The Rausher Lab Evolutionary Genetics and Molecular Evolution

2022     Gao, Z., Y. Liang, Y. Wang, X. Yang, J. Chen, M. D. Rausher, and T Shi.. Expression inheritance              and constraints on cis- and trans-regulatory mutations underlying lotus color divergence.              Plant Physiology (in press).

            Nasar, S., K. Ostevik, G. Murtaza, and M. D. Rausher.  Morphological and molecular              characterization of variation in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) germplasm from              Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan.  PLOS One 17: e0265817.  [Download PDF File]

            Yi, H., J. Wang, J. Wang, M. Rausher and M. Kang.  Genomic insights intointer-and intraspecific              mating system shifts in Primulina.  Molecular Ecology (in press).

            I. T. Liao, A. H. Fulford, K. L. Ostevik, and M. D. Rausher.  Crossability and genetic             characterization of a North American representative of Ipomoea grandifolia             (Convolvulaceae), a member of Ipomoea series Batatas.  Systematic Botany 147: 817-             831.

           García, Y., K. L. Ostevik, J. Anderson, M. D. Rausher, and A. L. Parachnowitsch.  Floral scent             divergence across an elevational hybrid zone with varying pollinators.  Oecologia (in             press).

 2021    Lin, Rong-Chien and M. D. Rausher.  Ancient gene duplications, rather than polyploidization,             facilitate diversification of petal pigmentation patterns in Clarkia gracilis (Onagraceae).             Molecular Biology and Evolution 38: 5528–5538. [Download PDF File]

          Liao, I. T.,  J. L. Rifkin, G. Cao, and M. D. Rausher.  Modularity and selection of nectar                  traits in the evolution of the selfing syndrome in Ipomoea lacunosa (Convolvulaceae).             New Phytologist  233: 1505-1519.  [Download PDF File]

            Lin, Rong-Chien and M. D. Rausher.  R2R3-Myb genes control petal pigmentation patterning

                    in Clarkia gracilis ssp. Sonomensis (Onagraceae).  New Phytologist 229: 1147-1162.

                    [Download PDF File]

            Canavar, O. and M. D. Rausher.  Molecular analysis of structural genes involved in

                     flavonoid biosynthesis in natural colored cotton.  Crop Science 61: 1117-1126.

                     [Download PDF File]

            Rifkin, J. L., G. Cao, and M. D. Rausher.  Genetic architecture of divergence: the selfing

                     syndrome in Ipomoea lacunosa. American Journal of Botany (in press).  

                     [Download preprint PDF]

  Canavar, O. and M. D. Rausher. Differences of flavonoid structural genes preferentially expressed

           in brown and green naturally colored cotton.  Turkish J. Agriculture and Forestry (in press)

            Ostevik, K. L., J. L. Rifkin, H. Xia, and M. D. Rausher.  Morning glory species co-occurrance

                     is associated with asymmetrically decreased and cascading reproductive isolation.

                     Evolution Letters 5: 75-85.  [Download PDF File]

2020      Ohsaki, N., Ohata, M., Sato, Y., and M. D. Rausher.  Host-plant choices determined by

                   reproductive interference between closely related butterflies.  American Naturalist

       196: 512-523. [Download PDF File]

            Feng, C., Wang, J., Wu, L., Kong, H., Yang, L., Feng, C., Wang, K., Rausher, M. And

M. Kang.   The genome of a cave plant, Primulina huaijiensis, provides insights into adaptation to limestone karst habitats.  New Phytologist 227: 1249-1263.

[Download PDF File]  

Duncan, T. M., and M. D. Rausher.  Selection favors loss of floral pigmentation in a highly selfing

        morning glory.  Plos One 15(4): e0231263. [Download PDF File]

2019      Muñoz-Rodríguez, P., Carruthers, T., Wood, J. R. I., Williams, B. R. M., Weitemier, K.,

                   Kronmiller, B., Goodwin, Z., Sumadijaya, A., Anglin, N. L., Filer, D., Harris, D.,

Rausher, M. D., Kelly, S., Liston, A., and R. W. Scotland.  A taxonomic monograph of

Ipomoea integrated across phylogenetic scales . Nature Plants  5: 1136–1144.

[Download PDF File]  

            Wessinger, C. A., M. D. Rausher, and L. C. Hileman. Adaptation to hummingbird pollination is

                   associated with reduced diversification in Penstemon.  Evolution Letters 3: 521-533.

                   [Download PDF File]

  Rifkin, J. L., I. T. Liao, A. S. Castillo and M. D. Rausher.  Multiple aspects of the selfing

         syndrome of the morning glory Ipomoea lacunosa evolved in response to selection:

         A Qst-Fst comparison.  Ecology and Evolution 9: 7712-7725. [Download PDF File]  

  Rifkin, J. L., A. S. Castillo, I. T. Liao and M. D. Rausher.  Gene flow, divergent selection and

                  resistance to introgression in two species of morning glories (Ipomoea).  Molecular

                  Ecology 28: 1709-1729.[Download PDF File]

 2018    Feng, C., C. Feng, M. Kang, and M. D. Rausher.  Genetic architecture of quantitative flower

                  and leaf traits in a pair of sympatric sister species of Primula.  Heredity 122: 864-876.

                  [Download PDF File]

            Wessinger, C., J. Kelly, J. Peng, M. Rausher, and L. Hileman.  SNP-skimming: A fast approach

                  to map loci generating quantitative variation in natural populations.  Molecular

                  Ecology Resources 2018: 1-13. [Download PDF File]

  Munoz-Rodriguez, P., T. Carruthers, J. R. I. Wood, B. R. M. Williams, K. Weitmier, B. Kronmiller,

        D. Ellis, N. L. Anglin, L. Longway, S. A. Harris, M. D. Rauhser, S. Kelly, A. Liston, and R. W.

        Scotland.  Reconciling conflicting nuclear and chloropolast phylogenies in the origin of

        sweet potato and evidence of dispersal to Polynesia.  Current Biology 28: 1246-1256.

