Computation Enhancing our applications by invoking the most powerful creative force in nature. |
Go Directly to the Apps You may have to lower your JAVA security settings temporarily for these applets: |
Fitness Landscapes Fitness landscapes are conceptual representations of the fitness of an individual (shown as the z-axis or elevation) varying as a function of two different traits (along the x and y axes). Let's imagine that the x axis is body weight and the y axis is height. For any particular culture there is probably an optimum for each which may define your social attractiveness, your potential to succeed and your health. Taken all together in that context, they define your fitness. This would be a simple landscape with one gently sloping hill. We call this a fitness landscape with one global optimum. Now let's consider a more complex story, one which describes potential fitnesses for a variety of roles in a complex society. Perhaps a small person would be successful as a jocky, a tall one as a basketball player, an obese one as a sumo wrestler. An Eskimo or Innuit in the Arctic Circle would be short and squat; a Masai in Equatorial Africa would be tall and thin. In such a situation we would have a complex landscape with several hills. One may be the highest in which case we would describe it as having one global optimum and several local optima. We can visualize such a fitness surface with two variables, but in reality there are many variables which define the fitness of a person or an agent. We could, perhaps, visualize a fitness solid with three variables. Each variable would be one side of a cube and the fitness could be represented by a spectrum of colors going from low values colored blue to high values colored red. Still it would be difficult to see into this solid. With four or more variables it becomes nearly impossible to craft a convincing visualization. Even though we may conceive of a fitness surface as a static landscape, in reality it may be more like a seascape, always changing with the winds and tides. Our landscapes, or seascapes, are conceptualized in three dimensions for two traits. In the real world many traits may interact to influence fitness. Moreover, fitness changes in coevolutionary situations. We will settle on a two trait visualization since it is easier to understand. Evolution Any individual may be located at one point on that landscape. Genetically close individuals will be located nearby in the x and y directions. Since inheritance produces offspring similar to parents, an individual's children will be spread out to points nearby. Evolution works by "hill-climbing." Offspring higher on the slope of the hill are by definition more fit. As a consequence succeeding generations climb. Since there are high peaks and lower peaks, global optima and local optima, the success of "hill-climbing" depends on the watershed of the topography and on magnitude of the variation between parent and child. Quite often, populations may become stuck on local maxima and thus be unable to climb to the global maximum. |
What does the fitness landscape look like for a correct launch code? |
What does the fitness landscape look like for a pin tumbler lock? |
Brian's Laetoli Walker Inspired by the discovery of hominid footprints south of Olduvai Gorge, Brian evolved several proof-of-concept walking gaits incorporating 3d hip movement and rotation. |
An Evolutionary Sequence Optimizer EVOCRYPT optimizes a sequence of cleartext characters paired with a cryptotext alphabet to maximize intelligibility. How the ECT Works After you initialize the application with the appropriate data, you can run evolution once SLOWLY to study it in detail, or run it 100 times QUICKLY to study the local optima. QUICKLY: Since the code for one run of evolution has already been written, why not wrap it in a loop and run evolution 100 times from a random "primordial soup" and see what happens? "100 Runs of ... generations" allows you to do just that. It is important to realize that evolution will not always find the "best" solution. The fitness landscape is complex and evolutionary hill climbing will often lead the population up dead-end local optima. The global optimum is rarely found. A compelling but unanswered question: |
Vector Essentials: random_shuffle(), rotate(), reverse() and sort() |
XE6 Vector Essentials - September 26, 2015 The essential vector operations for evolutionary recombination
are included in a small application which operates on a sequence of choices made for each of a number of items. These operations are visualiaed as numeric data and simultaneously as colors and musical notes using colorRamp() and midiRamp(). In addition, a sequence of rests or intervals, which are set by the user, modify the tempo of the music. A sample tune and rhythm play when the mouse enters the window. |
