Computational Cartography - Winter 2002

Geography 167, Design | Media Arts
Instructor: Nick Gessler
Teaching Assistant: Jon Campbell


Yes, despite the fact that this course is not listed in the schedule of classes, it is definitely being taught Winter 2002: MWF 10-noon, CLICC Classroom "A," Powell Library Room 307. Come to the first meeting to enroll...

Short Description:

Cultural and technological practices of making maps in digital media. Co-evolution of humans and machines in representing spatial information, dynamically analyzing data and implementing decisions in a quickly changing world. Practical science and aesthetics of visualized virtual and enhanced environments. The second of three courses in computational thinking, description and explanation as they relate to simulating social complexity. Emphasis on practice. May be taken as a sequence or independently. Includes practical exercises in DreamWeaver, PhotoShop, GPS, C++ for Windows, and the Lego MindStorms RCX Microcontroller as a data-logging device. No programming experience required. Familiarity with the PC is recommended.