Videos & Documentaries

The Genius of Karl Sims and Danny Hillis:

Karl Sims

Evolved Virtual Creatures 1994

Karl Sims
a compilation of simulations

  • Panspermia 1990
  • Primordial Dance 1991
  • Liquid Selves 1992
  • Particle Dreams 1988
  • Burning Logo 1988
  • Leonardo's Deluge 1989
  • Inner View 1989

Danny Hillis

founder of
Thinking Machines Corporation


Danny Hillis

creator of
The Connection Machine


Artificial Life - VPRO Amsterdam (29 March 1995) 90 minutes:
Interviews with eight leading researchers in Artificial Life.

Rodney Brooks
Doyne Farmer
John Holland
Stuart Kauffman
Chris Langton
Tom Ray
Karl Sims
Luc Steels

Nightline: Brave New World - Ted Koppel (5 August 1999):

Danny Hillis

Spies: Codebreaking:
Origins of modern computing from efforts to break the German Enigma code at Bletchley Park. Alan Turing and the Universal Turing Machine. Archival film footage of dynamic situation maps in Germany, the UK, and USA.


Lost at Sea: The Search for Longitude.60 minutes.
Origins of the ship's chronometer and the cultural context of efforts to determine accurate longitudes at sea.



Marvin Minsky, Nara, Japan (15 May 1996) 11 minutes:
Beginning of his keynote address before the Fifth International Conference on Artificial Life.
Cut after "don't look for knowledge; there is none..."

Microsoft NBC - Artificial Life