3C-040 - Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame

South facade of the transept 13th c.

3C-041 - Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame

South porch begun 1194

3C-042 - Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame

South porch, central portal, jamb statues left

SS Peter, Andrew, Paul, 2 unidentified apostles

3C-043 - Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame

South porch, central portal, trumeau: le Beau Dieu

3C-044 - Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame

South porch, central portal, trumeau

Christ as teacher

3C-045 - Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame

South porch, central portal, detail - tympanum,

archivolts & lintel: The Last Judgment

3C-046 - Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame

South porch, central portal, detail - tympanum

& lintel: The Last Judgment

3C-047 - Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame

South porch, central portal, left archivolt, from bot.:

Paradise, the resurrected, angelic choirs

3C-048 - Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame

South porch, central portal right, archivolts:

damned w/ demons, dead rising from tombs

3C-049 - Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame

South portal, voussoir: Last Judgement, det.