Professor John M. McCann
Fuqua School of Business
Duke University
Durham, N. C. 27708
(919) 660-7776
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Employment History
Paper Publications
World Wide Web Publications
Lectures for Downloading
Work in Process
Recent Committees
Outside Funding
- Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial Administration, Herman C. Krannert Graduate School of Industrial Administration, Purdue University, August 1973.
- Master of Business Administration, University of Kentucky, August 1969.
- Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering with Distinction, University of Kentucky, June 1962.
- Professor, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, 1993 - present.
- Associate Professor, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, 1978 - 1992.
- Visiting Associate Professor, University of Oregon, Eugene, 1991-92.
- Visiting Associate Professor, Graduate School of Business, University of California at Berkeley, 1984 - 85.
- Managing Consultant, Data Resources, Inc., Lexington, Mass., 1977 - 78.
- Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Business and Public Administration, Cornell University, 1973 - 78.
- Consultant, Spindletop Research, Inc., 1969 - 70.
- Engineer, International Business Machines, 1966 - 67.
- Engineer, General Electric Company, 1962 - 66.
Academic Administrative Positions
- Founder and Director, Center for Entrepreneurship and New Technology, 1999 - present.
- Co-Director, Center for Customer Relationship Management, 1998.
- Co-Director, Center for Innovations in Global Business Education, 1997 - 1999.
- Founder and Director, Marketing Workbench Laboratory, 1986 - 93.
- Marketing Area Coordinator, 1979 - 82; 1983 - 84; 1992-93.
- Founder of Computer Education Center and Director of Academic Computing, Fuqua School of Business, 1982 - 84.
- "Electronically Connecting Retailers and Customers: Interim Summary of an Expert Roundtable," in Electronic Marketing and the Consumer, Robert A. Peterson (Ed.), Sage Publications, 1997
- "Generating, Managing, and Communicating Insights," in The Marketing Revolution, Blattberg, Glazer, and Little (Eds.), Harvard Business School Press, 1994.
- "Confidence Intervals for the Total Advertising Impact and its Mean Duration Under Koyck Models," with Richard Morey, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Fall 1991.
- "Expert Systems in Marketing: An Editorial," International Journal of Research in Marketing: Special Issue on Expert Systems in Marketing, 8 (1991), 1-3.
- "The Brand Manager's Assistant: A Knowledge-based System Approach to Brand Management," with William Lahti and Justin Hill, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 8 (1991), 51-73.
- Databases and Knowledge Systems in Merchandising, with John Gallagher, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1991.
- "Knowledge Systems in Merchandising: Advertising Design," with Ali Tadlaoui and John Gallagher, Journal of Retailing, 66, 2 (Fall 1990), 257-77.
- Expert Systems for Scanner Data Environments: The Marketing Workbench Laboratory Experience, with John Gallagher, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishing, 1990.
- "Reply to 'When Does Lag Structure Really Matter ... Indeed?'", with Wesley Magat and Richard Morey, Management Science, 34, 7 (July 1988), 917-18.
- "When Does Lag Structure Really Matter in Optimizing Advertising Expenditures," with Wesley Magat and Richard Morey, Management Science, 32, 2 (February 1986), 182-93.
- The Marketing Workbench, Homewood, IL: Dow-Jones-Irwin, 1986.
- "Forecasting the Impact of Socioeconomic and Demographic Change on Product Demand," with David Reibstein, Journal of Marketing Research, 22, (November 1985), 415-23.
- "Armed Services Recruiting Research: Issues, Findings and Needs," with Richard Morey, Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, 30, 4 (December 1983), 697-719.
- "Estimating the Confidence Interval for the Optimal Marketing Mix: An Application to Lead Generation," with Richard Morey, Marketing Science, 2, 2 (Spring 1983), 193-202.
- "The Impact of Inferential Beliefs On Product Evaluations," with Joel Huber, Journal of Marketing Research, 19, (August 1982), 324-33.
- "Product Portfolio Models," with Joel Huber, The Incorporation of Corporate Planning Models and Economics into Corporate Strategy, Thomas Naylor (ed.), North Holland, 1981.
- "Incorporating Marketing into Corporate Planning Models," with David Reibstein, Simulation in Business Planning and Decision Making, Thomas Naylor (ed.), Society for Computer Simulation, 1981.
- "Consumers Without a Direct Economic Incentive to Conserve Energy," with C. Samuel Craig, Journal of Environmental Systems, 10, 2 (1980-81), 157-64.
- "Evaluating and Improving Resource Allocation for Navy Recruiting," with Richard Morey, Management Science, 26, 12 (December 1980), 1198-210.
- "A Regression Model for Market Segmentation Studies," with Albert Wildt, Journal of Marketing Research, 17, (August 1980), 335-40.
- "On the Form of the Lagged Effect of Advertising," with Edward Ojdana, Jr., Marketing in the 80's, R. Bagozzi, et. al. (eds.) American Marketing Association, August 1980.
- "Advertising Lag Effects in the Brewing Industry," with Edward Ojdana, Jr., Proceedings of the ORSA/TIMS Special Interest Conference on Market Measurement and Analysis Marketing, D. Montgomery and D. Wittink (eds.) Marketing Science Institute, 1980.
- "Projecting Served Market Growth for Strategic Planning Decisions," with David Reibstein, Proceedings: 7th International Research Seminar in Marketing, James Carmen (ed.), Institut d'Administration des Entreprises, Universite d'Aix-Marseille, France, June 1980.
- "Developing Strategies for Influencing Residential Consumption of Electricity," with C. Samuel Craig, Journal of Environmental Systems, 9, 2 (1979-80), 175-87.
