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Notice the really cool hat Campbell is wearing...swiped from his dad.

Stephen turned into a little fisherman. He caught 4 perch. Fortunately, the size of the rod is unimportant.
Steph and Stephen watch us fish. If they could hve just stayed buried... Is that a sand crab I feel?
Takin' it easy. Notice the shells...those were Stephen's touch. We made a sand turtle on our first beach trip.
Campbell snapped this picture. The one moment during our lighthouse trip were Campbell and Stephen where nice to each other... If we were not at the beach, we were at the condo pool.
We are totally out in public dressed like this, too. Somewhere, a Las Vegas performer is asking, "Now where did I put that bodysuit?" Neck deep in trouble...
Cute Kid! Another cute kid! Steph looking pretty good at Jockey Ridge Parck.
Boogie boarding at Nag's Head. Bodie Island Lighthouse...this could be seen from Lori's condo. Cape Hattaras lighthouse. We made it this far south, and then we gave up. (Are we there yet? He's TOUCHING ME! Am not...I have to pee, can we stop. HE IS TOUCHING ME!!!)
Washing the sand out.