John P. Fay

Research Associate/Instructor
Geospatial Analysis Program
Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences
Duke University
A224 Levine Sciences Research Center
Box 90238, Durham, NC 27708-0328
Ph: (919)613-8718

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Boggs, C.L., C. Holdren, I.G. Kulachi, T.C. Bonebreak, B.D. Inouye, J.P. Fay, A. McMillan, E.H. Williams, and P.R. Ehrlich. 2006. Delayed population explosion of an introduced butterfly. Journal of Animal Ecology 75: 466-475.

Ceballos, G., P.R. Ehrlich, J Soberon, I. Salazar, and J.P. Fay. 2005. Global mammal conservation: What must we manage? Science 309(5734): 603-607.

Fleishman, E., J.R. Thomson, R. Mac Nally, D.D. Murphy, and J.P. Fay. 2005. Predicting species richness of multiple taxonomic groups using indicator species and genetic algorithms. Conservation Biology 19:1125–1137.

Seto, K. C., E. Fleishman, J. P. Fay, and C. J. Betrus. 2004. Linking spatial patterns of bird and butterfly species richness with Landsat TM derived NDVI. International Journal of Remote Sensing 25: 4309-4324.

Kremen, C., N. M. Williams, R. L. Bugg, J. P. Fay, and R. W. Thorp. 2004. The area requirements of an ecosystem service: Crop pollination by native bee communities in California. Ecology Letters 7: 1109-1119.

Kremen, Claire, David C. Lees, and John P. Fay. 2003. Butterflies and Conservation Planning in Madagascar: From Pattern to Practice. In Butterflies: Ecology and Evolution Taking Flight Carol L. Boggs, Ward B. Watt, and Paul R Ehrlich, eds.

Niles, John O., Sandra Brown, Jules N. Pretty, Andrew S. Ball and John P. Fay. 2003. Potential carbon mitigation and income in developing countries from changes in use and management of agricultural and forest lands. In Capturing Carbon and Conserving Biodiversity: The Market Approach. Ian R. Swingland, ed.

Niles, John O.; Kremen, Claire; Fay, John P. 2003 A tropical forest meta-analysis: Ecological and conservation findings; Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts; v.88, p.252.

Fleishman, Erica; Nally, Ralph Mac; Fay, John P. 2003. Validation tests of predictive models of butterfly occurrence based on environmental variables. Conservation Biology; v.17, no.3, p.806-817.

Mac Nally, R., E. Fleishman, J.P. Fay, and D.D. Murphy. 2003. Modeling butterfly species richness using mesoscale environmental variables: model construction and validation. Biological Conservation; v.110, no.1, p.21-31.

Fleishman, E., R. Mac Nally, J.P. Fay, and D.D. Murphy. 2001. Modeling and predicting species occurrence using broad-scale environmental variables: an example with butterflies of the Great Basin. Conservation Biology; v.15, no.6, p.1674-1685.

Ricketts, T.H., G.C. Daily, P.R. Ehrlich, and J.P. Fay. 2001. Countryside biogeography of moths in a fragmented landscape: biodiversity in native and agricultural habitats; Conservation Biology 15(2):378-388.

Fleishman, E., J.P. Fay, and D.D. Murphy. 2000. Upsides and downsides: contrasting topographic gradients in species richness and associated scenarios for climate change; Journal of Biogeography 27:1209-1219.

Galindo-Leal, C., S. Weiss, J. Fay, and B. Sandler. 2000. Conservation priorities in the greater Calakmul Region, Mexico: correcting the consequences of a congenital illness; Natural Areas Journal 20(4).

Kremen, C., Niles, J., Dalton, M., Daily, G., Ehrlich, P., Fay, P., Grewal, D. and R. P. Guillery. 2000. Economic incentives for forest conservation across scales. Science. 288:1828-1832.

Sandler B, S. Weiss, J. Fay, E. Martínez, and C. Galindo-Leal. 1999. Deforestation and identification of vegetation associations in Calakmul Biosphere Reserve in southern Mexico through remote sensing. Final Report to World Wildlife Fund - México, Mexico D.F. 38 pp.

Allan, J. D., D. L. Erickson, and J. P. Fay. 1997. The influence of catchment land use on stream integrity across multiple spatial scales. Freshwater Biology 37: 149-161.