[image of digits]
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Aluminum and Glass Exhibit Areas
Program in "Artificial Life, Culture and Evolution"
2nd Floor, Bay 11 at the Smith Warehouse.
Enter through Bay 12. Go up to the 2nd Floor. Go East to Bay 11.

Please visit 80/20's website: http://www.8020.net/
Also, have a look at their "Philosophy & Capabilities Video:" http://www.8020.net/Streaming-Video-1.asp

And their movie : http://www.8020.net/Solution-6.asp
Please keep in mind that we can design displays and cases with much more artistry than those you see in their movie.
Compare the photos below with the construction of the Smithsonian displays.

80/20 Media Wall in development with 2 monitors and 3 graphics components installed using 1.5-inch square stock.
One-inch stock will be used for smaller additions to the bacdground grid.
Plans call for one additional monitor, flip-dots and robotics components. January 2011.

80/20 Media Wall in development with 2 monitors and 3 graphics components installed using 1.5-inch square stock.
One-inch stock will be used for smaller additions to the bacdground grid.
Plans call for one additional monitor, flip-dots and robotics components. January 2011.

End view of 80/20 Media Wall in development. All members are 1.5-inch slotted aluminum extrusions enabling the attachment of a myriad of components with ease. January 2011.

Exterior View - Interior laboratory construction completed; Preliminary sketch of Proposed 80/20 Media Wall. June 2010.

Floor plan, ALiCE Lab. Left edge of Media wall begins at position [8].
Duke Perkins Library, Link Study Spaces

An aluminum and glass wall with doorway could effectively secure the alcove area. Some displays could be placed against the glass from the inside. This could be built from 80/20 materials.

An aluminum and glass wall with doorway could effectively secure the alcove area. Some displays could be placed against the glass from the inside. This could be built from 80/20 materials.
Duke Perkins Library, Link ALiCE Lab Classroom #6
Perkins Library - Link ALiCE Lab Classroom #6.
Twenty-five students taking "Artificial Life, Artificial Culture & Evolutionary Computation" on 25 high-end quad-core PCs.
Other Exterior and Under-Construction Shots

"Arts, Culture & Technology," Bay 12 at Smith Tobacco Warehouse - West End Mural by anonymous artist.

Eyes-Crossed Stereo Pair

Red/Cyan Stereo Anaglyph

"Arts, Culture & Technology," Bay 12 at the Smith Tobacco Warehouse - Front Entrance.
Notes on Stereo

Eyes-Crossed Stereo Pair

Red/Cyan Stereo Anaglyph

ALiCE Laboratory Under Construction at ISIS, Second Floor, Bay 11 at the Smith Tobacco Warehouse.
Enter through
"Arts, Culture & Technology," Bay 12, First Floor, go up to the 2nd Floor and enter Bay 11.
Notes on Stereo

Eyes-Crossed Stereo Pair

Red/Cyan Color Stereo Anaglyph

ALiCE Laboratory Under Construction at ISIS, Second Floor, Bay 11 at the Smith Tobacco Warehouse.
Enter through
"Arts, Culture & Technology," Bay 12, First Floor, go up to the 2nd Floor and enter Bay 11.
Notes on Stereo