        [Download PDF File]

2017     Rausher, M. D.  2017. Selfing, local mate competition, and reinforcement.  American

                 Naturalist 189: 87-104. [Download PDF File]

2016     Wise, M. J., and M. D. Rausher.  2016.  Costs of resistance and correlational selection in the multi-herbivore community of Solanum carolinense.  Evolution 70: 2411-2420.  

                 [Download PDF File]

Martins, T. R., P. Jiang, and M. D. Rausher.  2016.  How petals change their spots: cis-

     regulatory re-wiring in Clarkia (Onagraceae).  New Phytologist 216: 510-518.

     [Download PDF File]

Chappell, T. M., and M. D. Rausher.  2016.  Evolution of host range in Coleosporium

                   ipomoeae, a plant pathogen with multiple hosts.  PNAS 113: 5346-5351.

         [Download PDF File]

           Wessinger, C. A., C. C. Freeman, M. E. Mort, M. D. Rausher, and L. C. Hileman.  2016.  

                   Multiplexed shotgun genotyping resolves species relationships within North American

                   genus Penstemon.  American Journal of Botany 103: 912-922 [Download PDF File]

2015    Rausher, M. D., and J. Huang.  2015.  Prolonged adaptive evolution of a defensive gene in

                   the Solanaceae.  Molecular Biology and Evolution 32: 347-374 [Download PDF File]

 Rausher, M. D., And L. F. Delph.  2015.  Commentary: When does understanding phenotpyic

                   evolution require identification of underlying genes?  Evolution 69: 1655-1664.

                   [Download PDF File]

 Wessinger, C. A. And M. D. Rausher.  2015.  Ecological transition predictably associated

                   with gene degeneration.  Molecular Biology and Evolution 32: 347-354

                   [Download PDF File]

2014    Hopkins, R., R. F. Guerrero, M. D. Rausher, and M. Kirkpatrick.  2014.  Strong reinforcing

                   selection in a Texas Wildflower.  Current Biology 24: 1995-1999.  [Download PDF File]

 Wessinger, C. A., L. C. Hileman, and M. D. Rausher.  2014.  Identification of major QTLs

                   underlying floral pollination syndrome divergence in Penstemon.  Philosophical

                   Transactions of the Royal Society. B. 369: 20130349 [Download PDF File].

           Hopkins, R., and M. D. Rausher.  2014.  The cost of reinforcement: selection on flower color

                   in allopatric populations of Phlox drummondii.  The American Naturalist 183: 693-710.

                   [Download PDF File]

           Wessinger, c. A., and M. D. Rausher.  2014. Predictability and irreversibility of genetic changes

                    associated with flower color evolution in Penstemon barbatus.  Evolution 68: 1058-1070.

                    [Download PDF File]

2013    Duncan, T. M., and M. D. Rausher.  2013.  Morphological and genetic differentiation and

                   reproductive isolation among closely related taxa in the Ipomoea series Batatas.

                   American Journal of Botany 100: 2183-2193.  [Download PDF File]

        Duncan, T. M., and M. D. Rausher.  2013.  Evolution of the selfing syndrome in Ipomoea.

                    Frontiers in Plant Science: Plant Evolution and Development.  Doi:    10.3389/fpls.2013.00301

 Wise, M. J., and M. D. Rausher.  2013.  Evolution of resistrance to a multiple-herbivore

Community: genetic correlations, diffuse coevolution, and constraints on the plant’s

Response to selection.  Evolution 67: 1767-1779.  [Download PDF File]     

        Smith, S. D., S. Wang, and M. D. Rausher.  2013.  Functional evolution of an anthocyanin

pathway enzyme during a flower color transition.  Molecular Biology and Evolution

30: 602-612.  [Download PDF File]  

Martins, T. R., Berg, J. J., Blinka, S., Rausher, M. D., and Baum, D. A.  2013.  Precise spatio-           temporal regulation of the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway leads to petal spot formation           in Clarkia gracilis (Onagraceae).  New Phytologist 197: 958-969.  [Download PDF File]

          Olson-Manning, c. F., C.-R. Lee, M. D. Rausher and T. Mitchell-Olds.  2013.  Evolution of flux

control in the glucosinolate pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana.  Molecular Biology and

Evolution 30: 14-23. [Download PDF File]

          Rausher, M. D. 2012.  The evolution of genes in branched metabolic pathways.  

Evolution 67: 34-48. [Download PDF File].          

2012   Wessinger, C. A. and M. D. Rausher.  2012.  Lessons from flower color evolution on targets of

          selection.  Journal of Experimental Botany (Flowering Newsletter) 63 5741-5749.

          [Download PDF File]

 Hopkins, R., and M. D. Rausher.  2012. Pollinator-mediated selection on flower color allele drives         reinforcement.  Science 335: 1090-1092. [Download PDF File]

2011    Hopkins, R., D. A. Levin, and M. D. Rausher.  2011.  Molecular signatures of selection on reproductive character  displacement of flower color in Phlox drummondii.  Evolution 66: 469–485.  [Download PDF file]

          Chappell, T. M and M. D. Rausher.  2011.  Genetics of resistance to the rust fungus Coleosporium ipomoeae in three species of morning glory (Ipomoea).  Plos One 6: e28875  [Download PDF file]         

          Johnson, M. T. J., R. G. FitzJohn, S. D. Smith, M. D. Rausher, and S. P. Otto. 2011.  Loss of sexual recombination and segregation is associated with increased diversification in evening primroses.  Evolution 65: 3230-3240. [Download PDF file]   

          Smith, S. D., and M. D. Rausher.  2011.  Gene loss and parallel evolution contribute to species difference in flower color.  Mol. Biol. Evol. 28: 2799–2810 .   [Download PDF file

          Baucom, R. S., S-M. Chang, J. M. Kniskern, M. D. Rausher, and J. R. Stinchcombe.  2011.  Morning glory as a powerful model in ecological genomics: tracing adaptation through both natural and artificial selection. Heredity 2011: 1-9 [Download PDF file]

          Streisfeld, M. A., D. Liu, and M. D. Rausher.  2011.  Differential constraint and predictable patterns of  evolutionary rate variation among anthocyanin-regulating transcription factors.  New Phytologist 191: 264-274 [Download PDF file].

