1989 The Outer
Shores: Based On The Proceedings Of The Queen Charlotte Islands First International
Scientific Symposium, University Of British Columbia, August 1984. HTM
Co-editor with Geoffrey Scudder. The Queen Charlotte Islands Museum Press,
Queen Charlotte City, British Columbia. 327 pages.
1983 South Moresby
Land Use Alternatives. HTM Co-author. Report
of the South Moresby Resource Planning Team. Queen's Printer for British Columbia,
Victoria. 249 pages.
1981 Ecological
Reserve Proposals, Windy Bay Watershed/Dodge Point, Queen Charlotte Islands.
HTM Author. Economic impact assessment of
the South Moresby Resource Planning Team. British Columbia Ministry of Forests,
Victoria. 31 pages.
2012 "The Computerman, the Cryptographer and the Physicist."PDF In ALAN TURING, HIS WORK AND IMPACT, edited by S. Barry Cooper and Jan van Leeuwen. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2012, pp. 521-530.
2010 "Fostering Creative Emergence in Artificial Cultures." PDF In Artificial Life XII - Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems.
Edited by Harold Fellermann et al, MIT Press (2010), pp. 669-676.
2007 Review of ON THE ORDER OF CHAOS: SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY AND THE SCIENCE OF CHAOS. PDF In American Anthropologist, Volume 109, Number 3, September 2007, pp. 574-75.
2004 "The
Emergence of Reputation in Natural and Artificial Cultures." PDF
In RAS-2004 A Workshop in Reputation in Agent Societies, Beijing, PRC Saint
Mary's University, Halifax (Technical Report Number: 2004-04 September, 2004;
ISBN: 0-9734039-5-0), pp. 7-16 (revised).
2004 "The
Slipstream of Mixed Reality: Unstable Ontologies and Semiotic Markers in The
Thirteenth Floor, Dark City, and Mulholland Drive."
PDF With N. Katherine Hayles. PMLA (Publications
of the Modern Language Association,. SpecialTopic Science Fiction
and Literary Studies: The Next Millennium. Issue on Science Fiction. Vol.
119, No. 3, May, Pp. 482-499.
2003 "Evolving
Cultural Things-That-Think." RTFComputational Synthesis: From Basic Building Blocks to High Level Functionality.
Papers from the 2003 AAAI Spring Symposium, Technical Report SS-03-02.
Menlo Park, AAAI Press. Pp. 75-81.
2002 "Computer
Models of Cultural Evolution." HTM PDF In Evolution
in the Computer Age - Proceedings of the Center for the Study of Evolution
and the Origin of Life, edited by David B. and Gary B. Fogel. Jones and
Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury, Massachusetts (2002).
1998 "Skeuomorphs
and Cultural Algorithms." HTM Evolutionary
Programming VII, Proceedings Of The Seventh International Conference On Evolutionary
Programming. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. Pp. 229-238.
1997 "We Have
Always Been Postmodern - Five Books on Anthropology and Science."HTMAnthropology UCLA, volume 22, 1996-1997,
pages 44-65..
1997 "Book Review:
'Growing Artificial Societies' by Joshua Epstein and Robert Axtell, MIT Press,
Cambridge 1996."HTMArtificial Life
3:3: 237-242.
1996 "Cyberculture."HTM With Dwight W. Read. Encyclopedia Of Cultural
Anthropology. Edited by David Levinson and Melvin Ember. Henry Hold &
Company, New Haven. Volume 1, pages 306-308.
1995 "Ethnography
of Artificial Culture: Specifications, Prospects, and Constraints." HTMEvolutionary Programming IV, Proceedings Of The Fourth Annual Conference
On Evolutionary Programming. John R. McDonnell, Robert Reynolds and David
Fogel, eds. A Bradford Book, MIT Press, Cambridge. Pages 319-331.
1994 "Artificial
Culture."HTMArtificial Life IV,
Proceedings Of The Fourth International Workshop On The Synthesis And Simulation
Of Living Systems. Rodney Brooks and Pattie Maes, eds. MIT Press, Cambridge,
1989 "The Sciences
of Man."HTMThe Outer Shores: Based
On The Proceedings Of The Queen Charlotte Islands First International Scientific
Symposium, University Of British Columbia, August 1984. Geoffrey G.E.
Scudder and Nicholas Gessler, eds. Queen Charlotte Islands Museum Press, British
Columbia, 195-198.