIBEA el don de la virginidad conservada, lo qual, segun ha parescido, esta en contrario, y estan razonando sobre el casamiento de MELIBEA, y en tan gran quantidad le dan pena las palabras que de sus padres oye, que embia a LUCRECIA para que sea causa de su silencio en aquel proposito. |
Act XVIArgument: Pleberio and Alisa, thinking that their daughter Melibea had kept her virginity untouched, which was (as it seemed) quite the contrary; begin to talk about marrying Melibea, who hears their discourse and impatiently endures it. She is so grieved by hearing her father speak of it, that she sends in Lucrecia she might occasion them to break off both their discourse and purpose. | |
| ||
No hay cosa tan ligera para huyr como la vida. La muerte nos sigue y rodea, de la qual somos vezinos y hazia su vandera nos acostamos, según natura. Esto vemos muy claro, si miramos nuestros yguales, nuestros hermanos y parientes en derredor. Todos los come ya la tierra, todos están en sus perpetuas moradas. | There is nothing easier to run from than life. Death follows and circles us, and we are his neighbors, for we all march under its flag, according to nature. We can see this very clearly if we look around us at our equals, our brothers and our relatives. They are all eaten by the dirt, and they all go to their perpetual home. | |
Y pues somos inciertos quándo auemos de ser llamados, viendo tan ciertas señales, deuemos echar nuestras baruas en remojo y aparejar nuestros fardeles para andar este forçoso camino; no nos tome improuisos ni de salto aquella cruel boz de la muerte. | And since we are uncertain as to when we will be called, though we see such certain signs; we should let beards soak and we should prepare our luggage for this unavoidable journey; so that we are not taken unprepaired and by surprise by that cruel call of death. | |
Ordenemos nuestras ánimas con tiempo, que más vale preuenir que ser preuenidos. Demos nuestra hazienda a dulce sucessor, acompañemos nuestra vnica hija con marido, qual nuestro estado requiere, porque vamos descansados y sin dolor deste mundo. | Let us prepare ourselves ahead of time, for it is better to be prevent than be prevented. We should give our home to a sweet successor; we should pair up our only daughter with a husband, such as required by our state, so that we can go peacefully and without pain from this world. | |
Lo qual con mucha diligencia deuemos poner desde agora por obra, y lo que otras vezes auemos principiado en este caso, agora aya execución. No quede por nuestra negligencia nuestra hija en manos de tutores, | We should try to accomplish this from now on with much diligence, and what we have started at times in the past, we should execute now. May our daughter not be left in the hands of guardians because of our negligence. | |
pues parescerá ya mejor en su propia casa que en la nuestra. Quitarla hemos de lenguas de vulgo, porque ninguna virtut ay tan perfecta que no tenga vituperadores y maldizientes. No ay cosa con que mejor se conserue la limpia fama en las vírgines, que con temprano casamiento. | For it is better that she be in her own house than in ours. We must free her from the wagging tongues of the common people, because there is no virtue that is so perfect that will be free from gossips and slander. There is nothing that better conserves the clean reputation of a virgin than an early marriage. | |
¿Quién rehuyría nuestro parentesco en toda la ciudad? ¿Quién no se hallará gozoso de tomar tal joya en su compañía? ¿En quién caben las quatro principales cosas que en los casamientos se demandan, conuiene a saber: lo primero, discrición, honestidad y virginidad; segundo, hermosura; lo tercero, el alto origen y parientes; lo final, riqueza? De todo esto la dotó natura. qualquiera cosa que nos pidan hallarán bien complida. | Who in this entire city will refuse our family? Who would not be delighted to take such a jewel into his company? Who else has the four principals that are demanded before marriage? That is: first, discretion, honesty and virginity; second, beauty; the third, high birth and family; and finally, wealth. Nature has bestowed all of these things upon her, anything anyone may require, it will be found in her with completeness. | |
ALI. __ Dios la conserue, mi señor Pleberio, porque nuestros desseos veamos complidos en nuestra vida. Que antes pienso que faltará ygual a nuestra hija, | Ali.__May God conserve her, my sir, Pleberio, may we see our desires fulfilled within our lifetimes. For I believe that we will not find one that can be compared to our daughter, | |
según tu virtut y tu noble sangre, que no sobrarán muchos que la merezcan. Pero como esto sea officio de los padres y muy ageno a las mugeres, como tú lo ordenares, seré yo alegre, y nuestra hija obedecerá, según su casto biuir y honesta vida y humildad. | considering your virtue and noble blood, there will not be many that will deserve her. But, since this is the job of the fathers, and does not belong to women, whatever you command will make me happy and our daughter will obey, according to her chastity, honesty, and humility. | |
LUCR. __ Avn si bien lo supiesses, reventarías. !Ya! ¡Ya! ¡Perdido es lo mejor! ¡Mal año se os apareja a la vejez! | Luc.__And if you only knew, your heart would break in two. Oh, sure, sure! The best is lost! This is going to be a bad year for your old age. | |
Lo mejor, Calisto lo lleua. No hay quien ponga virgos, que ya es muerta Celestina. Tarde acordays y más auíades de madrugar. !Escucha! ¡Escucha! Señora Melibea. | The best has been taken by Calisto. There is nobody who can repair hymens, for Celestina is already dead. It is too late for you to think of this; you should have woken up earlier. Listen! Listen! Mistress Melibea. | |
MELIB. __ Que hazes ay escondida, loca? | Mel.__What are you doing hiding there, you crazy woman? | |
LUCR. __ Llégate aquí, señora, oyrás a tus padres la priessa que traen por te casar. | Luc.__Come here, mistress, you will hear the urgency your parents have to marry you. | |
MELIB. __ Calla, por Dios, que te oyrán. Déxalos parlar, déxalos deuaneen. Vn mes ha que otra cosa no hazen ni en otra cosa entienden. No parece sino que les dize el coraçón el gran amor que a Calisto tengo y todo lo que con él vn mes ha he passado. | Mel.__Quiet, by God, for they will hear you. Let them speak, let them fantasize. It has been a month since they do not speak or think about anything else. It looks as their hearts are telling them about the great love I have for Calisto as well as everything that has happened between us in the last month. | |
No sé si me han sentido, no sé qué se sea aquexarles más agora este cuydado que nunca. Pues mándoles yo trabajar en vano. Por demás es la cítola en el molino. ?Quién es el que me ha de quitar mi gloria? ¿Quién apartarme mis plazeres? | I do not know if they have heard me, and I do not know why this has become such an issue for them lately. Well, they are working in vain. Of what use is the clapper in the mill[ if the miller is deaft]. Who could take away my glory? Who could take my pleasures away from me? | |
Calisto es mi ánima, mi vida, mi señor, en quien yo tengo toda mi esperança. Conozco dél que no biuo engañada. Pues él me ama, ¿con qué otra cosa le puedo pagar? | Calisto is my soul, my life, my sir, the one in whom I have all my hope. I know that I am not being fooled by him. For he loves me, with what other thing can I repay him with? | |
Todas las debdas del mundo resciben compensación en diuerso género; el amor no admite sino solo amor por paga. En pensar en él me alegro, en verlo me gozo, en oyrlo me glorifico. Haga y ordene de mí a su voluntad. | All of the debts in the world receive their compensation in a diverse manner; the only payment for love is love. When I think of him I get happy, when I see him I am delighted, when I hear him I am glorified. Let him do and order me at his will. | |
Si passar quisiere la mar, con él yré; si rodear el mundo, lléueme consigo; si venderme en tierra de enemigos, no rehuyré su querer. Déxenme mis padres gozar dél, si ellos quieren gozar de mí. No piensen en estas vanidades ni en estos casamientos: que más vale ser buena amiga que mala casada. | If he wants to go to sea, I will go with him; if he wants to travel around the world; he will take me with him; if he wants to sell me on enemy land, I will not resist his wishes. My parents should let me delight in him, if they want to delight of me. They should not think of these vanities or of my marriage; for it is better to be a good friend than to be unhappily married. | |
Déxenme gozar mi mocedad alegre, si quieren gozar su vejez cansada; si no, presto podrán aparejar mi perdición y su sepultura. No tengo otra lástima sino por el tiempo que perdí de no gozarlo, de no conoscerlo, después que a mí me sé conoscer. | Let me delight of my happy youth, if they want to delight of their tired old age; if not, they can quickly prepare my perdition and their graves. I do not feel sorry for anything except for the time that I lost not delighting of him and knowing him, since the time after I knew myself. | |
No quiero marido, no quiero ensuziar los ñudos del matrimonio, ni las maritales pisadas de ageno hombre repisar, como muchas hallo en los antiguos libros que ley o que hizieron más discretas que yo, más subidas en estado y linaje. | I do not want a husband, I do not want to tarnish the knots of marriage, nor tread on the marital footsteps of a strange man, like many have done in the ancient books I have read, yet they were more discreet than I; they were higher in their estate and lineage. | |
Las quales algunas eran de la gentilidad tenidas por diosas, assí como Venus, madre de Eneas y de Cupido, el dios del amor, que siendo casada corrompió la prometida fe marital. | Some of these were of such a high status that they were like goddesses, like Venus, mother of Aeneas and Cupid, the god of love, who upon being married broke the promises of marital faith . | |
Y avn otras, de mayores fuegos encendidas, cometieron nefarios y incestuosos yerros, como Mirra con su padre, Semíramis con su hijo, Canasce con su hermano y avn aquella forçada Thamar, hija del rey Dauid. Otras avn más cruelmente traspossaron las leyes de natura, como Pasiphé, muger del rey Minos, con el toro. | And others, who were burned by a greater fire, committed wicked and incestuous errors; like Myrrha with her father; Semiramis with her son; Canace with her brother and that other cruel Pasiphae, wife of King Minos, with a bull. | |
Pues reynas eran y grandes señoras, debaxo de cuyas culpas la razonable mía podrá passar sin denuesto. | And these were queens and great ladies; and in comparison to their faults my reasonable one could pass without shame. | |
Mi amor fue con justa causa. Requerida y rogada, catiuada de su merescimiento, aquexada por tan astuta maestra como Celestina, seruida de muy peligrosas visitaciones, antes que concediesse por entero en su amor. | My love was a just cause. It was required and pleaded for; I was captivated by his merits, solicited by an astute master like Celestina, with the service of many dangerous visits to me, before I could entirely concede to his love. | |
Y después vn mes ha, como has visto, que jamás noche ha faltado sin ser nuestro huerto escalado como fortaleza y muchas auer venido en balde y por esso no me mostrar más pena ni trabajo. | And after the month that has passed, as you have seen, he has not missed a night without climbing into our garden with much vitality, and many times he has come in vain, and even then he did not show me any anger or impatience. | |
Muertos por mí sus seruidores, perdiéndose su hazienda, fingiendo absencia con todos los de la ciudad, todos los días encerrado en casa con esperança de verme a la noche. | His servants have died for me, he is losing his fortune by pretending to be absent from the city, all day he is locked up in his house with the hope of seeing me during the night. | |
¡Afuera, afuera la ingratitud, afuera las lisonjas y el engaño con tan verdadero amador, que ni quiero marido ni quiero padre ni parientes! Faltándome Calisto, me falte la vida, la qual, porque él de mí goze, me aplaze. | Get away, get away ungratefulness, get away flatteries and tricks; for I have a true lover, and I do not want a husband or parents or a family! If I lose Calisto, I will lose my life, which only pleases me because he delights of me. | |
LUCR. __ Calla, señora, escucha, que todavía perseueran. | Luc.__Quiet, mistress, listen for they are still talking. | |
PLEB. __ Pues, ¿qué te parece, señora muger? ¿Deuemos hablarlo a nuestra hija, deuemos darle parte de tantos como me la piden, para que de su voluntad venga, para que diga quál le agrada? | Ple.__So, what do you think, my wife? Should we speak with our daughter, should we tell her how many are asking for her, so that by her own will she can tell us which one pleases her? | |
Pues en esto las leyes dan libertad a los hombres y mugeres, avnque estén so el paterno poder, para elegir. | For these laws give liberty to men and women to choose, although they are under the paternal power. | |
ALI. __ ¿Qué dizes? ¿En qué gastas tiempo? ¿Quién ha de yrle con tan grande nouedad a nuestra Melibea, que no la espante? | Ali.__What did you say? Why are you wasting your time? Who is going to go and tell this news to our Melibea, without scaring her? | |
¡Cómo! ¿Y piensas que sabe ella qué cosa sean hombres? ¿Si se casan o qué es casar? ¿O que del ayuntamiento de marido y muger se procreen los hijos? ¿Piensas que su virginidad simple le acarrea torpe desseo de lo que no conosce ni ha entendido jamás? ¿Piensas que sabe errar avn con el pensamiento? | How! And do you think she knows anything about men? Or if they get married or what is marriage? Or how the joinning of husband and wife creates children? Do you think that her simple virginity can tell her about any clumsy desires which she does not know or has ever understood? Do you think that she knows how to err, even with her thoughts? | |
No lo creas, señor Pleberio, que si alto o baxo de sangre o feo o gentil de gesto le mandáremos tomar, aquello será su plazer, aquello aurá por bueno. Que yo se bien lo que tengo criado en mi guardada hija. | Believe, sir Pleberio, that whether of low or high blood, whether ugly or handsome, she will be pleased with whomever we tell her to take for she will know it has been done for her own good. For I know well how I have raised my, well protected daughter. | |
MELIB. __ Lucrecia, Lucrecia, corre presto, entra por el postigo en la sala y estóruales su hablar, interrúmpeles sus alabanças con algún fingido mensaje, si no quieres que vaya yo dando bozes como loca, según estoy enojada del concepto engañoso que tienen de mi ignorancia. | Mel.__Lucrecia, Lucrecia, run quickly, come in through the back of the room and interrupt their conversation. Interrupt their praises of me with some made-up message, unless you want me to get in screaming like crazy, because of how angry I am at their foolish ideas about my ignorance. | |
LUCR. __ Ya voy, señora. |
Luc. __ I am coming, my lady.
