This is an archive of a course I taught at NC State, included here as a resource to students in ECE250D or other courses requiring the use of the C programming language or related tools. This material is from summer 2015.

CSC230: C and Software Tools

Section 051, Dr. Tyler Bletsch


Instructor: Dr. Tyler Bletsch

Course Textbook (optional): K. N. King, C Programming: A Modern Approach, 2nd edition. ISBN 0-393-97950-4. Textbook Website.
Alternate Textbook (good to own): Kernighan and Ritchie. The C Programming Language, 2nd ed. ISBN 0-13-110362-8.



#DateTopicHomework due
1Tue 5/19Getting Started in C
2Wed 5/20C Fundamentals and Console I/O
3Thu 5/21Lexical Rules and Datatypes
4Tue 5/26Type ConversionsHomework 1
5Wed 5/27C Expressions, Operators, and Flow of Control
6Thu 5/28Bit Level Operators in C
Practice: Bitwise operations exercises
7Tue 6/2Makefiles, Version Control, and GitHub
(guest lecturer Brantley Collins)
8Wed 6/3Arrays in C
(guest lecturer Rebecca Register)
Homework 2
9Thu 6/4Functions
(guest lecturer Dr. Vince Freeh)
10Tue 6/9Storage and Scope
11Wed 6/10File I/O
Thu 6/11Exam 1
Study tips
12Tue 6/16The C PreprocessorHomework 3
13Wed 6/17Pointers
13Thu 6/18Pointers!
Tue 6/23Holiday
Wed 6/24Holiday
13Thu 6/25Pointers!!
14Tue 6/30Debugging
15Wed 7/1String Processing
16Thu 7/2StructsHomework 4
17Tue 7/7Multi-file Programs and Libraries
18Wed 7/8Dynamic Memory Allocation
Thu 7/9Exam 2
Study tips
19Tue 7/14Data Structures in C
Wed 7/15Exam review
20Thu 7/16Everything ElseHomework 5
21Tue 7/21C Standard Library
22Wed 7/22Integrating C with Other Languages
22½Thu 7/23Embedded Systems
23Tue 7/28SecurityHomework 6
24Wed 7/29Performance Optimization
Thu 7/30Final Exam: 6pm-9pm
Study tips
