Tales of Troy: Homer's Iliad and Odyssey

What is the difference between the story of the siege and Fall of Troy, and the story of Homer's Iliad?

Who was Homer? Why do we think of Homer's Iliad as the beginning of the western literary tradition? What is different about Homer's way of telling a tale and the Epic of Gilgamesh?

Some Questions of Belief

Images relating to Homer's Iliad and the story of Troy

Ajax and Achilles playing a game of dice, with Athena standing in between. Black figure vase of ca. 520-515 B.C.

Judgement of Paris. Red figure vase of ca. 485 B.C.

Alexander (Paris) abducting Helen, with Eros in between. Red figure vase of the early fifth century B.C.

Agamemnon takes away Briseis, the woman of Achilles. Red figure vase of ca. 480 B.C.

Departure of Hektor for the battle, with Priam and Hecube to the side. Red figure vase of ca. 450 B.C.

Funeral Games for Patroclus. Black figure vase of ca. 565 B.C.

Achilles and Hektor fight over the body of Troilos. Black figure vase of ca. 550 B.C.

Priam begs for the body of Hektor from Achilles. Red figure vase of ca. 510 B.C.

The Trojan Horse. Relief-decorated Amphora from Mykonos of ca. 670 B.C.

Images relating to Homer's Odyssey and the travels of Odysseus

(more to come)

Blinding of Polyphemus. Amphora from Eleusis of ca. 670 B.C.

Odysseus escapes the cave of the cyclops Polyphemus. Black figure vase of ca. 590 B.C.

Key Terms relating to Homer's Iliad

Key Terms relating to Homer's Odyssey