| |
Acto XVIISumario: ELICIA, caresciendo de la castimonia de Penelope, determina de despedir el pesar y luto que por causa de los muertos trae, alabando el consejo de AREUSA en este proposito; la qual va a casa de AREUSA, adonde viene SOSIA, al qual AREUSA con palabras fictas saca todo el secreto que esta entre CALISTO y MELIBEA. |
Act XVIIArgument: Elicia, lacking Penelope′s chastity, decides to end the sorrow and mourning that she had because of those who had died. She takes the advice of Areusa and goes to her house just as Sosia gets there. With her feigned words, Areusa gets all of his secrets out about Calisto and Melibea. | |
ELIC. __ Mal me va con este luto. Poco se visita mi casa, poco se passea mi calle. Ya no veo las músicas de la aluorada, ya no las canciones de mis amigos, ya no las cuchilladas ni ruydos de noche por mi causa y, lo que peor siento, que ni blanca ni presente veo entrar por mi puerta. De todo esto me tengo yo la culpa, que si tomara el consejo de aquella que bien me quiere, de aquella verdadera hermana, quando el otro día le lleué las nueuas deste triste negocio, que esta mi mengua ha acarreado, no me viera agora entre dos paredes sola, que de asco ya no ay quien me vea. | Eli.__This mourning is detrimental to my business. Hardly anybody visits the house and few pass by this street. I no longer here music in the morning or the serenades; I no longer hear the sounds of knives or night noises that are mad because of me, and the worst part is that I do not even see a penny come through my door. This is all my fault, for if I had heeded the advice of the one who loves me, that true sister, when the other day I brought her the news of this sad business, which my loss has caused, I would have not seen myself alone between two walls, arousing disgust in anyone who looks at me. | |
El diablo me da tener dolor por quien no sé si, yo muerta, lo tuuiera. Osadas, que me dixo ella a mí lo cierto: nunca, hermana, traygas ni muestres más pena por el mal ni muerte de otro que él hiziera por ti. Sempronio holgara, yo muerta; pues ¿por qué, loca, me peno yo por él degollado? ¿Y qué sé si me matara a mí, como era acelerado y loco, como hizo a aquella vieja que tenía yo por madre? Quiero en todo seguir su consejo de Areusa, que sabe más del mundo que yo y verla muchas vezes y traer materia cómo biua. | The devil is making me suffer for one who I don′t even know would do the same for me if I was dead. For sure, what she told me was the truth: never, sister, have nor show more sorrow for the error or death of others than what they would do for you. Sempronio would be having fun if I were dead; so why, you, madwoman, are you mourning for the beheaded? And how do I know that he would not have killed me as well, being wild and crazy, like he killed to that woman whom I considered my mother? I want to follow Areusa′s advice, for she knows more about the world than me so I should go see her more often and see how I can benefit my life. | |
¡O qué participación tan suaue, qué conuersación tan gozosa y dulce¡ No en balde se dize: que vale más vn día del hombre discreto que toda la vida del nescio y simple. Quiero, pues, deponer el luto, dexar tristeza, despedir las lágrimas, que tan aparejadas han estado a salir. Pero como sea el primer officio que en nasciendo hazemos, llorar, no me marauilla ser más ligero de començar y de dexar más duro. Mas para esto es el buen seso, viendo la pérdida al ojo, viendo que los atauíos hazen la muger hermosa, avnque no lo sea, tornan de vieja moça y a la moça más. | Oh what a pleasurable interaction, what a sweet and delightful conversation! It is not in vain when they say: one day with a wise man is worth more than a lifetime with a simpleton and fool. Now, I want to get rid of my mourning, leave sadness and say goodbye to my tears, which have been so quick to come out. But since it is the first thing you do since the day you are born, it does not surprise me that it is so easy to begin and so hard to stop. The best remedy for this is a good mind; seeing my loss with my eyes and seeing how nice clothes makes a woman beautiful, though she may not be, for they make the old woman young and the young woman younger. | |
No es otra cosa la color y aluayalde, sino pegajosa liga en que se trauan los hombres. Ande, pues, mi espejo y alcohol, que tengo dañados estos ojos; anden mis tocas blancas, mis gorgueras labradas, mis ropas de plazer. Quiero adereçar lexía para estos cabellos, que perdían ya la ruuia color y, esto hecho, contaré mis gallinas, haré mi cama, porque la limpieza alegra el coraçón, barreré mi puerta y regaré la calle, porque los que passaren vean que es ya desterrado el dolor. | Rouge and whitening is nothing else but a kind of birdlime in which men get stuck. Come one my mirror and ointments; for my eyes are damaged. Come on my white veil, my embroidered collar and my fancy clothes. I want to get some lye for my hair, since it has lost its blonde color and when this is done I will count my chickens and make my bed, because cleanliness makes the heart glad; I will sweep my doorstep and clean the street so that those who pass by can see that the pain has left me. | |
Mas primero quiero yr a visitar mi prima, por preguntarle si ha ydo allá Sosia y lo que con él ha passado, que no lo he visto después que le dixe cómo le quería hablar Areusa. Quiera Dios que la halle sola, que jamás está desacompañada de galanes, como buena tauerna de borrachos. | But first I want to go and visit my cousin, and ask her if Sosia has come by there and what has happened with him, for I have not seen Sosia since the day I told him Areusa wanted to speak to him. I hope that God may let me see her alone, for she is never unaccompanied by young men, just like a good tavern is full of drunks. | |
ELIC. __ Cerrada está la puerta. No deue estar allá hombre. Quiero llamar. Tha, tha. | Eli.__The door is shut. Nobody should be inside. I want to knock. Knock, knock. | |
AREU. __ Quién es? | Are.__Who is it? | |
ELIC. __ Abre, amiga; Elicia soy. | Eli.__Open, sister; it is Elicia. | |
AREU. __ Entra, hermana mia. Véate Dios, que tanto plazer me hazes en venir como vienes, mudado el hábito de tristeza. Agora nos gozaremos juntas, agora te visitaré, vernos hemos en mi casa y en la tuya. Quiçá por bien fue para entrambas la muerte de Celestina, que yo ya siento la mejoría más que antes. Por esto se dize que los muertos abren los ojos de los que biuen, a vnos con haziendas, a otros con libertad, como a ti. | Are.__Come in, my sister. May God look at you, for it gives me much pleasure to see how you have come, having changed your sorrowful habit. Now we will have fun together, now I will dress you and we will see each other in my house and yours. Maybe Celestina′s death was for the best, since I feel that I am better off than before. This is why they say that the dead open the eyes of the living; they give riches to some, to others like you, freedom. | |
ELIC. __ A tu puerta llaman. Poco espacio nos dan para hablar, que te querría preguntar si auía venido acá Sosia. | Eli.__They are knocking at the door. They have given us little time to talk, for I wanted to ask you if Sosia had come by here. | |
AREU. __ No ha venido; después hablaremos. !Qué porradas que dan. !Quiero yr abrir, que o es loco o priuado! ¿Quién llama? | Are.__He has not come; we will talk later. What loud knocks they are giving! I want to open already for it is either a madman or a good friend! Who is it? | |
SOS. __ Abreme, señora. Sosia soy, criado de Calisto. | Sos.__Open up mistress. It is Sosia, Calisto′s servant. | |
AREU. __ Por los santos de Dios, el lobo es en la conseja. Escóndete, hermana, tras esse paramento y verás quál te lo paro, lleno de viento de lisonjas, que piense, quando se parta de mí, que es él y otro no. Y sacarle he lo suyo y lo ageno del buche con halagos, como él saca el poluo con la almohaça a los cauallos. | Are.__By the saints of God, it is the wolf from the fable. Hide, sister, behind this screen and you will see who will fill him up so, with the winds of flatteries that when he leaves here he will think it is he and not the other, my favorite. And with adulation I will get out of his belly all the secrets, the way he takes out the with the currycomb the dust from the horses. | |
¿Es mi Sosia, mi secreto amigo? ¿El que yo me quiero bien sin que él lo sepa? ¿El que desseo conoscer por su buena fama? ¿El fiel a su amo? ¿El buen amigo de sus compañeros? Abraçarte quiero, amor, que agora que te veo creo que ay más virtudes en ti que todos me dezían. Andacá, entremos a assentarnos, que me gozo en mirarte, que me representas la figura del desdichado de Pármeno | Is it my Sosia, my secret friend? The one I love so much without him noticing it? The one who I want to know because of his great reputation? The one who is faithful to his master? The good friend to his companions? I want to hug you, love, for now that I see you I think that you have more virtues than what they told me. Come here, let us go in and sit down, for I delight by just looking at you; for you look so much like the unlucky Parmeno. | |
Con esto haze oy tan claro día que auías tú de venir a uerme. ?Dime, señor, ¿conoscíasme antes de agora? | You have made it a clearer day by coming to visit me. Tell me, sit, did you know me before now? | |
SOS. __ Señora, la fama de tu gentileza, de tus gracias y saber buela tan alto por esta ciudad que no deues tener en mucho ser de más conoscida que conosciente, porque ninguno habla en loor de hermosas que primero no se acuerde de ti que de quantas son. | Sos.__Mistress, the fame of your graciousness and knowledge flies so high over this city that you are known by more people than you know; for nobody praises a beautiful girl without remembering your name first before the others. | |
12. ELIC. __ ¡O hideputa el pelón y cómo se desasna! ¡Quién le ve yr al agua con sus cauallos en cerro y sus piernas de fuera, en sayo, y agora en verse medrado con calças y capa, sálenle alas y lengua! | Eli.__Oh what a son of a whore, baldheaded, and how he tries to look cute! If you could only see him going to get water for his horses without a saddle and with his bare legs hanging out of his frock; and now he has dressed himself with in shoes and a cape, and growing a tongue and wings! | |
13. AREU. __ Ya me correría con tu razón, si alguno estuuiesse delante, en oyrte tanta burla como de mí hazes; pero, como todos los hombres traygays proueydas essas razones, essas engañosas alabanças, tan comunes para todas, hechas de molde, me quiero de ti espantar. | Are.__I would be embarrassed by what you say if we were in front of others just by hearing how you make fun of me; but, since all men bring those words, those deceitful praises, so common and made from the same mold; it makes me want to run away from you. | |
Pero hágote cierto, Sosia, que no tienes dellos necessidad; sin que me alabes te amo y sin que me ganes de nueuo me tienes ganada. Para lo que te embié a rogar que me viesses, son dos cosas, las quales, si más lisonja o engaño en ti conozco, te dexaré de dezir, avnque sean de tu prouecho. | But I want you to know, Sosia, that you do not need them; for I love you even if you do not praise me. Even without winning me over you have won me. I begged for you to come see me for two things; but if you flatter me or are deceitful I will not tell you, although they are for your benefit. | |
SOS. __ Señora mia, no quiera Dios que yo te haga cautela. Muy seguro venía de la gran merced, que me piensas hazer y hazes. No me sentía digno para descalçarte. Guía tú mi lengua, responde por mí a tus razones, que todo lo avré por rato y firme. | Sos.__My lady, God forbid I should make you have such caution. I came very sure of the great benefit that you intended and will give me. I did not even feel worthy enough to take off your shoes. Guide my tongue and respond for me, for I will agree with everything that you say. | |
AREU. __ Amor mio, ya sabes quánto quise a Pármeno, y como dizen: quien bien quiere a Beltrán a todas sus cosas ama. Todos sus amigos me agradauan, el buen seruicio de su amo, como a él mismo, me plazía. Donde vía su daño de Calisto, le apartaua. | Are.__My love, you already know how much I loved Parmeno, and as they say: he who loves Bertran, loves everything of his. All of his friends pleased me; the good service he had for his master pleased me as much as it pleased him. Whenever he saw that Calisto was in harm′s way, he helped him escape. | |
Pues como esto assí sea, acordé dezirte, lo vno, que conozcas el amor que te tengo y quánto contigo y con tu visitación siempre me alegrarás y que en esto no perderás nada, si yo pudiere, antes te verná prouecho | And since this is true, I recall the first thing I have to tell you; you should know the love that I have for you and how much your visit will always please me and if it is up to me, from this you will lose nothing, for you will only have benefits. | |
Lo otro y segundo, que pues yo pongo mis ojos en ti, y mi amor y querer, auisarte que te guardes de peligros y más de descobrir tu secreto a ninguno, pues ves quánto daño vino a Pármeno y a Sempronio de lo que supo Celestina, | The other and the second part, is that ever since I laid my eyes on you, my love and my affection, I wanted to advise you about how to keep yourself away from danger, and especially about not telling your secrets to anybody because you already know all the harm that came to Parmeno and Sempronio because of what Celestina knew. | |
porque no querría verte morir mallogrado como a tu compañero. Harto me basta auer llorado al vno. Porque has de saber que vino a mí una persona y me dixo que le auías tú descubierto los amores de Calisto y Melibea y cómo la auía alcançado y cómo yuas cada noche a le acompañar y otras muchas cosas, que no sabría relatar. | For I would not want to see you die like your companion did. I have cried enough for him. Because you should know that somebody came to me and told me that you had discovered the loves between Calisto and Melibea and they also knew how he had reached her and how you had gone at night to accompany him and many other things, which I cannot remember now. | |
Cata, amigo, que no guardar secreto es propio de las mugeres. No de todas, sino de las baxas y de los niños. Cata que te puede venir gran daño. Que para esto te dio Dios dos oydos y dos ojos y no más de vna lengua, porque sea doblado lo que vieres y oyeres que no el hablar. Cata no confíes que tu amigo te ha de tener secreto de lo que le dixeres, pues tú no le sabes a ti mismo tener. Quando ouieres de yr con tu amo Calisto a casa de aquella señora, no hagas bullicio, no te sienta la tierra, que otros me dixeron que yuas cada noche dando bozes, como loco, de plazer. | Careful, friend, for only women tell their secrets. And not all of them, but only the lowest ones and children. For this is why God gave you two ears and two eyes and no more than one tongue, so that what you see and hear should be double of what you say. Be careful and do not trust in the fact that your friend will keep your secret, especially if you cannot keep it yourself. When you go with your master Calisto to the house of that lady, do not make noise, do not let the earth know you are there, for others told me that you went every night yelling loudly like a madman because of your joy. | |
SOS. __ ¡O cómo son sin tiento y personas desacordadas los que tales nueuas, señora, te acarrean! Quien te dixo que de mi boca lo hauía oydo, no dize verdad. Los otros de verme yr con la luna de noche a dar agua a mis cauallos, holgando y auiendo plazer, diziendo cantares por oluidar el trabajo y desechar enojo, y esto antes de las diez, sospechan mal y de la sospecha hazen certidumbre, affirman lo que barruntan. | Sos.__Oh what how brainless and mad are those who brought you such news, mistress, Whoever told you that they heard those noises coming from my mouth is lying. Some others who might have seen me at night under the moonlight going to give my horses water, idling around and being happy, singing in order to forget the work and to get rid of my anger, and all that before ten o′clock, got suspicious and then turn their suspicions into certainty, the affirm what they conjecture. | |
Sí, que no estaua Calisto loco, que a tal hora auía de yr a negocio de tanta affrenta sin esperar que repose la gente, que descansen todos en el dulçor del primer sueño. Ni menos auía de yr cada noche, que aquel officio no çufre cotidiana visitación. | And Calisto would be crazy if he did his serious business without waiting for people to go to bed, before they are all resting in the sweetness of their first sleep. And he does not even go every night, for such a matter will not endure a constant visitation. | |
