Desiccation Cracks and their Effect on Permeability in Clays, U.S. National Science Foundation # 0324543
Péron H., Hu L.B., Hueckel, T. & Laloui L. 2007. The influence of the pore fluid on desiccation of a deformable porous material. Second International Conference of Mechanics of Unsaturated Soils. Weimar, Germany, accepted (pdf file)
Péron H., Hu L.B., Hueckel T. & Laloui L. 2007. Numerical and experimental investigation of desiccation of soil. Third Asian Conference on Unsaturated Soils. Nanjing, China, accepted (pdf file)
Péron H., Hueckel T. & Laloui L. 2007. An Improved Volume Measurement for Determining Soil Water Retention Curves. Geotechnical Testing Journal. vol 30 (1). (pdf file)
Hu L.B., Péron H., Hueckel, T. & Laloui L. 2007. Drying shrinkage of deformable porous media: mechanisms induced by the fluid removal. In H.W. Olsen (ed.), Geo-Denver 2007, New Peaks in Geotechnics. ASCE. 10 pages, CD-ROM (pdf file)
Hu L.B., Péron H., Hueckel, T. & Laloui L. 2006. Numerical and phenomenological study of desiccation of soil. In N. Lu, L.R. Hoyos and L. Reddi (eds.), ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication: Advances in Unsaturated Soil, Seepage, and Environmental Geotechnics, 166-177
Péron H., Laloui L., Hueckel, T. & Hu L.B. 2006. Experimental study of desiccation of soil. In G.A. Miller, C.E. Zapata, S.L. Houston and D.G. Fredlund (eds.), ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication: Unsaturated Soils 2006, 1073-1084
Hu L.B. & Hueckel T. Coupled chemo-mechanics of intergranular contacts: toward a three-scale model . Computers and Geotechnics, special issue, 34(4): 306-327 (pdf file)
Hu L.B. & Hueckel T. Creep of saturated materials as a chemically enhanced rate dependent damage process. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 31: 1537-1565 (pdf file)
Zhao Y., Hu L.B, Cui P. & Hueckel T. 2007. Evolution of shear strength in a landslide due to acid rain: a case study in the area of Three Gorges, China. First North American Landslide Conference, Landslides and Society: Integrated Science, Engineering, Management, and Mitigation. Vail, Colorado, USA, CD-ROM (pdf file)
Hu L.B. & Hueckel T. 2006. Creep of geomaterials due to coupled damage and spontaneous mineral dissolution. In C.A. Mota Soares, J.A.C. Martins, H.C. Rodrigues and J.A.C. Ambrósio (eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Computational Mechanics. Lisbon, Portugal, 15 pages, CD-ROM (pdf file)
Hueckel T. & Hu L.B. 2004. Chemo-mechanical coupling and damage enhance enhanced dissolution at intergranular contact. In G.N. Pande and S. Pietruszczak (eds), Proceedings of the 9th Symposium on Numerical Models in Geomechanics. Ottawa, Canada, 349-353 (pdf file)