          Hopkins, R., and M. D. Rausher.  2011.  Identification of two genes causing reinforcement in the Texas wildflower Phlox drummondii.  Nature 469: 411-415. [Download PDF file]  

          Streisfeld, M. A., and M. D. Rausher.  2011. Population genetics, pleiotropy, and the preferential fixation of mutations during adaptive evolution. Evolution 65: 629-642.   [Download PDF file].  

2010   Smith, S. D., R. E. Miller, S. P. Otto, R. G. FitzJohn, and M. D. Rausher.  2010.  The Effects of Flower Color Transitions on Diversification Rates in Morning Glories (Ipomoea subg. Quamoclit, Convolvulaceae).  Pp. 186-210 in Darwin's Heritage Today: Proceedings of the Darwin 2000 Beijing International Conference.  M. Long, H. Gu, and Z. Zhou, eds.  Higher Education Press, Beijing, China. [Download PDF file]. 

          Majetic, C. J., M. D. Rausher, and R. A. Raguso.  2010.  The pigment-scent connection: do mutations in regulatory vs. structural genes differentially alter floral scent production in Ipomoea purpurea?  South African Journal of Botany 76: 632-642.   [Download PDF file].

          Des Marais, D. L., and M. D. Rausher.  2010.  Parallel evolution at multiple levels in the origin of hummingbird pollinated flowers in Ipomoea.  Evolution 64: 2044-2054.     [Download PDF file

          Johnson, M. T. J.,  S. D. Smith, and M. D. Rausher.  2010.  The effects of plant sex on range distribution and allocation to reproduction.  New Phytologist 186: 769-779. [Download PDF file]   

          Wright, K. M., and M. D. Rausher. 2010. The evolution of control and distribution of adaptive mutations in a metabolic pathway.  Genetics 184: 483-502.  [Download PDF file]  

2009   Streisfeld, M. A., and M. D. Rausher.  2009.  Genetic changes contributing to the repeated evolution of red floral pigmentation in Ipomoea.  New Phytologist 183: 751-763.   [Download PDF file

          Johnson, M. T. J.,  S. D. Smith, and M. D. Rausher.  2009.  Plant sex and the evolution of plant defenses against herbivores.  PNAS 106: 1079-1084.  Download PDF file

          Streisfeld, M. A., and M. D. Rausher.  2009.  Altered trans-regulatory control of gene expression in multiple anthocyanin genes contributes to adaptive flower color evolution in Mimulus aurantiacus.  Mol. Biol. Evol. 26: 433-444. [Download PDF file]

2008   Smith, R. A., and M. D. Rausher.  2008.  Selection for character displacement is constrained by the genetic architecture of floral traits in the ivyleaf morning glory. Evolution [Download PDF file].  

          Des Marais, D. L., and M. D. Rausher.  2008.  Escape from adaptive conflict after duplication in an anthocyanin pathway gene. Nature 454: 762-765. [Download PDF file]

          Coberly, L. C., and M. D. Rausher.  2008.  Pleiotropic effects of an allele producing white flowers in Ipomoea purpurea. Evolution 62: 1076-1085.  [Download PDF file]

          Rausher, M. D., Y. Lu, and K. Meyer.  2008.  Variation in constraint vs. positive selection as an explanation for evolutionary rate variation among anthocyanin genes.  Journal of Molecular Evolution 67: 137-144 [Download PDF file].

          Bright, K. L., and M. D. Rausher 2008.  Natural selection on a leaf-shape polymorphism in the ivyleaf morning glory (Ipomoea hederacea).  Evolution 62: 1978-1990 [Download PDF file].

          Lau, J. A., R. E. Miller, and M. D. Rausher.  2008.  Selection through male function favors smaller floral display size in the common morning glory, Ipomoea purpurea (Convolvulaceae).  American Naturalist 172: 63-74.  [Download PDF file]

          Smith, R. A., and M. D. Rausher.  2008.  Experimental evidence that selection favors character displacement in the ivyleaf morning glory.  American Naturalist 171: 1-9. [Download PDF file]  

          Rausher, M. D.  2008.  Evolutionary transitions in floral color.  Int. J. Plant Sci. 169: 7-21.   [Download PDF file

 2007  Streisfeld, M. A., and M. D. Rausher.  2007.  Relaxed constraint and evolutionary rate variation between the basic helix-loop-helic (bHLH) floral anthocyanin regulators in Ipomoea.  Mol. Biol. Evol. 24: 2816-2826.   [Download PDF file

          Rausher, M. D.  2007.  Comment on "Evolutionary paths underlying flower color variation in Antirrhinum".  Science 315: 461a. [Download PDF file]

          Vallejo-Marin, M., and M. D. Rausher.  2007.  Selection through female fitness helps to explain the maintenance of male flowers.  American Naturalist 169: 563-568.  [Download PDF file]

          Vallejo-Marin, M., and M. D. Rausher.  2007.  The role of male flowers in andromonoecious species: energetic costs and siring success in Solanum carolinense.  Evolution 61: 404-412.  [Download PDF file]

          Kniskern, J. M., and M. D. Rausher.  2007.  Natural selection on a polymorphic disease-resistance locus in  Ipomoea purpurea.  Evolution 61: 377-387.  [Download PDF file]

          Smith, R. A., and M. D. Rausher.  2007.  Close clustering of anthers and stigma in Ipomoea hederacea enhances prezygotic isolation from I. purpurea.  New Phytologist 173: 641-647.  [Download PDF file].

