Challenge 8 - Sluis, a Topographic Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
Use your creativity and imagination.
Thematic visualizations of the DEM:
Use Alt|PrintScreen to copy and then save to a floppy. Print
a Black-and-White of each (color if you can afford it) but also hand the color
images in on a floppy as .jpgs.
Using the shaded image above for reference
and any or all of the settings, generate, copy and save five (5) renderings
which effectively highlight different themes such as:
(Annotate the images briefly explaining how you generated each image and what
each image shows.)
Enhanced functionality:
As usual, turn in a printout of Unit1.cpp with a cover sheet
showing the GUI. Turn in the executable and six necessary project files on a
Improve upon the software program in some way: