Pliny the Younger
Pliny the Younger
A Select Bibliography to Pliny's Letters
[last updated March 2005]
William A. Johnson
I. Basic Tools
*Mynors, R.A.B. 1963. C. Plini Caecili Secundi Epistularum Libri Decem. Oxford. (OCT) The standard edition. [Reviewed by G. P. Goold in Phoenix 18 (1964).] [On reserve]
Keil, H. and Th. Mommsen 1870. Leipzig. (Teubner)
Guillemin, A.-M. 1927-28. Pline le Jeune. Lettres I-IX, vols. 1-2 (1927), 3 (1928). Paris. (Budé) The helpful notes function almost like a brief commentary.
Durry, M. 1959. Lettres X et Panegyricus. Paris. (Budé)
Schuster, M. rev. R. Hanslik 1958 . Leipzig. (Teubner)
Stout, S. E. 1962. Letters I-X. Indiana. "Something of a disaster," M. Reeves in Reynolds 1983.
*Radice, B. 1969. Cambridge, Mass. (Loeb) A well-done translation (from which the Penguin edition is taken), with helpful indices and notes. [In reference section]
*Sherwin-White, A.N. 1966. The Letters of Pliny. A Historical and Social Commentary. Oxford. [Though the fundamental commentary, to be used with reserve. See the often critical reviews: Crook, J.A. 1967. CR 17: 311-14. ¶ Veyne, P. 1967. "Autour d'un commentaire de Pline le Jeune," Latomus 26: 723-51. ¶ Jones, C.P. 1968. "A New Commentary on the Letters of Pliny," Phoenix 22: 111-42. ¶ Millar, F. 1968. JRS 58: 218-224. ¶ Syme, R. 1968. "People in Pliny," JRS 58: 135-51 [= Roman Papers 2.694-723]. ¶ Lepper, F.A. 1970. Gnomon 42: 560-72.] [On reserve]
Förtsch, R. 1993. Archäologischer Kommentar zu den Villenbriefen des Jüngeren Plinius. Mainz am Rhein.
Hardy, E.G. 1889. Pliny's Correspondence with Trajan. London.
Lehmann-Hartleben, Karl 1936. Plinio il giovane, Lettere scelte con commento archeologico. Florence.
Textual History
*Introduction to Mynors 1963 OCT (above). Charming as well as authoritative synopsis of the manuscript traditions. [On reserve]
Reynolds, L. D. 1983. Texts and Transmission: A Survey of the Latin Classics. Oxford.
Robbins, F.E. 1910. "Tables of Contents in the MSS of Pliny's Letters," CP 5: 476-87.
Carlsson, Gunnar 1922. "Zur Textkritik der Pliniusbriefe," LundsUniversitets Arsskrift.
Lowe, E.A. and E.K. Rand 1922. A Sixth-Century Fragment of the Letters of Pliny the Younger. Washington.
Barwick, K. 1936. "Zwei antike Ausgaben der Pliniusbriefe?" Philologus 91, 423-48.
Stout, S.E. 1954. Scribe and Critic at Work in Pliny's Letters. Bloomington.
___ 1958. "The Origin of the Ten-Book Family of Pliny's Manuscripts," CP 53: 171-73.
___ 1967. "Pliny's Own Manuscript," TAPA 98: 481-82.
Cameron, A. 1965, 1967. "The Fate of Pliny's Letters in the Late Empire," CQ n.s. 15: 289-98; 17: 421-22.
Indices sim.
Jacques, Xavier and J. van Ooteghem 1968. Index de Pline le Jeune. Namur.
PHI CDROM 5.3 of Classical Latin Authors, 1991. Packard Humanities Institute.
Surveys by R. Hanslik, Anz. Alt. 8 (1955), 1-18 [1942-54], J. Beaujeu, Lustrum 6 (1961), 272-303 [1955-60], and P.V. Cova, BSL 4 (1974) 274-91 [1966-1973].
Aubrion, E. 1989. "La correspondance de Pline le Jeune," in Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt, H. Temporini and W. Haase, eds., II.33.1: 304-74.
Standard tools: L'Année philologique, TOCS-IN, etc.
II. Pliny and Literary Conceptions of Culture (Weeks 1-5)
Genre and Literary Definition
Bardon, H. 1952, 1956. La littérature latine inconnue,tome I-II. Paris.
Cugusi, P. 1983. Evoluzione e forme dell'epistolografia Latina. Rome.
___ 1992. Corpus Epistularum Latinarum Papyris Tabulis Ostracis Servatarum (Papyrologica Florentina 23). Florence.
Lilja, S. 1970. "On the Nature of Pliny's Letters," Arctos 6: 61-79.
Ludolph, Matthias 1997. Epistolographie und Selbstdarstellung. Untersuchungen zu den Paradebriefen Plinius des Jüngeren. Classica Monacensia 17: Tübingen.
Peter, H. 1901. Der Brief in der römischen Litteratur. Leipzig.
Traub, H.W. 1955. "Pliny's Treatment of History in Epistolary Form," TAPA 86: 213-32.
Weische, A. 1989. "Plinius d. J. und Cicero. Untersuchungen zur römischen Epistolographie in Republik und Kaiserzeit," in ANRW II.33.1: 375-86.
Zelzer, Klaus. 1964, "Zur Frage des Charakters der Briefsammlung des jüngeren Plinius." Wiener Studien 77: 144-61.
Pliny and literary culture
• General
Barscht, Shadi. 1994. Actors in the Audience. Theatricality and Doublespeak from Nero to Hadrian. Harvard.
Castagna, Luigi and Eckard Lefèvre. 2003. Plinius der Jüngere und seine Zeit. Munich.
*Fantham, Elaine. 1996. Roman Literary Culture From Cicero to Apuleius. Baltimore. [On reserve]
Hershkowitz, Debra, 1995. "Pliny the Poet," G&R 42: 168-81.
*Guillemin, Anne-Marie 1929. Pline et la vie littéraire de son temps. Paris. [On reserve]
Guillemin, Anne-Marie 1937. Le public et la vie littéraire a Rome. Paris.
Guillemin, Anne-Marie 1946. "La culture de Pline le Jeune." In Mélanges Felix Grat. 1:77-88. Paris.
*Hoffer, Stanley E. 1999. The Anxieties of Pliny the Younger. Atlanta. A funny little book on the "Parade Epistles," sometimes downright fun. [On reserve]
Reardon, Brian. 1971. Les courants littéraires grecs des II et II siècles aprés J.-C. Paris.
Sullivan, J. P. 1985. Roman Literature and Politics in the Age of Nero. Ithaca, N.Y.
Wallace-Hadrill, A. 1983. Suetonius: A Scholar and his Caesars. New Haven and London.
White, Peter. 1978. "Amicitia and the Profession of Poetry at Rome." JRS 68 (1978): 74-92.
White, Peter. 1993. Promised Verse. Harvard.
• Pliny and Martial
Adamik, T. 1976. "Pliny and Martial," Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestensis Sect.Class. 4: 63-72.
Coleman, K. M. 1998. "The liber spectaculorum: perpetuating the ephemeral." In Toto Notus in Orbe: Perspektiven der Martial-Interpretation. ed. F. Grewing. Stuttgart. On Martial, but the theme touches on Pliny's viewpoint.
White, Peter 1974. "The Presentation and Dedication of the Silvae and the Epigrams," JRS 64: 40-61. Not directly on Pliny, but relevant for the issue of dedications and prepublication.
White, Peter. 1975. "The Friends of Martial, Statius, and Pliny, and the Dispersal of Patronage," HSCP 79: 265-300.
White, Peter. 1996. "Martial and Pre-Publication Texts," EMC 40 n.s. 15: 397-412 [& cf. Fowler, D. P. 1975. "Martial and the Book." Ramus. 24: 31-58.]
