[image of digits] CodeGear C++ Builder - Works-In-Progress

A simulation of the simulation Planet Wator which is on the Web at the Temple of Alife. An intermediate challenge before trying to simulate an actual social process is to simulate an existing simulation. At least you know that there are simple rules behind the behavior you observe and that someone else has figured them out. Planet Wator is a simulated ecological system: an ocean containing sharks and fish. Sharks get hungry and eat fish. Sharks and fish both reproduce. These predator-prey interactions mimic relationships in social systems between cooperators and non-cooperators.

Planet Wator II - with maze-like bugs
The logic of shark - fish interactions is buggy. For some unintended reason the sharks and fish produce maze-like structures.


Source Code

Tim's Planet Wator
Interesting logic as to the relationship between shark reproduction and its state of hunger. Looks like everyone is moving in lockstep towards one corner or the other.


Source Code

Dave's Planet Wator
Sharks eat fish and the agents wander randomly. Looks like all that's missing is reproduction.


Source Code

Lonnie's Planet Wator
Wator implemented with with sound. Looks quite interesting and produces some unexpected quilt-like patterns.

Executable (maybe later)

Source Code

Planet Wator III - with schools
Sharks and fish don't move, but their offspring are born in adjacent cells. The dynamics look a little better. The fact the agents can alter the cells around them, combined with the fact that agents are given turns in column/row order, gives rise to certain asymmetries. It is also odd that the schools of sharks are roughly the same shapes.


Source Code

Meteorite Falls
From witnesses we know that different types of meteorite fall to Earth with these different frequencies:

  • 80% Ordinary Chondrites
  • 4% Carbonaceous Chondrites
  • 2% Enstatite Chondrites
  • 8% Achondrites
  • 1% Stony Irons
  • 5% Irons

Are two Ordinary Chondrites found together simply fragments from the same fall or really two distinct falls? How would we know?


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