Book of Prayers

Images reduced by a factor of 6x.
Since the direction of the warp and weft are uncertain,
the only thing that is certain is the orientation of the text.
All photographs are oriented with the lines of text in the horizontal position.

I will post Photomicrographs as I complete them.

Two questions:

  1. Which is the warp? Which is the weft? There are no selvedge edges. The literature claims the weft is perpendicular to the lines of the text while the warp is parallel to the lines of the text. Technically, although in most textile structures the warp and weft can be interchanged, in practice certain structures favor certain orientations. Since there are other errors in the literature, I am not convinced that the weft runs perpendicular to the lines of text. I lean towards thinking that the weft runs parallel with the lines of text. Moreover, some of the horizontal black threads make omega-shaped loops around vertical threads, partially doubling back upon themselves. I do not believe it is possible to selectively allow so much slack in warp threads that an omega configuration is possible. However, it does seem possible to selectively allow individual wefts whatever slack they require for the weave. I believe this may be the evidence that the weft does, in fact, run parallel to the lines of text. What do you think?
  2. The fabric structure seems to be somewhere between a "double cloth" weave, with the two layers interlaced at close intervals, and an "integrated compound weave," by Emery's definitions. The white cloth is a 4/1 satin twill; the black is a plain weave. Black and white threads are different diameters and the thread count per millimeter of the front is different from the back.

The two pages front view
Width 301 millimeters or 4334 threads
Height 177 millimeters or 4867 threads
21,095,525 intersections ("pixels")

The two pages back view
Width 301 millimeters or 4334 threads
Height 177 millimeters or 4867 threads
21,095,525 intersections ("pixels")

"Avant" front view

"Avant: back view

Illuminated "S" front view

Illuminated "S" back view

Flower front view

Flower back view

White field front view

White field back view

25x White field front view
4/1 float satin twill
6.4 threads per millimeter left to right
20.5 threads per millimeter top to bottom

25x Whte field back view
8 threads per millimeter left to right
7 threads per millimeter top to bottom

Schematic field front view
One square millimeter
(illustation complete)

Schematic field back view
One square millimeter
(illustration incomplete)

25x Red thread at top border front view
4/1 float satin twill
A last weft marker?
more to come...