• Pliny and Statius
G. Arico. 1995. "Plinio il Giovano e la poesia," in Storia Letteratura e Arte nel Secolo dopo Christo: Atti del Convengo, Mantova, October 1992, Florence, Italy, 27-42.
Croisille, J.-M. 1982. Poésie et art figuré de Neron aux Flaveins: Recherches sur l'iconographie et la correspondence des arts à l'époque impériale. Bruxelles. [& cf. review by A. Wallace-Hadrill, "Ut pictura poesis?" JRS 73 (1983) 180-3.] App. a general study of possible correspondences between art and literature in this period; listed (recommended?) by Peter Anderson.
Hardie, A. 1983. Statius and the Silvae. Poets, Patrons and Epideixis in the Graeco-Roman World. Liverpool. A general book on Statius with much in the analysis and perspective that is relevant to Pliny studies.
Myers, K. Sara. 2000. "Miranda fides: Poet and Patrons in Paradoxographical Landscapes in Statius' Silvae." MD 44 (2000) 103-38. Very useful for Statius and Landscape, with occasional reference to Pliny. I have this in manuscript and am willing to share.
Newmeyer, S.T. 1979. The Silvae of Statius: Structure and Theme. Leiden. [Chapter Two on consolatio; Introduction and Chap. 2 inter al. for "hasty" production; here also see D.F. Bright/ Elaborate Disarray: The Nature of Statius' Silvae. Meisenheim am Glan, 1980 (esp. 20-49). Further on the theme of consolatio: Fern, Sister Mary Edmond. The Latin Consolatio as a Literary Type. St. Louis, 1941. ]
Newmyer, S. T. 1984. "The Triumph of Art over Nature: Martial and Statius on Flavian Aesthetics." Helios 11:1-7. Not directly on Pliny, but of obvious relevance.
White, Peter 1974. "The Presentation and Dedication of the Silvae and the Epigrams," JRS 64: 40-61. Not directly on Pliny, but relevant for the issue of dedications and prepublication.
White, Peter. 1975. "The Friends of Martial, Statius, and Pliny, and the Dispersal of Patronage," HSCP 79: 265-300.
• Pliny and Catullus
Gunderson, Eric 1997. "Catullus, Pliny, and Love-Letters," TAPA 127: 201-231.
Roller, Matthew 1998. "Pliny's Catullus: The Politics of Literary Appropriation," TAPA 128: forthcoming.
• Pliny and Cicero
Rudd, Nial 1992. "Stratagems of Vanity: Cicero ad Familiares 5.12 and Pliny's Letters," in A. J. Woodman and J. Powell, eds., Author and Audience in Latin Literature (Cambridge):18-32.
Weische, A. 1989. "Plinius d. J. und Cicero. Untersuchungen zur römischen Epistolographie in Republik und Kaiserzeit," in ANRW II.33.1: 375-86.
• Pliny and Tacitus
Bruère, Richard T. 1954. "Tacitus and Pliny's Panegyricus", CP 49: 161-179.
Griffin, Mariam T. 1999. "Pliny and Tacitus," SCI 18: 139-158.
Häussler, R. 1986. "Aktuelle Probleme der Dialogus-Rezeption: Echtheitserweise und Lückenumfang," Philologus 130: 63-95.
Murgia, C.E. 1980. "The Date of Tacitus' Dialogus," HSCP 84: 99-125.
Murgia, C.E. 1985. "Pliny's Letters and the Dialogus," HSCP 89: 171-206.
Syme, R. 1958. Tacitus. Oxford.
Syme, R. 1979. "Juvenal, Pliny, Tacitus." AJP 100: 250-78.
• Generally on Art and Literature under the Flavians
Scott, K. The Imperial Cult under the Flavians. Berlin, 1936. Includes a discussion of Flavian aesthetics and the triumph of art over nature
Pavlovskis, Z. 1973. Man in an Artificial Landscape: The Marvels of Civilization in Imperial Roman Literature. (=Mnemosyne Suppl. 25) Leiden.
Pliny, Presentation and Self Presentation
*Hoffer, Stanley E. 1999. The Anxieties of Pliny the Younger. Atlanta. [On reserve]
Foucault, M. Care of the Self (in History of Sexuality, vol. 3).
Leach, Eleanor, W., "The Politics of Self-Presentation: Pliny's Letters and Roman Portrait Sculpture," CA 9 (1990) 14-39.
Ludolph, Matthias 1997. Epistolographie und Selbstdarstellung. Untersuchungen zu den Paradebriefen Plinius des Jüngeren. Classica Monacensia 17: Tübingen.
Riggsby, Andrew M. 1995. "Pliny on Cicero and Oratory: Self-Fashioning in the Public Eye," AJP 116: 123-35.
Riggsby, Andrew M. 1998. "Self and Community in the Younger Pliny," Arethusa 31: 75-97.
III. Pliny and Spatial Conceptions of Culture (Weeks 6-9)
Villas & Landscape: The Negotiation of Space
• On Pliny's villas
Bergmann, B. 1995. "Visualizing Pliny's Villas." Journal of Roman Archaeology 8: 406-420. A review article of Förtsch 1993 and du Prey 1994.
de Neeve, Pieter W. 1992. "A Roman Landowner and his Estates: Pliny the Younger," SIFC 10: 335-44.
du Prey, Pierre de la Ruffinière. 1994. The villas of Pliny from antiquity to the present. University of Chicago Press (Chicago).
Förtsch, R. 1993. Archäologischer Kommentar zu den Villenbriefen des Jüngeren Plinius. Mainz am Rhein.
Hart, G. B. 1928. The Villas of Pliny: A Study of the Pastimes of a Roman Gentleman. Boston.
Institut Français d'Architecture. 1982. La Laurentine et l'Invention de la Villa Romaine. Paris.
Mansuelli, Guido A. 1978. "La villa nelle Epistulae di C. Plinio Cecilio Secondo," Stud. Romagn. 29: 59-76.
McEwen, I. K. 1995. "Housing Fame: In the Tuscan Villa of Pliny the Younger," Res 27: 11-24.
Porphyrios, D. 1983. "Pliny's Villa at Laurentum." Architectural Design 53.1-2: 2-7.
Scivoletto, Nevio 1989. "Urbs, municipia, villae e studia nell' epistolario di Plinio," GIF 41: 179-93
Sundermann, M. 1987. "Villa Laurentium de Plinius." Architectural Design 57.5-6: 9-13.
Sundermann, M. 1987. "Villa Tuscum de Plinius." Architectural Design 57.5-6: 14-15. "Pliny's Villa Laurentum 1982." 1984. Architectural Design 54.7-8: 120-125.
Tanzer, Helen. 1924. Villas of Pliny the Younger. New York.
• General studies on landscape and domestic architecture (highly selective)
Ackerman, A. J. 1990. The Villa: Form and Ideology of Country Houses. Princeton.
Ashmore, W. and A. B. Knapp (eds.) 1999. Archaeologies of Landscape: Contemporary Perspectives. Blackwell: Malden, MA. General, theoretical.
Bergmann, B. 1991. "Painted Perspectives of a Villa Visit: Landscape as Status and Metaphor," in Roman Art in the Private Sphere. E. K. Gazda, ed. Ann Arbor.
Bodel, John. 1997. Monumental villas and villa monuments." Journal of Roman Archaeology 10.
Bradford, J. 1957. Ancient Landscapes. London.
Chambers, D. C. 1991. "The Translation of Antiquity: Virgil, Pliny, and the Landscape Garden." University of Toronto Quarterly 60.3: 354-373.
Clarke, J. R. The Houses of Roman Italy.
Coleman, K. M. 1998. "The liber spectaculorum: perpetuating the ephemeral." In Toto Notus in Orbe: Perspektiven der Martial-Interpretation. ed. F. Grewing. Stuttgart.
Conan, M. 1984. "Nature into Art: Gardens and Landscapes in the Everyday Life of Ancient Rome." Journal of Garden History 6: 348-356.