2006   Kniskern, J. M., and M. D. Rausher.  2006.  Major-gene resistance to the rust pathogen Coleosporium  ipomoeae is common in natural populations of Ipomoea purpurea.  New Phytologist 171: 137-144.  [Download PDF file] 

          Kniskern, J. M., and M. D. Rausher.  2006.  Environmental variation mediates the deleterious effects of Coleosporium ipomoeae on its host, Ipomoea purpurea.  Ecology 87: 675-685. [Download PDF file]

          Rausher, M. D.  2006.  The evolution of flavonoids and their genes.  in  Grotewold, E. (ed.), The Science of Flavonoids.  Springer.

2005   Chang, S.-M., Lu, Y., and M. D. Rausher.  2005.  Neutral evolution of the nonbinding region of the anthocyanin regulatory gene Ipmyb1 in Ipomoea.  Genetics 170: 1967-1978.  [Download PDF file]

2004   Rutter, M. T., and M. D. Rausher.  2004.  Natural selection on extrafloral nectar production in Chamaecrista fasciculata: the costs and benefits of a mutualism trait.  Evolution 58: 2657-2668.  [Download PDF file]

          Fornoni, J., J. Nunez-Farfan, P. L. Valverde, and M. D. Rausher.  2004.  Evolution of mixed strategies of plant defense allocation against natural enemies.  Evolution 58: 1685-1695.  [Download PDF file]

          Mendelson, T. C., B. D. Inouye, and M. D. Rausher.  2004.  Quantifying patterns in the evolution of reproductive isolation.  Evolution 58: 1424-1433.  [Download PDF file]

          Fehr, C. A., and M. D. Rausher.  2004.  Effect of variation at the flower-colour A locus on mating system parameters in Ipomoea purpurea.  Molecular Ecology 13: 1839-1847.  [Download PDF file]

          Zufall, R. A., and M. D. Rausher.  2004. Genetic changes associated with floral adaptation restrict future evolutionary potential.  Nature  428: 847-850.  [Download PDF file]

2003   Zufall, R. A., and M. D. Rausher.  2003.  The genetic basis of a flower-color polymorphism in the common morning glory, Ipomoea purpurea.  Journal of Heredity 94: 442-448. [Download PDF file]  

          Lu, Yingqing, and M. D. Rausher.  2003.  Evolutionary rate variation in anthocyanin pathway genes.  Molecular Biology and Evolution 20: 1844-1853.  [Download PDF file]  

          Coberly, L. C., and M. D. Rausher.  2003.  Analysis of a chalcone synthase mutant in Ipomoea purpurea reveals a novel function for flavonoids: amelioration of heat stress.  Molecular Ecology 12: 1113-1124.   [Download PDF file]

2002    Stinchcombe, J. R., and M. D. Rausher.  2002.  Evolution of tolerance to deer herbivory: modification caused by the abundance of insect herbivores.  Proceedings of the Royal Society of London (Biological Sciences) 269: 1241-1246. [Download PDF file]  

          Stinchcombe, J. R., M. T. Rutter, d. S. Burdick, P. Tiffin, M. D. Rausher, and R. Mauricio.  2002.  Testing for environmentally induced bias in phenotypic estimates of natural selection: theory and practice. The American Naturalist 160: 511-523 [Download PDF file] .  (For commentary, see Loeske et al. 2003.  Trends in Ecology and Evolution 18: 207-209).

          Hahn, M. W., M. D. Rausher, and C. W. Cunningham.  2002.  Distinguishing between selection and population expansion in an experimental lineage of Bacteriophage T7.  Genetics 161: 11-20.  [Download PDF file]

          Underwood, N., and M. D. Rausher.  2002.  The role of cystein proteinase inhibitors in induced and constitutive resistance to Mexican bean beetles in soybeans.  Oecologia 131: 211-219.  [Download PDF file]

          Underwood, N., and M. D. Rausher.  2002.  Comparing the consequences of induced and constitutive plant resistance for herbivore population dynamics.  The American Naturalist 160: 20-30.  [Download PDF file].

2001    Stinchcombe, J. R., and M. D. Rausher.  2001.  Diffuse selection on resistance to deer herbivory in the ivyleaf morning glory, Ipomoea hederacea.  The American Naturalist 158: 376-388. [Download PDF file]

          Rausher, M. D.  2001.  Coevolution and plant resistance to natural enemies.  Nature 411: 857-864.  [Download PDF file]

          Kniskern, J., and M. D. Rausher.  2001.  Two modes of host-enemy coevolution.  Population Ecology 43: 3-14. [Download PDF file]

          Paulsen, S., and M. D. Rausher.  2001.  Floral color polymorphism in Ipomoea purpurea:  biased inheritance of the dark allele is not a general explanation for its maintenance.  Journal of Heredity 96: 491-495. [Download PDF file]

2000    Underwood, N. and M. D. Rausher.  2000.  The effects of host-plant genotype on herbivore population dynamics.  Ecology 81: 1565-1576. [Download PDF file]

          Subramaniam, B. and M. D. Rausher.  2000. Balancing selection on a floral polymorphism.  Evolution 54: 691-695. [Download PDF file]

1999    Chang, S-M. and M. D. Rausher.  1999.  The role of inbreeding depression in maintaining the mixed mating system of the common morning glory, Ipomoea purpurea.  Evolution 53: 1366-1376. [Download PDF file]

          Tiffin, P. and M. D. Rausher.  1999.  Genetic constraints and selection acting on tolerance to herbivory in the common morning glory, Ipomoea purpurea.  American Naturalist 154: 700-716.  [Download PDF file]

          Rausher, M. D. and S.-M. Chang.  1999.  Stabilization of mixed-mating systems by differences in the magnitude of inbreeding depression for male and female fitness components.  American Naturalist 155: 242-248.[Download PDF file]

