The Birth of Tragedy: Marriage
of the Apollonian and the Dionysiac
Apollo | Dionysus |
Dream illusion
Intoxication (of wine or more generally a link to primordial, uncontrolled
principium individuationis: principle of "individuation," of divorcing one's SELF from the group, and focusing on self-identity | thiasos: oneness of individual with the group |
principle of order, control | uncontrolled, orgiastic rites that without the Apollonian are barbaric (but of course the Greeks have the Apollonian layer that makes this a controlled riot) |
Tragedy resolves the fundamental conflict between Apollo and Dionysus: Marriage of the Apollonian and Dionysiac
Terms to know:
"Apollonian" as N. uses the term "Dionysiac" as N. uses the term ekstasis (see under "Bacchae") thiasos