Cowell, F. R. 1978. The Garden as a Fine Art, from Antiquity to Modern Times. Boston.
D'Arms, J. 1970. Romans on the Bay of Naples. Cambridge.
Foss, P. 1995. "Age, gender, and status distinctions at mealtime in the Roman house." Available at
Francis, M. and R. T. Hester, Jr., eds. 1990. The Meaning of Gardens: Idea, Place, and Action. Cambridge.
Geikie, A. 1912. The Love of Nature among the Romans. London.
Giere, A. 1986. Hippodromus und Xystus: Untersuchungen zu r_mischen Gartenformen. Zurich.
Grimal, Pierre. Les Jardins Romains.
Jashemski, W. 1979. The gardens of Pompeii : Herculaneum and the villas destroyed by Vesuvius. 2 vols. New Rochelle, NY.
Jellicoe, G. and S. Jellicoe. 1982. The Landscape of Man: Shaping the Environment from Prehistory to the Present Day. New York.
Kelso, W. M. and R. Most, eds. 1990. Earth Patterns: Essays in Landscape Archaeology. Charlottesville.
*Laurence, Ray. 1997. Space and Text, in Ray Laurence and Andrew Wallace-Hadrill, edd. Domestic Space in the Roman World: Pompeii and Beyond [JRA Suppl. no. 22.] Portsmouth, TI.
Leach, E. W. 1988. The Rhetoric of Space: Literary and Artistic Representations of Landscape in Republican and Augustan Rome. Princeton.
Leach, E. W. 1997. "Oecus on Ibycus: investigating the vocabulary of the Roman house." In S. Bon and R. Jones, Sequence and space in Pompeii. Oxford. 50-72.
MacDougall, E. B. and W. F. Jashemski (eds.) 1981. Ancient Roman Gardens. Dumbarton Oaks.
MacDougall, E. B. 1987. Ancient Roman Villa Gardens. Dunbarton Oaks.
McKay, A. G. 1975. Houses, Villas, and Palaces in the Roman World. Ithaca.
Mielsch, H. 1987. Die Römische Villa. Architektur und Lebensform. Munich.
Miller, N. and K. Gleason (eds.) 1994 The Archaeology of Garden and Field. U. of Pennsylvania Press: Philadelphia. General, theoretical: from Sarah Harris.
Mansuelli, G. A. 1990. "Die Villen der Römischen Welt." in Die Römische Villa. ed. F. Reutti. Darmstadt. Pp. 322-364.
Miller, N. P. and K. L. Gleason, eds. The Archaeology of Garden and Field. Philadelphia.
Pavlovskis, Z. 1973. Man in an Artificial Landscape: The Marvels of Civilization in Imperial Roman Literature. Leiden. [But cf. J. Öberg, "Some Notes on the Marvels of Civilization in Roman Literature," Eranos 76 (1978) 145-55.]
Percival, J. 1976. The Roman Villa: An Introduction. Berkeley.
Rich, John and Andrew Wallace-Hadrill. 1991. City and country in the ancient world. Routledge.
Riggsby, Andrew. 1997. "'Public' and 'Private' in Roman Culture: the case of the cubiculum." Journal of Roman Archaeology 10: 36-56.
Riikonen, H. 1976. "The Attitude of Roman Poets and Orators to the Countryside as a Place for Creative Work." Arctos 10: 75-85.
Schneider, K. 1995. Villa und Natur. Quellen und Forschungen zur antike Welt 18. Munich.
Wallace-Hadrill, Andrew. 1994. Houses and Society in Pompeii and Herculaneum. Princeton. A well-known classic, with useful bibliography through ca. 1990.
Wiseman, T. P. 1987. "Conspicui postes tectaque digna deo: the Public Image of Aristocratic and Imperial Houses in the Late Republic and Early Empire." In L'Urbs: espace urbain et histoire. Ecole française de Rome. 393-413.