- "Assessing Communication Effects on Energy Conservation," with C. Samuel Craig, Journal of Consumer Research, 5, (September 1978), 82-8.
- "Item Nonresponse in Mail Surveys: Extent and Correlates," with C. Samuel Craig, Journal of Marketing Research, 15, (May 1978), 285-9.
- "The Impact of Persuasive Communications on Energy Conservation," with C. Samuel Craig, Energy Systems and Policy, 2, 4 (1978), 433-47.
- "A Rejoinder to Fidler and Atkin's Reply to McCann, Miller, and Moskowitz: Dynamic Multivariate Decision Processes Are Even More Complex Than They Seem," with Jeffrey Miller and Herbert Moskowitz, Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 20, (December 1977), 260-4.
- "Communicating Energy Conservation Information to Consumers: A Field Experiment," with C. Samuel Craig, Contemporary Marketing Thought, B. Greenberg and D. Bellenger (eds.), American Marketing Association, August 1977.
- "Segmenting Charitable Givers: An Application of Tobit," with C. Samuel Craig and Terry Deutscher, Contemporary Marketing Thought, B. Greenberg and D. Bellenger (eds.) American Marketing Association, August 1977, 34-8.
- "Cumulative Advertising Effects: The Role of Serial Correlation; A Reply," with Darral Clarke, Decision Sciences, (January 1977), 336-43.
- "Identifying Market Segments with AID 3," with Vithala Rao and C. Samuel Craig, Marketing: 1779-1976 and Beyond, K. Bernhardt (ed.) American Marketing Association, 1976, 393-7.
- "Modeling and Testing Dynamic Multivariate Decision Processes," with Jeffrey Miller and Herbert Moskowitz, Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 14, (October 1975), 281-303.
- "Market Segment Response to the Marketing Decision Variables," Journal of Marketing Research, 11, (November 1974), 399-412.
- "A Comparison of Methods of Pooling Time-Series and Cross-Section Data," in New Marketing for Social & Economic Progress and Marketing's Contributions to the Firm & to the Society, Ronald C. Curham (ed.), American Marketing Association, 1974, 167-71.
- "Measuring the Cumulative Effects of Advertising: A Reappraisal," with Darral Clarke, in Increasing Marketing Productivity and Conceptual and Methodological Foundations in Marketing, Thomas V. Geer (ed.), American Marketing Association, 1973, 135-39.
- "Halo Effects in Brand Belief Measurement: Implications for Attitude Model Development," with William Wilkie and David Reibstein, in Advances in Consumer Research, Volume 1, Scott Ward and Peter Wright (eds.), Association for Consumer Research, 1973, 281-90.
- "An Experimental Investigation of 'Attribute Importance,'" with Dan Schendel, William Wilkie, Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference, Association for Consumer Research, 1971, 404-16.
Business Education in Cyberspace
Marketing and Cyberspace Essays and Papers
Consumer Package Goods Marketing Essays and Papers
Marketing Information Management
Unpublished Manuscripts
- Insight Generation and Management: A New Approach to Marketing Systems, with John Gallagher, William Lahti and Justin Hill.
- "The Application of Marketing Experiences via Case-based Reasoning," with Justin Hill.
- Marketing Insight Hyperbook
- Entrepreneurial Envisioning in the Digital Age
- Corporate Models and Forecasting
- Econometrics
- Statistical Analysis for Management
Information and Knowledge Systems
- Management Information and Control Systems
- Marketing Management Information Systems
- Expert Systems for Management
- Expert Systems in Marketing
- The Marketing Workbench
- Intelligent Documents
Globalization and Technology
- Technology, Globalization and Competition
- American Marketing Association
- The Institute of Management Sciences
- Chairman, Provost's Taskforce on Networking, 1988.
- Computing at Duke Committee, 1989.
- PhD Program Committee, Fuqua School of Business, 1987-89.
- Duke University Library Council, 1991-1993.
- Duke University Academic Council, 1991-1994.
- Duke University Vice Provost for Information Technology Search Committee, 1993-94.
- Chairman, FSB Information Technology/Distance Learning Committee, 1993-94.
- FSB Global Executive MBA Program Design Committee, 1994-95.
- Chairman, FSB Curriculum Committee, 1995-1996.
- Duke University University Librarian Search Committee, 1995-1996.
- Duke University Institutional Data Committee, 1995-1996.
- Faculty Technology Committee, 1996 - present (Chairman 1996 - 1997).
- Duke University Information Technology Advisory Committee, 1996 - 1999.
- Duke University Executive Vice President Review Committee, 1998 - 1999.
- $5,000 grant from Olympia Brewing Company for research on consumer belief structure and inferencing (1980)
- $250,000 plus $1,500,000 equipment grant as part of joint study contract with IBM (1982 - 84).
- $30,000 grant from IBM for the study of computer use by managers in the consumer packaged goods industry (1984 - 85).
- $300,000 from 16 firms for Marketing Workbench Laboratory (1986 - 1987).
- $700,000 equipment grant as part of joint study contract with IBM (1986 - 1987).
- $675,000 from 27 firms for Marketing Workbench Laboratory (1987 - 1988).
- $1,500,000 equipment grant as part of joint study contract with IBM (1987 - 1988.
- $500,000 from 19 firms for Marketing Workbench Laboratory (1988 - 89).
- $275,000 from 11 firms for Marketing Workbench Laboratory (1989 - 90).
- $670,000 equipment grant as part of joint study contract with IBM (1991 - 94).