Professor · Duke University
Ambulance Taxis: The Impact of Regulation and
Litigation on Health Care Fraud
March 2024, with Paul Eliason, Riley League, Jetson Leder-Luis, & Jimmy Roberts
Journal of Political Economy, accepted
The Effect of Bundled Payments on Provider Behavior and Patient Outcomes
August 2023, with Paul Eliason, Ben Heebsh, Riley League, & Jimmy Roberts
American Economic Review, revision requested
Gaming and Effort in Performance Pay
August 2023, with Luca Bertuzzi, Paul Eliason, Ben Heebsh, Riley League, & Jimmy Roberts
The Need for Speed: Demand, Regulation, and Welfare on the Margin of Alternative Financial Services
May 2023, with Aaron Sojourner
Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming
What Happens When Private Equity Firms Buy Hospitals?
March 2023, with Marcelo Cerullo, Karen Joynt Maddox, Anaeze C. Offodile II, Jimmy Roberts, & Kelly Yang
Harvard Business Review, H07J7M-PDF-ENG
The Timing and Location of Entry in Growing Markets: Subgame Perfection at Work
December 2022, with Bryan Bollinger, Kenneth Judd, & Uli Doraszelski
RAND Journal of Economics, forthcoming
Physicians as Owners and Agents: A Call for Further Study
December 2022, with Paul Eliason & Jimmy Roberts
JAMA Internal Medicine, 182(12), 1276-1277
Assessment of Spending for Patients Initiating Dialysis Care
October 2022, with Riley League, Paul Eliason, Jimmy Roberts, & Heather Wong
JAMA Network Open, 5(10):e2239131
Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19: Variation in Regional Political Preferences Predicted New Prescriptions after President Trump's Endorsement
August 2022, with Farrah Madanay & Peter Ubel
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 47(4): 429-451
Association Between Hospital Private Equity Acquisition and Outcomes of Acute Medical Conditions Among Medicare Beneficiaries
April 2022, with Marcelo Cerullo, Karen Joynt Maddox, Anaeze C. Offodile II, Jimmy Roberts, & Kelly Yang
JAMA Network Open, 5(4):e229581
Variability in Prices Paid for Hemodialysis by Employer-Sponsored Insurance in the US From 2012 to 2019
February 2022, with Riley League, Paul Eliason, Jimmy Roberts, & Heather Wong
JAMA Network Open, 5(2):e220562
Private Equity Acquisition and Responsiveness to Service-Line Profitability at Short-Term Acute Care Hospitals
November 2021, with Marcelo Cerullo, Anaeze C. Offodile II, Jimmy Roberts, & Kelly Yang
Health Affairs, 40(11), 1697-1705
Backstop Price Caps in Commercial Health Care Markets: Comment
July 2021, with Jay Lusk
JAMA, 326(3), 276-277
How Acquisitions Affect Firm Behavior and Performance: Evidence from the Dialysis Industry
February 2020, with Paul Eliason, Ben Heebsh, & Jimmy Roberts
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 135(1), 221-267
Strategic Patient Discharge: Evidence from Long-term Care Hospitals
November 2018, with Paul Eliason, Paul Grieco, & Jimmy Roberts
American Economic Review, 108(11), 3232-3265
Legislators' School Ties & State Funding for Higher Education
August 2018, with Aaron Chatterji & Joowon Kim
Journal of Public Economics, 164, 254-269
Productivity and Quality in Health Care: Evidence from the Dialysis Industry
July 2017, with Paul Grieco
Review of Economic Studies, 84(3), 1071-1105
The Effect of Social Interaction on Economic Transactions: Evidence from Changes in Two Retail Formats
December 2015, with A. Goldfarb, S. Samila, & B. Silverman
Management Science, 61(12), 2963-2981
Specialization and Competition in the Venture Capital Industry
June 2015, with Y. Hochberg & M. Mazzeo
Review of Industrial Organization, 46(4), 323-347
"A" Business by Any Other Name: Firm Name Choice as a Signal of Firm Quality
August 2014
Journal of Political Economy, 122(4), 909-994
Market Structure and Gender Disparity in Health Care: Preferences, Competition, & Quality of Care
Spring 2014, with Jimmy Roberts
The RAND Journal of Economics, 45:1, 116-139
Names & Reputations: An Empirical Analysis
August 2011
The RAND Journal of Economics, 45:1, 116-139American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 3:3, 193-209
The Broadband Bonus: Estimating Broadband Internet's Economic Value
August 2011, with Shane Greenstein
Telecommunications Policy, 35:7, 617-632
Evidence of a Modest Price Decline in U.S. Broadband Services
June 2011, with Shane Greenstein
Information Economics & Policy, 23:2, 200-211
Business Strategy and Antitrust Policy
December 2014, with Michael Mazzeo
The Oxford Handbook of International Antitrust Economics
Measuring the Broadband Bonus in Thirty OECD Countries
April 2012, with Shane Greenstein
OECD Digital Economy Papers, No. 197, OECD Publishing
The Global Broadband Bonus: Broadband Internet's Impact on Seven Countries
August 2011, with Shane Greenstein
The Linked World: How ICT Is Transforming Societies, Cultures and Economies
Dialysis Freakonomics Micro Insights Undark LA Times Businessweek FTC Medscape LinkedIn Wharton Fuqua
Broadband Policy Economist FT ATD HBR NBER NBER Kellogg TechRev FP StratBiz
Online Orders Slate WSJ NPR WaPo Atlantic Prevent FoodNet Glam WRAL
Other Stuff The Daily Show WRAL P&Q Top 40 Run Streak Mike & Juliet
AAA Plumbers Freakonomics NPR BostGlobe HBR Digit