Y si más clara quieres, señora, ver su falsedad, como dizen, que toman antes al mentiroso que al que coxquea, en vn mes no auemos ydo ocho vezes, y dicen los falsarios reboluedores que cada noche. | And if you want more proof, mistress, to see their falsehood; for as they say, the liar is sooner caught than the lame; we have not even gone eight times this month, yet these false instigators say that it has been every night. | |
AREU. __ Pues por mi vida, amor mio, porque yo los acuse y tome en el lazo del falso testimonio, me dexes en la memoria los días qué aueys concertado de salir y, si yerran, estaré segura de tu secreto y cierta de su leuantar. Porque no siendo su mensaje verdadero, será tu persona segura de peligro y yo sin sobresalto de tu vida. Pues tengo esperança de gozarme contigo largo tiempo. | Are.__Then by my life, my love, so that I can accuse them and catch them in their false testimony; tell me what day it was that you have decided to go and if they are wrong, I will be sure of your secrecy and certain of their lies. For if their message is not true, you will be safe from harm and I fom socking news about your life. For I wish to be able to delight with you for a long time. | |
SOS. __ Señora, no alarguemos los testigos. Para esta noche en dando el relox las doze está hecho el concierto de su visitación por el huerto. Mañana preguntarás lo que han sabido, de lo qual si alguno te diere señas, que me tresquilen a mí a cruzes. | Sos.__Mistress, let us not depend upon the witnesses. Tonight when the clock strikes twelve it has been set that they will visit in the garden. Tomorrow you will ask what they know, and if anybody gives you a different answer, may my hair be cut in crosses. | |
AREU. __ ¿Y por qué parte, alma mia, porque mejor los pueda contradezir, si anduuieren errados vacilando? | Are.__And through where, my heart, so that I can contradict them even better, in case they wondering in conjectures? | |
SOS. __ Por la calle del vicario gordo, a las espaldas de su casa. | Sos.__By the street of the fat vicar, by the back of his house. | |
ELIC. __ ¡Tiénente, don handrajoso! ¡No es más menester! Maldito sea el que en manos de tal azemilero se confía! ¡ Qué desgoznarse haze el badajo! | Eli.__That is enough, you ragamuffin! No more is needed! Cursed be the one who confides in the hands of this mule-driver! that chatterbox is going wild! | |
AREU. __ Hermano Sosia, esto hablado, basta para que tome cargo de saber tu innocencia y la maldad de tus aduersarios. Vete con Dios, que estoy ocupada en otro negocio y me he detenido mucho contigo. | Are.__Brother Sosia, what you have said is enough for me to have proof of your innocence and of the evil of your adversaries. Go with God, for I am busy with some other work and I have detained myself with you for too long. | |
ELIC. __ ¡O sabia muger! ¡O despidiente propio, qual le merece el asno que ha vaziado su secreto tan de ligero! | Eli.__Oh wise woman! Oh what a proper dismissal, which is so deserved by the ass who has let go of his secrets so easily! | |
SOS. __ Graciosa y suaue señora, perdóname si te he enojado con mi tardança. Mientra holgares con mi seruicio, jamás hallarás quien tan de grado auenture en él su vida. Y queden los ángeles contigo. | Sos.__Gracious and sweet, mistress, forgive me if I have angered you ith my dalliance . For as long you may be pleased with my service, you will never find anybody who is more willing to give up their life for you. May the angels be with you. | |
AREU. __ Dios te guíe. !Allá yrás, azemilero! ¡Muy vfano vas por tu vida! Pues toma para tu ojo, vellaco, y perdona, que te la doy de espaldas. | Are.__May God guide you. Go away mule driver! You are very proud of your life! Well, take this for your eyes only and pardon me if I give it (the finger] to you from my back! | |
¿A quién digo? Hermana, sal acá. ?Qué te parece, quál le embío? Assí sé yo tratar los tales, assí salen de mis manos los asnos, apaleados como éste y los locos corridos y los discretos espantados y los deuotos alterados y los castos encendidos. | Who am I speaking to? Sister, come out. What do you think about the one I sent away? That is how I know to treat those like him; that is how the asses come out of my hands, beaten like this one; the mad ones are driven away quickly, the discreet ones are scared away and the devote and chaste ones are set on fire. | |
Pues, prima, aprende, que otra arte es ésta que la de Celestina; avnque ella me tenía por boua, porque me quería yo serlo. Y pues ya tenemos deste hecho sabido quanto desseáuamos, deuemos yr a casa de aquellotro cara de ahorcado que el jueues eché delante de ti baldonado de mi casa, y haz tú como que nos quieres fazer amigos y que rogaste que fuesse a verlo. |
So now you, cousin, must learn that this is nothing else but Celestina′s art, although
she thought I was a fool, because I was when I wanted to be. And so now that we
know all that we want, we should go to the house of the other one, the one who looks
like a hanged person, whom I so rudely kicked out of my house on Thursday in front
of you. Act as if you wanted to us to make peace and you begged me to go see him.
| |
Acto XVIIISumario: Elicia determina de fazer las amistades entre Areusa e Centurio por precepto de Areusa e vanse a casa de Centurio, onde ellas le ruegan que aya de vengar las muertes en Calisto e Melibea; el qual lo prometió delante dellas. E como sea natural a estos no hazer lo que prometen, escúsase como en el proceso paresce. |
Act XVIIIArgument: Elicia resolves to make Areusa and Centurio friends. Following Areusa′s advice they go to the house of Centurio and ask him to take revenge on Calisto and Melibea for those who died. Centurio promises them he will. But as is natural of villains like him, he does not do what he promised, and soon enough he excuses himself. | |
ELIC. __ ¿Quién está en su casa? | Eli.__Who is at home? | |
CENT. __ Mochacho, corre, verás quién osa entrar sin llamar a la puerta. Torna, torna acá, que ya he visto quién es. No te cubras con el manto, señora: ya no te puedes esconder, que, quando vi adelante entrar a Elicia, vi que no podía traer consigo mala compañqía ni nueuas que me pesassen, sino que me auían de dar plazer. | Cen.__Boy, quickly, go and see who dares to come in without knocking on the door. Come back, come back, for I have already seen who it is. Do not cover yourself with your shawl, mistress: you can no longer hide, for, when I saw Elicia come in before you, I saw that she could not bring with her any bad company or any news that would bother me; she could only bring me news that would give me pleasure. | |
AREU. __ No entremos, por mi vida, más adentro, que se estiende ya el vellaco, pensando que le vengo a rogar. Que más holgara con la vista de otras como él, que con la nuestra. Boluamos, por Dios, que me fino en ver tan mal gesto. ¿Paréscete, hermana, que me traes por buenas estaciones y que es cosa justa venir de bísperas y entrarnos a uer vn desuellacaras que ay está? | Are.__Let us not go, by my life, any further, for the villain is already standing proud, thinking that I have come to beg for him. He would better enjoy looking at others just like him than looking at us. Let us return, by God, for I am disgusted to see such an ugly face. Do you think, sister, that you have brought me here as for the stations of the cross, and that it is fair to come as from vespers, and now get in here to visit a face slasher at his home? | |
ELIC. __ Torna por mi amor, no te vayas; si no, en mis manos dexarás el medio manto. | Eli.__Come back, by my love, do not go; if not, you will leave half your mantle in my hands. | |
CENT. __ Tenla, por Dios, señora, tenla no se te suelte. | Cen.__Hold her, by God, mistress, hold her and do not let her go. | |
ELIC. __ Marauillada estoy, prima, de tu buen seso. ?Quál hombre ay tan loco y fuera de razón que no huelgue de ser visitado, mayormente de mugeres? Llégate acá, señor Centurio, que en cargo de mi alma por fuerça haga que te abraçe, que yo pagaré la fruta. | Eli.__I am astounded, cousin, by your good senses. What man is there who is so crazy and out of his mind that he would not be delighted when he is visited, especially by women? Come here, sir Centurio, by the duty of my soul I must hug you, and I will pay for the consequences. | |
AREU. __ Mejor lo vea yo en poder de justicia y morir a manos de sus enemigos, que yo tal gozo le dé. !Ya, ya hecho ha conmigo para quanto biua! ¿Y por quál carga de agua le tengo de abraçar ni ver a esse enemigo? Porque le rogué estotro día que fuesse vna jornada de aquí, en que me yua la vida y dixo de no. | Are.__I would be happier if I could see him being taken by the justice and dying at the hands of his enemies, than seeing him delight from seeing me. For sure he has already done enough to me to last the rest of my life! And for what reward must I hug him or have to see such a hated person? Because I asked him the other day to go somewhere near here upon which my life depended, and he refused. | |
CENT. __ Mándame tú, señora, cosa que yo sepa hazer, cosa que sea de mi officio. Vn desafío con tres juntos y si más vinieren: que no huya por tu amor. Matar vn hombre, cortar vna pierna o braço, harpar el gesto de alguna que se aya ygualado contigo: estas tales cosas, antes serán hechas que encomendadas. | Cen.__Tell me to do, mistress, something that I know how, something of my trade. Give me a challenge against three others or as many as can come: for I would not run away because of the love I have for you. To kill a man, cut off a leg or an arm, or to slash the face of a woman who has competed with you; these are the type of things that are no sooner said than done. | |
No me pidas que ande camino ni que te dé dinero, que bien sabes que no dura conmigo, que tres saltos daré sin que me se cayga blanca. Ninguno da lo que no tiene. | Do not ask me to walk nor to give you money, for you know very well that it does not last long with me and that I am broke after three bets. Nobody can give what they do not have. | |
En vna casa biuo qual vees, que rodará el majadero por toda ella sin que tropiece. Las alhajas que tengo es el axuar de la frontera, vn jarro desbocado, vn assador sin punta. | I live in this house that you see, and a mischievous boy could roll all around it without ever bumping into anything. The treasures I have are the equipment for enemy lines, a jar without a lid and a blunt spit. | |
La cama en que me acuesto está armada sobre aros de broqueles, vn rimero de malla rota por colchones, vna talega de dados por almohada. Que, avnque quiero dar collación, no tengo qué empeñar, sino esta capa harpada, que traygo a cuestas. | The bed I lie on is filled with the hoops from my shield; I have broken pieces of metal mesh for a mattress and a sack of dice for a pillow. And, although I want to give you something, I do not even have anything to pawn, except for a ragged cloak which I wear on my back. | |
ELIC. __ Assí goze, que sus razones me contentan a marauilla. Como vn santo está obediente, como ángel te habla, a toda razón se allega; ¿Qué más le pides? Por mi vida que le hables y pierdas enojo, pues tan de grado se te offresce con su persona. | Eli.__I am really enjoying this, his reasoning fills me with great pleasure. He is like an obedient saint, speaking like an angel, he will agree with everything. What more do you want to ask of him? By my life, speak to him and do not be angry, for he is offering all of himself to you. | |
CENT. __ ¿Offrescer dizes, señora? Yo te juro por el sancto martilogio de pe a pa el braço me tiembla de lo que por ella entiendo hazer, que contino pienso cómo la tenga contenta y jamás acierto. La noche passada soñaua que hazía armas en vn desafío por su seruicio con quatro hombres, que ella bien conosce, y maté al vno. Y de los otros que huyeron, el que más sano se libró me dexó a los pies vn braço yzquierdo. Pues muy mejor lo haré despierto de día, quando alguno tocare en su chapín. | Cen.__Just offering you say, mistress? I swear by the saintly martyrs from a to z that my arm trembles when I think of what I would do for her, for I only think of ways to make her happy yet I am never right. Last night I dreamt that I was in arms fighting over her with three men that she knew, and I killed one of them. The others ran away but the one that escaped in the best shape left behind his left arm at my feet. And I would fight even better during the day, if I was awake, if one of them even dared to touch her shoe. | |
AREU. __ Pues aquí te tengo, a tiempo somos. Yo te perdono, con condición que me vengues de vn cauallero, que se llama Calisto, que nos ha enojado a mí y a mi prima. | Are.__Well, I believe you, we are in good standing. I will forgive you, under the condition that you take revenge upon a gentleman, who is called Calisto, who has angered me and my cousin. | |
CENT. __ ¡O! Reñiego de la condición. Dime luego si está confessado. | Cen.__Oh! May he be damned. How I renounce that condition. Tell me now if he has gone to confession. | |
AREU. __ No seas tú cura de su ánima. | Are.__You are not to worry about his soul. | |
CENT. __ Pues sea assí. Embiémosle a comer al infierno sin confessión. | Cen.__Very well. Send him to eat in hell without his confession. | |
AREU. __ Escucha, no atajes mi razón. Esta noche lo tomarás. | Are.__Listen, do not interrupt me. You will get him tonight. | |
CENT. __ No me digas más, al cabo estoy. Todo el negocio de sus amores sé y los que por su causa ay muertos y lo que os tocaua a vosotras, por dónde va y a qué hora y con quién es. Pero dime, ¿Quántos son los que le acompañan? | Cen.__Tell me no more, I understand. I know all about the business of his loves and why people are dead because of him and why you have been affected. How does he get there, and at what hour, and with who? And tell me, how many people accompany him? | |
AREU. __ Dos moços. | Are.__Two young lads. | |
CENT. __ Pequeña presa es essa, poco ceuo tiene ay mi espada. Mejor ceuara ella en otra parte esta noche, que estaua concertada. | Cen.__That is an easy target, such small bait for my sword. It would have been better fed tonight in another feat already concerted. | |
AREU. __ Por escusarte lo hazes. A otro perro con esse huesso. No es para mí essa dilación. Aquí quiero ver si dezir y hazer si comen juntos a tu mesa. | Are.__You are saying this to try to get out of it. Give another dog that bone. That delay is not for me. I want to know whether saying and doing eat at the same table with you. | |
CENT. __ Si mi espada dixesse lo que haze, tiempo le faltaría para hablar. ¿Quién sino ella puebla los más cimenterios? ¿ Quién haze ricos los cirujanos desta tierra? ¿Quién da contino quehazer a los armeros? ¿Quién destroça la malla muy fina? ¿Quién haze riça de los broqueles de Barcelona? ¿Quién reuana los capacetes de Calatayud, sino ella? Que los caxquetes de Almazén assí los corta como si fuessen hechos de melón. Veynte años ha que me da de comer. Por ella soy temido de hombres y querido de mugeres; sino de ti. Por ella le dieron Centurio por nombre a mi abuelo y Centurio se llamó mi padre y Centurio me llamo yo. | Cen.__If my sword was to tell you what it has done, you would not be able to speak to me like that. Who else but she populates most cemeteries? Who else but her makes rich the surgeons of the land? Who else gives the armor-makers work to do? Who else can destroy the finest armor? Who else makes the shield-makers rich in Barcelona? Who else can shred the helmets from Calatayud? It smashes them as if they were made of melons. She has fed me for twenty years. Because of her I am feared by men and loved by all women; except for you. Because of her they gave my grandfather the name Centurio as well as my father and that is what I am called today. | |
ELIC. __ Pues ¿qué hizo el espada por que ganó tu abuelo esse nombre? Dime, ¿por ventura fue por ella capitán de cient hombres? | Eli.__But what did your sword do to grant your grandfather that name? Tell me, was he, because of it, the captain of a hundred men by any chance? | |
CENT. __ No; pero fue rufián de cient mugeres. | Cen.__No; he was the pimp of a hundred women. | |
AREU. __ No curemos de linaje ni hazañas viejas. Si has de hazer lo que te digo, sin dilación determina, porque nos queremos yr. | Are.__Let us not worry now about lineage or old feats. If you are going to do what I am telling you, make up your mind without delay, because we want to leave. | |