          Miller, R. E., M. D. Rausher, and P. S. Manos.  1999.  Phylogenetic systematics of Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae) based on ITS and waxy sequences.  Systematic Botany 24: 209-227. [Download PDF file]

          Rausher, M. D., R. E. Miller and P. Tiffin.  1999.  Patterns of evolutionary rate variation among genes of the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway.  Molecular Biology and Evolution 16: 266-274.  [Download PDF file]

1998    Tiffin, P., R. E. Miller and M. D. Rausher.  1998.  Control of expression patterns of anthocyanin structural genes by two loci in the common morning glory.  Genes and Genetic Systems 73: 105-110.[Download PDF file]

          Chang, S-M. and M. D. Rausher.  1998.  Frequency-dependent pollen discounting contributes to maintenance of a mixed mating system in the common morning glory Ipomoea purpurea.  American Naturalist 152: 671-683. [Download PDF file]

1997    Fry, J. D. and M. D. Rausher.  1997.  Selection on a floral color polymorphism in the tall morning glory (Ipomoea purpurea L.):Transmission success of the alleles through pollen.  Evolution 51: 66-78. [Download PDF file]

          Mojonnier, L. and M. D. Rausher.  1997.  Selection on a floral color polymorphism in the common orning glory (Ipomoea purpurea): The effects of overdominance in seed size.  Evolution 51: 608-614. [Download PDF file]

          Fineblum, W. L. and M. D. Rausher.  1997.  Do genes influencing floral pigmentation also influence resistance to herbivores and pathogens?  The W locus in Ipomoea purpurea.  Ecology 78: 1646-1654. [Download PDF file]

          Mauricio, R., M. D. Rausher and D. S. Burdick.  1997.  Variation in the defense strategies of plants: are resistance and tolerance mutually exclusive?  Ecology 78: 1301-1311. [Download PDF file]

          Mauricio, R. and M. D. Rausher.  1997.  Experimental manipulation of putative selective agents provides evidence for the role of natural enemies in the evolution of plant defenses.  Evolution 51: 1435-1444. [Download PDF file]

          Iwao, K. and M. D. Rausher.  1997.  Evolution of plant resistance to multiple herbivores:  quantifying diffuse coevolution.  American Naturalist 149: 316-355. [Download PDF file]

1996   Brandon, R. N. and M. D. Rausher.  1996.  Testing adaptationism: a comment on Orzack and Sober.  American Naturalist 148: 189-201.  [Download PDF file]

          Rausher, M. D.  1996.  Genetic analysis of coevolution between plants and their natural enemies.  Trends in Genetics 12: 212-217. [Download PDF file]

1995   Rausher, M. D.  1995.  Behavioral ecology of oviposition in the pipevine swallowtail, Battus philenor.  pp. 53-62 in J. M. Scriber, Y. Tsubaki, and R. C. Lederhouse (eds.). Ecology and Evolutionary Biology of the Papilionidae.  Scientific Publishers, Washington.

          Pilson, D. and M. D. Rausher.  1995.  Clumped distribution patterns in goldenrod aphids: genetic  and ecological mechanisms.  Ecol. Entom. 20: 75-83. [Download PDF file]

          Fineblum, W. L. and M. D. Rausher.  1995.  Tradeoff between resistance and tolerance to herbivore damage in a morning glory.  Nature 377: 517-520.  [Download PDF file]

1994   Hougen-Eitzman, D. and M. D. Rausher.  1994.  Interactions between herbivorous insects and plant- insect coevolution.  American Naturalist 143: 677-697.  [Download PDF file]

1993   Rausher, M. D., D. Augustine and A. Vanderkooi.  1993.  Absence of pollen discounting in genotypes of Ipomoea purpurea exhibiting increased selfing.  Evolution 47: 1688-1695. [Download PDF file]

          Simms, E. L. and M. D. Rausher.  1993.  Patterns of selection on phytophage resistance in Ipomoea purpurea.  Evolution 47: 970-976.  [Download PDF file]

          Rausher, M. D. and J. D. Fry.  1993.  Effects of a locus affecting floral pigmentation in Ipomoea purpurea on female fitness components.  Genetics 134: 1237-1247.  [Download PDF file]

          Rausher, M. D., K. Iwao, E. L. Simms, N. Ohsaki and D. Hall.  1993.  Induction and the cost of resistance in Ipomoea purpurea.  Ecology 74: 20-29. [Download PDF file]

          Rausher, M. D.  1993.  The evolution of habitat preference: avoidance and adaptation. pp. 259-283 in K.C. Kim and B. A. McPheron (eds.).  Evolution of Insect Pests: The Pattern of Variations.  John Wiley, New York, NY.

1992   Rausher, M. D.  1992.  The measurement of selection on quantitative traits: biases due to environmental covariances between traits and fitness.  Evolution 46: 616-626. [Download PDF file]

          Simms, E. L. and M. D. Rausher.  1992.  Quantitative Genetics.  pp. 42-68 in R.S. Fritz and E.L. Simms (eds.).  Ecology and Evolution of Plant Resistance, Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.

          Rausher, M. D.  1992.  Natural selection and the evolution of plant-insect interactions.  pp. 20-88 in B.D. Roitberg and M.B. Isman (eds.).  Evolutionary Perspectives in Insect Chemical Ecology, Routledge, Chapman and Hall, New York, NY.

