Requirements for Participation

What I want is for you to attain a sense of entitlement, a sense of ownership,
mastery and control over how computation can help you understand complexity.


Active engagement may be manifest in many ways, but those below are particularly important.


In developing your skills in representing complexity in computer language, we build on a foundation of concepts. This is particularly true when writing simulations, since we begin with simpler smaller applications and work our way up to more complex larger applications. Similarly, we introduce Borland's Integrated Development Environment in the first week and all subsequent work assumes that you have some familiarity working with that software. As for computer language skills, the same applies - we begin with the simpler elements and move quickly to more complex constructions. If you miss a core skill it will negatively effect your performance in the course.


Participants in this course come from a variety of majors, standings and backgrounds, all of which enrich the overall experience with the material. It is important that you share your ideas with your classmates, listen to their ideas, and learn from your colleagues.


Each participant is expected to make four presentations in class. These may be taken from the readings, suggested by the instructor, or on research inspired by your own ideas and interests related to the concepts of this course. What activities are going on on campus and around town that we may take part in? What is going on nationally or internationally? Presentations are encouraged in PowerPoint or HTML.


Ask questions when they come to mind. Ask for assistance in understanding and writing code. Discuss your ideas with the instructors. This is one of the best ways we have of knowing how well we're familiarizing you with the material. It is also how we learn your concerns and interests and helps us keep the course on track. This is also the best way that you will receive feedback on your work and on your ideas from the instructors.