Evocrypt - A monoalphabetic substitution cipher cryptanalyzer |
XE6 EvoCrypt - Adaptation by Trey Bagley - 21 April 2015 Enter a cryptotext (you can input the one that appears by default), open the two dictionaries and begin the run(s). 100 runs of 100 generations will complete in one minute. 100 runs of 1000 generations will complete in 17 minutes. You can help this evolutionary algorithm by locking in specific Cryptext to Cleartext associations. This application sets a fitness for a substitution cipher key alphabet by the number of correct English words it produces. How might that change if the fitnesses were based on n-grams which included blank spaces, sub-words, word pairs and/or grammar? Lock in the second and third words as "we are." With these associations locked in, 100 runs of 500 generations will produce interesting results in a short time! |
Stock Market Profit Optimizer Buy and sell one stock each month for each of the four years during the "economic downturn" from 2007 to 2010. Once you've bought a stock you must sell it and buy another. You cannot buy the same stock twice. See how you could have profited from the chaos if you knew the future... "I shoulda, coulda, woulda..." |
Evolutionary runs of 100,000 generations (70 min) yielded a max of $847,557.31 dollars. (9/23/2017) |
XE6 EvoTrades: Speculation Game (revised 22 September 2015) This application displys actual monthly stock prices over the four years of the recent financial crisis. Using this information, players begin with $1000 and sell and buy a new stock every month, with the goal of making over $125,000. How much can you make over those four years? There are 48! (48 * 47 * 46...) possible trading scenarios (sequences), a number, close to 1061. Since the origin of the Universe, only 4.35 * 1017 seconds have passed, which is equivalent to 4.35 * 1029 picoseconds, 4.35 * 1032 femtoseconds, 4.35 * 1035 attoseconds, 4.35 * 1038 zeptoseconds, or 4.35 * 1041 yoctoseconds. Since the Big Bang, 2.34 * 1062 units of Planck time, the smallest meaningful units of time, have elapsed. This is roughly equivalent to the number of different trading sequences in our game. Today's fastest computer, China's Tianhe-2, performs at 33.86 * 1015 petaflops, (floating point operations per second). In the age of the universe, it could perform only 1.47 * 1034 floating-point-operations. We would need 1037 of these machines, working continually since the Big Bang, to compute all the possible trading alternatives. |
The DARPA Shredder Challenge - A Prize of $50,000 |
Some observations are detailed below, assuming a single linear shredding which has not been cross-cut.
Our Evolutionary Concert Tour (ECT) application, stripped-down, can find the shortest path among 200 cities. In EvoImage 14, we modified it to reorder a sequence of 200 scrambled lines in a shredded image. |
A 200 Line Image Descrambler |
The 200 horizontal lines in a 200x200 pixel bitmap (.bmp) are first scrambled. The scrambled image is then evolved by creating a first generation of 100 randomly scrambled images. The individuals in this first generation are then individually scored on the basis of how similar the Red, Green and Blue components of each pixel on each line are to the respective R, G and B pixels on the line above and below it. Each individual is then ranked according to its "line-to-line similarity" score, with those rating highest in similarity first in the list of 100. The 50 worst individuals are deleted. The 50 best individuals move to the next generation along with their 50 children, which are similar to their parents but are not exact copies. This is continued for 5000 generations. |
XE6 EvoImage 14 EvoImage 14 Open a scrambled picture (it must be a 200x200 .bmp). Set "100 Runs of ... generations" to 5000 and press "Go." The point of this application is NOT to completely restore an image. After all, EvoImage may evolve an arrangement of lines that has greater line-to-line similarity than the original. The point of this application is to show that A SIMPLE FITNESS FUNCTION working with SIMPLE EVOLUTIONARY MECHANISM can do surprisingly well. Moreover, it visually replicates many of the artifacts that arise in biological evolution: Hill-climbing to a local peak on a fitness landscape and missing the global optimum as evidenced by highly fit sequences from a local perspective (see the eyes) but which are reversed with respect to one another at a global perspective. |
200x200 bitmap (.bmp) images to unscramble: Meteoritics set: xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx Current events set: xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx 200x200 bitmap (.bmp) images to scramble and unscramble: xxxxxxxxxxxx |