1991   Turchin, P., F. J. Odendaal, and M. D. Rausher.  1991.  Quantifying insect movement in the field. Environ. Entomol. 20: 955-963. [Download PDF file]

1990   Odendaal, F. J. and M. D. Rausher.  1990.  Eggload influences search intensity, host selectivity, and clutch size in Battus philenor butterflies.  J. Insect Behavior 3: 183-193.  [Download PDF file]

1989   Edelstein-Keshet, L. and M. D. Rausher.  1989.  The effects of inducible defenses on herbivore populations. I. Mobile, non-selective herbivores in continuous time.  American Naturalist 133: 787-810.[Download PDF file]

          Rausher, M. D. and E. L. Simms.  1989.  The evolution of resistance to herbivory in Ipomoea  purpurea. I. Attempts to detect selection.  Evolution 43: 563-572. [Download PDF file]

          Simms, E. L. and M. D. Rausher.  1989.  The evolution of resistance to herbivory in Ipomoea  purpurea. II. Natural selection by insects and costs of resistance. Evolution 43: 573-585. [Download PDF file]

          Pilson, D. and M. D. Rausher.  1989.  In response to Tatar.  Oikos 55: 136-137. [Download PDF file]

1988   Rausher, M. D.  1988.  Is coevolution dead?  Ecology 64: 898-901.  [Download PDF file]

          Pilson, D., and M. D. Rausher.  1988.  Clutch size adjustment by a swallowtail butterfly. Nature 333: 361-363.  [Download PDF file]

1987   Papaj, D. R. and M. D. Rausher.  1987.  Genetic differences and phenotypic plasticity as causes of variation in oviposition preference in Battus philenor.  Oecologia 74: 24-30. [Download PDF file]

          Odendaal, F. J., M. D. Rausher, B. Benrey, and J. Nunez-Farfan.  1987. Predation by Anolis lizards on Battus philenor raises questions about butterfly mimicry systems.  J. Lepid. Soc. 41: 141-144.

          Simms, E. L. and M. D. Rausher.  1987.  Costs and benefits of the evolution of plant defense against herbivory.  American Naturalist 130: 570-581.[Download PDF file]

          Rausher, M. D. and F. J. Odendaal.  1987.  Switching and the pattern of host use by Battus philenor butterflies.  Ecology 68: 869-877.  [Download PDF file]

          Papaj, D. R. and M. D. Rausher.  1987.  Components of conspecific host-discrimination behavior in the butterfly, Battus philenor.  Ecology 68: 245-253.  [Download PDF file]

          Rausher, M. D. and R. Englander.  1987.  The evolution of habitat preference. II. Evolutionary genetic stability under soft selection.  Theor. Population Biology 31: 116-139. [Download PDF file]  

1986   Rausher, M. D.  1986.  Competition, frequency-dependent selection and diapause in Battus philenor butterflies.  Florida Entomologist 69: 63-78. [Download PDF file]

1985   Rausher, M. D.  1985.  Variability for host preference in insect populations: mechanistic and evolutionary models.  J. Insect Physiol. 31: 873-889. [Download PDF file]

          Fowler, N. R. and M. D. Rausher.  1985.  The effects of herbivory, competitors, and their interaction on Aristolochia reticulata.  Ecology 66: 1580-1587.  [Download PDF file]

          Alexander, H. M., J. Antonovics and M. D. Rausher.  1985.  Relationship of phenotypic and genetic variation in Plantago lancealata to disease caused by Fusarium moniliforme var. subglutinans.  Oecologia 65: 89-93. [Download PDF file]

1984   Rausher, M. D.  1984.  Tradeoffs in performance on different hosts: evidence from within- and between-site variation in the beetle Deloyala guttata.  Evolution 38: 582-595.  [Download PDF file]

          Rausher, M D.  1984.  The evolution of habitat selection in subdivided populations.  Evolution 38: 596-608.  [Download PDF file]

1983   Rausher, M. D.  1983.  Conditioning and genetic variation as causes of individual variation in the oviposition behavior of the tortoise beetle Deoyala guttata.  Animal Behaviour 31: 743-747.  [Download PDF file]

          Rausher, M. D.  1983.  Alteration of oviposition behavior by Battus philenor butterflies in response to variation in host plant density.  Ecology 64: 1028-1034. [Download PDF file]

          Rausher, M. D. and D. R. Papaj. 1983.  Demographic consequences of host discrimination by Battus  philenor butterflies.  Ecology 64: 1402-1410.  [Download PDF file]

          Rausher, M. D. and D. R. Papaj.  1983.  Host plant selection by Battus philenor butterflies: evidence for individual differences in foraging behavior.  Animal Behaviour 31: 341-347.  [Download PDF file]

          Rausher, M. D. and M. R. Berenbaum.  1983.  A natural occurrence of inter-tribal copulation in the Papilionidae.  J. Lepid. Soc. 37: 81-82.

          Papaj, D. R. and M. D. Rausher.  1983.  Individual variation in host location by phytophagous insects. pp. 77-124 in S. Ahmad (ed.) Herbivorous Insects: Host Seeking Behavior and Mechanisms, Academic Press, New York, NY.

          Rausher, M. D.  1983.  The ecology of host selection behavior in phytophagous insects.  pp. 223-257 in R. F. Denno and M. S. McClure (eds.) Variable Plants and Herbivores in Natural and Managed Systems.  Academic Press, New York, NY.

1982   Rausher, M. D.  1982.  Population differentiation in Euphydryas editha butterflies: larval adaptation to different hosts.  Evolution 36: 581-590.  [Download PDF file]

          Rausher, M. D., D. A. MacKay and M. C. Singer.  1982.  Pre- and post-alighting host discrimination by Euphydryas editha butterflies: the behavioral mechanisms causing clumped distributions of egg clusters.  Animal Behaviour 29: 1220-1228. [Download PDF file]

1981   Rausher, M. D.  1981.  The effect of native vegetation on the susceptibility of Aristolochia reticulata (Aristolochiaceae) to herbivore attack.  Ecology 62: 1187-1195.  [Download PDF file]

1980   Rausher, M. D.  1980.  Host plant selection by Battus philenor butterflies: the roles of predation, nutrition, and plant chemistry.  Ecological Monographs 51: 1-20. [Download PDF file]

          Rausher, M. D. and P. Feeny.  1980.  Herbivory, plant density and plant reproductive success: the effect of Battus philenor on Aristolochia reticulata.  Ecology 61: 905-917.  [Download PDF file]