CENT. __ Más desseo ya la noche por tenerte contenta, que tú por verte vengada. Y porque más se haga todo a tu voluntad, escoge qué muerte quieres que le dé. Allí te mostraré vn reportorio en que ay sietecientas y setenta species de muertes: verás quál más te agradare. | Cen.__I want the night to come only to make you happy, while you want it to get your revenge. And, so that everything can be done exactly as you wish, tell me what kind of death I should inflict upon them. I can show you a repertory which has seven hundred and seventy ways to die: see which one pleases you most. | |
ELIC. __ Areusa, por mi amor, que no se ponga este fecho en manos de tan fiero hombre. Más vale que se quede por hazer que no escandalizar la ciudad, por donde nos venga más daño de lo passado. | Eli._Areusa, by my love, do not put this act in the hands of such a wild man. It is better not to do anything at all, than to scandalize the city, for we could end up in more trouble now than in the past. | |
AREU. __ Calla, hermana; díganos alguna, que no sea de mucho bullicio. | Are.__Be quiet, sister; tell us one of them, one which will not cause too much trouble. | |
CENT. __ Las que agora estos días yo vso y más traygo entre manos son espaldarazos sin sangre y porradas de pomo de espada o reués mañoso; a otros agujero como harnero a puñaladas, tajo largo, estocada temerosa, tiro mortal. Algún día doy palos por dexar holgar mi espada. | Cen.__The one I use most often these days is to take a man by his back with my bare hands and hit him with the handle of my sword so there is no blood. I can also stab him skillfully or I can poke holes in him like a sieve, a long cut, a fearful thrust, or a mortal wound. Some days I use a stick in order to give my sword a rest. | |
ELIC. __ No passe, por Dios, adelante; déle palos, porque quede castigado y no muerto. | Eli.__Do not go any further, by God; hit him with the stick so that he is punished, not dead. | |
CENT. __ Juro por el cuerpo santo de la letanía, no es más en mi braço derecho dar palos sin matar que en el sol dexar de dar bueltas al cielo. | Cen,__I swear on the saintly body in litany, it is as impossible for my right arm to beat a man with a stick and not kill him, as it is for the sun to stop circling about in the sky. | |
AREU. __ Hermana, no seamos nosotras lastimeras; haga lo que quisiere, mátele como se le antojare. Llore Melibea como tú has hecho. Dexémosle. Centurio, dá buena cuenta de lo encomendado. De qualquier muerte holgaremos. Mira que no se escape sin alguna paga de su yerro. | Are.__Sister, let us not be the injured party; let him do whatever he wants, let him kill however he fancies. Let us leave him. Centurio, carry out well what you have been entrusted with. We will be pleased with whatever death you choose. Make sure he does not escape without paying for his mistakes. | |
CENT. __ Perdónele Dios, si por pies no se me va. Muy alegre quedo, señora mia, que se ha ofrecido caso, avnque pequeño, en que conozcas lo que yo sé hazer por tu amor. | Cen.__May God have pity on his soul if he is not able to run from me. I am very happy, my lady, that you have offered this to me, although I am small, and that you know what it is that I can do for your love. | |
AREU. __ Pues Dios te dé buena manderecha y a él te encomiendo, que nos vamos. | Are.__May God guide your hand and I entrust him to you, for we are leaving. | |
CENT. __ El te guíe y te dé más paciencia con los tuyos. Allá yrán estas putas atestadas de razones. Agora quiero pensar cómo me escusaré de lo prometido, de manera que piensen que puse diligencia con ánimo de executar lo dicho y no negligencia, por no me poner en peligro. Quiérome hazer doliente; pero, ¿ qué aprouecha? Que no se apartarán de la demanda, quando sane. | Cen.__May he guide you and give you more patience. Those whores go off full of ideas. Now I want to think about how I can get out of what I promised, in such a manner that they will think that I diligently tried to do what I said I would, and not out of negligence. I do not want to put myself in danger. I want to pretend that I am sick; but, how will that help me? For they will not stop demanding this of me, when I get better. | |
Pues si digo que fui allá y que les hize huyr, pedirme han señas de quién eran y quántos yuan y en qué lugar los tomé y qué vestidos lleuauan; yo no las sabré dar.¡Helo todo perdido! Pues ¿ qué consejo tomaré, que cumpla con mi seguridad y su demanda? Quiero embiar a llamar a Traso, el coxo, y a sus dos compañeros y dezirles que, porque yo estoy ocupado esta noche en otro negocio, vaya a dar vn repiquete de broquel a manera de leuada, para oxear vnos garçones, que me fue encomendado, que todo esto es passos seguros y donde no consiguirán ningún daño, más de fazerlos huyr y boluerse a dormir. |
And if I say I went there and I scared them off, they will not stop asking me who they
were and how manyand where I overtook them and what they were wearing; and I
will not know what to say. And then everything will be lost! So, what can I do that
will comply with my safety and their demand? I want to send Traso, the one who is
lame, and his two companions and tell them that I am occupied that night with
another matter, and that they should go and make a lot of noise with their shields as if
they were fighting. Then the boys would hear them since they will be where they told
me. This will work out well, because they will not run into any harm and they will do nothing other than run back home and go to bed.
| |
Acto XIXSumario: Yendo Calisto con Sosia e Tristán al huerto de Pleberio a visitar a Melibea, que lo estaua esperando e con ella Lucrecia, cuenta Sosia lo que le aconteció con Areusa. Estando Calisto dentro del huerto con Melibea, viene Traso e otros por mandado de Centurio a complir lo que auía prometido a Areusa e a Elicia, a los quales sale Sosia; e oyendo Calisto desde el huerto, onde estaua con Melibea, el ruydo que trayan, quiso salir fuera, la qual salida fue causa que sus días peresciessen, porque los tales este don resciben por galardón e por esto han de saber desamar los amadores. |
Act XIXArgument: : Calisto goes with Sosia and Tristan to Pleberio′s garden to visit Melibea, who is waiting for him there with Lucrecia. Sosia tells Tristan everything that happened with Areusa. When Calisto is inside the garden with Melibea, Traso and some others come at Centurio′s command to comply with what he had promised Areusa and Elicia. Sosia comes out. Calisto, who is in the garden with Melibea, hears the noise that was going on and wants to get out, but doing so causes an end to his days, because this is the reward that those like him receive and this is why lovers should not love. | |
1. SOS. __ Muy quedo, para que no seamos sentidos. Desde aquí al huerto de Pleberio te contaré, hermano Tristán, lo que con Areusa me ha passado oy, que estoy el más allegre hombre del mundo. Sabrás que ella, por las buenas nueuas que de mi auía oydo, estaua presa de mi amor y embióme a Elicia, rogándome que la visitasse. Y dexando aparte otras razones de buen consejo que passamos, mostró al presente ser tanto mía quanto algún tiempo fue de Pármeno. | Sos.__Be very quiet, so we will not be heard. As we walk to Pleberio′s garden I will tell you, brother Tristan, what happened to me today with Areusa, which has made me the happiest man in the world. You should know that she, because of the good things she heard about me, fell in love with me and sent Elicia, to beg me to visit her. And among the other matters we discussed, she showed me, that at the present, she is as much mine as she once was Parmeno′s. | |
Rogóme que la visitasse siempre, que ella pensaua gozar de mi amor por tiempo. Pero yo te juro por el peligroso camino en que vamos, hermano, y assí goze de mí, que estuue dos o tres vezes por me arremeter a ella, sino que me empachaua la vergüença de verla tan hermosa y arreada y a mí con una capa vieja ratonada. Echaua de sí en bulliendo vn olor de almizque; yo hedía al estiércol que lleuaua dentro de los çapatos. | She begged me to visit her always and that she expected to delight of my love for a long time. But I swear to you brother, on the dangerous path that we are on now, that two or three times I wanted to take her, but I was full of shame when I saw how beautiful and fixed up she was and how I had on an old rat-eaten cloak. She gave off this musky scent; and I smelled like the manure that was on my shoes. | |
Tenía unas manos como la nieue, que quando las sacaua de rato en rato de un guante parecía que se derramaua azahar por casa. Assí por esto, como porque tenía vn poco ella quehacer, se quedó mi atreuer para otro día. Y avn porque a la primera vista todas las cosas no son bien tratables y quanto más se comunican mejor se entienden en su participación. | She had hands as white as snow, and from time to time she would take them out of her gloves and it looked as if though she had been spreading orange blossoms around the house. And then, because she was busy and had things to do, I had to contain my boldness for another day. And that is because not everything can be grasped at first sight and the more we talk about it the better it will be understood as we deal with our participation. | |
TRIST. __ Sosia amigo, otro seso más maduro y esperimentado, que no el mio, era necessario para darte consejo en este negocio; pero lo que con mi tierna edad y mediano natural alcanço al presente te diré. | Tri.__Sosia my friend, another mind which is more mature and experienced than mine, was necessary in order to give you advice on this matter; at the present, with my tender age and average understanding, I will tell you this. | |
Esta muger es marcada ramera, según tú me dixiste: quanto con ella te passó has de creer que no caresce de engaño. Sus offrecimientos fueron falsos y no sé yo a qué fin. Porque amarte por gentilhombre ¿Quántos más terná ella desechados? | This woman is a marked whore, according to what you have told me: what has occurred between you and her is not lacking in deceit. Her offerings were false but I do not know why. For if she loves you because you are a gentleman, how many others has she rejected who are greater gentlemen than you? | |
Si por rico, bien sabe que no tienes más del poluo que se te pega del almohaça. Si por hombre de linaje, ya sabrá que te llaman Sosia, y a tu padre llamaron Sosia, nascido y criado en vna aldea, quebrando terrones con vn arado, para lo qual eres tú más dispuesto que para enamorado. | If it is because of riches, you know very well that you only own the dust from the currycomb. If it is because you are a man of high lineage, she must already know that they call you Sosia, and that they called your father Sosia, and that you were born and raised in a village plowing clods of earth, and that you are better suited to do that than to be a lover. | |
Mira, Sosia, y acuérdate bien si te quería sacar algún punto del secreto deste camino que agora vamos, para con que lo supiesse reboluer a Calisto y Pleberio, de embidia del plazer de Melibea. Cata que la embidia es vna incurable enfermedad donde assienta, huésped que fatiga la posada: en lugar de galardón, siempre goza del mal ageno. | Think, Sosia, and try to remember if she wanted to get a secret out of you about the path that we are now on, so that she would know how to bother Calisto and Pleberio, out of the jealousy she has for Melibea. Careful, because envy is an incurable illness anywhere that it puts itself; it troubles the inn where it stays: instead of bringing a reward, it delights in other people′s troubles. | |
Pues si esto es assí, ¡O cómo te quiere aquella maluada hembra engañar con su alto nombre, del qual todos se arrean! Con su vicio ponçoñoso quería condenar el ánima por complir su apetito, reboluer tales cosas para contentar su dañada voluntad. | And if this is so, oh how that evil woman wants to deceive you with her proud name, of which they all adorn themselves. With her venomous vice she wants to condemn the soul so that she can fulfill her appetite; she wants to stir things up in a manner that will please her so that she can please her own damaged will. | |
¡O arufianada, muger, y con qué blanco pan te daua çaraças! Quería vender su cuerpo a trueco de contienda. | Oh villainous woman, and with what a white bread has she given you her rat poison! She wanted to sell her body in exchange for her contention. | |
Oyeme y, si assí presumes que sea, ármale trato doble, qual yo te diré: que quien engaña al engañador. ... Ya me entiendes. Y si sabe mucho la raposa, más el que la toma. Contramínale sus malos pensamientos, escala sus ruyndades, quando más segura la tengas, y cantarás después en tu establo: vno piensa el vayo y otro el que lo ensilla. | Listen to me and, if you presume it to be so, I will tell you how to double-deal her: for he who tricks the trickster…you already know. And if the fox already knows too much, she will be taken by one who knows more. Countermineher wicked plan, climb over her wickedness and when you have conquered her, you will sing in your stable: the mare thinks one thing, and the one who saddles her thinks another. | |
SOS. __ O Tristán, discreto mancebo! Mucho más me has dicho que tu edad demanda. Astuta sospecha has remontado y creo que verdadera. Pero, porque ya llegamos al huerto y nuestro amo se nos acerca, dexemos este cuento, que es muy largo, para otro día. | Sos.__Oh Tristan, you shrewd youth! You have told me much more than can be expected from your age. You have astute suspicions and I think they are correct. But, since we are already at the garden and our master is coming to us, let us leave this matter, because it is very long, for another day. | |
CAL. __ Poned, moços, la escala y callad, que me paresce que está hablando mi señora de dentro. Sobiré encima de la pared y en ella estaré escuchando, por ver si oyré alguna buena señal de mi amor en absencia. | Cal.__Put up the ladders, boys, and be quiet, for I believe my lady is speaking from inside. I will climb up the wall and see if I can hear her. I want to see if she is saying something good about my love in my absence. | |
MELIB. __ Canta más, por mi vida, Lucrecia, que me huelgo en oyrte, mientra viene aquel señor, y muy passo entre estas verduricas, que no nos oyrán los que passaren. | Mel.__Sing more, by my life, Lucrecia, for I enjoy listening to you while I wait for that gentleman to come, and be very quiet through the greenery, so that people passing by will not hear us. | |
LUCR. __
¡O quién fuesse la ortelana
de aquestas viciosas flores, por prender cada mañana al partir a tus amores! Vístanse nueuas collores Los liros y el azucena; derramen frescos olores, quando entre por estrena. |
Oh I wish I was the gardener
of all these wild flowers, and that every morning upon leaving I could catch my loves! Day lilies and white lilies Will dress with new colors And send new fresh odors When he magically appears. | |
MELIB. __¡O quán dulce me es oyrte! De gozo me deshago. No cesses, por mi amor. | Mel.__Oh how sweet it is to listen to you! I am melting in delight. By my love, do not stop singing. | |
LUCR. __
Alegre es la fuente clara
a quien con gran sed la vea; mas muy más dulce es la cara de Calisto a Melibea. Pues, avnque más noche sea, con su vista gozará. ¡O quando saltar le vea, qué de abraços le dará! Saltos de gozo infinitos da el lobo viendo ganado; con las tetas los cabritos, Melibea con su amado. Nunca fue más desseado amado de su amiga, ni huerto más visitado, ni noche más sin fatiga. |
The clear fountain is a joy
when it is seen by a very thirsty person; But much sweeter is the face Of Calisto to Melibea. For even though it may be very late at night, She will be delighted to see him. Oh when she sees him jump over the wall, what hugs she will give him! The wolf leaps with joy when he sees the herd; the kid goat leaps to the teats just as Melibea will leap to her lover. There has never been a lover more loved, a garden more visited, or a night more free of cares. | |
MELIB. __ Quanto dizes, amiga Lucrecia, se me representa delante, todo me parece que lo veo con mis ojos. Procede, que a muy buen son lo dizes y ayudarte he yo. | Mel.__My friend, Lucrecia, it is as if everything you sing of appears before me, as if I see it before my very eyes. Proceed, for you sing very well and I will help you. | |
Dulces árboles sombrosos,
humilláos quando veays aquellos ojos graciosos del que tanto desseays. Estrellas que relumbrays, norte y luzero del día, ¿Por qué no le despertays, si duerme mi alegría? |
Sweet shady trees
bow when they see the gracious eyes of the one you so desire. Shining stars, the north star and the morning star, if my joy is sleeping why don′t you wake him up? | |
MELIB. __ Oyeme tú, por mi vida, que yo quiero cantar sola.
