Recent Works
On Young Turks and Yes Men: Optimal Contracting for Advice with Samuel Hafner
Make It Till You Fake It with Raphael Boleslavsky
Communities, Co-ops, and Clubs: Social Capital and Incentives in Large Collective Organizations, with Joshua Jacobs and Aaron Kolb
Selected Publications
"Selloffs, Bailouts, and Feedback: Can Asset Markets Inform Policy?" (with Raphael Boleslavsky and David L. Kelly), Journal of Economic Theory, 2017, 169, 294--343.
"Breakthroughs, Deadlines, and Self-Reported Progress: Contracting for Multi-Stage Projects" (with Brett Green), American Economic Review, December 2016, 106, 3660--99.
"The Economics of Privacy" (with Alessandro Acquisti and Liad Wagman), Journal of Economic Literature, June 2016, 54, 442--92.
"Information Acquisition in Competitive Markets: An Application to the US Mortgage Market" (with Jeremy Burke and Liad Wagman), American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, November 2012, 4, 65--106.
"Subjective Performance and the Value of Blind Evaluation" (with Huseyin Yildirim), Review of Economic Studies, April 2011, 78, 762--94.
"Consumer Privacy and the
Market for Customer Information," RAND Journal of Economics, Winter
2004, 35, 631--51.
"Supplier Surfing: Competition and Consumer Behavior in Subscription
Markets," Rand Journal of Economics, Summer 2003, 34, 223--46.
"Local Discouragement and Global Collapse: A Theory of Coordination
Avalanches" (with Thomas D. Jeitschko), American Economic Review,
March 2001, 91, 208--24.
"Time-on-the-Market as a Sign of Quality," Review of Economic Studies,
July 1999, 66, 555--78.
"Competition or Compensation: Supplier Incentives under the American
and Japanese Subcontracting Systems" (with Steven N. Wiggins),
American Economic Review, September 1997, 87, 598--618.
"Digging for Golden Carrots: An Analysis of Research Tournaments,"
American Economic Review, September 1995, 85, 872--890.
"The Long Side of the Market and the Short End of the Stick:
Bargaining Power in Buyers', Sellers', and Balanced Markets,''
Quarterly Journal of Economics, August 1995, 110, 837--855.
"The Economics of Breakdowns, Checkups, and Cures," Journal of
Political Economy, February 1995, 103, 53--74.
Other Publications
A list of my publications
can be found in my CV.