The "Afghan Girl" |
Botacelli's "Cestello" |
Slanted text |
Posts in perspective |
Contrasing shapes in perspective |
A swoosh |
Complex detail |
An easy reconstruction |
A Generalized Application for Evolving Sequences of 200 Items The "cities" metaphor rule tweaks in the Evolutionary Concert Tour application have been stripped away. The process of evolution has been retained. This should simplify adapting the application to solve other sequencing problems and will handle sequences of 200 events and 100 runs of 5000 generations each. Since it packs more power, it runs correspondingly more slowly than the "city" versions. |
Evolutionary Sequence Optimizer (ESO): Version 13-S Some candidate applications include:
Evolutionary Concert Tour / Traveling Salesman / Traveling Ferenghi Problem Given 30 cities (or any other entities in space), there are on the order of 30! different ways of connecting them. |
The Traveling Ferenghi Problem
- a 3D Visualization |
Evolutionary Concert Tour (ECT) with 3D Anaglyph Enhancement XE6 ECT 3D Version H -
24 February 2015 Version G - 2 November 2008 - (derived directly from version F) Converting the application to 3D required no change in the basic evolutionary algorithm. A "z" dimension was added to the the city[] array and the distance computation was changed accordingly. Consequently city values range from 0 to 100 in each of three dimensions. Fogel's cities and Random cities select the "z" dimension randomly. The "Yours" city placement button allows you to choose the "z" component before you MouseDown on the PaintBox. In a correct anaglyph, when cyan overlays red the result should be rendered white. This could be done by drawing the cyan and red views onto the appropriate layers of a bitmap, using the color channels, but the coding would require substantial modification. Instead, I stayed with the PaintBox which draws red over the top of cyan and cyan over the top of red instead of combining them to yield white. Consequently, in order to avoid "collisions" of cyan and red, I made the dots much smaller. In placing your own cities you should also avoid placing two nearby cities on the same "y" value, since any line drawn between them will be either red or cyan, and not white. For the same reason, the lines connecting the dots have been thinned and the colorRamp() coloring of the lines has been eliminated. The user may also select the background. It is interesting that with a white background, the rendering appears below the screen while with a black background the rendering is reversed and appears above the screen. Some initial configurations
are below: |
xxxxxx ect-3d-cone.txtxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxect-3d-cone.txtxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ect-3d-cylinder.txtxxxx |
Evolutionary Concert Tour / Traveling Salesman Problem Some additional rules to try: Evolve for maximum and minimum areas. Shortest travel distance in a toroidal (wrap-around) world. You must travel clockwise (or various directions) from quadrant to quadrant. Red cities must be entered from the NW, Green cities from the SE, or variants for all four city types... Red cities must be entered from the center, Green cities from the periphery, or variants for all four city types... |
FAST: XE6 Evolutionary Concert Tour (ECT) ImageBackground, which is not visible, is never drawn upon and takes its Picture property from a 500 x 500 bitmap. ImageToDrawOn, which is visible, its Canvas is drawn upon and to refresh itself takes its Picture property from ImageBackground. Once ImageToDrawOn is completed, it is sent to the PaintBox in one statement. Download the zipped file into a newly created folder.
Unzip the .zip file into that folder.
(By default the browser will want to add a deeper folder. Delete that default folder from the path.) |
SLOW: Evolutionary Concert Tour (ECT) This version contains added constraints. |
Evolutionary Concert Tour -
Matt Newcomb - March 2010
Import terrain as a bitmap: Import cities as a text file: |
Evolutionary Concert Tour (ECT) -
Compact Version 13 - 24 February 2011 |
Evolutionary Concert Tour (ECT) -
Compact Version 12 - 22 February 2011 An example of a variety of experiments to test these fitness functions using a configuration of cities that would be sensitive to the Equidistance constraint is here, followed by the test pattern for cities: |
Evolutionary Concert Tour (ECT) -
Compact Version 11 - 17 February 2011 |
Evolutionary Concert Tour (ECT) -
Version 11 - 1 November 2010
Evolutionary Concert Tour (ECT) |
WHAT'S WRONG WITH AN ENGINEERING HEURISTIC? In Engineering, one heuristic for solving large complex problems is to decompose them into smaller simpler parts. One solves those parts separately. Finally one reassembles them back into the larger whole.