          Rausher, M. D.  1980.  Host abundance, juvenile survival, and oviposition preference in Battus philenor. Evolution 34: 342-355.  [Download PDF file]

          Rausher, M. D.  1980.  Larval habitat suitability and oviposition preference in three related butterflies.  Ecology 60: 503-511. [Download PDF file]

1979   Rausher, M. D.  1979.  Egg recognition: its advantage to a butterfly.  Animal Behaviour 27: 1034-1040.  [Download PDF file]

          Rausher, M. D. and N. L. Fowler.  1979.  Intersexual aggression and nectar defense in Chauliognathus distinguendus, Coleoptera: Cantharidae.  Biotropica 11: 96-100.[Download PDF file]

1978   Rausher, M. D.  1978.  Search image for leaf shape in a butterfly.  Science 200: 1071-1073.  [Download PDF file]

II.  Students and Postdocs (in caps) [back to top]

VIA, S..  1984.  The quantitative genetics of polyphagy in an insect herbivore. I. Genotype-environment interaction in larval performance on different host plant species.  Evolution 38: 881-895.

VIA, S.  1984.  The quantitative genetics of polyphagy in an insect herbivore. II.  Genetic correlations  in larval performance within and among host plants.  Evolution 38: 896-

CAMPBELL, D. R.  1985.  Pollen and gene dispersal: the influences of competition for pollination. Evolution 39: 418-431.

CAMPBELL, D. R.  1985.  Pollinator sharing and seed set of Stellaria pubera: competition for pollination. Ecology 66: 544-553.

CAMPBELL, D. R.  and A. F. Motten.  1985.  The mechanisms of competition for pollination between two forest herbs.  Ecology 66: 554-563.

PAPAJ, D. R.  1986.  Shifts in foraging behavior by a Battus philenor population: field evidence for switching by individual butterflies.  Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 19: 31-39.

PAPAJ, D. R.  1986.  Leaf buds: a factor in host selection by Battus philenor butterflies.  Ecological Entomology 11: 301-307.

PAPAJ, D. R.  1986.  Conditioning of leaf-shape discrimination by chemical cues in the butterfly, Battus philenor.  Animal Behaviour 34: 1281-1288.

PAPAJ, D. R.  1986.  Inter-population differences in host preference and the evolution of learning in the butterfly Battus philenor.  Evolution 40: 518-530.

TURCHIN, P.  1986.  Modelling the effect of host patch size on Mexican bean beetle emigration. Ecology 67: 124-132.

TURCHIN, P.  1987.  The effect of host-plant density on the numbers of Mexican bean beetles, Epilachna varivestis.  American Midland Naturalist 119: 15-20.

TURCHIN, P.  1987.  The role of aggregation in the response of Mexican bean beetles to host-plant density.  Oecologia 71: 577-582

SIMMS, E. L.  1988.  Ecological genetics and evolution in insect pests.  American Journal of Alternative Agriculture. 2: 153-159

SIMMS, E. L. and D. S. Burdick.  1988.  The utility of profile analysis of variance in experimental ecology.  Biometrical Journal 30: 229-242.

SIMMS, E. L.  1990.  Examining selection on the multivariate phenotype: plant resistance to herbivores. Evolution 44: 1177-1188..

FRY, J. D.  1992.  The mixed-model analysis of variance applied to quantitative genetics: biological meaning of the parameters.  Evolution 46: 540-550.

PILSON, D.  1992.  Aphid distribution and the evolution of goldenrod resistance.  Evolution 46: 1358-1372.

PILSON, D.  1992.  Relative resistance of goldenrod to aphid attack: changes through the growing season.  Evolution 46: 1230-1236.

PILSON, D.  1992.  Insect distribution patterns and the evolution of host use.  Pp. 120-139 in R. S. Fritz and E. L. Simms (eds.). Plant Resistance to Herbivores and Pathogens.  Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.

FRY, J. D.  1993.  The "general vigor" problem: can antagonistic pleiotropy be detected when genetic covariances are positive?  Evolution 47: 327-333.

SIMMS, E. L. and M. A. BUCHER.  1996.  Pleiotropic effects of flower-color intensity on herbivore performance on Ipomoea purpurea.  Evolution 50: 957-963.

MAURICIO, R. and L. E. MOJONNIER. 1997. Reducing bias in the measurement of selection. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 12: 433-436.

MAURICIO, R. 1998. Costs of resistance to natural enemies in field populations of the annual plant, Arabidopsis thaliana. American Naturalist 151: 20-28.

MOJONNIER, L. E.  1998.  Natural selection on two seed size traits in the common morning glory, Ipomoea purpurea (Convolvulaceae): patterns and evolutionary consequences.  American Naturalist 152: 188-203.

UNDERWOOD, N.C.  1998.  The timing of induced resistance and induced susceptibility in the soybean-Mexican bean beetle system.  Oecologia 114: 376-381.

UNDERWOOD, N.C. 1999. The influence of plant and herbivore characteristics on the interaction between induced resistance and herbivore population dynamics. American Naturalist 153:282-294.

UNDERWOOD, N.C., W. F. Morris, K. Gross, and J. R.  Lockwood.  2000.  Induced resistance to Mexican bean beetles in soybean: variation among genotypes and lack of correlation with constitutive resistance.  Oecologia 122: 83-89.

UNDERWOOD, N.C. 1999.  The interaction between induced plant resistance and herbivore population dynamics. In A. Agrawal, et al. editors, Induced plant defenses against pathogens and herbivores: biochemistry, ecology, and agriculture. American Phytopathological Society Press.

UNDERWOOD, N.C.  2000.  Density dependence in induced plant resistance to herbivore damage: threshold, strength and genetic variation. Oikos 89: 295-300.

