The Unix Shell: Exercises

Exercise 1

List all directories with the string ‘PM’ in the parent directory.

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Exercise 2

  • Create the folder foo/bar/baz
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  • Create a file containing ‘Hello world’ named hello.txt in the foo/bar directory
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  • Delete the foo folder and everything in it, including subdirectoreis.
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EXercise 3

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  • Show only lines 5-8 from the SP1.fq
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  • Create an MD5 checksum file MD5SUM for the FASTA and FASTQ files
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  • Crate a tar gzipped archive called examples.tar.gz that contains these two files
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  • Delete the FASTA and FASTQ files
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  • Recover the original files from examples.tar.gz
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  • Confirm that the MD5 checksums are correct for the recovered files
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Exercise 4

Find any file(s) with the string GATCGTACGTACGTA and the line number on which it occurs within files that have the .fa or .fq extensions within the current directory.

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Exercise 5

  • Write a shell script that will report the number of lines in each file within the current directory.
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cat > << 'EOF'

<Write your script here>

  • Make the file executable
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  • Run the file
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