Demeter (=Roman
Ceres, sometimes called Deo by the Greeks)
A major Olympian goddess (sister and mate to Zeus,
mother of Persephone)
Attributes: stalks of grain, torch (firebrand); crown,
Demeter and the Near East
"Meter" = mother (cf. maternity); basic assoc. with
grain and crops
Near East "Earth Mother"-- the "Great Goddess",
a general goddess, perhaps, of fertility
- human sexuality: Aphrodite
- marriage & family: Hera
- animal fertility: Artemis
- crops: Demeter
Importation of Cybele: stories of Cybele: son-of-rock=Agdestis, Dionysus,
Nana, pomegranate tree; Attis; pine tree & violets, hair grows, pinkie
wiggles (cult of the Galli)
Compare the Homeric Hymn to Demeter! (death, rebirth, pomegranate; but
otherwise?) - "Homeric Hymn" (but NOT written by Homer; nonetheless
very old) 7th c. - almost our sole source of mythological information on
Demeter (hardly mentioned in Homer, Hesiod, or the tragedians!)
Demeter and Eleusis
2 months truce, for travel to the celebration
"initiates" into the "mysteries" of Eleusis
nowhere a better example of the distance between MYTH and CULT
Hymn to Demeter: an etiological (aitiological) story
(Rape of Persephone by Hades, Withdrawal of Demeter to Eleusis, Cessation
of crops, Persephone & the pomegranate seed)
- rotation of seasons: but problems (this is not the way crops rotated
in Greece) - flowers, symbolism of renewal & rebirth
- why the great cult center for Demeter is the small village of Eleusis
(14 miles west of Athens)
- Celeus - Metaneira - Demophon & fire
But what is the relationship between this tale of Demophon and the
goddess of grain?!?
The Eleusinian Mysteries: the rites associated with the cult
of Demeter
- thousands (!): all initiates welcome (initiation, not purity
of heart!): myo ==> mystery
- initiation individual choice, included women, slaves
- procession
- piglet (bath in sea, sacrifice)
- fast
- drink of barley & pennyroyal (kykeon)
- basket: sexual things, mortar & pestle
- reenactments?
- climax: display of a cut ear of grain
What was the Mystery done, said, and shown at Eleusis?
- a ritual that takes terror from death, & (it seems) guarantees
that the underworld has a better fate; immortality is NOT implied
- what is offered is different from the hope for eternity through fame
among those in the upper world (the best fate in the view of Homer &
most other poets)
- Persephone as queen of the underworld seems to lead to some fundamental
insight into the nature of existence in the underworld, and the vision
is something that comforts
- Demophon: the story seems to be saying: no, no that is not the way
for mortals to gain "immortality" though it is that to which
we aspire; Demeter has something to do with a different KIND of "immortality"
- Demeter = rebirth: "immortality" not from the absence of
death, but by the ability to generate life from death (quote, importance
of rebirth in symbolism of Christianity)
- Concentration in the hymn itself on lovely images, and at the end a
sense of reconciliation, of all right in the world, of grief consoled:
a sense of quiet joy in nature's ability to refresh and renew