Dynetica -- a simulator of
dynamic networks
(written in Java; needs JDK1.5 or above from sun.com).
Copyright © 2000-2005 by Lingchong You.
Last updated:
Download the current version of Dynetica 1.2beta (http://www.duke.edu/~you/Dynetica/DyneticaInstall_1.2beta.zip). Unzip this file to a directory, say DyneticaDirectory. In DyneticaDirectory you should have two items, one is a jar file: Dynetica.jar, the other is a subdirectory called “examples”, which holds some example models built in Dynetica.
To run Dynetica, you can type the following command in a command window (in Unix or Windows):
Previous version: http://www.duke.edu/~you/Dynetica/DyneticaInstall_1.1.zip
main window showing a simplified model of phage T7 intracellular growth
figure window showing the simulated time-courses for selected components.
Click here for the User’s guide of Dynetica. You may also check out a preprint (PDF)
describing this software.
o Graphic construction of kinetic models of
various biological systems.
o The user needs only specify the
components in the system and their interactions. The program automatically
generates the ordinary differential equations.
o Time course simulations using either deteriministic algorithms or stochastic algorithms
(currently only the Gillespie algorithm has been implemented).
o Basic sensitivity analysis.
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