At the end, I also include a number of links to alternative movies, just for comparison sake.
SoNIA creates QuickTime (.MOV) movies. These are the highest quality display, and we reccomend using that format. You can download a copy of quicktime (which works for Apple and Windows based operating systems) at: (I don't think you need to really register for the download to work.)
For those using other operating systems, we have created alternative MPEG (.MPG), MacroMedia Flash (.SWF), and .AVI versions. Most browsers allow you to use one of these versions automatically. The quality of the movie is considerably lower, though the .AVI is among the best of the these. They tend to have a much more 'fuzzy' appearance (almost as if the drawing were done w. crayons), which is why we reccommend using the QuickTime format if you can.
When playing the .swf files, right-clicking on the mouse will allow you to stop the movie from running in a continuous loop.
You should be able to play the movies by just clicking on the link once QuickTime is integrated into your browser. Else, simply download by right-clicking on the link and save to your drive.
Movies from Dynamic Network Visualization:
We did some early work on the Sampson Monastery data. These are dynamic GIF files in a new page, so use your "Back" button to get you back to this page.