IV. A selection of topics not directly addressed in the course
Rhetoric and Stylistics
Aubrion, E. 1975. "Pline le Jeune et la rhétorique de l' affirmation," Latomus 34: 90-130.
Cova, P.V. 1966. La critica letteraria di Plinio il Giovane. Brescia.
___ 1972. "Arte allusiva e stilizzazione retorica nelle lettere di Plinio," Aevum 46: 16-36.
Deane, Sidney N. 1918. "Greek in Pliny's Letters," CW 12: 41-44, 50-54.
Gamberini, F. 1983. Stylistic Theory and Practice in the Younger Pliny. New York.
Picone, G. 1978. L'eloquenza di Plinio. Teoria e prassi. Palermo.
Pliszczynska, J. 1955. De elocutione Pliniana. Lublin.
Strube, N. 1964. "Plinius der Jüngere II 7: Eine sprachliche und stilistische Analyse," WS 77: 185-91.
Winniczuk, L. 1975. "The Ending-phrases in Pliny's Letters," Eos 63: 319-28.
Chronology and Composition of Pliny's Books
Asbach, I. 1881. "Zur Chronologie der Briefe des jüngeren Plinius," RhM 36: 38-49.
Bell, A.A. 1989. "A Note on Revision and Authenticity in Pliny's Letters," AJP 110: 460-66.
Merwald, G. 1964. Die Buchkomposition des jüngeren Plinius (Epistulae I-IX). diss. Erlangen.
Murgia, C.E. 1980. "The Date of Tacitus' Dialogus," HSCP 84: 99-125.
___ 1985. "Pliny's Letters and the Dialogus," HSCP 89: 171-206.
Syme, R. 1985b. "The Dating of Pliny's Latest Letters," CQ 35: 176-85 [= RP 5.478-89].
Zelzer, K. 1964. "Zur Frage des Charakters der Briefsammlung des jüngeren Plinius," WS 77: 144-61.
The Life and Times of Pliny
Bütler, H.-P. 1970. Die geistige Welt des jüngeren Plinius. Heidelberg.
de Neeve, Pieter W. 1992. "A Roman Landowner and his Estates: Pliny the Younger," SIFC 10: 335-44.
Duncan-Jones, Richard 1982. "The Finances of a Senator," ch. 1 in R. Duncan-Jones, The Economy of the Roman Empire, 2nd ed. Cambridge: 17-32.
Hammond, Mason 1954. "Pliny the Younger's Views on Government", CP 49:
Mommsen, Th. 1869. "Zur Lebensgeschichte des jüngeren Plinius," Hermes 3: 31-136 [ = Gesammelte Schriften 4. Berlin. 1906: 366-468].
Nicols, J. 1980. "Pliny and the Patronage of Communities," Hermes 108: 365-385.
Otto, W. 1919. Zur Lebensgeschichte des jüngeren Plinius. Munich.
Peter, C. 1872. "Plinius der Jüngere," Philologus 32: 698-710.
Prete, S. 1948. Saggi Pliniani. Bologna.
Sherwin-White, A. N. 1969. "Pliny, The Man And his Letters," G&R 16: 76-90
• Pliny and Women
Dobson, E. S. 1982. "Pliny the Younger's Depiction of Women." The Classical Bulletin 58: 81-5.
Maniet, A. 1966. "Pline le Jeune et Calpurnia." L'Antiquité Classique 35: 149-85.
Raepsaet-Charlier, Marie-Therese. Prosopographie des Femmes de l'Ordre Senatorial (Ier - IIe s.) 2 vols. [Rev. Kajava, Mika. 1988. "A New Catalogue of Roman Upper Class Women." Arctos 22: 75-93.]
General Studies
*Hoffer, Stanley E. 1999. The Anxieties of Pliny the Younger. Atlanta. [On reserve]
Radice, Betty. 1962. "A fresh approach to Pliny's letters." Greece and Rome 9.
Ussani jr., V. 1970. "Leggendo Plinio il giovane, I (Historia - nomen inertiae).," RCCM 12: 271-348.