Papagayos, ruyseñores,
que cantays al aluorada, lleuad nueua a mis amores, cómo espero aquí asentada. La media noche es passada, y no viene. Sabedme si ay otra amada que lo detiene. |
Mel.__Listen to me, by my life, because I want to sing alone.
Parrots and nightingales,
who sing at dawn, tell my love that I am sitting here waiting. Midnight has passed, and he has still not come. I wonder if he is being detained by another lover. | |
CAL. __ Vencido me tiene el dulçor de tu suaue canto; no puedo más suffrir tu penado esperar. !O mi señora y mi bien todo! ¿quál muger podía auer nascida, que despriuasse tu gran merecimiento? ¡O salteada melodía! ¡O gozoso rato! ¡O coracón mio! ¿Y cómo no podiste más tiempo sufrir sin interrumper tu gozo y complir el desseo de entrambos? | Cal.__The sweetness of your soft song has won me over; I can no longer endure how painfully you wait. Oh my lady and all my good! What woman could ever have been born who could deprive you of your great deserving? Oh interrupted melody! Oh delightful moment! Oh my sweetheart! And have you allowed me to interrupt your delight so that we can fulfill our desires? | |
MELIB. __ ¡O sabrosa trayción! ¡O dulce sobresalto! ¿Es mi señor de mi alma? ¿Es él? No lo puedo creer. ?Dónde estauas, luziente sol? ¿Donde me tenías tu claridad escondida? ¿Auía rato que escuchauas? ¿Por qué me dexauas echar palabras sin seso al ayre, con mi ronca boz de cisne? Todo se goza este huerto con tu venida. | Mel.__Oh delicious treason! Oh sweet surprise! Is it the man of my soul? Is it he? I cannot believe it. Where were you, my shining sun? Where were you hiding your brightness? Were you listening to me for a long time? Why did you let me send my mindless words into the air, with my hoarse swan′s voice? The whole garden delights of your visit. | |
Mira la luna quán clara se nos muestra, mira las nuues cómo huyen. Oye la corriente agua desta fontezica, ¡Quánto más suaue murmurio su río lleua por entre las frescas yeruas! Escucha los altos cipreses, ¡Cómo se dan paz unos ramos con otros por intercessión de vn templadico viento que los menea! Mira sus quietas sombras, ¡Quán escuras están y aparejadas para encobrir nuestro deleyte! | Look at how clearly the moon is showing itself to us; look at how the clouds run away from it. Listen to the water that is running from that little fountain. How softly the river murmurs as it passes through the fresh grass! Listen to the tall cypress, how peacefully the branches nudge one another as if moved by the intercession of a temperate wind! Look at the peaceful shade, how dark and how ready it is to hide our delight! | |
Lucrecia, ¿qué sientes, amiga? Tórnaste loca de plazer? Déxamele, no me le despedaces, no le trabajes sus miembros con tus pesados abraços. Déxame gozar lo que es mio, no me ocupes mi plazer. | Lucrecia, how do you feel, friend? Have you become mad with pleasure? Leave me, do not tear him away from me, and do not burden his body with your heavy arms. Let me delight of what is mine; do not interfere with my pleasure. | |
CAL. __ Pues, señora y gloria mía, si mi vida quieres, no cesse tu suaue canto. No sea de peor condición mi presencia, con que te alegras, que mi absencia, que te fatiga. | Cal.__Then, mistress and glory of mine, if you love my life, do not cease your soft song. Do not let my presence, which you delight of, become a worse situation than my absence that grieves you. | |
MELIB. __ Qué quieres que cante, amor mío? ¿Cómo cantaré, que tu desseo era el que regía mi son y hazía sonar mi canto? Pues conseguida tu venida, desaparecióse el desseo, destemplóse el tono de mi boz. | Mel.__What do you want me to sing, my love? How can I sing that your desire is what rules my song and makes me sing? When you finally come to visit me, my desire disappears, and my voice loses its tune. | |
Y pues tú, señor, eres el dechado de cortesía y buena criança, ¿cómo mandas a mi lengua hablar y no a tus manos que estén quedas? ¿Por qué no oluidas estas manos? Mándalas estar sossegadas y dexar su enojoso vso y conuersación incomportable. Cata, ángel mío, que assí como me es agradable tu vista sossegada, me es enojoso tu riguroso trato; | And since, sir, you are the embodiment of courtesy and good upbringing, how come you can command my tongue to speak and not your hands to contain themselves? How come you forget your hands? Command them to stay put and cease their bothersome use and unbearable meddling. Consider, my angel, that just as I am pleased to see you, I am angered by your rough treatment of me; | |
tus honestas burlas me dan plazer, tus deshonestas manos me fatigan quando passan de la razón. Dexa estar mis ropas en su lugar y, si quieres ver si es el hábito de encima de seda o de paño, ¿para qué me tocas en la camisa? Pues cierto es de lienço. Holguemos y burlemos de otros mill modos que yo te mostraré; no me destroces ni maltrates como sueles. ?Qué prouecho te trae dañar mis vestiduras? | your honest jesting pleases me but your dishonest hands annoy me when they act unreasonably. Leave my clothes in their place and if you want to know if my habit is made of silk or cotton, why must you touch my blouse? For that is certainly made of linen. Let us delight and enjoy ourselves in one thousand other ways, which I can show you; do not ruin me nor mistreat me like you usually do. What benefit do you get from damaging my clothing? | |
CAL. __ Señora, el que quiere comer el aue, quita primero las plumas. | Cal.__Mistress, the one who wants to eat the bird must first pluck its feathers. | |
LUCR. __ Mala landre me mate si más los escucho. ?Vida es ésta? ¡Que me esté yo deshaziendo de dentera y ella esquiuándose porque la rueguen! | Luc.__May I be dammed if I hear them anymore. What life this is? For I am melting from within yet she enjoys being pleaded to! | |
Ya, ya apaziguado es el ruydo: no ouieron menester despartidores. Pero también me lo haría yo, si estos necios de sus criados me fablassen entre día; pero esperan que los tengo de yr a buscar. | Already, already the noise has calmed down; there is no need for unwillingness. But I would have done the same, if these foolish servants would speak to me during the day; but instead they wait for me to go and find them myself. | |
MELIB. __ Señor mio, quieres que mande a Lucrecia traer alguna colación? | Mel.__My sir, do you want me to tell Lucrecia to bring a snack for you? | |
CAL. __ No ay otra colación para mi sino tener tu cuerpo y belleza en mi poder. Comer y beuer, donde quiera se da por dinero, en cada tiempo se puede auer y qualquiera lo puede alcançar; pero lo no vendible, lo que en toda la tierra no ay ygual que en este huerto, ¿cómo mandas que se me passe ningún momento que no goze? | Cal.__There is nothing I want other than your body and beauty in my power. One can eat and drink whatever, whenever and wherever if you have the money; but in this garden is the one thing in the whole world that cannot be found or sold, so how can you ask me not to delight of you for even a moment? | |
LUCR. __ Ya me duele a mi la cabeça de escuchar y no a ellos de hablar ni los braços de retoçar ni las bocas de besar. !Andar! Ya callan: a tres me parece que va la vencida. | Luc.__My head is already hurting from listening to them yet they are not hurting from talking too much or their hands from touching or their mouths from kissing. Wait! They are already quiet: it appears to me that he has won her over. | |
CAL. __ Jamás querría, señora, que amaneciesse, según la gloria y descanso que mi sentido recibe de la noble conuersación de tus delicados miembros. | Cal.__I never want, my lady, for the day to come, because of the glory and repose that my senses have received from fondling your delicate body. | |
MELIB. __ Señor, yo soy la que gozo, yo la que gano; tú, señor, el que me hazes con tu visitación incomparable merced. | Mel.__Sir, I am the one who delights, I am the one who has won; you, sir, are the one who has shown me an incomparable mercy because of your visit. | |
SOS. __ Assí, vellacos, rufianes, veníades a asombrar a los que no os temen? Pues yo juro que si esperárades, que yo os hiziera yr como merecíades. | Sos.__Is that how you fools and villains have come to frighten those who do not fear you? For I swear that if you wait any longer I will make you leave as you deserve. | |
CAL. __ Señora, Sosia es aquél que da bozes. Déxame yr a valerle, no le maten, que no está sino un pajezico con el. Dame presto mi capa, que está debaxo de ti. | Cal.__Mistress, Sosia is the one who is shouting. Let me go and protect him, so they do not kill him for there is only a little page with him. Quickly give me my cloak, which is under you. | |
MELIB. __ ¡O triste de mi ventura! No vayas allá sin tus coraças; tórnate a armar. | Mel.__Oh what sad luck! Do not go there without your armor; come back and put it on. | |
CAL. __ Señora, lo que no haze espada y capa y coraçón, no lo fazen coraças y capaçete y couardía. | Cal.__Mistress, what cannot be done by a sword, cloak and helmet, cannot be done by armor, helmets, and cowardice. | |
SOS. __ Avn tornays? Esperadme. Quiçá venís por lana. | Sos.__So you have come back? Wait for me, maybe you have come for wool. | |
CAL. __ Déxame, por Dios, señora, que puesta está el escala. | Cal.__Leave me, by God, mistress, for the ladder has already been put up. | |
MELIB. __ ¡O desdichada yo! Y¿cómo vas tan rezio y con tanta priessa y desarmado a meterte entre quien no conosces? Lucrecia, ven presto acá, que es ydo Calisto a vn ruydo. Echémosle sus coraças por la pared, que se quedan acá. | Mel.__Oh how unlucky I am! And why are you going so boldly in such a hurry and without your armor, to put yourself before someone whom you do not know? Lucrecia, come here quickly, for Calisto has gone because he heard a noise. Let us throw his armor over the wall, for he has left it here. | |
TRIST. __ Tente, señor, no baxes, que ydos son; que no era sino Traso el coxo y otros vellacos, que passauan vozeando. Que ya se torna Sosia. Tente, tente, señor, con las manos al escala. | Tri.__Stay, sir, do not come down for they have already gone; it was none other than Traso, the lame one, and some other villains who were passing by making noises. Sosia has already come back. Stay, stay, sir, hold on to the ladder. | |
Cal.__Oh, save me Saint Mary! I am a dead man! Confession! | ||
TRIST. __ Llégate presto, Sosia, que el triste de nuestro amo es caydo del escala y no habla ni se bulle. | Tri.__Come quickly, Sosia, our unlucky master has fallen from the ladder and he is not speaking nor making any noises. | |
SOS. __ ¡Señor, señor! ¡A essotra puerta! ¡Tan muerto es como mi abuelo! ¡O gran desventura! | Sos.__Sir, sir! Go to the other door! He is as dead as my grandfather! Oh what misfortune! | |
LUCR. __ ¡Escucha, escucha! ¡Gran mal es éste! | Luc.__Listen, listen! Something bad has happened! | |
35. MELIB. __ ¿Qué es esto? ¿Qué oygo? ¡Amarga de mí! | Mel.__What is this? What do I hear? Oh what a wretch am I! | |
TRIST. __ ¡O mi señor y mi bien muerto! ¡O mi señor despeñado! ¡O triste muerte sin confessión! Coge, Sosia, essos sesos de essos cantos, júntalos con la cabeça del desdichado amo nuestro. !O día de aziago! ¡O arrebatado fin! | Tri.__Oh my master and all my good has died! Oh my fallen master! Oh how sad it is to die without confession! Help, Sosia, and pick up the brains from those stones, and put them back in the head of our unlucky master. Oh unfortunate day! Oh unexpected ending! | |
MELIB. __ ¡O desconsolada de mí! ¿Qué es esto? ¿Qué puede ser tan áspero acontecimiento como oygo? Ayúdame a sobir, Lucrecia, por estas paredes, veré mi dolor; si no, hundiré con alaridos la casa de mi padre. !Mi bien y plazer, todo es ydo en humo! ¡Mi alegría es perdida! ¡ Consumióse mi Gloria! | Mel.__Oh how grief-stricken I am! What is this? How could such a bitter thing have happened? Help me to climb, Lucrecia, over these walls, so that I can see my pain; if not, I will submerge my father′s house with screams. My good and my pleasure, everything has gone up in smoke! My happiness is lost! My glory has been consumed! | |
LUCR. __ Tristán, ¿Qué dizes, mi amor? ¿Qué es esso, que lloras tan sin mesura? | Luc.__Tristan, what are you saying, my love? What is it that makes you cry so uncontrollably? | |
TRIST. __ ¡Lloro mi gran mal, lloro mis muchos dolores! Cayó mi señor Calisto del escala y es muerto. Su cabeça está en tres partes. Sin confessión pereció. Díselo a la triste y nueua amiga, que no espere más su penado amador. | Tri.__I cry because of my great misery, I cry because of my many pains! My master Calisto has fallen from the ladder and died. His head has split in three. He died without saying his confession. Tell his unlucky new friend, that she should not wait any longer for her pained lover. | |
Toma tú, Sosia, dessos pies. Lleuemos el cuerpo de nuestro querido amo donde no padezca su honrra detrimento, avnque sea muerto en este lugar. Vaya con nosotros llanto, acompáñenos soledad, síganos desconsuelo, visítenos tristeza, cúbranos luto y dolorosa xerga. | Take the legs, Sosia. Let us take the body of our beloved master to a place where he will not lose his honor, though he has died in this place. Let us take our tears with us, let solitude accompany us, let despair follow us; we will be visited by sadness and dressed in mourning and coarse clothes. | |
MELIB. __ ¡O la más de las tristes triste! ¡Tan tarde alcançado el plazer, tan presto venido el dolor! | Mel.__Oh this is the saddest of the sad! It took us too long to get our pleasure and our pain came too quickly! | |
LUCR. __ Señora, no rasgues tu cara ni meses tus cabellos. !Agora en plazer, agora en tristeza! ¿Qué planeta houo, que tan presto contrarió su operación? ¡Qué poco coraçón es este! Leuanta, por Dios, no seas hallada de tu padre en tan sospechoso lugar, que serás sentida. | Luc.__Mistress, do not scratch at your face nor pull out your hair. At one time you had pleasure, and now you have sadness! What planet was there that ever turned its path so quickly? What little heart you have! Get up, by God, do not let your father find you in such a suspicious place, for they will hear you. | |
Señora, señora, ¿No me oyes? No te amortezcas, por Dios. Ten esfuerço para sofrir la pena, pues touiste osadía para el plazer. | Mistress, mistress, do you not hear me? Do not kill yourself, by God. Have the strength to endure the pain, just as you had boldness for the pleasure. | |
MELIB. __ ¿Oyes lo que aquellos moços van hablando? ¿Oyes sus tristes cantares? ¡Rezando lleuan con responso mi bien todo! ¡Muerta lleuan mi alegría! ¡No es tiempo de yo biuir! ¿Cómo no gozé más del gozo? ¿Cómo tuue en tan poco la gloria que entre mis manos toue? ¡O ingratos mortales! ¡Jamás conocés vuestros bienes, sino quando dellos carecéis! | Mel.__Do you hear what those boys are saying? Do you hear their sad laments? With prayers they are carrying away all my good! They are taking away my happiness which is now dead! It is not time for me to live! How did I not delight more of our delight! How did I have such little value for what was once in my hands! Oh ungrateful mortals! You never know the good you have, until you lose it! | |
LUCR. __ Abíuate, abiua, que mayor mengua será hallarte en el huerto que plazer sentiste con la venida ni pena con ver que es muerto. Entremos en la cámara, acostarte as. Llamaré a tu padre y fingiremos otro mal, pues este no es para poderse encobrir. |
Luc.__Get up, get up, for it will be a greater misfortune if you are found in the
garden than the pleasure you felt with his visit and the pain you had after seeing he
was dead. Let us go into your room, so that you can lie down. I will call your father,
and we will make up some other illness, because this is too great to conceal.
