Garmin GPS-12,
Waypoint Software and a Windows Application...
Connect the GPS-12 to your computer with the data cable. The round 4-pin connector goes in the back of the Garmin. The "D-shaped" 9-pin connector goes in the Com port of the PC. Turn your GPS unit "ON." | Run the Waypoint program. The main program window should appear. You can obtain your own copy of the software for free from Waypoint. |
Select the appropriate Com port. Try Com1. | Download the GPS Track from your Garmin. |
Plot the Track using the Waypoint software. | Experiment with the settings. Compose a nice visualization and print it out. |
Save the Track log by exporting it in CartaLinx format. Name it something distinctive like CartaLinx-Track-Coyote. It will be a simple ASCII text file. | Open the file in Notepad ASCII text editor to see what it looks like. Notepad does not provide you with many editing tools. |
Open the file in Word in plain-text encoding to see what it looks like. Word provides you with more editing tools than Notepad, but it has limited use in changing file formats. | Open the file in SynEdit. SynEdit is designed to make it easy to ascertain and change file formats. Notice that it does provide you with a line count, in this instance 1023. |
Replace the comas, slashes, and colons with blanks. Do an "entire file" find and replace on each of the three marks. Your file should look like this when finished. "Save As" the file with a new name, you might add the designation "-clean" before the dot. | Remember how many records there were? Insert this number at the beginning of the file and save it. That way our program will know how many records to read. You have now created a customized file format. |
Something's wrong with the color! The first version of the "GPS Track New" application run on the Coyote Dry Lake dataset. In reality, the track begins in the North and ends in the South. Why does the coloring show the track beginning in the middle and moving South, then a huge gap in color as well as in time, culminating with the track beginning in the North and moving to the middle? The answer is that the black/white transition point represents midnight Greenwish Mean Time and consequently a new day. The first version of this application ignores the day and interprets the data as an early morning track, a long siesta, and a late evening track.x |
The color looks OK! The second version of the "GPS Track New" application run on the Coyote Dry Lake dataset. The application has been changed so that the day is not ignored. All the times, including the day, are recalculated as seconds. The minSec value had to be increased to 10,000,000. The value of days*86400 had to be added to the seconds counter. The problem will reoccur on the last day of the month. Any number of files can be reopened and the Window will resize itself to accommodate the data. |
Point the GPS Track New application at your data file. It should render your data recognizably well. You will probably have to resize your Window. You will find the application on
the Simulations Page |
The color looks OK! The first version of the "GPS Track New" application run on the Silver Dry Lake dataset. The track was run in the late afternoon so the software "bug" was not apparent. |
Challenge 2 Place the following images in a table on your BOL Webpage: All images should be the same height (300 pixels high). On
paper: Turn in a screen shot
of your Webpage. |