Duke HTS 2017¶
Week 3¶
Experimental Design Part I
Experimental Design Part II
- RNA-seq: technical variability and sampling
- RNA-seq: An assessment of technical reproducibility and comparison with gene expression arrays
Statistical Estimation
Statistical Estimation (Handout)
Sources of Variability
Sources of Variability (Handout)
Unsupervised Learning
Unsupervised Learning (Handout)
Supervised Learning
Supervised Learning (Handout)
ROC (Handout)
Week 4¶
Bioinformatics Overview
- Counting Reads
- Demultiplex a Raw FASTQ
- Raw Data
- Introduction to FASTQ Files
- What do quality scores mean?
- Trimming and Filtering a FASTQ
- Trimming and Filtering
- Quality Control
- Demultiplexing 2015 Data
- Working with Multiple Samples
- Working with Multiple Samples
- Prepare Data
- Downloading Everything
- Using IGV
- Working with Multiple Samples
- Mapping Reads to a Reference Genome
- Mapping with Tophat
- Working with Paired-Reads
- Working with Paired-Reads
- What do quality scores mean?
- Review
- Review: Solutions
- Using
- Using
: Solutions - Receiver Operating Characteristic
- Count Models
- Count Models: Solutions
- The Unix Shell: File and Directory Management
- The Unix Shell: Working with Text
- The Unix Shell: Finding Stuff
- The Unix Shell: Regular Expressions
- The Unix Shell: Writing Shell Scripts
- The Unix Shell: Exercises
- The Unix Shell: Exercises with Solutions
- Computing capstone exercise
- Computing capstone exercise: Solutions