| |
Acto XXSumario: LUCRECIA llama a la puerta de la camara de PLEBERIO. Preguntale PLEBERIO lo que quiere. LUCRECIA le da priessa que vaya a ver a su hija MELIBEA. Levantado PLEBERIO, va a la camara de MELIBEA. Consuelala, preguntando que mal tiene. Finge MELIBEA dolor del coraccedilon. Embia MELIBEA a su padre por algunos estrument:os musicos. Sube ella y LUCRECIA en una torre. Embia de si a LUCRECIA; cierra tras ella la puerta. Llegasse su padre al pie de la torre. Descubrele MELIBEA todo el negocio que avia passado. En fin, dexase caer de la torre abaxo. |
Act XXArgument:: Lucrecia knocks on the door of Pleberio′s room. Pleberio asks her what she wants. Lucrecia tells him to go quickly and see his daughter Melibea. Pleberio gets up and goes to Melibea′s bedroom. He consoles her and asks her what is wrong. Melibea pretends she has a pain in her heart. Melibea sends her father to go get her some musical instrument:s. Lucrecia and Melibea go to climb up a tower. She sends Lucrecia away and closes the door behind her. Her father walks to the bottom of the tower. Melibea tells him everything that has happened. In the end, she throws herself off the tower. | |
PLEB. __ ¿Qué quieres, Lucrecia? ¿Qué quieres tan presurosa? ¿Qué pides con tanta importunidad y poco sosiego? ¿Qué es lo que mi hija ha sentido? ¿Qué mal tan arrebatado puede ser, que no aya yo tiempo de me vestir ni me des avn espacio a me leuantar? | Ple.__What do you want, Lucrecia? Why are you in such a hurry? What do you want with such importunity and restlessness? What is wrong with my daughter? What illness could have come so suddenly, that there is not even enough time for me to get dressed or space for me to wake up? | |
LUCR. __ Señor, apresúrate mucho, si la quieres ver viua, que ni su mal conozco de fuerte ni a ella ya de desfigurada. | Luc.__Sir, hurry up, if you want to see her alive, for I do not know what illness troubles her since it is so great. I can barely recognize her because she is so disfigured. | |
PLEB. __ Vamos presto, anda allá, entra adelante, alça esa antepuerta y abre bien essa ventana, porque le pueda ver el gesto con claridad. ?Qué es esto, hija mia? ¿Qué dolor y sentimiento es el tuyo? ¿Qué nouedad es ésta? ¿Qué poco esfuerço es éste? Mírame, que soy tu padre. Fabla comigo, cuéntame la causa de tu arrebatada pena. ?Qué has? ¿Qué sientes? ¿Qué quieres? Háblame, mírame, dime la razón de tu dolor, porque presto sea remediado. No quieras embiarme con triste postrimería al sepulcro. Ya sabes que no tengo otro bien sino a ti. Abre essos alegres ojos y mírame. | Ple.__Let us go quickly, let us go there, enter before me, lift up the door hangings and open up the window all the way, so that I can see her face clearly. What is this, my daughter? What pain and feelings do you have? What is this new occurrence? What weakness is this? Look at me for I am your father. Talk to me; tell me what the cause of your sudden suffering is. What is it? What do you feel? What do you want? Talk to me, look at me, and tell me the reason for your pain, because I will quickly remedy it. You do not want to send me with a sorrowful old age to the grave. Gray hairs to the grave. You already know that you are my only good. Open up those happy eyes and look at me. | |
MELIB. __ ¡Ay dolor! | Mel.__Oh what pain! | |
PLEB. __ ¿Qué dolor puede ser, que yguale con ver yo el tuyo? Tu madre está sin seso en oyr tu mal. No pudo venir a verte de turbada. Fuerça tu fuerça, abiua tu coraçón, Réziate de manera que puedas tú comigo yr a visitar a ella. Dime, ánima mia, la causa de tu sentimiento. | Ple.__What pain is there that can compare with the pain I feel when I see your pain? Your mother has gone out of her mind since she heard about your illness. She was so anxious she could not even come to see you. Have strength, have strength, revive your heart. Get up so that you can come with me and visit her. Tell me, my soul, what is the cause for your grief. | |
MELIB. __ ¡Pereció mi remedio! | Mel.__My remedy has perished! | |
PLEB. __ Hija, mi bienamada y querida del viejo padre, por Dios, no te ponga desesperación el cruel tormento desta tu enfermedad y passión, que a los flacos coraçones el dolor los arguye. Si tú me cuentas tu mal, luego será remediado. Que ni faltarán medicinas ni médicos ni siruientes para buscar tu salud, agora consista en yeruas o en piedras o en palabras o esté secreta en cuerpos de animales. Pues no me fatigues más, no me atormentes, no me hagas salir de mi seso y dime ¿Qué sientes? | Ple.__Daughter, who is the goodness and love of her old father, by God, do not be despaired by the cruel torment of your sickness and passion, for pain is what reveals the weakness of the heart. If you tell me what is wrong, I will quickly remedy it. For doctors and medicines will not be lacking nor are the servants that will help you to get your health back, whether it be with herbs or stones or with what is inside the bodies of animals. So please do not fatigue me anymore, do not torment me, and do not make me lose my mind. Tell me, what do you feel? | |
MELIB. __ Vna mortal llaga en medio del coraçón, que no me consiente hablar. No es ygual a los otros males; menester es sacarle para ser curada, que está en lo más secreto dél. | Mel.__I have a mortal wound in the middle of my heart that does not allow me to speak. It is different from any other pain; it will be difficult to take it out so that it can be cured, because it is in the deepest part of my heart. | |
PLEB. __ Temprano cobraste los sentimientos de la vegez. La mocedad toda suele ser plazer y alegría, enemiga de enojo. Levántate de ay. Vamos a uer los frescos ayres de la ribera: alegrarte has con tu madre, descansará tu pena. Cata, si huyes de plazer, no hay cosa más contraria a tu mal. | Ple.__It is too early for you to have the pains that come with old age. Youth is usually full of pleasure and happiness; it is the enemy of anger. Get up from there. Let us go and see the fresh river′s breeze: you will be happier with your mother, your suffering will rest. Come, for there is nothing worse for an illness than running from happiness. | |
MELIB. __ Vamos donde mandares. Subamos, señor, al açotea alta, porque desde allí goze de la deleytosa vista de los nauíos: por ventura afloxará algo mi congoxa. | Mel.__Let us go wherever you wish. Let us go up, sir, to the high tower, because from there I can delight of the beautiful view of the ships: maybe it will weaken my anguish a little bit. | |
PLEB. __ Subamos y Lucrecia con nosotros. | Ple.__Let us go up with Lucrecia also. | |
12. MELIB. __ Mas, si a ti plazerá, padremio, mandar traer algún instrument:o de cuerdas con que se sufra mi dolor o tañiendo o cantando, de manera que, avnque aquexe por vna parte la fuerça de su acidente, mitigarlo han por otra los dulces sones y alegre armonía. | Mel.__Yes, and if it pleases you, my father, tell someone to bring me a stringed instrument: so that I can endure my pain by strumming it or by singing. This will make it so that even though a part of me is bothered by the severity of his accident, maybe I can mitigate it by some sweet songs and happy harmonies. | |
PLEB. __ Esso, hija mia, luego es hecho. Yo lo voy a mandar aparejar. | Ple.__That, my daughter, will be done immediately. I will go and have it arranged. | |
MELIB. __ Lucrecia, amiga mia, muy alto es esto. Ya me pesa por dexar la compañía de mi padre. Baxa a él y dile que se pare al pie desta torre, que le quiero dezir vna palabra que se me oluidó que fablasse a mi madre. | Mel.__Lucrecia, my friend, this place is too high. I am already bothered by having to leave the company of my father. Go down and tell him to stand at the bottom of this tower, for I forgot to tell him something that I want him to tell my mother. | |
LUCR. __ Ya voy, señora. | Luc.__I will go now, mistress. | |
MELIB. __ De todos soy dexada. Bien se ha adereçado la manera de mi morir. Algún aliuio siento en ver que tan presto seremos juntos yo y aquel mi querido amado Calisto. Quiero cerrar la puerta, porque ninguno suba a me estoruar mi muerte. No me impidan la partida, no me atajen el camino, por el qual en breue tiempo podré visitar en este día al que me visitó la passada noche. | Mel.__I have been left by all. I have organized well the way I will die. I feel some relief in knowing that my beloved Calisto and I will be together so soon. I want to close the door, so that nobody can come up to disturb my death. So that nobody can impede my departure, so they cannot put an end to the path through which I will shortly use to visit today the one who visited me last night. | |
Todo se ha hecho a mi voluntad. Buen tiempo terné para contar a Pleberio mi señor la causa de mi ya acordado fin. Gran sinrazón hago a sus canas, gran ofensa a su vegez. Gran fatiga le acarreo con mi falta. En gran soledad le dexo. Y caso que por mi morir a mis queridos padres sus días se diminuyessen, ¿quién dubda que no aya auido otros más crueles contra sus padres? Bursia, rey de Bitinia, sin ninguna razón, no aquexándole pena como a mí, mató su propio padre. Tolomeo, rey de Egypto, a su padre y madre y hermanos y muger, por gozar de vna manceba. Orestes a su madre Clistenestra. El cruel emperador Nero a su madre Agripina por sólo su plazer hizo matar. Estos son dignos de culpa, | Everything has been done as I have wanted. I will have enough time to tell my sir Pleberio the cause for my sudden end. I have been very unreasonable to his gray hairs, and I have greatly offended his old age. I will greatly fatigue him by my error. I leave him in great solitude. And it may be, that by my death, the lives of my beloved parents will be greatly diminished, but is there any doubt that other things have been done to parents that are crueler? Prusias, King of Bithynia, without any reason, and not being grieved by a pain like mine, killed his own father. Ptolemy, King of Egypt, killed his father, mother, brothers and wife so that he could delight of his mistress. Orestes killed his mother Clytemnestra. The cruel emperor Nero killed his mother Agrippina only because of the pleasure he got from killing. Those deserve to be guilty, | |
estos son verdaderos parricidas, que no yo; que con mi pena, con mi muerte purgo la culpa que de su dolor se me puede poner. Otros muchos crueles ouo, que mataron hijos y hermanos, debaxo de cuyos yerros el mío no parescerá grande. Philipo, rey de Macedonia; Herodes, rey de Judea; Constantino, emperador de Roma; Laodice, reyna de Capadocia, y Medea, la nigromantesa. Todos éstos mataron hijos queridos y amados, sin ninguna razón, quedando sus personas a saluo. | those are the true patricides, unlike me, because by my pain and by my death I purge the guilt that their suffering could give me. There were many others that were crueler, who killed sons and brother; compared to those errors, mine does not seem so great. Phillip the King of Macedon; Herod, King of Jewry; Constantine, Emperor of Rome; Laodicea, Queen of Cappadocia; and Medea the sorceress. All of these killed their beloved children without any reasons, and they did it with immunity. | |
Finalmente, me ocurre aquella gran crueldad de Phrates, rey de los Parthos, que, porque no quedasse sucessor después dél, mató a Orode, su viejo padre, y a su vnico hijo y treynta hermanos suyos. Estos fueron delictos dignos de culpable culpa, que, guardando sus personas de peligro, matauan sus mayores y descendientes y hermanos. Verdad es que, avnque todo esto assí sea, no auía de remedarlos en lo que malhicieron pero no es más en mi mano. Tú, Señor, que de mi habla eres testigo, ves mi poco poder, ves quán catiua tengo mi libertad, quán presos mis sentidos de tan poderoso amor del muerto cauallero, que priua al que tengo con los viuos padres. | Finally, I remember the great cruelty of Prates, King of the Parathions, who, so that there would be no successor after him, killed Orods, his old father, and his only son and his thirty brothers. These were crimes worthy of blame, and, keeping themselves out of danger, they killed their elders, descendents and brother. The truth is, while all this may be so, we are not supposed to imitate those who did wrong, but it is no longer within my control. You, Lord, who are a witness to my speech, see the little control I have and you see how captive my free will is, how imprisoned my senses are by such a powerful love for the dead gentleman, that offsets the love I have for my living parents. | |
PLEB. __ Hija mia Melibea, ¿Qué hazes sola? ¿Qué es tu voluntad dezirme? ¿Quieres que suba allá? | Ple.__My daughter Melibea, what are you doing alone? What is it that you want to tell me? Do you want me to come up? | |
MELIB. __ Padre mío, no pugnes ni trabajes por venir adonde yo estó, que estoruaras la presente habla que tequiero fazer. Lastimado serás breuemente con la muerte de tu vnica fija. Mi fin es llegado, llegado es mi descanso y tu passión, llegado es mi aliuio y tu pena, llegada es mi acompañada hora y tu tiempo de soledad. | Mel.__My father, do not struggle nor work to come up to where I am, because you will interrupt the things that I want to tell you. In a short time you will pained by the death of your only daughter. My end has come, as well as my repose and your passion, my relief and your pain, and the time has come for me to be in company and for you to be with solitude. | |
No haurás, honrrado padre, menester instrument:os para aplacar mi dolor, sino campanas para sepultar mi cuerpo. Si me escuchas sin lágrimas, oyrás la causa desesperada de mi forçada y alegre partida. No la interrumpas con lloro ni palabras; si no, quedarás más quexoso en no saber por qué me mato, que doloroso por verme muerta. Ninguna cosa me preguntes ni respondas, más de lo que de mi grado dezirte quisiere. Porque, quando el coraçón está embargado de passión, están cerrados los oydos al consejo y en tal tiempo las frutuosas palabras, enlugar de amansar, acrecientan la saña. | You do not need, my honorable father, to get those instrument:s in order to placate my pain, instead you need to get bells so that you can bury my body. If you listen to me without tears you will hear the desperate cause for my forced and happy departure. Do not interrupt it with tears nor with words; if not, you will be more grieved because you will not know the reason why I killed myself and that will be worse than the pain you feel now seeing that I am about to die. Do not ask me any questions nor respond to me anymore than I want you to. Because, when the heart is overcome by passion, the ears are closed to advice and in such a time wholesome words, instead of calming, increase the rage. | |
