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To: al_group@taylor0.biology.ucla.edu
Cc: Saul Lozano <saul@taylor0.biology.ucla.edu>, gessler@ucla.edu
Subject: SRL in LA this weekend
From: Charles Taylor <taylor@biology.ucla.edu>
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2006 09:19:50 -0800
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SRL returns to Los Angeles on Jan. 21

Survival Research Laboratories (or a modestly scaled subset thereof) descends on LA this Saturday night. I'm told Mark Pauline and crew will offer a spectacle of robopyromayhem not quite as huge as the last LA show, but still potent enough make you throw up with delight, faint from smoke and jet fuel fumes, and experience multiple noisegasms. Good times. Happens at a gallery in Chinatown on January 21, from 6 - 8 PM. Info, more info. BYOE (bring your own earplugs).

Previously on Boing Boing:
Xeni Tech on NPR: SRL's robotic mayhem
More old BB posts about SRL

Update: The SRL team is in need of a camera-carrying human to document the event. Crew member Nina Alter says, "Folks usually 'show up' and we later typically 'get stuff' sent to us, but I wanted to see if perhaps there might be a photographer down there who might be interested in snapping nice hi-res images of the show for us." If you're interested in donating (as in "no $$") your services, and you know your f-stop from your flash bulb, email nina at bigwheel dot net.