Purpose: To familiarize you with...
- PhotoShop - useful for generating and
augmenting maps and visualizations.
- Image File Structure - which will be similar
to many map, image and data file formats.
- SynEdit Text & Binary Editing - so
that you can manipulate files and images with confidence.
An Exercise:
- Pick any colorful image
- Right click on the image. Click on
"save as" and save the image.
- Open Adobe PhotoShop - Copy that map, reduce
it to a reasonable size
- if it is a .gif convert it to |Image|mode|RGB|
and save it as "map.jpg"
- Crop it to a 6x6 pixel space that is
colorful and distinctive. Save it as "6by6.jpg"
- Enlarge this small image click |Image|Image
Size| (pick 100x100 pixels and pick" nearest neighbor")
and save it as "100.jpg"
- While still in Adobe PhotoShop
- click |File|Open| and browse to the
file "6by6.jpg" that you previously saved
- click |File|Save As| filename = "6x6.bmp"
save_as "6by6".bmp
- Open SynEdit (in the course folder)
- click |File|Open in HEX editor| and
browse to the file "6by6.bmp"
- click |View|Column Width|One Byte per
- click |View|Offset Display|Decimal|
- click |View|Line Size|16 bytes per
- Capture the screen to the clipboard by
holding down |ALT| and pressing |Print Scrn|
- Go back to PhotoShop. Click on |File|New|
and accept the defaults.
- Select |Edit|Paste|. This should paste
an image of the SynEdit page in PhotoShop.
- Crop the image. Click on |Layer|Flatten
Image|. Save this as "hexcode.jpg"
- Look up the file format for a color .bmp
- In PhotoShop, annotate the "hexcode.jpg"
hexcode of the file structure showing how it relates to the image
- Identify from 3 to 5 pixels in the
file and their renderings in the image. Convert them from hex BGR
to decimal RGB and show which colored pixels they specify.
- Look at the calculator included with
the Windows operating system. It is located along the path: |Start|Programs|Accessories|Calculator.
Click on View and change from Standard to Scientific. It will allow
you to | will allow you to convert from BINARY to OCTAL to DECIMAL
to HEXADECIMAL representations of numbers. To see how to count in
these different systems, clear the calculator and just keep pressing
"1" and "+."
- Identify from 3 to 5 parts of the header
and interpret them in relation to the image.
- You may wish to place the image on
a larger canvas for more annotations (click |Image|Canvas Size|
and define an area 2 to 3 times as large). You can then annotate
and cut and paste other images alongside the hexcode image.
- Put all the above images on one webpage
(use the .jpg images on the web - the .bmp will not render in the browsers),
with a brief explanatory text. Place the pictures and text aesthetically,
as though you were to use it to explain that graphics file format.
Below are some examples:
An entire image, reduced to fit on the screen
A six-by-six pixel segment you chose, shown
actual size
The six-by-six pixel segment blown up to 100
by 100 pixels
One way you could annotate the .bmp file:
A neater way you could annotate the .bmp file:
For more information on data
formats (optional browsing).
Microsoft Windows Device Independent Bitmap
- format details will be handed out in class
Wotsit's Format - The programmer's resource.
Every file format in the world.
http://whatis.techtarget.com/fileFormatA/0,289933,sid9,00.html |
ASCII, HEX, OCTAL and other charts and resources.