Group discussion
1. The first task is to get in front of everyone in the group some specific examples of how to apply Freudian interpretation to a myth. Each Freudian in the group should summarize for the others the example of the myth and its Freudian interpretation (a) in his or her own paper, (b) in the text of the student paper s/he chose to read for last night's assignment. Make sure that everyone in the group understands from these examples how Freudian interpretation works.
Each Freudian should be allowed no more than 5 minutes to summarize the myths and their interpretations.
2. The next task is for the group to choose the example myth that seems most interesting or provocative.
3. The group should now discuss in detail what seems right, and what seems wrong, about the Freudian interpretation of this myth.
The "spokesperson" should remember to take notes!