Myth in Art: Iconography and representations of the hero

Preliminary: reading Greek vases

1. Heracles

2. Medea (and Jason)

3. Perseus (and monsters)


1. Life and times: a hero of incredible power and sexual potency, sometimes ridiculous, sometimes bad: and the most popular hero in antiquity

Life and Death: Images

Heracles and Acheloos

Heracles and Amazons

Heracles fighting with Nessus and rape of Deianira

Centauromachy with Perithoos


The Labors: Images

The Labors: the famous metopes from the temple of Zeus at Olympia (directory)

Killing the Lernaean hydra

Nemean lion

Nemean lion (another example)

Stymphalian birds

Cretan bull

Heracles and Cerberus (Kerberos) and Eurystheus (reacting, left part of vase)

Kerberos (another example: a happy dog?)

Heracles and Geryon

Medea, Jason & the Argonauts

Hero & Heroine: Jason as ambiguous hero, Medea as ambiguous heroine

1. Medea as the oriental foreigner: Woman as "other"

2. Medea and Snakes: Woman as sorceress

3. Medea and Euripides' Medea

Perseus: Gorgons and other Monsters