The Sophoclean Vision & The House of Labdacus

(Sophocles, Oedipus the King)

Sophocles: 496-405 B.C.

Oedipus the King = Oedipus Rex (Latinized) = Oedipus Tyrannos (Greek)

[Theories of interpretation, reminder: historicism, euhemerism, allegory, aitiology. Euhemeric reading of Oedipus?]

1. Images: the story of the Oedipus Rex, as told by Sophocles.

2. The Paradoxes embodied in the figure of Oedipus

3. The "meaning" of the Oedipus Rex:

Myths as products of the psyche: Modern Mythmakers?

Strong emotional impact of myth: how to account for it?

1. Freud and Oedipus

  • [Platonic background: Republic, book 9 (Freudian slip!)
  • Freud: the parts of the psyche
  • Centrality of the "Oedipus Complex"
  • Modern tendency to psychologize: intellectual advance or cultural disposition?

  • 2. Lévi-Strauss, Structuralism, and Oedipus the King