Jim Hench
Duke University Marine Laboratory
Nicholas School of the Environment
135 Duke Marine Lab Road
Beaufort, NC 28516 USA

Email: jim.hench(@)duke.edu

Research in the Hench Lab focuses on fluid dynamics in the coastal ocean and its effects on transport processes. We use field measurements, computational models, and theoretical analyses to understand fundamental physical processes in these systems. We also work extensively on interdisciplinary problems that have a significant physical component to better understand the effects of water motion on the geochemistry, biology, and ecology of shallow marine systems.

Much of our research is on coral reef hydrodynamics and our lab leads the Physical Oceanographic component of the Moorea Coral Reef LTER project

Current projects include: 1) wave-driven circulation and exchange in coral reef, lagoon, and pass systems; 2) extreme events and their effects on coral reef systems; 3) understanding the effects of rough bottoms such as corals on circulation and scalar mixing; 4) the impact of stratification on vertical mixing in stratified wind-driven estuaries and lagoons; 5) larval transport around a coral reef island; and 6) sponge excurrents.

Prospective students: We are looking for new PhD students interested in ocean sciences or environmental fluid mechanics to join the lab in Fall 2024. Students with a background in engineering, applied math, physics, and environmental science are particularly encouraged to apply. Applications for entry to our program are due in December 2023. Please email Jim Hench for further information about current projects, funding, and our program. Application information can be found at this link.

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