Oye, padre mio, mis vltimas palabras y, si como yo espero, las recibes, no culparás mi yerro. Bien vees y oyes este triste y doloroso sentimiento que toda la ciudad haze. Bien vees este clamor de campanas, este alarido de gentes, este aullido de canes, este grande estrépito de armas. De todo esto fuy yo la causa. Yo cobrí de luto y xergas en este día quasi la mayor parte de la cibdadana cauallería, | Listen, my father, to my last words and, if you receive them as I wish, do not blame me for my errors. You have very well seen and heard the painful sentiments that are being felt throughout the city. You have seen the ringing of the bells, the screams of the people, the howls of the dogs, and the great racket of the armor. I was the cause for all of this. Today I have dressed the great majority of this city′s gentility with mourning and coarse clothes. | |
Yo dexé oy muchos siruientes descubiertos de señor, yo quité muchas raciones y limosnas a pobres y enuergonçantes, yo fuy ocasión que los muertos touiessen compañía del más acabado hombre que en gracia nasció, yo quité a los viuos el dechado de gentileza, de inuenciones galanas, de atauíos y brodaduras, de habla, de andar, de cortesía, de virtud; yo fuy causa que la tierra goze sin tiempo el más noble cuerpo y más fresca juuentud, que al mundo era en nuestra edad criada. Y porque estarás espantado con el son de mis no acostumbrados delitos, te quiero más aclarar el hecho. | Today I have left many servants without a master, I have taken the rations and alms from many poor and indigent people, I have been the reason for why the dead now have among them one of the most distinguished men that was ever born into grace. I took away from the living the epitome of graciousness and inventive gallantry, of adornment and embroidery, of speech, of gait, of courtesy and of virtue: I am the reason for why the earth no longer delights of the most noble body that was ever created in this city. And since you will be shocked by the sound of my unusual offenses, I want to clarify them for you. | |
Muchos días son passados, padre mio, que penaua por amor vn cauallero, que se llamaua Calisto, el qual tú bien conosciste. Conosciste assimismo sus padres y claro linaje: sus virtudes y bondad a todos eran manifiestas. Era tanta su pena de amor y tan poco el lugar para hablarme, que descubrió su passión a vna astuta y sagaz muger, que llamauan Celestina. La qual, de su parte venida a mí, sacó mi secreto amor de mi pecho. Descubría a ella lo que a mi querida madre encobría. | It has been many days, my father, since I grieve for the love of a gentleman called Calisto, whom you knew well. You knew his parents and his good lineage; his virtue and goodness was manifested to all. He suffered for a long time for my love yet he had so little time to talk to me. He told his passions to an astute and wise woman, who they call Celestina. She came to me on her own, and took the secret of my love out of my chest. I told her everything that I kept from my beloved mother. | |
Touo manera como ganó mi querer, ordenó cómo su desseo y el mio houiessen efeto. Si él mucho me amaua, no viuía engañado. Concertó el triste concierto de la dulce y desdichada execución de su voluntad. Vencida de su amor, dile entrada en tu casa. Quebrantó con escalas las paredes de tu huerto, quebrantó mi propósito. Perdí mi virginidad. Del qual deleytoso yerro de amor gozamos quasi vn mes. Y como esta passada noche viniesse, según era acostumbrado, a la buelta de su venida, como de la fortuna mudable estouiesse dispuesto y ordenado, según su desordenada costumbre, | She found the way to get the love I desired, and she made it so that his and my desire would be affected. If he loved me very much, he did not live deceived. She arranged the sad execution of his will. Won over by his love, I let him come into your home. With a ladder he climbed over the walls and broke into your garden, just as he broke through my intentions. I lost my virginity. And of that delightful error we enjoyed each other′s love for almost a month. And again he came last night, as he was accustomed to, and when he should have been returning home, and as fickle fortune would have and order it, according to her chaotic customs, | |
como las paredes eran altas, la noche escura, la escala delgada, los siruientes que traya no diestros en aquel género de seruicio y él baxaua pressuroso a uer un ruydo que con sus criados sonaua en la calle, con el gran ímpetu que leuaua, no vido bien los pasos, puso el pie en vazío y cayó. De la triste cayda sus más escondidos sesos quedaron repartidos por las piedras y paredes. | since the walls were high, the night was dark, the ladder thin, the servants that he brought with him were not skilled enough for that type of service; he wanted to go down quickly because he heard his servants making noise in the street, and with the great haste that he had, he did not see well where he was supposed to put his foot and he missed the step and fell. Because of that sad fall some of the most inmost parts of his brain were strewn all over the stones of the walls. | |
Cortaron las hadas sus hilos, cortáronle sin confessión su vida, cortaron mi esperança, cortaron mi gloria, cortaron mi compañía. Pues ¿Qué crueldad sería, padre mío, muriendo él despeñado, que viuiese yo penada? Su muerte combida a la mía, combídame y fuerça que sea presto, sin dilación, muéstrame que ha de ser despeñada por seguille en todo. No digan por mí: a muertos y a ydos. . . Y assí contentarle he en la muerte, pues no tuue tiempo en la vida. !O mi amor y señor Calisto! | The fates cut his threads, they cut them without allowing him confession, they cut short my hope, they cut short my glory, and they cut short my companion. So, what cruelty would it be, my father, that he could die having fallen from a wall, and that I should live and suffer? His death invited mine, it invited and forces me to be quick, and without delay, it shows me that I must also fall and follow him in everything. So that they cannot say to me: those who are dead are forgotten and have few friends…. I will content him with my death, since I did not have time to please him during life. Oh my love and my sir Calisto! | |
Espérame, ya voy; detente, si me esperas; no me incuses la tardança que hago, dando esta vltima cuenta a mi viejo padre, pues le deuo mucho más. !O padre mio muy amado! Ruégote, si amor en esta passada y penosa vida me has tenido, que sean juntas nuestras sepulturas: juntas nos hagan nuestras obsequias. Algunas consolatorias palabras te diría antes de mi agradable fin, coligidas y sacadas de aquellos antiguos libros que tú, por más aclarar mi ingenio, memandauas leer; sino que ya la dañada memoria con la grand turbación me las ha perdido y avn porque veo tus lágrimas malsofridas decir por tu arrugada haz. | Wait for me, I am coming already; hold on, if you wait for me; do not accuse me for my tardiness because I was giving my old father this last account, even though I owe him so much more. Oh father mine whom I love so much! I beg you, if you loved me during this past and painful life, let our graves lie side by side and make them say our burial rites at the same time. Before my pleasant end I will tell you some consoling words which have collected and taken from those old books which you told me to read so that I would sharpen my mind; if it was not for the fact that my damaged memory, with this great disturbance has lost them, and in addition I see your sorrowful tears trickling down your wrinkled face. | |
Salúdame a mi cara y amada madre: sepa de ti largamente la triste razón porque muero. !Gran plazer lleuo de no la ver presente! Toma, padre viejo, los dones de tu vegez. Que en largos días largas se sufren tristezas. Rescibe las arras de tu senectud antigua, rescibe allá tu amada hija. Gran dolor lleuo de mí, mayor de ti, muy mayor de mi vieja madre. Dios quede contigo y con ella. A él ofrezco mi ánima. Pon tú en cobro este cuerpo, que allí baxa. |
Give my regards to my dear and beloved mother: tell her
the sad reason for which I die. I am very happy that I do
not have to see her right now! Accept the gifts of your
old age; collect the body of your beloved daughter. I
bear a great pain for myself, greater for you, and much
greater for my old mother. May God be with you and
with her. To him I offer my soul. Recover this body
which is falling down.
| |
Acto XXISumario: PLEBERIO, tornado a su camara con grandisimo llanto, preguntale ALISA, su muger, la causa de tan supito mal. Cuentale la muerte de su hija MELIBEA, mostrandole el cuerpo ella todo fecho pedaccedilos, y haziendo su planto, concluye. |
Act XXIArgument: Pleberio goes back to his room with many tears. Alisa, his wife, asks him what the cause is for his suffering. He tells her of the death of his daughter Melibea and shows Alisa the body, which is in little pieces. He concludes with his lament. | |
ALI. __ ¿Qué es esto, señor Pleberio? ¿Por qué son tus fuertes alaridos? Sin seso estaua adormida del pesar que oue quando oy dezir que sentía dolor nuestra hija; agora oyendo tus gemidos, tus vozes tan altas, tus quexas no acostumbradas, tu llanto y congoxa de tanto sentimiento, en tal manera penetraron mis entrañas, en tal manera traspasaron mi coraçón, assí abiuaron mis turbados sentidos, que el ya rescibido pesar alançé de mí. Vn dolor sacó otro, vn sentimiento otro. Dime la causa de tus quexas. ?Por qué maldizes tu honrrada vegez? ¿Por qué pides la muerte? ¿Por qué arrancas tus blancos cabellos? ¿Por qué hieres tu honrrada cara? ¿Es algún mal de Melibea? Por Dios, que me lo digas, porque si ella pena, no quiero yo viuir. | Ali.__What has happened, sir Pleberio? Why are you sobbing so loudly? I have been sleeping very anxiously because of the worries I have had since I heard that our daughter was in pain; now, you have penetrated my body and trespassed my heart with the crying that I hear, your loud voice, your uncommon grieving and your anguish and sobs which are full of emotion. They have enlivened my senses which were already disturbed and I have had to put aside the pain I previously had. One pain removes the other. Tell me the cause for your grief. Why do you curse your honorable old age? Why do you ask for death? Why are you pulling out your white hairs? Why are you scratching at your honorable face? Is something wrong with Melibea? By God, tell me what it is, because if she is suffering I no longer want live. | |
PLEB. __ ¡Ay, ay, noble muger! Nuestro gozo en el pozo. Nuestro bien todo es perdido ¡No queramos más biuir! Y porque el incogitado dolor te dé más pena, todo junto sin pensarle, porque más presto vayas al sepulcro, porque no llore yo solo la pérdida dolorida de entramos, ves allí a la que tú pariste y yo engendré, hecha pedaços. La causa supe della; más la he sabido por estenso desta su triste siruienta. Ayúdame a llorar nuestra llagada postrimería. !O gentes, que venís a mi dolor! ¡O amigos y señores, ayudáme a sentir mi pena! ¡O mi hija y mi bien todo! Crueldad sería que viua yo sobre ti. | Ple.__Oh, oh, noble woman! Our joy is in the well. All of our good has been lost. We will not want to live any longer! And so that this unexpected pain should cause you more sorrow, and more quickly you should go to your grave, and so that I do not cry all alone our painful loss; you can see there is the one you gave birth to and I begot, scattered in pieces. She told me the reason for her death, but I learned more from her sad servant. Help me to cry for our wounded old age. Oh people that will come to see my pain! Oh friends and gentlemen, help me to feel my pain! Oh my daughter and all my good! It is cruel that I should live longer than you. | |
Más dignos eran mis sesenta años, de la sepultura, que tus veynte. Turbóse la orden del morir con la tristeza que te aquexaua. !O mis canas, salidas para auer pesar! Mejor gozara de vosotras la tierra que de aquellos ruuios cabellos que presentes veo. Fuertes días me sobran para viuir; ¿Quexarme he de la muerte? ¿Incusarle he su dilación? Quanto tiempo me dexare solo después de ti, fálteme la vida, pues me faltó tu agradable compañqía. !O muger mia! Leuántate de sobre ella y, si alguna vida te queda, gástala comigo en tristes gemidos, en quebrantamiento y sospirar. Y si por caso tu espíritu reposa con el suyo, si ya has dexado esta vida de dolor, ¿Por qué quesiste que lo passe yo todo? En esto tenés ventaja las hembras a los varones, que puede vn gran dolor sacaros del mundo sin lo sentir o a lo menos perdeys el sentido, que es parte de descanso. !O duro coraçón de padre! ¿Cómo no te quiebras de dolor, que ya quedas sin tu amada heredera? ¿Para quién edifiqué torres? ¿Para quién adquirí honrras? ¿Para quién planté árboles? ¿Para quién fabriqué nauíos? ¡O tierra dura! ¿Cómo me sostienes? ¿Adónde hallará abrigo mi desconsolada vegez? | My sixty years deserve to be in the grave more than your twenty. The order of life has been disturbed because of your sadness. Oh, my gray hairs have come out only so that I could suffer! It would have been better for us to be delighting of the earth now instead of the one with the blonde hair that I see. Terrible days are ahead of me, but how should I complain to death? Can I accuse him of delay for as long as I am left after you? My life is over if I do not have your agreeable companionship. Oh my wife! Get up from over her body; if you have any life left in you, waste it with me and my sad sobs, tears and sighs. Is your spirit already with hers? Have you already left life because of the pain? But why did you want for me to go through all of this alone? Women are better for this than men, for you can be taken out of the world because of a great pain and not feel anything or you can at least lose control of your senses, which is also a type of rest. Oh hardened heart of a father! How can you not break from the pain, which is cause by the loss of your beloved heir? For whom did I build these towers? For whom did I adquire honor? Why did I plant trees? For whom did I make ths ships? Oh hard earth! How can you sustain me? Where will I find the shelter for my disconsolate old-age? | |
