Margaret R. Greer

Margaret Greer



Manos Teatrales

Manos Teatrales is a collaborative project for the analysis and evaluation of Golden Age theatrical manuscripts in the Biblioteca Nacional Española and the Institut del Teatre (Barcelona) and other major collections throughout Europe and the Americas. This is an official collaborative effort authorized and supported by the Biblioteca Nacional, the Biblioteca Real del Palacio and the Institut del Teatre.

Based on a system of handwriting identification I have devised (see Letter Identification Sheet below), the project involves the analysis of major and minor theatrical manuscripts, both autograph and scribal copies, and organization of this and other relevant information from archival documents in a databank.

The databank, including digitized images of portions of the manuscripts, is online at manos teatrales, to serve scholars working on Golden Age theater and others interested in the information , it produces about the theatrical community of Golden Age Spain. For a longer description of its history and one illustration of the information it can produce, please see this paper. For other articles on the project, in English and in Spanish, see my CV.

Many Romance Studies graduate students have worked with me on this project and Alejandro García-Reidy, a postdoctoral associate at Duke, 2009-20011, is a major contributors. Several Spanish theater specialists are also working part-time with us. The database is incorporating as well information supplied by other researchers working on that theater, independently or in collaborative projects, including the ProLope project directed by Alberto Blecua, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, the Grupo de Investigación Siglo de Oro (GRISO) group directed by Ignacio Arellano, Universidad de Navarra, that is publishing the drama of Calderón, and the DICAT group directed by Teresa Ferrer Valls at the University of Valencia.

Professors Carlo Tomasi (Computer Science, Duke) and I received a Provost's Common Fund grant to apply computer vision and computational machine learning to the handwriting and manuscript analysis and probabilistic methods of social interaction to construction of a virtual model of the complex network involved in the world of early modern Spanish theater in 2008-2009, and I received an American Council of Learned Societies Digital Innovation Fellowship and a National Endowment for the Humanities Digital Humanities Start-up Grant Level 2 to advance the project in 2009-2010.

Letter Identification Sheet

Click to enlarge:

Letter identification sheet

Elizabethan Script

PDF, 335KB

Compiled by Leon Kellner, Restoring Shakespeare: A Critical Analysis of the Misreadings in Shakespeare's Works. London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1925, pp. 184-216.

Manos Teatrales Bibliography

Aubrun, C. V. (1964). Les Dèbuts du drame lyrique en Espagne. Le Lieu théâtral à la Renaissance, . J. Jacquot, E. Konigson and M. Oddon. Paris, Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique: 423-444.

Calderón de la Barca, P. (en prensa). Comedias, II. Segunda parte de Calderón. Madrid, Biblioteca Castro.

Cotarelo y Mori, E. (2001). Ensayo sobre la vida y obras de D. edro Calderón de la Barca. Madrid, Iberoamericana.

García-Luengos, G. V. (2003). La transmisión del teatro en el siglo XVII. Historia del teatro español. J. Huerta Calvo. Madrid, Editorial Gredos. 1: 1295-6.

Greer, M. R. (1984). "Calderón, copyists, and the problem of endings." Bulletin of the Comediantes 36: 71-81.

Greer, M. R. (1984). "Manuel de Mosquera y su manuscrito de La estatua de Prometeo." Añejo de la REvista Segismundo 6: 265-276.

La Barrera y Leirado, C. A. d. (1860). Catálogo bibliográfico y biográfico del teatro antiguo español, desde sus orígnes hasta mediados del siglo XVIII. Madrid, Imprenta y Estereotipia de M. Rivadeneyra.

Paz y Meliá, A. (1989). Catálogo de las piezas de teatro que se conservan en el Departament de Manuscritos de la Biblioteca Nacional. Madrid, Patronato de la Biblioteca Nacional.

Regueiro, J. M. and K. Reichenberger (1984). Spanish Drama of the Golden Age. A catalogue of the manuscript collection at the Hispanic Society of America. New York, The Hispanic Society of America.

Rodríguez-Gallego López, F. (en prensa). Sobre el texto de El mayor encanto, amor: a propósito de un manuscrito de 1668. La interpretación de Calderón en la escena. Congreso internacional celebrado en El Coegio de Méxiso los días 30-31 de octubre de 2006. I. Arellano and A. González.

Ruano de la Haza, J. (1978). "Two Seventeenth-Century Scribes of Calderón." Modern Language Review 73: 71-81.

Ruano de la Haza, J. (1983). "An Early Rehash of Lope’s Peribañez." Bulletin of the Comediantes 35: 5-29.

Sánchez Mariana, M. (1984). "Un manuscrito calderoniano desconocido (con una digresión sobre los autógrafos de Matos Fragoso." Revista de Literatura 46: 121-130.

Sánchez Mariana, M. (1993). Los manuscritos dramáticos del Siglo de Oro. Ex Libris. Homenaje al profesor José Fradejas Lebrero. J. Romera Castillo, A. Freire López and A. Lorente Medina. Madrid, UNED. 1: 441-452.

Ulla Lorenzo, A. (en prensa). El legado manuscrito de El mayor encanto amor: un ejemplo de adaptación calderoniana. Actas del XVI Congreso de la AIH (Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas) celebrado en París entre el 9 y el 13 de julio de 2007.

For additional references, see the Bibliography file in manos teatrales.