TIFFIN, P.  2000.  Are tolerance, avoidance, and antibiosis evolutionarily and ecologically equivalent responses of plants to herbivores?  The American Naturalist 155: 700-716.

TIFFIN, P., and B. D. Inouye.  2000.  Measuring tolerance to herbivory: accuracy and precision of estimates made using natural versus imposed damage.  Evolution 54: 1024-1029.  [Download PDF file]

Manos, P. S., R. E. MILLER, and P. Wilkin.  2001.  Phylogenetic analysis of Ipomoea, Argyreia, Stictocardia, and Turbina suggests a generalized model of morphological evolution in morning glories.  Systematic Botany 26: 585-602.

TIFFIN, P. L., M. Olson and L. C. Moyle.  2001.  Asymmetric crossing barriers in angiosperms. Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 268: 861-867.

Inouye, B. and J.R. STINCHCOMBE. 2001.  Relationships between ecological interaction modifications and diffuse coevolution: similarities, differences, and causal links. Oikos 95: 353-360.

Morris, W. F., P. L. Bloch, B. R. Hudgens, L. C. Moyle and J.R. STINCHCOMBE.  2002.  'Population Viability Analysis in endangered species recovery planning: Past use and recommendations for future improvement.  Ecolgical Applications (in press).

STINCHCOMBE, J. R. 2002. Fitness consequences of cotyledon and mature-leaf damage in the Ivyleaf morning glory. Oecologia 131: 220-226.

STINCHCOMBE, J. R. 2002. Environmental-dependency in the expression of costs of tolerance to deer herbivory. Evolution 56: 1063-1067.

HAHN, M.W. and G.A. Wray.  2002. The G-value paradox.   Evolution and Development 4: 73-75.

TIFFIN, P. and HAHN, M.W..  2002. Coding sequence divergence between two closely related plant species: Arabidopsis thaliana and Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis. Journal of Molecular Evolution 54: 746-753.

Huelsenbeck, J. P., B. Larget, R. E. MILLER, and F. Ronquist. 2002. Potential applications and pitfalls of Bayesian inference of phylogeny.  Systematic Biology 51: 673-688.

MILLER, R. E., T. R. Buckley, and P. S. Manos. 2002. An examination of the monophyly of morning glory taxa using Bayesian phylogenetic inference. Systematic Biology 51: 740-753.

WISE, M. J.  2002.   Nonfruiting hermaphroditic flowers as reserve ovaries in Solanum carolinense.  America Midland Naturalist 148:236-245.

WISE, M. J., and A. M. Weinberg. 2002.  Prior flea beetle herbivory affects oviposition preference and larval performance of a potato beetle on their shared host plant.  Ecological Entomology 27: 115-122.

HAHN, M. W., J. E. Stajich, and G. W. Wray.  2003.  Effects of selection against spurious transcription factor binding sites. Molecular Biology and Evolution 20: 901-906.  

MENDELSON, T.C.  2003.  Sexual isolation evolves faster than hybrid inviability in a diverse and sexually dimorphic genus of fish.  Evolution 57: 317-327.

MENDELSON, T.  2003.  Evidence of intermediate and asymmetrical behavioral isolation between Orangethroat and Orangebelly darters  (Teleostei: Percidae).  American Midland Naturalist 150: 343-347.

HAHN, M. W., and R. Alexander Bentley.  2003.  Drift as a mechanism for cultural change: an example from baby names.  Proc. Royal Soc. (B) 270: S120-S123.

Wray, G. A., M. W. HAHN, E. Abouheif, J. P. Balhoff, M. Pizer, M. V. Rockman, and L. Romano.  2003.  The evolution of transcriptional regulation in eukaryotes.  Molecular Biology and Evolution 20: 1377-1419.

HAHN, M. W., G. Conant, and A. Wagner.  2004.  Molecular evolution in large genetic networks: does connectivity equal constraint?  Journal of Molecular Evolution 58: 203-211.

RUTTER, M. T, and R. A. ZUFALL.  2004.  Pathway length and evolutionary constraint in amino acid biosynthesis  Journal of Molecular Evolution 58: 218-224.

VALLEJO-MARIN, M, and M. K. Uyenoyama.  2004.  On the evolutionary costs of self-incompatibility: incomplete reproductive compensation due to pollen limitation.  Evolution 58: 1924-1935.

Bentley, R. A., M. W. HAHN, and S. J. Shennan. 2004.  Random drift and culture change.  Proc. Royal Soc. (B) 271: 1443-1450.

R. E. MILLER, J. A. McDonald, and P. S. Manos.  2004.  Systematics of Ipomoea subgenus Quamoclit (Convolvulaceae) based on ITS sequence data and a Bayesian phylogenetic analysis.  American Journal of Botany 91: 1208-1218.

WISE, M. J., and J. J. Cummins.  2006.  Strategies of Solanum carolinense for regulating maternal investment in response to foliar and floral herbivory.  Journal of Ecology 94: 629-636.

VALLEJO-MARIN, M, and H. E. OBrien. 2007.  Correlated evolution of self-incompatibility and clonal reproduction in Solanum.  New Phytologist 173: 415-421.

Sweeney, A. M., D. L. DES MARAIS, Y-E. Andrew Ban, and S. Johnson.  2007.  Evolution of a graded refractive index in squid lens.  Journal of the Royal Society Interface 4: 685-698.

WISE, M. J.  2007.  Evolutionary ecology of resistance to herbivory: an investigation of potential genetic constraints in the multiple-herbivore community of Solanum carolinense.  New Phytologist 175: 773-784.

WISE, M. J., and J. J. Cummins.  2007.  Herbivory as an agent of natural selection for floral-sex ratio in horsnettle (Solanum carolinense).  Evolutionary Ecology Research 9: 1319-1328.

WISE, M. J., J. J. Cummins, and C. De Young.  2008.  Compensation for floral herbivory in Solanum carolinense: identifying mechanisms of tolerance.  Evolutionary Ecology 22:  19-37.

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