¡O fortuna variable, ministra y mayordoma de los temporales bienes! ¿Por qué no executaste tu cruel yra, tus mudables ondas, en aquello que a ti es subjeto? ¿Por qué no destruyste mi patrimonio? ¿Por qué no quemaste mi morada? ¿Por qué no asolaste mis grandes heredamientos? Dexárasme aquella florida planta, en quien tú poder no tenías; diérasme, fortuna flutuosa, triste la mocedad con vegez alegre, no peruertieras la orden. Mejor sufriera persecuciones de tus engaños en la rezia y robusta edad, que no en la flaca postremería. !O vida de congoxas llena, de miserias acompañada! ¡O mundo, mundo! Muchos mucho de ti dixeron, muchos en tus qualidades metieron la mano, a diuersas cosas por oydas te compararon; yo por triste esperiencia lo contaré, como a quien las ventas y compras de tu engañosa feria no prósperamente sucedieron, como aquél que mucho ha fasta agora callado tus falsas propiedades, por no encender con odio tu yra, porque no me secasses sin tiempo esta flor que este día echaste de tu poder. | Oh variable fortune, minister and steward of temporal goods! Why did you not execute you cruel ire and your mutable waves on me when I am also your subject? Why did you not destroy my estate instead? Why did you not my house on fire? Why did you not rob me of all my riches? You should have left me that flowery plant, over which you should not have had any power; you should have given me, fluctuating fortune, a sorrowful youth and a happy old age; you should not have perverted the order. I would rather suffer the persecutions of your deceit when I was strong and robust and not during the weakness of my old age. Oh life full of grief, accompanied by misery! Oh world, world! Many have spoken about you and many have taken your goods; they have compared you to various things from what they heard, but I, out of my sad experience will tell you, since I am the one who did not prosper from the sales and purchases of your deceitful carnival. Until now, I have kept quiet about your false properties so that I would not light up your ire with hatred, so that you would not pluck the flower which today you have in your power. | |
Pues agora sin temor, como quien no tiene qué perder, como aquél a quien tu compaqía es ya enojosa, como caminante pobre, que sin temor de los crueles salteadores va cantando en alta boz. Yo pensaua en mi más tierna edad que eras y eran tus hechos regidos por alguna orden; agora, visto el pro y la contra de tus bienandanças, me pareces vn laberinto de errores, vn desierto espantable, vna morada de fieras, juego de hombres que andan en corro, laguna llena de cieno, región llena de espinas, monte alto, campo pedregoso, prado lleno de serpientes, huerto florido y sin fruto, fuente de cuydados, río de lágrimas, mar de miserias, trabajo sin prouecho, dulce ponçoña, vana esperança, falsa alegría, verdadero dolor. | And now without fear, like one who has nothing to lose, like one who is already angered by your company and like the poor wanderer who sings out loud without the fear of cruel thieves. When I was very young I though that you and your doings were ruled by some kind of order; now, having seen the pros and cons of your benefits, it appears to me that you are a labyrinth of woes, a frightening desert, a house full of wild animals, a game where men run around in circles, a lagoon full of mud, a region full of bones, a tall mountain, a field full of stones, a meadow full of snakes, a flowering garden without fruit, a fountain of worries, a river of tears, a sea of misery, work without benefit, a sweet poison, a vain desire, a false happiness and true pain. | |
Yo fui lastimado sin hauer ygual compañero de semejante dolor; avnque más en mi fatigada memoria rebueluo presentes y passados. Que si aquella seueridad y paciencia de Paulo Emilio me viniere a consolar con pérdida de dos hijos muertos en siete días, diziendo que su animosidad obró que consolase él al pueblo romano y no el pueblo a él, no me satisfaze, que otros dos le quedauan dados en adobción. ?Qué compañqía me ternán en mi dolor aquel Pericles, capitán ateniense, ni el fuerte Xenofón, pues sus pérdidas fueron de hijos absentes de sus tierras? Ni fue mucho no mudar su frente y tenerla serena y el otro responder al mensajero, que las tristes albricias de la muerte de su hijo le venía a pedir, que no recibiesse él pena, que él no sentía pesar. Que todo esto bien diferente es a mi mal. Pues menos podrás dezir, mundo lleno de males, que fuimos semejantes en pérdida aquel Anaxágoras y yo, que seamos yguales en sentir y que responda yo, muerta mi amada hija, lo que el su vnico hijo, que dijo: como yo fuesse mortal, | I have been hurt and as much as my fatigued memory tries to remember in the past and the present, there is nobody that has suffered a grief comparable to mine. For if the extremely patient Paulus Emilius were to try to console me with the fact that he had two sons killed in seven days and that it was his courage that helped him to console the Roman people and not the other way around, I would not be satisfied, for he still had two other adopted children left. What company would Pericles, the Athenian captain give me, or the mighty Xenophon? For their sons died when they were away from their land. It was easy for Pericles to change and calm his expression and for the other to tell his messenger that he would not be punished for the sad news he brought about the death of his son, because he himself was not sad. He could not even say, world full of evil, that my loss was similar to that of Anaxagoras and that we had the same emotions; for my beloved daughter is dead, just like his only son. He said: I am mortal, | |
Porque mi Melibea mató a sí misma de su voluntad a mis ojos con la gran fatiga de amor que la aquexaba; el otro matáronle en muy lícita batalla. !O incomparable pérdida! ¡O lastimado viejo! Que quanto más busco consuelos, menos razón fallo para me consolar. Que, si el profeta y rey Dauid al hijo, que enfermo lloraua, muerto no quiso llorar, diziendo que era quasi locura llorar lo irrecuperable, quedáuanle otros muchos con que soldase su llaga; y yo no lloro triste a ella muerta, pero la causa desastrada de su morir. Agora perderé contigo, mi desdichada hija, los miedos y temores que cada día me espauorecían: sola tu muerte es la que a mí me haze seguro de sospecha. ?Qué haré, quando entre en tu cámara y retraymiento y la halle sola? ¿Qué haré de de que no respondas, si te llamo? ¿Quién me podrá cobrir la gran falta que tú me hazes? | but my Melibea killed herself of her own free will in front of my very eyes, all because of the pain she had from love, while the other was killed in a very just battle. Oh incomparable loss! Oh injured old man! For the more I look for consolation, the less reason I find to be consoled. For, the prophet and the king David told his son, when he made himself ill from crying, that when you die you do not cry and that it is crazy to cry for that which cannot be recuperated. He said there was much more in life which he could use to patch up his wound. But I am not crying because I am sad that she died, but because of the disastrous cause for which she did it. Now I will lose along with you, my unlucky daughter, the fears and the dreads that I would have everyday: it is only your death that can relieve me of any suspicion. What will I do, when I enter your room and retreat and it is empty? What will I do when you do not respond when I call you? Who will be able to fulfill my great need of you? loss that you have caused me? | |
Ninguno perdió lo que yo el día de oy, avnque algo conforme parescía la fuerte animosidad de Lambas de Auria, duque de los atenienses ginoveses, que a su hijo herido con sus braços desde la nao echó en la mar. Porque todas estas son muertes que, si roban la vida, es forçado de complir con la fama. Pero ¿Quién forçó a mi hija a morir, sino la fuerte fuerça de amor? Pues, mundo halaguero, ¿Qué remedio das a mi fatigada vegez? ¿Cómo me mandas quedar en ti, conosciendo tus falacias, tus lazos, tus cadenas y redes, con que pescas nuestras flacas voluntades? ¿A dó me pones mi hija? ¿Quién acompañará mi desacompañada morada? ¿Quién terná en regalos mis años, que caducan? | Nobody has ever lost what I have lost today, not even the courageous Lambas of Avria, Duke of the Athens, who threw his wounded son from the ship into the sea with his own hands. Because that is the type of death that, if they rob, one must die for fame. But, who forced my daughter to die, except for the might strength of her love? So you flattering world, what remedy will you give my tired old age? How can you command me to stay with you, knowing your lies, knots, chains and nets, with which your fish for our weak souls? Where did you put my daughter? Who will accompany me in my empty home? Who will attend with attentions my expiring age? | |
¡O amor, amor! ¡Que no pensé que tenías fuerça ni poder de matar a tus subjectos! Herida fue de ti mi juuentud, por medio de tus brasas passé: ¿Cómo me soltaste, para me dar la paga de la huyda en mi vegez? Bien pensé que de tus lazos me auía librado, quando los quarenta años toqué, quando fui contento con mi conjugal compañera, quando me vi con el fruto que me cortaste el día de oy. No pensé que tomauas en los hijos la vengança de los padres. Ni sé si hieres con hierro ni si quemas con fuego. Sana dexas la ropa; lastimas el coraçón. Hazes que feo amen y hermoso les parezca. ¿Quién te dio tanto poder? ¿Quién te puso nombre que no te conuiene? Si amor fuesses, amarías a tus siruientes. Si los amasses, no les darías pena. Si alegres viuiessen, no se matarían, como agora mi amada hija. | Oh love, love! I did not think you had the strength or the power to kill your subjects! You wounded me during my youth, yet you let me pass through your flames: Did you let go of me, so that I would have pay for my escape in my old age? I always thought that I had been freed from you, when I turned forty; for I was content with my conjugal companion when I saw that I had the fruit which you took from me today. I did not think that you used the children to take revenge out on their parents. Nor did I know whether you injure with iron or if you burn with a flame. You leave our clothes intact; but you wound the heart. You make ugly love look beautiful. Who gave you so much power? Who gave you such an unfitting name? If you were love, you would love your servants. If you loved them, you would not make them suffer. If they were alive and happy, they would not kill themselves, like my beloved daughter did just now. | |
¿En qué pararon tus siruientes y sus ministros? La falsa alcahueta Celestina murió a manos de los más fieles compañeros que ella para su seruicio enponçoñado jamás halló. Ellos murieron degollados. Calisto, despeñado. Mi triste hija quiso tomar la misma muerte por seguirle. Esto todo causas. Dulce nombre te dieron; amargos hechos hazes. No das yguales galardones. Iniqua es la ley, que a todos ygual no es. Alegra tu sonido; entristece tu trato. Bienauenturados los que no conociste o de los que no te curaste. Dios te llamaron otros, no sé con qué error de su sentido traydos. Cata que Dios mata los que crió; tú matas los que te siguen. Enemigo de toda razón, a los que menos te siruen das mayores dones, hasta tenerlos metidos en tu congoxosa dança. Enemigo de amigos, amigo de enemigos, ¿Por qué te riges sin orden ni concierto? | What became of your servants and ministers? The false matchmaker Celestina died at the hands of the most loyal friends that she had ever had in her service. They were beheaded. Calisto fell off a wall and my poor daughter wanted to give herself the same death so that she could follow him. You have caused all of this. They gave you a sweet name; but you have made it bitter. Unjust is the law that is not equal to all. You sound happy, but you create pain. Lucky are those whom you do not know or did not care to know you Others may have called you a god, but they are mistaken. God kills those he creates, but you kill your followers. You are the enemy of all reason. You give those who serve you greater gifts only to entrap them in your wretched dance. You are the enemy of your friends, and the friend of your enemies. Why do you conduct yourself without any order or reason? | |
Ciego te pintan, pobre y moço. Pónente vn arco en la mano, con que tiras a tiento; más ciegos son tus ministros, que jamás sienten ni veen el desabrido galardón que se saca de tu seruicio. Tu fuego es de ardiente rayo, que jamás haze señal do llega. La leña, que gasta tu llama, son almas y vidas de humanas criaturas, las quales son tantas, que de quien començar pueda, apenas me ocurre. No sólo de christianos; mas de gentiles y judíos y todo en pago de buenos seruicios. ?Qué me dirás de aquel Macías de nuestro tiempo, cómo acabó amando, cuyo triste fin tú fuiste la causa? ¿Qué hizo por ti Paris? ¿Qué Elena? ¿Qué hizo Ypermestra? ¿Qué Egisto? Todo el mundo lo sabe. Pues a Sapho, Ariadna, Leandro, | They paint you as blind, young and poor. They put an arch in your hand, from which you shoot at random; your servants are blinder because they do not sense nor see the bitter reward that comes from your service. Your fire comes from a burning rod of lightning that does not signal when it is coming. The wood, which your flames consume, is made of the souls and lives of human beings, and there are so many of them I would not even know were to start. Not only of Christians, but also of gentiles and Jews, and all as a reward for their good service. What would you tell me about Macias, the one who′s life you ended when he fell in love? What did Paris do for you? What about Helen? What did Clytemnestra do? What about Aegisthus? The whole world knows it. For what pay did you give Sappho, Ariadne, and Leander? | |
¿Qué pago les diste? Hasta Dauid y Salomón no quisiste dexar sin pena. Por tu amistad Sansón pagó lo que mereció, por creerse de quien tú le forçaste a darle fe. Otros muchos, que callo, porque tengo harto que contar en mi mal. Del mundo me quexo, porque en sí me crió, porque no me dando vida, no engendrara en él a Melibea; no nascida, no amara; no amando, cessara mi quexosa y desconsolada postrimería. !O mi compañera buena! ¡O mi hija despedazada! ¿Por qué no quesiste que estoruasse tu muerte? ¿Por qué no houiste lástima de tu querida y amada madre? ¿Por qué te mostraste tan cruel con tu viejo padre? ¿Por qué me dexaste, quando yo te havía de dexar? ¿Por qué me dexaste penado? ¿Por qué me dexaste triste y solo in hac lachrymarum valle? |
You did not even leave David and Solomon free from pain. Because of your
friendship Samson paid for what he deserved, because he thought that the one you
gave him would be faithful. And many others that I do not say, because I have enough
of my own suffering to talk about. I complain about the evil world that I was raised
in, because if it had not given me life, I would not have begotten Melibea; if she had
not been born, she would not have loved; if I had not loved her, my sorrowful and
distressful old age would go away. Oh my good companion! Oh my daughter broken
in pieces! Why did you not want me to prevent your death? Why did you not feel
sorry for your beloved mother? Why were you so cruel to your old father? Why did
you leave me, when it was I that should have left you? Why did you leave me in
anguish? Why did you leave me sad and alone in this valley of tears?
| |