___ 1971. "Leggendo Plinio il giovane, II (Oratio -historia)," RCCM 13: 70-135.
Talbert, R.J.A. 1980. "Pliny the Younger as Governor of Bithynia-Pontus," in C. Deroux, ed., Studies in Latin Literature and History II. Brussels: 412-35.
Tellegen, J.W. 1982. The Roman Law of Succession in the Letters of Pliny the Younger. Zütphen.
Prosopography (highly selective)
Birley, Anthony Richard. 2000. Onomasticon to the Younger Pliny: Letters and Panegyric. Munich.
Prosopographia Imperii Romani (PIR). The fundamental basic resource, now in its 3rd edition.
Jones, F. 1991. "Naming in Pliny's Letters," SO 66: 147-70.
Raepsaet-Charlier, Marie-Therese. Prosopographie des Femmes de l'Ordre Senatorial (Ier - IIe s.) 2 vols. [Rev. Kajava, Mika. 1988. "A New Catalogue of Roman Upper Class Women." Arctos 22: 75-93.]
Radice, B. 1969. Cambridge, Mass. (Loeb): see "Bibliographical Index" in volume 2.
Syme, R. 1958. Tacitus. Oxford.
___ 1961. "Pliny's less successful friends." Historia 10.
___ 1968. "People in Pliny", JRS 58: 135-151.
___ 1985a. "Correspondents of Pliny," Historia 34: 324-59 [= RP 5.440-77].
Studies of Individual Epistles and Passages (highly selective)
Baker, Robert J. 1985. "Pliny, Epistulae 7.31 and the Persistence of a Theme," Maia 37: 49-54.
Gigante, Marcello 1979. "Il racconto Pliniano dell' eruzione del Vesuvio dell' a. 79," PP 188-189: 321-76.
Häussler, R. 1987. "Abermals: Plinius' Eberjagden," Philologus 131: 82-85.
Hennig, D. 1978. "Zu Plinius Ep. 7,33," Historia 27: 246-49.
Higham, T.F. 1960. "Nature Note: Dolphin Riders," G&R 7: 82-86.
Lefèvre, E. 1977-1989. "Plinius-Studien" I-V Gymnasium 84 (1977) 519-41 (Ep. 2.17, 5.6); 85 (1978) 37-47 (1.6, 9.10); 94 (1987) 247-62 (1.3, 1.24, 2.8, 6.31, 9.36); 95 (1988) 236-69 (4.30, 8.8, 8.20); 96 (1989) 113-28 (3.5, 3.7, 3.21).
Oliva, Allessandra 1993. "Plinio Ep. V,8 e Tucidide 1.22.4," Athenaeum 81 (1993) 279-83.
Posch, S. 1983. "Eine Eberjagd mit Gänsefusschen (zu Plinius, Ep. I,6)," in P. Händel and W. Meid, eds., Festschrift für R. Muth. Innsbruck: 375-83. See also Häussler 1987.
Saylor, Charles 1972. "The Emperor as Insula: Pliny Epist. 6.31," CP 67: 47-51.
Saylor, Charles 1982. "Overlooking Lake Vadimon: Pliny on Tourism (Epist. 8.20)," CP 77: 139-44.
Scarcia, Riccardo 1984. "Ad tantas opes processit: Note a Plinio il Giovane," Labeo 30: 291-316.
Shelton, Jo-Ann. 1987. "Pliny's Letter 3.11: Rhetoric and Autobiography," C&M 38: 121-39.
Shelton, Jo-Ann. 1990. "Pliny the Younger and the Ideal Wife," C&M 41: 163-86.
Starr, Raymond 1990. Pliny the Younger on Private Recitations and C. Titius on Irresponsible Judges," Latomus 49: 464-72.
Zucker, F. 1929. "Plinius epist. VIII 24--ein Denkmal antiker Humanität," Philologus 84: 209-3.
Note: This bibliography was assembled for a course taught at the University of Cincinnati in 2005. Parts of this bibliography were based on the electronic bibliography assembled by J. Bodel.