This does not always work well and we can illustrate that by the following experiments: |
Evolutionary Concert Tour (ECT) |
Evolutionary Concert Tour (ECT) Table of results of 500 generations for runs of each Parent/Child ratio.
Evolutionary Concert Tour (ECT)
with Political Enhancement To do: Thanks to Kathleen Schaefer and "IT" Itohan Aghayere for their efforts in thinking their ways down this road to enhancing the functionality of the application. Some standardized configurations are below:
Party affiliations are RED for Republican and BLUE for Democrat. When you select YOURS cities, left-click places RED and right-click places BLUE. The party affiliation of FOGEL'S and RANDOM cities are chose randomly FileSave and FileOpen have been modified to record the party affiliation of cities (or households), thus FileSave and FileOpen are NOT compatible with previous versions. xxxxxx Select for ANY party. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSelect for SAME party. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSelect for DIFFERENT party. |
Evolutionary Concert Tour (ECT)
May 2007 - Version F Some standardized configurations are below: |
The borders of the green region at the bottom confer bonus points as a multiple of the path length that crosses them. Consequently, cities in the green region connect to the most distant cities. See the differences between the bonus, no-border and penalty examples below: |
Some standardized configurations are below: |
circle.txt x
squares.txt xx
clusters.txt xx
dispersed.txt xx
d-configuration.txt xx
targets.txt |
x Bonus xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx No Borderxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Penaltyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Bonusxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx No Borderxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Penalty |
Some EXPERIMENTS using "squares.txt"
with and without the |
2006 - December |
x Rank 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxRank 11 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxRank 19 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxRank 37 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxRank 42 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxRank 57 Rankings of evolved solutions with a 10-FOLD TOLL extracted on crossing the border. |
x Rank 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxRank 14 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxRank 35 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxRank 61 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxRank 81 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxRank 93 Rankings of evolved solutions with NO TOLL extracted on crossing the border. |
2006 - November It will also introduce a vertical obstacle which extracts a penalty of up to 20 times the distance for the path legs which cross it. You may consider this to be a toll extracted for crossing a bridge over a river or a customs tariff charged for moving goods across a border. Notice that the penalty is multiplied by the length of the leg that crosses the line. Consequently, not only must evolution minimize the number of crossings, but it must minimize the lengths of the legs which cross as well. |
2006 - Evolutionary Concert Tour
(ECT) This version will also select for the longest (as opposed to the shortest) path, which we might call "The New York Taxi Driver's Problem." |
2006 - Evolutionary Concert Tour
(ECT) |
2005 - Evolutionary Concert Tour
(ECT) The user may select David Fogel's published arrangement of 30 cities, a random one or select her own. A first generation of one hundred agents are created, each representing one random path. In subsequent generations, the best half of the population serves as parents, replacing the worst half with variant offspring by asexual reproduction. The vector operations of shuffle, rotate and reverse are used to resequence the paths. For each agent, the best path is shown as well as the lengths of the best, average and worst paths. These visualizations may be switched off to speed the simulation. Thumbnails show some near optimal solutions to a spiral arrangement of cities. |
Daisuke Imai's
EVOcuation with Obstacles |
Saeid Atoofi's Language Evolution |
2006 Evolutionary Iterated Prisoners
Dilemma |
Garret's Evolutionary Iterated
Prisoners Dilemma |
2005 - Adam Skory's Evolutune The green triangle button is PLAY. |
Rearranging a 1-D ARRAY using
Rearranging a 2-D ARRAY using
Rearranging a TPoint ARRAY using
Tim's A* Maze Solving Algorithm |
Tim's A* Maze with Bitmap Two bitmaps: |