Getting help from
Borland Developers Studio 2006

How to navigate the maze to Borland's "Help:"

  1. Click on the "Help" tab...
  2. Click on the "View" tab...
  3. Highlight "Navigation"
  4. Click on "Contents"
  5. Click on "Index"
  6. Select "Language: C++" in the "Filtered by:" ComboBox.

Browse the "Index" and/or the "Contents"


Getting Help from
Borland C++ Builder 5

C++ Builder Help

Help with the
C++ language.

C++ Builder Tools

Help with the
Borland platform.

Windows SDK

Help with built-in
Windows functionality.

Understanding Errors

Type "error" under the
Index tab.

Understanding Errors

Type the error number under the
Find tab.

If you still can't figure it out, go to:

Borland Newsgroups

You might find the answer to your question by simply reading the posts. Or you may wish to post your own question. Remember that people are more likely to help if you show them what you have tried.


Books for Programmers
There are hundreds of books available on C++.
There are dozens of books available on Borland.
None focus entirely on multiagent spatial programming.