Not updated since 1997. |
of Los Angeles |
Real Time Traffic Conditions
for the City of Los Angeles Institute of Transportation Engineers: click on ITS Traffic Station: California Highway Patrol
(CHP) Traffic Incident Information Page US Army Corps of Engineers
- Los Angeles District - Reservoir Regulation Section |
![]() Old and new Induction loops at an intersection |
![]() Close-up of old and new Induction loops at an intersection |
![]() Intersection status |
![]() Platoon timing (in one direction) |
![]() Intersection Detail |
![]() West LA Sector |
![]() ![]() Synchronized City Busses |
The Bureau has two divisions: (1) Design Division and (2) ATSAC (Automated Traffic Surveillance and Control) Division. The Transportation Design Division provides the Geometric and Signal Design function for the Department through the preparation and review of striping and signal plans. The City has more miles of street channelization than any other jurisdiction in the world and the second highest number of City traffic signals in the country. This Division designs and prepares the plans for these networks.
The ATSAC Design and Construction Division prepares plans, specifications, and estimates for the construction and installation of new computer-controlled ATSAC traffic signal systems during the design phase. It also provides field engineering, and inspection service during the construction phase of signal implementation.
The Automated Traffic Surveillance and Control (ATSAC) System developed and managed by the City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) is a national award winning interconnected and coordinated signal system which automatically monitors and manages surface street traffic. With the system, traffic throughout a network is monitored by detectors and traffic surveillance cameras and various timing programs are automatically implemented in response to fluctuating traffic demands.
The Automated Traffic Surveillance and Control ATSAC is a powerful tool for reducing delay and minimizing traffic congestion. For recurrent traffic, ATSAC reduces travel time by 12%, intersection delay by 32% and intersection stops by 30%, when compared to traditional traffic signal timing optimization practices. Every dollar expended for the ATSAC program results in $32 million in tangible benefits for recurrent travel conditions. These benefits include monetary savings from reduced fuel consumption and reduced business-related travel time.
ATSAC has been responsible for the fiber optic network in the City. Experience has shown that ATSAC is indispensable in responding to non recurrent events such as parades, freeway closures, special award ceremonies, major sports events and in emergencies. This system managed by the ATSAC Operations Division enabled the City to meet surface street traffic demands and circulation needs in the aftermath of the 1994 Northridge Earthquake.
Total ATSAC signals in operation as of May 1997: 1,960
Tours (reservations required):
UCLA Affiliate:
Eric Chang (needs confirmation)